HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-01-24, Page 1NUARY 17, 1919 -
Sale of
)ecial Prices
ail on all
f Coats
ering to Effect
of Every
1: s alwa} s been
who have de -
"or one reason or
ainreroat. •
the very best
r, reach admired
his store.
the question of
heir desirability,
at a price that
the shortest tire&
best be gained
, yet we (:0 not -
es. H owever,
fair idea of val-
these are at a
not again be du,
bf the Season
Some Are
kLEA `BEGS., .Pubilahers
WO a Year in Advance
11111111111111111II Hl HH1BItMItII1u 1111111 1111111111141 1M11111111161v,MId111IIuIY tateenS; FOR CHRISTMAS BOXES.; i?ays away from.
= Numerous letters 1rat�a been rnrnai+vA'aB@ t�i111'1:" tt]` wan
Greig Ciothrog
is Second to None "
iSee Our Young Men
= by the Secretary a the -Women's ar much for remem
Auxiliary, from the soldiers overseas, ristma,s• T e .
thanking the ladies for the Christ-. lent condition an
nuts boxes, sent to them. The follow-.
ing are extracts from a few of the
letters, One lad who has been for
some time in a hospital in Kent, Eng-
, land, says: "Please accept -my thanks
= for the Chrattmas box received a few
= days age. I do assure you it wao
S= very much appreciated." .enother lad
s in England sayst "When I opened the
E box I thought how good it was of you
z ladies to take all that trouble and to
send along so fine a box." A chaplaia
writing from a Canadian hespital
says: "As we have opened a parcel
addressed tO --*, as he has returaed
to Canada, and distributed the con-
tents among the patients, The latter
e. i greatly appreciate these gifts." A
g ' soldier who has been on leave vrites:
- "When'al arrived back at camp on
El Wednesday last, I Ives greatlyl suet
at Prated andlpleased to find a Chtistmas
just a' little earlier than us-
ual v‘e are shoWing the gnarl -
est Smits for young men that
have ever been shown in Sea -
.Ask to see the
Double-breasted, button, a
to thank you Ye
ring me. again t 0
x arrived in sec
was certainly ve
every reason to aWlieve that it will e
the last one and -I hope that next year
at thie time I Via see yea all in a e
It is good to knoar that all the box s,
which have been acktioWledged, even
those from Germant were received.
one, on the Ithate. We are havin
GermanY writes: . "I received a bo
the other day font tke women's W r
Auxiliary and Wita very pleased to g t
a lemirgeod Omit:bee .1 do not se
inly Seaford' boyi , as 'I _am 'the tad
bey from home in tais.uniaa Anothe
in Germany says:: "Ypur. much a
predated box al -acted me yesterday,
must thank you ell. far your troubl
and work, espeCialli iie 1 am sure yo
my turn last summer and dont want i
.. -kindness and thoughtfulness and hinge
again.* .I have just retuened from 1
days" leave in Blathta after bei 1
months at the fterit." A lad in er-
many says; "Believe me, it was good
to get your box the other day and to
sure you it is all very much appreciat-
know the ladies of Seem* had not
ed. The judgment used by the ladies forgotten us this team. I am. the only
in putting up the -box is certainly com-
mendable!' The following comes from Seriforth bey bete se far. I was mov-
ing from one townieo Another, a dis-
Surrey, England: ' "I want to thank
you for the Christmas box and lase tance of eighty miles, 'When the box
reached me. Of course the first thing
for a parcel of socks. They were all
to do was to open it and see what was
very much appreciated, for anything in it. There were.aome little children
we get from Canada ii so much better
cif five alid six just -Tatting to hela me
to us, than we can get here." -out with it, I glie,13 the poor things
A soldier in the Air Force writes:
never saW any sugar ot sweets of any
"It was quite a pleasant surprise to
me to receive a Christmas percel from kind .the way they looked when they
eaw what was in the box. 'The aobaedo
your Societa today. I do want to. just cathe in o.k., tio thank jot" sever
thank you and assure you I appreciate so much tied e trot 1 win bellorne,
your kindness very much. I have just next year for Chreatmas." From the
2 button, Seam at Wais
Single breasted, round corn- =
er, no belt, no straps.
These -in green, brown, blue
and stripes.
Voung rnen who are, alert
and progressive in the mat-
ter Of clothes are picking
these' iiits at first sight.
10 per cent. off
Call and see our com-
plete lint of Stoves
and Furnaces
The g3ig Haraware Store
R. Edge
soon to be able to thank you person-.
ally for your good work." A man in
a reserve camp in England says:
'Each and every article in the box
ie a treat or a necessity and I can as -
returned from a twelve days' leave
and oh my way back from- Northern
England, spent a few days in London.
saw Sir Douglas Haig on his toming
-to that city. All London turned. out
to greet and cheer him, the conquering
hero." Another man in England says:
"Your box .arrived in good ceaditiona
everything eves fine and ,extternele
jayed by my comrades and myself." A
lad at Baxton, England, writes: ."We
had a merry evening last week when
six of us Seaforth boys got together.
We all hope to be home soon. The
box was extremely welcome and we
do all appreciate the kindness of the
Womens' War Auxiliary,a From
France comes the following; "The
Christmas box sent by the Auxikliara
was - received, in good gonditiont.: I
Wish to express to,:tht floxiliarr
which the members have forwarded
'cheer' and 'comfort' to me during My
tinie in France. The great wore done
by your organizations has left its im-
print on the hearttana mind 'of eyery
Seaforth boy on aative service and we
all feel proud of the women of our
old borne town." Some extra boxes
were sent to Lieut. Frank Jackson for
distribution among men in his batta-
lion. Mr.Jacason has sent his thanks
and one Of the men writes: "We have
just received through our -officer Lieut.
jacksen, two Christmas parcels and
the 'boys wish to send theit heartieet
'thanks for these. I alsp enclose one
of our battalion Christmas. cards as a
souvenir. We are still cerrying on,
but under •mech pleasanter conditions
than before but we shall all be glad
to get back' to God's country again,"
A very appreeiative soldier in France
saYs: "I hope I can do something
good for your society when I get home
to Canada I only wish I could pay
you back for all your kindnese to me.
Another man in Feance says; "Just
a line to thank you far the box of
comforts I have just received. tWoras
can't express the feeling we boys have
for the Women at home who have
worked to faithfully to keep us in all
'sorts of comforts.' •From near Mons.
comes the following; "Your parcel
received to-dey and it disappeared all
too soon. It certainly is good to get
things to eat from home and I honest-
ly believe that When it conies t
handing out anything etrt that line
that you can't beat Cariada. We live
fairly well in the army but the.eame-
nese. of the eats gets your goat so
that after a while you hate to see
meal time approaching. I shared the
box with the boas in the section and
they wish to add their thanks to mine."
_another letter from France says: "It
is good of you to think of me at this
particular time and I thank you for
the box and also for all the kindness
shown to me since I came over here.
I think the work that the Women of
our Empire have done is worthy_of the
highest piaise. No one but the men
themselves can funk realize how much
this work has been appreciated." A
one-time Seaforth boy writes from
France: "I want to thank the We -
mens' War Auxiliary of my native
town for the very' wonderful box of
Mane another writes': "Your much
appreciated pareelArrived .last week.
Although tbe fighting is oeer, we stil
appreciate the kied remembrances of
our friends at home. hope_ ere an
ether Christmas tolte back to the home
I love so well. - At last our great am
bitten has been accemplished and we
have caught up.ta the Rhiae and cross
ed it via Cologne. It %ma race *hid'
I never exPected te win, but we did
Alice Dunbar
Concert Co.
Henderson Highlan4
Pipe Band
Thursday gveing'
Imaersonator _land. Entertainer
in song. and storyi.
Canada's liar" Ladder
The buttoy
Scotch and Saags
and Dances, •Etc.
'Admission-e25e, 35c aria 50c.
a.m., on February 1st
Plan opens at Aberlaart's at 9
girls aid three boys; 2 children have
beeh placed in fester homes, and the
others are still In the Shelter.. One of
these, a bright little fellow of three
yeare, is all ready for a good home,
and will be worth asking for. our
children have been made war ' by
magistrates, two boys and two 'els,
child came (frota
' Hullett townsbipt one from Morris and
two from Goderich town. The matron
of the Shelter, Miss Bentley, is making
the best of everything as is evident by
the.comfort and happiness of the chit-
dren, and any contributions to the
home will be well applied.
The following contributions are
gratefully acknowledged since kat
meeting: R. Harding, Howick, *2;
Xifia Lottie Bentley, $2; W, T. Pellow,
Mrs. Robert Doak and Mrs. D. Miller,
Halliday., basket of apples, jar of fruit
and pickles; Mrs. J. Jenkins, beans;
...Mrs. 'S. Mitchell, peanuts; Mrs. Dr.
-tat Strang, -children's night dresses; Mrs.
El R. Wigle, apples, nuts, candy ,tea
.and serdbies; Mrs. A. D. McLean and
Mrs. Beattie, clothing; Knox Church,
Pastor's Aid, clothing for a woman;
Mrs: GIoaaer, 8 pounds fresh pork; Dr.
A. J. Irwin, Wingham, $10; Clinton
Hay township ale; Seaforth town $10.
Grey township $10. A new sewing
machine hae been installed as a neces-
sity in the Work, and a musical instru-
ment, either piano or organ, would be
a most acceptable donation, the mat-
.ron. being able to interest and enter-
tain the children.
Fostei homes are wanted for email
boys, also for baby boy, and for a
healthy baby girl one year old and one
about two monthi old.
It would be impossible to even men-
tion, not to aa into details. the eepar-
ate cases apalt with at this meeting.
Some of them are pitiable and, sad,
and one almost revolting,artd all show -
trig •the great need of this charitable
and soul -saving. work. If the eases -
which have been dealt with in the past
five years alone, arising in this county
were simply classified and described,
they would: be a surprise and -a reve-
lation to the people of 111.1rOli. Pro-
bably- every municipality in the county
has furnished one or more of these
cases, and the needs of the work will
doubtless continue. Bat if, to offset I
this, a list of the children and their i
present conditions and prospects were
ld Own by sending a good bex to The
oys. We certainly enjoyed the one I
ot the other nikht as we had just
finished a hard day's march on our
11 way to the Rhine and a little feed el -
ways goes_ good about that fime. We
GerMan frontier where eve are going
- to rest until after . New Years . We
_ Christmas but This year is a pretty
place. You can imagine what amuse-
. ment there is for seven hundred .sol-
diera in aeplace about the size of Wal-
ton and the nearest place of any size
tweety-five miles away. •But it is a
lot better than. fighting and the tren-
ches, so we shouldn't complain very
mueb. , I am expecting. to go on leave
some Of_ thete days and intend going
to Ireland.-- I have had two trips to
acatlana now And tave seen quite a bit-
e' England se ple- for the Irish this
pa .:1--hotie.- my `next trip wilt lies th .
Canada; and soon, then 1 will be able
to tell you atone of iny experiences
which, have been quite varied here.
Again tharating you for tbe parcel and
wishing- the ladies all the season's
greetings. ..
Deo 22nd.
Dear Miss Maw,-
- Just few lines tto thank you for
the parcel from the War Auxiliaey-
that received the ;other day: I was
vety plaesed.to get it and whoever
made that cake lmoir,411,e" Way that I
eatatagatydtit. ettAttiot- NA' the
boys from, home in boxes' and socks
has been raost wonderful. I'kniiw that
lots of tiroes wpuld have had to bey
eats or cigarettes and sometimes tou
are in places wile* you" cent •130y
them for love or money _and that is
the time when a box or a. couple of
pairs. of. socks are appreciated mere
than ana other place that I know of.
Now the trench 'hardships are over
emelt won't -be long before we are
'home again, and -when they are giving
a cheer for the King and all the rest
give one for the Women's War
Auxiliary. It has doneomore for the
boys out here than any other branch
of War workers; by that Is inean the,
private soldier and his comforts. Wish-
ing you a Merry Chrietmas 'and a Hap-
py New Year.
Gordon McKay.
given, the value and benefits pftthis
inethbd of dealing with unfortuale
and neglected children would be dem-
you would like to help in this woath
cause; send your contribtuion to either
tbe treasurer or County Agent, 004e-
-richt or if wetting,'
akanaalVia: Ga
loft- Godeticie
The following is the tteasurer's an-
nual statement of the Huron Presby-
terial Wornen'a Missionary Society,
for the 1918 The teport eepresenta
an increase of $444 over 1917.
1, 2 and 8 pullet, Stiffen & Graham,
Partridge Wyandotte ---1 hen, 1" and
Golden Laced Wyandottes-1, 2 and
burner, Goderich.
Silver Load Wyandottes-2nd eock
2, 3 and 4th hen, 3rd cockerel, 2n
pullet, al, E. Lymburner; ist cock, lst
hen,. 1, 2 and 4 cockerel, John Howrie.
Silver Pencilled Wyandottes-1 and
Graham, Mitehela
White Wyandottes-1st coek, 1st
Doak; 2 cook, hen, 8 pullet, F.
Rhode Island Reds (S.C.)--lst eock,
1 and 2 pullet, H. P. Lashbrooke.
Leghorns, Brown (S.C.).-lat cock,
1st hen: 1 2 and 3 cockerel, 3rd pullet,
Woollcombe, Goderich.
Leghorns, Brown (R.C.)-1st cook,
John Howrie.
Leghorns, Whitt S.C.-lst4 cock,
pullet and 1st pen, John Means, God-
Mutton. •
Black Spanish -1, 2 and 3 hen, 1st
cockerel, John Howrie.
Minorcas, Black S.C.-3.st cockerel,
1 and 2 pullet, Sheardown Bros.
_Dorkings-Ist hen, Jahn alowria.
Orphingtons, Buff -1 cock, 2 'hen,
Mutton; 2nd cock, 1 3 and 4 bent 2nd
cockerel and 3rd p let, Thos. Bowler,
hen, 1, 'and S cockere1;1 and 2 pullet,
ist pen, M. E, Lymburner.
Sussex, Red--lst cock, 1 hen, 1 and
2 cockerel: 1 and 2 pullet, Thos. Bow -
Sussex Speckled-4st cock, 1, 2 and
2 -Ad 3 urcockereia,c1, 2, and 3 Pullet, S.
q; McKay, Goderich.
3 hen, 1st pullet, Win. Cartek, Londes-
Mae alt aatleta We,illiate Plater.
2nd pullet, W. Carter; 2 and 8 cockt
4th hen, 1, 3 anti 4' piing, John Webb,
Hamburgs, Golden- Spangled - 1st
erel, 1, 2 and 8 pullet, William Cart
Pit Games -1st coek, 3rd hen, 1st
cockerel and lst pullet, Frank Jeffrey;
1 and 2 here John Webb.
Ornamental Bantams
Cochrn Buff -1st cock and lst hen,
John Webb.
Cochin, Blaek-1 cock, 2 and 3 hen
and 2nd pullet, M. E. Lymbartter; 2nd
eoek, lst hen and 3rd pullet, John
Webb; 1st cockerel and ist pullet, W.
H. Doak,
Coehin, White -1st cockerel and lst
pallet, William Carter.
William Carter; Sed coe. nd hen and
3rd pullet, John Webb:
Game Bantams
Black Breasted Red -1 cockerel and
lst pullet, William. lit Doak.
Rouen Ducks --1. drake and 'rot -ducats
Frank. Jeffrey. -
Indian Runner, fawn and white -10
drake and ist duck, .Leslie Mutton;
2nd duck, John llowine,
Chinese Geese -1st gander and lst
Frillbacks-lat pair, John Webb.
Fan Taile-1st. pair, Colin Hunter
Goderich; 2nd pair, John Webb.
Show Homers-lst pair, Colin Hun
Flying Homers -1st pair, W. Car-
ter; 2nd pair, Colin Hunter; Brd pair,
John Webb.
jacobins-lst pair, John Webb; 2nd
Tumblers--muffed-lst pair, Colin
Tbanter; 2nd pair, John Webb.
Clean -legged Tumblers-lst pair,
john Howrie.
Trumpeters-lst and 2nd pair, Colin -
White Polish--ist pair, M. E. Lynt-
lar meeting.of the Children's Aid So- I
ciety for Huron County on Tuesday of
Auburn .
last week, (being the first meeting held
same the opening of the new shelter) Bayfield
and already the benefit of the new
home is very evident. Since the oaen-
ing 8 children have been received, five
included many itmes of public interest,
Jaunche, Belgium, Dec. 21.
To the Seaforth Wee Auxiliary -All
though in a sease, having little claim
upom Seaforth as my old home town,
being a total stranger to the majority
of the members -of your 'worth* club,
makes a box containing a choice se-
lection of Xmas dainties and essential
articles all the more highly appreci-
atad. Despite 'the trying times there
had been in Canada thie' fall, in fight-
ing that stubborn epidemic, influenza
and. the fect that the war was oyer;
gave me ne little right to expect to -
be so generously remembered as I have
been. On, the other hand, Huron.
County Christmas cakes- always ap-
pealed to me so strotaly that it was
very rarely, I did not appear on the
scene 'durina the. season they were .in
so it makes -me feel verY close to ho e
sitmpling as I have done, such a good
number of .these cakes away out here,
The best compliment I have for my
latest cake is that' it received some
veiy, 'very pretty criticism 'from reY
comrades fortunate enough to share
it. Perhaps you might be interested
to know the 'whereabouts of Jaunche.
We marched into this town last Tues-
day, finishing a five <Jay marea from.
Mons where we had been billeted foria
month. jautiche is a typical Belgian
town of 1500 inhabitants some 20 kilos
north of Namur. The people are ev-
ery bit as modern as were their fore -
good things that reached me two days father .500 years ago; Men, women
before Christmas. The pontents were and children slouch along in -wooden
Huron County have I tasted cake such
great and not since the time I left is!ates;
like young dreadnaughts, ana in feet,
the ones' the men wear looking
at my Cheistmas cake." Anether sol- • we call them boats. Despite their
many ancient peculiarities they are -
very friendly. We are billeted all ov-
er town, in most eases two. in a house.
We have a nice front 'bedroom. with a
stove and the dear old ladyi, of the
house takes great pleasure An looking
after us. If only we &mid parlez yells
better she woud be content. Attie
Christmas we intend t.o continae our
march to the Rhine. Trusting that the
coming year will favor thelmemebrs
of the War Auxiliary with health and
prosperity, Youre very_ heartily,
Avin, Belgium, Dec, '21.
, Dear Friend, ---A few {lays ago I re-
ceived the parcel from the Women's
War Anal -airy and I wish to thank you
all for the kindness and 'trouble. I
know what a job it is to get those
parcels ready. It is too bad you could-
n't have a look at a few ,of us boys
when one arrives, Right away, everx
One who has had three Christmas one is alert to leek over the contents
and I say the Seaforth ladies are
always be remembered by the boyi."
cher from Fraece writes: "A ,few days
ago I had the pleasant surprise of a
mu.st say I greatly appreciate the
kindness and good judgment of the wo-
men of ,Seafoeth. Just when we will
be free to get home no one knows but
we all hope we will not have to wait
very long. 're many the monotony of
waiting is worse than the excitement
of the days *hen the war was on.
Others rather enjoy and appreciate tbe
lull after the strenuous months and
years." From Belgium comes the fol-
loWing; "Altow me to thank you for
the much appreciated box of eats
which arrived today. A box from
those at home is always a delightful
stwpise end your box was very fine.":
Another from Belgium says: "Your
welcome box arrived last night, in
good condition. It is needless -to say
how much it is appreciated. We hope
soon to be home but Caa assure trou
the work done by such organizations
as the Women's War Auxiliary will
keeping up the reputation of the gooid
Blyth (Marion Qliver Circle) .
Goderich Township Union ....
1VicKillop (Duff's Church; ..
Seeped' (Bar. Kirkman Circle)
Thames Road
On account of the closing of the Fuel_
Controller's Office, and the fact that
.from now on the coal will be bandied
as formerly by the dealers themselves.
We wish our patrons to know that we
have in stock the following lines of
coal, which we place at their disposal.
Winthrop (Associated Society)
Mr. thos.
Special Re
the Sing&
ohine Co. will
ton's Old Stand
der the management
J. G. Martin)
30* days for
of advertising
automatic Spool
for family use.
attention given
new customers.
Call and see
treat you
Repair Work
E. Ritchie,
resentative of
Sewing Ma-
be at Lay -
(now un-
for the next
the p se
the ew
old and
us. We will
a Specialty
MissiOn Bands:-
Brucefield (Little Disciples) .. 43.00
Clinton (Busy -Bees) ; 5.85
Eginondville (Little Helpers) 21 00
. Exeter (Willing Workers) a. 10.30
..Goderieh (McGillivray) • 91.50
Hensel' (King's Own) 36.32
Varna (Willing Workers) 11.30,
184 30
To Provincial Treasurer: -
October .. 665785:0000,
Minnie V. Greig,
Treasurer H. P. litr.
The following is the list of success-
ful exhibitors' at the Huron Poultry
and Pet Stock Assoelation held at
or last week; •
Dark Brahmas--/st hen, John -How -
2 hen, and 1st pullet, 'John flowrie.
Plymouthltocks (barred) -1 and 2
cock, 1, 2,4'741 hen, 1 and 2 cockerel.
Plymouth (Patridge)--Int cock, 1st
bend, Prank Jeffrey, Gederia,
lst hen, 1` and 2 cockerel and 1st
et, William H. Doak, Goderieli.
Awarded Military Medal. --The fol-
lowing official despatch from France
gives the reason for which Sere. M.
Bach°, 64th Canadian Battalion, neph-
ew of Mr.. and Mrs. William nacho,
of St. Columba% was granted the
Military Medal:. "For eonspicuous
bravery and devotion to duty' fn the
operation of November 2nd, 1918, the
platoon Sergeant rendered most val-
uable assistance to his platoon Aker
in maintaining eommunication between
his sections which' were ewer d 'over
a frontage of Ave hundred ds and
in leading them on' their ad nce a-
gainst beavy macbine gun and rifle
fire, obtaining their -objective witbin
an hour fronezere, during whielr time
in addition to beevY casualties talkie
ed Mt the enemy in ailled and wound-
ed the plate= eeptureat Aver forty
prisoners. -Later in the day when his
latoon ofilcer was mortally wounded
organized them for a further advance
under intense shelkfire ag9in samosa-.
the entire' da ts
fo lowing night t
to its second objective and
displayed outstanding efficien
total disregard on his own