HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-05-23, Page 53, 1919
;ow Spring Pumps.
:dates ahoice Foot -
of the Best Pumps
hers -fine Kid and
eels and the latest
ackles, Spool heels
. . .... sa.75
t. Spool heels and
. long vamps, plain:
Patent leather with
........ - . $6.00
Style, with tailored
. .... $2.75
raps and with long
...$4.00 and $5.00
a good assortment
kree straps at $2.75
Jrrae, July, August.
your springs.
Spring covers
water and the
a leaves at all
$ 8.0G ,
$ 5.0a
$ 3.00
>oncling prices.
r,s. and are con -
lined to hold
pring, assuring
0,7a,. Ont.
MAY 23, 1919
SEAFORTH mARKETs., . -amummunnilumumnimmunninuk.
:18 S. T. Hol es I
......_,..._ _.,
. .
= .
- Funeral Director and
.. Licensed Hrobalmer
Seeforth, May 23,1919 =
Bran, per tott
Shorts, per ton $46.00
Potatoes, per bag
Flour, per evit .... 5.00 to 5.90
Wheat, per bushel $2.12
Spring wheat, per bushel $2.06
Oats, per bushel 72e
Barley, per bushel
Butter„ per lb. . ..... ......40 to 45e
Eggs, Per dozen ..... .40 to 48c
Bogs, per eWt. .. . ...$20.50
Toronto, May 20, -Butter, choice dairy 50
. to 550; dmenntmerY 60 to 65 ,
to ,40; eines, new Inni doze 5a to 0501
cheese, M. 4.
Toronto, May 20, --Manitoba wheat -No. 1,
N'orthern, $2.24t4; No. 2 Northern, 52.21n4;
No. 3 northern, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.11%,
in ,store Fort William. Manitoba oate-No. 2
1:1. /W. 75Ye ; Nee8 C. W. 7214 ; extra No. 1 feed..
72e; No. 1 feed 691/4c; No. 2. need 66ne ; in
entre Fort Watteau, American corn -nominal.
'Onntario onine-No. 8, white 74 to 76c, accord-
ing to freights outside. Ontario wheat -No.
1 'winter, per car lot 32.14 to 52.20; No. 2,
do. $2.11 52.19; No. 3, do. 52.07 to $2.15 ;
Loin shipping Pointe according to freighte.
Ontario Wheat -No. 1 Spring $2.09 to 32.17;
No. 2 do. 52.06 to 32.14; No. 3 do., 52.02 to
$2.10 f.o.b. shipping points according to
freights. Peas -No. 2 52.05, nominal, accord-
ing to freights outeide. Barley ---Malting 51.14
to 51.19 nominal. Inuckwheat-No. 2, nominal
Rye -No. 2, nominal. Manitoba flour--Govern-
relent st.andard $11 Toronto. Ontario flour -
Government standard 511 in jute bags To-
ronto and Montreal, prompt shipment. Mill -
feed -car lots, delivered Montreal freights
bags included. Bran. 342 pr ton; shorts 544
tier ton; good feed floue 32.70 to 52.75 per
bag. Hay -No. 1 332 to 335 per ton; mixed
520 to 324 per ton track Toronto. Straw -
car lots 310 to 511 per ton.
Union Stock Yards,. Toronto, May 20. -
Forty -three hundred head of cattle were pen-
ned this morning and while the offering was
representative of all grades, the trade was
not only slow, but 25 to 40c lower for
butener steers andheifers Heavy steers were
more affected by the reession than the light-
er cattle, some choice loads of the latter
cashing in from 513.50 to 514.25. For some
reason or another the trade for even the
best cattle lacked snap, and the commrn
killers were always difficult to market. At
the close numerous loads of cattle were un-
sold. COWS and bulls were about uormal
trade, with, prices little changed from last
week' close.
There was a slightly improved trade for
stockers and feeders at values round 25 cents
lower than last week. The twenty head of
milkers and springer.- forward sold from
585 to 3150 each.
Sheep and lambs were an improved offering
from point of numbem. Anything good eold
readily at steridy values, but common • qualitY
required some peddiing and were inclined to
be easier. Calves were a steady: trade for
choice veals, but slower and weaker for
rough stuff.
Packer -buyers had guaranteed 321 for thie
morning's f.o.b. hogs, but the market firmed
even more, the bulk of the f.o.b. hogs cash-
ing in at 521.25 and fed and watered hog
ast 522.25.
The morning's offering comprised 252 car-
loads, with 4,378 cattle, 1.249 calves ; 2,207 hogs
and 193 sheep and lambe.
Corbett, Hall and Coughlin quoted: choie.e
heavy steers, 514.75 to $15.25; good heves'
steers 314.5 to 514.75; 'choice butchera $014
to $14.50 t good butchers 513.60 to 13.85;
medium butchers, 313.25 to .50;518cOmniOn
butchers. 312.25 to 3-12.75; chnice cows $12.25
to 313; good cows 511.60 to 312; medium
cows 511 to 511.25; common cows 39.50 to
310; canners 34.50; choice heavy 'bulls 512.50
choicebutcher bulls $12.50 to $13 ; ; choice
Iambs 514 to 515; choice sheep 512.50 to
515; choice veal calves 515 to 516; -medium
calves $14 to 514.75-; hogs, fed and weltered
$22 to 322.25. . . ,
United Farmers' Co-operative Co. sold
Butchers -2, 630 lbs. 510.50; 1, 620 lbe„
513.10; 1, 880 lbs. $13.101; 2, 600 tba. 513.10;
6, 740 lbs. -$13.10; 3. 840 Ms, $i.3; 661)
The, $13; 1 910 tbs. $13; 1, 700 tbs. 313; 0',
775 lbs. 513; 1, 970 The. 313.50; 1, 830 Ms.
513.50; 4, 830 tbs. 313.50; 1, 1,010 Ms. 511.50:
2, 760 .lbs. $13.50; 2, 810 lbs. $13.60; 1, 600
tbs. $1j.5;.2, 655 tbs. 512; 1, 760 lbs. 512;
cows -1, 1,250 tbs. 512.25; 1, 1, 400 Ms. 514;
1, 1,210 tbs. 513.25.
Dunn and Levaek sold: Butchers -4, 980
lbs. 314; 1, 1,170 Ms. 514; 18, 900 lbs. $1350;
2, 720 Ms. $12.50; 20, 910 lbs. $13.75; 17,
870 lbs. $13.; 20, 840 The. 513.50; 14, 900
lbs. $12.55; 1, 660 tbs. 512; cows --2, 1,270
lbs. $13.25; 3, 1,010 lbs. 513; 1, 1,280 tbs.
513; 3, 1,020 tbs. 512.65; 6, 1,060 Ms. $12.50;
2, 1,030, The; 311.50; 2, 1,100 tbs. 510.50; 1,
1,360 tbs. $11.50; 1. 1,040 Ms. 510.25; 1, 1,120
lbs. $11.75; 1 580 tbs. 54.50; 1 930 Its.
_37.25; 3 1,100 lbs. 511.50; 3 1,200 tbs. $13.35;
1 1,090 lbs. $6.50. bulls -1 1,160 tbs. 513.:
• 1,630 tbs. $9.50; I 1,370,11s. 513; 1 1,530
lbs. 59.50 1, 1.370 tbs. 313; 1, 1,660 tbs.
312.25; 1 750 lbs. 511; 3 630 lbs. 512.75; 2
1,070 Ms. $1I.50;1 750 Ms. $10.50; 1 1,280
lbs. 512.25; 1 1„430 lbs. 511; 1 1,190 tbs.
511.50; 6 springers 5112 each.
The quotations were: good heavy steers 14.50
to 14.50; choice butchers steers, 13.50 to
514.00; butcher cattle choice $13.25 to 518.75;
do. good $12.75 to $13; do. medium 511.75
to 312.25; do. common 510.00 to 310.50;
bulls choice 311.75 to 512.50; do. medium
110.50 to 311; do. rough 38 to $8.50; butchers
cows, choice $12 to $13; do. good 510.50 to
511.50; do. medium $9.25 to 510; do. common.
.$8.00 to $8.60; stoke.rs 38.75 to 512,00;
feeders 312.50 to 314.00; canners and cutters
44.50 to 56.50; milkers good to choice 590
$150; do. common and medium $65 to $75;
'springers 390 to 5160; light ewes 513 to 315;
yearlings $12 to 514; spring lambs 312 to
515; calves good to choice $14 to 315.00;
bogs fed and watered 322; do. weighed off
ears $22.25 to 522.50; do. f.o.b. $21 to
Buffalo, May 20. Cattle--Oteceipts, 4,000;
heavy slow, others 15 to 25c • higher; prime
steers 516.50 to. 517.25; shipping steers, 315
to 516; butchers 510 to 315.50; yearlings
510 to 315,50; heifers 58 to 514.50; cows, s5
to 512.50; bulls $7.50 to 513; stockers and
feeders 38 to 512.50; fresh cows and springers
$65 to $165. Calves -Receipts 3,200; 25 cents
higher $6 to $17.50. Efines-Receipts 12,000;
pigs 50c higher; others steady;\ heavy and
mixed $21.70; yorkers 54.60 to 321.65; light
yorkers and pigs 5211 roughs 519 to 319.50;
stags 312 to 515; sheep and lambs -Receipts
10,000; slow and -eager; Iambs 38 to $18.50;
yearlings $10 to 513.; wethers 311,50 to 312;
ewes, 35 lits 311; mixed sheep 311 to $11.50.
Note.-Iteens under this head will be chang-
ed 50c per single verse and 25c for each
additional verse.
In loving memory of Mrs. Thomas Boyce.
TWO years has gone and still we missher,
Never shall her memory fade 1
Loving !thought will always linger •
O'er the 'grave where mother is laid.
Husband and Sons.
Nigh -In Tuckersrnith, on May 8th, to Mr.
and efrs, Luke Nigh, a son.
Forster. -In Stratford, on May 20th, to Dr.
and Mrs. Fortiter, a son.
13e11 ---In Tuckersmith, on May 8th, 1919, to
Mrs. James Bell, a daughter. (Loretta
Emily Jamesinan
liolmes-In Grey township, on April 26th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph }Mimes, a daughter.
Inendereon-In Morris township, on May let,
1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward itenderson,
a son.
MeLennan-McGregor-On April 5th, at St.
Paul's Sandnate, by special licerne, by Rev.
Long, Alexander McLennan, son of Mr.
3, McLennan, Seaforth, Ont„ to Dolly,'
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MurraY
McGregor, Undercliffe Cottages, Sandgate.
Nigh -In Tuckersmith, on May 8th, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Nigh.
White -In Morris township, on May 12th,
- 1919, Margaret Bruce widow of the late
John White; in her 81st year.
Baker -At Dashwood,, on May 4th, Kathleen
Margurite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rieh-
ard Baker,. aged 18 days.
Miner -In Clinton, on May 7th, Harry. infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Miner.
MeIver.-In Hibbert, on May 20t5. Mr. nohn
McIver. aged 83 years. .
Makins-In Bruoefield, on May 201h, William
Makins, aged 56 years. •
E Undertakinq -parlors-in Oddrei r -m-
E lows building opposite -
E. oteveart Bros. Rest-:
= dence Godertch et., cpp
E Dr, Scott's
E ,
= * ;Mowers furnished on ,-
! short notice. „...
la a
o=_ Ph ne Night or Day 119, =
-WT. BOX lit 00
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
Holder of Government Diploma
and Liseense
Charges Moderate
Flowers furnished on abort notice
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 48
Administrators's Sale of Farm
Lot la B. R. N. Con., Township Stanley,
Count- Huron, is offered fer sale. It con-
tains 163 acres -20 acres well wooded bush.
20 acres permanent pasture, 123 acres good
arable land; soil -clay' in a high state of
cultivation; present crop include:3 28 acres
spring crop and 20 acres hay, balance in
pasture. Buildings include a frame house,
bank barn with stone stabling, a flat barn
and strasi shed; fending is good; there 18
Plenty of water from wells and flowing spring.
Location, 4 miles freom Bayfield, 2 miles feom
Varna on the, best road in the county. Pos-
session may be had at any time to suit pur-
chaser, and crop may be purchased with farm
if desired. THOMAS "BROWNETT, Varna,'
Ont. Administrator estate of Robert J. Rich-
ardson, deceased. 26844
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the
Statutes in, that behalf that all persons hav-
ing claims against the estate of _Elizabeth
Jane Smith, late of the town of Seaforth, in
the county of Huron, spinster, deceased, who
died at the city of London, in t'he county eif
Middlesex, on or about th 30th day of -March,
1919, are required • on -or before the 26th day
of May 1919, to send postpaid. or deliver to
the undersigned, full particulars of their
claims, duly Verified by affidavit and the
nature of the security, if any, held by them.
And further take notice that after the said
last mentioned date the assets of the said
deceased will be distributed among the parties
eat -Med thereto, having regard- only to the
claims of which notice shall then have been
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 20th day
of April, 1919. R. S. HAYS, SoliOttor for.
The Tordnto General Trusts Corporation, Ex-
eeutor of said estate. - '2681ed
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that all persons hav-
ing claims against the eetate,on Jane Taylor
Ketchen late of the township of Stanley, in
the County of Huron, widow deceased, who
,died on or about the 9th of Amin 1919, are
required th deliver tb John Taybar, Bruce -
,field, .Ont., the administrator of the said
estate or to his solicitor on or before the 7th
day of .lone, 1,919, a full statement of their
claims together withinirtimilarif thereat and
the nature of the securities. if any, held by,
them all don, verified by affidavit. And take
notice that after the said last mentioned date
the said adminstator will proceed Od dist-
tribute the estate only to claims of which he
shall have received due notice in accordance
Dated at Clinton, his 15th •day of, May A. D.
1919, W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ord. solicitor
for the said. 2,684-3
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf that all persons hav-
ing claims against the estate of Henrietta
Mundie late of the City of Buffalo, in the
State of New York, IL S. A., married woman,
deceased, who 'died at the said city of Buffalo,
on or about the 12th day of July 1917, are
required on or before the 18th day of June
1919 to send, post prepaid or deliver to the
undersigned full -particula-rs of their claims,
duly vehified by affidavit and elle nature of
the security, if any, held by them. And
further -take notice that after the said last
mentioned date the assets of the said de-.
ceased will be distributed among the parties
entitled thereto having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have been
given. Dated nt Seaforth, this 20th day of
Mat, 1919. R. S. HAYS, Solipitor for the
Administratrin of said estate. 2684-3
Genuine early Snowball 50 for 45
cents postpaid. Shipped successfully
everywhere. Ask for price list- of
cabbage, celery, and other .iegetable
plants. HEROLD's FARBM Fruit-
land, Ontario, Niagara District.
1918 Ford Touring, only
used for a few weeks.
1918. Ford Touring Dem-
1917 Ford Touring, looks
like new, with license.
1917 Ford Touring, with
shock absorbers, robe
rail, just painted, with
E. M. F. Touring car in
good condition.
Call and we will be pleas-
ed to demonstrate any g of
the above cars for you.
We sell gasoline at 35e a
gal., best gas eng. oil 85c
per gallon, Dunlop 30x31i
plain tires at $14.50 each.
Free air and battery test-
ing at your service.
Give us a call.
Agents for Fords, Gray Dorts
and Studebaker Cars. Henson,
W. S. Gormley
Undertaking Parlors Above
• •
Williams' Grocery Store.
;'• Main Stritt, Seaforkh
Flolwers furnished on short notice
Charge o moderate
Phone --Night or Day -192
Town of Seaforth
for the town of Seaforth for 1919.
Not i; is. hereby given that the
Court f Revision for the hearing, of
eomPi!i'Tits against the assessment roll.,
will h ld its first sitting on FridaY
the 8Oti day of May, 1919, at 8 o'clock
p.m. the council chamber .in • the
town h 1, Seaforth.
May, 1 19.
Datet at Seaforth this 14th day of
Clerk, Town of Seaforth,
phone 12
bout five 'weeks old. Apply to
DALE, R. R. No. 4, Clinton or
n 636, 2684-2
receive sufficiently signed petitions for
oiling of &treets this, season will not order
a car of oil for the streets. JOHN A. WILSON,
Clerk. 2684-1
" Oil, grease, specialities, paint. Part or
whole time., Commission basis. Man with car
or rig prefe ed. RIVERSIDE REPINING CO.,
Cleveland, Ohio. 2684x1
nd a good well. Apply. to W;
West Wiliam Street Lot contains several
fruit trees r\
BRISTOW. 2682x4
Eillop /ono wish th pay their assessments
on the Kinbnrri Drain in-MeKillop, may do so
before the 30th inst., at the Dominion Bank,
Seaforth. M. MURDIE, Clerk, May 5th,
1919. 2682-3
" cession a Mcleillop, about May 17th, 6
yearling cats es -5 red Durharris and 1 lion
etein, Any nformation leading to their re-
coverey will be thankfully received. MRS.
It. DALTON. Phone 6 on 288, 2684-1
rdomed frame house, "hard and soft water,
good bern ,atid two lots, situated on Victoria
Square i inn& is a most desirable property
and will be sold 'cheap and on reasonable
-terms. For 1 further particulars apply th
<JAMES NELSON, Seaforth, 26884
" announce to the public that we have a
quantity of eernent tile for sale -4 and 6
inch. Haviree had 25 years experience in
cement work, n can guarantee tile satisfactory -
not to crumble also cementblock suitable for
'verandas. Pleased to -have any one call and
examine them R. FROST. 2688x8
en' wanted f
municipal dra
smith, known
Drain and th
of June. Pla
r the construction of three
ns in the townehip of Tucker-,
as the Waixon Drain, ,Geiger
Clark Wahl, by the 7th " day
and specifications of above
drams may seen at 'the clerk's office.
D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk, Seaforth. 2684-2
frame house situated on East Willliant St.,
one block from high school, with hard and
soft water, fornance and telephone. There
are two lets of land containing a good garden
and small orcnard. Also a small barn. For
further particolars, apply to JAS. WRIGHT,
Seaforth, or phone 115. 2680-tf
4.7A The council of the corporation of the
County of 'Huron will meet in the council
chamber, Goderich, on Tuesday, June the
3rd, at 3 o'cloek in the afternoon. All ac-
counts must be in the hands of the clerk on
or before the Monday preceeding the meeting
of council. GEO, W. HOLMAN, County Clerk.
Goderich, May 17th, 1919. 2684-2
" turned soldiers who are takiog up farming.
Maesey-Harris Company is in a position to
sell to returned men an farm implement,
manufattured by them, at a price 3 per cent.
less than the price at which they are sold to
the agent. MASSneYeTIARRIS CO, LTD.,
Toronto., per RI, C.< Henderson, 2677-8
acres of teed with frame house and kit-
chen, •good dement cellar, also woodshed, stable
and small barn: Good well. Close to eichool,
church and stores. Small orchard. Possession
can be had in March. For particulate apply to.
HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondirille, or phone 10
on 114, Seafontin 2668-tf
oline engine 5 h. p., a Canadian Airmotor
pumping windrriill on 30 foot derrick and
regulator attached, also pump fon same and
big cement troutch, also a good steer calf, ten
.months old, sired by an Aberdeen Angus bull.
All in good order and priced to sell. JOHN
ELDER, Hensall. 2681-4
cottage on w t side of sooth Main Street,
The house con ins six rooms and pantry,
and is all in excellent remair. There is a
full sized lot, soft water, cistern and hard
water, very convient No reasonable offer
teill be relfused. For further partficuletre
and terms, apply to Mrs. JANE DYSON, Eg-
mondville, or JOHNRANKIN, broker,.
house on South Main Street All in first
class repair. Hard and soft water, furnance
in basement, cement flooring in cellar, gdod
stable and hen house. Full sized loft No
reasonable offer will be refused as the owners
have decided to sell. Apply to the Misses Mc-
Lelland' on the premises or to JOHN
RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth. 2681-4
1 -1 ing of the Ceotre Huron Liberal Associa-
tion will be held at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth,
on Tuesday 27th ef May, 1919, at 3 o'clock
P.m. At this meeting, besides the usual
business of the aneual meeting, delegates will
be selected for the Ontario Provincial Liberal
Convention th be held at Toronto on June
25th and 26th, 1919. A good attendance of
the Liberals of the riding is desired. M.
MURDIE, President; JAS. t. KILLORAN,
Secretary. - 2683-2
-"the Municipality of McKillop is now in the
clerk's office, Lot 24, Coneession 7, and may
be seen by any of the ratepayers of the
municipality during office hours. McKillop
council will meet ae a court of revision on
the assessment roll at the Commercial Hotel,
Seaforth, on Friday, the 80th day of May,
1919, at 10 o'clock a.rn. Appeals against
.assessment must be in the hands of the clerk
on or before May 20th, 1919. M. MCIRDIE,
'Clerk, Seaforth, P. 0. Dated April 26th, 1919.
prove the appearance of the Maitlandbank
Cemetery, the management solicits the co-
operation of all plot owners. It is desirable
that all lots be kept mowed and in neat
condition and on payment of the usual fee
of one dollar, the management will bave any
lot cared for during the sinnmer months.
AS the caretaker, Mr. Hart has already
started work in the cemetery, all those interest-
ed are requested 'to hand in their nam % to
the secretary as soon as possible WALTER
G. WILLIS, Secretary Treasurer, 2684-2
The following imported Clydesdale
and Percheron stallions which are )111
'enrolled, inspected and approved will
stand for service this season at
T.J. Berry's Stables
Clydesdale [9596] (14633)
Enrolment No, 1681 Form A 1
To insure 515. •
Clydesdale [9254] (12625)
Enrolment No. 1366
To insure 315.
Form Al
[9255] (12103)
Enrolment No. 1870 Form 1
Will stand for the season at Dashwood.
To insure 515.
• i
Percheron [/1139](84214)
Enrolment No. 1369 Form Al
, To insure 513.
Will travel the following route:
Monday. -Will his own stable and
Proceed west by second ,concession th Rodger
Northcott's for noon, _then east 11/4 miles and
`north to his own stable where he will re-
main until Tuesday morning Tuesday. -East
by way of boundary to John Bolton's for
noon, then east 11/4 miles and north to
Russel Scott's, Cromarty, for night. Wednes-
day. -North by way of Staffa and west th
David Hill & Son's for noon; then west to
Isaac Moore's, for night. Thursday. -West to
eecond concession of Tuckersmith, then smith
th James McGregor's ; then west th William
Horney's for noon; then to Hills Green and
north 1 mile to Wilson Carlisle's, for night.
Friday. --South th Hills Green and west to the
Goshen Line, then north 11/4 miles and west
to Bronson Line, then south th Elmer Thiel's,
Blake for noon; then south 11/4 miles on
Bronson Line and west th the 14th concession
of Hay, and south to Henry Kruger's, for
night. Saturday. -East th the Bronson Line
and south to Zurich road, then east to
Commercial Hotel, Zurich for noon ; then, to
his own stable where he will remain until
the following Monday morning.
, •
Popular' Stallions
• The follo-wing popular stallions will
stand for the improvement of stock
as follows: A
• . ; $•-•,.....i4;ali•:_is'5;
Passed *Enrolment No; 363 Form 1
(Imp.) [3140n (88420)
315 th inesure
Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Bruce-
fleld and go west th Varna at Chris Ward's
for noon; then north into Goderich township
to the Bayfield Line and west to Arthur
Welsh's for night. Tuesday. -West th the
6th concession, north to Porters's Hill at
George, Vanderburg's for noon; then north
by way of 6th concession th James Mc-
Millan's for night. -Wednesday.-North to
Huron Road by way of Jewell's Corners
and Benmiller to William Hill's saw mill;
Colborne, for noon; then by way of Maitland
concession th Harry Sweet's Holmesville, for
night. Thursday. -North 2 miles, east 2 miles
th Albert Tosvnsendn, 16th coocession of
Goderich township for noon; then by way of
Huron Road th Graham House, Clinton for
' night. Friday. -South by way of the London
Road to his own stable Brucefield until Sat-
urday morning. Saturday:a-South 21n miles
,by way of the London Road and east th
'Robert ,Elgie's, for 'noon ; -then north 21/2 miles
to the Mill Road and west to his own stable
where he -will rennin until the following
<Monday morning. WM. BERRY, Prop.. and
Manager. 2682x12
15279 (15938) VOL. XXXII'
Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form
515 to insure.
Monday May 5th. -Will leave Ins own stable
at Staffer, and go west to James Hill's, for
noon; then south to the Cromarty line, then
east to Cromarty 10 his own stable for
night. Tuesday. -South to Alfred Hunkirein
Usboree, for noon; thee west along the
Thames Road, for 8% miles and south on
the 4th concession to John Kleinfeldt, for
night. Wednesday. -East to the Elimville Line
and south to Eliraville, and east to Winchelsea
to John Delbridgeti for noon; then south to
William. Brock's, for night. Thuraday.-South
and east on the llth, concession of Blanchard,
to A. J. Muxworthyti (Wallace's old farm);
for noon; then north to the -Kirkton Line
and west to Taylor's Hotel Kirkton, for night.
Friday. -North .along the Mitchell Road, to
ount Pleasant, and west to Jasper P15 -
ham's for noon; „then weit and north th
John Hamilton's 10th concession of Hibbert
for night. Saturday. -North 2% miles to Mac
Grey's 7th 'concession for noon; then west to
the 7th concession to Centre Road, then esouth
to his own stable, where he will remain until
the following Monday morning.
JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Pro.. and Manager.
(12035) (18458)
Approved Enrolment No. 699 Form 1
Terms th insure 315.
Monday, May 19th,-Wil1 leave his own stable
Bruceneld and go weet to the 2nd concession
of Stanley, then ,north th John Ilutchardn,
for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn,
Jr's, for night. Tunelay.-By way of Ban-
nockburn. to Varna at the Temperance Hotel
for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Road
to the Goshen Line to Arthur lideClinchey's,
for night Wednesday. -By McClymont's aide
Road to the Parr Line, then south to William
Foster's, for noon; then to William MCI-
Kenzies, 2nd concession of Stanley for the
night. 'Thuraday.-North to the Bayfield road
to his ownstable for noon; remaining until
the following Friday moping. Friday. -To
George McCartney's, Milt Road, for noon; then
to McAdam's side road, and north to the
2nd concession IL R. S., Tuckersmith, then
west to James Carnochan's for night. Sat-
urday. -West by Broadfootn bridge, then south
to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where
he will remain until the following Monday
morning. R. D. MTJRDOCHi Prop. and Man --
Enrolment No, 5051 Approved Forra 1
Thule to Insure 315
' Will stand for the improvement ef stock
this sisaeon at his own stable, Brumfield,
where Mn, Murdock will meet horse owners on
Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each
week. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager.
(18978) [169861
Enrolment No. 1867 Form 1
Will stiod for the improvement of stook
during the season 1919 at John J. McGavin's
stables, Leadbury, Lot22, Concession 13, Mc-
Killop. Terms -34 th insure, payable
February 1st, 1920. J. 3, McGAVIN, Pre.
Standard Bred Trotting -Stallion
(54151) 1653 Enrolment No. 4075 Form
Terms to insure 313.
Emperor McKinney, son of the world's
greatest speed sire, McKinney 8818, 2.111/4, is
a black horse,16hands „high and weighs
1,250 pounds with the best a feet and legs.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season at Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker-
srnith. Mares from a distance will be met.
For further particulars apply to owner or
Phone 7 on ,186. CHARLES RILEY, Prop.
and Menager. 2683-12
'Enrolled and Inspected
Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard and reg-
istered, Vol. XXII. . Bred by the late John
L. Snyder, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio.
Sired by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year old record
2:071/4 ; Dam, Trussoea, 2.07 by Moko. Dam
of Trujolla 2 year old, record 2:201/4, rained
in '2.07 at three years. Last season as a
two year old Truworthy trotted the farm
half mile track 10-2.27. Truworthy was brok-
en to harness in May in his yearling form
and trotted a' quarter in 38 aeconds, one-
eigth in 18, with no intention of searching
He is gaited to go very fast and he
has the inclination to stay ou the trot and
do the right thing at all times. He is one
of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy
3 years, 2.0714, and oonsidered by many the
best individual son of ins' sire, Axworthy
years 2.161/2, Remember the Axworthy Moko
cross produced the world's champion the Real
Lady 8 ,years, 2O3, Den't miss seeing Tru -
worthy as I cannot .say too much- for him.
Terme-Will stand at his own stable at 'Hill's
Green at 315 to insure a living foal. GEORGE
E. TROYER, Prop.
Pare Bred Percheron
Enrolment No. 5185 Form
Terms to Insure 516.
Monday. -Will leave his own stable, lot 3,
concession 3, McKillop and go west th E.
Johnston's for noon, then to Clinton at
Cominercial Hotel forsnight Tuesday. -North
to James Snell's for noon; then east to Oliver
Anderson's for night. Wednesday. -East to
John Grieve's for noon; then east to William
Manley's, McKillop, for night. Thursday.-
To for noon, then to Dublin at
Webber's Hotel for night Friday. -To Sea -
forth where he will remain at ma Dick House
nail Saturday morning. ' Saturday. -West to
George Dale's for noon; then th his own
stable where he will remain until the follow-
ing Monday morning.
The Pure Bred mported Clydesdale Stallion
Passed Enrolment No. 1784 . Farm 1
313 th insure.
Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Beech-
wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan for
noon; then to his own stable for night.
Tuesday. -To John Murray's, concession 11,
McKillop, for noon; 'then west th Allan
Ross' concession 10, McKillop, for one hour,
then to his own stable for night. Wednes-
day, -To Frank Mahar's, concession 3, Logan,
for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin,
for night. Thursday. -To Joseph Nagle's,
for noon; then to Joseph Atkinectins, for
night. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, 11,4 miles
east of Seaforth, for noon; then th William
Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession 5, McKillop,
for night Saturday. -Will proceed to bie
own stable, where he will remain -until the
-following Monday morning James Evans,
Peoprietor and Manager.
• '
Court of Revision.
The Tuckersmith Coimcil will meet
as a Court of Revision on 014 assess-
ment Rol?' at the council chamber,
Seafoirt1i,a4 Tuesday, May 27th, 1919,
at 1 o'clock p.m. Appeals against the
assessment must be in the hands of
the clerk on or before May37th, 1919.
D. F. McGregor, Clerk. 2682,3
Don't Miss It!
We are giving 10
per cent. off for
cash on Boots &
E. Bring the whole family.
E We can fit them all with gi
Fine Shoes and Work =,1
E Shoes.
Ten per cent.
Wall Paper
21▪ 11▪ 1,
Varna 3
Plum 13 on 622
Tile and Block
We wish to announce to the pub-
lic that we have taken over the lion-
thron and Drysdale cement and pulp'
stone business, and will endeavor to '
handle their end of this'business along
with ours, and give the public good
service. There will always be some-
one ready to wait on cement and
pulp stone customers. Also cement
blocks and tile. We have a very choice
line of verandah. peer cape an& blocks.
We handle only the highelit grade of
Portland cement Phone No. 7, Hen-
sall. 2679-tf
- •
, - -
Banking Service
VOUR banking requirements may
-2- be entrusted to this Bank with
every confidence that careful and
efficient service will be rendered.
Our facilities are entirely at your
disposal. 1
Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, m er
8, Township of- Stanley, 100 acres known
as the Ketchen farm. Stone house; large
bank barn, good orchard, spring creek, about
8 acres of bush; land in good /state of native -
tion. Possession October 1st, iConvenient to
church and school, rural mail and phone, 13n
miles from Bruceneld. Apply to B. R. RIO -
GINS, Clinton; REV. H. B. A. KETCHEN,
116 MacNab St., South, Hamilton; JOHN
TAYLOR on premises. 2080-4
Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres
of the beet clay landin McKillop,, 6 sores of
bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation;
6 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con-
stance. 11/4 refits front school. There are on
the premises, a good seven roomed house, largo
bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There are' fort', norm
Ploughed, 5 acres busls and the balanceseed.
ed down. There are two 134 eltrings: one
Piped to barnyard and in the other a dans
with a hydraulic ram pumping the water te
tha 5-
.,..e barn. As the spring
is in the orchard and near the home and line 1
fence,, there is no waste land. There is
graded andegravelled lane from tbe road to
the buildings. Alinter to MM. SAMUEL
DORRANCE, Seafortle. 262741
Concession1 Stanley, containing' lee norm -
On the premises are a 2 story franks Isom*
with barn and soft Water inside snit bank
barn 52x60 with good stablhert implement
house 40x.26, hog pen and hen tome '
The land is well fenced and drained
first class state of cultivation, two gooknAt
-with wind inlU at barn, water • ilk -
ten acres good hardwood bush; 2 acres" alio&
bearing orchard enclosed' 'with evergreen hedge.
11/4 miles from the viinge. of Kippen and 2%
from Brumfield. Rural snail and telephone.
For further particulars apply th P. BELL,
Seaforth. 2681x4
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street,elose to
the Presbyterian church and s known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well -
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This is a corner pro-
pfrty with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
retired farmer and thetaxes are licit.
For particulars apply' on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tt
To the Farmers and
Citizens of Seaforth
E are pleased to announce that oni Distribut-
ing Warehouse No. 1 will be *fled and
ready to sem you with a. well assorted
-3 stock of Groceries, ete.,on MONDAY, MAY 26th. The g
: prices will convince you that it will pa,y . to deal -with.
= us. Only the BEST QUALITY of goods handled.
=I Keep Businessin
_ 0
... ;..
I Your Own Town 1."
. -
I Do Your Buying & Selling with Us I
. .
_ , _
- _
. =
i United Farmers' .Co-operative Co.
r"."-7 Distributing Warehouse No.1
Seaforth, Ont. 12".
Annual Excursion
Goderich to Detroit and Return.
Steamer Greyhound
Tuesday June 17th
9.00 a.m. old time; 10.00 a.m, new time
Arrives Detroit 5.00 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit
Thursday, June 19th
(Detroit time is the same as Goderigh old time.)
$2.25 Round Trip; $L75 Single; Children between 6 and 12, half fare.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit America's most beautiful
and most prosperous city. A million M711414034 a city of beantiful
parks, grand boulevards and a wonderful water front Cnadi•
coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not re:piked to
tax or make a deposit U. S. Immigration officers will be on,
steamer to pass excursionists. I -
Good music and dancing minute.- Fine Cale and lunch
aboard steamer.,
Band Moonlight
out of coderieh, Monday everting, June iOtb, 7.30 old timo,
Goderich Vi1t.-25 swats.
Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron. -
Orchestra mode Slut dancing in steamer's ball room.'
_ teennnereser