HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-06-13, Page 1TUNE 8,1919 vine We ()stag Goods • dered se by mai 01 is to Plea, opened our doors mind our daily and have brought [, been made. A into being with eiearly in mind V- shall always shop here. ingham " n I was a little this and 1 was mer upon visiting :le was looking at ierican mill, and cm Scotland, so :re, together with checks, stripes, at 50c to ETI fabrics is the rill have trouble apes, small, med- etrical designs, 'Issue voiles in a rd. 5c to 60c yd ingerie crepes, in mendable feature and iron very miner. 27 to 34 of Colored F5c a yd, ally good quality very thread dur- rray, -pink, rose, wide. y,Inexpen- cotton hosiery, than the ordin- on threads used d the stockings reinforced in rne specimens: otton hose, full weight, 1iigh oles and t es, t0 1.75 a pr. white cotton medium weight, d toes, soles and pair. -white lisle hose, toublp toe-:, soles all sizes 75e. ;')12 a pair :h stockings with vogue. Fine wanted colors, or contrast- : price. ISH 111 eit IL Mil 111111 Ilit 1, FIFTY THIRD YEAR WHOLE NUMBER 2687 SINEW 'IlmoommiimemminnI6 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 19144 111111,4111111111111111111111111111111111111HIPHIMBIIIMMHIliIMHIMMIi111111111111111111111lik IMP #.1* •••1 BMW plINW lam Z.64 Om - {We, Olt a Li. Don't Let Yourself Sizzle and Suffer Greig Clothing Co'y "Second to None " 5 5 NOD MIA il•NE Mo▪ o REM IsOlk Immo SONS ISM limme S IM Om: Mak mos Isar x/S• ass. es. sae N oSi Mar SEM NMI ala One 111.11E ra▪ t Orr-. we" SIM .4* S ib Ma. ass was ens mon Sks•S SSW NS. lbsta sm. Issss *IF sss. bi▪ = ISSIS tam INNS S IM • fts 6•1•1 MSS MO' MN. NOS MIS MEN* sas▪ s SONS ; = /1/11S VMS as a results of excessively 7 Hot Weather AIM MIN RIM NMI INN m MN, 1••• YIN Just as the thirst is quench- ed by the cooling drink, so is the body made cool and E comfortable by the adoption E of light weight clothing. :1 Cool Shirts, Cool Under- wear,Cool Hats, Cool Out- er Clothing. Our splendid stock and good 5. service,is very becoming to I those in need of such desir- able apparel for hot days. E Cool Suits, $ 8 $22 to $3 Cool Underwear, 50c, 75c, = . Lao to 2.00. Cool Hats 25c, $1 up to $5. - You'll find our store a safe and profitable place to 6- = = do your purchasing in. All classes of clothing for.men E and boys. II=, =II MM. I C. MO *PSISINI EARL O M SOW 11 MS MN N. MEN Me MN IIIIINI ail MI MI6 Ins One .-z1 ' Greig Clothing Go .. ; . .... f‘, .... .... _ .... \ ... \ SEAFORTH _ = = .---- _ _ _ _ = rlimminlimmffimiffimmummummmummimmiummammmunmmil 'THE COUNTY COUNCIL The Jime1seasion of Huron County Council opened at the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, June 3, Warden Campbell presiding and with all the members present. The Warden addressed the council regarding the business of the session, outlining the matters of greatest im- portance to be dealt with. Among these were requests for grants for hospitals throughout the county, the equalization, the Navy League grant, and the many by-laws to corne up for consideration. The Warden bespoke a patient hearing for all deputations and every consideration of all repres- entations made by them. He said the council was meeting under different conditions tp the last meeting. The great' peace terms had been presented and he felt the Allies had carefully considered and provided for ali strick- en countries and safe, guarded the world from a repetition of an awful war such as that through which we had passed. Many appeals were be- ing made for aid and grants from the council for different enterprises. We would have to exercise great care ow- ing to our liberality in grants during the war. The following correspondence was then read and referred to the several committees of council. The following were referred to the Education Com- mitee: Petition re a union school in Hullett and Tuckersmith. An account from Harriston high school re attendance of Huron pupils and the same from Tilsonburg high school. From the village of Exeter re the forming of that village into a high school district. The following were referred to the special committee. From the county of Ontario asking this county to join in asking for an extension of the term of prohibition. From B. S. Spence, inclosing a peti- tion re prohibition. From the city of Toronto re ob- structing the roadways with poles, wires, etc. The following were referred to the Executive Committee. Application of Mrs. Howard Fowler for a grant for maintenance to the Clinton Hospital. The township of Ashfield in favor of a grant of $50,000 to he divided a- l -11011g Wingham, Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth for hospitals. The following were referred to the Good Roads Commission: From A. Weir, Sarnia, re building the Grand Bend bridge. - From the Ingot Iron Co. re metal signs in the Good Roads System. From William Isle claiming, $14.05 damages for auto accident The Standard Steel Construction Co. asking for requirements re bridge. The following were ordered filed: From the Deputy Minister of High- -ways notifying the county of the grant of $20,685.67 on the Good Roads ex- penditure of 1918, and the distribution of the same =cording to construction and maintenance. Report of Boller Inspector. Re a Y. M. C. A. deputation. to wait on theocotmcil and asking a grant. Fromthe Goderich Township Farm- ers' Club appreving grants to hospit- als. From the Soldiers' Aid re the em- ployment of returned soldiers. From the Dufferin Construction Co; re ,000d roads machinery. From Education' Department net• ifying the county of the school grants for the year viz: $2,140.77 for public schools and 4106.20 for separate ;schools. .the Warden stated that arrange- ments had been made to hear most of the deputation re hospitals, M. Y. C. A. and ethers at elever o'clockeWed- nesday forenoon. A detailed statement of the expendi- ture -ander the Canada Temperance Actof Huron during the year ending 30th of April, 1919, was presented and referred to the Finance Committee. Moved by Beaveig. and Armstrong that the Warden and Clerk be author- ized to sign and submit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the province, the petitions of the corporation of the county of Huron, .showing that during the period, 'Jens uary 1st to December 31st, 1918, the has been expended upon the highw system the sum of $59,385.30, requesting the statutory grants that amount as provided by the act aid,in the improvement of public hig ways—Carried. Moved by Bailey and Dalton that whereas a bill has been introduced in the House of Commons by H. M. Mowat, M. P.. amending the Criminal Code re electrocution. This coma approves and strongly _ recommends the passing of the bill, being of the opinion that hanging is a barbaric method and one which cannot be ef- fectively carried on in county goals. Referred to special committee. On motion of Messrs. Isbister and Crich that council adjourned to meet on Wednesday morning. WEDNESDAY A communication was read from Mr. A. 11 Cameron setting. forth injury received by him due to gas escaping from the boiler in the basement of the come house and asking a consider- ation from the council. Sent to Ex- ecutive Committee. A petition presented by rate payers of Morris and East Wawanosh asking for an addition of a road between concessions 8 and 9, EaSt Wawanosh, being a portion of road from Belgrave to the G. T. R. station to the Good Roads System. This petition was signed by Mr. F. Anderson and forty- nine others. Referred to Good Roads Commission. The auditor's report was presented, read and referred to the Finance Com- Triitteeove Md by Messrs. Laporte and Trew- artha that a statement be prepared and laid before the council as soon as possible, at this meeting, of the total amount contributed by each muni- cipality on the Good Roads system, the amount expended in each munici- pality 011 construction and maintenance 1 and the 4mount of grant due each municipality, based on the percentage granted o1 each of these two expendi- erred to Good Roads Com - tures. Re mission. 1 Moved y Laporte and Saunders that in vew of the fact that _ the Hydro Conirnission not meeting in con- vention, the commission waa unable to present their case before them re the radial from Parkhill to Goderich, be it resolved this committee still arrange at some c nvient time to meet the chairman 4f the Hydro Radial Com- mission to lay pur case *fore them. Referred t4 Special Committee. Molted by Clark and Doig that the buildings a the House of Refuge be insurance r contents of the barn insured to $1,500.—Sent to House of Range Committee. Moved by Crich and Armstrong that the county refund the sum of $40 paid Mr. Alex. McLennan by the township of Tuckersiiith, for auto accident on road No. 2, caused by sonie person putting planks on. the road on Hal- loweien.—Sent to Good Roads Com - S ! Moved by, Beavers and Erwin that a By-law be passed at this session of the county Council designating all the roads .in towns and villages within the county that are connecting links in the county syste'n as county roads. Sent to Good Roads Commission. Captain . 1est was introduced an addressed t e county council on be half of the 'Y. M.' C. A. asking fo a grant from the county. , The West Huron Teachers' Associa sent a delegation to present to the county coun il a request to assist the scheme to i prove the roadsides by levelling anc seeding, planting Shade trees,impreiving orchards, etc., and thusimproving our county, Mr, Chisholm representing the De- partment of 1 Education, was present and address d the council regarding the formation of a new school Inspec- 'Middlesex. torate of parr of Lampton, Huron and A deputatipn from the town of Sea - forth, consisting of Mayor Harbiirn, Clerk, .T. A . Wilson and IVIesers. Barber and [Beattie, waited on :the council regarding putting the roads and streets int and villages which formed conn cting links on the Good Roads System, A very Iarge deputation was present h, Chilton, Wingham, Exeter, and also from ssociation of the county waited on the council urgmg an ap- propriation te the aforesaid nomici- palities for the support of increased hospital accOmmodation for the.coun ty. The depUtation asked the council, to grant $60,400 in all, $15,000 to Godes $15,-,000 to Wingham, $12,000 to Clinton -and $8;000 eadlie to Setifortlt and Exeter. The benefit asked would be 'extended free to soldiers and their dependents. 1 A deputatiOn - from Hullett and Tuckersmith Met the Education Com- mittee with reference to establishing a Anion school between the two town- ships. The deputation was introduced by Mr. Killoren, who laid the matter before' the cornmittee. Moved by Messrs. Dalton and Cuthill the county build their bridges on the county road north of Kintail —Refer- red to Road a 'd Bridge Committee. *Moved by,Ieaer and Crich, that the balance o the grant, amounting to $12,000, ma41e, by the county council of last year the Y. M. C. A., be paid.—Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by M ssrs. Clark and Isbister that the co= 1 make a grant of $66,000 to be livided as proposed by the delegationfor the improvement of hospital accommodation in the county of Hutan.—Referred to Ex- ecutive Committee. Moved by Clarke and Ford that the council show is appreciation of the splendid work f our returned heroes of Huron by tr ting them to one day's outing, and. that a comnuttee be ap- pointed to woilk out details for the event. Referred to Special Committee. Moved by Erwin and Grieve that the request of the delegates from Exeter, re high school' be granted and that ed in accordance there- to Education Com - report was adopted. The Education Corturtittee reported with Mr. Doig in the chair. The report was adonted. • The Good Roads Conunission re- E ported, with Mr. Davin in- the their. The report was adopted s The Finance Committee report was read with Mr, Douglatt in the chair. The report was adopted as read. The report, of the Huse of Refuge Committee was read, 'With Mr. Neeb in the chair. The repOrt was adopt- . Th abed Sube tendent then. presented a report of fie expenditure of each niunicipalityto the Goo Roads and the percenitges of gran due eaeh, and balances, aid by muni cipalities. Maeled by Clark 4U iVord tha the House of Refuge mnaittee given power to act on thee recommenda tion of the Irespettor Chattabl Institutions regarding dertain inmate of the institution.—Carried. Moved by. Ford and Clark that thi council go into the conittee of th whole to co/141,er the- edualizatio of the county: The inotten was adopt ed and th.e council 'wt into coin mittee with ex -Warden" •Govenlock i the chair. Moved by Bailie and rliaporte that the equalization of the'ecounty stand the same as last year —.Carried, d Mr. W. T. Chisholm representing - the Education Department, addressed r the council on'the organization and work of consolidated sehool.s, giving - a very lucid account of: their intro- duction into the United-•Sta,tes about forty years ago, and of their 'steady increase in numbers aied popularity, until at the present larde there are 10,000 of such schools inethat coun ry. The benefits were fully gone into, the main being tot bring to'. the county districts the advantageS of graded schools, bringing 'moredehildren to- gether, creating a.greater enthusiasm and interest. Inspector' Tom also briefly addressed the eOlneii setting forth particularly where' Consolidated schools could, with greet advantage, be established in West H*ion. A hearty vote of thanks -wasemov0 by Council- lor Isbester and Ex-Wetden Goven- lock- was tendered IVIrs Vhisholm for his able and inst-ructive address. On motion of, Crich. and' Douglas the council/ adjou.rned Friday morning. from Goderi, Seaforth an the Medical - a by-law be pas with.—i-Referre mittee. On motion o1 Douglas and Hackett, e council adjourned until Thursday mor/ing. THURSDAY •Under the head of inquiries, Mr. Lae .rte asked in what manner, the nery bou ht for the Good Roads rk, would b paid, by flat rate or by separate nijinicipalities. The ma- chinery will b biSught by flat rate, but the munici ality using the machine would pay for its use as fixed by the Commission and Road Superintendent. The report of the Road and Bridge Committee was considered with Mr. Crich in the chair. The report was adopted. The Executive Committee report was considered with Mr. Hackett in the chair. I Moved by A.rmstrofig and Beavers that a stone 'crusher be bought im- inedi'ately thraugh the county for the township of 1411ett.-7Referred to Good Roads CommiSsion, Moved by Messrs. Douglas and Isbester that a new floor be put on the county bidge in the village of Wroxeter, ai4l that said bridge be raised, as it i lower at one end than the road, alloWing the water and mud to wash ontothe bridge.—Sent to Road Comm sion. Moved by that the folio • tees for Exe event of the Trumper for o for two years, three years.— mittee. Moved by lark and Beavers that a committee 1rom this council be ap- pointed to obtahi all information re the improvement of hispitals in this county, and report at the next meet- ing of thie council. Referred to Special Committee. The Special Committee reported with Mr. Trewartha in the chair. The eavers and Armstrong 'lig gentlemen be true- er high school in the y -law passing: Rev. A. e year; Edward Dignan and F. W. Gladman for ent to Education Com- FRIDAY Mr. Young brought umhe question of the extra cost that 'would be in- curred by the comity of Huron in forming a new school 'Inspectorate. It was stated in reply at the cost of the inenectorate vetedif-reieeit stop new Inspectorate -Of part' oe Hum, Lambton and Middlesex was re-eon- sidered_, and it -was decided onexnetion of Messrs. Laporte and Trewartha that the committee appointed re tle forma- tion of a new Inspectorate be enstraet- ed to report to the December meeting before taking aetion. The county Property Committee re- ported, with Mr. Armdstrong in the chair. The report Was adopted„ The balance of the Executive Com- mittee 'report was presented, with Mr. Hackett in the chair. The report was adopted. Moved by Messrs. Bailie and Doug- las -that all aplications or motions now being. made be dealt with by the council as a whole.—Carried. Moved by Neeb and Mitchell that the boundary road between Hibbert and Usborne beginning at the west- erly point 'Of that boundary on the Thames Road and continuing easterly along the Thames Road to the boun- dary, also the boundary road between Hay and Stephen westerly from the present designated road to Grand Bend along the Lake Road, and connecting with the Lambton Good Bipeds System, be placed on the Good Wads System of the county. of Huron.—Carried. Moved by Bailie and Young that the portion of the road forming the boundary between Colborne and West Wawanosh from a pointeast on a designated road to a point west be- tween lots 21 and -22 on the 'first concession of West Wawanosh, be in- cluded in the designated County Road System.—Carrit. On motion of Isbester and Cutt, the following by-laws were given a third reading and passed: By-law No. 5, equalizing the county. By-law No, 6, raising $131,754.34 for general county rate of 3 1-10 mills on the dollar. By-law No. 7 raising $63,752.10 to provide for county highways. By-law No, 8, apportoning the Good Roads expenditure. By-law No. 9 authorizing the warden and Treasurer to borrow for current expenditure. By-law No. 10, establishing a high school in Exeter. By-law No. 11, making special grants to the towns and villages for good roads and By-law No. 12, mak- ing additions to the county roads system. Vn motion of Neeb and Sanders, illecouadjourned to meet on the st Tuesday in December. at three o'clock. fir REPORTS OF COMMITTEES County Property The County Property Committee reported having examined the Court House and found it clean and in good condition. The Registry Office was examined and they ,found that the janitor was not giving it the care that it require& The goal was,f'ound clean and in good condition. There are no prisoners in it at present. The Children's Shelter was ex- amined and found in good condition, and under the best of management. Six children are in the institution at present. They recommended that the heating system be renewed before the cold weather .sets in. T. M. Davis,' Chairman. Road and Bridge Committee The Road and Bridge Committee reported as follows: -Re motion of Dalton and Cutt that • MeleitAN BROS.* Pnbliakera 40.50 s Year in Advance 31111111111111111111111111111111111Milillillillt! 2.11 ISM ti 1 1/If M▪ I* low alio* Ma▪ i▪ m N om all••11 Mott 81••• Keep this date -1•111! ISnos as. NON NOW nal low _ "5111iiiimilli1iii1iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimmilE ,...............- — open for — ......__..;...... S . James' Lliurc _f„,icnic! ...., , .. ...aa.......a!. ...,.-...„.. . _ _ - i _ _ - ...- . - E. - i - - . _. .. IS Case's Grove . . _ - Seaforth = _ , Annual _ . = Special Attractions. E-- Full announcement - — Later. — — Convention i ..1 the count* build three bridges on the county road north of KintaiL We recommend the Road and Bridge Com- mittee investigate with the engineer and build the sarae if found necessary. '—Carried. Re account of Mr. Else'we recom- mend that no action he taken until further investigated.' Carried. We recommend that the county ac- counts, recommended by the county engineer, be passed.—Carried. John Laporte, Chairman. Executive Committee The Executive Committee reported as follows: - Re grant to Y. M. CA., wp would Huron County Temperance Association TUESDAY Afternoon and Evening June 17th Presbyterian Church Clinton Dr. A. S. Grant, of Toronto. ' and local speakers Everybody Welcome . Dr, A. 3. Irwin, President i Wingham a I' _ - Quar- 50c 25c I 0 Church , 20th entertain- and Presby- Seaforth - - ' St. Andrew's Kippen --ron— Friday eve'g June . at 8 p.m. J. II . Cameron, er from Toronto tette from First terian' Church, will assist. - Adults - - - Children - - advise witholding the balance of grant at present until better, informa- tions as regards the working of the organization is received.—Carried. . Re grant to establish hospitals in the county, we would advise no action at present until more information is available, as the county is still under heavy financial obligation on account of the war.—Carried. Re motion. of Ford and Trewartha that a grant of money 'equal to. the amounts grarited to each, of Wingham and Goderich- hospitals, be granted Clinton hospital. We recommend that The same be granted as the hospital has resumed operations.—Carried. Re request of A. Cameron for pay- ment of medical services owing to his sieknese bedew caused by escaping gas at the court house, and being unable to get particulars regarding the trouble, we would advise that the matter be left over to the December session,—Carrie& Robert W. Living- ston, Chairman, Education Committee The Education Committee reported as follows: Re petition froni village of Exeter asking that Exeter continuation school be made a high school, we recommend that the petition be granted. We recommend the payment of th following accounts for support o Huron county pupils: Haniston hig school $348, Tilsonburg high school $26.17.—Carried. - We recommend the following trustee for Exeter highschool: Rev. A. Tr -um per, Edward Dignan and F. W. Glad nean. 'Re petition from residents of Hui lett and Tuckersrnith townships ask ing that a board of arbitration be ap pointed to deal with the matter le creating a new school section. We recommend -that a board of arbitration consisting of Inspector Field, County Clerk Holman and Treasurer Lane be appointed.—Carried, Re the matter of formhag a new inspectorate as asked for by -the De- partment of Edutation, by their re- presentative, Mr. Chiehohn, eonsisting of portions of Huron, Middlesex and Lambton cotuaties, we recommend that a committee consisting of the Warden and B. W. F. Beavers meet with re- presentatives of the other two coun- ties, and given power to aet.—Carried. 13. W. F. Beavers, Chairman.. House of Refuge suitablts bridge to be built Road No. 1 (Prairie )oad) south of Wingham, we found in a reasonable state of repair, but would recomraend that the engineer consult with the Provincial Engineer regarding the, widening of the road. The balance of the road to 13lyth should be graded and graveled where necessary, and the street in Belgrave should be grad- ed, drained and gravelled. We strongly recommend that too much stress cannot be laid on the im- portance of draining all roads, as we consider that the first and. rnost nec- essary step in good roads construe.- tion and maintenance, tile to be used wherever possible so as to avoid danger from open ditches on sides of the e road. f We recommend that gasoline tree - h tors be bought to run. the graders , and erusher, more especially for grad - ling purposes, as we find that there s lis trouble he getting power when - wanted and when we have started we - should make it satisfactory- to get the work done and that three or four be - bought. - Re motion of Beavers and Erwin — that a by-law be passed designating f all roads in towns and villages, that are connecting imks in the minty system, we recommend that this be granted, if approved of by the De- partment. Re request of residents of Morris and East Wawanosh that a by-law be prepared, and if approved of by the &pertinent, it be granted. Re motion in regard to uniform wages, we recommend no action be taken as we consider it impraeticable. We recommend that leave of abnce be granted, to our engineer provided that he can get a competent person to perform. his duties when he is absent.. Re motion of Arnistfrong and Beavers as to crusher, we 'recommend that if the department approves that this be done. Re raotion of Douglas and Isbester that a floor be put on the bridge at Wtoxeter and that this be looked after at once. Re motion of Crich and Armstrong as to elaim •of Alex. IVIcLemian for damages to auto on road No. 12 paid by Tentkeramitle. From advice of our solicitorwe recommend this claim be not paid.. We recommend that the engineer be empowered to engage a competent inspector to oversee enforced conerete work and pay him what it is worth.— J. ikL Govenlock, Chairman. The House of Refuge Committee reported having inspected the House and out buildings and found every- thing ni first class condition, and very highly recommended the work of the keeper, matron and assistant matron. We iecomrnend that the Chaplain's salary be $125 owing to increased duties. ' We recommend that more land be purchased, if possible, as we consider more land woukl be profitable to the HOU.Se of Refuge: Re motion of Clark and Douglas. as to insurance re barn, we recommen that this be done and that the, clerk and treasurer attend to it at once. --- 3. M. Govenlock, Chairman. Special Committee' weiTfinoSwsplal Committee's report was • Re_ enotibm of Bailie aria pat*.. whereas a .hill has been introduced in the House of Commons by H. M. Mowat, M.P., entitled an act to amend the criminal code re electrocution in- stead of hanging, this committee strongly approves of the bill.—Carried. Be eommunciation from B. H. Spence, Dominion Alliance Secretary in reference to permanent prohibi- tion, we -recommend that no action be taken.—Carried. Re communication from Ontario re .prohibition act, we recommend that no action be taken.—Carried. Re communication from eity of Toronto in respect to municipalities controlling their own highways, we recommend that this caancil pass a similar' resolution and forward to Toronto.—Carried, ck Re motion of Clark and Ford to treat returned soldiers to a day's out- ing, -we recommend that no action be taken.—Carried. Re motion of Clark and Beavers that a committee from the council, be appointed to obtain information re improvement of hospitals in the county we recommend that the following be a committee: Robert Livingston, Els- ton, Hackett, Petty and Cutt—Carried. M. Armstrong, Chairman. _ Good Roads Commission The Good Roads Commission re- ported as follows: We met at Blyth on February 17th in accordance with instructions received at the January ineetingcre the claim of Mrs. Taylor, and found the approaches to the bridge where the accident occurred, to narrow, ,they being about twelve feet wide on the average, and under the circumstances we concluded. a set- tlement should be made, which was done. Mrs', Taylor was . awarded $1,000, and an agreement signed. by .Mrs. Taylor acknowledging the pay- ment in full of all liability on behalf of the council. We met at Grand Bend on the seventeenth of April re the bridge crossing the river at that point, and after examining maps and docuinents found in the registry -office with reference to the matter and con- sulting our solicitor, we decided to take no action regarding the building of a new bridge, as we did not eon- sider the county of Huron liable. We notified the Warden of the county of La.mbton re result of your decisions A repdy has since been received from the solicitor of the county of Lambton, which we referrecl to our solicitor and the clerk was in- structed to write the clerk of the county of Larnbton for the plans, etc., of the proposed bridge or the improve- ment for the consideration of this council. The commission, deeided to purchase graders and a crusher for county pur- poses, after examining different grad- ers we purchased from the Sawyer - Massey firm, four of the large size graders and three of the smaller type, and from the Dominion Roads Go. of Goderich, a crusher, two scrapers, a rooter and a leveller, all of which have been approved by the Government. We went over Road No. 19, in the township -of Grey and found the same requiringrepairs which we recom- mended. Road No. 30 in the township of Howick requiredraining, particular- Ily the portion between Lakelet and Clifford, but a part of this rod, ap- parently, has no outlet Repairs are also needed. Road No. 29 needs repairs and a EstiMeted cetts and. Expenditures Administration), ef justice 7i000.00 Goal . Division Court Jury Fund . ,200. Schools 25,000.00 School management — 3,000.00 Stationery, etc. ... . , 1,200.00 Charity 600.00 Children's Shelter .... . 4000.00 Miscellaneous . 500, 09 Canada Temperance Act , 3000.00 County Property 2",000.00 House of Refuge .... 7,000.00 Roads and bridges . 140$0.45 Sinking Fund . ... . • 37,000.00 Coupon Interest 13,600.00 Grants, Fairs, ete , 2,000.00 Salvation Army . 22,000.00 Navy League , . — . 18,000.00 Red Cross . — . — 8,01)040 1Vlunicipa1 Government . 9,000.00 4172,180.45 Balance Jan. 1, 1919 437,126.11 Receipts Registry office 1,000.00 'Receipts Licenses 800.00 Receipts Interest 500.00 $39,426.00 County rate 3 1-10 mills. $131,754.00 THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL The different committees appointed to gather information rega.rdine the erection of a suitable memorial for our fallen soldiers and returned inen, met in the town hall, Seaforth, last week to discuss the four different pro- posals that have been laid before them. These are a monument and a fountain at a cost of about $6,000; a hospital at a cost of $10,000 and a memorial hall at an estimated cost of some $20,000. This hall would ha-ve the names of all the fallen soldiers in ;this district inscribed in it, would eon-. tam suitable provisions for a display of war relics and would have a -dub room, to be run under the super- .6sion of the Great War Veterans' As- sociation. The memorial hall was the suggestion of the War Veterans, ao they thought they were more capable of judging what their fallen comrades would approve, than an outsider, be- cause they had livedand fought with them. However, as Lieut. Silledpoint- ed out clearly at this meeting this was only a suggestion on the part of the G. W. V. A., and that this organized - tion were not asking anything for themselves. Now the writer thinks that they should not be forced to ask for anything, but that the commimity should consider their suggestion very seriously, because money can not pay these men nor the men who made the sacrifice for what they have done and that we owe thein a eomfertable club where they can meet ?their -comrades and -which they win not only appreci- ate now, but enjoy through tbe years to come. There is another point, We think that the opinion of what would be a suitable memorial, should be secured from the parents of, the brave boys who fell in . France, before the next meeting of the eonnnitteest and that these opinions shmelel be given- event eonsideration at the meeting which wUl be 'um in the course of a tett' weeks. It took men laid mcwayto - •win the war, but we should consider the Men first. That is why we should use out returned boys wet it was their sacrifice and service that seyea our home for us, Should- NV not =Am a home for theniT----A Citizen. , Annual 1 I Convention ir Huron County Temperance Association TUESDAY Afternoon and Evening June 17th Presbyterian Church Clinton Dr. A. S. Grant, of Toronto. ' and local speakers Everybody Welcome . Dr, A. 3. Irwin, President i Wingham a I' The same be granted as the hospital has resumed operations.—Carried. Re request of A. Cameron for pay- ment of medical services owing to his sieknese bedew caused by escaping gas at the court house, and being unable to get particulars regarding the trouble, we would advise that the matter be left over to the December session,—Carrie& Robert W. Living- ston, Chairman, Education Committee The Education Committee reported as follows: Re petition froni village of Exeter asking that Exeter continuation school be made a high school, we recommend that the petition be granted. We recommend the payment of th following accounts for support o Huron county pupils: Haniston hig school $348, Tilsonburg high school $26.17.—Carried. - We recommend the following trustee for Exeter highschool: Rev. A. Tr -um per, Edward Dignan and F. W. Glad nean. 'Re petition from residents of Hui lett and Tuckersrnith townships ask ing that a board of arbitration be ap pointed to deal with the matter le creating a new school section. We recommend -that a board of arbitration consisting of Inspector Field, County Clerk Holman and Treasurer Lane be appointed.—Carried, Re the matter of formhag a new inspectorate as asked for by -the De- partment of Edutation, by their re- presentative, Mr. Chiehohn, eonsisting of portions of Huron, Middlesex and Lambton cotuaties, we recommend that a committee consisting of the Warden and B. W. F. Beavers meet with re- presentatives of the other two coun- ties, and given power to aet.—Carried. 13. W. F. Beavers, Chairman.. House of Refuge suitablts bridge to be built Road No. 1 (Prairie )oad) south of Wingham, we found in a reasonable state of repair, but would recomraend that the engineer consult with the Provincial Engineer regarding the, widening of the road. The balance of the road to 13lyth should be graded and graveled where necessary, and the street in Belgrave should be grad- ed, drained and gravelled. We strongly recommend that too much stress cannot be laid on the im- portance of draining all roads, as we consider that the first and. rnost nec- essary step in good roads construe.- tion and maintenance, tile to be used wherever possible so as to avoid danger from open ditches on sides of the e road. f We recommend that gasoline tree - h tors be bought to run. the graders , and erusher, more especially for grad - ling purposes, as we find that there s lis trouble he getting power when - wanted and when we have started we - should make it satisfactory- to get the work done and that three or four be - bought. - Re motion of Beavers and Erwin — that a by-law be passed designating f all roads in towns and villages, that are connecting imks in the minty system, we recommend that this be granted, if approved of by the De- partment. Re request of residents of Morris and East Wawanosh that a by-law be prepared, and if approved of by the &pertinent, it be granted. Re motion in regard to uniform wages, we recommend no action be taken as we consider it impraeticable. We recommend that leave of abnce be granted, to our engineer provided that he can get a competent person to perform. his duties when he is absent.. Re motion of Arnistfrong and Beavers as to crusher, we 'recommend that if the department approves that this be done. Re raotion of Douglas and Isbester that a floor be put on the bridge at Wtoxeter and that this be looked after at once. Re motion of Crich and Armstrong as to elaim •of Alex. IVIcLemian for damages to auto on road No. 12 paid by Tentkeramitle. From advice of our solicitorwe recommend this claim be not paid.. We recommend that the engineer be empowered to engage a competent inspector to oversee enforced conerete work and pay him what it is worth.— J. ikL Govenlock, Chairman. The House of Refuge Committee reported having inspected the House and out buildings and found every- thing ni first class condition, and very highly recommended the work of the keeper, matron and assistant matron. We iecomrnend that the Chaplain's salary be $125 owing to increased duties. ' We recommend that more land be purchased, if possible, as we consider more land woukl be profitable to the HOU.Se of Refuge: Re motion of Clark and Douglas. as to insurance re barn, we recommen that this be done and that the, clerk and treasurer attend to it at once. --- 3. M. Govenlock, Chairman. Special Committee' weiTfinoSwsplal Committee's report was • Re_ enotibm of Bailie aria pat*.. whereas a .hill has been introduced in the House of Commons by H. M. Mowat, M.P., entitled an act to amend the criminal code re electrocution in- stead of hanging, this committee strongly approves of the bill.—Carried. Be eommunciation from B. H. Spence, Dominion Alliance Secretary in reference to permanent prohibi- tion, we -recommend that no action be taken.—Carried. Re communication from Ontario re .prohibition act, we recommend that no action be taken.—Carried. Re communication from eity of Toronto in respect to municipalities controlling their own highways, we recommend that this caancil pass a similar' resolution and forward to Toronto.—Carried, ck Re motion of Clark and Ford to treat returned soldiers to a day's out- ing, -we recommend that no action be taken.—Carried. Re motion of Clark and Beavers that a committee from the council, be appointed to obtain information re improvement of hospitals in the county we recommend that the following be a committee: Robert Livingston, Els- ton, Hackett, Petty and Cutt—Carried. M. Armstrong, Chairman. _ Good Roads Commission The Good Roads Commission re- ported as follows: We met at Blyth on February 17th in accordance with instructions received at the January ineetingcre the claim of Mrs. Taylor, and found the approaches to the bridge where the accident occurred, to narrow, ,they being about twelve feet wide on the average, and under the circumstances we concluded. a set- tlement should be made, which was done. Mrs', Taylor was . awarded $1,000, and an agreement signed. by .Mrs. Taylor acknowledging the pay- ment in full of all liability on behalf of the council. We met at Grand Bend on the seventeenth of April re the bridge crossing the river at that point, and after examining maps and docuinents found in the registry -office with reference to the matter and con- sulting our solicitor, we decided to take no action regarding the building of a new bridge, as we did not eon- sider the county of Huron liable. We notified the Warden of the county of La.mbton re result of your decisions A repdy has since been received from the solicitor of the county of Lambton, which we referrecl to our solicitor and the clerk was in- structed to write the clerk of the county of Larnbton for the plans, etc., of the proposed bridge or the improve- ment for the consideration of this council. The commission, deeided to purchase graders and a crusher for county pur- poses, after examining different grad- ers we purchased from the Sawyer - Massey firm, four of the large size graders and three of the smaller type, and from the Dominion Roads Go. of Goderich, a crusher, two scrapers, a rooter and a leveller, all of which have been approved by the Government. We went over Road No. 19, in the township -of Grey and found the same requiringrepairs which we recom- mended. Road No. 30 in the township of Howick requiredraining, particular- Ily the portion between Lakelet and Clifford, but a part of this rod, ap- parently, has no outlet Repairs are also needed. Road No. 29 needs repairs and a EstiMeted cetts and. Expenditures Administration), ef justice 7i000.00 Goal . Division Court Jury Fund . ,200. Schools 25,000.00 School management — 3,000.00 Stationery, etc. ... . , 1,200.00 Charity 600.00 Children's Shelter .... . 4000.00 Miscellaneous . 500, 09 Canada Temperance Act , 3000.00 County Property 2",000.00 House of Refuge .... 7,000.00 Roads and bridges . 140$0.45 Sinking Fund . ... . • 37,000.00 Coupon Interest 13,600.00 Grants, Fairs, ete , 2,000.00 Salvation Army . 22,000.00 Navy League , . — . 18,000.00 Red Cross . — . — 8,01)040 1Vlunicipa1 Government . 9,000.00 4172,180.45 Balance Jan. 1, 1919 437,126.11 Receipts Registry office 1,000.00 'Receipts Licenses 800.00 Receipts Interest 500.00 $39,426.00 County rate 3 1-10 mills. $131,754.00 THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL The different committees appointed to gather information rega.rdine the erection of a suitable memorial for our fallen soldiers and returned inen, met in the town hall, Seaforth, last week to discuss the four different pro- posals that have been laid before them. These are a monument and a fountain at a cost of about $6,000; a hospital at a cost of $10,000 and a memorial hall at an estimated cost of some $20,000. This hall would ha-ve the names of all the fallen soldiers in ;this district inscribed in it, would eon-. tam suitable provisions for a display of war relics and would have a -dub room, to be run under the super- .6sion of the Great War Veterans' As- sociation. The memorial hall was the suggestion of the War Veterans, ao they thought they were more capable of judging what their fallen comrades would approve, than an outsider, be- cause they had livedand fought with them. However, as Lieut. Silledpoint- ed out clearly at this meeting this was only a suggestion on the part of the G. W. V. A., and that this organized - tion were not asking anything for themselves. Now the writer thinks that they should not be forced to ask for anything, but that the commimity should consider their suggestion very seriously, because money can not pay these men nor the men who made the sacrifice for what they have done and that we owe thein a eomfertable club where they can meet ?their -comrades and -which they win not only appreci- ate now, but enjoy through tbe years to come. There is another point, We think that the opinion of what would be a suitable memorial, should be secured from the parents of, the brave boys who fell in . France, before the next meeting of the eonnnitteest and that these opinions shmelel be given- event eonsideration at the meeting which wUl be 'um in the course of a tett' weeks. It took men laid mcwayto - •win the war, but we should consider the Men first. That is why we should use out returned boys wet it was their sacrifice and service that seyea our home for us, Should- NV not =Am a home for theniT----A Citizen.