HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-01-03, Page 5111.1ifiltliu rt ot at of the aside ; and {itch le in 'aade 3.50. Lakle SOT1's aside tilde 7ttn 9 nkte 7 ggogg- 'son s nside E WOW SM. Mak am I.. — HIM WM 11.01. . — ..' = Po' = , — _ — — _ — — = OTEL = — — _ illitlillit.= ........... - Is return - she spent ves.--Dr. m his trip zin active- -The ser - arches on ended and c had the sizing the ire of the time than ; so more lee should ,xe confess . W. Ort - nearly all r home at ing from Iusch and few days ttives and t of St. the Min- entertain- ‘rn hall on family of holidays riends in ..- Misses nitly with W. Ache- dal.—Our y trade as -If London. ;•. Mr. and A. Walper for some the west, ;liters are ighing a n in Tarte as the re- londay ev- aorge C. ; Council- s Hudson, Ronthron, Ham J _ s—David .. E. S. lamation, A. Moir and Mrs. spent the 's parents has been , is home . Lloyd past week slime his .. Horsely rnieriy of re recent - Reynolds a William, and Skat- weather .—Mr. C. es during ng goods, artmentai he spring,. 1 ,onsis"alim—. tlillillini: — = — = ,... — — _ — — = — — — — — . — — 6, = — _ .. .. , .. r • • — , ..... - - ` .... ..... .. .. , ... Lt .... ..... _ — = ... ... „... .. = ..., .... = ... , ... .. ... .. a. ... .. ..... ::- _ - — — — — _ in Ifili a JAN *tee eeeeeeleetaeee_e 1 • tea ateeata Saar SEA.FORTH mmearrs._ Setforth, Jan. 2, 1919 Wheat, Per bushel/. .............2.16 Potatoes, per bag 7. .$1.25 , • Hogs, per cwt., . .1750 Spring wheat; Per bushel —2.12 Bran, per ton . . Shorts, per ton '43.00 Flour,*per cwt. ..........5.60 te $6 Butter, per lb. — ...0e to 42c Eggs, per dozen — .. 60e to 65c Barleys per bushel $1.00 Barley, per bushel . .... .....90c Oats, per bushel BEAN `MARKET Torovo Deeember 31st -Beans ---Canadian, handpicked. bezehel 56; imported, hand-picked, &Irma or Indiaxe $6; limes, 16 to 17c. POULTRY MARKET Teronto, December 31. -Dressed Poultry- Mpring chickens 26 to 30e; roasters 22c frfowl 27 to 30c; ducklings 30e; teirkeye 40e; squabs $4.50; geeee 26e. Live Poultry---Rooistert 15 to 20e fewl, 24 to 26e; duelelinge. lb., 22e; turkeya 350; spring chickens' 2Se ;- geese 18e. • DAIRY MARKET .„ Toronto. Deer 31. -Cheese ---New. large, 271.. to 28c twinan 25 to 23%c; old, large, 28 to ;twin 2'c to 29e. - nutter-Fldairy., -choice. 46 to 48e; creamery, eoiide. 51 to 53c printe, 52 to 54e. Margarine ---a2 to 34e. liangs-No. 1ettoeage 54 to 55c; selected stor- afte 5tt te 57e; neev laid in eartons,.75 to 80e. otatota-Ontaries -F. 0. Ba track, Toronto, car lotte el.24 to $1.30. Honey -Extracted clover; 5 lb. tins 29 to aCie : 10 lb. tin vi 25 to 20e; 60 lb. tins 26o te 27. Comb: 16 oz. $1.50 to 55 Per. dozen; 12 u „ $3.50 to It per dozen. Maple products -Syrup per galloo $2.25 to $2.35; ziugar. Ib.. a? to 25e. LIVESTOCK MARKETS Buffalo December 31st.—Cattlet-Receipt 125; low. Calsess--Receipte, light; easier, 55 to 321. Hogs-Receipte 22400: slow. light, 25 to inlc higher: heavy, raixed, and yorkers, $1.7.10; light yorkers 5/7.25 to 517.50: pigs 317 to O17.25; roughs, 512 to 516.80 stags, 10 p 12.50. Sheep and larribe--Receipti D0: ;armee; Iambs 9.e0 to $16.75; Yearliteas 37 to512.50; wethers 519.50 to 510; ewes,$4 en 39: mixed st,eer. 59 to 9.60. • Wet , GRAIN MARKET ;- aateaento, Dec. 31-41aialtoba Whe4a-No, 1, Nerthern 52 241 No. 2 Northern, i$2.21%c; No. 3 Northern $2.171a; No. 4 wheat $2,11% in store at Fort William, not inc1u4ing tax. aTertitobe Oat'. per bushel -No. 2• C. W. No 3 C.W., 70140; eittra Noa 1, feed, glee: teae 1 *ed. 701,te a .tore. American Corn• -•No. 2 yellow $1.65; No. 3 yellow $1.60; No. Iyellow 51.50; :sample corn feed ,51.45 to 31 50, track Toronto. Ontario oats bushel new crop No. 2 white 10 to 'Me; I7o.4 white a9 to 72e! aceerding to freigteas outside. On- tario wheat- No. 1 wantter per car lot 52.14 to 52.22; No. 2: do.. 52.11 to 52-1ite No. 3, do., 52.07 to 55.15; No. 1 ePrinet 2.09 to 2-17; No. 2 do. 52.10 to 52.14: No. 4 do, $2.02 to 32.10 f.o.b., shipping points, according to freithte Pea., 52. ' per bushel. Barley, malt - tree. new crop. i413e to 95c per bush.,- car lot. Buckwheat, per bushel 51.35. Rye -2, 51.54 .a.ccording to freights outside. Manitoba flour War onality, $1.1.35, at Toronto. On- tario riour-Win.ter in new bags, prompt ehiements, war quality. e0.25 : Toronto d,eliver- ery. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montre.al freights, bags included. bran per ton -$37.25; shorts pee' ton 542:15; Hay -No. 1 par ton, 523 to 521 pi•r ten; raked no to szi trade Torento. Straw -Car lot 50.50 to 10 .5 track Torento. BiRTHS. Lloyd -In Wilkie, Sask,.. on Deteraber 241th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Lloyd a son. McKay -In Goderich, on December $th, to Mr, and Mrs. John McKay, a daughter. : Eeeery--In Usboree, on December 25th, to Mr. and Mes eavin EeserY a son - MARRIAGES Duncan-Passrabre--At Man street parsonage, Exeter, on December 24th, Mies Ruby Pose- raore ,youngeat daughter of Mr. and Mr T. Passmore, to Mr. Gilbert Dunoaxieson of:Mr. and Mrs. John Durtean, all of ITsborne, by Rev. Dr, Medd. DEAT/IS Mclaauf--Kifieta in action, on jtelealtith, sane- - where in France, Lieut. Leonecd Lt Melatta, R A. F., dearly beloved 5 on of Dr. and Mrs. J. Hendereon McFaul. 474 Dovercourt Road, Toronto. • McGrath -In Seafertie on January 2nd, Mary Burry. relict of the late Michael aliGra,th, aged 39 years and 3 months Thorraon•-At Spring Creek a'arin, Hensel', ou Deoeixtber 23rd, Robert ThOmson, aged ..7a yeans and 3 monthe and 27 days. - Walker -In London, on December 18th, Mar- , garet, daughter of Mr. and Mns,Wiiliam Walker. of Clinton, aged /9 yearand 11 months,. Andrew -In treborne, on December ,10th, Gres': Catharine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Andrew, Aged 15 years, 3 .months, and, 7 days. Mtilifillifififfiliff11111111111111111111111110111i a . T. Holmes .110 1.0 La. SM. ,Funeral Director and '= /AM Licensed Embalmer gms, — , — — = Underta,king pktriors in Oddfet .... WPM lows building opposiLe — — — ....— .... ostewart Bros. ftest-: — .... — — d ence GoderIcti st... cp p . - _ Dr. Scott'... _ - ..... - ... - *- ..... - Ploevers fatertieletal sb.Ort VOttre, WWI Phone NighE or Day i I = in! 'sun inn funitin3114-1: W. S. Gormley EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery' Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notie0 Chareree moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 4ciat:wAy ;U: Time Table Changes A Change of Time will be made on January, 5th, 1919 Information now is Agent's Hands Full information frosi any Grand Trarik Ticket Agent Or C. E. Horsing, Distriot Passenger Agent, Toronto. W. Somerville' Town Agent R. Plant .. ... ....Depot Agent To the Elett of Seaforth Ladies and Gentlenteriiire. Havimg Offered. myeett gel; the honorable pos- Rapti of eldityor upon th'Olicitaton of a large number of ratepayer, not beingeableOto see You aersonally, I herehafsolicit your vote and influence: Having, wetted you 8 Councillor and Reeve for a numbr of year., I feel that I am in -a ensition if eleeted to prove -worthy of the trust placed upon Me sad will endeavor to do so. Aseuring you 'theta am independent of and form no part IA a Cikale or parte'. Valehing you all a liapPaTand Proapermas New Year. , • `p HARBURN To the Electors , of Seaforth Ladies and Gentlemen: ---t • er" Having been nominatld for the Position of Reeve of the town orSeaforth for 1919,, hereby solicit your support to elect me to that Position. I have served eight year. on the Coancil Board and witlathis eraperience as a guide, I feel coafidento that I fill the Position with credit to myself and ,to the best welfare of the town. it elected 1 curt assure you that 'pay best endeavors as in past years, at the Council board, Ny01 be directed towards carrying Out yaw interests to the best of rny ability. Wishing you the' compliments 'of the semen. J. GRIEVE, V.S. To the 'Electors of Senforth Ladies and Gentlemen:- „ I ask your, yote and inithence at the coming election for Councillor for the year 1919. Wita3,- ,ing NM a happy and Preetierous year. I re- main, Yonrs respectfully, TgomAs STEPHENS 'TO the Electors t)f Seaforth Ladies and Gentlemen:- • - • At the solicitation of a mineber of ratepay- ers, I ,have consented to beeome a eandidate for a seat at the Comiell Board, and take tine ineane of soliciting your suffrages. If elected,1 svill endeavor to promote the best intereste :if the town in every respect. Youotr respeettully, GEORGE D. HAIGH To the Electors o Seaforth Ladies and Gentlemen:- • am a candidate for Councillor in Seaforth or the year 1919, and respeetfully solicit your ✓ ote and influence. If elected; I will eudeavor to promote the beet interests of the town. Wishing you the complirdentelof the season, 1 am. . Youle truly. ,e • JAMES E. WILLIS To the Electors a Tnekerennith Ladies and Gerttlemeno- At the solicitation of a narnber of rate- PaYers of- the Township I autee consented to become a eandula 'seat .at the Council Board for the comipg 'ar and take this mea -ns of eoliciting youf fp4port at, the polls. If elected I wol give any earnest and careful at- tention te further the best interests , of the Towr.hi» n everyrespect.Wuhing you the compliments of the seeson. Your ' ' _ - reepeetfully, ,• CHARLES RILEY ,'• ea.. .71wasgommeognewewWwit IMPORTANT ,_. NOTICES . , OR SALE -2 REGISTEREDHEREFORD d• Bulls. Apply to CHAS. Lonclboro, Ont. . WAY -MOUTH, 2664x3 - QTORES.' TO RENT-. T 1") in the Campbell Bloc • the .slores will be -fitted u Apply to THOMAS STEP ., 26644.f • . . Erma' 2 STORES For yearly tenant, to suit the tenant. -a. 4-ea2orth. ANNUA1, MEETING, meeting of the Seafoi Aid Corainiseion will be Charabee en Friday eve at eight o'clock. Businese--Recerving tepoet, -ckection of office' erybody weleonae. A. Secretary.'• Tifat ' ANNUAL h Beaoch, Soldiers' ; eld in ,the Council mg, Jaemary 10th annual for 1919, ete. Ev- tt .SUTEKRLAND, 4 2664-1 - DEFAMING -Tata SQUARE DAL o•An- J.,. age arm:dunces Ito opening for all work -- vulcanizing, retreading, electrical.; repairing, overhauling a'ocl painting of all types of cars. All parties wishing tire rapairang 'done pleaae send in for spring deliveey. E. II. EPPS & SON, Ve.rea. : 2664-4 affPROGIZIP-TO Vas • ZESID NTS OF ' Seaforth anti eurro,n ingjeountirat 1 ant agent for the RNA _ ie . , valrea anti tha Bezillittrato-HtsebyTeible.e. tealeatr and 51, per box ineluding war 2 x. Mail, erders ap- preciated. NOBILE T. 0 UFF. , 266.1e4 , „ i_ATOOD FOR SALE -F0',. SAE 100 CORDS " of hard dry 'wood abait 13 inches. Priqe 55.50 per cord in 3 cod ate. Apply tO W. M. SPROAT, at the Brickyar . Phone 0 on 1,36. ii 2662-d -, °UTTERS FOR SALE FOR SALE PRI-, '.' vately eight, cutters end -three pleasure sleighe. May be seen at T -rnbull & Meantosh's old Livery stable, Seafor i. TURNBULL 4 MeINTOSH, Seaforth. ' 26604f • HOUSE FO .. SALE plsasautly sit- waten large Sea - , ' 26474f . A corafortable frame house uated, good cellar, hard andtsoft garden. Apply to THOMASBICKF.LI., forth.' poRemsrr HOME STOCK d- the strong desire of a still retained at the head Wimple Lad. 'Terms $2.00 let, 1920. We have at t.ellead shires the noted sire, Cha .0 nary lst, 1919,- 51.50 pa •: vice. J. & W. HAY, , FARM -OWING fro oeighbors We, hate ,f lite herd the bull payable January of out:York- ceTerms after San - ble at time iif •ser- 2663x2 e , , , FOW.13V' NVED e highmt casb price load, delivered at i Tuesday forenoon. eys -26c; live ducks 22oe, droved turkeys 'eked and heaals off. . --. Go MeMICIIAEL. , I am prepared to pay t for any xtuantity of liva Sae Reyal Hotel every . Live geese 17c, live four Inic ; dressed geese 20 to 27 to aoc Dred, dry , P one 6 on 247. Serif° 2 9-d: J. t GOOD FARM 1W#NTED * improved; not town or -more, than to annse teeth - !And. state of cultivation. oniSaturday morn- all -partihulars 48 Kent Road, '• ,, 26514f • • 'TOO acres of good lisnd-weli retire than 5 miles from sne raile feoni sch en, s Most be clean and in goo I expect to be in Seaf ing: October 12. Apply i'Vritak to WILLIAM RICHARDSON,: Terberto. . 1 FOR s Th,at very desirable propertit onmai.417-incr LE t - _ just off Main 4kc rrncg..holf si c•rol of /and, on Which at situated •a:,14a. story brick house with -seven rooms and geotteellar. There are also on the premisus! a staale, /sooty well and ;cistern, also apple, olurri and pear treess and ether small fruits. Thi: is a, splendid property and the taxes ore liner For further Particulars, apply to Mrs. M. Aa'2.Charlesworth, Egraondville P. 0, 5 2650i24f ! Qii0OTH0RN BULLS FeiR ..SALE -FRES - td era- offering five Sh rthorn.! bulls renging n age; from' 8 months to 14 months. Four roans and one white, 5111 siredtby Prince Al - beet j$}2693=. ell26a3ase They ere all ehoice animals cad waj be ‘.seld reaSonalsly. Irepectiort invit- ed- Mt 27. C,oneecision 8, Ilibbert. R. R. No. 1. rStaff.a. JAMES HILL, 266142 BUSINESS,F0 • the milk besinese w one 4 hose -power bottles rind bottle ca, harness and one horse. neilking aelahe. Poses between T and Mare D, Seaferth 420:44f. SALVe-FOR SALE rth $6:000 a year and bottle Washer, bottlee, agens,,eleigh.s, 2 sets Also 3F,, unit Hirrean on giveki at any time lst nekt. JOHN It. P.O. Plaine 9 on 144. • • , We halve our Creamery iow .fidi operationand We Want your patron - 'ago. WO: are ,_prepared to , pay -yea _ the highest prices for your 4rearni.PaY you every two wee-, h, 811111 end test each ma of creatd carefully and give Yey statement oCthe same We alsostapiny cans free of charge.end give you honest business deal. Call in apheee is Or. IdLop.tut !i card for partibulan4 THE SWIFORTII CREAMERY' •Seaforth • I . Ontario 11 • r`t AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE -MR. THOS. Brown has been instructed to sell by pub- He auction on the farm of William Ryan, lot 16, Coneecision 3 McKillop, on Tuesday. Janu- niry 7th, 1919, afl o'clock p.m., the following: 57 head of cattle donsiatiog of: 22 'cows isuin Posed to be in calf- to the pure bred bull "Non a'ariel Chief"; 25 steers and heifers ris- ing 2 Years old andla calves sired by the above named bull. This is a choice lot of grade Shorthornsall in, good condition. Terme---10 months' Credit will be allowed on furnishing storeyed., joint neites. A discount of 6 per cent. will be given for cash, FRANK, J. RYAN, Proprietor' , • T. Brown Auctioneer. 2664x1 • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements, on lot 1, concession 1, Lake Road. Hay, on Saturday, January 4th, 1919, at • o'clock, the following. One driving horse, 1 Jersey co* due April let, set single driving harness one half set work harness, single Plow, eingle horse cultivator, set harrows, light wagon, buggy, democeat wagon, cutter, cream separator, (straw cuter, Pulper, -washing ma- chine, base burner, heating stove. oak table, forks, shovels and other articles to, numerous to mention. Terms -All sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 6 morithe aredit on approved -joint notes. Four per cent. per an- num off for cash on credit amounts. JOHN JARItOTT, Proprietor; R. T. Luker, Auct. 2663-2 - AITCTION SALE OF PARIVI STOCK. -MR. Thomas Brown Jute been inatru fed to sell by public auction on Lot 21, Cone sion 12, McKillop, on Friday January lath 1919, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Orte cow 10 years old due to calve February 27th; cow 5 years old due to calf March 26; Jersey heifer 8 years eld due to calf April 20th; 2 two-year- old heifers freshened at time of sale; heifer 2 years old due to calve March 20th; heifer 2 years old due to calf April lst; heifer 2 years old due to calve April 25th; 5 steers ris- ing 2 years old; 4 heifers rising 2 years old, 7 yearlings, 11 spring delves, 3 calves 3 months old. Terms -All sums of 510 teed under cash; over that amount ten months ,eredit will be given on furnishing approved •joint notes. A discount of 4% per annum allowed off for cash W. A. DIINDAS, Proprietor ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, 2664-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND ' Implements. -Mr. George Elliott has been instructed by E. W. Morrison, who has sold his, term and is giving up teeming to sell by public auction on hie. farm, Lot 9, 'Con- cession 2 Stanley Township. two and a half miles from Brueedeld and Kippen ,the whole of his fine stock of hems, cattle, pigs and imPlernents, on Wedeesday, January 15, 1919 at 12.30 o'clock sharp: liorses-One gelaing rising 5 years, mare rieing 6 suppoted to be in foal black driving mare 8 years old (a good third horse and quiet, 2 year old general pur- pose filly. Cattle -Cow freshened six weeks at time of sale, cow freshened. 3 months at time of sale, cow due to profit March 7th,, cow due to profit April lst, 2 heifers rising 3 years due to profit in February, 2 farrow cows still milking well, cow tvith calf three weeks old, 2 steers rising 2 years, 2 ,fat _heifers rising 2 yeam„ 10 calves under 1- year. Pigs -Three good young sows due to proilt in February, . pigs 'weighing 130 lbs. Sheep -Four good ewes, 4 ewe lambs. Ifenionifty young hens. ImPlernents-Deering binder •6 ft. cut; 5 foot. cut mower, 10 Zit eteel rake. Mitetey-Harris hay rtedder. new Massey -Harris spring . tenth cultivator, with four and six inch points, new Massey Harris shoe seed. drill Frost and Wood corn euitivator with bean puller; two sets of :three section iron harrows, doubletree for five section harrows, Feriae riding plow with rolling coulter anal skirnetter, , new Wilkineon walking plow, Frost and Wood Crown gang plow, disc harrow with three •horae whiffle -tree, Bell St, George No 50 cutting box with short and long carriers, Maple Leaf ten inch grin- , der new roller. crusher on skids. new Clinton fanning mill with bagger 'and full set of sieves, two gond wareons, pair 3 ton wago springs, wagon box with pie or cattle rack, 6 ft. flat hay rack, pair Brown & Clark sleighe good as new, duma-cart for team, low cart lr team, `buggy, cutter. dreg -saw complete, circular saw and frame on truWt wheels, small circular saw and frame. set 1000 lb. wagon scales, rack for weiehing cattle, create separator, -600 lbs. capacity. good es new, fence, nest driver. two steel water tsnits, five and tax feet long 'pig crate, R nhantity of cedar posts and staket, 40 rode Of Buckthorn wire. leave emery stone on frame. pair heavy block .pulleys. with eighty feet of new inch rope, 2 'sets of good heavy team harness, set single harness, pair ice tonge, root pulper wagon wheel; buggy and cutter Pole, a nunhber of belt pulleys and belting, old eutting box frame which would rnake good saw frame, ten" foot length of galvanized straw pipe, grindiog stone, 2 'galloos 'mediate oil, hey car for wooden track, quantity of hay, alsoaorne turnips, four. loOds of *heal oats, good wood cooketove, exteneion table, what -not, xtbetisRte:adm,abtlbyboaxgarpizeo,rsrtarr hliaesngaiondg diamrunip: said some , email ',Jamie. Lunch e 14 e.evelee ‘., 'neon for` tlionetaffilth Poultry. roots, hay and oat; and- sums up to $15, cash; over that email*, 9 months' credit given on furnishing.' good- lien notes. Four -rente on the !loner off for cash. E. W. MOR- RISON, Proprietor; George Elliott, Auctioneer. 2664x2 tw--mgmmgegggimmiwommwommomigom. wwowiwagmasam Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Patrick McGraw, late ofthe Township of Tuckersmith, in the . County of Huron; farmer, deceased, Notiee is hereby given micenuit to section 56, of the Trustees Act, 14.8 0. 1914 Chap. 121. that all crolitors and others inivinei claims Cr ("amends against the estate of the said Pat- rick McGraw, who died on or about the 18th day of November, 1918, at the wild township of Tuckeremith are required on Or before the 23rd day of January, 1919, to .end by -post prepaid, or deliver to 5. M. Best, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for Rosanna McGraw, the executrix of the estate of the said deceased, full particulam of their claims. And take rickice that after said last mentioned date the said executrix will proceed to 'distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties . entitled thereto having regard only to the elaima of which she shall then have notice and the said,Feeecutrix shall not be liable for the -Wad assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim netice shall not have been rezeived by her at the time of sucia distribution. Dated at Seafortit,this 31st day of December: 1918. J. M. BEST,eSolicitor for said Executrix. 26644 Notice 'to Creditors ivoTicE CREDITORS --Notice is hereby d' given peratient to the Statute in that be- half that all persons having 'claims against the estate Oa William J. Fortune late of the Vill- age of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Mei.. chant, decea.sed, who died at the said Village of Dublin, on the 27th day of O'ctober, 1918, are required on or before the 15-th day of January, 1919, to send oost Prepaid or deliver .to the undereigned full particulars of their claims, 'duly verified by affidavit, and the na- ture of the security: if any, held by them. And further take native that after the last men- tioned date the assets of the paid deceased will be distributedsamongthe parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been 'given. Dated at Seaforth,i this 26th day of December, 1918. R. S. HAYS Solicitor tor Adrainistratrix to said estate. 2663-3 • , Notice to Creditors e the estate of Palley McIntosh, I deceased. All persons having claims againat the es- tate if Finlay McIntosh, late of the Town of ,Seaforth, Commercial Traveler, deceased, who died on the first day of November, 1918, are required on or before the 15th day of January, 1919, to send to the undersigned Solicitor for Hugh McIntosh, Administrator of tbe estate, full particulars of their clairne and of the se- curities, (if any) held by them duly verified. After the said date the Administrator will Pro- ceed -to distribute the estate among the pat- ties entitled 1 theAto, having reference only to the claines of which he shall have received not- ice. After such distribution. the said Admin. ietrator will not be liable to any creditor, of whose ;claim .he shall not have receivednot- ice, fot any part of eaid ostate. This ootice is given puesuant to the Statute in that be- half. Detted the 13th of Deeember, 1918. F. HOLMESTED, Seliciitor for Ifugh. McIntosh, -Administrator of estate of Finlay MeI2n6t066241, deceased. • Notice to Creditors NOTICE is 'haraby given ,pursuant to the Statutes in that...behalf that allapersonsehaving ehtims agaistet-the estate of joines 13e11 late of the Township of Tuckeremitis id the County of Huron farmer, deceased, Aim died at the Township of Tuekersnaith, act or about the 2,0th day of Octoler, 1918, are required on • or before the MAI day of -January 1919, to send post ptepaid or deliver to the under- signed, full pa4ittularts of their clalins duly verifieel by alffdevit and the nature of the .security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date tbe assets of. the said deceased will distributed among the: varies entitled therto, having regard may to the claims of which not- ice shall then have been given. Dated at Ilensall tills 16th day of 1)ecernber, 1918. MRS'. A. E. BELL, Hensall, & GLADMAN & STAN- BIJRaa 'Hensel! and Exeter, Solicitorse for the Adrninietratrhe 26624 I T. BOX O. CO. 'Embalmers and - Funeral Directors C.' BOX, Holder of Government Diploma and Liseense Charges MOderate Flovters banished on short notice Night Calls ' Day Calls Phone 175 -Phone '48 FARMS FORSALE 'FARMS FOR SA.LE I have some good choice farms for sale in the Townshipe of Vsbbrne and Ifibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, 14,14. No, 3, Exeter, or /simile Heldman Line, Exeter..., 265e84f. FARM FOR SALE Fee sale 100 acres, all cultivated, lot 11, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, with barn 56 by 80 feet, stone foundation, Pig Pen, driv- ing shed and hen' house, 6 roornei frame cot- tage, good well with wind mill. Also 60 acres of grass land, west }self of lot -6, concession 7, good well With wiedmilli a good grass farm. Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON; R. R. NO. 5, Kippen phozie 8-182, Seaforth. 2639-tf FOR SALE Desirable property for- eaten consisting of 8 acres of land, well drained and fenced; a six roomed home, large pantry auti woodshed, on stone foundation, cement collier with cement shelves; hard and soft water t iement floor in cow stable, nice hen house; 'of young orchard, of choice fruit. Fine location On Goderieh west of Seaforth, Aptly to MARGARET ROBINSON, Seaforth P.0. 2653 -ti FARM FOR SALE Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckezemith, 100 acres all' cleared. Good frier house and ank barn, pig pen, hen house gent driving Shed. A good orchard and plenty of good Water; well tile drained: rural mail and tele- phone and in first close condition. On the Huron Road, 2% miles from Seaforth, and 6 miles from Clinton. Will be sold cheap and on easy' terms. APPIY to J. B. Henderson, Seafortlz. 264642 FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 9, conceeeiort 7, Hibbert town - slip, containing 100 acres, ale° west half of It 8, concession 7 and east half of lot 9, toll- cersion 6, iu all 200 neves on "Which there are 15 acres of bush. Ori the premises there is a large brick house containing 1,2 rooms with all modern improvements. Alse, a large bank barn 02x36 feet; sufficient roone to stable 60 head of eattle; Mao pig pen,drieeshed and hen haute. There are two never, failing springs and good wells. This land is all well drain- ed and about 60 acres falU Ploughed. Con- ve.nient to school adnachurch; rural mail and rural phone.,Any pardon wanting a good com- fortable hone, apply to OtOIEME SMAI,E, R. R. No. 1, Staffa, or phorte 20 on 20, Dublin Central. • 2658x8 FARM FOR SALE Lot 38, Concession 6, MelCillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 mires of bueh, the rest in a high st.steaof cultivation; 5 riffles from Seaforth, 2 Mike from Conn stance, itie ranee from school,a There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house. large bank barn 643:76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained, There are Tforty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. , There are two big' springs, one piped to towns:turd and in the other a .dam With a hydraulic tam pumpingethe water to the house and to the barn. :As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste laud, There is 'a graded and gravelled lane front the 'road to the buildings. Aoply to MM. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. • 262741 • WARM FOR SALE-eMAPLEHURST FARM, -L in the Village of, Linvigoda,on the C. la. Railway, 80 miles west a Tornitte, comprising 191 acres of good clay.leematfin the farm is large bank barn, excelleat. bling, New driving and straw sheds, 4, hog pen. Large, ewarm, frame houise„ • it enetellie sid- ing, new cistern, 'mu/ ranny.'-ia lidid orchard. Tee -ratet-aseenee .14 -104 -wire fenced. Catholic and Protestatt echools and churches in the Village, \which ie 'built on the farm, and only five minutes walk from the station. This is the property of the late A. Rennie, esq, and ie,considered ene of the finest locations in Waterloo county. , Suitable for dairying or mixed farming Terms -Easy. Asn Pie to W. P. RENNIE, Listowel, Ont. 2662-2 FqR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egraondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, Close to the Presbyterian 'church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable -house, good shed, good well and cethent, cistern. All kind S of fruit trees,, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro. Tufty with no breaks on front, an. thqa land is in a good, state of eultiva tiOn. This is a nice property or a letired 'farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premiees or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf FARM FOR SALE TO (LOSE AN ESTATE Lot 18, concession 4, McKilloti, Huron County, containing 100 acres of first class clay loam soll" (no better anywhere). There are on the premises one 1% storey frame house with stone cellar; oleo a one storey fratae house, bank barn and implement house; two acres of good orchard; -two wells of good water. a si Ing ereee near rear of farm and rttrning anima acne's. This farm In SVP ferteed with eail wire and drained with tile. and is in a first class state of culeivation. Ten acres of hardwod bush on rear of farm: rural mail at gate and phone in house. Sit- uated on a first class gravel road oae-half raile .frdm choreb and school and fo e miles from the busy town of Seaforth. Will be sofa as above described or in two lots of lifts" acres each. HUGH McINTOSH, 30 Rosevear Ave., Toronto, and REV. A. W. MoINTOSII, Port Arthur, Exeautors. For further par- ticulars apply to the executors, or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 365842 Logs Wanted We 'are again prepared te pay the highest spot cash' prices for all kinds of thnber, either in bulk or -by the thousand, and eitherjri the bush or delivered in our yard. We are starting out this year with very high prices so if thinking Of •selling any logs don't delay in calling us up at 11 on 618 - More Coal Country points will not get much mote haed „coal this year, so We are loading up with CAN. NEI., COKE and IA.T1V1P. We wou d strongly adviie securing a supply of these before the tranSpertation queStion becomes w dculty. We also leave in stock the other various lines we handle, including Dressed Lumiber, Shin- gles, Cement, etc. John B. Mustard BRUCHFIELD - ONTARIO emoseiressitimearae unimuoinnumminimunii Houma _ .... ,. . Logs -and . ,, ' Heading B ' . _ _ tr. ee ...- M. MM WM ft. M. MM MW MM WM ..., The undersigned is prep red to E _ .- - pay the highest cash, pric 'for all E = - kinds of logs and head' ; bolts F. E in bush or delivered in ,ard. - .- - — — _ Heading Bolt _ - - - = - ... _I' ,...= to be cut 20 , inche1 long ES ....= Soft elm and soft maplel to be = = cut 11-13-16 feet long. 11 — — — .1-7 - Rock elm, hard inapJ and ="" = white ash and baswood ; gs to El' — = be cut 10-12-14 and 1 6 feet Fe: — = long. • ,I = !I = _ • __WM: AMEN' .40 wed 'e1 SEAFORTH : ONTARIO .74 11111211111111111111111111111thIM1IMII1IIII: MINEMIWWW MOOMI.WWW.WWWWWIMe...I.M.M1.11.1 - " ortee . A. 1t- 1/11. SIR TDM'UND CA -4L1(17.1'11.:' .1/4 r Pre‘''"eiclerirt J'''N:NAI4S'ESD,, ATCS:rftleCraleriMartigerl. Mangler CAPITAL PAID UP4i5,000,060 44SERVE FUND, $13,500,000 g so The Manager is prepared 't(14 consult with prospective customers regarding thair banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savirigg or Current account, the making of collections of the ne6tiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy ancV, given prompt service. SEAFORTH BRATNICH J G MULLEN • r. • MANAGES , et there be is Complete Pho4 n °graph in yourhorne. The • SWIC 14 C°71'24' (1/4(ff ef. te it -as onogra. _ph .• • IIIil F :LI. i 'e Brunswick just had to be. In every industry the raw of evolution applie and sooner or later, perfection is attained - Ju 't as We have seen the automobile perfected in the last fifteen years so thoSe in the talking machine industry have watched for the 4,1;01 Tho Brunswick Phonogit ra, manufactuned by a concern with minions ''''' PhbenegjkaPli:"- ' ' -. 3 , . , at its citisposal, that has wate/frd and waited for fifteen i'ears, marks the highest,'development in thei Phonograph field., . The, Brunswick is "all Phonographs in one." An unrumal phonograph that hoe frankly adopted the best features of all, and With some added re- finementi of beauty ane fmish, is priced to you without the neeeesity of - charging for discarded models or experiments. 11 i . Find out for yourself—investigate this instrunient. It is the 100% effi- cient phonograph. There are no attachments—no extras. The Brunswick - unlocks he whole world of recorded music for you—there are no exceptions. It Plays better—looks better—costs less and easy payments can be ar- ranged at . o . , , -4 I I J. Wa ker 4 ' wATE1IL0() Bo yi2.24 3 _ IACTOR • =•••••• - 4.44:.• " 41 4,4,441,4 -44. ..,, Attention---*armerK of\ Ilurott Ca ()linty Y4u, can see this Tractor at §eaforth. Take a good look at this Tractor. . , :you illy one you ean get service on . ' Study thelines of it : the d+Sign of it,, It ,, , . the simplitit of every workite4. part; ' caort notice. \ ou an pit repairs'at once. Doesn't it impress you ikell at first sight ? 1 Consider the matter. Doesn't it iniptrels you iins a real Come to Seaforth and seiffie Water.. Tractor? , , The Robt Bell Bi *ne & Threshet Co., Ltd., Sealor h,,Ont Ontario Di trilartOrA Waterloo Boy !Praetors eett,etf;d11. e ae- ' ' • 4. • :41