HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-04-25, Page 5se Lir ess Shoes in prngSles knot buy happiness I can buy comfort feet. An inspection ew stock of Emp- oes. will convince are the best shoes women. Empress ed no :breaking in, Ito- the minute n. nd their wearing cannot be surpass. a.nd invite every woman fk them. over.. We men- Kid leather 'with short pair .. .$6.50 Fie in fine kid + leather at) and and flexible . soles , aaa ,.., . a..-7.50 wilt longvamps, spool ese shoes are cut from. . ..F ,....., . 8.001 tlshioninsoles and with eels the lost. comfort- . .$8;00 omfort-w..$8;00 MMB 2(JjAL HOTEL he evening was Mr. Petty. of Hensall. The proceeds enses were paid, were $82. r, •W. B. Moulton will admin- acrament of holy communion lits Anglican church, Hensall ace church, Staffs, on Sun - 27th. Everybody welcome. gelow, of Cornwall, provin- izer for the Women's Christ- eranee Union, organized a .Ile in Hensall last week She ably at the meeting in the 1 and also at the prayer n the Methodist church. It. that all will show an active n our local W. C. T. U.-- . Dean M. A., BD., was in Monday, where he adores- rndon Ministerial Associa- he subject, "The Elexrtents ;aching of Jesus as applied .. ilern situation between Cap - Labor." The London Free Advertiser spoke very high address. =. Hensall Methodist pril 27th, moring subject, Ius Ever Change His Plans," vening subject, "An Address lows." The local lodge and brethren and the Rebekah :1l attend the service i12 a cordial invitation is extend- to be present at these ser- e church year in the Meth - Th closes on April 30th, and >ers and adherents are re- pay in all accounts to the y that date, so that, they edited in this year's report. -has been very successful, rif many handicaps and the desirous of having the re - Led at an early date and re - subscriptions and r. oney whether to current expenses arious funds, to be Mid. in 30th. Mr. E. Rennie is the secretary and he will} be e see you. PAIN 1ELS NT `'`R 4 R ILL T I! enlarge., Callouses. ,hite hair. riled. JDi3Y E. 28: tlnents.of Serges, ou could wish to 'eys, browns and guaranteed dyes. ty of materials at to same attention fine new stock of We're sure faith SEAroiti MA1K WrS. •� �.y` afor h, April 24, 191 Butter, per 4+f i "• r r. i' 0 to 55c Ooats; per bushel ... , . .65c. Barley, per (� bushed. �d�/� 8(/5,,e Bran, per ton,. . , ..............$44,00 .. , ... .. . . ... $44 00 Eggs, pe:: dozen;`f ; ... 42 to c. ►horts, per. "ton .:.:.:. , . $40.00 Potatoes, per bag $1 25 FIour, per ewt ..5.00 to 5.90 1Wheait, per bushel $2.12 Spring wheat, per bushel .... , $2.06 Oats, per bushel , Hogs, per cwt, i .00 DAIRY MARKET Toronto, April 22, Egits, new Laid, 47e; butter--creer et'y. -solids 64 to 65c; do. pried ' El€ to 65c; creamery solids 60 to 61e; do. prints g8 to 64e ; choice dair> 'prints. 55 to 60c.; cad-, Inary ' dairy. prints 50- to . 560e bakers' 30 to Sac oleomargarine 32 to 33c; cheese --.new largo, 2;# to 28%c. c. Maple syrup. -per 5 -gal. tin, 32.40 per gallon; do. in 1 -gal. tins, $2..50. POULTRY i MARKET Toronto, April 22. Tim, 80 to 32e; hens, 4, spring chickens 28 an 8 lir3gs, 85e; turkeys 85 Poultry -hens, 4% lbs, over 32 to 84e; spri roosters 25e; dtrekli geese 25c. ive weight --bens, 4%. and over 82 to 34c; c ; roosters 25e; dale. ;.-geese 18c. Dressed 0 to no; hens, 4% and chickens 80 to 84o; 18e;' turkeys 41e; )GRAIN MARKET Toronto, April: 22. - Manitoba Wheat --No. 1, Northern, $2.24%; No. 2 Northern, 52.21%; No. 3 northern, 32.1,7%; No. 4 wheat, 52.11%, in store Fort William. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C W., 75%; No. 3r"('S. W. 72% ; extra No. feed 72%; No. 1. feed 70% ; No. 2 feed 437%; in atore Fort William. Manitoba barley No. 3, 51.061° ; No. 4, C. W., $1.01%; rejected 9514c ; feed 95%; in store FortrW illiam. Arneri- .can corn-+Fo. a;ysllow, 51.80 ; No. 4 yellow, 1.77 $ nominal, track •Toronto, prompt ship. ment. Ontario Oats No. 2, white 72 to 74c; No. 3 white 70 to 72e, according to freights outside. Ontario wheat -No.' 1 Spring, 'per car lot, $2.14 to 52.20; No. 2, do., $2.111 to .$2.19; No. 3, do„ $2.07 to 52.15 f.o.b. ship- ping points according to freights. Ontario wheat -No. 1, spring, 32.09 to 32.17; No. 2, do, 32.06 to 32.14; No. 3 do., 52.02 to 52.10 f.o.b, shipping_ points according -to freights. Peas No. 2, 32, nominal, according to freights •outside. Barry -Malting, 97c to 51.02, nom- inal; B uckv e at -No. 2, $1:05. nominal. 1. Rye -No. 2, $1.60, nominal. Manitoba flour - 'Government standard, $10.75 to 311, Toronto. Ont. flour --government standard 39.65 to 39.75 in bags Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment in jute bags. •Millfeed-car lots, de- livered Montreal freight bags included. Bran 342 to 346 per tori ; shorts, $44 to $46 per ton; good feed flour 32.70 to $3 per bag. Hay -No. 1, 525 to 527 per ton; mixed, $23 to $24 per ton, track Toronto. Straw -car iota, 310 to 311 per tan. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Montreal, April 22. -The 'week's receipts of live stock at The West End market e.mocnted to 250 cattle, 200 sheep and lambs, 1.1)00 hogs and 3,100 calves. To -day's o.Terings were light amountipg to 750 cattle 109 sheep and Iambs, 200 hogs and 700 calves. Off'ering's at the Canadian Pacific stock yards have also been light for the past week, amounting to 750 cattle, 100 sheep and iambs, 825 hogs and 1,750 calves.. To -day there were on this market 50 cattle, 25 sheep and lambs, 100 hogs and 300 calves. En view of - the light receipts and the holi- day there was little trading at either market, and this mostly of a smal1 nature as some butchers thought it -desirable to replenish their stocks. Prices at the different markets are practically urtehangel from last week, with the exception of hogs,. whiell' scored a' fur- ther advance, and choice selects sold at $22 per 100 pounds weighed off cars, The demand was not very heavy. In the Battle section the demand was very limited, but actual. price changes were few, traders he.itating in the face of such light trade to make any drastic cuts, although there was much rumored'sha ing to make sales. Calves are plentiful,and pa ice still reniai high, the best fetching from -$14 to $15. Qtiotatteris s Choice steers, Sidi 50 to 515 5 good, 313 to- 514.50; medium, 312 to 513.5 common $10,50 to $11.50; choice butcbe Lulls 511 to a12; goad 510 to 510.50; medium -57 to $10 ; choice botchers' cows $11.25 to 512; good 510.50 to 511; medium 57.50 tilt 59.50; milk -fed calves $7,, to 51e; sheep 511.50 to 312.50; lambs, 512 tar 814.50, hogs, selects 522. Buffalo, April 22. -Cattle ---Receipts, 0,40 good steers. 25e higher; light stock 20 to 5 higher; prime steem, 517.25 to 518.25; shi ping eteem, $16.50 to 516.75: butche 310 to 316.25; yearlings, 310 to 516e50; hei ers, 38 to 514.50; cows $4 to $13.; bulls 7.5 to $11.50; stockers and feeders, $6 to 312 fresh cows and springers, scarce, $65 to 5150 Calves-reoeipts, 3,200; 60e higher; 56 to 51 Bogs -receipts, 12,000; active; pigs 25 c high- er ; others lower ; heavy, 520 to 521.10 ;mixed 520.90- to $21 yorkers, 520.90; light yorkere, and pigs, $20 to $20.25 ; -roughs, 418 to $18.60 stags $12 to 515. Sheep and lambs-Receip 8,000; active and higher; wool lambs, 317 to $20.25; clipped $10 to 517.25; yearlings, 51 to 515.50; wethers, $13.50 to 514; ewes, 3 to 513; mixed sheep, 513 to 513.25. - Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 22. -Th intervention of Good Friday holiday joined Perhaps with a fear that a big shipment o cattle for to -day's market would bring about, a tumble in values, resulted in this morn- ing's cattle offering being limited to six hundred r d head. The outcome so far as to- day's trade was that the curtailed consign- ment sold readily on a market that was 25 to 40 cent higher for butcher cattle thaneat last weslc's rlese. It is pretty safe to assert that given even a moderate run prices wottld have been no better than steady even with the American nraricets reported active and ;•stronger. Real top quality steers were not forward and the best loads penned cashed in from $14 to $14.7,5. Best butcheee . were scarce and sold -from 513.25 to $1• .76, and other arida were disposed of at e reeepond- ing values. Bulls anti cows were ctive and only a shade stronger than last eek. - Nobody seemed to trouble abou Stockers and feeders this morning, and mi ra and springers were not much in evidence, th a few head of good cows cashed in at steady r• . S. ark Sheep and lambs were active and. firm, but common to medium veals were slow and a trifle weaker. Beat veals, which were scarce were t steady trade. The host market was stronger and while packer buyers had guaranteed 520 .75 for f.o.b. hoe for this week, several' drovers hold bads their hogs in the hope of securing DEATHS Lane -At Toronto. on- April 18th; Mary Dancer, Wife of H. J. Lane and , : titer of the late Captain T N. Macey, f Goderich. filhaettlosearIn Hullett township,n April lathe= Gladys Matti only daughte of Singh and Mee. Shannon, aged• -1 year, 0 months and 28 days. Montgomery._In Harpurhey, M; nday, Apr..: 21, Hannah Porde. -beloved wife rt the late Neil Montgomery, aged 88 years, 8 months -and 28 days. S Gor EMBALMER,. FUNERAL DIRE i eR le Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocer ' Store. Mail%tzett, S. orth Flowers furnished on _s Fort notice • Charges . mod to Phone --Night or ' ay -192 IMPORTANT OTICES 'MUSE FOR SALE. -ON South, house and lot. A. CYRUS BAILEY, Seaforth; ARVIS STREET ply on premises. . 0 . 2679x1-tf pj OR SALE, -A GOOD .M for driving or ally" f+ sold cheap. Apply to W. 101 0. .e RE SUITABLE evork. To be HIGGINS, Sea - 2680 1 POE SALE.. -.MATCHING Imported English L::• i Birds mated to Fisher's C. 228 eggs hens. Eggs . $1. good Pandora., range. Appl opposite Public' 'School, Sea GGS FRO14Z MY• urns 278 eggs. ekerl bred from 0 per 13. Also to A. CALDER, orth. 2680x1 SEED PEAS.-1:1Ljji UN a ERSSIGNED HAS for sale at his farm, ot 13, Concession. 8, Tuckersmith, . a quant ty of seed peas Phone 10 on 132, Seaforth or address R, R No. 3, Kippers. ISAAC 0011E. 2680-2- ` •TILE FOR SALE. -WE `sale in about two we 4 inch and 8 inch cement made to order. REUBEN port, SALE. -FOUR CAi Apply on the prey FOWLER, Thicket -smith, 2 forth, LL H H A VEF OR. 1 s, a quantity of 'tile. Larger sizes FROST, Seaforth. 2679x2 LE, 1 YEAR -OTD. ises to THOMAS miles west of Sea - 2679x2 CATTLE WANTED. -T i s prepared to take cows and cattle - for Lot 26, Concession 4, JOHN GOVENLOCK, Eg on 146. 1 •-UNDERSIGNED ...number of young o_e season, on dKinop. Apply to oildv isle. Phone 11 2679x2 OARD OF THANKS. -M . AND MRS\ HUGH s Shanno$r wish to the, k their- friends and neighl?ore .for their kix3di, ess and help during the illnet and death of their little daughter, on April -13th, 1919, at her home in Hullett township. 28$0x1 CEDAR POSTS FOR A number of good Apply on Lot 2 Conces DRESS BRUSSELS, P. ALE. -FOR SALE- edar posts, all sizes. ion 14 Grey, or AD- . A. HISLOP. 2672-tf J'OUSE FOR SALE. -- frame house situated one block from high s soft water, furnance are two lots of land eo and small orchard. Al further particulars, ap Seaforth, or -phone 116.. QR SALE, A GOOD on.East William St., hool, with lia'rd and nd telephone, There taining a good garden o a small barn. For ly to JAS. 'WRIGHT, 2689-tf d- NOTICE. -PLEASE your account at. ns - We have a few 014 a remained unsettled wI. 0; " ception, 'Ise settled in- f 0'; bearing note before Ma rs' LAND. • oe to be addressed to MO P- R. R. No. 1, Varna,, ALL AND SETTLE St. Columban Store. eounts That have long ab." must, without ex - 11 by cash'or interest let, 1919, J. J. HOL- 2679-2 NOTICE,-APPLICA 'IONS WILL BE RE - Stanley, donr orh before the e clerk, hip o3rd f h day e �o May. State salary expected. Lowest or any appli- cation not necessarily accepted. Applications TON ELLIOTT, Reeve, Ont. 2679-3 HING OUTFIT CON- horse power Stratford. ratford separator, com- r, blower, and grain - elevator, all ' in first' class condition. Used only six seasons. Fe particulars apply to ED. REICHERT, 'Zur eh, Ont. Phone Zurich Central, 10r94. - 2680-4 0 7, is 0 e VVL The receipt; were 61 carloads. with 627 cattle, 551 calve, 1,857 hogs and 71 sheep and' lambs.. Dunn and Lerack ;old: Butchers ---2', 1,050 Me, 5.3.1: 15, 860 leas, 312.75; 21, 910 tbs, $18.50; 3, 790 ,.lbs, 312 ; 3, 670 Ms, 59.90; 19, 920 lbs, $13.40; 1, 1,020 Ills, 513.25; 2, '730 t5, 512; 1, 690 tbs, 38.50: 2, 815 lbs, $12.2:x. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers -19, 990 The, 313; 21, 790 lbs, 312.60; 2, '730 lbs, 59; 1, 760 lbs. 37; 5. 735 Ms; 513.2a; 19, 850 Ih'�• $13.25 ; 10, . 1,007 lbs, 513.50 Cows -1, 1,040 Ila, 59. Bulls -1, 1.710 abs, $1.2.50; 1. 1,760 Ibe..$11. 5;" 1, milker, 5110. The quotations were: Good heavy steers 14.25 to 15.50; choice butcher steers, 515.50 to 514.00; butcher's cattle choice, 313.25 to 518.75 do, snood $12.50 to 512.75; do. medium 511.50 to 511.75; do. common 59.75 to 510.25; bulls choice, 511.25 to 512; do. medium 510 to 510.5P: de. rough 57.75 to $8.25; butchers' eows, ehoic 'f $12 to 513; do. good $10.50 to $11.514; do.edium 59.25 to 510; do. cornmon $7.50 to $8.25; stockers 58.75 to $11.50; feeders 511.60 to 513.25; canners and cutters $5.50 to 57; milkers, good to choice 590 to 3150; do. common and medium 365 to 576; springers $90 to 3150; light ewes $13 to $14; Yearlings 512 to $14; spring lambs 318 to 520; calves, good to choice $15 to a16.50; hogs, fed and watered 521.50; do. weighed off care 521,75; do., f.o.b. 520.75. BmTHs Lawrence. -In Vancouver general hospital on April 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lawrence, e son. (nee Minnie Pinkney.) Stephenson --on Parr Line, Stanley township, on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steph- enson twins, son and daughter. Hunter. -In Tuckersmith, on - ApriI 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter, a snit. MARRIAGES Ireland -Anderson. -At Melville church manse, Brus50l5, on April 15th, by Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., Mr. -Wm. L. Ireland to Miss Maybelle, daughter of the Iate Quintin. and Mrs. Ander- son, of Morris township. ]1lclnt€rah--•Case-At 'the Seaforth raretory, by Rev. 141 Brown, on -April 9th, Mr. John A. IYIclntoMorris township, to Mies 1Vlargaret Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Aire. Charles Case, of Molfillop township. IFOR SALE.-THRE sisting of a 20-22 traction engine, and'S piete with feeder, cu OR SALE. -ONE White steam engin one 8-16 Mogul trac two small engines, willbe sold cheap fcr line of implements, t carries, pumps, etc. McCormick Agent. 14 H, P. PORTABLE • in good working order, r, used one season, and nee -nearly new. These quick sale. Also full raptors, engines, litter AMES KERR, Seaforth. 2680x2 FARMER SOLDIE turned soldiers wh, Massey Harris Comp sell 10 returned me manufactured by the less than the price a the agent. MASSE Toronte., per R. C. S --NOTICE. -TO RE - are taking we -farming. ny is in a position to any farm iinplement, at a price 3 per cent. which they are sold to HARRIS CO, 'LTD., enderson. 2677-8 1L'OR SALE -1N GIVIONDVTLLE--EIGHT acre of land wi h frame house and kit- chen, goad' cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and small •-barn church and- stores.. can be had in March HENRY FORSYTH, on 134, Seaforth, d well. Glove to school; mall,, orchard. Possession For particulars apply to gtnondville, or phone 10 2668-tf POR SALE.-DOU : LE HOUSE, FRAME, Cement foundatio cistern with good sup- ply of soft water. E eh part contains six good rooms, has woodshrd attached. One single frame dwelling, sev n rooms, cistern, wood= shed, etc., also one ot with good' well. All very centrally situa d on Jarvis Street and known as the Trott roperty. For further par- ticulars, apply to MORRISON, Jarvis 1 iStreet, Seaforth. ,x 402. 2675x6 (1ARD OF THANK.. -WE WISH TO T ND- • ex our sincere hanks to Mr. Cole and the other men who hastened from the FIax Mill to render cast tante in puttipg out the fire which occured in our home last week. We also desire to thank the employees of The Be11 Engine ' orks 'who -so generously donated the sum of oney to -replace the cloth- ing destroyed by the fire. MRS. LONG- WORnr- AND F • LY. 2680-1 SRM FOR SAI 4. 3, Township of as : the Ketchen 1 bank barn, good or 8'acrea of bush ; lar tion; Possession. 0 church and school, miles from Brucefi GINS, Clinton; .R 116 MacNab St., TAYLOR on pr LOT 13, . CONCESSION Stanley, 100acres known irm. Stone_ house; large hard, spring creek, about d in good state of cultive- tober lst. Convenient to ral mail and phone, 1!l Id. Apply to B. R. RIG - V. H. B: A. KETCHENe South, Hamilton; JOHN is es. 24804 NO ICE Wekpebt t cars of Pot. the week. ° P Gall us ori,p tity of potat sale befo P Fruit Dealer load two more toes the first of e will pay $1.00 r bag. one stating quan- es you have fol e you deliver. one 63 ILLIPS Seaforth: kIIIp II II1l 11111 isIIIImmo,II1ilii IimI14n _H1rned0 MO ,,,., Fu»er4 Di actor 4 and Licensed Embalmer i.. .= Undertaking °"•a`lora in Oddfel = lows buildic g opposite mtewart .Bros. Res , E dance'Godercch et., app - ea me Dr. Scott's i . • Flowers furnished an short notice. E . Phone Night ' or Day 119. i !IIIIIIIHIIIlIIIIIIIIIlII!InnuIuhluIHIlIuII' HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable property Just _oil- Main street: Egmondville, consisting of one-half acre of land. on which is situated a 144 story brick house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable. good well and cistern. also -apple, plum and pear treat and other small 'fruit.. This is a splendid property and the taxes] are low. ' For further particulars apply to Mrs. M. A. Charieswortli, Egmondvillfe P, O. `�. 2850x2-tf g0 : EARLY CABBAGE PLANTS 40c Prepaid,shipped! successfully every- where.. Ask for vegetable plant price `list. - ' Agents wanted. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ontario, ,Niagara District. I 2679-8 Notice to Creditors In the', matter of :the estate of ThoMaas Pryce late of the -town sof Seaforth, in the county of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby givjen in pursuance to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of the said Thomas Pryce deceased, who died on 'or a- bout the 28th dayeof i February A. D., 1919, rare 'required to sent try post, prepaid or de- liver to Mrs. Mary Pryce, at Seaforth P. O. 1 -bite of- the executors of the above estate,on yyr before the tenth day of May A. D., 919, a full statement of their accounts and the nature of security held by them, if any, duly verified by s tory declteratiop. And ,fake nptice that after the said 10th day of May A, D., the exe utors will proceed to distribute the. assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only sto the elaims of which they shall then have notice, and the said ex- eoutors will not be lietble for said assets or ,any part, thereof, to mets person er persons of whose claim they.. shrill not have received notice- at the time of i such Attribution. Dated at Seaforth this 23rd clay of April, A. D. 1919: MARY PRYIGE, THOMAS PRYCE, - Jr., and EDWARD PT3,YeCE, Executor. • 2680-3. Hensall Tile and Block Works We wish to announce to the pub- lic that' we have taken over the Bon- thron . and Drysdale cement and pulp stone business, and will endeavor to handle their end of this business along with ours, and give the public good service. There w11 always be some- one ready to wait on cement and pulp atone eustoiers. Also cement blocks and tile. We have a very choice line of verandah peer caps and blocks. We handle only the highest grade of Portland cement. Phone No. 7, Hen- sall. - 2679-tf W, E. 'FA FF �Ilil1111111I11IIIlull1111ip111111111u1111111I! ... MMI _ IMP - - 1A ANTED:r Flax sand to Rent - - El The Ctana4ian Flax Mills E Limited, Seaforth, Ont,, will rent i, large acreage.E of -sod laand, spring or E. fall ploughed. Will fern- ish seed free an,d db the � seeding. Farmer , will - E plow, duct harrow and II•1111 MIR roll. MIMI MEI Phone M. McCormick, c Seaforth 212 after 6 p.m. - f - i - . 202 MIN111.1 - _ The Canadian i ,. il - F.I4X MIS - limited M, McCormick, Mill Man. • tllillttllil111111liM11111N11111111M11111111t: MEM fillllillMIMIllitllnul1iu1111nini1lrrinllt PECIAL! IMO Fin cs Don't .Miss It ! Mon MIR NOG _ PIM Mai _ 0� 0.4 We are giving 10 - - - per cent. off for Mb. cash on Boots & MIN -17 Shor4s. Bring the whole family. - = We ca* fit them _. all with - Fid hoes and Work Shoes.: - _ SENN INNE MOB Teri per cent. - off (Wall Paper - !E.... also a~' - E.AaVicAsh&Son Varna - " ,Pilon 113 on 622 wit111!11111iui11111111111illilllili111Iiiitit1111t ' oN gxPos roR Embalmers and - Funeral' Directors .. $. BO holder :df Go ernment Diploma; • land Liscense Charge, Moderate Flowers.furnis ed on short notice Night Calls lay Cltlls Phpne; 176 ' Phone 48 1 YOUR SERVICE 13. R. H i ( GI S BGa 127, CLINTON Phone 1011 (formerly of Brucefleld) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the. Canada Trust Company. Commis`slener B.C. of, Li. Convey- ances, Fire and Tornado Insurance, Neter? Public. 'Wednesday , eoeh week at Brucdeld School of Comnierce Clinton,. w Ont. Easter Term begins April 22nd stenographic bourses Commercial and General Our viork is better than marit equal to any. . Y: and,q Y moommomm { Special inducement ucement offer- edto ., those s enteringf after ,Y Easter Easter Holidays. For Particulars write F. WARD BA , .., M. Accts. Principal 2679-2 anking Service OUR bankiing requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our . facilities -are entirely at -your - disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE .. Seaforth Branch 1 J. G. Mullen Manager Clean C1ohes A Iea1th Asse' TALK N0.4 • t� n another ouse old, everyone. who lay do nonac seri In ouch rose �' with a develop-, in cold. D y cleaning of - iliows and up irol ter finish d that. Thereafter, p` Y hereafter, uTashable -cus ion cushio covers and a removal couch co r were used." - Boys' Bloomer' Suits pressed 50c MY WARDROBE Goderich Street, ,Seaforth. Opposite Queen's Hotel Round Design for fiord Cars $9.00 _ QQa1- Design forChero1et •eaxs $10.50 Buy aSet of Dear Light Power Water For Everyone Everywhere knew set of rear curtain lights for - your Ford or ;Chevrolet will acid a hun- 1dred dollars to the appear- ance of your car.' - - Tell. us the yeat and snake of your car and send P. O. Morey Order. We send bevel glass rear lights with complete new mater- ial for back of car. We also make rear lights for all makes of cars. - Write us the design -k you. . want.. We specialize in car painting, truing slip covets, tire covers, tops, cushions, dust hoods, spring overs, bushings, brass and aluminum cast- ings; and everything for the motorist, Qshaa- Brass Foundry OSHAWA, ONT. FARMS FOR- SALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, R. R. No. 8, Exeter, or phone layndman Line, Exeter. 2668-tf FARM FOR SALE Lot 83, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush5 miles fe rom est 1n a Seaforth, 2 miles fromh.state of aC n-= stance, lye miles -from school. There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire, fences and well underdrafned. .'Whereare forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, ' one piped to barnyard and in - the other a dam with a hydraulic- ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence. there is no( waste land:- There is a . graded and gravelled lane from, the road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE. Seaforth. 2627-tf FOR SALE. House and half acre of land In chi village of Egniondvillp. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is knows as the Purcell' property. Good, com- fortable house, .good shed, good well: and cement cistern. Ail kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a .corner pro. !warty with no breaks on front,ante the land is in a good state of cutiva tion. This isnlce property -for a retired farmer and the taxes` are HO" - For ;"pa.rticular-s° apply on the premimsa or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584 -ti Electricity appeals to you to -day because it is useful, ul ' safe, convenient and reliable. ecolxrllieal� Electricity which has revolutionized working andlivhlg condition's in the cities has now the same influence in the country on the farm, A NORTHERN ELECTRIC POWER AND LIGHT PLANT ON YOUR FARM -- Will light;our house, stable and dairy. Will run a 'create separator' or churn. Will wash- > he clothes and do the ironing,, Will run the sewing ,machine Will operate a toaster. Will operate a varum cleaner. .Will pump water for your house and barn. Will charge automobile batteries ` Will make housework easy 'and reduce household expense. The most complete plant on the market to-dayltiot a single plani but a line pf plants. - - - 1 A SIZE FORT EVERY PROSPECT HarryG. :...eZurich s3, AGENT FULLY iACJTOMATIC. SVONCSAlornrr tweivasee Cate or rea reet 52E0 NO 0 Are You of Going to Wonderful opportunities await ',the Business Yarn= or the Mer- chant who is seeking wider scope and greater rewardtfor his energy, in Western Canada, along the lines:of the Canadian National RailWays. Information of value to Intending settiers and to others interested is given in FREE book, "Homeseekers° and &adept' Guide." Coin- fortable through. trains from Ohtario and Eastern Canada via Lake Superior'e Hinterland and the Crest Clay Reit afford in inroreating, scenic, and the logical route for Canadians. Enquire --nearest C.N.Rys. Agont, or write cm Canadi? Passenger Traffic Manager. Toronto, Ontario str