HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-04-04, Page 5• 1919 momorrameirr - APRIL' 4, 1919 neereeeeeee.... e ".4 ent -Shoes with New Spring Shoes exactly Right in ghowing the choice el3rewn, Mahogany ish last, the 'Young ing vamp, the low 4't $5.50,. $6.00, v.' soles and rubber the pair. - 1. at $8.00, the pair. eire right sure we r you this Spring, RULAL 110TEL 11111111111111111.1.mummomilik kie many, and most distress- af the Flu" e rapid falling K_ALL by -Three Tonic stop it " 93" Hair s designed to e to maintain, e. hair health he scalp clean [lig to elim;n- prevent the Elese elements iible for prem ['less, falling iff and irrita,- scalp, *LW sizes at rceete &two [BACH md Stationer ONTARIO pf :tor ;ryone ywhere LI, nrnic.1, v7e1g conditions f/ on the farxi. :NT ON YOUR expeme. Es, single plan ate 41' • SEAFORTII MARKETS. Seaforth, April 3, 1919. Butter, 'rev 115 47 to 50e Eggs, per dozen _ . .. . .. ..39 to 40c Potatoes, Per bag • 4. t_ $1.26 Mout, per cwt ..........e.00,to 5.90 Bran, per ton ...... a** rr Shorts; per ton . . Wheat, per bushel Spring Wheat, per :bushel Barley, per bushel Oats, per -bushel . Hogs, per cwt. ........60e .....$19.00 DAIRY MARKET Torotto, Aaeil L -Butter, choice dairy, 52 to 58c; die., creareerae 60 to 65c; Margarine, 35 to 400; eggs; new laid, doz., 45 to 50e; clieetie, lb.. 33 to 88c. . POULTRY MARKET Toronto, April 1. -Dressed Poultry-Turkeles per lb.. 55 to 60o; fowl, lb. 85 to 42c; chickens roastiog, 40 to 45e; geese, lb.' 30 te 32c: Live PoulteseaChickens, lb. 35 to88c ; roosters Ib, 25 to a0eofovel, Ib„ 88 to 40e. RAIN MARKET Toronto, April Manitoba wheat -No. 1 NOrthern, 42.20A ; No 2 Northern, 52.211/2; No. 8 Norther* *2.17%; No, 4 wheat, $2.111/2, U n store Vert William. Manito'be. oala-No. 2 O. W., 69%e; No. 3 C. W., 661/4e; extra No 1 feed, 66 -ea; No. 1 feed, 64l4c; No. 2 feed, 61140 in atom- Fort Willitun. Manitoba barley -No. 3 V. W„,.. 98; No. 4 0. W., 93%e; rejected. 90%e; feed,. . 891;tee, in store Fort William. Ainexican corn -No. 8 yellow, $1.73; No. 4 yellow, 51.11 track Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario oats -Ne. a white, 68 to 70c; No. a, white, 66 *0 680,„ according th feeighta out aide. Oritario Wheat -No. 1, Winter, per car lot, 52.14 to 0.22; No. 2, do.. $2.11 th $2.19; No. 3, do,, '$2.07 te 5245 f.o.b., shipping points, according to freights. Ontario Wh -No. 1 spring, 52.09 to $2,17; No. 2, d $2,06 th $2.14; No. 3, do., $2.0Z to 52.10 foe shipping Pointe according to freights. Peas 1/9.. 2, 51.80 oecording to freig.tas outsid Barley -Malting, 90 to arm, nominal, Bud -wheat-No. 2, 90e, nominal. Rye -No. 2, 51. nominal Manitoba flour -Government standar 510.75 to $11, Toronto. Ontario llonr-Go'lerji Ment standard, 59.65 to 59.7$ in bags, Toront and Montreal, prompt sltiainent in Jute ba Millfeed-car lots, delivered Montreal freigh bags included. Bran, 542 to $46 per ton shorte, 544 to $46 per ton good feed flou 52..70 to $2.90 per bag. Hay -No. 1, $22 523 per ton, mixed, $20 to $21 per ton, trac 'Toronto. Straw -car lots, 310 to $11, per to LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo. April 1. Cattle -Receipts, 5,19 heavy stow, other steady ; prime steers, $17.5 to $18.50; shipping steers, $16.50 to $17 butchers and yearlings, 510 to 516.50; heife $10 to e13.75; cows, 512; bulls, e7.50 th 312 stockers and feeders, 35.50 to. $12; fres cows and springers scarce loid strong, $6 fo 5110 Calves -Receipts, 2,500; 50c lower 55 to 519. Hogs -Receipts, 12,800; pigs, 2 to 50c higher, other a 10 to 15 cents lower heavy, $20.15 th 520.25: a few 520.35; mixe 320.10 to $20e1.5; yorketa, $20 th 520.10 light yorkers, 519 te 319.504 Pigs, $18.50 tc 519; roughs, $17 tecne17.50; stags, $12 to $14 Sheep and lambs -Receipts. 7,200; lambs 10 • higher, larabs, 513 to 520.35; others un changed. Montreal, April I. -The offerings of live stock at the west -end market during the pas 'week amounted to 400 cattle. 150 sheep and Iambs, 900 hogs and 100 calves. To -day the offerings were 300 cattle, 100 sheep and lambs 500 hogs and 300 calves. The trading in live atock was not particularly active, although -there was a fair trade passing • for iro.eendiate regairements in cattle, Choice cattle, especially steers, continue to be scarce on the markets, and are fetching high prices when aviable, Calves are beginning to arrive in lamer numbers and are being disposed of readily when anything like good quality. Prices are firm, although the undertone is not so decided. It is considered likely that they will be a little lower shortly. The market for hogs, Which has been un- certain of late, armed up again and choice eselects sold at 519.50 th $20 per cwt. off cars. The demand -from packers for hog e is good, and they are willing to' pay; high prices to gat all3e.good..elass .Pork. At the Canadian Pacific stock yards the 'week's receipts have been 626 cattle, 80 sheep and lambs, 650 hogs and 1,075 calves. To -day the offerings of live stock amounted to 450 cattle, 50 sheep and lambs, 400 hogs and 350. calves. There was a somewhat brisker trade than for the past few market days. Quotations :-Cholee steers; 514 to $15; good 313 to 314e medium, *12 to $13 a common, 510 to $11.50; choice butcher bulls. $11. to good, 310 to 511; medium, 51.50 to 39.50; cows, choice, 511 th 312,50; -good, 59.50 to $10.50; medium, $7.50 th 39: sheep, $10.50 to 512; Iambs. $13 to $15; mila-fed calves, $8 to 515. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 1. -The offering this morning was only moderate for a Monday's trade, being made up of 165 car- loads, with 3,124 cattle, 285 calves, 1,574 hogs and 118 sheep and Iambs. The fact that packer -buyers had guaranteed a $19.25 f.o.b. price for hogs this morning did not. as might have been expected, result in a big consign- ment. Trade was active at the 50 th 75 cents advance on last Thursday's quotations and the market closed strong. The bulk a the hogs sold on the f.o.b. basis, and the few lot; which were purchased fed and watered cashed in from $20 to $20.25. Frank Hunnisett bought 75 butcher cattle, 800 thlbs., $13 to 413.50 The qoutialons were: Good heavy steers. $14 to $15.50; choice buteher steers, 513.25 $18.50; butchers' cattle, choice, $13.25 to *13.75; do, good, $12.25 th 513.75: do, medium 111.25 th $11.75; do, common, 510.25 th $10.75 bull, choice, $10.75 to 511.75; do, medium, $9 to 59.25; do, rough, 37.75 th 58.25; butchers' cows, choice, $11 th 812; do, good, $10 to 510.75 do, medium, $9 to $9.25; do, common, 57.50 to 59; stockers, 58.75 th 511.50; feeders, 311.50 to 413.50; canners and cutters, $5.25 th 57; Milkers, good th choice, *90 th $150;do. cone. and neediuni, 565 th $75; springers, 590 to 5150; light ewes, 512.50 to 518.50; yearlings, 512.00 th $14; spring lambs, $16 th $19.50; calves, good th choice, 514 to $17; hogs, fed and watered. 520 to $2e,25; do, weighed off oars, 520.25 th $20.50; do. f.o.b., 319.25; do, country pointo, $19. BIRTHS Johnston -1n Seaforth, on April lst, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, a daughter. Scott. -1n Seaforth, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott, a daughter. Caldwell -On London Road, Hay, March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell, jr, a son. Heilmann-In Goderich, on March 15th, to Do and Mrs. Heilernan, a daughter. Scott -In St. Joseph's hospital, Hamilton, on Mareti 21st. th Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Scott, formerly of Bruseels, a son. Cunningham -In Grey township, on March 1919, th Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cunninghara, a a daughter. • MARRIAGES Pryee-Stoples---At the manse, McKillop, on the 26th, of March, by Rev. Carswell, Mr. John Pryce or McKillop, to Miss Cora Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Staples. MoKellar-Scott-In Exeter, on March 26th, Mise Francis Scott, daugl4r of Mr. James Scott, of town, Mr. Kenneth McKellar, of Cromatry, by Rev. James Foote. DEATHS Snell --In Exeter, on March 22nd, Fanny Dinney, beloved wife df. Mr. Eli Snell, aged 61 yeara. 1 month and fidays. Smith -At St. Josephs' elloespital, London, on - Sunday, alarch 39th, Elizabeth Jane Smith, aged 72 years. Purcell -earl Egmondville, on Saturday, March 29Th. Katharine Purcell. daughter of Jas, Purcell. Quteley-In Goderich, on Sunday, March 30th, Thonua Quigley, aged 52 years - W. S.. Gormley EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' 'Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice • Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 ..44441r9F ANISW IN MMIORIAN In loving Merlon" of Lillian Mable McCown beloved .wife of Fred L. Dunlop, Who de- parted this life in Drucefield, on, April 2nd, 1917, in her 86th year - With Christ, which is far better. Loving Husbaido - Ill loving relemora of our dear Handereon, 'son a Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Forrest, Stanley, who laid down hie life for King and Country, In France, on March 29th, 1918. ' A precious one from us is gene, A volee 'we loved is still A Place made vacant in our hearth, The world can never fill, Until the day breaks and the shadows flee it - way. Loved Gnee. no..r.••••••••••••••••••• rimiiiiimmiiiimmummumuilmpg S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and = Licensed Embalmer , = - Undertaking parlors in Oddfel = Iowa building opposite = eitewart Bros. Real- = dence Godench at,, opp Dr. Scott's = flowers furnished on ehortnotice, IO▪ N = Phone Night or Day 119, = E = ,. _ :... d I.. 0 t. . . T. BOX lit CO.• . Embalmers and _ Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma an& Liscense ' Charges Moderate F1ow'er8 furnished on short notice P Night Calls ,• Day Calls Phone 175 . , Phone 43 • I - • SALE REGISTER -... I On Monday, April 7th, at 1 o'clock, pan. , on Lot 9, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, adjoin- ing the town of Seaforth, Dairy Cows and, , Heifers, Colts and 'Pigs, milking machine and cream separator. J. R. Archibald, Prop. T. Brown, Auetioneer. Clean Clothes a Health Asset TALK NO. 1 Parents who are most particular about the under- garments, and perhaps about the cotton dresses and blouses of their children, often seem utterly neglectful of the condition of winter coats and caps. The youngster who is learning to roller- skate wipes up sidewalks and street -crossings very thoroughly in the process. The mild winter allow- ing suminer sports, has been exceptionable in the • , amount of street dust a,n.d filth accumulated upon children's wraps. A speaker at a recent conven- tion of dyer and cleaners referred especially _to the fact that 'during -the winter the clothes of the school children hang to-gether in cloak rooms' or school buildings and disease germs are freely pass- ed around,' He explained that if the clothes had the proper kind of cleaning the germ would be killed. ' • ,i Boys' Bloomer Suits pressed 50c MY WARDROBE . Goderich Street, Seaforth. Opposite Queen's Hotel IMPORTANT NOTICES , eARD OF THANKS. --MISS McDIARMID `-' and Mrs. T. Baird wish to thank their many kind friends for the sympathy hown them through the illness and death of their father. - e ee -,. •. 2677x1 .- VOR SALE. -A QUANTITY OF, GOOD ' timothy seed at $5 per bushel. Apply th HERBERT SMALE, Staffs, Ont., or- phone 4 ' , on 48, ,Dublio. Central. • 2677-2 ......, p ANGE FOR SALE.--OURNEY OXFORD -1-1" Range as good as new. Can be seen any time. Apply to MRS. FISHER, Jarvis Street. 2677-1 FOR SALE. -A FRAME BARN 28 x 50. 'Net. 'etbale on Lot' 12,- Concession 1; L. R. S., Tuckeramith, J. C. BELL, or phone 6 on 91, Hensall Central. 2677e2 MAN• WANTED. -GOOD MAN, OR BOY TO work on farm, capable of doing general farm work. Will hire by month or year. Apply to Box 157, Expositor. 2674-tf PURE BRED ROCKS. - GUARANTEED bred. th lay. Extra heavy winter layers. Choice' eggs for hatehipg, 51 for 15 eggs. W. J. McCULLIE, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. • 2676-4 laINDER AND DRILL FOR SALE. -FOR Sale, a Massey -Harris 6 foot binder, just cut 60 acre% and McCormick fertilizer drill, as good as new. Apply th JAS "G. MARTIN, Main Street, • Seaforth. 2676x2 QT. ANDREWS' CHURCH, KIPPEN, l'EN- " ders. Sealed tender e addressed th W. J. McCullie, will be received up th noon on Saturdaye April 5th, for the position of care- taker for above church. W. J. McCULLIE, Secrteary Board of Management, R. R. No.2, Kippen. 2676-2 eflEACHER WANTED,WANTED A QUAL- " ified teacher for 75-chool No. 9, MeKillop: Duties to commence after Easter holidaye. Applications stating salary and experience to ad) dressed ISAAC BOLTON, Walton, P. 0 Ont., See'y-treaeurer. • 2674-tf CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE - Al number of good cedar posts. all sizes. Apply on Lot 2 Concession 14 Grey, or AD- DRESS BRUSSELS', P. 0. A. HISLOP. i•2672-tf , e lalARMER SOLDLERS.-1a0TIoE TO RE- ' turned. soldiers who are taking up farming. 1 Massey -Harris Company is in a position tO I sell -th returned 'Men any farm implement, 1 manufetetumd by them, at a price 3 per cent. : less than the price at Which' they are sold to 1 the agent MASSEY-01ARRIS C00 LTD., ' 4 Toronto., per R. C. Henderson. ' 2677-8 ] - 7 'MR .SALE -IN EGMONDVILLie-EIGHT • i acres of land with frame house and kit- i ehen, good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable e and small barn. Good well. Close to school, s chureh and stores. Small orchard. Possession east be bad in March. For particulars apply th e HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville, or phone 10 on 184, Seaforth. 2668-tf f c QHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE-PRES- a " cat offering five Shorthorn bulls ranging, ( in age from 8 montbs th 14 months. Four roans and one white, all sired by Prince Al-. bert -e-a-9798-ate. They are an "choice animals and will be sold re.asonably. Inspection invit- ed.. Lot 27, ConeessiOn 8, Hibbert. R. R. No. 1, Skaffa. a -AMS HILL. 2661-tf REGISTERED- SHORTHORN BULL FOR -s-`" sale. For sale, St. Patrick, 116825, red, little white, Calved March 17th, 191'7. Bred by Peter MeKay,_ Seaforth, Ont Sire, Bydand 85525, Dam, Lady Duchens 104111. This bull is a fine specimen of the shorthorn breed and will be sold right and may be seen on Lot 14, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith. W. M. DOIG, R. R. No. 2 Kipteeen, or Phone 20 on 93. 267241 e FOR SALE. -WITHIN FIVE MINUTES' walk of the post office, on corner of Gouinlock and Coleman streets, an eight room frame house with kitchen, wash room and pan- try, summer kitchen and woodshed,' cement foundation ander all, electric lights, hard and soft water; a good barn and chicken house. The lot has three. good apple trees. • For further particulars apply to KATHRINE KE - 110E, Seaferth, Ont, Box 155.. 2675x4 VOR SALE. -DOUBLE HOUSE, FRAME, -s- Cement foundation,. cistern With good sup- ply of soft water, Each part contain., six good rooms, has woodshed attached. One single fearete dwelling, seven roams, ,cistern, wood- shed, etc., also one lot with good well. All very centrally situated on dames Street and keown as the Trott property. For further par- ticulars, apply to WM. MORRISON, Jarvis Street, Seaforth, Box 402. 2675-8 rpENDERS WANTED. -TENDERS FOR constructing the Pryce Drain, in the town- ship of aleKillop, and the Dickson Drath, in the Townships of illeKillop and Hullett, will be received by the undersigned until April 14th, 1919, or at the council meeting at Sea - forth on April 15th, at 2 c'clock, pan. A cheque for 6 per cent of contraet price to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aecepted. Plans, ete., can be nen at the cleric's bilIce, Lot 24, Con- cession 7, Melaillop. M. ll'URDIE, Seaforth, P. 0. 2676-8 1 AUCTION SAL erLEARING SALE OF FARM STOCK, Iva' ''.." and grain. Thos. Cameron hasreceived instructions from the undersigned to sell by public stuctIon on Lot 15, Cameo:don 12, Hib- bere, on Tueeday April 1.5, 1919, nt 2 o'clock; sharp,the following: Honses-r brood ,mare, with foal, agricultural; 1 gelding general-, Purpose. 1attle-4 cows due about'time of sale, 2 cows due in May', 2 eaies due later, 4 Stews Aging 8 yeans old, 4 steers rising 2 yesre old, 8 heifers rising 2 years old, 6 calv.es. lloge-2. Howe with litter of 10 each, at*, wean at time of eale ; Isowe with litters -One week old, $ store ,hegs, from 115 to 150 lbs., in weight,. Grain -800 blushers of eed oath, a quantity of hay. Terms -All aunts of 310.00 and under, cash; over...that amount 0 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notate a dleceunt of 4 Per cent. off for emit on credit anusints. Positively no, reeerve as the proprietor hes rented his farm and has to quit work.for a tenit on account of Ids heath. MILTON _C.R,AWFORD, Prop. Theo.. Cameron, Auctioneer. • 2667-2 0 rILEARING AUCTION SALE OF VILLAGE Property annd household- effecte, Exeter. Thos. Cameron has received instructions to sell by public auction on Lot 16, West Main Street, Vix , on :Saturday. April 5th, '1019, at 2 o'clo 1r . sobers) the following :-.2 'Terser cows, some owt, 1 truelc wagon (new wooded) ; 2 light wagone, buggies, cutters, all kinds of tools used by Idackarnith and wagon maker; 3 vices, some new woodwork not made upa lot of old iron, stuff in shop; plush parlor suite, 8 hapiting lamps, 2 cases stuffed -birds, 6 dinning chairs, 6 cane bottom chairs, 2 rocking ehaficis and seat, kitchen chairs, pictures base burner stove, 2 sewing machines, 1 for leather, extenson tables, smell iables, bed- steads, bed springs, stands, and other articles too numerous to mention. Real. Estate-con- sieting oe Lots • 14, 15, 16' and 17, on West Main -Street, and Lots 35, 36 and 87, Market. Street. On this property es a large 2 -store bride devvelling, large 2 -story brick.blacksmith shop, with paint shop on 2nd r story', also frame store room. A beautiful residence astd good stand for general blacksmith. Also Iota 19 • and 20 West Main Street. On this property is a comfortable frame cottage, hard and soft water and stable; also Lots 23, 24, 25, West Main Street. Terms of Chattels -All sums of $5 and under cash, over that Amount 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 8 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Terms of Real Estate _made known on day of sale or on. application to the auctioneer. Positively no reserve as the proprietors are too old th man- age the business. MR. and MRS. D. BRAUND. Props. Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer. A UCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS AND 'Heifers, Colts and Pigs, Milking machine )and cram separator. Thos. Brown has been inetruc te sell by public auction on Lot 9, • Concession 1 Tuckersmith, adjoihing Seaforth on the East, on Monday, April 7th, at 1 p.m. •the following: Cattle -Pure -bred Holstein cow, Miss Axie DeKol 19122, due to freshen in April; pure bred Holstein cow, Lady Elgin Snowflake, 24463, due to freshen in April; pure bred Holstein cow, Canary Sedis Mercedes. 49753, just -freshened; mare bred Holstein cow Belle Pentiee 23755, freshened one month, Pure bred Hoistein bull, 6 months old, Erma 'Netherland, 13 -grade Holsteins, 3 gnade Dur - teams and 3 grade Jerseys, some fresh, some due time of sale aiul balance later, grade !fetter 2 years Old, in calf; 2 grade heifers, 1 year old. Homes -2 geldings rising 3 yrs. old, agricultural; agricultural fitly rising . 3 years old, general purpose filly rising 2 yrs. old. Pigs -2 sows with littera, 4 sows due to litter in April. Implements -1 three unit Himnen millcing machine, in good working order, 1 large capacity Empire.. cream sep- arator, lumber wagon, spring tooth cultivator, - McCormick binder, 13 disc Massey -Harris drill, Massey -Harris nowee, 1 set four section diamond harrowe. The whole will positively be gold without re -terve, as the proprietor has solii theiey /easiness. Terms -6 months' _credit on furnishing- bankable paper. A diacount oZ 6 per cent per annum off for cash. Je R. ARCHIBALD, Proprietor, T. Brown, Aect. _ A UCTION SAltal OF FARM STOCK AND aa -Implements. Mr. G. , H. Elliott has , ree ceived instructions feora, the undersigned, eo sell by public auction on Lot 17, Concession 8, Township of Stanley, Babylon Line, 2 miles front' Varna, on Wednesday, April 9th, at 12.30 o'clock,. sharp,- the following; Horses - 1 agricultural gelding rising 4 years old, 1 agricultural gelding rising 8 years old, • 1. agricultural mare rising 12 years old, 1 genera' parlepse gelding risjpg 3 years old. 1 drIniag mare rain10 years old, in foal to a laner- cheron horse: 1 driving horse 8 years old, gbod single or double; 1 driver rising 4 years old. Cattle -Registered Shorthorns, females Blarney Lass, No. 107868, clue th calve June 8th, White Lily 3rd No. 123106, due th calve May 16th, Annie _Laurie, No. 132799, _17 months old, Vesey's Choice Signet, No. 102527, Corbin, rd. No. 99298. Bulls -1 roan bull, IBlernee ltarquia No. 128023, 12 months old; 1 roan bull, Royal Signet, No. 128022, 6 months. old. Grade Cattle -2 cows' due in May, 1 cow due in August, 1 cow due in beptember, 4 heifers due in May and June, 1 farrow cow, 7 steera 2 yrs. old, 6 steers coming 1 yr. old, 3 heifere coming 1 yr. old, 1 calf 5 mths. old, I calf 1 intha. old,. Pigs -Registered Yorkshire sow, should have litter at sale time. Impleniente- 8 ft. Deering binder, cut 3 yrs., 1 6ft Deering rnower nearly new; 1-13 disc drill, nearly nearly new; 1-13 disc Deering drill, nearly new; 1 Deering hay loader, 1 Massey -Harris side rake, 1 Deering 10 foot steel rake, 1 Massey -Harris cultivator and seeder combined, 1 Mann cultivator, Deering corn binder, only cut 10 acres; 1 Massey -Harris land roller, 1 Oliver scuffler with bean harvester, 1 Verity walking plow, No. 21; 1 Percival walking - plow,. No. 10; 1 Coelcshatt riding plow, 1 Premier riding plow, 1 Noxon disc, 2 sets of section. harrows, 1 four section harrow, double tree, 1 horse seuffler, 1 gang plow, 2 wagons, 1 wagon box, 1 new gravel box, 1-16 foot hay rade, 2 sets of bob sleighs, 1 Sat rack, 1 dermoerat with pole and shafts omplete, 2 top buggies, 2 cutters, 2 stone boats, 1 ,pig crate, 1 grind stone, 1 feed cooker, new, . capacity 40 gallons; fanning ill. root puIper, 4 home power Ideal gasoline engine, 8 inch Joliette grinder, 1 bag truck, set 1000 le. scales. :sugar kettle, 1 galvanized water tank, pig troughs, 2 oak barrels, j awn mower, 2 galvanized apple driers„ 1 arge and 1 small, grass seed sower, 1 hand ora planter, 1 wheel barrow, grain bags, bout 150 cedar posts, some end Posts, a uantity of lumber, about 75 hens, 2 geese, 1 ander, 2 turkeys hens, 1 duck and 1 drake, and harness, 2 sets sing beefless, 1 set set of breeching harms) 2 sets of back xtra good; • a number of , horse collars. 2 obes, horse blankets,- 1 rug, 1 post hole auger, London fence weaver, wire stretcher and eel, De Laval cream separator, No. 12, only n use 4 months; National cream separator, Daisy. churn, 1 new Gurney Oxford cook tove, 1 Kalamazoo range, 1 .Bell Oak heater, hiffletrees, neck yokes, forks, hoes and shovels, nd other articles to inulnerous th mention, , errae-All sums of1 and under, cash; over , it) hat amount 8 month• credit will be given on urnishing approved 'oint notes. A discount' 1 4 per cent. allowe eoff for cash on credit mounts. DAVID A. HNSTON, Proprietor. , . 1:1. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2676-2 ,.WQ$1TOR • AUCTION SALES csejearanefe' SALE' OF FARM 'STOCK ANTI Nei Implements. -jaws &mos has reeeived instructions fron'the undersigned to sell by public auction. - on Lot $4, Conceesion 7, town- ship of Logan; on NVedneidase April 9th, 1919, the following property:- Ilerees-1 share ris- ing 7 years_ old, 1- apneral Purimee mare rising 8 years old, not afraid . of autos,. Cattle -3 Durham eoWs' with ;calves at iniat, 1 Durham heifer due to calve April lath, 2 steers and hsoewifeLs Uttera,b1ogyteapieto 11.14Pay jigsabaonudt 5110enbse-nol. Banierrienbe-Binder, :5 foot cut, Messee-Harris mower, 5 foot cut (nearly new), Massee-Harria discharrowdrileharak(ell,earIerenew)w1;1111kia"nge5rpigaowrriaseed (nearly new), set fr-seetthe harrows, wagon (nearly new.); gravel box, Clinton fanning mill, hay. rack top bum (nearly new); set double harness', set single harnesa, string of bells eWestt pads, grain bagsgrain cradle, hay f knife, scoop shovel, horse blankets, cutter, new, • robe, whalletrees,nneakyokes, -20 foot ladder, forka, shovels,. about 4.0 tons timothy ha .cooking stove, glass"- cupboard, . and other atticIes too numerous to 'Mention. Sale at 1 Pan. sharp. Terme-All sums of *10 and under' cash; ,over that amount 8 snonther creditwill •ba- given' on furnishing approved joint notes. 5 04.aer minim off for cash on .eeedee amounts, alay; cash. Positively no re- serve as the proprietor has sold his farm. EDWARD FLANAGAN, Paroprietor, James Janes, Auctioneer. ° 2677-1 ADMINISTRATORT4,SALE OF COTTAGES -"Land vacant lot in Seefoxth. There will be offered for sale by' publie auction, at the commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Monday, April, the twenty-first, 1019 at 2 o'clock sharp,• the following property: Parcels 1 & 2.-Lotsnumbers twenty-seven(27) and twenty-eight (28), on Mill Street, in Carter's subdivision of Block alia" of Jarvis' survey, of part of the town of Seafotth. On each of these lots 15 t small cottage. Lot twenty-seven is on the corner of Mill and Brantford Streete and either cottage can be roade into a nice little home. Parcel IL - Part of 'I'own lot number sixty-seven (67), in James Beattie's survee of part of the town of Seaforth, east of West Street, _commencing at the north-west corner of said lot number sixty-seven and running alpng the . northerly limit of said lot one hunared feet, thence southerly parallel with the westerly limit th the south side of said lot, thence westerly on the southerly limit- of said lot one hundred feet to West Street, thence along West Street to the plaee of beginning,• and being the full width of the said lot, by one hundred feet in depth, and containing about one -earth of an acre of land, more oreless. This is situated in one of the best residential sections of Sea - forth, and is a first class building lot. Terms - Ten per cent. of the perchase money to be Paid on the day of sale and the balance with- in thirty days thereafter. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. For further Particulars apply to PROIJDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOICE, Seaforth and Goderich, Solicitoes for Vendor. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2677-3 AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK, IMPLE- ekments, etc. F. S. Scott, auctioneer, has received instruations ,froin the undersigned Proprietbr to sell by public auction at Lot 24, Concession 14, MeKillop, on Mondale, April 7th, at 1 o'clock, the following,- valuable Property; -1 draft mare, 6 years old; 1 draft horse, rising 5 years; 1 draft horse, 5 years •old, 1 driving mare, ,rising 7 years; 1 driving horse 0 years old, 4 freeh cows, 1 cow due to calve April 15th, 1 cow due April 20th, 1 cow due Jane 15th, 1 cow eupposed to calve in • November, 1 heifer supposed to calve in Nov., 1 Agistered Durham bull, 2 yearling steera, 1 eearling heifer, 4 steers 2 years old, 4 Young calves, 9 pigs, weight about 175 lb., 16 Pigs weight about 160 lbs.; 1 thorough bred Berk sow, due -to farrow May 10th; 20 Barred Reck hens, 1 Barred Rock cockerel, 20 White Leghorns, 1 set double harnes,s, 1 setiplow harness. 1 set:rubber mounted- single harness, 1 top buggy,. nearly, new; 1 open buggy, -1 Portland cutter, 1 McCormick binder, 6 foot cut; sheaf carrier and truck; 1 Deering mower, 5 foot cut; 1.- Deering hay rake, 10 foot, nearly new; 1 MeCorraick cultivator, 2 sets teeth; 1 land ronce, 1 Maxwell bay loader, 1 John Deere mnnure spreader, 1 Me- Cormickefertilizer 13 hoe Mil, nearly new; 1 set &section diarnond harry, 1 Oliver riding plot'', 1 harrow cart, nearly -nee , two furrow gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 set of bob sleighs with fie.t raelc and bunks, '1 lumber wagon, 1 hay rack, 1,44ock rack, 1 Chatham fanning .mill, 1 _gravel ox,. 1, wheelbarrow, 1 -disc, -1--Srugar itettW* vtir ittafaatheia;' by - fork, ear and ronp, 1 Iverter Humilton cutting box, 1 gasoline And -coal oil. International engine, lee H. P., 25 cords dry wood, coal, quantity of potatoes, 1 Blue Bell cream sep- arator, 2 water barrels, 20 grain bags, 2 ladders, eet of wire stretchers, 1 pea harvester and bundler, 1 turnip sower, 1 turnip pulper, 1 Cyclone grass seed sower, 1 King washing machine, I Daisy churn, 3 kitchen chairs, 1 lounge, 1 steel range, pearly new; 1 parlor stove, wood or coal; 1 dresser, 1 -cradle, 1 white ironed, bedstead, one coal oil heater, three dozen of - gems, quantity of shiogles. 60 bushels Golden Drop seed oats, 250 bushels feed oats, 300 hashea mixed grain, 1 ton of shorts, 4 bags bran, 30 bags ehere 1 bushel lime, 1 ton Homestead fertilizer, num- ber of cedar posts, 50 bushels mangolds, whiffle - trees, forks, ishovois, chains and numerous other articlee. Sale unreserved as the_ pro- prietor has sold hid farm. Terms -All sums of $10 ,has under, caeli; Over that amount 10 months' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent. of for cash on credit amounts. MOODY HOLLAND, Pro - 2677x1 Imilomionstmenalimonsamonmagimml, RIVIER Look! Listen! 4i • I have for sale 8. splendid driving horses, 1 black, 1 bay, 1 chestnut also heavy colts and work horses, second- hand engines from 11/4 horse power up • to 16 horse power. Any engine may be tried thoroughly befere being paid for, some extra values in 41/4, 6 and 8 horse power, 2 second bend De Laval cream, separators in Al condition, 1 a small size, also 0 and 7 foot IVIassey- Harris and Deering binders drills and cultivators. PIently of time .given to pay for all second hand machines. R. C. Henderson AGENT Spring Show HORSES AND CATTLE • The Annual Spring Show, under the auspices of the South Huron Agricul- tural Society, of stallions, harness and halter horses, bulls and cows, will be held in • Ilensall Tuesday, April 8th - 'Prize List • HORSES • Clydesdale or Shire Stallion- . •ist 2nd lAged stallion $6 $4 Stallion foaled 1916 or later 6 4 Belgian or Percheroii Aged. Stallion• 6 4 Stalion foaled 1916 or later' 6 4 Carriage or Roadster Aged stallion 5 3 Stallion foaled 1916 or later 6 - 4 Harness Horses Heavy draft team 6 4 let and 2nd. prize given by Sterling Bank. Heavy draft brood mare, in foal . 7 4 lst, prize by Moore Bros. Emery outfit, value 7 3 year old heavy -draft gelding or filly, foaled in 1916 3 2. 2 yaw old heavy draft gelding or filly foaled in 1917 • 3 2 Agricultural taun • 5 3 Given by the Molsons Bank. Agricultural mare in foal • 5 3 lat prize donated by Commercial Hotel. 3 year old agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1916 • 3 2 2 year old agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1917 3 2 Heavy draft or ,agricultural colts foaled in 1918 8.502 1st prize by W. A. MacLaren, bag holder, value 3.50 2nd. prize by E. Rennie, Merchan- dise, value 2 General purpose team 4 2 Carriage team • 4 2 1st. prize given by Buchanan and Rennie, hat, value • 4 Single carriage horse • 4 2 Roadster team 4 2 Single roadster 4 2 2nd. prize given by Maims and Farquhar, razor, value 2 No horse to be shown • in more than one class, except for sweep- stake -Prize, without the consent of the Directors. CATTLE •• ° - Aberdeen Angus Aged bull . •6 Bull, calved after Sept. ist, 1917 . 6 Cow or heifer over 2 years old .. 3 Heifer inider 2 years old 3 4 4 2 2 Shorthorns Aged bull • 6 4 Buil, calved after Sept. let, 1917 . 6 4 Cow or heifer over 2 years old .. 3 2 ist. prize given by T. Welsh Heifers under 2 years old Donated by Dr. Peck. Butcher steer or heifer, grade ... 8 2 A sweepstake badge will be given in each of the cattle classes, and alio for the best pure bred female. 8rd • $2 , 2 ! 22 2 20.MIIIIIa. • e .e Banking Service- ATOUR banking requirements may -L be entrusted, to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our fadlities are entirely at your. disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE iA Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen,.Mullen,.manager IIIMIIIM01111111111111113111111111.1111 .211 WANTED ! 2 Flax Land.to • Rent - 4=M 11= 4•N • 2 Mg.•=1.111.1i DNS Mmx• ••••• 2 The Canadian Flax Mills ▪ Limited, Seaforth, Ont., ri will rent a large acreage E. .1 of sod land, spring or F.: E. fall ploughed. Will furn- E E ish seed free and do the F.' seeding-. Farmer will E plow, disc, hart -3w And roll. Phone M. McCormick, El E eaforth 212, after 6 p.m. Ez. 202. •-• i The Canadian . Flax Mills I Limited M. Me,Corinick,,Mill Man. iimmitimininnimiummmummtmi • 3 2 •21111111111/1111110111111111M1111111111111i11111111 SPECIAL PRIZES • Be sure and nrialce your entries early. . No. 1--joynt & Caldwell epecial, pair rubber eebontta, -Pilgrarae bfamr,' for best aged WA- eedale or Sire stallion, value'.....15.00 No. 2-11. Patterson special, -tor best stallion. foaled 1916 or later, bag holder, value. 2.60 No. 3 -Geiger's special for best aged Belgian or Percheron stallion, bag of flax seed meal, value . e_. 10.00 No. 4-T. W. Paliner ,special, for best heaver draft team, merchandise 6.00 No. 5-Bonthron and Drysdale special, for best agricultural team, pair Langford collars, value • • 5.00 No. 6-3. Block special, for best agricultural mare in foal, 10 lb. roast, value .... 3.00 7-Botahron and Drysdale special, for best general purpose team, pair Langford collars, value • 5.00 No. 8-3. McDonell special, for best carriage , team, pair .cuff links, value .. 2.85 No. 9 -George Scott special, for best single .4 carriage horse, box cigars, value . ,.. 3.00 No. 10-D. Cantelon special, for best heavy draught brood mare in foal, bag Irish • Cobbler potatoes, value • 8.00 No. 11-W, C. Davis, for best filly or gelding, agricultural or draft, 8 years or under, hat value • 2.50 No. 12-D. Urquhart special, or best single roadster, 2,00 No, 13 -Cook Bros, Milling Co., special, sack of flour, bestcolt foaled in 1918, value 5,75 No. 14-Ortwein's Special, for best Aberdeen bull, pair overalls, value .....' .,. . 2.60 No. 15-Hemphill's Special, for beat- Short- horn bull, pail stock food, value . 2.50 All exhibitors must first become members of this Society by paying one dollar th the Secretary. Entries can be made with the Secretary at the Commercial Mote!, until one o'cloek on the day of the show. An Pretests to he made to Secretary, 'in writing, accom- eanide by a fee of 52, which will be refunded if pretest is sustained. .Ample accommodation will se provided for al! horees, R. D. BELL, ... . .. .......President, Ilensall K. M. laa-LEAN, Secretary, Seaforth =MN MOM INN : 11111110 NINO 111•1 arm Ponl Miss It ! • MIN • E We are giving 1 per cent. off for .4 cash on Boots &- - NM. MO Uri AM .11! ne Shoes.,• AMIN IMP VIM E Bring the whole family. 12, We can fit them al1fi2with E Ei Fine Shoes and Work E Er- • Shoes. - be Ten per cent. off Wall Paper I I also. - INS OM OM WO • VII am . MO . In* NM .................mo .• =OM MI . MEI ' , . .1 E.A.McAsh& ... Son i .. .. = - Phon 13 on 622 • Varna Friiinimmommummimmumiumg • AT TOUR SERVICE 13... R.. HIGGINS . BOX 127„ CLINTON Phone lee (formerly of Bracefield) 4 -Agent for - The Itnrott & Erie Morigage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company. Commissioner B.C. of ConVer- once', Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesduy each week at BruceSeld 1 AMMSMIEL.."....1111•1111■11111i1M, FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, an easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, R. R. No. 3, Exeter, or phone Ilyndman Line, Exeter. "*.58-11 FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 17, concession 9, Township of MoKillop, Mt:titling; 100 acresminim has been in grass for a number of years,'and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to Price and terms to JAMES T. JOINS - TON. co Manitoba Hotel, Wilinirejo 2682-tf. • • POUSE FOR SALE That very desirable ProPerti lust off Maim street, Egmondville. consisting Of tote4tat sera of land, on which is situated a 1% story brick house with seven rooms and good :tenor. There are also on the premises a stable, and cistern, also sonic Plum and. Poor and other small fruits. This ill property and the taxes are low. For forther Particulars, apply to Mrs. M. A. Cher2= Egmondville P. O. ° 211n ACRE FARM FOR SALE -LT 7, IN ‘"•' the Townehip of Ilibbert.ow Huron Road, three Miles west of Mitellea. Brick house, bank barns, and all modern convenitia- cee. This is considered the best farm ineilmt neighborhood and is well worth loodslag over Ito anyone wanting a. farm, Priee SHAWL Of -Abig amount -14000, • or kw Portildniff above to be paid in, cash, balance may remain on Mortgage at 5 per cent, Pot further par- ticular -se aPPI7 to FRANK McCONNELL, Dub- lin Ontario. 2671-tt moweiamom.., FARM FOR SALE Lot 88, Concession 8, MelalleIe 1* sera of the beet day land in idelfillop, item. et bush, the rest in a high state of calthratkrn; S miles from Seaforth'mules fro se Con- stance, 114 miles from school. The 111111 the premises, a good seven roomed boss* largo bank barn 64x76. all Page wire fenced and well underdrained. There are forty acres Plenghed,e5 acres bush and the balmy* seed- ed down. There are two big mimes, one Piped to barnyard and in the other a data with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the 'PAM is in the orchard and near the helm see line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the -road to the buildims. Apply to MRS. SAlit10111• DOREANCE, Seaterth. 2627- POR SALE. House and half acre of land 1 village of Egmondville, The pr is situated on Centre Street, close the Presbyt-eritip chnreh And la know* as the Pureell property. -Good,„ nw fortable house, good shed, good weIl and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberriee, raepberriee, And currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- pfrty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice property foie lb retired farmer and the taxes are For particulars apply on the or to John Rankin, Seaforth, 25844 4••••••••••••,01.11•••1111110. For A Greater FoOd Production On the, shoulders,of the Canadian Farmer vil1 rest for years to corn6 the duty of making the world's reserve supply of food equal to the demand. Armies might disband tomorrow, but the Canadian Farmer would still be on the firing,Ilne. It thus becomes the obligation of every farmer to see to it that his farm reaches its highest practical efficiency. Therefore Farmers of Huron County investigate the merits of the WATERLOO BOY TRACTOR. Call at our Factory and we will be pleased to demonstrate to you the stu struction, the complete accessibility, and the many other advantages this tractor to help YQUR FAR M reach its highest practical efficiency. • Sixyearsof general farm service in Canada and U •S.A have shown the re and long life enjoyed by the WATERLOO BOY OWNERS. Write for our catalogue which describes in detail all our farm machinery. The Robt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, - ,11 ..lit • i • Clean Clothes a Health Asset TALK NO. 1 Parents who are most particular about the under- garments, and perhaps about the cotton dresses and blouses of their children, often seem utterly neglectful of the condition of winter coats and caps. The youngster who is learning to roller- skate wipes up sidewalks and street -crossings very thoroughly in the process. The mild winter allow- ing suminer sports, has been exceptionable in the • , amount of street dust a,n.d filth accumulated upon children's wraps. A speaker at a recent conven- tion of dyer and cleaners referred especially _to the fact that 'during -the winter the clothes of the school children hang to-gether in cloak rooms' or school buildings and disease germs are freely pass- ed around,' He explained that if the clothes had the proper kind of cleaning the germ would be killed. ' • ,i Boys' Bloomer Suits pressed 50c MY WARDROBE . Goderich Street, Seaforth. Opposite Queen's Hotel Spring Show HORSES AND CATTLE • The Annual Spring Show, under the auspices of the South Huron Agricul- tural Society, of stallions, harness and halter horses, bulls and cows, will be held in • Ilensall Tuesday, April 8th - 'Prize List • HORSES • Clydesdale or Shire Stallion- . •ist 2nd lAged stallion $6 $4 Stallion foaled 1916 or later 6 4 Belgian or Percheroii Aged. Stallion• 6 4 Stalion foaled 1916 or later' 6 4 Carriage or Roadster Aged stallion 5 3 Stallion foaled 1916 or later 6 - 4 Harness Horses Heavy draft team 6 4 let and 2nd. prize given by Sterling Bank. Heavy draft brood mare, in foal . 7 4 lst, prize by Moore Bros. Emery outfit, value 7 3 year old heavy -draft gelding or filly, foaled in 1916 3 2. 2 yaw old heavy draft gelding or filly foaled in 1917 • 3 2 Agricultural taun • 5 3 Given by the Molsons Bank. Agricultural mare in foal • 5 3 lat prize donated by Commercial Hotel. 3 year old agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1916 • 3 2 2 year old agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1917 3 2 Heavy draft or ,agricultural colts foaled in 1918 8.502 1st prize by W. A. MacLaren, bag holder, value 3.50 2nd. prize by E. Rennie, Merchan- dise, value 2 General purpose team 4 2 Carriage team • 4 2 1st. prize given by Buchanan and Rennie, hat, value • 4 Single carriage horse • 4 2 Roadster team 4 2 Single roadster 4 2 2nd. prize given by Maims and Farquhar, razor, value 2 No horse to be shown • in more than one class, except for sweep- stake -Prize, without the consent of the Directors. CATTLE •• ° - Aberdeen Angus Aged bull . •6 Bull, calved after Sept. ist, 1917 . 6 Cow or heifer over 2 years old .. 3 Heifer inider 2 years old 3 4 4 2 2 Shorthorns Aged bull • 6 4 Buil, calved after Sept. let, 1917 . 6 4 Cow or heifer over 2 years old .. 3 2 ist. prize given by T. Welsh Heifers under 2 years old Donated by Dr. Peck. Butcher steer or heifer, grade ... 8 2 A sweepstake badge will be given in each of the cattle classes, and alio for the best pure bred female. 8rd • $2 , 2 ! 22 2 20.MIIIIIa. • e .e Banking Service- ATOUR banking requirements may -L be entrusted, to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our fadlities are entirely at your. disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE iA Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen,.Mullen,.manager IIIMIIIM01111111111111113111111111.1111 .211 WANTED ! 2 Flax Land.to • Rent - 4=M 11= 4•N • 2 Mg.•=1.111.1i DNS Mmx• ••••• 2 The Canadian Flax Mills ▪ Limited, Seaforth, Ont., ri will rent a large acreage E. .1 of sod land, spring or F.: E. fall ploughed. Will furn- E E ish seed free and do the F.' seeding-. Farmer will E plow, disc, hart -3w And roll. Phone M. McCormick, El E eaforth 212, after 6 p.m. Ez. 202. •-• i The Canadian . Flax Mills I Limited M. Me,Corinick,,Mill Man. iimmitimininnimiummmummtmi • 3 2 •21111111111/1111110111111111M1111111111111i11111111 SPECIAL PRIZES • Be sure and nrialce your entries early. . No. 1--joynt & Caldwell epecial, pair rubber eebontta, -Pilgrarae bfamr,' for best aged WA- eedale or Sire stallion, value'.....15.00 No. 2-11. Patterson special, -tor best stallion. foaled 1916 or later, bag holder, value. 2.60 No. 3 -Geiger's special for best aged Belgian or Percheron stallion, bag of flax seed meal, value . e_. 10.00 No. 4-T. W. Paliner ,special, for best heaver draft team, merchandise 6.00 No. 5-Bonthron and Drysdale special, for best agricultural team, pair Langford collars, value • • 5.00 No. 6-3. Block special, for best agricultural mare in foal, 10 lb. roast, value .... 3.00 7-Botahron and Drysdale special, for best general purpose team, pair Langford collars, value • 5.00 No. 8-3. McDonell special, for best carriage , team, pair .cuff links, value .. 2.85 No. 9 -George Scott special, for best single .4 carriage horse, box cigars, value . ,.. 3.00 No. 10-D. Cantelon special, for best heavy draught brood mare in foal, bag Irish • Cobbler potatoes, value • 8.00 No. 11-W, C. Davis, for best filly or gelding, agricultural or draft, 8 years or under, hat value • 2.50 No. 12-D. Urquhart special, or best single roadster, 2,00 No, 13 -Cook Bros, Milling Co., special, sack of flour, bestcolt foaled in 1918, value 5,75 No. 14-Ortwein's Special, for best Aberdeen bull, pair overalls, value .....' .,. . 2.60 No. 15-Hemphill's Special, for beat- Short- horn bull, pail stock food, value . 2.50 All exhibitors must first become members of this Society by paying one dollar th the Secretary. Entries can be made with the Secretary at the Commercial Mote!, until one o'cloek on the day of the show. An Pretests to he made to Secretary, 'in writing, accom- eanide by a fee of 52, which will be refunded if pretest is sustained. .Ample accommodation will se provided for al! horees, R. D. BELL, ... . .. .......President, Ilensall K. M. laa-LEAN, Secretary, Seaforth =MN MOM INN : 11111110 NINO 111•1 arm Ponl Miss It ! • MIN • E We are giving 1 per cent. off for .4 cash on Boots &- - NM. MO Uri AM .11! ne Shoes.,• AMIN IMP VIM E Bring the whole family. 12, We can fit them al1fi2with E Ei Fine Shoes and Work E Er- • Shoes. - be Ten per cent. off Wall Paper I I also. - INS OM OM WO • VII am . MO . In* NM .................mo .• =OM MI . MEI ' , . .1 E.A.McAsh& ... Son i .. .. = - Phon 13 on 622 • Varna Friiinimmommummimmumiumg • AT TOUR SERVICE 13... R.. HIGGINS . BOX 127„ CLINTON Phone lee (formerly of Bracefield) 4 -Agent for - The Itnrott & Erie Morigage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company. Commissioner B.C. of ConVer- once', Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesduy each week at BruceSeld 1 AMMSMIEL.."....1111•1111■11111i1M, FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, an easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, R. R. No. 3, Exeter, or phone Ilyndman Line, Exeter. "*.58-11 FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 17, concession 9, Township of MoKillop, Mt:titling; 100 acresminim has been in grass for a number of years,'and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to Price and terms to JAMES T. JOINS - TON. co Manitoba Hotel, Wilinirejo 2682-tf. • • POUSE FOR SALE That very desirable ProPerti lust off Maim street, Egmondville. consisting Of tote4tat sera of land, on which is situated a 1% story brick house with seven rooms and good :tenor. There are also on the premises a stable, and cistern, also sonic Plum and. Poor and other small fruits. This ill property and the taxes are low. For forther Particulars, apply to Mrs. M. A. Cher2= Egmondville P. O. ° 211n ACRE FARM FOR SALE -LT 7, IN ‘"•' the Townehip of Ilibbert.ow Huron Road, three Miles west of Mitellea. Brick house, bank barns, and all modern convenitia- cee. This is considered the best farm ineilmt neighborhood and is well worth loodslag over Ito anyone wanting a. farm, Priee SHAWL Of -Abig amount -14000, • or kw Portildniff above to be paid in, cash, balance may remain on Mortgage at 5 per cent, Pot further par- ticular -se aPPI7 to FRANK McCONNELL, Dub- lin Ontario. 2671-tt moweiamom.., FARM FOR SALE Lot 88, Concession 8, MelalleIe 1* sera of the beet day land in idelfillop, item. et bush, the rest in a high state of calthratkrn; S miles from Seaforth'mules fro se Con- stance, 114 miles from school. The 111111 the premises, a good seven roomed boss* largo bank barn 64x76. all Page wire fenced and well underdrained. There are forty acres Plenghed,e5 acres bush and the balmy* seed- ed down. There are two big mimes, one Piped to barnyard and in the other a data with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the 'PAM is in the orchard and near the helm see line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the -road to the buildims. Apply to MRS. SAlit10111• DOREANCE, Seaterth. 2627- POR SALE. House and half acre of land 1 village of Egmondville, The pr is situated on Centre Street, close the Presbyt-eritip chnreh And la know* as the Pureell property. -Good,„ nw fortable house, good shed, good weIl and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberriee, raepberriee, And currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- pfrty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice property foie lb retired farmer and the taxes are For particulars apply on the or to John Rankin, Seaforth, 25844 4••••••••••••,01.11•••1111110. For A Greater FoOd Production On the, shoulders,of the Canadian Farmer vil1 rest for years to corn6 the duty of making the world's reserve supply of food equal to the demand. Armies might disband tomorrow, but the Canadian Farmer would still be on the firing,Ilne. It thus becomes the obligation of every farmer to see to it that his farm reaches its highest practical efficiency. Therefore Farmers of Huron County investigate the merits of the WATERLOO BOY TRACTOR. Call at our Factory and we will be pleased to demonstrate to you the stu struction, the complete accessibility, and the many other advantages this tractor to help YQUR FAR M reach its highest practical efficiency. • Sixyearsof general farm service in Canada and U •S.A have shown the re and long life enjoyed by the WATERLOO BOY OWNERS. Write for our catalogue which describes in detail all our farm machinery. The Robt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, - ,11