HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-06-06, Page 5G, 1919
hat more women
this season than
without White
inty and so cool.
Ly. We're show -
,11 cut- boots and
,n Oxfords and
nv reasonable the
aced boots with
soles and plain
fh plain vamps,
th plain vamps,
ir, 2.50 and 2.75.
th white rubber
.50 and 2.75.
long or short
par .........2.5o.
long vamps, turn
ed„ (This line is
air... . ... 3.50.
20C. cakes 15c.
week. -Mr. Albert Berry,
and Mrs. John Berry, a
who enlisted for overseas
Le west, is at present visit -
nits. His many relatives
are pleased to see him
.-Mr. Win. Johnston, of
katchewan., is visiting his
e. -Robert Lorimer, well
the mail contractor and,
r between Herman and
over thirty years died on
was buried on Tuesday in
Union cemetery.. He was
favorite and was well lik-
yone. He was a patient
augh a somewhat long%111-
ler.-A very pretty wed-
)1emnized at the residence
Mrs. John Elder, Hensall,
ay,, June 4th at high noon.
eld'est danighter, Grace
s united in matrimony to
McKinley Peck., son of
; Nathan Peck, of Henson.
ny which took place under
arch of bridal wreath and
erformed by Rev. George
If London, an uncle of the
e bride was daintly gowned
crepe over appricot satin
a shower bouquet of roses
the valley. The bride's
Miss Pearl, acted as ring
e the wedding march was
Mrs. Ben Elder. During
of the register, Miss Helen
"The Hour that Gave Me
the ceremony a sumptuous
tiler was served by candle
table was prettily decor-
Lmerican Beauty roses but
ique and interesting decor -
the candle sticks and
were used at a like cer-
.' one hundred years ago,
dinner of the brides great
r. Late in. the afternoon
!ouple left in a car gener-
ated by their friends, for
Lmilton, Niagara and other
ne of the guests from a
re the bride's brother, Mr.
and her aunt, Dr. Jennie
h of Toronto; Miss Mon-
ratford; Miss M. Wilson
Lndon, Rev. and Mrs.
of London, Dr. and
e, of Galt. The wedding
andsome and useful. The
s of the bride and room
ever happiness in the
line of Brown-
)erfect results.
;id young and
to come.
increased de-
r.t negatives.
kmnd to please
n. B.
• . „, ""=!: '
- . -
TUNE 6, 1919
Note -A number of our ladies at-
tended the Worn.en's Missionary ()In-
vention held in Stratford last week -
Mr. Hugh Campbell has sold Its farm
to Mr. Wilson. Sundercocle-A, con-
gregationai meeting of the members,
of the Methodist church was held last
Thursday evening. Reports of- the
various branches of the work were
given, interspersed -with a short pro-
gramme. after which the ladies furn-
ished, a lunch. We would like to see
more attend this meeting to see what
work our, people are doing, as it only
cornea once a year. -Our Sunday school
iiitend having a lawn social on the
evening of June 27111, further par-
tbaulars given later. They intend
eying something worth while ,eonling
to. Keep this date in =incl. -Mr.
George Wheatley has placed a fine
Gerhard Heintzman piano in his home.
-Mr. Robert Clarke, who met with a
oevere accident ab•aut two weeks ago,
is able to get around with the aid of
a stick -Mr, Thomas Livingston now
eport s a fine Chevrolet car. -Mr.
Matthew Armstroog was at Ottawa
last week with the county delegation
waiting on the Government for the
improvement of Goderich harbor. -
What about the cold backward spring
these days. I guess riding the ice
wagon would feel alright with 92
degrees in, the .she.de.
Notes. --Mies Dolly Wolfe spent
Saturday in Mitchell visiting friends.
-Inspectcir Lee, of Toronto, visited
-the Separte Scheel on Friday last. -
Mr. Querengesser, of Brodhagen, has
strated work on the new residence of
Joseph Nagle, on Laurier Ave, West.
-Everyone Should attend the garden
party to be held in Dublin on the lawn
of Mr. Alex. Darling on Friday even-
ing, June 13th, at eight o'slocke under
the auspices a St. Mary's Anglican
church. No admission ',fee charged
and everybody weleome. Join the
crowds. -On Saturday at five p. m.
the largest procession of autos ever
seen in this locality, all ,gaily decor-
ated with flags, and every car fully
loaded with happy people, wended its
way to St. Columban. The first ear
Ws occupied by Captain Rev, Father
Hussy, a Kinkora, motoring Captain
Father White' home to his former
parish. Rev. White has been at the
front for three years and escaped un-
wounded through the many battlee.
On reaching his own parish an address
of weloome wae read and a presenta-
tion of two large leather chairs made
to, Rev. White by the Red Croes
Society. On Friday evening, Rev. Fr.
Burke, who had charge of Rev. Father
White's parish during his absence, was
presented with a well filled purse by
the congregation.
School Report. The following are
the results of review examinations for
May in St. Patrick's school!, Dublin: --
Sr. IV -Mary Waters, Veronica Me -
Cornell, Mary McGrath, Mary Hast-
ings, Jerome Jordan, Joseph Feeney,
William, Byrne. Jr. IV -Mary Craw-
ford, Evelyn Delaney, Helen Cronin,
Hazel Hills, James O'Connor, Louis
ICrauskopf, Catherine Gormerly, Ralph
Dill. Sr. III -Jack McConnell, Annie
McGrath, Angela Shea, Gerald Jordan,
Madeline Crawford, .Teresa Carpenter,
Peter DillAnie Enright. Jr. III --
Annie Delaney, Fiera Hills, Mary En-
right, Vera Feeney,. Mary Krauskopf,
Wm. ICrauskopf, Jas. Nagle, Helen
Roach, Jos. Carpenter, Mary O'Connor,
Jas. Dill. Second class -Mary Mc-
Grath, Mary HiNs Part II -Catherine
Krauskopf, Marie Krauskopf, Marg-
aAt Dillon, Clayton Looby, Margaret
Jordan, Veronica Dill. Class A -----Fran-
ces Rills, Teresa Delaney, Dorothy
Molyneaux. Elva Crawford, Bernice
McGrath, Bettie Dorrenstyn, Rose
O'Connor, Hugh McGrath. Class B -
James Krauskepf, Lawrence Malcolm,
Teresa Ryan.
Seaforth, June 6, 1919.
Butter, per lh 42 to 45e
Eggs, per dozen 45 to 46e
Bran, per ton $42 . 00
Shorts, per ton $44 . do
Potatoes, per bag $1.25
Floue, per csvt 5 00 to 5.90
Wheat, per bushel $2 .12
Spring wheat, per bushel $2 . 06
Oats, per :bushel 72c
Barley, per bushel 95c
Hogs, per ewt $20 . 25
Toronto, June 3. -Dressed poultry -spring
chickens 60 to 70c; roosters 28 to 30c; fowl
27 to 38c; turkeys 40 to 45c; ducklings Ib,
35 to 38c squabs, doz. $7; gee 28 to 30c.
Live poultry -spring chickees 50 to 55c; fowl
35 to 38c.
Toronto; June 3.--Cheese-new large -28
to 33W; twins 33% to 34c; triplet; 121/e to 33;
Stilton 34 to 35e; butter fresh dairy, choice
48 to 50c; creamery solids 54 to 55c; prink;
55 to 56e. Margarine -35 to 38c. Eggs -new
laid 53 to 54o; new laid in cartoons 55 to 56c.
Toronto, June 3. -Manitoba wheat -No. 1
Northern, $2.24M; No. 2 Northern, $2.211,4 ;
14o. 3 northern, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat
in store Fort William. American corn -Nom-
inal. Ontario oats -No. 2 white 76 to 78c,
according to freights outside. Ontario wheat
No. 1 winter, per car lot $2.14 to $2.20; No.
do. $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3, do. $2..07 to 12.15;
f.o.b. shipping points =cording to freights.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Spring $2.09 to 12.17;
No. 2 do. $2.06 to $2.14; No. 3 do., 12.02 to
12.10 f,o.b. shipping points according to
frerigh/s. Peals -Nominal. Barlely-Malting
11.23 to $1.28; nominal. Buckwheat No. 2
nominal. Rye No. 2, nominal. Man, flour gov-
ernment standard 111 Toronto. Ontario flour -
Government standard $11 in jute bags To-
ronto and Montreal, prompt shipment. Mill -
feed -car lots, delivered Montreal freights
bags include& Bran $42 per ton; shorts $44
per ton; good feed flour $2.75 to 12.80 per
bag. Hay -No. 1 132 to $35 per ton; mixed
$20 to 124 per ton track Toronto. Straw -
car lots 510 to $11 per ton.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June 3. -
Values for butcher catIle were cut another
50 to 75 cents this morning; but the reces-
sion did not appear to offer any special in-
ducements to the buyers to operate as
almost a. record light offe,rin.g of
leivelitteen 'hundred head for -a Monday's
market proved too large for the trade. It
was well on in the morning before cattle
started to move toward the scales. Never
at any time was the trade other than very
draggy. Heavy cattle were ignored, and
even choice cows were in poor demand witls
quotations up to 50 cents lower than laet
week's bottoca level. The principal trade in
butchers this'. morning, such as it was, con-
cerned light cattle. A big effort was made
to keep quotations for these about steady,
but it failed, and a cut of 50 cents was
finally recorded Loads of pretty decent
butchers, averaging from 760 to 950 pounds,
cashed in front $13 to $13.50 and some slight-
ly heavier oattle, but not so good sold front
$12 to $12.50. Sales over $13.50 Were very
rare. The 76 code' reseseion *Minted the
conmeoti to fair **hem and sows and .bulle.
There was only a aligint demand for feed,.
ens, but several orders for steckers mold not
be filled became the cattle were not on the
market. Milkers and springers mat a fair
trade, and sold from UN to $150 per head.
Heavy sheep fell off 75 cents to a dolleg,
bult light aheap, lagnim and cave's were
steady, with the deneand moderate.
fogs continued firm. at 92(.25 f.o.b. and
12.25 fed and watered. but Packerebrrem
intimated that on Thesdley they would take
a dollar off to -day's quotations. .
The morning's °amine comprised 129 car-
loads with • 1,701 cattle, 694 calves, 2,876
hogs and 96 she and lambs.
J. Atwell & Seas bought 1 load of feeding
stems 1,050 Me. -111.11.60 to $15.90.
H. P. Kennedy bought 1 load of butchers:
930 lbs. $13.25; 1, load of feeders, 960 to
1,000 tbs. $12.64 to $18.25.
Gwins Ltd., bought 200 cattle- butehen3
$12.76 to $18.59; cows and bul"k; 19.50 to
ra sAttention!
. .
Dunn and Levack Meld: Butchers - 20,
1,030 tbs. $18.40; 24 899 lbs. $1825; 2 1,195
lbs. 518.25; 22, 1,080 tbs. $18.60; 7 920 lbs.
518.40. Cowe.-1 960 lbs. $9.50; 1 880 The.
$11.50; 2 1,210 lbs. 111: bulls --2, 1,046 lbs.
311. Feeders -9, 1,070 lbs. $13.00; 61 hoe*
$22.25 fed and watered; *selves $10 to 117;
1 milker 1110; 1, dew 1100; 2 milkers 11.15
eaoh; 1 springer 1145.
United Farmers' -Co-operative Co. sold: -
Butchers 12, 1,000 lbs. 113.40; 1 660 tbs.
/11.75; 1-580 'lbs. 112.50; 1 610 lbs.. 111.75;
1, 700 tbs. $11.75; 3, 600tbs. 110.50; 2,
850 lbs. 411.25; 9 750 The. 513.25; 1, 600
tbs. 1112.00 ; 1, 890 Ms. 118.25; 3, 810 Ths,
112.50; 1 950 1bs. $13.50;2 960 Ths. 113.50.
Cows -2 1.060 The. 313.50; 1, 890 tbs. $11;
3 1,000 lbs. $9.25: 1, 1,070 tbs. $10.25; 1
810 lbs. 110.75; 9 1,000 /bs. 57.25; '2
epringers $120 each; 1. springer $100; 1 milker
/95; 2 springers $156 each; 1 springer 1100;
1 mdker $110; 175 how 521.25 f.o.b., 122.50
off oars.
Rice and Whaley sold: Butehers-1, 630
ibis, *13.50; 21 1,010 lbs. 112.75: 7, 1.000
tbs. $13.60; 9,285 tbs. .$13.30; 12, 850 tbs.
/13; 23 MO thee 313.10; 11, 875 lbs. 113.10;
13 850 lbs. 813.10. Cows -1, 1,000 tbs.
•$11,75; 2( 1,070 tbs. 19; 125 calves $10 to
S17; 16 eheep 510 to 511; 3 Springers $110
J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butchers -
8 935 tbs. $13.00; 15 995 tbs. 514.30; 4
945 tbs. $12.20; 18, 990 tbs; 119.60; 20
860 lbs. 113.40; 23 1,070 lbs. $13.40; 12
1,050 tbs. $13.00; 4, 640 tbs. $12.00. Cows
-2750 lbs. 16.75; 2.1,100 lbs. $12.80: lambs
-8 85 tbs. 514.50; 7 sheep 125 tbs. 512,50r
2 milkers 5140 each.
The quotations were: heavy steers 113.50"
to $14.50; choice butchers steers 513 to 113.50;
butichers cattle Choice 413.00 to , 518 .50 ;
do. good. 312.00 to 512,25; do medium 311.25
to $11.50; do. common $9.15 to 510.00;
bulls &mice 111.00 to 111.50; do. medium
$10 to $10.50; do: rough 12 to 8.25; bachers
cows choice $11.50 to 112; do. good $10.50 to
$11.00; do. medium 1110 to 19.50; do. common
37.50 to 18; stoekere 38.75 to 011.75;
feeders $12.50 to 514.00; canners and caters
54.50 to .$6.50; milkers; good to choice 590
1150; do. common and medium 565 to $76;
springers $90 to $160: light ewes 512.60 to 313, •
Yearlings 512 to 514; spring Iamb e 112 to
515; calves good to choice 515 to 31,7,00;
hogs fed and watered $23.25; do. weighed off
care 322.50; do. f.o.b. 52/.25.
Buffalo, June 3. Cattle Receipts -4,800;
sale 25e to 31 lower; prime steers 115 to
516; shipping steers 314 to 114,50; butchers'
$9 to $14.75; yearlings 110 to 515; heifers
$8 to 513; cows $4.50 to 111; buds $6 to
311 ; stockers and feeders 16 to 512.50; fresh
Sows and springers $65 to 1165. Calves -
Receipts 2,700; slow; 56 to $16.75. Hogs
Receipts 8,000; pigs 25 to 50c higher; heavy
mixed and yorker3 $21.75; light yorkers 520.75
to $21; pigs 520.50 to 320.76; roughs $19
to $19.50; stags 312 to 516.. Sheep and
Iambs -Receipts 3,400; active, eteady to strong
lambs 58 to $16.75: yearlings 410 to 513
seethers 511.50 to 512: ewes 55 to 510.50:
mixed sheep 511 to $11.50.
Note. --Items under this head will be charg-
ed 59c per single verse and 25c for each
additional verse.
In loving memory of • George Taylonwho
died one years ago, .the 7th rof June, 1918.
One year has gone and how we miss him,
Friends may think the wound has healed
`But little do they *know the longing
Deep in our hearte lie concealed.
The blow was great, the shock severe
We tittle thought his death so near
And only those who loved can tell
The pain of saying a last farewell
His memory is as dear to -day
As in the hour he passed away.
Wife and Family;
Forde--In Clinton, on May 25th,, to Rei.. E.
0. and Mrs. 'Forde, a son.
Snell -In Exeter. on May 17th, to Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Snell, a daughter.
Snell-Moorhouse-At Niagara Falls, Ont., en.
May 24th, by the Rev. J. E. Todd, Nursing
Sister Marg-urite Moorhouse, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Moorhouse, of Bios-
mere Port, Cheshire, England, to Pte.
Ephrann'Snell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Sned„ of Hulled township
O'Rielly -Flanagan -At St. Columban, on June
3rd, by Rev. Father White, Margaret Lucy
Flanagan, daughter of Mrs. T. Flanagan,
to Francis O'Rielly, son of Mrs. J. O'Rielly,
1." of McKillop.
Moffat -In Stanley, on May 26th, Mrs. John
Moffat, aged 50 years.
Brown -In- Grey( township, on may 26th,
Thomas Brown, aged 46 years, 10 months
and 21 days.
Sundercock-In Clinton, on May 17th; John
' R. Sundercock, of Hullett township, in his
71st year. '
S. T. Holmes =
Funeral Director and
Licensed. Embalmer
Undertakmg parlors in Oddfet '=
lows building opposite -
otewart Bros. Resi-
dence Godench st .. cpp - -
Dr. Scott's ..
Flowers furnished an
short notice.
Night or Day 119. =
W. T. BOX & 00.
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
Holder of Govermnent Diploma
and Liscerre
Charges Moderate
Flowers furnished on short notice
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 43
Genuine early Snowball 50 for 45
cents postpaid. Shipped successfully
everywhere. Ask for price list of
' cabbage, celery, and other vegetable
plants. HEROLD's FARMS, Fruit-
land, Ontario, Niagara District.
The tumual meeting, of the Liberals
at South Huron as constituted for
Federal and Provincial purposes will
be. held at
Hensall, Monday
June 16th
at one o'clock
SPEAKERS -Mr. W. Kennedy, M.
P., of Windsor, and Mr. W. Proud -
foot M.P .P., leader of the Opposition
Of the Local House. ,
Representatives for Liberal meeting
at Ottawa and Toronto will be ap-
A eorc+11 invitation is extended to
all' interested in, securing democratic
goverinnent in Canada. A special in-
vitation to ladles.
H. SIAM President for Federal.
J. ESSERY, Preeident for Local.
Implements and household furniture. Thos.
Brown has received instructions from the
undersigned to sell by Public auctien on Lot
13; Conoeseion ' 3, Stanley township, on Fri-.
day, June 20th the following: 1 Deering
mower, 5 foot, in good order; 1 low 'down
wason,. 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger,
1 scuffier, I set bob sleighs, l' heavy logging
chain; bags, driving chain for Massey Harris
new machine; scoop shovel; 1 set of heavy
harness; 1. set of single harness, new; I
sideboard,11 writing desk or secretary, 5 glass
cupboards; 2 wardrobes; 2 extension tables;
2 kitchen. tables; 2• bureaus; 6 beds and
mattresses and bedding; dressers with mirror,
3 wash sten& ; 1 parlor suite; 1 set dining
room chairs; 2 arm chairs; 3 rocking chairs;
2 •lounges ; 1 set kitchen Chairs; 2 stoves; 3
Brussels carpets: 5 pairs curtains; 2 sew-
ing machines ; 3 fancy tables; 2 clocks; 1
flour bin; pictures; dishes and knicknacics;
3 toilet sets; 1 horse; 1 cow; 2 buggies; 2
cutter's. There will alSo be offered for sale
at the same time and place the farm of 100
acres. The farm will be sold subject to a
reserve bid. Terms, Furniture ca,sh. Implements
--All sums of 55 and }ender, cash; over that
amount 4 months credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes. A discount
of 3 per cent off on credit amounts. JOHN
TAYLOR, Administrator for Jane Ketchen;
T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2685-3
freshen. Apply to ROBERT .CLARK, R.
R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 1 on. 245.
• 2686''tf '
-11-. frame building 12x16 inside measurement,
in good repair. Would make a good garage.
and Threher Co. stock. To close an estate.
No reasonable offer refused. Apply P. 0.
box 307, London, Ont., before Jnne 23rd.
• We have at prmerit 1 young sow carrying
second *litter; 5 young sows carrying -first
litter; 2 young hogs about 3 months old got
by Maplewood Charm our present herd sire.
J. & W. HAY, Seaforth. Phone 7 on 134.
-1•.` in the big draM who so desire, may pay
their assessment in, cash to Bank of Commerce
to the credit of the treasurer of Tnekersmith on
or before the 15th day of, June. D. F. Me-
GREGOR, Clerk. 2685-2
" frame house, known as -the Tagney pro-
perty on Coleman Street, Seaforth, consisting
of 9 rooms in excellent repair, good cellar,
hard and soft water, also good frame barn,
several I fruit trees and 1 acre of ground. For
further particulars apply to Mrs. JOHN SHAN-
NON, It. R. No. 1, London Junction, Ont.
"" roomed frame house, hard and soft water,,
good barn and two lots, situated on Victoria
Square. This is a most desirable property
and will be sold cheap and on reasonable
terms. For further particulars apply to
JAMES NELSON, Seaforth.. 2683-4
"' ship of McKillop may pay their Kinhurn
Drain eu3sessment at the Dominion Bank Sea -
forth until June 20th, 1919. Parties paying
please take their Kinburn Drain by-law with
them. By order of theelVIcKillop Council. Next
meeting of McKillop council at Seaforth, on
June 23rd,- p.m. M. MURDIE, Clerk. May
31st, 1919. 2686-2
A. sisting of a 20-22 horse power Stratford
traction engine and Stratford separator, come
pieta with feeder, cater, blower and grain
elevatoe, all in first class condition.' Used
only six seasons. For particulars apply to
ED. REICHERT, Zurich, Ont. Phone Zurich
Cetnrall, 10r94.
frame house situated on East William St.,
one block from high school. with hard and
soft water, furnance and telephone. There
are two lots of land containing a good garden
and small orchard. Also a small barn. For
further particulars, apply to JAS. WRIGHT,
Seaforth, or phone 115. 2680-tf
-k One of the most progressive Canadian
Life Insurance Cempanies with over
$100,000,000 insurance in force, wants re-
presentative -in Seaforth and vicinity. A
guaranteed continuing renewal interest agency
contracts Previous life insurance experience
not essential. Confidential. Box 157.
A•1 forbidden to plaee rubbish or other ob-
struction upon the sides of the road in the
township of Tuckersinith without the consent
of the council and all persons who do so
will be held strictly accountable for any
damage resulting therefrom. By order of
the eounoil. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk.
-`-` meeting to organize the temperance forces
of the township of Tutkersmith and to plan
for the coining campaign, will be held in the
Presbyterian church, Brucedeld, on Monday)
June 9th, at 8 pari. All interested in the
cause are urged to attend, ladies included, as
they are to have a vote in the coming con-
test R. R. 'WATSON, President. 2686-1
-L' will be received by the undersigned up
to Monday, June leth at one o'clock, for the
construction of a re-inforced concrete bridge
at Lot 32, Concessions 6 & 7, East Wawartosh.
Length of bridge 32 feet with 16 fact rood
way. Plans and specifications may be seen
at the clerk's offiae. A marked cheque for
ten per. cent of emount to accompany each
tender. The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. ALEX. PORTERaiELD, -
Township Clerk, Helgrave. 2686-2
14* olionmounii.
B. R. Hie GINS
BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 109
(formerly of .„Brucelield)
-Agent for--
. The Huron & Erie Mortgage
Corporation and the Canada
Trust Cohipanys.
Commissioner H,C. of J., Censer-
s:nem. Fire and Ternade Insurenee,
Notary Public.
Wednesday each week at Brumfield
Write for our Free Book of houi3e Plana'
and information telling how to • save frosn
two to four hundred dollars on you new
home. Address HALLIDAY COMPANY, Box
61, Jackson St, Hamilton, Ont. 2686-tf
for constructing the Pryce Drain in the Town-
ship of McKillop and the Dicksoe, Drain. in
the Townships of McKillop and Mullett will
he received by the undersigned until Satnr-
dav the 21st day of June, 1919, or at thc
meeting of council at the Commercial Hotel
Seaforth on June 23rd, p ne A cheque for
five per, cent of contract price to aceompany
each tender. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. Plans eto. can be seen
at the clerk's office, Lot 24, Concession 7,
4. MURDIE, Clerk ef McKillop,
Seaforth, P. O. 2686-3
Administrators's Sale ofFarm
Lot lb, B. R. N. Con., Township Stanley,
County Huron, is offered for sale. It con-
tains 163 acres -20 acres weil wooded bush,
20 acres permanent vestige, 123 acres good
arable land; soil --clay in a high state of
cultivation; present crop includes 28 aeries
spring crop and 20 acres • hay, balance in
pasture. Buildings include a frame house,
bank barn with stone stabling, a flat barn
and straw shed; fencing is good: there is
plenty of water from wells and flowing spring.
Location, 4 miles from Bayfield, 2 miles from
Varna on the beet road in the county. Pos-
session may be had at any time to su4t pur-
chaser, and atop may be purchased with farm
if desired. THOMAS BROWNETT, Varna,
Ont. Administrator estate of Robert .T. Rieh-
ardson, deceased. 2684-3
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Michael McCardle, deceased.
Notice is hereby given - pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav-
ing any claims against the estate of Michael
McCardle who died on the 10th of May, 1919,
are required on or before the 23rd of June,
1919, to send by post or deliver to the u",rider-
eigned solicitors herein 'for Mary McCardle
and John Malone, executors of the will of
the said deceased, full particulars of their
Clairna, and that after the said 23rd ,of June,
1919, the said executors will distribute the
assets of said deceased among the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claisne of whit& they shall th'en have had
notice, and that the said executors will not
be liable for the said assets or any Part
thereof, to any person of whose claim they
shall not then have received netice.
Dated at Seaforth 2nd of June, 1919.
forth; Solicitors for said Executors. 2686-3
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given thi&4111 persons hav-
ing claims agerinstethe tistiotitoVJarte-Taylor.
Ketchen late of the townshipt of Stanley, in
the County of Huron, widow.. deceased, who
died on or abottt the 9th • of April, 1919, are
required to deliver to John Taylor, Bruce-
fleld, Ont., the administrater of the said,
estate or to his solicitor 011 or before the 7th
day of June, 1919, a full statement of their
claims together with particulars thereof, and
the nature of the securities, a any, held by
thein all duly verified by affidavit And take
notice that after the said last mentioned date
the said adminstator will proceed to dist-
tribute /he estate only to claims of which he
shalt have received due notice in accordance*
therewith. •
Dated at Clinton, his 15th.day of May A. D.
1919. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. solicitor
for the said. 2684-3
I have some choice firma for safe in the
Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all wall
built and improved, on es.sy terrat of payment.
and 18 on cencession 3, "McKillop, contain-
ing 200 acres. There ars on the premises a
good brick house 26x36, 'a good driving shed
36x60, good bank 'barn 58x96; good orchard,
3 good wells with 2 steel windmills ; well -under-
-drained and fenced and in .a good state of
cultivation.; 16 acres of hardwood bush;
miles from Seaforth; rural mail and tele-
phone. For further particalars apply to.
*JOHN NASH, 934 Vernon Ste Vancouver, B.C.
d- sisting of Lot 27, Concession 8, Tucker -
smith, Huron county; close to school and
church; 5 miles to Seaforth, Clinton and
Brucefield; on fine gravel road,s. Eighty acres
cleared; twenty acres .of bush and pasture;
three hundred hard maples; sugar, camp;
spring, no pumping for stock, 7 acres of
orchard, ten roomed brick house, fin -nonce,
telephone, large barn *stabling underneath,
shed, pig pen, drivehouse, beautiful yard,
evergreens, shade trees, • .3( TERRYBBRRY,
R. R. 3, Seaforth. 2686-4
Concession 1, Stanley, containing 100 acres.
On the premises are a 2 story frame house
with hard and soft water inside and bank
-barn 52x60 with good staling, -implement
house 40x26, hog pen and hen ouse 40x24.
The land is well fenced and 'drained and in
first class state of cultivation, two good wells
with wind mill at barn, water in stable,
ten acres good hardwood bush, 2 acres good
bearing orchard enclosed with evergreen hedge,
114 Miles from the vilage of Kippen. and 21/2
from Brucefield. Rural mail and telephone.
For further particulars apply to R. P. BELL.
Seaforth. 2581x4
Lot 88, Concesision 6, Manton, 100 awes
ef the best clay land in McKillets, 6 *eras of
bush, the rest in a high -state of cultivation;
5 miles from Seafartle 2 ;Idles frorn Con:.
stance, 11/e, miles from school. There are en
the premises, a good seven roomed house, large
bank barn 64x76. all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There, are forty acres
ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed-
ed down. There are two big 'Pringle ene
piped to barnyard and in the other a dans
with a hydraulic rail penining the water to
the house and te the barn. As the raring
is in the orchard and near the house and line
fend's., there is no waste land. There is a
graded and gravelled -lane Men the road to
the buildings. Apple to *RS* SAMMIE'
DORRANCE,FileaferUs. 2627-tf
House and half acre of land in the
village of Eginondvillee The property
Is situated on Centre Street, clorse to
the Presbyterian church.and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good wel/
and cement cistern. _All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, .raspberries, and
currant bashes. This Is a corn.er pro-
perty with no breaks oa front, and
the huid is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tt
IThe following popular stallions will
stand for the improvement of stock
as follows: ,
Popular Stallions
'Passed Enrolment No. 363 Form. 1
. (Imp.) [310] (83420)
• 315 to insure
Monday.-WilI leave his own stable, Bruce -
field and go west to Varna at Chris Ward's
for noon; then north into Goderich township
to the Hayfield Line and west to Arthur
Welsh's for night. Tuesday. -West to the
6th coneeesion, north to Porters's Hill at
George Vanderhurg's for noon; then north
by way of 9th c.oacession to. James Mc-
Millan's for night. -WednesdaY.-North to
Huron Road by way of Jewell's Corners
Colborne, for noon; then by way of Mai
and Benmiller to William Hill's saw 41i
concession to Harry Sweet's Holmeeville, for
night. Thursday. -North 2 miles, east 2 miles
to Albert Townsend's, 16th corms:skin. of
Goderich township for noon; then by way of
Huron Road to Graham House, Clinton for
night. Friday. -South by way of the London
Road to his own stable Brucefield until Sat-
urday morning. Saturday. -,South 2½ miles
by way of the London Road and east to,
Robert Eigies, for noon; then north We miles
to the Mill Road and .west to his own stable
where he will remain until the following
Monday morning. WM. BERRY, Prop. and
Manager. 2682x12
15279 (15038) VOL. XXXIII
Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1
, 115 to insure.
Monday May 5th. -Will leave his own stabie
at Staff% and go west to James Hill's, for
noon; then south to the Cromarty line, then
east to* Cromarty to his own stable for
night. Tuesday. -South to Alfred Hunkins',
Usborne, for noon; then west along the
Thames Road, for 3% miles and south on
the 4th concession to John Kleinfeldt, for
night Wednesday. -East to the Elimville Line
and south to limvil1e, and east to Winchelsea
to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to
William Brock's, for night. Thursday. -South
and east on tke Ilth concession of Blanchard,
to A. J. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm),
for noon; then north th the Kirkton Line
and-, west to Taylor's Hotel Kirkton, for night.
Friday. -North along the Mitchell Road, th
Mount Pleasant, and west to Jasper ?rid -
ham's for noon; then west and north to
John Hamilton's, 10th concession of Hibbert
for night. Saturday. -North NI miles to Mac
Grey's 7th concession for noon; then west to
the 7th concession to Centre Road, then south
to his own stable, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning.
JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Pro. and Manager.
(12035) [13458]
Approved Enrolment No. 699 Form 1
Terms to insure 515.
Monday, May 19th. -Will leave his own stable
Brucefieid and go west to the 2,nd concession
of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's,
for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn,
arts, for night. Tuesday. -By way of Ban-
nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel
for noon; then by way of the Hayfield Road
to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey's,
for night. Wednesday. -By McClymont's side
Road to the Parr Line, then south to Williarri
Poster's, for noon;' then to William 'Me-
Kenzies, 2nd concession of Stanley for the
night. Thursday. -North to the Hayfield road
to his own stable for noon; remaining until
the following Friday morning. Friday. -To
George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then
to McAdam's side road, and north to the
2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then
west to James Carnochan's for night. Sat-
urday. -West by Broadesot's bridge, then south
to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where
he will rernain until the following Monday
morning. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. And Man-
Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1
Terms th Insure $15
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season at his °yin stable, Brucefield,
where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on
Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each
Enrolment No. 1367 Form 1
(18978) [16986]
week. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
during the season 1919 at John J. McGavin's
stables, Leadbury, Lot 22, Concession 13, Mc-
Killop. Terms -$12 -to insure, payable
February let, 1920. J. J. McGAVIN,. Pro.
Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
No. (54151) 1653 Enrolnient No. 4075 Form 1
Terms to insure 51.8.
Emperor McKinney, son of the world's
greatest speed sire, McKinney 8818, 2.1114, is
a black horse 16 hands high and weighs
1,250 pounds with the best of feet and. legs.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season at Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker.
smith. Mares from a distance will be met
For further particulars apply to owner or
Phone 7 on 136. CHARLES. RILEY, Prop.
and Manager. 2683-12
eseeee-i •
Enrolled and Inspected
Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard and reg-
istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late John
L. Snyder, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio.
Sired by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year old record
2.0714; Dam, Trussoca, 2.07 by Molar. Dam
of Trujolla 2 year old record 2.2014, raced
in 2;07 at three years. Last season as a
two year old Truworthy trotted the farne
half mile track in 2.27; Truworthy was brok-
en to harness in May in his yearling form
and trotted. .a quarter in 38 seconds, one-
eigth in 18, with no intention of searching
him. He is gaited to go very fast and .he
has the inclination to stay on the trot and
do- the right thing at all times. Be is one
of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy
3 years, 2.0714, and considered' by many the
best individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3
years 2.151/2. Remember the Axworthy Moko
cross produced the world's champion the Real
Lady 3 years, 2.03. Don't miss seeing Tru -
worthy as I cannot say too much for hid:.
Terms -Will stand at his own stable at Hill's
Green at $15 to insure a living foal. GEORGE
E. TROYER, Prop.
Pure Bred Percheron
Enrolment No. 5186 Form 1
TIsrms to insure $1.5.
Monday. -Wil leave his own stable, lot 8,
concession 3, McKillop an4 go west tO• E.
johneton's for noon, then to Clinton at
Commercial Hotel for night. -Tnesday.-North
to James Snell's for noon; then east to Oliver
Anderson's for night. Wednesday. -East to
John Grieve's for noon; thea east to William
Manley'e, McKillop, for night Thiatuday.-
To • for noon, then to Dublin at
Webber's Hotel foe. night. Friday. -To Sea -
forth where he will at the Dick House
until Saturday morning. Saturday. -West to
George Dale's for noon. then to his own
stable where' he will remain until the follow-
ing Monday morning.
(Imp.) [21567] (16303)
The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion
Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Form 1
$13 to insure,.
MoncLey.-Will leave his own- stable,. Beech-
wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan for
noon; then to his own stable for Might
Tuesday. -To John Murray's, concession 11,
McKillop, -.for noon; then west to Allan
Ross' concession 10, McKillop, for one hour,
et3seti to his own stable for night. Wednes-
day. -To Frank Mahar's concession 3, Logan,
Lor noon; then to Veher'e Hotel, Dublin,
libr night. Thureday.-To Joseph Nagle's,
for noon; thentto Joseph .Atkineon'e. for
night. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, 11/2 miles
east of Seaforth, for noon; then -to William
Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession. 6, McKillop,
for night Saturday.-Wili proceed to his
own stable where he will remailt until the
following Monday morning Jamaa Irvans,
Proprietor and Meleager.
W. S. Gormley
Undertaking Parlors Above
M. Williams' Grocery Stdre.
Main Strett, Seaforth
Flowers furnished on short notice
ICharges moderate
Phone -Night or May -192
Gwins Ltd., bought 200 cattle- butehen3
$12.76 to $18.59; cows and bul"k; 19.50 to
ra sAttention!
. .
Dunn and Levack Meld: Butchers - 20,
1,030 tbs. $18.40; 24 899 lbs. $1825; 2 1,195
lbs. 518.25; 22, 1,080 tbs. $18.60; 7 920 lbs.
518.40. Cowe.-1 960 lbs. $9.50; 1 880 The.
$11.50; 2 1,210 lbs. 111: bulls --2, 1,046 lbs.
311. Feeders -9, 1,070 lbs. $13.00; 61 hoe*
$22.25 fed and watered; *selves $10 to 117;
1 milker 1110; 1, dew 1100; 2 milkers 11.15
eaoh; 1 springer 1145.
United Farmers' -Co-operative Co. sold: -
Butchers 12, 1,000 lbs. 113.40; 1 660 tbs.
/11.75; 1-580 'lbs. 112.50; 1 610 lbs.. 111.75;
1, 700 tbs. $11.75; 3, 600tbs. 110.50; 2,
850 lbs. 411.25; 9 750 The. 513.25; 1, 600
tbs. 1112.00 ; 1, 890 Ms. 118.25; 3, 810 Ths,
112.50; 1 950 1bs. $13.50;2 960 Ths. 113.50.
Cows -2 1.060 The. 313.50; 1, 890 tbs. $11;
3 1,000 lbs. $9.25: 1, 1,070 tbs. $10.25; 1
810 lbs. 110.75; 9 1,000 /bs. 57.25; '2
epringers $120 each; 1. springer $100; 1 milker
/95; 2 springers $156 each; 1 springer 1100;
1 mdker $110; 175 how 521.25 f.o.b., 122.50
off oars.
Rice and Whaley sold: Butehers-1, 630
ibis, *13.50; 21 1,010 lbs. 112.75: 7, 1.000
tbs. $13.60; 9,285 tbs. .$13.30; 12, 850 tbs.
/13; 23 MO thee 313.10; 11, 875 lbs. 113.10;
13 850 lbs. 813.10. Cows -1, 1,000 tbs.
•$11,75; 2( 1,070 tbs. 19; 125 calves $10 to
S17; 16 eheep 510 to 511; 3 Springers $110
J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butchers -
8 935 tbs. $13.00; 15 995 tbs. 514.30; 4
945 tbs. $12.20; 18, 990 tbs; 119.60; 20
860 lbs. 113.40; 23 1,070 lbs. $13.40; 12
1,050 tbs. $13.00; 4, 640 tbs. $12.00. Cows
-2750 lbs. 16.75; 2.1,100 lbs. $12.80: lambs
-8 85 tbs. 514.50; 7 sheep 125 tbs. 512,50r
2 milkers 5140 each.
The quotations were: heavy steers 113.50"
to $14.50; choice butchers steers 513 to 113.50;
butichers cattle Choice 413.00 to , 518 .50 ;
do. good. 312.00 to 512,25; do medium 311.25
to $11.50; do. common $9.15 to 510.00;
bulls &mice 111.00 to 111.50; do. medium
$10 to $10.50; do: rough 12 to 8.25; bachers
cows choice $11.50 to 112; do. good $10.50 to
$11.00; do. medium 1110 to 19.50; do. common
37.50 to 18; stoekere 38.75 to 011.75;
feeders $12.50 to 514.00; canners and caters
54.50 to .$6.50; milkers; good to choice 590
1150; do. common and medium 565 to $76;
springers $90 to $160: light ewes 512.60 to 313, •
Yearlings 512 to 514; spring Iamb e 112 to
515; calves good to choice 515 to 31,7,00;
hogs fed and watered $23.25; do. weighed off
care 322.50; do. f.o.b. 52/.25.
Buffalo, June 3. Cattle Receipts -4,800;
sale 25e to 31 lower; prime steers 115 to
516; shipping steers 314 to 114,50; butchers'
$9 to $14.75; yearlings 110 to 515; heifers
$8 to 513; cows $4.50 to 111; buds $6 to
311 ; stockers and feeders 16 to 512.50; fresh
Sows and springers $65 to 1165. Calves -
Receipts 2,700; slow; 56 to $16.75. Hogs
Receipts 8,000; pigs 25 to 50c higher; heavy
mixed and yorker3 $21.75; light yorkers 520.75
to $21; pigs 520.50 to 320.76; roughs $19
to $19.50; stags 312 to 516.. Sheep and
Iambs -Receipts 3,400; active, eteady to strong
lambs 58 to $16.75: yearlings 410 to 513
seethers 511.50 to 512: ewes 55 to 510.50:
mixed sheep 511 to $11.50.
Note. --Items under this head will be charg-
ed 59c per single verse and 25c for each
additional verse.
In loving memory of • George Taylonwho
died one years ago, .the 7th rof June, 1918.
One year has gone and how we miss him,
Friends may think the wound has healed
`But little do they *know the longing
Deep in our hearte lie concealed.
The blow was great, the shock severe
We tittle thought his death so near
And only those who loved can tell
The pain of saying a last farewell
His memory is as dear to -day
As in the hour he passed away.
Wife and Family;
Forde--In Clinton, on May 25th,, to Rei.. E.
0. and Mrs. 'Forde, a son.
Snell -In Exeter. on May 17th, to Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Snell, a daughter.
Snell-Moorhouse-At Niagara Falls, Ont., en.
May 24th, by the Rev. J. E. Todd, Nursing
Sister Marg-urite Moorhouse, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Moorhouse, of Bios-
mere Port, Cheshire, England, to Pte.
Ephrann'Snell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Sned„ of Hulled township
O'Rielly -Flanagan -At St. Columban, on June
3rd, by Rev. Father White, Margaret Lucy
Flanagan, daughter of Mrs. T. Flanagan,
to Francis O'Rielly, son of Mrs. J. O'Rielly,
1." of McKillop.
Moffat -In Stanley, on May 26th, Mrs. John
Moffat, aged 50 years.
Brown -In- Grey( township, on may 26th,
Thomas Brown, aged 46 years, 10 months
and 21 days.
Sundercock-In Clinton, on May 17th; John
' R. Sundercock, of Hullett township, in his
71st year. '
S. T. Holmes =
Funeral Director and
Licensed. Embalmer
Undertakmg parlors in Oddfet '=
lows building opposite -
otewart Bros. Resi-
dence Godench st .. cpp - -
Dr. Scott's ..
Flowers furnished an
short notice.
Night or Day 119. =
W. T. BOX & 00.
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
Holder of Govermnent Diploma
and Liscerre
Charges Moderate
Flowers furnished on short notice
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 43
Genuine early Snowball 50 for 45
cents postpaid. Shipped successfully
everywhere. Ask for price list of
' cabbage, celery, and other vegetable
plants. HEROLD's FARMS, Fruit-
land, Ontario, Niagara District.
The tumual meeting, of the Liberals
at South Huron as constituted for
Federal and Provincial purposes will
be. held at
Hensall, Monday
June 16th
at one o'clock
SPEAKERS -Mr. W. Kennedy, M.
P., of Windsor, and Mr. W. Proud -
foot M.P .P., leader of the Opposition
Of the Local House. ,
Representatives for Liberal meeting
at Ottawa and Toronto will be ap-
A eorc+11 invitation is extended to
all' interested in, securing democratic
goverinnent in Canada. A special in-
vitation to ladles.
H. SIAM President for Federal.
J. ESSERY, Preeident for Local.
Implements and household furniture. Thos.
Brown has received instructions from the
undersigned to sell by Public auctien on Lot
13; Conoeseion ' 3, Stanley township, on Fri-.
day, June 20th the following: 1 Deering
mower, 5 foot, in good order; 1 low 'down
wason,. 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger,
1 scuffier, I set bob sleighs, l' heavy logging
chain; bags, driving chain for Massey Harris
new machine; scoop shovel; 1 set of heavy
harness; 1. set of single harness, new; I
sideboard,11 writing desk or secretary, 5 glass
cupboards; 2 wardrobes; 2 extension tables;
2 kitchen. tables; 2• bureaus; 6 beds and
mattresses and bedding; dressers with mirror,
3 wash sten& ; 1 parlor suite; 1 set dining
room chairs; 2 arm chairs; 3 rocking chairs;
2 •lounges ; 1 set kitchen Chairs; 2 stoves; 3
Brussels carpets: 5 pairs curtains; 2 sew-
ing machines ; 3 fancy tables; 2 clocks; 1
flour bin; pictures; dishes and knicknacics;
3 toilet sets; 1 horse; 1 cow; 2 buggies; 2
cutter's. There will alSo be offered for sale
at the same time and place the farm of 100
acres. The farm will be sold subject to a
reserve bid. Terms, Furniture ca,sh. Implements
--All sums of 55 and }ender, cash; over that
amount 4 months credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes. A discount
of 3 per cent off on credit amounts. JOHN
TAYLOR, Administrator for Jane Ketchen;
T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2685-3
freshen. Apply to ROBERT .CLARK, R.
R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 1 on. 245.
• 2686''tf '
-11-. frame building 12x16 inside measurement,
in good repair. Would make a good garage.
and Threher Co. stock. To close an estate.
No reasonable offer refused. Apply P. 0.
box 307, London, Ont., before Jnne 23rd.
• We have at prmerit 1 young sow carrying
second *litter; 5 young sows carrying -first
litter; 2 young hogs about 3 months old got
by Maplewood Charm our present herd sire.
J. & W. HAY, Seaforth. Phone 7 on 134.
-1•.` in the big draM who so desire, may pay
their assessment in, cash to Bank of Commerce
to the credit of the treasurer of Tnekersmith on
or before the 15th day of, June. D. F. Me-
GREGOR, Clerk. 2685-2
" frame house, known as -the Tagney pro-
perty on Coleman Street, Seaforth, consisting
of 9 rooms in excellent repair, good cellar,
hard and soft water, also good frame barn,
several I fruit trees and 1 acre of ground. For
further particulars apply to Mrs. JOHN SHAN-
NON, It. R. No. 1, London Junction, Ont.
"" roomed frame house, hard and soft water,,
good barn and two lots, situated on Victoria
Square. This is a most desirable property
and will be sold cheap and on reasonable
terms. For further particulars apply to
JAMES NELSON, Seaforth.. 2683-4
"' ship of McKillop may pay their Kinhurn
Drain eu3sessment at the Dominion Bank Sea -
forth until June 20th, 1919. Parties paying
please take their Kinburn Drain by-law with
them. By order of theelVIcKillop Council. Next
meeting of McKillop council at Seaforth, on
June 23rd,- p.m. M. MURDIE, Clerk. May
31st, 1919. 2686-2
A. sisting of a 20-22 horse power Stratford
traction engine and Stratford separator, come
pieta with feeder, cater, blower and grain
elevatoe, all in first class condition.' Used
only six seasons. For particulars apply to
ED. REICHERT, Zurich, Ont. Phone Zurich
Cetnrall, 10r94.
frame house situated on East William St.,
one block from high school. with hard and
soft water, furnance and telephone. There
are two lots of land containing a good garden
and small orchard. Also a small barn. For
further particulars, apply to JAS. WRIGHT,
Seaforth, or phone 115. 2680-tf
-k One of the most progressive Canadian
Life Insurance Cempanies with over
$100,000,000 insurance in force, wants re-
presentative -in Seaforth and vicinity. A
guaranteed continuing renewal interest agency
contracts Previous life insurance experience
not essential. Confidential. Box 157.
A•1 forbidden to plaee rubbish or other ob-
struction upon the sides of the road in the
township of Tuckersinith without the consent
of the council and all persons who do so
will be held strictly accountable for any
damage resulting therefrom. By order of
the eounoil. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk.
-`-` meeting to organize the temperance forces
of the township of Tutkersmith and to plan
for the coining campaign, will be held in the
Presbyterian church, Brucedeld, on Monday)
June 9th, at 8 pari. All interested in the
cause are urged to attend, ladies included, as
they are to have a vote in the coming con-
test R. R. 'WATSON, President. 2686-1
-L' will be received by the undersigned up
to Monday, June leth at one o'clock, for the
construction of a re-inforced concrete bridge
at Lot 32, Concessions 6 & 7, East Wawartosh.
Length of bridge 32 feet with 16 fact rood
way. Plans and specifications may be seen
at the clerk's offiae. A marked cheque for
ten per. cent of emount to accompany each
tender. The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. ALEX. PORTERaiELD, -
Township Clerk, Helgrave. 2686-2
14* olionmounii.
B. R. Hie GINS
BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 109
(formerly of .„Brucelield)
-Agent for--
. The Huron & Erie Mortgage
Corporation and the Canada
Trust Cohipanys.
Commissioner H,C. of J., Censer-
s:nem. Fire and Ternade Insurenee,
Notary Public.
Wednesday each week at Brumfield
Write for our Free Book of houi3e Plana'
and information telling how to • save frosn
two to four hundred dollars on you new
home. Address HALLIDAY COMPANY, Box
61, Jackson St, Hamilton, Ont. 2686-tf
for constructing the Pryce Drain in the Town-
ship of McKillop and the Dicksoe, Drain. in
the Townships of McKillop and Mullett will
he received by the undersigned until Satnr-
dav the 21st day of June, 1919, or at thc
meeting of council at the Commercial Hotel
Seaforth on June 23rd, p ne A cheque for
five per, cent of contract price to aceompany
each tender. The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted. Plans eto. can be seen
at the clerk's office, Lot 24, Concession 7,
4. MURDIE, Clerk ef McKillop,
Seaforth, P. O. 2686-3
Administrators's Sale ofFarm
Lot lb, B. R. N. Con., Township Stanley,
County Huron, is offered for sale. It con-
tains 163 acres -20 acres weil wooded bush,
20 acres permanent vestige, 123 acres good
arable land; soil --clay in a high state of
cultivation; present crop includes 28 aeries
spring crop and 20 acres • hay, balance in
pasture. Buildings include a frame house,
bank barn with stone stabling, a flat barn
and straw shed; fencing is good: there is
plenty of water from wells and flowing spring.
Location, 4 miles from Bayfield, 2 miles from
Varna on the beet road in the county. Pos-
session may be had at any time to su4t pur-
chaser, and atop may be purchased with farm
if desired. THOMAS BROWNETT, Varna,
Ont. Administrator estate of Robert .T. Rieh-
ardson, deceased. 2684-3
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Michael McCardle, deceased.
Notice is hereby given - pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav-
ing any claims against the estate of Michael
McCardle who died on the 10th of May, 1919,
are required on or before the 23rd of June,
1919, to send by post or deliver to the u",rider-
eigned solicitors herein 'for Mary McCardle
and John Malone, executors of the will of
the said deceased, full particulars of their
Clairna, and that after the said 23rd ,of June,
1919, the said executors will distribute the
assets of said deceased among the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claisne of whit& they shall th'en have had
notice, and that the said executors will not
be liable for the said assets or any Part
thereof, to any person of whose claim they
shall not then have received netice.
Dated at Seaforth 2nd of June, 1919.
forth; Solicitors for said Executors. 2686-3
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given thi&4111 persons hav-
ing claims agerinstethe tistiotitoVJarte-Taylor.
Ketchen late of the townshipt of Stanley, in
the County of Huron, widow.. deceased, who
died on or abottt the 9th • of April, 1919, are
required to deliver to John Taylor, Bruce-
fleld, Ont., the administrater of the said,
estate or to his solicitor 011 or before the 7th
day of June, 1919, a full statement of their
claims together with particulars thereof, and
the nature of the securities, a any, held by
thein all duly verified by affidavit And take
notice that after the said last mentioned date
the said adminstator will proceed to dist-
tribute /he estate only to claims of which he
shalt have received due notice in accordance*
therewith. •
Dated at Clinton, his 15th.day of May A. D.
1919. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont. solicitor
for the said. 2684-3
I have some choice firma for safe in the
Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all wall
built and improved, on es.sy terrat of payment.
and 18 on cencession 3, "McKillop, contain-
ing 200 acres. There ars on the premises a
good brick house 26x36, 'a good driving shed
36x60, good bank 'barn 58x96; good orchard,
3 good wells with 2 steel windmills ; well -under-
-drained and fenced and in .a good state of
cultivation.; 16 acres of hardwood bush;
miles from Seaforth; rural mail and tele-
phone. For further particalars apply to.
*JOHN NASH, 934 Vernon Ste Vancouver, B.C.
d- sisting of Lot 27, Concession 8, Tucker -
smith, Huron county; close to school and
church; 5 miles to Seaforth, Clinton and
Brucefield; on fine gravel road,s. Eighty acres
cleared; twenty acres .of bush and pasture;
three hundred hard maples; sugar, camp;
spring, no pumping for stock, 7 acres of
orchard, ten roomed brick house, fin -nonce,
telephone, large barn *stabling underneath,
shed, pig pen, drivehouse, beautiful yard,
evergreens, shade trees, • .3( TERRYBBRRY,
R. R. 3, Seaforth. 2686-4
Concession 1, Stanley, containing 100 acres.
On the premises are a 2 story frame house
with hard and soft water inside and bank
-barn 52x60 with good staling, -implement
house 40x26, hog pen and hen ouse 40x24.
The land is well fenced and 'drained and in
first class state of cultivation, two good wells
with wind mill at barn, water in stable,
ten acres good hardwood bush, 2 acres good
bearing orchard enclosed with evergreen hedge,
114 Miles from the vilage of Kippen. and 21/2
from Brucefield. Rural mail and telephone.
For further particulars apply to R. P. BELL.
Seaforth. 2581x4
Lot 88, Concesision 6, Manton, 100 awes
ef the best clay land in McKillets, 6 *eras of
bush, the rest in a high -state of cultivation;
5 miles from Seafartle 2 ;Idles frorn Con:.
stance, 11/e, miles from school. There are en
the premises, a good seven roomed house, large
bank barn 64x76. all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There, are forty acres
ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed-
ed down. There are two big 'Pringle ene
piped to barnyard and in the other a dans
with a hydraulic rail penining the water to
the house and te the barn. As the raring
is in the orchard and near the house and line
fend's., there is no waste land. There is a
graded and gravelled -lane Men the road to
the buildings. Apple to *RS* SAMMIE'
DORRANCE,FileaferUs. 2627-tf
House and half acre of land in the
village of Eginondvillee The property
Is situated on Centre Street, clorse to
the Presbyterian church.and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good wel/
and cement cistern. _All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, .raspberries, and
currant bashes. This Is a corn.er pro-
perty with no breaks oa front, and
the huid is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tt
IThe following popular stallions will
stand for the improvement of stock
as follows: ,
Popular Stallions
'Passed Enrolment No. 363 Form. 1
. (Imp.) [310] (83420)
• 315 to insure
Monday.-WilI leave his own stable, Bruce -
field and go west to Varna at Chris Ward's
for noon; then north into Goderich township
to the Hayfield Line and west to Arthur
Welsh's for night. Tuesday. -West to the
6th coneeesion, north to Porters's Hill at
George Vanderhurg's for noon; then north
by way of 9th c.oacession to. James Mc-
Millan's for night. -WednesdaY.-North to
Huron Road by way of Jewell's Corners
Colborne, for noon; then by way of Mai
and Benmiller to William Hill's saw 41i
concession to Harry Sweet's Holmeeville, for
night. Thursday. -North 2 miles, east 2 miles
to Albert Townsend's, 16th corms:skin. of
Goderich township for noon; then by way of
Huron Road to Graham House, Clinton for
night. Friday. -South by way of the London
Road to his own stable Brucefield until Sat-
urday morning. Saturday. -,South 2½ miles
by way of the London Road and east to,
Robert Eigies, for noon; then north We miles
to the Mill Road and .west to his own stable
where he will remain until the following
Monday morning. WM. BERRY, Prop. and
Manager. 2682x12
15279 (15038) VOL. XXXIII
Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1
, 115 to insure.
Monday May 5th. -Will leave his own stabie
at Staff% and go west to James Hill's, for
noon; then south to the Cromarty line, then
east to* Cromarty to his own stable for
night. Tuesday. -South to Alfred Hunkins',
Usborne, for noon; then west along the
Thames Road, for 3% miles and south on
the 4th concession to John Kleinfeldt, for
night Wednesday. -East to the Elimville Line
and south to limvil1e, and east to Winchelsea
to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to
William Brock's, for night. Thursday. -South
and east on tke Ilth concession of Blanchard,
to A. J. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm),
for noon; then north th the Kirkton Line
and-, west to Taylor's Hotel Kirkton, for night.
Friday. -North along the Mitchell Road, th
Mount Pleasant, and west to Jasper ?rid -
ham's for noon; then west and north to
John Hamilton's, 10th concession of Hibbert
for night. Saturday. -North NI miles to Mac
Grey's 7th concession for noon; then west to
the 7th concession to Centre Road, then south
to his own stable, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning.
JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Pro. and Manager.
(12035) [13458]
Approved Enrolment No. 699 Form 1
Terms to insure 515.
Monday, May 19th. -Will leave his own stable
Brucefieid and go west to the 2,nd concession
of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's,
for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn,
arts, for night. Tuesday. -By way of Ban-
nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel
for noon; then by way of the Hayfield Road
to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey's,
for night. Wednesday. -By McClymont's side
Road to the Parr Line, then south to Williarri
Poster's, for noon;' then to William 'Me-
Kenzies, 2nd concession of Stanley for the
night. Thursday. -North to the Hayfield road
to his own stable for noon; remaining until
the following Friday morning. Friday. -To
George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then
to McAdam's side road, and north to the
2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then
west to James Carnochan's for night. Sat-
urday. -West by Broadesot's bridge, then south
to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where
he will rernain until the following Monday
morning. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. And Man-
Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1
Terms th Insure $15
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season at his °yin stable, Brucefield,
where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on
Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each
Enrolment No. 1367 Form 1
(18978) [16986]
week. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
during the season 1919 at John J. McGavin's
stables, Leadbury, Lot 22, Concession 13, Mc-
Killop. Terms -$12 -to insure, payable
February let, 1920. J. J. McGAVIN,. Pro.
Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
No. (54151) 1653 Enrolnient No. 4075 Form 1
Terms to insure 51.8.
Emperor McKinney, son of the world's
greatest speed sire, McKinney 8818, 2.1114, is
a black horse 16 hands high and weighs
1,250 pounds with the best of feet and. legs.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season at Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker.
smith. Mares from a distance will be met
For further particulars apply to owner or
Phone 7 on 136. CHARLES. RILEY, Prop.
and Manager. 2683-12
eseeee-i •
Enrolled and Inspected
Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard and reg-
istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late John
L. Snyder, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio.
Sired by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year old record
2.0714; Dam, Trussoca, 2.07 by Molar. Dam
of Trujolla 2 year old record 2.2014, raced
in 2;07 at three years. Last season as a
two year old Truworthy trotted the farne
half mile track in 2.27; Truworthy was brok-
en to harness in May in his yearling form
and trotted. .a quarter in 38 seconds, one-
eigth in 18, with no intention of searching
him. He is gaited to go very fast and .he
has the inclination to stay on the trot and
do- the right thing at all times. Be is one
of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy
3 years, 2.0714, and considered' by many the
best individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3
years 2.151/2. Remember the Axworthy Moko
cross produced the world's champion the Real
Lady 3 years, 2.03. Don't miss seeing Tru -
worthy as I cannot say too much for hid:.
Terms -Will stand at his own stable at Hill's
Green at $15 to insure a living foal. GEORGE
E. TROYER, Prop.
Pure Bred Percheron
Enrolment No. 5186 Form 1
TIsrms to insure $1.5.
Monday. -Wil leave his own stable, lot 8,
concession 3, McKillop an4 go west tO• E.
johneton's for noon, then to Clinton at
Commercial Hotel for night. -Tnesday.-North
to James Snell's for noon; then east to Oliver
Anderson's for night. Wednesday. -East to
John Grieve's for noon; thea east to William
Manley'e, McKillop, for night Thiatuday.-
To • for noon, then to Dublin at
Webber's Hotel foe. night. Friday. -To Sea -
forth where he will at the Dick House
until Saturday morning. Saturday. -West to
George Dale's for noon. then to his own
stable where' he will remain until the follow-
ing Monday morning.
(Imp.) [21567] (16303)
The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion
Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Form 1
$13 to insure,.
MoncLey.-Will leave his own- stable,. Beech-
wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan for
noon; then to his own stable for Might
Tuesday. -To John Murray's, concession 11,
McKillop, -.for noon; then west to Allan
Ross' concession 10, McKillop, for one hour,
et3seti to his own stable for night. Wednes-
day. -To Frank Mahar's concession 3, Logan,
Lor noon; then to Veher'e Hotel, Dublin,
libr night. Thureday.-To Joseph Nagle's,
for noon; thentto Joseph .Atkineon'e. for
night. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, 11/2 miles
east of Seaforth, for noon; then -to William
Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession. 6, McKillop,
for night Saturday.-Wili proceed to his
own stable where he will remailt until the
following Monday morning Jamaa Irvans,
Proprietor and Meleager.
Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, manager
• •
That very desirable property tett off Main
street, Egmondville. consisting of one-half acre
of land. on which is situated a 14i story brick
house with seven rooms and good cellar. There
are also on 'the premises a stable. good well
and cistern, also apple, plum and pear trees
Flax Landt Rent
property and the taxes are low. For.further
and other email fruits. This is a splendid 0
particulars. apply to Mrs. M. A. Chariseworth.
Egmondville P. 0. '2650:241
Tile and Block
We have • just reeeived a fresh car
load of St. Marys Portland Cement.
If you want good fresh cement call'
on uss tWe handle only the 'highest
grade Portland Cement.
We are agents for all C. C. M.
Bicycles.' CleVelands Evid Brantfords
are our specials. Supplies always
kept on hand.
Phone 7
The Canadian Flax Mills
Limited, Seaforth, Ont.,
will rent a large acreage
of sod land, spring or
fall ploughed. Will furn-
ish seed free and do the
seeding. Farmer will
plow, disc, harrow- and
Phone M. McCormick,
Seaforth 2121 after 6 p.m.
The Canadian
Flax Mills
M. McCormick, Mill Mgr..
Have You Ordered
Your Snit
If not, this will interest you.
We have one t)f the finest assortments of Serges,
Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to
see -dozens of patterns in greys, browns and
mixtures; also fine blues with guaranteed dyes.
You have a choice of a variety of materials at
different prices, and you get the same Attention
and care at any price.
And While here, look over our fine new stock of
Shirts, Sox, Ties, Underwear, etc. . We're sure
we can please you.
W. D. Bright & Sort
The High -Class Tailors; Seaforth
Annual Excursion
Goderich to Detroit and Return.
Steamer Greyhound.
Tuesday, June 17th
9.00 a.m. old time; 1.0.00 am. new time
Arrives Detroit 5.00 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit
Thursday, June 19th
(Detroit time is the same as Goderich old time.)
$2.25 Round Trip; $1.75 Single; Children between 6 and 12, half fare.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful
and most prosperous city. A million population, a city of beautiful
parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water- front. Canadians
coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a
tax or make a deposit. U. S. Immigration officers will he on the
stea,mer to pass excursionists.
Good music and dancing enroute...Fine Cafe and lunch room
aboard steamer.
Band Moonlight
out of 'Goderich, Monday evening, June 16th, 7.30 old time, S.
Goderitch_ time. -25 cents.
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron.
Orchestra music and dancing in steamer's ball room.. -
Banking Service
VOUR banking requirements may
-11- be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
.: efficient service will be rendered.
' Our, facilities are entirely at your
Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, manager
• •
That very desirable property tett off Main
street, Egmondville. consisting of one-half acre
of land. on which is situated a 14i story brick
house with seven rooms and good cellar. There
are also on 'the premises a stable. good well
and cistern, also apple, plum and pear trees
Flax Landt Rent
property and the taxes are low. For.further
and other email fruits. This is a splendid 0
particulars. apply to Mrs. M. A. Chariseworth.
Egmondville P. 0. '2650:241
Tile and Block
We have • just reeeived a fresh car
load of St. Marys Portland Cement.
If you want good fresh cement call'
on uss tWe handle only the 'highest
grade Portland Cement.
We are agents for all C. C. M.
Bicycles.' CleVelands Evid Brantfords
are our specials. Supplies always
kept on hand.
Phone 7
The Canadian Flax Mills
Limited, Seaforth, Ont.,
will rent a large acreage
of sod land, spring or
fall ploughed. Will furn-
ish seed free and do the
seeding. Farmer will
plow, disc, harrow- and
Phone M. McCormick,
Seaforth 2121 after 6 p.m.
The Canadian
Flax Mills
M. McCormick, Mill Mgr..
Have You Ordered
Your Snit
If not, this will interest you.
We have one t)f the finest assortments of Serges,
Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to
see -dozens of patterns in greys, browns and
mixtures; also fine blues with guaranteed dyes.
You have a choice of a variety of materials at
different prices, and you get the same Attention
and care at any price.
And While here, look over our fine new stock of
Shirts, Sox, Ties, Underwear, etc. . We're sure
we can please you.
W. D. Bright & Sort
The High -Class Tailors; Seaforth
Annual Excursion
Goderich to Detroit and Return.
Steamer Greyhound.
Tuesday, June 17th
9.00 a.m. old time; 1.0.00 am. new time
Arrives Detroit 5.00 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit
Thursday, June 19th
(Detroit time is the same as Goderich old time.)
$2.25 Round Trip; $1.75 Single; Children between 6 and 12, half fare.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful
and most prosperous city. A million population, a city of beautiful
parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water- front. Canadians
coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a
tax or make a deposit. U. S. Immigration officers will he on the
stea,mer to pass excursionists.
Good music and dancing enroute...Fine Cafe and lunch room
aboard steamer.
Band Moonlight
out of 'Goderich, Monday evening, June 16th, 7.30 old time, S.
Goderitch_ time. -25 cents.
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron.
Orchestra music and dancing in steamer's ball room.. -