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The Huron Expositor, 1919-04-11, Page 2
irtAt • APRIL .1,1 9 TfIE t 1113 �O ZTQR ted Star Washes Quickly '; MOMS quitcly, for it ° at rr high speed. The gentlest p on the` handle will send the fly wheel 'rung, and the gentlest pm - vire keeps it spinning at this rapid "rate until the washing is done. The ,fie are swirled through the Piot suds at `three times the rate. they can he washed by hand. Ina few minutes the dirtiest garments are snowy dean. The hard work of' washing the close is abolished. The Red Star - Washer is a I4e ing to any house- keeper. Call at the store to set this washer or have us mid one up; PRICE e �p. Magnet Washing, Machines... Maytag Machines gas engine drive e ... •..• 13.50 for .,•• -20 00 Wringers. • • • . R . • -00.0 i60• 5 5 Curtain Stretchers...... 25� 0 Carpet Whips... • s e 1,5 j. C+ 25 Mop Sticks......... Scrub Brushes • 10-t©25 SEAl ORT? ,`Fr flay, • ,pal. 11th,! 4919 AMELIA E. BARD MODEL ,. pF INIMIS i Amelia. E, Barr w'as, h r generation, remarkable writers 0 notbecause of ilex a ' but because of unflag indomitable cooraae. eighty-eight years o her death, and alt forty when she wr she lived to turn 0 every year of her of her eightysseca , said: -"My day's 1 it was twenty yea ! quite as much file had then. I haye now. I was rar'el I have made my' years in .a stoop, am perfectly erecft stairs as rapidly; still sweet and b `'balk of what 1 a future as if I hope and pray canles He Wil'. writing such wi Min to see. Manly speakin • Caustic Soda, 5 ib. t; as 90 O'Cedar Mops... 1 50 Wall Brushes with extra handle .. .... �..:: 1 25 Gillettes Lye...:,.. ....' 15 Foot Scrapers........,.. 10 Axle Grease, Mica..... 35 $16.0o Seafort THE McIULL P MUTUAL 1 FIRN INSURANCE CO' .I RSP D `Fic- SEAkiAt , ONT. DIRECTORY, OFFICERS. I. Cot lly, Goderch, /dent knit. Evans, Beechwood; Vice -Presided. T. E. Bays, Seaforth, Orth, Secy.-Trreas AGENTS Alex. Leitch, R. It. No. 1, Clinton;' Ed. Nixtchley, Seaforth; John Murray, Brucefield, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth; 1. W. Yeo, G oderich; R. G. Jar - math. Brodhagen, DIRECTORS ill m Einn No. 2, Seaforth; John Be ne vies, Brodhagen, James Evan, lbwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas. C.- o ty, Goderieb; D. F. MdGregor, R.. B 1~ o. g, aforth; J. G. Grieve, Ne. 4 Walton; Robert Ferris, Ila leek' George McCartney, G.. T. R. TIME TABLE Tragi Leave Seaforth aa' follows *6 -a. tn. - For Clinton, Goderick, Wingbam and Kincardine, .gg p. in. - For Clinton, Wingham andE cardiae. Goderictk> 11.05 p. m --- For Clinton, 6,36 ae. m. -For Stratford, -Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and Points west, Belleville and Peter- boro and points east. 1.16 p.m. -- For- Stratford, Toronto, , Montreal and points east. LONDON, HURON '.AND BRUCE Going South' Winghain, depart • • • • •�e Londeaboro ...... Clinton, Bruce:eld ...... • , .. Lppen Bengali. :.. . Exeter' Centralia London, arrive .• Going North London, depart trsbia 9.47 Exeter Hem .......... , • ; 9.59. 1p� ti 4 10� Bluefield 1.y0�fj.14 Clnztonn� ..,•..•..... 1010 Loftdesboro 11.28 Myth , 11.87 �q"e ...••..o•.• 11..50. 'Wingha i, arrive 12.05 a.m. 6.35 6,50 7.04 7.13 7.33 8.98 8.16 • 8.25 8.40 8.57 1045 a.m. 8.30 9.35 p.m 3.20 3.36 3.48 3.56 4.15 4.33 4.41 4:48 5.01 5.13 8.15 CAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING arae your #4ah4 � a mai! of Danderine right now - stops itching scalp. yr` Thin, Brittle, color1ese a, hair is mute evet once a acaipp ; of, dandruff that !here la nothin so the hair es dandr 1 of its lustre, its st life; eventually pr nese and ittihing of not remedied causes R',YI one of the most r a.s an author en industry and S e was almost cl at the to of ough she I ' was to her first novel t one for almost life. On the eye d birthday, She. ork is as long as s ago, and I have sur in it now as I rarely a headache without one then. riving for forty' -two ing, posture, but I rid I ascend the s 1 ever did. Life is sy, and my children going to don the as. ftrunortal. , ind I When the Master fi - d'me at my desk rcl as it will Please or � to literature, hu - am indebted not but also for every 'Now "in Perfect Health. 1 e ottle 0 ti gofaggy neglected aful scurf. structive to obs the hair and its very g a feverish - scalp, which if e hair roots to shrink, . loosenand .: e -their, the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine 'to- night -now -any time will surely Save your hair. Get a small bottle of . Knowlton's Danderjne from any Barg store. You surely can have beautiful hair and Iota of it if you Will. just try a little Dan- derine. Save ;your'hairt Try itt only; for my liviing g oy_health of bol 131essin I �enj �'► ac- tivity of mini; c u; nient and con, eerfulness;, co tent- �here- 1 employment fore iontinuall happiness.' Mrs. Barr' • aaiden name was Huddleston; and she was born in Ulverton, La cashire, at time when Charles Dickens; was a boy of nine- teen. As a child she was ex- tremely fon o reading, and ! used often to he reb ked for "wasting her time over ook." She has testi- fied that tidebook than exerted the most prof influence over her .life was " e s from the Invisible World," by 'teat -well-known news - gatherer, _ : John Wesley. Half a century later fishe vainly tried to buy a copy, but �icarne to -the conclusion' that there was not a single copy in America,•] and perhaps very fever in England. (j 'se father presently made some unwise investments and Amelia ake a position as second n a girl's school. She ni t l fie a romantic seamier, treed of him before she f r heard of him. Three ter he informed her one even - they were ruined, ani' that iulCi have to leave England India, or the United States. went Mrs. Barr was reads ewcombes," and such was pression 'created that she again opened one .of Thacke 1ponce.. For seven years there- Robertt Barr and his ;wife and :11 family wandered in ;vari- j of the United States' and ventually settling down in after the close of the 'Civil her husband and her ` two of a pestilence. Three s later another son was born, , too, died in a few days. Mrs, and half crazed with grief, he problem of existence, sank le capital in a boarding-house, is venture failed, and then. she a voice clear and iniperativ� : "Go to New York." So, with,- ughters she went and by dint ool teaching and needlework s able to keep the little bore en. I Her first attetnpt at vrit- nade almost by chance;; and stonished as well as deli:ght- a newspaper paid her $30 ccount of.the break-up in _ hail to ; teacher her hus anj having ire' ever sal years l� ing the they w for eitl At the ing "Tie the i never ray's after their m. ,ons prlrt Caned , GaIve • to7 War. The e sons u 1 mont but h Barr, with her li but t heard sayin her d of sol she w toget ing w she w ed w for h Texas began carni her fi Silent time death, as a: nume what was s pains Wri Sun, that "The tende She liar the we given of th ASTOR 1 A Fab intuits mid &dm. DIM Yee s DWI the t�.of 'THICK, GLOSSY HAIR - FREE FROM DANDRU"F ' Girisl Try, It! Hair gets salt, fluffy and beautiful -Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair' that glia` tong with beauty and is radiant =with. life; has an incomparable -softness, and is fluffy and, lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty 0 your hair, besides pit imme- 4.40 diately dissolves every particles of 5.45 dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, 5.51, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This des rnctiye scurf robs the hair of its 1104 lustre, its strength and, its very life, 62 • andelf not overcome it produces a fever - 6.40 ishness and itching of the scalp; the 6i� ` " hair roots famish, loosen and die; then 1.05'. the hair falls out fast. Surely get a 7:18 t_ small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine 7.40 „ from any drug store and, just try it. Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor Sold only in sealed packages fo Is recognized as ono of the most reliable E Commercial Schools is ' Canada. The instructors are experienced and the• Stratford, Ont. E Courses are up-to-date. Graduates are stn ind they meet with May eater et any RIM IMO l,wed IMOp •>. alit ef'-3'. tim601 e. Pyrite at Duosfor f e cstaleas�e. IOW ftWo MAN 0 ..9 IAN •>. ISM D.. A. McLA ' . �f'ntINCIPAYrrAET #1 illi ii ltitl'111i111111111111111111C er m GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH 'LEMON JUICE Make"a beauty lotion for a" few cents to remove tan, frecides, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with. three ounces"of orchard white for a few. cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons: into a bottle,athen put in the orchard. white and shake well. This "makes a quarter pint of the. very beet lemon skin whitener and. eom lexibn beautifier /down. Mit �'• fra- grant, creamy • lotion daily -WO the mea meek, . arms and- hands` arid jt.see how freckles,, tan, sallowness, rednZ ,a and roughness disappear and..bow ooth, soft and clear 'the skill becomes. • Yes! l t' is harmless, and the beautiful result will surprise you. - MME. f. GAREAU au Ave;, Montreal. 5, I' suffered' great r part of my body, I saw a oat ' bl �,ng arefully examined several tonics to ot help me. Then st undergo an oper- esed to permit. 'Fruit -a -Lives' and esults it was giving /cine is made from lecided to try it. rave great relief ; and e treatment, taking Now, my health is ni' free of pain and give `Fruit -a -tires' nks'. ' Mnra. F. GAIIEAU. or $2.50, trial size 25c. r sent k? ,,Fruit-a-tives 153.'apin "For thine yea pain° in the low swelling Cr vtrth:.swe, g specialist, who me and gave m tan, which did he told ni-e I"mu ation. This,. T r� Y heard salmi the wonderful becauselltis me_ fruii juices, so The first box I continued t six boxes eaor excellent -= I welling -and my warmest t 50e. a box, 6 : .A.t all dealers 4.imited, Otte, • r from the lette and Lord eh from r 'dia iii 's habits "March 2 s' s� en r to st Mo paper on fan began my . n son.' March writing on 1tiarch 27- ing on `Cluny several office nothing in t headaches headache, bu March 30 - 'Two Work praised, it v for him, to d Went to. the have anythin 'An April W 'Cluny.' wrote "Cluny `4 April -A cry Mrs: Tr l she : publis In the firs" 4. of Horace terfi9ld. r. selection y will show Amelia f- industry: - Finished my long Yager United in marriage their daugh- ter., Cora, and .Mr. Earl Geiser, of Gredition:• The ceremony ,was- per- formed at four o'clock in the pres- ence of a number Qf relatives and friends j• Miss Pearl " Geiser acted as bridesmaid and Mr. S. 'Haugh. ds groomsman. The duties of flower girl were taken by little Miss Kathleen Wurm, of Zurich. The gifts were numerous, and costly. Mr+ S. B. Stothers, Agricultural Representative, of Huron; basewe, understand, purchased the Stothers homestead near _ Lue'know, which is considered an excellent piece of farm - ti land. -W. A. " Grewar, who , is now in California, purposes returning to Brus- sels and with that object in view has purcha ed his former business ' from William Little, and will take posses- sion next month. Mr. Little will con- tinue on tinue to live in Brussels, We understand IMPORTANT JUDGMENT The following is. the' written Lewis rent of His Honor, Judge E. N in the case of McDonald vs. Cardno, an action. -for damages sustained by McDonald's car. in a collision on the 7 0 Judging t con- Bayfield Road, 'ud�, h p rtant ruling n road tains 3UC an imp CAPITAL' AND 7EHYE, $8,800,000 'OVER 100 BRANCHES TliROtJGHOUT CANADA A General Banking Business Transacted. CIRCULAR: LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 'Interest allowed at highest Current Rate BRANCHES IN SIS DISTRICT Brucefield St. Marys Kirkton Exeter ' CF , ton Hawaii Zurich GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER Haw to make a creamy beauty, jotter fort few cents. traffic -that we give it in full e The juice of two frebh lemons strained The evidence/ shows ,. t end'ant'is into a bottle containing three oune of T orchard white makes. a whole quarter in th bele d plain -1 auto was.'iravelling ; int o f the most remarkable lemon skin a tic's auto in the 'middle _ of t The road. was twenty-one f eE Going . up Bann o" �kburn he Hill, Brucefield . and Val, defendant pulled to the left' side of the road and noticedplaintiff's 's., car slowing down. Plaintiff's car stalled. Defendant trying to pass oni the left side ran into plaintiff's car and ' oc- casioned• the damge in question. De- fendant afterwards got into his car and passed up the hill. Plaintiff's car was not moved by the impaca and while other cars passed on the left side. There was eight -feet from plaintiff's car to the ditch of good road. Defendant blew . his ; holt ` be- fore the accident but plaintiff said he did not hear it and defendant said plaintiff gave no evidence of having heard it. A car follo'wing another car has a e road• p t wide. beautifier' at about the coat one must Between i pay .for a small jar of the ordinary cold g west, creams. Care should be taken to et rain the lemon juice through a fine sloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months; Ever' woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beleufier. Just titry it! Get three minces our of ;orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer, and make u a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it deify into, .the face, Meek, erre _handt, W , right tis pass the car in front, but alvr should first give notice and enable the other car to pull off the road. Where. a, car tries to pass the car in front it must make sure there is ample room and- it is responsible if there ons . Irish women and is lilt; In this case there wawa. plenty vel, `Cluny ° MacPher- of room and defendant is responsible 26 -At home all day 'Cluny MacPherson.' itto. March 28 -Writ - all morning. Went to Th, the afternoon. Did e evening.. Had a bad arch; 29 -Very 'sick wrote 'Cato's Song.' the last hour webte for Bonner, and 'he ry much, a great thing Meech 31 -Very sick denti'st,' but could: not done. April lst.1--"[vote ddirig" and. worked on sid,k but and`1 The Recon day on All =day otx `Ciuny'•'. day :on `Cluny,' but'am s for.the accident. A car following an- other car should follow at such a speed that it can be stopped at any'time if the car in front stops. ;There are many reasons -why a car may be stop- ped unavoidably and suddenly and the car following must be far enough be- hind or going so slowly as to be un- der . control. The evidence as above summarized clearly points to the cause of this a.o- eident. The defendant was driving too close to the plaintiff. He ;knew or should have known the car mid stop suddenly or, all without the driver being able warn anyone doming behind It was therefore, his duty to be on -the alert and have his ear fully under aoptrel so if a sudden conting- ency arose, 'as it did here, he would stophis car feeling V`fi'r'ed: be in a position either to s o bpe . 'was : fifty when or tarn to the left:and pass the ed ,her fist bool4 plaintiff's car without being in snob ten years of her a position as he found himself, so married life she had six children, and close to the plaintiff's car that he was she turned 0 literature as she saw compelled either to rim into it or her husband s affairs going,- fra. bad attempt Oto turn mut and dash past;" to worse. rs. Oliphant Was left - a He chose the latter' coursee, end. as it penniless low' in a foreign land, /night -naturally be expeeteed, he ran or rather w.• rse ' than penniless :for t • into and ` injured'heplaintiff's car. her husband dollar life i of debt. I industry sh o At the' age of 39 she first composed consider the possibilities of , dreds of living with her • pen, and Alcott bega story, "Margaret . Sinclair's her father, ey," was begun.. Froin that that a man' , 1 'ost until the day of her For fifty%F shwas at work, turning out ul two novels a year and in-, papers, poems, essays and abl ot wi gt he Bo 'th ee; to 1? left her with a thousand sura.nce policy and $5,000 f cty years of literary left a record that'is 125 titles, and hun- gazime articles., Louisa writing at sixteen when as looking for any work irtiglit do with his hands. r years of her sev�enty- Martineau was depen- at trumpet. She: turned because her deafness teach .g impossible. o years after her rear- 'th -two children depen- Mrs. E: D. E. N. South - o write half the night. her Stowe used to look the heavenly future uld have a room of her Move in; it. four, Harvie dent on an to literatur But, although her output roadie sch reat 'she took the utmost Widowed t :h what she was writing. riage and of her in the New York dent on her, hur { Bartlett Maurice says worth used preparations- for writing Harriet Be �' of Orange Ribbon" ex- forward for er two years. when she w id to make , herself f ami- own with a the history of the time and of colonial dressings and ing. Many weeks were studying the court : English riod, -collecting her forms -A .prett the home Haugh, neat day;, ' of IaSt the injuries were It was fertunate no "weide. The occupants of both cairs, amongst, whom 'Were ladies and children might have been seriously in- jered and theconsequences very grave. I can't- help stating- here that this should be a warning tcf all car drivers. You don't own the roads. You have, like others, a right to use the roads but in doing so you shotffd teke care, in fact it is your duty to remember the other fellow. If drivers could only get this idea flrmly fiixed in 'their rainds accidents would net happen and people who nee the roads lawfully for either business or pleasure *mild be able to do So with 430111e degree of driver must be taught to be careful, not only for Ins own safety but for that of ethers. Again, remarking that it is very fortunate that the accident was not wedding took place at more serious, I have no hesitation in. f Mr. and Mrs. Daniel giving judgmtent for the plaintiff for Dashwood, on Wednes- the damages incurred with costs to be week when 'Rev, W. 3. paid in fourteen days. Preement, 0.-"I wets passing throurk , e critical od oflife, being forty-six years of "ags,. a d hail all e symptoms incident to that change -- Is t Sassliek, rvonamess, aad was in a, general run down xiditiota it wag hard for Inn to do my work. tot E. Pink - 'a Vegetable,Compound *an recosjesnetrl d to Me se he. I feel better and stronger in every wayaince kin it,,akid 'the annoying ay*ptomell Ve am?' "--iire. M. Goinnor, 925 Napoleon St Preioont, o. 091•11poun restored =7 health. efter eye nothinir like it to averooms the trytog AVOID COTE and, CO GI -IE e grads Disease' 30 DRO-Iir--STORF WW1" FARM FOR 3 a3, eoncession Mciitillop,! 100 aim of best elay land in NcEillop, :5 acres %of bus , the rest in a high state of eultivo.tion• 5 ilea from Seaforth. 2 miles from Con: stance, IN, miles from school. There ere ea the muses. a good seven rooMed house, largo ba barn 64A76. all Page wire fences and 5 item built and the balance seed- . -There ate -two big Innings., one .barnyard and in the other a awn, A hydraulic ram pumping the water to, the house 'and to the barn. As the 'spring is the orchard and near the house and line, e„ there is no Waste land._:Ther. Is a Zr ded and gravelled lane from. the road ta tb4buildko. Ann to MEL SAMUEL .ENANcp, Beate 26274f utstan. cling froduc of a of I3randram's Genuine aa White Lead. Every step in its manufacture is eers-nothing is left undone which would help to rnaintain the quality of the world's finest white lead. randram is Ge 13.-13. White Lead is different from any other white lead. To be- gin with, it is corroded by several secret pro- cesses which are then merged into a pigment of marvellous smoothness4 This pigmentis ground no less than five times, first under huge stones, and filially between heavy steel rtIls. In this grinding process, it is lila& into a pulp Itz‘y be- ing mixed with pure refilled linseed oil made in our own linseed oil mills. Whenever you paint, use Erandram's G n- .uine BB. White Lead if_you mix your o paint If you want to saVe the labor of milon you -can ensure the use of this quality pigiiient only by getting B-H Paint Other Purpos Interior Findebing B-14 Shkgle Stain. fcrent cobra 1141 ?Okla, Now Paint Ter vor'cla fl ome, ceilings and perteranOted: to tag VgattP4.- Vaster CaltInge end Wens B-H r"Brstsconatteso-A tat teas rednti Iffeetelislat *Ike? latertorneoza