HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-01-03, Page 8t.
Ring in the New
We are starting on a brik' t
fresh Neve Year •- -
How does your account stand?
it a little over due ?
We nave many obligations
that We must Meet,
Start 1919 with a clean Sheet.
We wish you a bright anti
prosperous New Year,
W. J. Finnigan s
2662x1 PHONE 72
Many Customers 'r
4,4.6 .A4.44; 4.4 4444.4.
. -
••• • _ . •
Election of Officers. --At the regular
meeting of Court ‘Sherwood Forest,
Ancient Order of Foresters,No. 6066,
held on Monday evening of week,
the -following members were elected
to fill office- for the term of 1919, as
follow?: weD. Hoag,. C. R'.; Alex.
Stobie; $.C.R.; E. L. Box, Secretary;
Ed. Daley, Treasurer; George Sthgdill,
S.W.; W. Bristow, J.W.- J. Smith, S.
B.; P. Daley, J.B.; J. C. Scott, W. D.
Hoag and A. ,Stobie, Trustees; John
Finch, W. Bristow and P. Paley, Aud-
itorse_Dr. Scott, Court Physician.
°Death of Mrs. McQueen. -A very
sad death occurred at the home of Mr.
John Powell in Harpurhey, on Friday
night last, when his eldest daughter,
Isabella, wife of Mr. We -E. McQueen,
died at the age of only twenty-three
years. Three years ago Mrs. Mc-
Queen was married to her now bereav-
ed husband, when they moved td the
West, where: they lived until some
months ago, when her health failed
and shecarrie East ,to her home with
the hope that the change would prove
beneficial: She was slowly regaining
her health when she suffered an attack
of influenza, which was the immediate,
cause of her death: Besides her hus-
band she is survived by her parents,
six brothers and two sisters, to whom
the sympathy of a is extended in
their bereavement. The funeral ser -
ekes were held from her father's home
on Sunday: afternoon, the floral offer -
Ingle being beautiful, including wreaths
from the employees of the W. E. Sand-
ford Clothing Co,; the Powell- family
and Clyde Rankin1 Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Leg, Goderich; Bon -
hron & Drysdale, Fiensall; , Miss
A ,
Florence Fowler. Miss Bolden F.R
, • .• K.
Arnold, Alexander.a.nd Ge'orge Lewery,
919 Misa N. Cooper, Miss Jessie McGuire,
- Mr El. McQueen, sisters and brother,
-and the remains were laid to rest in
the Maitlandbank cemetery.
Opposite Commercial Hotel-Seaforth
• .r Aup
-M1511Prir '
Stratford, Ont.
• Winter Term from
. . .
. ' Jan. 6
We place graduates iii positions.
Lady students oflast term are
now earning as high as $15, and
even $20 per week while boys
- are earning higher saalries.We
have- Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy 'Departments. Write
for our free Catalogue.' e ,
D. A. McLACHLAN,Prineleal
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Marriage Licenses
II. II IC k:i INN'
127. CLINTON Phone 100
(formerly of Brumfield)
-Agent for -e.
The Huron & Erie Mortgage
Corporation di n d the Canada
Trust. Company.
H.C. of J.. Convey.
Fire and lornado Insumrtc,e,
Notary Public.
Wednesday each week et Brumfield
1: i',..*.
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cott s Home of
mas Footwear
Mi'sses and . Children s Fit
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House Slirpers '
Overshoes -Spats
Moccas1 ns -Legg icn s
Hockey Shoes
Suit Cases
Club Rags
Dress Shoes
Work Shoes
Buckled. R ubbers
Laced Rubbers
Men's douse Shoes
Ru b rS
Arch Supports
}felt Shoes
The Home of Christ Gifts
The Nomination Prfeetine - The
meeting for the nomination of town
councillors, public school trustees and
Water, Light and Sewer commission-
'rs was held in -the town hall on Mon-
day evening, There was not a very
large attendance and apparently very
little interest seemed to be manifested
in the proceedings. 'There were five
nominations for Mayor, Messrs. 3.. A,
Stewart, the present Mayor, Dr. R. •
R. Ross, -De. Harburn, J. F. Daly
and James Watson. Mr. .Sfewaet
stated at ethe meeting that it was not
hisrintention to seek a second term'
and Dr. Ross.and.Mr. James 'Watson;
did not qualify for office so that the
contest for Mayor will be -between Dr.
Harburn and Mr. J. F Daly: There I
were three neininations for the Reeve -
hip, Dr. Harburn, Dr. Grieve and.
IfIr. James gays, and as Dr. Harburn
is' contesting the Mayoralty tlie Reeve -
ship will be bewteen Mr. Hays and,
Dr. Grieve. There were e.)1 large
number nominated for Couneillors,, but
a 'number of these did not qualify.
There are, however, a goodly number
left from yvbigh to Choose a very good
Council far the coming year The fol- •
owing are the names of those who are
the field: J. E. Willis, C. Aber -
art, J. J. • Cluff, C. A. Barber, D.
k; W. Golding, T. 'Stephens, G. •
. Haig, W. J. Beattie. The Water,-
ght and Sewer Commissioners
and • children of LI* NV, • Mr, and
Mrs, John Sutherlandand .sone has.
of TorontO and- Masters Harry an1
James Nicholl; of Para, Brazil, spent
Christmas. with Mr, and Mrs. A. D.
.FiutherlandeLeMr.' H. - K. McLean of
Toronto, spent the holidays at the
home of Mrs. M. Y. MeLeaii.--Mln.
and Mrs. Fred Neelin spent Christmas
-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Neelin.-Mrs. E. McMurray of Eg-
mondville, is spending a couple of
months with friends in, Toronto. -
Miss A. Kennedy is visiting with
friends in Stratford .-MiSS1 Winona
Berry, of Meaford, is a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomp-
son. -Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Carron, of
Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Lippert, of Kitchener, spent Christ-
mas at the parental home of Mrs. J.
W. Jones .-Mr; and Mrs. W. Twain -
ley and family, of Stratford, are
spending a 'few holidays this week
withthe latter's mother,. 'Mrs. W.
Westcott.-Mrs. R. Fraser is visiting
with friends in .Goderich.-Miss Ren
McKenzie, of the -Brungwick Model
School staff, Stratford, spent the holi-
days with her sister, Mrs. Montgom-
ery Patrick in . Ttickersmithe -Miss
Jean Moffatt and Miss Betty Houston,
of Bow Park Farm, Brantford, are
spending the holidays' at the latter's
home in Tuckersmitle-Miss Margaret
Morris, of Toronto, spent the Christ-
mas holidays with fends in Toronto.
-The sympathy of many friends here
.will be' extended to Mrs. L. Hartley
in the death of her husband, which oc-
mined at Glentaha, Montana., a couple
of weeks ago. Before her marriage
Mrs. Hartley was Miss Edith Scott,
and for a number of years she made
her. home with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Ilays here , -Miss Marion Brown, of
Toronto, is spending the holidays wi
her parents at the rectory. The
Misses Gemmel' of Egmondville, spent
Christmas in Stratford. - County
Clerk Holman, of Goderich, was in
town on Saturday. -Messrs. Ford
and Alexander Aitcheson, of Rose -
town,, Sask., are spending the winter
with relatives here. -Miss Jean Ross
of Toronto, is spending the holidays
at her home in McKillop. -Mr. Oscar
Reid, \who has been visiting. at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
HSlReid, returned to ,Ottawa, on Tues-
day. - Mr. and Mrs. R. L.. Clark
spene-Christmas with Mr. and -.Mrs.
J. Pinlmey in Stratford . -Mr. Ar-
thur Plarit, of Acton, spent New 'Years
at the home of his brother, Mr. W.
R. Plant. Mr. Plant has just return-
ed from overseas.
• '
Oatnial-4 pourds for 25c or $5.25 per.sock.
W. b. lf.erslake, Seaforth„ 26l-1-1
Fleur -1 -Call and see oar varleties •of 'Jour
just like, the old white grade at ants per cwt.
• E. Kerslake, Seaforth.
Flour Down. -For ten clays we will offer all
the, high grade flour at es ne per cwt. . W. E.
Kendal:et Seaforth, 2664-1
Boy Wanted -A boy' with sufficient educa-
tion to learn, to operate Linotype machine.
Steady employment and opportunity for ad-
vancement Apply at The Expositor Office,
House-! to Rent -Good comfortable house
with all conveniences. Apply to George Low:
ory, Seaforth, or phone '7 on 238. 2664-1
• Wood for Sale. -A. quantity of dry wood 14.
and 15 inches long, black ash and elm, $4.,00
lifer cord. Apply -at The Expositor Office, Sea -
forth.• 266$xl
Warif-so--Oatk fall vainest and peas at the
,Atlas Cereal Co:. Limited, Seafortli. 26Z.0-tf
Woad! Woodl-Don't wait until the cold
weather sets in. buy your supply now. 500
cords of 12 inch wood to offer. W. Ament,
Seaforth. 2661-tf
Fa- Sale -Bus Business awl Mail Contract.
Apply to commercial;Hotel, 'Seaforth. 2661-tf
Patti -Hier for s4e.-Any- person 'Meiling 2.
good !terLiltrer rt a masonahle 'price plmse
leave .order early. Austin Dolmage, Phone 14
on 237. 2.664x2
Messrs. J. F1 Daly and W. E. Ker- 'Twenty -Fifth Anniversary of Ordin-
lake were elected by acclamation. The atio'i Celebratad-Very Rev. Dein
siJiooJ trustees were also returned by Downey celebrated the 25th anniver-
cclamation as follows: North Ward, sary of his ordination into the priest-
.. C. Jackson, J. H. Reid; East hood at Windsor on Friday last Dean
Waid, John Beattie, .W.. A . Crich; Downey was born at- Si Columban,S
outh Ward, John Rankin and A. D, is a, graduate of the. Seaford' Collegi-
SutherIand. ate 'Institute and widely known here.
e----- , and all will unite with the Expositor in
extending congratulations -to his Rev -
Local Brief s. -Mr. . and Mrs. Neil erence in. the successful completion of
ethane and MSS Connolly, of Toledo, his quarter century of good and able
nd Messrs. W.' and G. Bethune, of work in the prieethood. Besides His
wen Sound, spent Christmas at the Lordship, Bishop Fallon, in the Sane-
orne of their mother, Mrs. - C. Beth- tuarv, there were present with hint
inc .-St. Thomas' church, Seaforth,
11 celebrate its diamond jubilee on at the, Jubilarian's Solemn High
Mass of Thanksgiving, Fathers Mc-
unday and Monda.y, January 5th and Cabe, Foley., Foristal, Young, Neville;
th. On Sunday the Bishop of Huron,
Doe, Stanley, Goodwin, Robert, J. ,P •
ssisted by Rev. Canon Craige Will
Brennan, Donnelly, Semandre, Cole,
reach, and on Monday evening a sup- ForstenHoward and Goetz: •• After
er be served in the school room .
the cloSing of the cereniony the Wind-
fter which a recital and ,programme
sor pap4r says: "The celebration of
f S.acred song, will be given in the
urch,.-Mrs. L. L. McFaul receiv- the Very Rev. Dean Downey"s silver
1 word on Thursday last that her jubilee was fittingly brought to a dose
on Friday evening at St. Alphonsus
rrandsonLieut Leonard L. McFaul,
ho was, reported missing last sum- hall when he was greeted by an audi-
er, had been. officially reported as once of parishioners which filled the
tilled in action on July 10th. Lieut. capacious. auditorium. His Honor
lcFauj was a son of Dr.. and Mrs. Judge Drornogle presided. Besides
. Henderson McFaul, 474 Dovercourt His Lordship Bishop Fallon, the jubi-
oad, Toronto, and was serving in larian and a large representation
rance in the Royal Air Service._ of the priests of the diocese, there
Er . and Mrs. John Hinchlen• of were seated on the platform Col..
tratford, spent Christmas with tela- Hendricks, U. S. Consul, and.
ves here .-Mr. and Mrs. J. Wat- Messrs. Francis Cleary; E. A. Clea-
n spent Christmas 'Day with rela- inn Leo Page, John R. Boyde, George
ves in Clinton. -Mrs.. Win. Sclater Hanrahan, James Wall, Edward Han-
d Mrs. Finlayeon returned from =hen and others. The dean was the
alt on Tuesday .-Miss Bessie Mc- recipient of a well filled purse pre-
vish, of Kitchener, spent Christmas muted on behalf of the congregation
ith her sister, Miss C. McTavish. by Mr. James Wall. The presenta-
Mrs. G. F. RogerF and Miss Alice lion address was made by Mr. Francis
Toronto, were vjsfting at the home Cleary; the oldest of St.- Aiphonsus
her Parents, . and Mrs. Thomas parishioners. His Lordship, the
ephens this week. -Mr. Norman bishop, delivered a powerful ad-
hannae, of London, spent Christ- dress, eulogizing DeanhDowney for
as with friends here 4 -Mr. D. the great'work-
he ad. accomplish-
rker, of Godmich, was visiting With ed as a priest since his 'ordination
lends here this week. -Miss Nellie- The choirof St Alphonsus church
clVlichael and Miss Montgomery, of 'Ouellette, rendered several 'pleas-
Toropto are visiting at the home of ant choruses, with Miss Eva Walk -
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McMichael.- er, soloist. After the close of the
. .
Miss Sleeth of Sarnia, is visiting with programme,Dean Downey held an
MrsWilliam Sleeth, Market street
-Dr. Bechley, of St. Thomas, spent informalreception. Much credit is
due to the ladies of' the Altar So=
Christmas • here. - Miss Margaret eieey and the •Sedality of the 1Bless-
Walsh, of Linden, is visiting -at the eVirgin and to 'the members of
parental home of Mr. and Mrs. P.thed
Ushers' Society for the success
Walsh .-Miss Emma Higgins la of
Clinton, is theguest of Miss Dorothy
Wilson .-Miss Margaret Ross, a
Brucefield, was the guest of -Miss N.
Jeffrey over the week end. -Mr. ' and
Mrs. Newton 1Vlactavish and daughter
of Toronto, are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Mactavish.-Miss
11 the function.s which made up
epochal day in the history of St.
honsus parish.
- In Memory of the Soldiers. -Mr.
James Weekes has in his marble works
ary Modeland of Palmerston, is in Exeter, a most( artistic piece of
spending the holidays at her home sculptor work in the form of a Can -
here. -Mrs. T. Baird, of Brucefield, adian soldier in full uniform, stand -
here, -1Virs. T. Baird, and son, of ing at ease. The figure is in white
Brucefield, are visiting at the home of and is. five and a half feett, high The
her father,. Mr. Hugh McDermid.-- 1 work was done in Carrara, Italy, on
Miss Isabel McDowell, of Toronto, is ! the order of Mr. Weekes, fir School
spending the holidays at the home of Section No. 1, Usborne, and will be 1
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- placed on a marble pedestal Sin and a t
Dowell in McKilJop.-LMiss Norma half feet high. The pedestal is now ,
Hartry, of Coldwater, is spending the being prepared by Mr. Weetes. On
nes Murphy who is a teacher near soldiers, John C. Strang and, Ernest 1
feeee on time Tfiurnn Ree 1 $ - T4nerl nearly a more of others Who have
friends in town over the honeay. - attended Viet mined ' On e - side of
estal is inscribed the. follow -
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles in words: "In memory of the m xi
Stewart M
holidays at her home here -Miss Ag- it will be inscribed the names of two
Coldwater spent the holidays at her Neil, who have given their lives, and
Johnson,. of London, was visiting with served in the war and at sometime
Miss Cleary of Dunnvilie, is a guest the ped
r. and Mrs. Win. Murdie of S. S. No. 1, Usborne,.''who served
For the New Year
Bill Books
Minute Books I
Binding Cases
Receipt Books
Account Books
Loose Leaf 'Memorandum Books
Thompson's Pookstore
.:, •
and Machines
at Beattie's- the Store
that is aifferent.
Columbia Machines and Records
sold here
1 e
chell and received her educatio at
Stratford Colelgiate Institute.. She
graduated. from the Faculty of Edu-
cation, Toronto and. Was a teach -r of
languages at: Milt4b11 Continuation
School. She was' married in July, .1917.
In religion she=was a Methodist, being
a member of Ainslie street church. Al-
though a resident of Galt for led than
eighteen months, she had made many
friends who will deeply regret her un-
timely demise. She is survived by her
husband, three sisters, Mrs,: J.E. 8aye-
Butler, Penn.; Mrs, John E. 'Waiter,
of Mitchell and Mrs. Watson Garbutt,
Carlingford, and three brother, Dave,
Fred and- . Ned Hanson, of Mitenell.
There will be a funeral service a: 65
Harris street this -evening at 8.30 and
the body will be conveyed to Mitchell
for interment by the 7.50 tem. G. T.
R. to -morrow morning,
nlominatione.--trite result of the
nomination held, in the Town Hall, at
Varna ,on Monday, was as folio s:
For Reeve, J. McKinley, 3., T .
and. Morton Elliott. For Council] • rs
-Joseph Hood, G. B. Hanley, W
Douglas, Joseph 'Mossopp and Jo
Presentation ion. -On Sunday mond
last after. the services in the Gosh
elturch, a pleasant Surprise was giv
to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peck, who a
about to Ileave the farm on. the Bab.
ion line and resnove to Herisaill .whe
they intend making their home in fu
-ures and the congregation took t *
opportunity of expressing. their a
-preciation by presenting them with
Bible and hymn -book and the follow
ing address; Dear Brother and Siste
-As you are about to- remove fro
our midst and discontinue, your con
nection with this church, we, as a con
gregation wish to express our apprec
iation of you as citizens and as church
s • 1 'workers, also our regret at your re-
moval. We have pine to think of erou
as almost indiepensable inernbers of
.Fair our coinmunitsc and, �f Goshen Metho-
dist church, for, since- your childhood,
You have, been identified with the work
of God in this place; you have always
given your willing support to- the ex -
'or justice and freedom in the great
world new, 1914-18." The' sculp-
tored figure may be 'seen • at the
marble works until after the New
Year, after Which the whole will be
erected on the school grounds.
Died -in Belgium. -Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Laing received word last week
that their son, Pte.. John Daniel Laing
had died of broncho -pneumonia On,
with the Hurons and had been fight -
December 20th. Pte. Laing enlisted -
ing m France since March last At the
-time of his death he was only 19 years
of age and was on the way to Germany
-with the Canadian troops.
Notes. -Mr. Robert Armstrong, of
Windsor, spent Christmas with his
brother, Mr. Matthew Armstrong. We
were glad to 'see our old friend and:
neighbor looking so well. L. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur lincRorie of Lam Won
County, spent a few &ys.of this Week
at, the hoine. of .Mr. -and Mrs. William
Britton.. -Mr. Bernard Hall, who has
been the past week in the hospital at
• 2
Stratford, havffirldslear treated,..drom.
en injury recei*ed some time 'ago is
erogressing favOrably:
McQueen.--Baldwin;---The marriage
was solemnized dn. Mount "Vernon, lo-
wa, on December 23rd, of Miss Flor-
-ence Ruth Baldwin to Capt. William
Norman McQueen, M. A.; organizing
Secretary of the -Alumni Association
of the University- of Toronto, and son
of Mr. and Mrse James MacQueen, of
'Brucefield. The best wishes of many
friends here will be extended to Capt.
and , Mrs. McQueen. The young
couple- will make their home in To-
ronto, where they will be at home to
their friends at 133 Howland Ave., af-
ter February lat.
Notes.-Mretames Jeffrey, of Ham-
ilton, is at present visiting in this
place. -Miss Nelie Brtice attended the
wecling of her consin, Miss Bruce, near
Walton, recently. - Services will lin-
held in the Metlaodist church at 10.30
a m., on January tli.-Mrs. A. Hall-
am attended the funeral of Mrs. Roy
L. Dalton, on Tueeday. -
Death of Mrs. R. L. Dalton. -The
following from the Galt Reporter will
be read with melancholy interest to
many friends of the deceased here:
"The very sad death occurred at 9.30
on. the morhing of the 28rd of Decem-
ber, from influenza, of Clara F. Han-
non, wife of Mr. Roy L. Dalton, of 65
Harris St. The deceased lady who
was in bk. 26th 'year, had only been
ill one week. She was born near Mit-
Coal on Hand
for Immediate
In prepared sizes,
pecially adapted for dom-
estic use.
In broken aid large lump.
Clean burning, no smoke,
no dust or dirt.
In grate size -- can be
broken up.
Mayor Stewatt
Fuel C ditrniesipner
- r-
tension of the Kingdom of Christ, end
by your quiet, unassuming, yet admir-
able Christian lives, you have wielded
an influence that has been felt by, ev-
eryone with whom 'you came in con-
• tape. We ask you to accept this Bible
a4"Hymn-Book as a mark of the high
respect we have -for you and as a souv-
enir\ Of your association with us: We
are indeed sorry to lose, you but we
trust that God's richest blessing will
rest upon you in Your new home and
that your lives will continue to be
channels through which -this blessing
may .flow to others. Signed on be-
half- of the Goshen congregation --
Henry Eratt, A. Keys.
Flour -Call and see our varictiw; of uour
Snot hlse the old white grade at tenet per cwt.
W. E. Kerslake,Seaforth.
Notes. -There are a great, many
cases of "flu" but not many proving
serious. The churches were closed
last Senday.-Mr. and :Mrs. James
Ryan and family are here from the
West visiting friends. -James Nolan
has sold his farm to J. Manning, of
Brussels. There are- ;100 acres of very
choice land in this farm and the. price
give Phaness.lon next fall et -Th'
paid was .$7,000. Nolan does no
Red Cross will meetfon Tuesday, Jan-
uary 14th. A special collection will
be taken for Belgian, and French re-
lief, Garments -for thesufferers at
now cut out and any. one wishing to
help in this most worthy -cause should
attend this meeting. -Mr. D. Campbell
is visiting his sister., Mrs. H. Harris
and Mrs. J. Bennett -Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Laughlin has been on the sick -list for
the past few weeks, but hope she will
soon be able to perform her household
duties again. -Miss Clara Dennison is
v,isiting at the, home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Neal. -Mrs. J. W. Morrison is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Hoy. -Mrs. McFadzean who has made
her home with her danghter, Mrs. W.
H. Shortreed, was buried on 'Christ/nag
day as the result of pneumonia, fol-
lowing the influenza: She was 78
years of age and could not "fight that
fatal trouble, for any length of time:
From Overseas. ---Mrs. John Row-
land, of Walton, received the following
letters from Capt. W. Ls Murray
chaplain: France, „Noir. 13, 1918: Mrs.
John Rowland, Walton, Ont, -Dear
Mrs, Rowland, -It its my sad duty to
inform you that your son, Pte.. J. 3.
Rowland ,of the 47th Canadian In-
fantry Battalion, has been killed in ac-
tion mi the first day, of this month.
He was buried by. IPather White in
the village cemetery"! at Aulnoy, near
the city of Valenciennes. It - is cer-
tainly very sad that IGod shoiild have
taken your Kee when- the end was so
near, however it will be a consolation
for you to know that all the Catholics
of the 47th, received the sacraments
shortly before going' - into action so
that your son would have -been prepar-
ed for the end when it came. . Please
accept my sincerest sympathy for
one who gave up all, even life itself
n a just and noble 'cause which has
at last triumphed. I have already said
ass for the repose of his soul, nor
hall I forget to pray for him in flit-
ure/when standing at' God's Holy altar
May God give you: consolation and
race in your hour of sorrow. Yours
incerely in Christ,' W. D. Murray,
apt. and R.C. chaplain, 50th, Can: Inf.
-France, Nov. 6, 1918, Dear Mrs,
Rowland, -I am writing to assure you
of the sincere sympathy of our whole
47th Battalion in the death of your
Son Pte. J'. J. Rowland who Was killed
on the morning of NOv.I.st, Saitns
day." Our Battalion attacked the
German position befere Valenciennes
that day and in the 'early stages of
the fighting your son' was hit near the
heart by splinter of :shrapnel and in-
stantly killed. Later his body was
renioved from where lie had fallen and
reverently laid to rent with Christian
burial, Plot 2, Row A. Grave' 2 of the
British Military cemetery Aulnoy,
Valenciennes. All the officers and a
great number of the:men of the Bat-
tallion were present atthe funeral ser-
vices, to pay their lait 1:espeet to their
brave comrade. Your son ,had been
with -us for some time and won the
respect and esteem of his comrades
as a brave soldier and a faithful
friend. May the lefowledge of his
self sacrifice in a just mid hnorable
cause help you to bear your loss and
God in His mercy comfort and sustain
• you. I am sending you his rosary;
his watch will also -.b e sent you thr-
oue-h:the regular channel, but please
"don% look for its arrival before Febei
ruary. I remain very faithfully yours,
-A Priest Chaplain.
' 1
The year 18 will go down in history as,e, perieirfult of eventful
appenings. P bably the most important day ofil00 ',ere. Year 'mks
ovember ,Ele nth, the day upon which Germany *tied the armise
ice that brou t the World War to an end;
• t ....,
Many of s have had to
be the sorrow/ of Ow loss. of loved
ones- duringtth year 1918-esnany have had to make .rnrifice.s.
This store thas endeavored to conduct its busi BS in accordance
t With certain r striations dictated by the leaders of ethe country as a
elp in winuin the war. . e
d - •
. . ,
Nieteen, ighteen is gone -Let us speed the old yea's going, and
• 1
aiope that ano her year of war such as was this past year -of war,
'',.. ' :ril - , -;et „,
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halnevrr ag in be visited upon the peoples f the World.
. , E : 1
ooking Forward
Mani prbblente will, as a. matter of courelni need to be stied
14 t99, in this cimtry, but thewillto do will assert itself so *den.
didly by the peope that these problems will be great only becau* of
tfeii. anticipation, and not beeause of their actual solviig.
This tor -e thanks its many customers and friend n for the
aus patronage .acporded during the momentous days -of 1918; Ain the,
generous marine in which they accepted the various res
imposed because of the necessities of war, and for the apparent
f tion they- derived from having traded 'here.
But now, PEACE Is AT HAND. This store Toil main
broad bushiest prineiles founded on courtesy, service and val
have won for it a very high position in opinion' of its mist
and the public. •
'There is much to be joyous for on this beginning of a
Allow us, then, -to extend to you the compliments of the
' -
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