HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-04-11, Page 3„telt
cKfl10 iOsem
clump, 6 aorwkaf
tate of cultivation;
2 ranee_ from Con-
ern school:, There are on
seven roomed Mum Urge
'call Page wire fences and
I. There are forb• acrms
b�b and the balance see&
, two big springs. one
nd in the other a darn
am pumping the water to,
the barn. As the -mina
d near the house and line
waste land. There is a
ed lane from the road to
7-?.. •to
ture -Ls
)ne which
quality of
/tad. To be -
P. secret pro -
a pigment of
lent is ground
htege stoneS„.
Ii this
pull) by b0-
:eed IT-W(1e
idram's Gen -
ix own
bOr of ixn
atlity pigment
04-0147* vor.04‘00014
Products for
thcr urposcs
a Lae,” the perfect varnish
t. Roof
...Shingle Stain, in 19 dif.
Prch Floor Paint
rnrch tic( r3, ceilings and
exposed to the weather.
• Cellinat and Walls
Frtsconette"—A fiat tone
a Fleet
"Fb7rIustre,"excelleat ler
ior Aeon,.
albs and Outbuildisia
!dal Bszn Dant.
*lime e worry and incorti
venience of collecting your sale notes by
having s gar& do it for you.
We will look after all parrients when due
and credit the amount paid to your account.
Consult, the Manage..
ewat sell it for
_ .
•orPho e Your Orders •We prepay Caria
SEAFtifiTH 'BRAtICH: R. M..JONES Manager.
$eateteemexposelelii******1111111ellelesneinitileliliMS*11111011111illititkait**11111 -
'pflPfli'Th:yPflSflR. don, was calling on oid friends here
last week.a-11,f
been the marZeerS.o2'1711:1110(1)sohnass.
Bank here for some years left, Friday
DISTRICT MATTERS for Richmond, Quebec, where he has
been ma -de raanager of the branch a
the bank in that city —Mr R. T.
Luker has purcbaaed Mr. Alex. Doves
residence on Main street, at present
occupied by Mr. E. Gardiner.—Mr. M.
Elford has moved.fromUsborne to the
residence in the village he recently
purchased from Mr. Wilbour Martin.
—Mr. James E. Jeckell, of Montreal;
formerly. of Exeter, left that city on
the 26th of March for Genoa, Italy,
taeasserabIe a number of locomotives
built by the firm for yehich he wiirks,
for the Italian Government.- Frem
there he goes to South Africa. He
expects to be awe a year.
• (To late for last week.)
Notes.—Wedding bells are still
ringing —Mrs Robert:4O1 left last
for Granton, to assist in standing
her grandaughter, who received ser-
ious injuries while playing at school.
—Mrs. Fisher has moved into the
house lately vacated by Mr. McConnell,
Mr. and Mrs Fisher were settlers at
Peace River for some time, but intend
disposing of their properties there and
settling in this neighhorhooct—Maple
syrup will not be so pleatiful in this
locality, very few of the farmers as
are making it this spring.—Miss Min-
nie McLaren is at present visiting with
her friends and relatives in this neigh-
Nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets as a medicine for little ones. They
are a laxative, mild but thorough in
action, and never fail to relieve con-
stipation, colic, calds and shnple
fevers. Once a nfother has used them
she will use nothing else. Concern-
ing them Mrs: Saluste Pelletier, S.
Dames des Aulnaies, Que., writes:—
"I always keep a box of Baby's Own
Tablets in the house. They are the
best medirine I know of for little on.es
and I would not be without them':
The Taigas are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 eents a box from
' The Dr. Williams' •Medicine Co,
• Brockville, Ont.'
(To late forlast week.) I
Brief.—Mr. and Mrs. C. North-
cott and family left last week- for
Bladwortk Saskatch-eWari. Mr. -North- 1
eat spent the summer in the west and
the 'family will new reside there per -1
mently.—Mr. W. H. Levetti of Lon -
• INV TED• caonildu:
oddard, professor of does
College, acting un- on it
ery hello isener kneWs .11trt`
little injuries are mat witi_
u ng. "sprig cleaning" tithe and
O eiallY the 'sore place becomes
reefed With dust and germs. Tii,;.
er of this nee in the at ?that
Ilea—slight at 'that, if not al,
ed to, tray become enflittited,
, antes great suffering- and
elegance, and frequently lead
lewd -poisoning.
To safeguard yourself, apply
-Buk at once to all ettts,
mei thes, •abrasions, burne and
eel ti. This antiseptic balm im-
odlately deetroys all gernia and
rev' tits any 'danger of festering
lood-polsoning. Zees -Bilk also
pain and stops bleeding so
loysethwahteonoapptilmytteneaesd sboenloaest
jury is sustained. Then the
ng essences in Zane13u1actue
gro* newskin; so that' in a
seatively short time the rouaid
completel, healed. .
Zatn-Buk . is best for eeze?ati,
ils pimples, rashes, ulcers and
los All dealers, 50c. box.
4 co
e ds
• ti
b t
a 1
h al
a V
c nn>
a pet ected gasivegine installed in the
lowei part of the shell, the exp osions
that enerate the power coning from
artri ges that are fed into the chamber
Ioelc-like time device. Th range
roeket is limited only y tha.
t of propelling cartrid es it
be fitted to carry. The Jroeket
et require a cannon to tart it
ight, the. journey being tartest
front ny point where a man e n get
The eapon feature of the ro ket is
in th head, where. a chamber is fit-
ted t contain either high exp oeives
or ga . Men wive have fo11osed the
&vehement of Dr. • Goddard's Irocket
Claim- it can be made as erne ent in
never arfare as in land battle
GINE OF WAR of -th
Dr. Robert E.
physics at Olarli
der the patronage of the United
States War Department, the Smith-
sonian Institution, Clark University
and Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
has invented a new rocket that is
reported to be a terAble egine of
war, with an altitude range of seventy
miles straight up. into the air and a
distance range of at least bite hundred
The rocket, in the ,opinion of the
scientists, who have investigated its
workings, is the °Most efficient rocket
ever developed. It is claimed-- the
best-known rocket in use to -day has
an efficiency of less than three per
cent., while the Goddard rocket has
an efficiency of sixty-three per cent.
The eocket has been developed in a
special laboratory at Worcester Tech.,
and the signing of the armistice pre-
vented its being put to actual Use in
warfare against the Germans as all
the local tet had been completed.
these tests, made by models, showed
that 4 rocket weighing thirty pounds,
equipedewith the -Goddatd, system of
'propulsion, could, be sent into the air
far above the earth's atmosphere. -
The Goddard rocket ispropelled by
rin _
Increases Your Efficiency
Lay the Foundation of Geed Health Now ..by Building Up Your Bloott and
• Strengthening Your Nerves.
The good old fashion of taking a tonic in the springtime, like most of
the customs of ouragrandparents, is 'based upon sound common sense and
good Medical practiel. No matter how mild the winter it is a trying time,
even in the most favored climates, for those who are not in ruggecV physical
-health. Many men, women and children. go through the -winter oti treserve
strength they have stored up during the .sunny, summer months, and grow
increasingly pale as the pring days amkoach. A tonic for the blood and
nerves at this time Will do mu& for -such people, by putting -color in the.
cheeks and banishing that tired feeling that worries thausatids at this season
•of the year.
You ,ean not be energetic if your bleed is'thin and weak, orif your
nerves are frayed -or shattered. You cannot -coMpete ,.with othere, if you
do not get refreshing sleep at night, or if you are 1.04ing weight. YOU need
a tonic at this time to -eto your efficiency -now, as well as to save you from
suffering later, Cm. And in all the realm. of medicine there ie no safer- or
better; tonie th'an Dr. Williams Piak Pills foll%1404Ptieople.-` These pills make
new rich, red blood,. -which circulates through ry portion of the body
strengthening jaded .nerves and run-down organs, and -bringing a' feelingof
new strength and energy to weak, easily tired, despondent men, women and
ehildren, -
Mr, D. G. McClure, Healey Creek, I
B. 'Ca says : "As a spring .tome I
know of nothing else that an equal
Dr..Willittins' Pink Pills. Last spring I
felt weak and run down, and_eaffered
a greatdeal front bilious headachese
1 got a half dozen boxes of Dr, Wil-
liams' psi* Pilis, andafter taking
them I felt like' a new man. The las-
situde from which 1 ..suffeied, had ,dis;
appeared,_ I had) a better appetite,
and was in every way stronger awl
better than before I began the use of
this medicine.' Almost 'everyone
needs a tonic in the spring, and for
tbis pumose j can strongly - advise
Dr. William? Pink Pills.
Ittiss Beatrice Bishop, Fendale, N.
B., says: have never felt so well
as I do -since taking Dr. William?
Pink Pills. When, I began their use I
was vett much run down. -1 had no '
color, no appetite, could not go up
Stairs Nialiout stopping to rest on the
way. I had frequent b.eadaches and a
feeling of despondenctse I took Pink
Fills, = regularly for about eight
weeks: and while I felt a benefit from
them almost from, the first, at the
end of that time I was in •bett,er
health than I had ever enjoyed be-
fore. I freely give you permission to
publish this letter as my experience
may lye the means of pointing the
way to new health to some other
'weak and run down, .
Mrs. M. D. MacLeod, Caledonia,
P. EA., say's: 'I have Used Dr. Wil-
liams" Pink PdIs as a .spring medi-
cine with satisfactory . results. Be-
fore 1 began -their use I Was subject
to weak spells, but these have. now
disappeared. .I find that my appetite
is better,. and I hate etery confidence
in your pills as a bloog, builder.
Mr. IL H McKelvey, Orono, Ont,
says: `cAlysexpetiptiee with Dr.. Wil-
liams Pink Pills has been of the' most
favorable kind. • At the time I began
their use I was so weak ,eand, run
down that 1 could hardly go Sbent:
My stomach was also out a order
and the. food I tookedid not seem to
dome a Mt of goixt, Then,Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills came to my rescue,
and under their use my stomach'
grew better, my general health im-
• proxed, and I was soon as healthy
and vigorous a man as I had ever
been. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with
the use of Pinklete ea,' a laxative
when needed, is now our family med-
icine, and alp would not be without
Mrs. Herbert Hanson, Lower
Rainesville,• N. says': have the
very highest regard for Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Before I began their use
I suffered greatly with sieh head-
ache, dizziness and a feeling of • de-
pression and tiredness. A short treat-'
anent with the pills fully restored my
health. My daughter Blanche was
suffering from anaemia, and through
the use of six boxes of ne
Pink Pills gained wonderfully in
weight, strength and general health.
We think so much of Dr. Willi ms'
Pink Pills that we are never without's!
them in the house, and X consider
them nal" best friend," sio
—Tie late Dr. William J. . Mal-
loch, native of Clinton, who died a
few w ks' ago, left an estate valued
at $88 188; His will had been n ade in
Noven her,- 1918, and left the whole
of his property to his wife, Olive
Chs.el te Edith Malloch. Th y hiid-
no chi dren. ,
—L st week, Henry Clarke seld his
one h mired acre farmetot it, Con-
cesson 17,..Grey, to Howard Dougherty
lof Me illop, for the sum of $5,200.
Mr. 0 ark has lived on the f tri for
the ee st eleven years. Mr. an1 Mrs,
Clark 11 take a well earned $st and
recrtu their health.
r, William. J. Armstroifig, , St.
Align tine, received the sad *Ws on
Mond y of the death of his eldest son,
t Saskatoon. Earl was fireman
on th4a Cenetlian Netioaelfreg
train de '2''T to
X* el: -
d alwo
when :owing to a faulty switch, it left
the tracks at Ardath and crashed into
a grain elevator, which- toppled over.
on to of the train and burst, smother-
ing three men. None of the passengers .
were injured. Mr. Willtam Armstrong
left for Saskatoon on Tuesday morn-
ing. Deceased leaves a wife and two
children who reside in Saskatoon, one
brother'. lrves at home and another
brothe , W. T., is overseas in the fly-
ing cfrps,
--est Sunday afternoon, kit Knox
churc , Monerieff, Rev, Mr, Lundy, on .
behalf of the congregationopresented
D. K. nd Mr. Livingston vith a fine
bible o the eve of their depatu e from
this lo ality. Mrs. Livingston' made an
appro riate reply. The latte • and
Miss arie have been mem ers of
the ch•ir and Sunday school a d Mrs. ,-
Living ton has ' been ever T ady,„ to
lend a helping hand in the va ous or-
ganize oes. The ladies will take a
trip to tffe West, Mr. Livings n will
go to.Nbrth Bay and Harold N 11 enter
the employment of Mr. Trenc , Tees -
water, 'n the lightning rdd b i -Mess. .
a -C1 nton• citizens'were muc shock -
.ed on 1 hursday afternoon la when
it beea e known that Mrs. D. • . Wat-
son has passed away suddenly that
inornin _. While Mrs. Watson had not
been e joying the best of hetilth for
some .onths, her death was entirely
unexpe ed and she ;had been up and
Aleut - - usual. What niade her pass-
ing mire tragic was the fact that :1
her hu band was absent froni home,
having left on the early, tr in for
Crothat y, intending to return in the,
evening NLT$. Watson was born at
Centre, Wdienand, county, where Jeer,
ehildhi i i and .giilhood days- were--
sPent a &where she: was ma eid. For
Isome y ars after their'marriage . Mr,
mat Mr-. Wa;tsonteihied:near. IVIlichell
and la r they moved' .tif ListoweL
The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink,
Pills is build up the- blood. They'
do this on.e6thing and they do it well.
They are, for this reason, an invalu-
able remedy in diseases arising from!
bad or deficient blood, such as anae-
mia, rhenmatism, neuralgia, pains in
the back or side and the after effects
of influenza or fevers. If you are
suffering from any troubles due to
weak, watery bloed, or shaky nerves,
a, fair use of these pille will restore
you to full health and strength. Dr.
iVilliarns' Pink Pills are sold by all
medicine dealers or will be sent by
'post paid, it 00 -cents a tbox or
six boxes for $2..5() by The Dr. Wilc.
Hams' Medicine Co, Brocktille,,pnt,
froin WI( tolVit. the UMW 'Caine to
Clinton years ago. She
was e. very Irrendlyeande sociable
dispositi nand was mucked liked
respecte by all 'Who,:knew. her. She
was esp eially devoted to her home,
her hus and and their Only soh-, who.
are sady bereaved - by her sudden
death: he was a member of Wesley•
way, • in
1856 end
ada wit
ten year
Mr, and
ge Warrener,' who passed a -
Clinton, .on Tuesday, of last
s bern in Yorksluxe, Eng -
ere he epent. his youth and
mimed. He was married in
immediately started for Can-,
his beide, going direet to -
where he 1148 continued ` to
ith the ex -deletion of -Mae or .
spent in:farming in lItillett •
-Nearly- three years age, .
rtf. Wet -eviler -Celebrated the .
sixtieth' nniversary .of their ;wedding
Mrs-, Wa ener survives her husband,
.eight- of their children also survive:
John, of arriia; George; Wall cebarg;
IThstretts; Cfddericli; Richard, ' Toledo,'
Ohio; •beet, Clinton* Nathan, ,Hen- !
sail, and Mrs. Allan and Mrsa Vallary
of . Toro t(. 'There are twenty-five
:gitimichi &yea and eight great -grand-'
ehildrem1 Wis. Mac* of „Clinton, is.
a, sister nd the only remaining mem-
ber of . h5.s own family, -Some xears -
ago, Mr. Warrener was throlwn.Trom ,
a buggyl and very seriously injured ;
• and he1ud never recovered fully front i
Ow effee •' f the „injury. * He had been
ilailing f r some time pest. and pneu-
monia se ng in, he Sue0unt d:
agnificerit Show-
ing of Dress Goods,
s and Fancy
• eliCH an areay of beautiful Press Fab-
UP- rias as this we have never J before dis-
playtd, for in the whole history icit the
weaver's art such beauty of inaterial,such
h;trniony of coloring; such exquisite pat-
terns and designs were never betore con-
ceived. .
There is a delightful variety ,of beauti-
ful new in4erials peculiarly adapted -to -
the many new effects go strongly- demand-
ed by correa't style, Every new material
finds expression in this complete display"
and at •
i -
Prettier Wash
Goods You
Never Saw
IT is remarkable the many
- new mliterials, hand-
some patterns and attractive
colorings that have made
their bow,th)s season. The
new sport cloths, fanny,
are attracting the enthus—
iastic admiration of every
woman who visits our
Wash Goods Department.
More New Suits
Coats for Wm
and Misses
neVer was a greater div.ersity
of styles than this season. Every
newshipment seems to excelfthe previous
one. There is no newidea that i not
represented here.
• NorthlMay Garthent
• have for years icarried the guarant
absolute satisfa4-ion. They are b
made, more carefully cut, and the
last word in becOming design, *Co
and see them. °
Coats.$1.5 to $45 -Suits$20 o
Whtt isLI3eAlly correct iLn
Reliable Millinery
Pril ESE are the days when most women areeager
for the correct style hints iti,nes0 Spring Hats.
Arread3r many women have learned that thiS store
speaks With authority in regard to correct and be-
coming Millinery,.,
We heartily iniiite eveiy Woman
to enjoy an eally,
'ellipse of the neWiMported arrivals, that for b.
comtng beauty and refined taste surpasseseven this
store's previous displays.
-Prices, Always Lower Here
Newest • Spring
Clothes for
A BSOLUTELY correct styles in
xi. Men's Spring suits; The newest
materials, in serges, fancy worsteds or
real Scotch Tweeds,
We are particularly prou4. of our
navy blue serges, in. allva,tlie varying
shades from .the '` light American blue
to the rich, dark navy. Prices ranging
cIn fancy worstedsAt ere: is a, delight-
ful showing of dark and =Medinin .car
ors with, fancy woven colored, snipes.
the nitategio4terns you could imagine..
vvillcnt:ana beautifullk.line4hiade •
in the n'ilii3inch back or 08.160 Sty,les..
• „
Prices $10 to -$.
Dress Shirts for
Men d Boys
Doiens new patterns.
and colors ih. every size of
men's fine„ dress shirts in
plain or pleated, fronts, alti
made by 'Old p,reliable Irak-
ers. . Colors guaranteed.
S, •
Bias a
Comfort,graceltritness and
health are thetee desk.
ables in. corse Add to
these the attribute of eion-
only and you have in a
shell the outstanding
ifications :that have ma
these famous corsets among
the foremost of 'America.
There is no question
t!lt and comforc,if youget
your corsets hem
Price... $1.54) t
in Sui
PJ:ICE$5.50 to.,11;oo
BOYS. *ho like new things
eager to get a look at the new
we have received from makers
make % specialty of boys' Clothes,,
• Tliwese suits follow ci
and patterns now :so po
Suits. The handsome
• the dressy black and wh•
isummery greys in neat
patent Shier t Ottom o
• Pricet
:plug fiats
• •
Tbc,- new Spring models- are now ready for your
inspection. The: natty new styles for. the young
ladqwith their contrasting bands and„ wide brims,
as Well as the more conservative Oapes for the
'44ieter dressers, All are here in satisfying and
pleasing array. Sizes 6 5-8 to 9.
PRICE .51.50 to 00
New Ca s
Men a
The -new Caps are
tractive than ever.
patterns, more
shipesithkit fit so
• and are really becoming
early spring and even