HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-01-24, Page 2THE IttAtON EXPOSITOR geery one concedes the money to be made at,the pres- ent ovt ot the bush, fire wood, logs; -heading bolts all -in big - demand. A new cross -cut saw tightens the work and the. mmd, We cart supply you In the vet y best makes. !S TheLeader,.. ...hi. 041..• 100.04 0.0 • *sat ail•II** •$7 .00 TheRacer.......•.•.........,* *ell "IN, • e • ... • $7,00 ThePremier • • 141,1. 11**,04.. 1,1l•• 6. ••101$7. 00 11---Iand1eel per pair- ***oaths.. 4•4.4•61 41S, :**14. Ire ql..5oc Files, 7 in., each..:. 4,;•41",-..****” 20.0 Lincoln Sets f•..* * • Es* .... 411. Sae E” VI, * •••• $ I .00 4000.10010001.1•00011100101101000100000110001001.1110 The Choice of Carkhzda's " Chsamps " Canadian hockey expeets recommend "Automobile" Skates Because they're lighter, swifter and stronger than any other skate} Nickel steel blades hold- the edge. Light aluminium tops help tia "eat up" space. - Scientifiaally 'designed for seedy starts and. sudden stops, Automobile Skates are the choice of men who need the best. $1.90 to $6.50. THE HURON EXPOSIT° SEAPORT% Friday, Jan. 24th, 1919. PLUM ER S RECORD Itt -GREAT WAR ia.Y- of the perte fent they were painted in iee of blue or grey or green SO aS Ai, malto 'them blend with the color I el' the sea. Coating the tube With 'ioinn paint was also tried. But -*II :melt attempts at c,aMoullaging :etre found to have but little protec- tive value. Coifering the tube with a seem anal violet cheekerboard prov- e effective in some casee. • P., eltg 11,e cfition that is •theoretically pro -sides that the tele() of the nsieeeope be serreimded by a series tt conical Mirrors, whith, when seen froi a distance, blend with the back- ground. beeause they refleet the sea. Substitutes- for Glass. British General Has Never Made i a Failure. HAS SCORED 016 VICTORIES He Helped to Save Day When Gen. Gough Made Mess of Big Under- taking --ejetfre Asserted That e Milner tteres One of the .Twii Outst•it: ding generals of tlee Inotropean War. Haig's subordinates corn- ( mon consent would award to Gen. Plumer the first place. His army held the old Ypree • salient all the time from the. close of the Secoad Battle In 19.15 to the ,moment when it broke all the re- straining barriers and swept down in- to the Flandere plain in October, in- suring the recovery of Lille and. the llberatiou. of the Aelgiane seacoast. A SILLS, eaforth • - •THE McKILLOP MUTUAL - FIRE INSURANCE irEAD- OFFICE-SEAFORTII, ONT. DIRECTORY OFFICERS. J., Coun,olly, Goderich, president lye Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President Seaferth, Secy.-Treas. AGENTS - etlex. Leitch, R. R, No. I'Clinton; Ed Hinchley, Seaforth; John Murray, Brucefleld, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth; „le W. Yea, Goderich; R. G. Jar - math, Brodhagen. DIRECTORS - Williaxa Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewles, Brodhagen; James Evans, Seechwood; M. itlawen, Clinton; Jas. Connolly, Goderich; D. F. M2Gregor R, I! No. 3, Seafortly, J. G. Grieve, No. 4 'Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; leoorge McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth. G. T. R. TIME TABLE Trains Leave Seaforth as follows: 10.55 a. m. - For Clinton, Goderich, Wirigham and Kincardine. 158 p. For Clinton, Winghain and Kincardine. 11.08 p. in. - Fa Clinton, Goderieh. L3 a. me -For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto e Orillia, North Bay and points west. Belleville and Peter- horo and points east. 1.16 p.m. - For Stratford, Toronto, Montreal and points east. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE Oigirett Cry s civst A. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS/ i GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes etces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartbiwn and distress at once. Going South a.m. p.m. Wingham, depart 6.35 3.20 Belgrave 6.50 3.36 Itlyth 704 3.48 Londesboro • 7.13 3.56 Clinton, ... ...... , 7.83 4.15 ' Brucefteld 8.08 4.33 Kippen 8.16 4.41 flensall 8.25 4.48 ° Exeter 8.40 5.01 Centralia 8.57 5.18 London, arrive 10.05 6.15 Tine it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested. food,,n6 dirsziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Paye's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put as end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty - cent case of Pape's Diapeysin from any drug store. You realize in five rainutes how needless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation .due to excessive acids in stomach. s‘ . . Going North , a.m. p.m. • - London, depart 8.30 4.40 - Centralia . • • . • • , .....9.85 5.45 Exeter 9:47 5.5'i - Hensall ......... 9.59 6.09 - Kippen 1.0.06 6.16 ' Brucefield 10.14 6.24 Clinton ... ......... - 10.80 6.40 Londesboro . 11.28 6.57 Blyth .. ...... • . • . • • 11.87 7.05 Belkrave ... • • • • 11.50 7.18 Wingham, arrive •... 12.05 '7.40 • C. P. R. TIME TABLE •GUELPH & GODERICH BRANCH. TO TRORONTO Goderich, leave - 6 20 • Blyth ...... . • 6-.58 • Walton • 7 12 Guelph FROM TORONTO Toronto, leave 8 10 5.10 Guelph, arrive 9 30 6.30 Walton - .......... .. -12.03 9.04 Blyth . • .. . . 12.16 - 9 t 18 9.30 Goderich 9.55 Connections at Guelph Junction with Main Line for Galt, Woodstock, Lon- don, Detroit, and Chicago, and ail in- termediate points. s't 9 48 Pen. 1.30 2.07 2.20 4.53 CASTOR I A For balite Do LW You Have Always itnrs 84;fiaturs of IF YOURtHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH CONSTIPATIO • s Look, Mother! If toegue le coated, eteanse little bowelk with "Cali- fornia Syrup 4f Figs2' "Fr +this" Qulckly Rayed This ChronlC Trollble. 5R4raicAL. ...AaturatiN _a , ' "In my opinion, no other medioeee Is so ;ouratAve for Constipation and Indigestion as 'Fruiteetives'. I was a sufferer from these corn - plaints for fi.Te years, and my sedontaryocoupation,Musiclbrought a*Itgt a kind of Isteeiirothearabiele ; wilb nasty Ileafilachss, belching gas, drowsiness after eating, and pant • In the back. _I Was inducea to try TrUit.a.tiveir and now for six months Ilurre been entirely well". .A.. ROSENBITRGh 50ea box, 6 for $12•50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by- Fruit-a-tives Limited; Ottawa. the family sonie Jest out of the murgery poloon gases, are the most in need of ,a job, There seems emcee opportunity for laehrymators to earn an honest living, for what could be better for subduing' a mob? Lachry- mators cause no harmful effects and within a few hoars the influence masses off. Now that we know something of handling poisonous gases and have gas masks developed, roay we not ex - pest practical application in destrOY- ing ratsand other destructive* pests in buildings sealed for the purpose and thee thoroughly purged of gas before re -use? Perhaps such a blend- ing might be considered a test tube and the last traces of a• harmful gas destroyed with eome other gas used as a reagent. It ` seenas quite likely that some • poisonous - gases may become - re- agents on a manufacturing scale, now that they may be had in quantity cheaply. One gas formerly costing 1.50 a pound has'been made for 10 cents a pOund, and that ramie chem- isisscan consider it for industrial am, lineation. Phosgene is ktown to give exoellent reduction or iron oxide, while not attacking pure iron. It has already been used to purify sand ire- quired. for high grade optical glee*, Therefore, one of the chemiets' problems becomes the continued ems Pioyment of present facilities along the lines for -which they were design- ed and with Which the staffs are fa - miller, rather than the expensive con- vereion of these plants to other tine g of industaial activity. - GEN. liERUERT PLUMER. At all times his professional" attain- ments were acknowledged by the sev- erest ceities, and Field Marshal Joff- fre asserted that he was one Of the two great g, „rerserele oS the war, - Ainong Gen. Miner's achieve- ments was the clearing of the Mes- sines, Ridge in June, -1917, which was a. preliminary step in the Flanders' campaign. It was one of the finest exaMples of p scientific local offen- sive. comparable only with Petain's two thrusts at Verdun- in 1916. .It wa% characterized by a. marvellouS co-ordination of varipes arniS and marked by such a clear evidence of accurate intelligence work that Plu- • mer's chief intelligence officer, Har- rington, won immediate promotion. As a result. of the preparation, Plue mer's troops advanced over the fam- ous. Messines-"Whitesheet" Ridge with incredibly small losses and abolished, for the time the old -Ypres: salient. 14ater, when Gough had made a mess of the Passehendaele of- fensive; Plumer took over and brought order out of chaos. When Italy was overwhelmed at Caporetto Pluraer was sent to .command the British reserves, which were hurried south and did admirable work.' His Is a record that has no trace of fail- ure, even temporary. Mothers can est easy after giving "California Syn. of Pigs," because in a, few lours all the logged -up waste, sour bile and f me ting food gently moves out of the boivps, and you have a well, playful oh Id again. Sick children n edift lie coaxed to take this harani Millions of -mothers, eep it hand cause .they know its etion ,un the M- ach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con- tains directions for babies, -clipren of all ages and for grownups. 'fruit laxative.' q.c s_HE WAR CHEMISTS, The ilhortage of Mass; of whicb. enormous quantities have been de- instroye, the reconstruction of Europe, and recentsfairs at -Lyons ad Paris have exhibited* nutaerous -..stThstitut-e ma- teriale, including some translucent ones that mny be used for the Win, bles and garages Tra"Pareni; 'PeoPle's Society -and: was welcome to d Is likely to be seriously felt JANUARY 24, 1919 .8 CAPIT.AL AND RESERVE $6,800,000 98 BRANCHES /11 CANADA° A General ROOM Easiness Transacted. CIRCULAR itEiTTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest Current Rate. BRANCHe'S IN THIS DISTRICT: Bruceefield St. Marys Kirldon /tzar. Clinton Heiman Zurich •••••••••••••=•M o '°""'11.;•0110 ...... 40100••0 ..... VelPiP1111/11rd.t.el • of04. ..... dows of such places as. cellars, 04- terested in the elturch ellotr, Young though someWhat costly, are siloxide, any circle. EIS somability and good a iduish glass of silica and such acid nature made him.a general _favorite. ()Adesas those of zirconium and ti Hs mother,"brother George and three l- - . 6 tanium, and artifieial - mica, an *elec- 'at tem Misses Mabele,Aimie and Jes- trically 'fused mixture of green sand, ei survive. bauxite, magnesia, and alkali.. 1 -On Tuesday evening of last, week, Excellent *substitutes of somewhat ! a out thirty returned, soldiers met at imperfect transpareney are numerous ; i t e town hall, Goderith, for the par - cellulose products, sheet gelatin, 1 p seof erganizing a branch of the mol. A very cheap material eonsisth 'few Words discussed the advisability G deeicle Mr. Thomas Pritchard in a o•having a branch of. the Asiociation variouis productsoof casein and aibu- Great War Veterans/ Association in minold sUbstances, and a synthetic resin of phenols -condensed with !tr- ot two sheets of paper united by. i in that 1 town and the proposal -met translucent glue, with etrengthening th the unanimous approval of those - hemp strands between, the outside sent. - Messrs. COckfield and Carrel being coated with flexible waterproof made short addresses giving their view varnish.. Ater - waterproof substitute, v;ihich Is known as "vitro -cellose," and may be made into glass -like panes, consists of a light metal lat- tice work coated' with non-inflain- raable Dior, and a similar material - "flexible glass," Made by coating muslin, gauze or fine Metal cloth with a -fleble film - may be rolled up when being' transported. , , An Eloquent Message. Last October M. 0 emen ceived' a RQUManiall delegation arid was asked by one of the delegates to send a memage to the Roumanians who had,fought so gallantly and stif-. fered so terribly in the allied cause, The Preach Premier's message- was as pithy as it was expressive, "I rise," he said, "in the presence of your Jielegation-; I take my hat off to the Roumanian people; I pet it on again In the face of the Roumanian Gov- ernment." , The Krupp works. • When the- war began the -Krupp gun works were the largest of the kind in the world, employing 96,0041 persons. - - *hat Will They Do In Times of Peace's • It is agreed that the returning sol- diers and those engaged in 'various forms • of war. work shall be taken hask into industry with little din - WI -hence. That is as little as we can eo in recognition' of their, many sac- - riiicee. But what of those Men:hers of the chemioal family who went to -ear? Who has a job Or Benzine and Toluene? Those hard-working twins, Sodium Caustic and Chlorine, re still full of energy and will tac- kle most anything if given the pro- , , per chance. There is a -whole regi- ment of sulphuric acid soli to be inestered out of war service, and equipment used in making mountains of picric acid, T NT, and simile:.t things will be looking for • employ- ment. The problems of the Chemist in caring for his owe are perhaps..great- er and surely as great as were those of quickly providing all that was sought. Benzine le now being pro- duced at the ratetof 60 million gale Ions annually and it may be foued pessible to use it along with surples alcohol., tegistation willing, and gaso- line --to conserve our resources of motor spirit. • • Depending on price; benzine and -toluene May become more extensive- ly used as solvents, and surely acten.e will be sufficiently plentiful to make it a cheaper solvent than before the, war. Our new dye industry May nOw. obtain the toluene desired* for -im- • portant new .colors not recently on our market, while the abundance of various raw materials should help in bringing dye prices down to a point permitting competition with the Ger- man article the world over. • A. Model l'Eitchen. When .the housewife polls hazes or cabbage; evemthody in the house knows it, :If the cooking is done ,in the diminutiVe kitchenette of a mod- een apartment,, a small edition of a Ge ma gas attack is very apt to' he the result. , The architect who designed the Model eilteeie~icenply nst all ee i PaS.1.6; gevoAlle coating -odor kph -- Ion by borrowing an idea utilized for many years in all well equipped chemical libera,tories. Many chemi- cal operations] are .adeoinpanied• by disagreeable and often highly injur- ious fumea. Snell operations are car- ried fon in sosealled draught-clesets. The draught-cleset of the Model kitchen iS verr similar ln. construc- tion to the chemical drauglxtsdoset. It has glass' dooie through'which t1ie progreasiof the cooking, opera - ti ne on ther.gas stove can be wat eb- ea. A slit ixi the lower part. of the glass -doors admits air, -and the hese. steam, smoke, and cooking odors es - ape through A, flue pieced in the nee per part of. the cabinct. If the draught -deem hi kitchen ce kitchenette is properly eonforIlr and provided with, a good .flue, i N,•'ir prevent even the odor of corned nom and cabbage from penetratine hen • the living -rooms of the apartment. =Topple': Mechanic's. : CASTOR IA por Infau4s and Waren. i %DA you Not Mop Bought Sesta that sionaturocif It is to be hoped that uses for caus- . tic, chlorine, etc., may be found such as to permit continued large scale • production and lowered pries, which should encourage experiments look- ing to -new applications. Estimates based upon the/acid phosphate fer- • tilizer used in some of the more pro- gressivestates indicate that a similar demand from all our farms requiring, such fertilizer would raean the con- tinuation of our sulphuric acid.indus- try on its present gigantic scale. However, the you -cf. -est members of ' •. Invlsible Periscepe. s ,It wee the visibility of the p-ri• scope, more than anything EhAP, time made an effective war against Ci•3;*--, Man submarines possible. A periem se. is useless if it is submerged. • it The part of. the periscope tuliCehat extends ,above the surface of the water is not more than al:out two inehes 1 4ianletei---not m u eh , b;:t t enough for the vigilant watthers on the numerous patrol boatsethat eru is - ed in the danger zone. • • • Various metheds -sere tried to IOW .11101101000War1000.00..... HUSBAND SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pirildmm's Vegetable Compbund. Pittsburgh, pa,..--;" For many months I was not able to do 14 work owing to a weakness which dhsed backache and headaches. A friend called - m y attention to one of your newspaper advertisements and immediately my husband bought •three bottles of Lydia E. Pinitham's Vegetable Com- pound- for me. After taking two bottles I felt line and my troubles caused by that weak - flees are a thing of the past. All women who suffer as 1 did should try Lydia E. Piekham's Vegetable Compound."- Mrs. JAS. Roiseteeae, 620 Knipp St., N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Women who suffer from any form of weakness, as indicated by displaeetnents, Inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "the blues," 'should accept Mrs. Rohr - berg's suggestion and give Lydia E. Plnkhim's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. For over forty years it has beeri corrvieceeliintog.:07,:aailmente. If you have mysterloes eem lications write for adi. Co., Lynn, Mass. Turkey Not R-efornsable. "In Constantinople," says Hem7 Morgenthau In the Worltl's Work, "I becatle acquainted with an American doctor who had traveled extensively in the, East 'and who had the most intimate knowledge of conditioes in the Ottoman Empire. He told me that Herr von 0 -winner; the manager of the Deutsche Bank, whom he had visited, in. Berlin, had asked him to end an, atistlre'sevettihghdibcdsting.. Turkish affairs. When my friend went to keep his appointment, he be- gan this way: , 'You have set 'aside this whole eyenin-g to discuss the Ottoman Enx- pire. We do not heed all that time. I can: tell you the whole story in just four words: Turkey is not re- formable!' * 'Yoe have summed up the whole situation perfectly,' replied Yon Gwinner. • "That is the fundamental ,fact which we must constantiy keep ha Mind while discussing, this problems"- - . . - Pinkham Medicine - A Long "%Talk.' A Rotherham, Engian.d, postman._ has walked 03,000 miles during 'hid' 45 years- of service, and receistly celebrated his golden 'wedding. A Kitchener Alelernien Again Members of the ,Ifiteliener City Council would seem to- be born to trouble as the sparks fly oward. On Victory ,Day one of the aldermen was made to kiss the flag' by an enthies- iasticapy Patriotic crowd of cele- brants. Now lad. Campbell has•been convicted of violating the Contagious Disease Act by feeding his hogs with garbage taken front premises other than his own. *Got Judge's Lunch. Having -a busy court day, .,Judge Crawford, of Brantford, ordered a tasty luncheon Bent to ells chambers recently. The delivery waiter was ohliged to pass the prisoners, page en routee:and was hailed by one ofthe inflates with, '-'Say, bring: that here 7 --it's for me." The .miew4De,etrug waiter did so, and the judge raged' over the loss of a luncheon. not -re- coverable by any process of lawt - of the advantages to be derived from :Such an organization, and on motion of Mr. Pritchard; seconded by Mr„ Cockfield, and unanimously adopted it was decided that a branch be organ- ized, and, the following officers were elected provisionally: President, Dr. A. H. Macklin; first vice-president, Mr. Chas. Kidd; second vice-president Mr, T. Carrol; secretary, Mr. Philip Carey; treasurer; Mr. Peachy; ex- ecutive council the officers and, Messrs. Murray, MtVicar and Young. It Was'decided to hold a public meet- ing as soon as fruther details of the organiz' ation have been corop?eted, order, to acquaint the general public with the nature and aims of the a.WA V.A. WINTER' WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES. •'Our Canadian winters are extremely hard enthe 'health of little OlipS. The weather is often so severe that the , mother cannot take the little one out for an airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to .overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes colds and be- comes cross and peevish. Baby's Own • Tablets should be given to keep the stomach and bowels and prevent or • cure colds.. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 • cent e a! box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,. Brockville, Ontario. IEVROlq NbTES -Mr,. George Hawkins; ▪ of the Lon- • don road, north of Exeter,- has the un- ique experience of ,casting his ballot in a municipal election on his -199th birthday. Mr. Hewkins was taken Ave 'miles to poll -his vote in the Us - borne township election on Monday, of last. week; -Last Sunday about 1 p.m., the epirit of Hartley, youngest son of the late James and MI'S. Menzies, of Grey township, took its flight. -He had been seriously Mier three weeks from influenza followed by pneumonia and despite every atteetion he passed over to the great majority to the 'sorrow and regret of many relatives and a host of warm frien . He wia horr at Berridale, Parry Sound, and was 28 years 0 fage, coming to Grey townslaip- when eight years of age. He developed into a fine young man and was ever ready to help in any 1 and every good cause. On account of his love for Musk he was always in. The death (du munition worker was :re�ntI teporie4 as a result of blood -poisoning from slight cut. - Now we are all more or lessliable to accidents, both at home and at work, but We can protect *Ourselves against serious consequences by applying sted.asmta-iBnukitradwliatelY an injury to the skin is • sZam-Buk contains very unusual qualities. it is a strong antiseptic, and at the sametime is very soothing and, healing. It is, therefor, capable of - ending the pain ailS :destroying. the poison in a wound before healing. Zam-Buk not only des- troys all germs in a wound, but by protecting it frbm the germ -laden air kecips other diseases out. At the same time the healing essences of Zam-Buk grow new skin,. Which gradually Covers the sere place and a complete cure is the result "There is nothing else known to science which will perform the healing miracles donebtZam-Buk. This -is because of ,the secret -herbal composition , of this balin. Be prepared or any emergency b 1 -keeping a box of Zam-Buk On hand. 50d box, 3 for $1.25. All dealers or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Send: le stamp for postage) sod FREE trial box will be sent you. LI -peace wrote nights ins we spent -village an • the school •er village sleeping o but Land althen . See -US •Dear • evening srou 'busy• the aot time ,foata vefth tro the floor in . are nob a today has half holiia to 1,6 here I eXpeet it • back, a see all the geess yo now and $ by our lit ecreta tiswtb e up a at T31 he Flavour Lasts HE wax -wrapped sealed Paellas. with WRIGLEY'S upon it is a guar- antee of quality. Thelargest chewin gum factories in t world -the larges selling gum in t world: that is wha WRIGLEY'S meas. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RiGfirt Made in Canada that / frier. • ether eve • some men see s here Past, worth vmith Soap wo worth 2 cal" see C for, and reason w anxi'ous ,by the s • -Rhine on -Canadian our soldi