The Huron Expositor, 1919-06-27, Page 327, 1919
vest Price
for $2
n s
Ai get
ctive Co.
Ise sore to es
Look for tbe
The future, like the weather, . is certain.
Even the weather man makes mistakes.
BUT—do not make the mistake of being
unprepared. Put someg by for "a
rainy day, and let that something earn
interest for you at
f 011111C111111U[M10fi 1KK1100110 [it[i 101 0111[ 1M11KI[MXXXK MKYItM 1110101I1iq
TRE HURON E OS melt into industry* in the numbers re-
• , •f ,quired by.the'war's needs.
,Only experienced auto drivers are
desired as motor chauifers by the Wo-
men's Legion in Great Britain.
Women clerks whohave proved their
efficiency in the Philadelphia division
FULLARTON offices •of the Pennsylvania railroad
leckrnan!—Robinson. -- A pretty will:for the most part be retained in
home wedding ° was solemnized at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Robin-
son Fullerton, on Wednesday, June 18,
when their only daughter, Miss Zelma
Irene, was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Mr. Herman Heck-
man, of Mitchell, To the strains of
the wedding march played by Miss
Irene Brooks, a friend of the bride the
latter entered the beidal chamber lean-
ing on the arm of her father. She was
attired beautifully in a gown of crepe
meteor with georgette overdress, trim-
med with pearls and beads, wearing a
:veil caught up with orangeblossoms
and carrying a bouquet of bridal roses
and maiden hair fern. The :ceremony
wa's performed under an arch of ferns
and roses. The bride and groom were
unattended, -while Rev. Mr. Langford
offiiciated. Miss Helen Hostetler, atm -
sin of the bride, was dressed in accord-
ion pleated trimmed with crepe de
chene, and carried a basket of carna-
tions and sweet peas. Harold Heckman,
nephew of thewomen.
groom, acted . as ring Only one !woman in every four in
bearer. At the signing of the register the .candy 'tirade in Philadelphia re -
Mrs: Livingstone, of London, s sang. delves as much�as fourteen dollars. per
After the ceremony, the guests sat for her labor.
down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. week The T3erhpabor(L. L) Harbor
The groom's gift to the bride was a yacht club is under the supervision of.
handsome cheque, to the flouter girl two sisters—Mamie and Ella Miller.
and ring bearer signet rings, and to This club is probably the only yacht -
the pianist a string of pearls, The ing organization which :has its club -
presents were- numerdus and costly, house solely charge of w�fnen.
among them being a substantial check A bill solely
innced in the British n.
from the bride's. parents: On Thurs-. 'lament allows women to become jus-
r -
day Mr, and Mrs, Heckman will leave tices of peace and enjoy all the privi-
andfor strip to Buffalo, Niagara. falls leges accorded one in that office.
Toronto. After .July 15th they amiss May Kitson, an l be at home to their friends at old Erdenheim. (P.) girl, ndesires to
eighteen -year -
Twin Elm farm. accompany . the first flyer who at-
tempts to cross the Atlantic ocean
without a stop.
Miss Bettie Fisher, yeoman female,
recently inherited over $2,000,000 from
Mothers, if your baby or growing a distant relative but she still sits at
child is sickly; if he does not sleep her desk in the Navy building in Wash -
well at night; if he cries a great ington.
deal; is constipated and; his little i Ten new policewomen were recently
bowels and stomach are not working 1 appointed in New York making, a total
right, give him Baby's Own Tablets, of twenty-eight, .for special duty, a-
-they have proved of great help to rnong young people at dances, picnics
thousands of mothers. Concerningand other public places.
the Tablets Mrs. W. H. Decater, Cor- I' In Germany it is estimated that for .
son's Sidling, Ont., says: --"I have i every 1,000 births of males there have
used Baby's Own . Tablets and have been 1,086 female births instead of the
found them excellent for the little normal 1,024.
ones and would not be without At the signing of the armistice nine -
them." The Tablets are a mild but , tenths of the total shell output of
thorough laxative and are guaran- 1 Great Britain was the work of women,
teed to contain no harmful drug— 1 the majority of, whom before the war
that is why they always do good and 'never saw the inside of a machine
never harm. They are sold by medi- I shop.
eine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a : Miss Helen Losanitsh, daughter of 1
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 1 the former Serbian minister to Lon -
Co.. Brockville, Ont. I don and Paris, has returned to her
.+. 1 native country to found a home for
FRANCE FACES A COAL war orphans in Belgrade, which will
SHORTAGE FROM A STRIKE I be financed n the United States. A -
Although the transport strikes are ; mong her baggage was an American
over, soldiers will remain in the rail- ; portable house.
way station, where conditions are ! Motor women of the Charles City
quiet and orderly. Parisians hails i (I .) Western railroad car line varied
with delight the resumption of normal i only fifteen minutes from their regu-
lation time Fschedule for the entire day
service. The stoppage had caused ,
great inconvenience and discomfort in � in the fieriest blizzard of the winter
this hot weather. ' ' which swept that city during March.
There is nothing on the surface to ! Four women occupy responsible pos-
; itions in the Working Conditions Ser -
show that the strikes accomplished
their purpose. Miners all over France , vice 'which is doing with problems that
have carried out their'Lhreat to strike. ;vitally affect health and welfare of
Such' a strike is really! serious and un- I both men and women in -this country.
less measures are taken soon to recon-
cile workers and employerse grave con- .I FATEFUL YEARS
sequences may be feared. Railroads, 1 FOR ALL WOMEN
fabtories, and gas companies have ,
only enough coal to last them for I How Best to Overcome the. Troubles
eight days. The government will try I That Afflict Women Only. •
to straighten out matters satisfactor- ,
sly to all, but it is faced with many , The most fateful years in a too -
difficulties. -
C man's life are those between forty -
Railroad workers and merchant sea- five and fifty. Many women enter
inert will hold meetings to -morrow at this term under depressing condi-
which time they will decide whether or tions through overwork, worry or a
not they ought to go on. strike in view neglected condition of the blood, and
of the shortage of coal. In the metal 1 so theysuffer heavily. Still, varia-
trades it is hoped an understanding I tions of health at this time can be
may be reached. Already many firms . relieved by home treatment.
have accepted the conditions demand- 1 Among the commonest symptoms
ed and workers for such firms return-, are headaches and pains in the back
ed to their places to -'day, and sides, fever -flushes, palpitation,
L'Humanite, the Socialist newspaper 1 dizziness and depression. Women
'commenting on the results of the ! stand in need of rich, red blood all
transport strikes, says the victory [their life, but never more so than, in
should have been more complete. A. middle age, when the nerves are also
new wage scale is yet to be arrang-
"Not one striker will be 'dismissed,"
L'Humanite says. "Thus the, syndi-
cates remain untouched and therefore
they remain powerful."
their positions..
Mrs. E. E. Harmon has. acquired the
honor of being the first woman to
visit New York from Washington in
an airplane. She is the wife of Lieut.
Harmon, who acted as pilot on the
t Mrs. Reginald De Koven, wife of
the great composer, thinks that the
way to fight Bolshevism is to begin
with the children.
By 330 votes to 218 the French'
chamber of deputies has decided to
discuss the provisions of a bill giving
women the right to vote at elections
of the municipal general and district,
The women's international congress
at Zurich has decided to invite the
various national sectionsof the Inter-
national Women's league to organize
meetings of protest against some of
the terms of the peace treaty.
Over fifty per cent, of the workers
in Philadelphia candy factories are
weak and over -wrought. Now every
woman° can prove the prompt help
afforded to her health by renewing
her blood supply. It is a, test that
any ailing woman can make by tak-
ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for
these pills make rich, red blood,
ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN. which in turn helps the appetite,
strengthens the nerves and restores
Former Empress Eugenie recently robust health. Thousands of women
celebrated her ninety-third birthday. haYe found in Dt Williams' Pink
Miss Pauline Goldmark of the rail- Pies the means by which new health
road administration guards the inter- and a brighter outlook of life were
este, of all women in the railroad em- gained. In proof of this is the vol-,
ploy. ' untary testimony of Mrs. H. S. Peter -
Miss Marion Moses is director of son, Milford, Ont, yeho says: "I have
publicity for the council of national suffered greatly from these trou-
defense in Philadelphia. bles that afflict my sex, . and 1
Since the signing of the armistice have found that Dr. Williams' Pink
England has released from service only Pills in such cases not only do all
3,023 nurses, owing to the shot age of that- is claimed for them, but more.
members of this profession. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done so
The United States congress has re- much for me that I urge every weak
- calved from -Govenor General arrison woman to try them, and they will
of the Philippine islands a red mmend- soon realize the great difference in
ation that the women of a island .one's health they make,,"
be given the franchise • ' If you suffer from any of the ills
Miss Tessie O'Niel s el of the that particularly afflict womanhood
United States arty l* cans rt service you should avail yourself at once of
in Hoboken, N..4.,, h Q known the se- the health help of Dr. Williams' Pink
Bret sailing date ¢¢f ev y troop ship. Pill's. You can get them .from any
Mrs. Margaret eale head of the. dealer in medicine , or by mail post
women's division of theemployment paid • at 50 cents a box or six bogies
service, department of labor, was in- for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
trusted with the task of bringing wo-1 Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Stewart's Sell it for Less
Mali or Phone Your Orders
We prepay Carriage
,stylish Suits You are Sure Co Like
Boys' Clothing 1 e
partment is ready
$5 up to $15.
WORTHY' of specialmention is the magnitude of our
stock, The assortment is solar a that selectin
Sattsfactory Suit is easy indeed. ,
Worsteds1Tweeds and Serges are -here i every new style
including Pinchbacks, Norfolks and Doubl Breasted Suits
with straight or bloomer pants, in all the w nted' shades' of
Navy, Brown, Tan, Green or
Grey. Sizes 24to35 _
.Men's Underwear
S 1 5.00 ,
Good weight cotton Underwear, elastic knit , cuffs_ and
ankles, well. trimmed, ubstantially made. Sizes 75C
' O Price . • .1.
34 44
Men's Combinations in white, cream and natural in, the
mesh, Balbriggan or Poros Knit. Short sleeves, long
sleeves, ankle knee or three-quarter length
$1.5OS1.75 to $2.00
Special Neckwear for Dominion Day
OU must have a New Tie for the Holiday. We have made
extra preparation in procuring a very complete range
of the very latest
,}colorings in good C
s 75
11.1 a11.[ silks ..t'`ittee�• • ..••.••, ..•aid... 4.. a� L ' C
9 y r
Men's and Boys'
Work Clothes
It will pay you to buy Work Clothes
here. Read over the prices below
Peabody's $2'. 75
Snag Proof_ $2,50
Reliance $2.00
Acme $1.50
Peabody's .$2.75
Stripe Cottonade $2.25
Blue Stripe
Black and White, with
double front .....
Light Colors
Black and White Stripe
Flaxman ` $1.75
Wool, flat knit
Wool, fine ribbed
Wool, heavy
.75c to $1.75
75c to $1.50
35 to 75c
50 to 75c
15 to 50c
15 to,25c
Felt, wide rims
Straws, wide rims
Cotton 15 to 20c
Leather 50 to 75c
Magnificent Selec-
tion in Men's Suits
at $15 to $35.
ALTHOUGH Suits in the vast collection are obtainable
at almost any price from $15 to $35 perhaps the great-
er number of Suits called tor are Suits priced at from $20 to
$25 and it is in these prices that we have excelled ourselves
the most.
AT 518 dozens of `p°atterns in Tweeds and Fancy'Wo:r-
steds in Greys, Browns and Fancy Mixtures, in small checks
and neat stripes and fancy weaves, linings and trim- ip
ming s are ofgood quality. Sizes 32 to 44. Price
g q Y
Al $25- Suits for men and young lien in fine surface
Tweeds and Worsteds, in all the newest weaves and latest
colorings, rich mixtures, neat stripes and attractive ir
small checks. Sizes 3 to,44. Pricea.P..-....•.•.•.....
AT $25 to $38 beautifully: finished Serge Smits, black
and blue, in fine wail atld ricf finish. The linings and the
trimmings are of exceptional good dual -to
it y . All sizes. Price.•...o......•..a•• •
New Straw -Hats i in Big Variety
MEN'S Hats were never as becOrning as they are this season,
there is such a -variety of shapes, so many different styles,
and such a choice of styles that chaos-
r, _ our . hat is -very. ,leasant , rrice
LO s2.75
Half Price. ,
Millinery Sale
Final clearance of every trimmed and untrimmed
Hat in our Millinery Department. Including all the
new summer shapes. Don't miss ' this opportunity
and come early.
Half Price
Rugs, Linoleums
Beautiful, gladsome bits of color
and patterns are to be seen every-
where in our House Furnishing De-
partment. No difference what your
requirements are, you will be able to
satisfactorily meet your wants here,
and at the same time -save money on
your purchase as well.
Nairn's Linoleum, direct
from Scotland.
We wish to lay special emphasis on
our stock of Scotch Linoieuns. They
are thoroughly seasoned and in conse-
quence are sure to give satisfactory
wear. There are beautiful Floral Pat-
terns in Poppy, Tulip, Rose effects in.
• Yellow, Pink or Red. Delightful im-
itation floorings as well as Hexagon.
Patterns. in all the wanted colors—
Ru., Rugs
in endless Variety
It is a simple matter to find in the
immense display of Rugs, a Rug that
will fit your room, in color that will
suit your taste, at a price that will
satisfy your pocketbook. We favus
your special attention to the beth
class of Rugs we are showing. ual-
sty is positively guaranteed, the co
ors are 'absolutely dependable. Donnt
buy until you have' visited this won-
onderf zl big department. It p :
you. -
Stew rt Bros.