The Huron Expositor, 1919-02-14, Page 3Cr 14, 1919 BA L #, LT `Ra rr - ton rich K S ° acre of land In the ille. The property tre Street, close to hurch and is icaown operty, Good, come ood shedgood well All kinds of frit , raspberries, and This is a corner pro- eaks on front, and ood state of cult'va- nice property for a d the taxes are tight. ply on the premises Seaforth. 2584-e Mem IN CANADA Y 14,1119 • ake Use of the Mails It is entirely unneccessary for you to leave your work or lose valuable time to make a trip to the bank. Bank with us by mall! Send your depositi in by money order or registered post and the amounts will be acknowledged and placed to your credit upon receipt. . THE DOMINIONIS first acts of the new rulers of the City of the Temple was to repair the fain- 'ous Pool of Solomon and the aqueduct. that . led 'from it the. eitya- This Tool, familiar to every reader of the - ,Old Testament, Was built a thousand j years before Christ by the great king whose name it hears. . . The waters of the Pool of Solcrmon are not sufficient, however, to supply the city, a fact that was discovered twenty-five himdreel years before the arrival of the English engineers, Three hundred years after the death of Solo- mon, one of his sucessersi King liezee -kiah, realized that his growing capital , must have more water So Hezekiah "stopped the upper spring of the *waters ir4 ,Gilion and brought thorn straight down to the city of David?? The "waterk of Gilum" are believed to be identical with a spring known. in modern tithes as the Fountain of thei SE.AFORTHBRANCH i R. NI:JONES, Managen British, although the brief report made to London of their achievement Wiiiitiiiiiiiii911M1410010100009iNaliatinefait011100100091/11flinViinielini State merely that 1 the water from a „ . . - spring beYend the limits of the city eitatiat was made available through the re - THE FIURC)N EXPOSITOlt have their she‘ei nieelY altered sad of a*1 arleier aquedUct' "built 1100112•N loweasse DISTRICT MATTERS HIBBERT School Report—The following is the report of the school in Section No. 7, Itibbert, for January. The names are in order of merit: Jr. W. —Florence Venner, Lloyd Vernier. Sr. HI—Mary McDougall, Edna Santee, 'Gladys Wren: Jr. III—Mary McKaig, Lloyd Hoggarth, Wilson Brintnen. Second—Greta Sararas, Vera Treffry, Leola Gla.nviIle, Wilbert Glanville, L. Norris, Eddie Channel, Girdwoad Mc- Kaig. First—Gordon ' Wright, Mae Brit -Armin Wilbert Glanville. Primer —Carter Kerslake, Vera Mooney, Elia Chappel, Buelah Glanville Agnes Wren, James Venner, Frank Wright. a -E. Norris, Teacher. WHEN BABY IS CROSS - Mothers, when your baby -is cross —when. he cries a great deal -and no amount of attention or petting cheers him up—something is the matter. It is not the nature of the little ones to be cross and peevish—the well child is a happy child. Give him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets and he will soon be well again. They are a mild but thorough laxative; regulate the bow- els and stomach; helish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; in fact they cure all the mime ailments of- the little ones. Concerning them Mrs. Alphonse La - Chance, St. Apolline, Que., writes:. 4'My baby cried continually but Baby's Own Tablets soon )3et .her right and now she is fat and happy." 'The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HENSALL (Too Late for Last Week). Brie -fee -Alterations were commenc- ed on Monday morning. on the Bell 33lockewhich Messrs. Joynt and Cald- well recently purchased and will use for their new store. The new firm has taken over the business formerly carried on by Mr. T. C. Joynt and have added dry goods., ladies' wear and which frightened her horse causing it grocery departments. The alterations to ;turn quickly, upsetting the ugg.y, but we are pleased to. learn that Mrs Bell and her friends escaped any ser- ious injuries.—Mrs, G. A. McDonell is spending a week -or so at her for- mer home in Forest.---tWe believe that a box social connected with the Meth- odist church will be held at- the home o fMr. W. C. Pearce, on the evening of the 14th of February, "St. Valen- tine's Day." ode the tfme o Christ." °Pontius panted.—Rev. Mr. BowePri agent for Pilate before them repaired what pro - the British)and Foreign had a very busy day o preaching as he did, in ible Society, bably was the sarie aque uct using Sunday last, therefor the sacred inoneteewhereupon, ur three vill- the historian josephus tells us, the age churches, morning, afternoon and people "got together and raised a evening and -giving a fourth service great clamor against him." - in the way of a splendi lecture in the As originally built by Hezekiah, interests of the Bible oeteti in our this tacqueduct was a tunnel dug Town Hall at the close of the church through solid rock. The tunnel was services. The meet' n the hall was started from opposite ends and .fol - largely attended, Mr. J. W. Ortwein lowed a tortuous course, passing a - as president of the 1 al branch of the round various obstructions. That the Society, opened and closed the meet- , Jews of old were engineers of no mean ing, while Rev. Mr. Bowan gave a skill, even judged by the standards most able and inspi ng address show- of modern members of the craft, is ing. the wonderful w k of the Society shown by an inscription found on the had been doing and was continuing to , rock wall when the tunnel was ex- '. doi and that the audience was strongly plored for the first time only about in sympathy with the good wdrk was thirty years ago. The carving pro - evidenced by a collection amounting to claimed that "here was the end of nearly : one hundred dollars, and more the boring" and that when the work subscriptions will o doubt still be was completed the borers "stood face handed in to Postmaster G. J. Suth- to face." Having-, provided these two sources of supply, the English en- gineers were enabled to lay mains and erect erect standpipes where the people were permitted to take as much water as they pieased. • erland the treasurer of the Society. Iteve Mri McConnelli Rev. Mr. Doan • and Rev.. Mr. Garrett, all spoke brief- ly regarding the good work of the Society and the great work it was do- ing which was evidenced by the secre- tittey'e statement that since the opening of the war, no less than four copies of the bible has • been printed during every minute and the total. was high up in the millions. The retiring of- ficers of the Society lwere re-elected and also the. acting corninittees.—We believe that Mr. R. Cudmore intends erecting another fine dwelling this spring on the lot at the rear of the one which .he lately sold to Mr. Jas. Taylor, ant which will have a nice location and frontage on Richmond st., south. ---Mrs, Josenh Hudson, an old time resident of our village, was -here a few days ago calling on friends who were pleased to meet her again, after an absence of nearly thirty years. It goes without saying that Mrs. Hudson saw many changes and improvements in our villa& —Miss Dolly Carlin spent the past week with..friends in `Seaforth.—Mr. John Elder has.sold his fine farm,. on the London Road, a little over a. mile south of our village, to. Mr. Frank Bean, who expects to take possession in the spring, and we believe that.Mr. Elder intends making a large sale of his live stock some time next month, having sold his faritt.. :---Mrs.Albert Bell, while driving home from Exeter a few days *ago with a lady friend, met a threshing outfit will take about three weeks, .but the new store will be open for business on March lst.—The weather has been so warm and spring-like during the past -weeks that a number of the far- mers have making maple sugar and rnollasses and report a good run of sap.—The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in both the Methodist and Presbyterian churches en Sabbath morning last and the at- ter tendanee at each was very large.— Mr. E. Rennie, merchant is visiting his brother in Indiana and ,hap been there during the week,—Our business men report trade as very geed and are getting in fine spring stocks.—The merabers of the Masonic lodge intend having a special evening on, Monday next, the 10th, when the District Dep- uty Grand Master is expected to pay his official visit, the second degree will be put on and at the close of the meeting a banquet will be held at the New Commercial Hotel .—Driver W. Glen, who gave up a good position in Toronto shortly after the opening of the war, and elisted from that city with the third Division, and who as a Heniall boy, was here during the past week visiting his relatives, re- turned to the city a few days ago and is to again receive his position with the express -company which he gave up to enlist. Driver Glen spent' several years actively engaged in France and was near to the firing line a good por- tion of the time in the way of driving up ammunition for the ,army and be- sides Suffering a wound in his leg from shrapnel which confined him in the hospital for some sixteen weeks, had many close ,calls one of which when with a _gonirade he was engaged in drawing dnnatiiite, which they to take as far as possible through the darkness of the night and on the oc- casion to which we now make refer- ence he was driving the same, some 12 miles to the fgfalg line with. two spans of ,mules, when he was discov- ered by a fleet of airships who fol- lowed him up for some tune throwing bombs which he narrowly escaped, some of Which came so near as to cover his -deadly load of dynamite with earth and stone and it was only by driving fast, then slowing up, stop- ping- and changing route as far as possible, that he managed to escape and reach the firing line with his ext plosives which were so much needed by the *Hies, • His many friends were moreetthan pleased to see liirte and that he was to receive, theeposition again that he had voluntarily given „tin hit the interests of bis Kiiig and Chtilithth Te Marks troupe of ,entertelnere gave a very good concert here one ev- ening lately, the laalltheillg, and the e =party .retiorted Our tdrn hall, as one of the &Reit they had been An outside of any large town' Or city and also that our New Comm cial Hotel was one of the finest best conducted that they had stopped that the only sources of supply in during their tour of concerts.—Mr. throughout the entire city were filthy George Scott, grocer, is now in his cisterns *under some, of the houses, new premises in the McPherson build- which were filled by the drainage from ing which he purchased and has very the roofs during. the Winter, the only neat premises Messrs. Manna and time when it rains in Jerusalem, and Farquhar, have also moved into their the equally unhygienic watertbags of new quarters a little westofwhore the native carriers. Such a condition they were in and on the opposite side could not be tolerated very long by of the street, and have nearly as large an army of conducted on the scientific premiees for their barbershop ancl-bil- principles which obtain in modern practice law before the supreme court liard room as they had before and military management. One of the of the United States since 1879. 0:1 ENGLISH ENGINEERS' WORK AT JERUSALEM Mr. Kipling's Gunge. Inns, with their "Goatskin waterbager' whatever their present fate inrindia, are a thing LINGERING WEAKNESS FOLLOWING DISEASE Banished by the Wonderful Tonic Powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In almost every case the victim § of la grippe, influenza, fevers or contag- ious troubles,, are left weak, ailing and deppondent after _the disease it- self has disappeared. They do not pick up strength as they ought,. and remain tired listless and discouraged The one and only reason for this is that the blood has been. improderished by the ravage of the disease through which the victim has passed. Stren- gth and full activity will not return until the blood -has been restored to its normal condition.. The blood can her aS en - the be enriched and purified by no e medicine as quicly and as Purel by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To rich .the blood and strengthen nerves is the whole mew% of these pills, and thousands have foud.them beneficial in bringing strength., and energy after disease had left theih : weak and run down. Miss Beatrice Cassidy, Vroomanton, Ont., says:— "From my own expierence I can speak in the highest terms of praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • I passed through a severe attack of scarlet fever, from which I did not regain my strength after the fever itself had passed. I was left very weak, pale and frail looking, and although I was continuing to take .medieine, I did not improve. At this time a friend ad- vised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and following the advice,, I soon felt the pills were helping me. and after taking them for about a month I found myself fully restored to my old time health and strength. I therefore -- strongly advise anyone t who feels weak or run down to give Dr. Williams';Pink Pills a trial and I of the past in Jerusalem. The native feel sure they will not regret it." who goes about the streets selling Rich red blood is the whole secret water from a leatheni sack hung. upon of good health, and from the first to his back undoubtedly. adds a certain theelast dose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills picturesqueness to the mysterious enrich and purifythe blood. You can Orient, but unquestienably the bev- erage which he dispenses is germ; infested and unclean; and his ban. ishment was . one of tbe .first tasks undertaken by the .British. when they captured the 'Holy. City. That, it is officially announced in a report published in England, has now been accemplishede anti Jerusalem.' is now assured of an ainplehitipply of pure water distributed threugh mains that make up in sanitation what brated the third year of their enfran- they lack in the romance and "color" chisement. whieh were furnished by the water Suffragists throughout the country carriers: are opposing plans to give soldiers ! The war which the English carried their old jobs. into the cradle of the race caw the A woman to vote for a member of lumbering tank. crossing the trail of parliament in Iceland must be at least the war chariots of Darius, the! great 40 years of age. king, and the droning airplanes cir- Mme. Rosika Schvvimmer is the first cling hi ;he blue depths which sup -i woman to be appointed an arnbassa- portert the wingihf broah's.dave,,seeut- dor, having recently been sent to ing above above a submerged world, says Switzerland as a representative from iWoitchnare Morison in the New York _Hungary. .Tribune; but nothing this great con- The Scandinavian countries were the ilia did has furnished a more- strik- first of Europe to sanction the full • ing connecting link between the pres- political enfranchiPeinent of women, -ent tmerierneritil Pastithan this A Washington, De C. department bringing of a modern water supply to store recently.tried out several women the ancient city of David. For, with as floor walkers-. and they proved so all their skill end energy, the English efficient that other stores are now fol - engineers wild, followed close on the, lowing suit. heels of the army which drove the I- Women war workers in Washington Turks out of the City of the Jews and other centres are being found new would never have been able to have positions ,'as near their hbmes as wrought such marvels in so short a poseinle. They are being placed by the thee had they not made use of an- employment service get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a. box. or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine COI, Brockville, Ontario. -tee- ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Women own and manage more than a score of daily newspapers in the United States. The women of Iceland recently cele - Hitfor Less 1 Mail or PhoneYourbrdersj We prepay Car ri 1e Good Values orihy of Special Attention Excellent quality in plain colors, n ams • • • checks and stripes in pink, blue, black and white, grey, tan and mauve. 29c Special Price . . ,0 Torchon or Valencennes Laces, in all widths Le and great variety of patterns. - Very fine quality. Special Price' . 12c mere Hose 400d ribbed waol cash- mere Hose, ex- =n, cel ent school stockings, fast jet black 7‘,0 41 Fine quality, stripe sand checks s1Shirt in all colors specially made for in dress wear to sell at per yard 1.25 AC1, 71Ut• to L50. Special price • Men's Sweater Coats for working in waters • good weight, ribbed knit, $139 double collar. Special price . # ager Coats for the hole Family Weguaratee Our SyNe coats so ately---every thread,stitch • and button. You will find here a very tempting assortment of plain And fancy colors in good, warm strong, substantial coats. Alt the new patent collars are here in a size to fit any man, Woman or child. We guaran- tee every coat iDc to S7 cient engineering works whose names :'NeaTly 30,000 wonien registered with are almost sacred words wherevek the Bridgeport, Conn., office of the emnieya. Bible is accepted as the Book. went service recently as the result of :t . Jarusalem, oentinYing as it does a a lively advertising campaign to enlist poeition on a high ridge between the women for industrial en4loyment. Mediterranean and the Dead Seas, r In Turkey husbands are deserting bas theoughout its long history been their wive e ard girls are being sold for. supplied with water only through ex- a: few , triiordileary efforts. • Not the least :The British agricultural wages of the charges against the Turk dur- heard has issued orders fixingtenaxie ing his Icing centuries of occupancy is mum and mihimain rates. for wconw ,that he permitted to fall into decay workers for the whole of EiigIan4 and the elaborate Water works built up ales. when the Kingdom of the Jews was in :Mrs. George E. Hope, *Ow of the height of its glory'. When the Lieutenant Colonel Hope, who was English entered the city they found vied (luring - the war, is opposing. Herbert Asquith for his seat in the British parliament. It is estimated that there are now over 2,000,000 American women em- ployed in industry in this country. . The business end of- the Maron, the University of Chicago daily publica- tion is cleverly handled by Miss May Freedman. Women have been privileged to Hosiery, That Satisfaction We carry Hose for evern god Hose too. From the tiniest tot to the tun grown man or wo- man, we can give you better value in hosiery than you have ever seen. eliewhere. Hose that will give you thelimit of wear and do away with endless mending. A! sizes wooLcotton S' cashmere or silk 25c to Three Cardinal Points in Our Suits and Overcoats .Mens and Boys Underwear Underweiar is a strong de- partment in this store. Ask for what you will, you'll find ithere in -the very best adver- tised brands. Stanfield's Turnbull's... M.W.0 Galt Knit Penman's $275 . •••.., 000000 Se • • a • •• ft 175 •s• • 4 4 . $24000 Fleece Lined. Boy' Boys' Fleece. 6. 44 oo .... . 504, toisi • . 4818 .65a WOOL WA tt TED Style—Wear--Eonomy SFYLE, WEAR, ECONOMY ---these are the three desirables that enter into every Man's and Boys' Suit and Overcoat bere. COMING TO rms STORE IS A MATTER OF getting the greatest amount of real value for your money. The buying power we have re- sultant from the tremendous quantity of cloth- ing we handle enables us to show 'you a bigger variety to chose from arid quote you lower _prices as well. THE NEW OVERCOATS AND SUITS ARE marvels in stylish appearance and perfect fit. These garments are made of guaranteed cloths, carefully made of guaranteed cloths, carefully made made and %ell lined. Sizes to fit every man or toy, no matter what figure. Price 1 49c) to $2 ).-54) to $ Stewart 2 ros. SEAFORT11 WOOL