HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-04-18, Page 59 meemmaasneerseetemeseness_,„_. loes Easter unday your Winter Shoes Jy good, at the sera mdding, heavy shos of Easter Footwear -sort a- shoes good nt leather with /the As at, per pair 0.50 pups and every Style black kid with low Etrown kid with long $0 to $8.00. tade--en the Englisb $6.50 to $8-00. at --leather or Neelin ort—reade with soft md .00. NtMERC1AL HOTEL now stationed in Exeter prised to note ,the many S made in Hensall since of %nue years ago.—Our taking a great interest i sprucing up their lawns and putting out flowers Herman promises to be han ever in the past for e homes, and well kept he want of houses was 'elt here than at the pre - d it is to be hoped that - will see a number of uses built for renting or W. Habkirk a former but new of Seaforth, ist week', with his rela- 'sail and vicinity.—Mrs. 3ruese1s, attended the week of her late nephew n and spent. a few days atives and friends.—Our report trade as very' F. Carlin was in week attending the er brother, P. B. Me - pit! !fthe many, and the most distress- Ets of the " Flu " 1 the rapid falling r. REXALL inety-Three ar Tonic vill stop it k.LL " 98 " Ilair Lie is des0icfned to ture to maintain ote hair health g the scalp clean iming to elinrin- prevent the f these elements kmsible for prena- aidness, falling druff and irrita- be scalp. ad $1.00 eizes at ABACI! et and Stationer : ONTARIO qms of Serges, )1d wish to browns a n aranteed dyes. k. materials at me attention new stock of W&re re sure Son APRIL 11, 1919 ZURICH A Good Show Record—The Messrs. Decker; whe(alwaYs have something in the horse line a little, better than any one else „made a record, with their, general purpose teami at the Clinton spring fair, on Thursday last. They 'took first .prize in a class of six, four teams of which were -matched greys, 1st for best matched tesh, on the grounds., emd sweepstakes for best general purpose horse. They. were offered a big figure for the team the same day, but -refused to sell. ST. COLUMBIAN Read Beattie!, Brom. ad. on page 8. NOte8See2-111'. Thomas Downey, who has taken a, position with the M. C. R., spent' a few days with his par- ents here.—Mr. and Mrs, William Devereaux of Tuckersmith, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. W. Dorsey.— Owing to the severity of the. weather Mr. FranMelady has suspended seed- ing operations,—The Huron road, eat a here, was never any worse since the days of the toll -gate; this goes to show that something more substan- tial than engineers and inspectors rid- ing aver them must be obtained be- fore a esermanent road is to be had.— No more eases of scarlet fever have broken out. This speaks well for the way the quarantine has been observ- ed. MANLEY Read Beattie Bros. ad.- on page 8. Notes.—Mr. Charles Eggert is sporting a new Chevrolet car and by appearaneee will soon go in comp- any.—Mrs. W. Manley spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert, near Seafortle—Mr. Joe Murrary paid- a flying visit to friends around Seaforth, during the past week. —Mr. W. 4Viarkley is improving his. farm by new fences. He also pur- chased a new Chevrolet car from oui genial agent, D. Shannahan.—Seed- ing operations were just beginning -when the late rains put a stop to it, along with Jack Frost and the snow white mantel, made it appear if win- ter was not over. and by all appear- ances seeding will be late enough.— Mr. W. McKay has 'been on the sick list for the past few days VARNA Notes. ---Mr. David Johnston, of the Babylon Line .had 'a very success- ful sale on Wednesday of last week, being favored with a beautiful day and an immense crowd. Everything was in tip-top order and Mr. John - •s -ton deserves a good deal of credit for the marmer in which he has prov- ed himself in'the raising of pure bred cattle. One thirteen months old calf Clover Dale Marquis sold for $235, and hens sold far $2.15 each. The total proceeds realized $7,300. This is the largest sale ever known in this vicinity: Dave is a hustler and says it pays to keep nothing but the best. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston intend taking a trip to the western provinces during the summer months We all wish them suecess in their new ad- venture.—Mr. Charles Farquhhar, of the Parr Line, Who has been some- what confined to his bed during the past week with the prevailing flu, is at time ofewniting able.to-be-around. again.—Miss Florence Stephenson was the guest of her friend, Miss Ruth Reid, on Sunday last—Mr. Leon Jef- frey, of the Parr Line, is wearing that broad grin these days that never wears off, its a boy. SEARORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, April 10,1919 'Butter, per lb 50 to 55c Ooats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Bran, per ton ' Eggs, per dozen Shoets, per ton Potatoes, per bag Flour, per cvft Wheat, per bushel ▪ $2.12 Spiting wheat, per bushel • $2.06 'Os, per beshel 60c Flogs, per dart: $21.00 POULTRY MARKET _ : Toronto, April .15. Dressed poultry—chick- ens, 30 to 24e; roosters, 25o; fowl, 80 to 33c; ,ducklings. 82e; turkeys, 45e; squabs, doz. *6. ..Live,IPoultry—rooaters, 22e; fowl, 28 to 33e; .diecklings, M., 35c; turkeys, 85c; chickens, 27c. DA,IRy MARKET Toronto, Aptil 15.—Butter--dairy, tubs and rolls, 88 to 40ca Prints, 40 to 42e. creamery, fresh made prints, 61 to 62c. Eggs—new laid, 41 to 43c; Cheese—new large; 28 to 281/e: twins, 28% to 29c; triplets, 29 to 29e; Stilton, 293/4 to 30c; old, large, 2936 to 30c ; twin 30 to 80y2c. 65c 85e $44-00 42 to 436 $46.00 $1.25 5 00 to 5.90 • GRAIN MARKET — Toronto, April 15. Manitoba wheat—No. 1, Northern, $2.2414, ; No. 2 Northern, $2.211,e; No. 3 northern, $2.1734; No, 4 wheat, $2.11112, in store Fort Williana. Manitoba oats—No. 2 C. W. 729/ec; No. 3 68%c; extra- No. 1 feed 69Ye; No. 1 'feed, 67%e; No. 2 feed; 64c, in store Fort- William. laanithba bar1ey—No:1 8, C. W., 81.0214; No. 4 C. W. 97 %; rejected 91e; feed, 91c, (in. store Fort William. Ameri- can corn—No. 3 yellow, $1.80; No, 4 °yellow, $1.77 nominal, ,track Toronto, prompt ship- ment. Ontario oats—No. 2 white, 70 to 720; NO. 3 white, 68 to 70e, ateording to freights outside. Ontario wheate—No. 1, Winter, per car $2.14 to $2.20, No. 2 do., $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3, do., $2.07 to 52.15 f.o.b. shipping points according to freights. Peas—No. 2, $1.90, nominal, according to freights outside. Barley Malting, 95e to $1, nominal. Buckwheat—No. 2, $1, nominal. Rye—No. 2, $1.-60, nominal. Manitoba flour—Government standard, $10.75 to $11, Toronto. Ontario flour—Government standard $9.65 10 59.75 in bags, Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment in jute bags. Mill- feed—car lots, delivered Montreal, freights bags included. Bran $42 to 846 per ton; shorts, $44 to $46 per ton; good feed flour, $2.70 to $8 Per bag. Hay—No. 1, $24 to $26 per ton; mixed, $22 to 828 per ton track Toronto. Straw car lots, $10 to $11, per ton. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, April 15. Cattle—Reieipts, 5,400; slow, 25 to 50e lower; prime steers, $17 to $18; shipping steera, $16 to $16.50; butchers, $10 to $16; Yearlings, $10 -to $16.25; heifere. $8 to $13.25' cows, $4 to 811.50; bulls, $7.50 to 811.50; stockers and feeders, $6 to $12; fresh cows and springers strong; $65 to 5150.. Calvee—Receiphs, 4,000; active, 50e lower, $16 to $17. 'Hogs—Receipts, 18,60 ; 15 fo 25c lower; heavy, 520.60 to $20.75 • mixed and Yorkers, 520.60; light yorkers, $19.75 M 520; pigs. $10.50 to $19.75; roughs, $17.75 to $18; stage, $12 to $15 Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 15.800; active and lower; wool lambs, $15 to $19.65; clipped Iambs, $10 to $14.50; wethers, $13.25 to $13.50; ewes $5 to $12.50; mixed sheer.. $12.75 to $13. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 15. --As usually happens the cattle teade during the week preceding Easter quietens down; and it looks as if this week will not be an exception. Trade this morning was not only slow,, but 25 to 50c weaker for butcher cattle, and for heavy steers $1 per 100 M. less than hest was bid, with the result that the heavy cattle were more or lees tied up. A survey of to- day's conditions tend a to the belief that the usual alownees which follows the Easter trade was not alone responsible for the weeker market hut rather the outcome of an atteippt to pull down present prices, which the retail and the wholeale trade regard as far too high, Very few steers were on the market thie morning, cashed in over $14. A fair percent- age of choice butcher cattle cashed in from 513 to $13.25, but a lot of light stuff sold THE HURO EXPOSITOR tr:cliendlakel!saVirt anti mime us beds of Inntad. Thinsighouti the lesteher cattle had to be teld over. Co were scarcely affected by the cut but at no time WAS the demand so pressing ak last week.. The trade"for bulls was in much the same cates gory„ The quotations were; Good heavy steem, $14 to *15.50; choke, butoher steers, $18.125 to $18.70; butchers' cattle (dace, $18 to $18.50: do, good, $12,25 to $12.50; do, medium, $11.25 to $11.50; do,s,conunon, $9.50. to *10; bulb choice, $11.50 to 012.50; do. medium, 1110 to $10.50; do, rough bulb, $7e15 to $8•25; butehers' cows choice $12 be $181 do. good, $10.50 to 111.50;'dd. medium $9.25 to $10; do. common, 17.50 to $8.25; stockers, 18.75 to $11.50; feeders. $11.50 to $18.50; °austere and cutters. $5.50 to $7; milkere, good to choice. 190 to $150; do. com and med. 065 to $75: springers, $90 to 1150; light ewes, $19 to $14; yearlings, $12 to $14; spring lambs, 17 to $20; calves, good to choice, $15 to $16.50; hogs, fed and watered, $21; do, weighed off cars, $21.25; do. f.o.b. $20.25. . BIRTHS • Tuckersmith, on March 80th, to Mr. and- Mrs. JOhn C. Bell, a son. Williamson—At Walton, on March' '28th, 1-919, to Mr. and Mrs. Thoma a M. Williamson, a '.daughter. Forrest—On ConcessiOn2, L. R. -Se Tucker - smith, on April iete, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest, a son, MARRIAGES MeEIroy—McLellan.—At the manse, Egmon- • vine, on April 9th, Mr. Johnston McElwee to Miss Elizbeth 1, McLellan, second daugh- ter of Mr. John McLellan, Tuckersmith. • Bolger—Workmate—At the manse, .,Varnae by Rev. D. Johnston, -on April 2nd; Mr. Howard Preston Bolger, of Walton, to Tilisg Elizabeth Evelyn ,workman, of Varna. Stra Stra of year Bari n Clinton, on Ba aged 73 years Marsh:1I—In Clinton, Ca r, widow of the aged 84 years. MePhe on.—In Egmon Sam el McPherson, mont DEATHS --In Goderich, on April 4th, Hugh Innes •g. B. A. L, L. D. former Principal oderich Collegiate Iatitute, in his 78th April dth, Ann Jane . . on April .10th, . Eliza late 'William Marshall, dville, on April '9th, Mr. aged 77 years nd 6 IN MEMORIAM Dedi ated in loving memory of -Mr. Robert Carnochan, who died at his horhe, Saskatoon, January 12th, 1919. Abide with me, my husband said, The precious words of cheer The darkness deepens now dear wife But I do -feel no fear. t Abide with me, oh Lord My day will soon be o'er But stay beside me wife of mine Until! I reach yon shore. Our children dear God bless them both I have bid them each goo -bye They will comfort you when I -am gone And some day we will Meet on high. Learmilums . S. Gormley EMBALMER AND, F1JNERAL DIRECTOR Und6taking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges leiederate Phone—'Night or Day -192 AT YOUR SERVICE B. R. HICGINS BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 100 (formerly of Bruceneld) —Agent fors -- The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company. Commissioner ILC, of J. Convey- ances. Fire andf'Tomitds Notary Palk. - Wednesday each week at Bremner Steady Work At highest wages For experienced Operators, Tailors, Pressers On mens fine clothing. Apply at once E G HAGHBORN & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. FARMS•FOR' SALE FARMS FOR SALE A I have some choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne, and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on'easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, R. R. No. 8; Exeter, or phone Hyndman Line, Exeter. 265841 HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable, preuerty just off Main street, Ermondville. consisting of one-half acre of land, on which is situated a 1%. story brick house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable, good well and. cistern, also apple. plum and pear trees and other small fruits. This is a splendid property and the taxes are low. For further particulars, apple to Mrs. M. A. Charlesworth, r.gmondvIlle P. O. 2650x241 FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in ths village of Egmmidville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is knows as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good wil/ and cement cistern, ,tAll kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- pErty with no breaks* on front, and the land is in a good sfate of cultiva- tion. This is a ,nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light For particulars apply on the premum or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 258441 se, Licensed Embalmer = = Undertaking parlors in Oddfe I lows building op,poilte 11- F. dance Goderich et., = ftlkftIflIflUhlUfthIIIIplgIlUIIJHiftfttUiJ - T. Holmes Funeral Director and . = WEI I'MUSE FOR SALE.—ON JARVIS STREET ""•South, houseand lot. Apply or premises. CYRUS BAILEY, Seaforth, P. Cr. 2679x14f trim FOR SALE.—WE WILL HAVE FOR. -1.• sale in about two weeks, a quantity of 4 inchand 6 inch • cement tile. Larger steer 'made to' order. , REUBEN FROST, Seaforth. 2679x2 isrewatit Bros. Resi- Dr. 'Sciott's = Flowers furnished an = short-notie,e. 11011 - Phone Night, or Day 119, = 41111111M111111111111111111111111I111111111111147; • • IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—FOUR CATTLE, 1 YEAR OLD. Apply on the . premises to. THOMAS FOWLER, Tuckersmith, 2 miles west of Sea - forth. •2679x2 VATTLE WANTED.—THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared te. take a number of young cows and cattle for the season, on Lot 24,. Concession 4, McKillop. Apply M JOHN GOVENLOCK, Egmondville. Rhone ft on 146. 2679x2 MAN WANTED.—GOOD MAN OR BOY TO work on farm, capable of doing general farm work. Will hire by month or year. Apply- to Box 157, Expositor, 2674-tf InURE BRED ROCKS. — GUARANtEmi bred M lay. Extra heavy winter layers. Choice eggs for hatching, $1 for 15 eggs. W. i. McCULLIE, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2676-4 VEDAR POSTS FOR SALE.—FOR _BALE— A number of good cedar posts. all sizes. Apply on Lot 2 Concession 14 Grey, or AD- DRESS BRUSSELS, P. 0. A. HISLOP. 2672-tf VOR SALE.—A PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSE- -1. hold furniture, comprising of a dining room suite, beds, range heater, coal oil stove, Chairs and other articles will be held at my home, Goderich Street, commencing Friday, April 18th. J. W. BUTTON, 26741 FARM FOR RENT.—ABOUT 85 ACRES OF grass land, consisting of Lot 24, Comes- aion 1, Tuckersmith, 3 miles west' of Sea- fbrth. Apply to MRS. MARY DALE, or to GEoRag C. DALE, R. R. NO. 2, Seaforth. Phone 9 on 616 Clinton CentraL 2679-1 NOTICE.—PLEASE CALL AND SETTLE your aecount at St. Columban Store. We have a few old_ accounts that have long remained unsettled which must, without ex- ception, be settled in full by cash or interest bearing note before May lat, 1919. J. J. HOL- LAND. 2679-2 VOTICE.—APPLICATIONS WILL BE RE- -1-1 eeived for the clerkship of the township of Stanley, on or before the 3rd day of May. State salary expected. Lowest or any appli- cation not necessarily accepted. Applications to be addreseed to MORTON ELLIOTT, Reeve, R. R. No. 1, Varna, Ont. 2679-3 po,R SALE.—ONE 14 H. P. PORTABLE White steam engine in good working order, one 8-16 Mogul tractor, used one season, and two small engines, one nearly new. These will be sold cheap for quick sale. Also full line of implements, tractors, engines, litter carries, pumps, e,tc, JAMES KERR, Seaforth. McCormick Agent. 2678x2 pAR,MER SOLDIERS.—NOTICE, TO RE: turned soldiers who are taking up farming. MageeY1H.arrie 0,0111PaPY els - zit ;Pc4itii4n to sell to returned men any farm implement, manufactured by them, at a price 3 per cent. les than the price at which they are sold te the agent: MASSEY-HA-RRIS CO, LTD.,' Toronto., per R. C. Henderson. 2677-8 IL'IOR SALE—IN EGMONDVILLE—EIGHT acres of land with frame house and kite • chen, good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and small barn. Good well. Close to school, church and stores. Small orchard. Possession can be .had in March. For particulars apply th HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville, or phone 10 on 134, Seriforth. 2668-0 , pea SALE.—DOUBLE HOUSE, FRAME, •11; Cement foundation. cistern with good sup- ply of soft water. Bach part contains six good rooms, has woodshed attached. One single frame dwelling, seven rooms, cistern, wood- shed, etc.'also one lot with good well. All very centrally situate(' on Jarvis Street and known as the Trott property. For further par- ticulars, apply to WM. AIORRISON, Jarvis Street, Seaforth. Box 402. 2675x6 Returned Soldiers Learn tailoring and obtain Stead employment. Wei will pay you $16..00 Per wefek While teaching you Cutting Pressing Operating Tailoring On mens fine clothing Apply at once. E. G. HACHBORN & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. mEINENENNENENfmniamomEL AUCTION SALES, A UCTION SALE OF CATTLE,e HORSES 4A- and Hogs. Mr. T. Brown he been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 25, Concession 1, Hibbert, on Tuesday, April 22nd, at 1 o'clodlc, the following property: Cattle -4 cow3. to calve in April and May, 1 cow to calve about time of sale, 7 two year old heifers, nine one year old heifers and steers, three young calves. Hogs. —5 9 CM S due to pig from April 25th to May 10th, 8 pigs 'about 50 pounds each, 1 small driving horse, suitable for mail route or any light driving. Terms of sale -6 'months' credit on furnishing joint notes, 5 per cent. per annum off for cash. No reserve as the pro:. prietor has sold his grass farm. NEAL KLEIN, Proprietor. T. Brown; Auctioneer. 2679x1 A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF COTTAGES, ' and lot, in Seaforth, belonging to the estate of the late Rev. 1", Corcoran, P. P. There will be offered fer sale by public auction, at the commercial Hotel, in the Town of. Seaforth, on Monday, April, the twenty-first 1919 at 2 o'clook sharp, the following property; Parcels 1 & 2.—Lots numbers twenty-seven(27) and twenty-eight (28), on Mill Street, in Carter's subdivision of Block "H" of Jarvis' survey, of part of the town of Seaforth. (10 each of these lots is a small cottage. Lot twenty-seven is on the cornea. of Min and Brantford Streets, and either cottage can be made into a nice little -home. Parcel 8.— Part of Town lot ntember, sixty-seven (67), in James Beattie's survey of part of the town of Seaforth, east of West Street, commencing - at :the north-west corner Of said lot number sixty-seven and running along the northerly limit of said lot one hundred feet, thence • southerly parallel with the westerly limit toe, the south side of said lot, thence westerle on the southerly-linait of said lot one hundred feet to West Street, thence along West Street te the plaee of beginning, and being the full width of the said lot, by one_hundred feet in depth, and containing about one-eigth of an ace of land, more or less, This is situated in eine of the beet residential sectionof Sea - forth, and is a first class building lot. Terms— Ten per cent of the purchase money M be paid on the iday of sale and the balance with- in thirty days thereafter. The property will be sold esubject to a reserved bid. For further Particulars apply M PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOICE, Seaforth and Goderich, Solicitors for; Vendor. co. Brown, Auctioneer. ;chool of Commerce Clinton, 04t. Easter Term begins April 2,2nd 'Stenographic Courses Commercial and General Our work is better than many and equal to any. Special inducement offer- ed to those entering after Easter Easter Holidays. • J For Particulars write B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Principal t 2679-2 GODERICH-DETROIT EXCURSION 50 EARLY CABBAGE PLANTS 40q We have just been advised that the big steel steamer, Greyhound of the .Prepaid, shipped successfully 'every- where. Ask for vegetable plant price list. Aients --a wanted. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ontario, Niagara District, '2679-8 White Star Line, will leave Goderich with the Annual Detroit exeusion, • Tuesday, June 17th, at 9.30 a.m., ar- riving at Detroit 5.15 p.m. ' Returning will leave Detroit- Thurs.- - day, June 19th, at 1.00 p.m. The fare will be only $2.25 for the round trip and $1.75 one sway. The Greyhound i1l reach Goderich from Detroit on th6. first trip up Mon- day, Aim 16th, at 5 p.m. and run a moonlight to Lake Huron that even- , ing at 8.15 pan. This event will be under the auspices of the Goderich Band which is an assurance of geed music for . dancing and a good time generally. The Greyhound is a big staunch seaworthy steamer, absolutely safe and comfortable. She has a fine glass -enclosed dance floor on the upper deck, where music will be provided for dancing on the trip to Detroit as well as on the moon- light. As there will be no regular boat between Goderich and Detroit this year, every one, sehocan Tpossibly do so, should take ..rivsiritage of this op- portunity te.•=-Visit ilia,- wonderful city of the Straits. 'Further particulars will appear later.' Giris Do you want to learn a trade And have steady employment? We, will pay IneXperiencel. girls $14,06 per week While learning Operating Hand sewing. Basting Tailoring On; mens fine clothing E. G. HACHBORN & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto, Hensall Tile and Block Works °- We wish to announce to the pub- • lic that we have taken over the Bon- thron and Drysdale cement and pulp stone business, and will endeavor to handle their end of this business along with ours, and give the public good service. There will always be some- one ready to wait on cement and pulp stone customers, Also cement blocks and tile, We have a very choice line of verandah peer caps and blocks. We handle only the highest grade of Portland cement, Phone No. 7, Hen- sel'. 2679-ef W. E. PFAFF W NTED MI IEEE NMI ME Flax Land to IWO ME ENE ME MI MN IMIS ONO ION MNENE Rent ONE O M NME MOE IEEE NI I/ EOM ME ME • 1E.1 smENENEELEE NM MN an ONE LEE EMI OUP EINE ENO NEM IO▪ NE The Canadian Flax Mills Limited, Seaforth, Ont,E will rent a large acreage E of sod land, spring or E fall ploughed. Will furn- ish seed free and do the al seeding. Farmer will -3 plow, disc, harrpw and Corrnick, Phone Seaforth 212, a4er-6 p.m. 202. The Canadian Flax Mills El •Limited E M, McCormick, Mill Man. = fiminnummummummunumumna FARMERS Look! Listen!; have for sale 3 splendid driving horses, 1 black, I bay, I chestnut also heavy coltand work horses, second- hand engines from 11/4 horse power up to 16 horse power. Any engine may be I tried thoroughly before being paid I for, some extra values in 4%, 6 and 8 ' horse power, 2 second hand De Laval cream separators in Al condition, 1 a small size,' also -6 and 7 foot Massey - Harris and Deering bInders, drills and cultivatort. Plently of time givea to pay for all second hand machines. • R. . Henderson • AGENT IMIIMIHMHHHIHMUIMIHMHIMIHMi E O▪ N E NO MEE O EN SPECIAL! i" D'I • :"4, . _ ...i Don't Miss It a - ...= E W e are giving 10 i _ . i per cent. off foi I i cash on Boots & I i Shoes. _-- _ _ _ = . . E• Bring the whole family. i E: We can fit them all with E E Fine Shoes and Work E E Shoes. . ..a: _ — 47: .., .. E Ten per tent. i Es- off Wall Paper i i also. ONO EEO 0.••••••••••••F ingn inn NMI LIE EMI = A.McAsh&S o -n MEI IOW OWNI NINNO WO , Varna MO = Phon 13 On 622 mm ENE ENE OEM • Me wiIlIIIllhIIIIIIIIhIIUhIfJJIIflJtIJlHJJJlIIliuI = I A Banking Service VOUR banking re uirements may. -1`. be entrusted to ,this Bank with ever/ confidence that _ arena and efficient sgrvice wll1 rcN1erc4: Our ladfities are e tirely at your THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seafort IA •Branch J. G Mullen, manager Clean Clothe Health Asset TALK NO' a Disease irevention is worth conlsidermg. One case is kriown of a man who keikt catching cold • mysterioUsly. No source of infebtion was discov- erable for the later attacks. Finally he remember- ed that he was putting clean handkerckiefs in the same pocket where infected ones had ben, - The garment went to the cleaner and he colds ceased. es ea_ 50c Boys' Bloomer Suits 14Y, WARD OBE Goderich Stkeet, Seaforth. Opposite Queen's' Hotel 11 law Electri6 Light • Ppwer W4tter For veryone Everywhere FULLY AUTOMATIC. Electricity appea s to you to -day because it is usetui, won as safe, convenient and reliable. Electricity which has revolutionized working and living condition* in the cities has now the same influence in the country or: the Unit A NORTHERN ELiXTRIC POWER AND LIGHT. PLANT ON TOUR • FARM • Will light your house, stable and dairy. Will run a cream separator or churn. Will wash the clothes and do the ironingf Will run the sewing machine Will operate a toaster. • Will operate a vacum -cleaner. Will pump water for your house and barn. Will charge automobile batteries Will make housework easy and reduce household The most complete plant on the market to-day—not a shirk *MI but a line of plants.' A SIZE FOR EVERY PROSPECT expose. Harry G. Hess Zurich AGENT. ....L,••••••.•••••••••••.- catfateeeeeete gees/re oCZp,lNumy APHAPIO DULUTH TOPKIIIT 0 Are You Thinking of Going to Western Canada? Pt-6'47MM. gr,9004•0 Wonderful opportunities await the tusineas Yansley or the Mer- chant who is seeking wider scope and greater rewards for his energy, in Western Canada, a4ong the lines of the Canadian National Railways. Information of value to intendingsettlers and to other, Interested is given in FREE book, "Homeseekers' and Settlers' Guide." Cons- fortable through trains from Onterlo and Eastern Canada via Lake Superior's Hinterland and the Great Clay Belt afford an interesting, scenic, and tho )(Weal rout. for Cassdiszte. Enquice—ssacast C.N.Rys. Agent o -of write • II. IL MELANSON Pamenget Traffic Minster, Toronto, Ofttelf0 , 'Th. Way to th. Wast' 4FAX e enesemsewssamisr" VC 1r.- Iltit&- CO. Embalmers and , Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of ,Government Diplonla • . and Liscense _ 7 Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice • Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 AT YOUR SERVICE B. R. HICGINS BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 100 (formerly of Bruceneld) —Agent fors -- The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company. Commissioner ILC, of J. Convey- ances. Fire andf'Tomitds Notary Palk. - Wednesday each week at Bremner Steady Work At highest wages For experienced Operators, Tailors, Pressers On mens fine clothing. Apply at once E G HAGHBORN & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. FARMS•FOR' SALE FARMS FOR SALE A I have some choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne, and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on'easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, R. R. No. 8; Exeter, or phone Hyndman Line, Exeter. 265841 HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable, preuerty just off Main street, Ermondville. consisting of one-half acre of land, on which is situated a 1%. story brick house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable, good well and. cistern, also apple. plum and pear trees and other small fruits. This is a splendid property and the taxes are low. For further particulars, apple to Mrs. M. A. Charlesworth, r.gmondvIlle P. O. 2650x241 FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in ths village of Egmmidville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is knows as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good wil/ and cement cistern, ,tAll kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- pErty with no breaks* on front, and the land is in a good sfate of cultiva- tion. This is a ,nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light For particulars apply on the premum or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 258441 se, Licensed Embalmer = = Undertaking parlors in Oddfe I lows building op,poilte 11- F. dance Goderich et., = ftlkftIflIflUhlUfthIIIIplgIlUIIJHiftfttUiJ - T. Holmes Funeral Director and . = WEI I'MUSE FOR SALE.—ON JARVIS STREET ""•South, houseand lot. Apply or premises. CYRUS BAILEY, Seaforth, P. Cr. 2679x14f trim FOR SALE.—WE WILL HAVE FOR. -1.• sale in about two weeks, a quantity of 4 inchand 6 inch • cement tile. Larger steer 'made to' order. , REUBEN FROST, Seaforth. 2679x2 isrewatit Bros. Resi- Dr. 'Sciott's = Flowers furnished an = short-notie,e. 11011 - Phone Night, or Day 119, = 41111111M111111111111111111111111I111111111111147; • • IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—FOUR CATTLE, 1 YEAR OLD. Apply on the . premises to. THOMAS FOWLER, Tuckersmith, 2 miles west of Sea - forth. •2679x2 VATTLE WANTED.—THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared te. take a number of young cows and cattle for the season, on Lot 24,. Concession 4, McKillop. Apply M JOHN GOVENLOCK, Egmondville. Rhone ft on 146. 2679x2 MAN WANTED.—GOOD MAN OR BOY TO work on farm, capable of doing general farm work. Will hire by month or year. Apply- to Box 157, Expositor, 2674-tf InURE BRED ROCKS. — GUARANtEmi bred M lay. Extra heavy winter layers. Choice eggs for hatching, $1 for 15 eggs. W. i. McCULLIE, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2676-4 VEDAR POSTS FOR SALE.—FOR _BALE— A number of good cedar posts. all sizes. Apply on Lot 2 Concession 14 Grey, or AD- DRESS BRUSSELS, P. 0. A. HISLOP. 2672-tf VOR SALE.—A PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSE- -1. hold furniture, comprising of a dining room suite, beds, range heater, coal oil stove, Chairs and other articles will be held at my home, Goderich Street, commencing Friday, April 18th. J. W. BUTTON, 26741 FARM FOR RENT.—ABOUT 85 ACRES OF grass land, consisting of Lot 24, Comes- aion 1, Tuckersmith, 3 miles west' of Sea- fbrth. Apply to MRS. MARY DALE, or to GEoRag C. DALE, R. R. NO. 2, Seaforth. Phone 9 on 616 Clinton CentraL 2679-1 NOTICE.—PLEASE CALL AND SETTLE your aecount at St. Columban Store. We have a few old_ accounts that have long remained unsettled which must, without ex- ception, be settled in full by cash or interest bearing note before May lat, 1919. J. J. HOL- LAND. 2679-2 VOTICE.—APPLICATIONS WILL BE RE- -1-1 eeived for the clerkship of the township of Stanley, on or before the 3rd day of May. State salary expected. Lowest or any appli- cation not necessarily accepted. Applications to be addreseed to MORTON ELLIOTT, Reeve, R. R. No. 1, Varna, Ont. 2679-3 po,R SALE.—ONE 14 H. P. PORTABLE White steam engine in good working order, one 8-16 Mogul tractor, used one season, and two small engines, one nearly new. These will be sold cheap for quick sale. Also full line of implements, tractors, engines, litter carries, pumps, e,tc, JAMES KERR, Seaforth. McCormick Agent. 2678x2 pAR,MER SOLDIERS.—NOTICE, TO RE: turned soldiers who are taking up farming. MageeY1H.arrie 0,0111PaPY els - zit ;Pc4itii4n to sell to returned men any farm implement, manufactured by them, at a price 3 per cent. les than the price at which they are sold te the agent: MASSEY-HA-RRIS CO, LTD.,' Toronto., per R. C. Henderson. 2677-8 IL'IOR SALE—IN EGMONDVILLE—EIGHT acres of land with frame house and kite • chen, good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and small barn. Good well. Close to school, church and stores. Small orchard. Possession can be .had in March. For particulars apply th HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville, or phone 10 on 134, Seriforth. 2668-0 , pea SALE.—DOUBLE HOUSE, FRAME, •11; Cement foundation. cistern with good sup- ply of soft water. Bach part contains six good rooms, has woodshed attached. One single frame dwelling, seven rooms, cistern, wood- shed, etc.'also one lot with good well. All very centrally situate(' on Jarvis Street and known as the Trott property. For further par- ticulars, apply to WM. AIORRISON, Jarvis Street, Seaforth. Box 402. 2675x6 Returned Soldiers Learn tailoring and obtain Stead employment. Wei will pay you $16..00 Per wefek While teaching you Cutting Pressing Operating Tailoring On mens fine clothing Apply at once. E. G. HACHBORN & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. mEINENENNENENfmniamomEL AUCTION SALES, A UCTION SALE OF CATTLE,e HORSES 4A- and Hogs. Mr. T. Brown he been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 25, Concession 1, Hibbert, on Tuesday, April 22nd, at 1 o'clodlc, the following property: Cattle -4 cow3. to calve in April and May, 1 cow to calve about time of sale, 7 two year old heifers, nine one year old heifers and steers, three young calves. Hogs. —5 9 CM S due to pig from April 25th to May 10th, 8 pigs 'about 50 pounds each, 1 small driving horse, suitable for mail route or any light driving. Terms of sale -6 'months' credit on furnishing joint notes, 5 per cent. per annum off for cash. No reserve as the pro:. prietor has sold his grass farm. NEAL KLEIN, Proprietor. T. Brown; Auctioneer. 2679x1 A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF COTTAGES, ' and lot, in Seaforth, belonging to the estate of the late Rev. 1", Corcoran, P. P. There will be offered fer sale by public auction, at the commercial Hotel, in the Town of. Seaforth, on Monday, April, the twenty-first 1919 at 2 o'clook sharp, the following property; Parcels 1 & 2.—Lots numbers twenty-seven(27) and twenty-eight (28), on Mill Street, in Carter's subdivision of Block "H" of Jarvis' survey, of part of the town of Seaforth. (10 each of these lots is a small cottage. Lot twenty-seven is on the cornea. of Min and Brantford Streets, and either cottage can be made into a nice little -home. Parcel 8.— Part of Town lot ntember, sixty-seven (67), in James Beattie's survey of part of the town of Seaforth, east of West Street, commencing - at :the north-west corner Of said lot number sixty-seven and running along the northerly limit of said lot one hundred feet, thence • southerly parallel with the westerly limit toe, the south side of said lot, thence westerle on the southerly-linait of said lot one hundred feet to West Street, thence along West Street te the plaee of beginning, and being the full width of the said lot, by one_hundred feet in depth, and containing about one-eigth of an ace of land, more or less, This is situated in eine of the beet residential sectionof Sea - forth, and is a first class building lot. Terms— Ten per cent of the purchase money M be paid on the iday of sale and the balance with- in thirty days thereafter. The property will be sold esubject to a reserved bid. For further Particulars apply M PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOICE, Seaforth and Goderich, Solicitors for; Vendor. co. Brown, Auctioneer. ;chool of Commerce Clinton, 04t. Easter Term begins April 2,2nd 'Stenographic Courses Commercial and General Our work is better than many and equal to any. Special inducement offer- ed to those entering after Easter Easter Holidays. • J For Particulars write B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts. Principal t 2679-2 GODERICH-DETROIT EXCURSION 50 EARLY CABBAGE PLANTS 40q We have just been advised that the big steel steamer, Greyhound of the .Prepaid, shipped successfully 'every- where. Ask for vegetable plant price list. Aients --a wanted. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ontario, Niagara District, '2679-8 White Star Line, will leave Goderich with the Annual Detroit exeusion, • Tuesday, June 17th, at 9.30 a.m., ar- riving at Detroit 5.15 p.m. ' Returning will leave Detroit- Thurs.- - day, June 19th, at 1.00 p.m. The fare will be only $2.25 for the round trip and $1.75 one sway. The Greyhound i1l reach Goderich from Detroit on th6. first trip up Mon- day, Aim 16th, at 5 p.m. and run a moonlight to Lake Huron that even- , ing at 8.15 pan. This event will be under the auspices of the Goderich Band which is an assurance of geed music for . dancing and a good time generally. The Greyhound is a big staunch seaworthy steamer, absolutely safe and comfortable. She has a fine glass -enclosed dance floor on the upper deck, where music will be provided for dancing on the trip to Detroit as well as on the moon- light. As there will be no regular boat between Goderich and Detroit this year, every one, sehocan Tpossibly do so, should take ..rivsiritage of this op- portunity te.•=-Visit ilia,- wonderful city of the Straits. 'Further particulars will appear later.' Giris Do you want to learn a trade And have steady employment? We, will pay IneXperiencel. girls $14,06 per week While learning Operating Hand sewing. Basting Tailoring On; mens fine clothing E. G. HACHBORN & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto, Hensall Tile and Block Works °- We wish to announce to the pub- • lic that we have taken over the Bon- thron and Drysdale cement and pulp stone business, and will endeavor to handle their end of this business along with ours, and give the public good service. There will always be some- one ready to wait on cement and pulp stone customers, Also cement blocks and tile, We have a very choice line of verandah peer caps and blocks. We handle only the highest grade of Portland cement, Phone No. 7, Hen- sel'. 2679-ef W. E. PFAFF W NTED MI IEEE NMI ME Flax Land to IWO ME ENE ME MI MN IMIS ONO ION MNENE Rent ONE O M NME MOE IEEE NI I/ EOM ME ME • 1E.1 smENENEELEE NM MN an ONE LEE EMI OUP EINE ENO NEM IO▪ NE The Canadian Flax Mills Limited, Seaforth, Ont,E will rent a large acreage E of sod land, spring or E fall ploughed. Will furn- ish seed free and do the al seeding. Farmer will -3 plow, disc, harrpw and Corrnick, Phone Seaforth 212, a4er-6 p.m. 202. The Canadian Flax Mills El •Limited E M, McCormick, Mill Man. = fiminnummummummunumumna FARMERS Look! Listen!; have for sale 3 splendid driving horses, 1 black, I bay, I chestnut also heavy coltand work horses, second- hand engines from 11/4 horse power up to 16 horse power. Any engine may be I tried thoroughly before being paid I for, some extra values in 4%, 6 and 8 ' horse power, 2 second hand De Laval cream separators in Al condition, 1 a small size,' also -6 and 7 foot Massey - Harris and Deering bInders, drills and cultivatort. Plently of time givea to pay for all second hand machines. • R. . Henderson • AGENT IMIIMIHMHHHIHMUIMIHMHIMIHMi E O▪ N E NO MEE O EN SPECIAL! i" D'I • :"4, . _ ...i Don't Miss It a - ...= E W e are giving 10 i _ . i per cent. off foi I i cash on Boots & I i Shoes. _-- _ _ _ = . . E• Bring the whole family. i E: We can fit them all with E E Fine Shoes and Work E E Shoes. . ..a: _ — 47: .., .. E Ten per tent. i Es- off Wall Paper i i also. ONO EEO 0.••••••••••••F ingn inn NMI LIE EMI = A.McAsh&S o -n MEI IOW OWNI NINNO WO , Varna MO = Phon 13 On 622 mm ENE ENE OEM • Me wiIlIIIllhIIIIIIIIhIIUhIfJJIIflJtIJlHJJJlIIliuI = I A Banking Service VOUR banking re uirements may. -1`. be entrusted to ,this Bank with ever/ confidence that _ arena and efficient sgrvice wll1 rcN1erc4: Our ladfities are e tirely at your THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seafort IA •Branch J. G Mullen, manager Clean Clothe Health Asset TALK NO' a Disease irevention is worth conlsidermg. One case is kriown of a man who keikt catching cold • mysterioUsly. No source of infebtion was discov- erable for the later attacks. Finally he remember- ed that he was putting clean handkerckiefs in the same pocket where infected ones had ben, - The garment went to the cleaner and he colds ceased. es ea_ 50c Boys' Bloomer Suits 14Y, WARD OBE Goderich Stkeet, Seaforth. Opposite Queen's' Hotel 11 law Electri6 Light • Ppwer W4tter For veryone Everywhere FULLY AUTOMATIC. Electricity appea s to you to -day because it is usetui, won as safe, convenient and reliable. Electricity which has revolutionized working and living condition* in the cities has now the same influence in the country or: the Unit A NORTHERN ELiXTRIC POWER AND LIGHT. PLANT ON TOUR • FARM • Will light your house, stable and dairy. Will run a cream separator or churn. Will wash the clothes and do the ironingf Will run the sewing machine Will operate a toaster. • Will operate a vacum -cleaner. Will pump water for your house and barn. Will charge automobile batteries Will make housework easy and reduce household The most complete plant on the market to-day—not a shirk *MI but a line of plants.' A SIZE FOR EVERY PROSPECT expose. Harry G. Hess Zurich AGENT. ....L,••••••.•••••••••••.- catfateeeeeete gees/re oCZp,lNumy APHAPIO DULUTH TOPKIIIT 0 Are You Thinking of Going to Western Canada? Pt-6'47MM. gr,9004•0 Wonderful opportunities await the tusineas Yansley or the Mer- chant who is seeking wider scope and greater rewards for his energy, in Western Canada, a4ong the lines of the Canadian National Railways. Information of value to intendingsettlers and to other, Interested is given in FREE book, "Homeseekers' and Settlers' Guide." Cons- fortable through trains from Onterlo and Eastern Canada via Lake Superior's Hinterland and the Great Clay Belt afford an interesting, scenic, and tho )(Weal rout. for Cassdiszte. Enquice—ssacast C.N.Rys. Agent o -of write • II. IL MELANSON Pamenget Traffic Minster, Toronto, Ofttelf0 , 'Th. Way to th. Wast' 4FAX e enesemsewssamisr"