The Huron Expositor, 1918-12-27, Page 827, 118
Pure White Lane sugar I DISTRICT MATTERS
At. 5
9 lbs. White Cane Sugar
ro lbs. Rolled Oats at 65o
to lbs.
Hard spring wheat Flour
at V4-8(3 in 500 lb. lots.
We are paying 65c per dozen.
trade, for strictly new laid
W .1' Finnigan
=aid PHONE 72
A large assortment of genuine Black
Bull, Sea Lion, Windsor grain, Fab-
rieoid and sheep skin Club Bags, in
leather or cloth lined, 16", 18", 20",
ranging in price from $3 to $16.
Made of 3 -ply veneer Basswood,
heavy brass corners and leeke, also
Fibre Trunks with heavedoak slats,
brass trinunings, from $6 to $18. ,
A large range of heavycowhide
large range of Heavy Cowhide,
Keratol and ernbossed Fabrikoid
suitcases with extra poekets and
leather corners from $1.76 to $12
Made of Horse, French Colt skins,1
lined or unlined with large cuffs. An 1
excellent Christmas gift. All sizes!
from $2.00 to $6.00
Mitts and Gloves made of genuine
Buckskin, Calf, Horsehide and Mule -
skin; well lined ........50c to $3.50
Fancy Brass Back Chimes -4 bells
at .... .. • .. .$2.50 to $5 00
Dexter String Bells with 30, 40 60
bells from - ..... $2. to $7.50
Fancy English Plush Rugs, beauti-
ful patterns; heavy English, Shawls
and Canadian wool rugs, fancy de-
. signs from - ..$5,00 to $16.00
ROBES -Cub Bear, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba at most reasonable prices.
Feria . Andrew Seat has
sold his farm, the old Scott homestead
11,fir.Hamrliey,ew Aadjoinoinng
Tucker -
smith, for $8,000. The farm contains
96 acres, but has excellent buildings,
and as the price indicates, it is a
choice farm. Mr. Armstrong has sold
the Robb farm in Tuckersmith and
will occupy hs new home shoran.
. -
Huron Old Boys. -The Huron Old
BoysAssociation of Toronto, at their
annual meeting on Thursday even-
ing of last week in that city elected
the fOlIowing officers: Hon. Presidents
Sir John Willison, Col. W. K. Mc-
Naught and N. B. Cobblediek; Pres -
dent, H. P. Morrish; Vice -President
Floody; Treasurer, W.-. Menials]; Fi-
nancial Secretary, Mrs. M. Martin
Mrs. J. Beck; Secretary, Edward
Chaplain S. C. Powell; auditors, J.
Hodgson, Major J. Beck, Dr. W.
gest, D.. M. Johnson, J. Hyslop, F.
Committee, John Robertson, G. A.
,.Crocken and R. H. Holmes; executive
Newton, Dr, J. Beldin, W. Prender
Graham Min. N. B. Cobbledick, Mrs.
W,,D. Pridliam, Miss E. Floody, Mrs
H. P. Morrish, Mrs. el'. H .Me
„hocal Briefs. --Pte. Sydney Deem
arrived home from overseas on Mon
day. --The Misses -Florence and Min
nie Laidlaw, of Toronto ,spent Christ-
mas at the .home of their mother, Mrs
J. C. Laidlaw. -Mr. and Mrs, Archie
Middlemest and son, of Hamilton
spent Christmas at the parental hom
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston -
Miss H. Thompson spelt Christmas
at her home in Listowel. -Me. and
Mrs. John Cuminings and son spen
Christmas with relatives in Preston
-.Mr, W. McKay, barrister, of To
roisto, spent the holiday at the hom
of hia Mother in town here. -
--A short biographical sketch and two
poems from the pen a Miss H. Isabe
Graham appear in a_new volume o
verse just published by Mr. John Nn7
Garvin, the well known Toronto critic
entitled "Canadian Poets of the Great
War." -Miss Emily Deem, of Toron-
to, spent the holidays at the home o
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deem.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. AleNab and fam-
ily, of Dungannon, spent Christmas
at the home of his mother, Mrs. John
McNab, James Street. -Mit Lachlan
Mactavish, gen of Mr. Newton Mac-
tavish, editor of the Canadian Mag-
azine, Toronto, is the guest of his
uncle, Mr. John Mactavish.-Mrs. Geo.
Murdie is visiting with relatives in
Mitchellet-MS and Mts. E. C. Me-
Clellandiand daughter of Baden, spent
Christmas at the- ho -me of Major and
Mrs. Hays. -Miss Florence Thompson
of Toronto, is spending ;the holidays'.
at the hora of her father Mr John
-The annual bUSIBBSS In o
Huron Presbyterial will held n
'Willie church, Clinton, Tueeda
January 14, at 11 a.m.-lei and
W. Re Plant spent Ohrwivi at his
home in Acton .-The tip, It's
fiee has been moved do t hs tbe
•town building and ds -ori ted. a
the north end of hall. . Hugh
I McKay and daughter 'pent Christ -
d Mrs., G.
nuts in Kit-
chener. -Mr. Rates Winer, of Nel-
son. 13.C.i spent Christmas at the
home Of his parents, M . and Mrs.
Robert Winter, North WI 'n Street. --
Mr. Robert Laird, of T onto, spent
'Christmas with his mother here. -
Miss Lizzie.Smith of Otte a, is spend-
ing the holidays here. -Miss Annie
McNabb o Guelph, spent Christmas
at her home here. - A t. George
Smithers and daughter, Miss Mabel,
of Toronto spent the holidays in
I t
Seaforth .-Mr and Mr.,. Partridge
spent Christmas at the
i _a
!parents, Mr. and Mrs.
; 1 -The employees of th
mas Stratford. -Mr.
P. S. Garden spent Chris
*me of her
ames Kerr,
Clothing Co. preeented t e manager,
smoking set on TOesday. Mrs, Lip-
pert, of Kitchener, is the !guest of her
mother, Mrs, W. Jones .-r--Miss Mary
Gillespie, of the staff of Alma Ladies
- College, St. Thomas, is 'pending the
4 -Mrs, J.
"luistmes at
ev. H. D.
istrnae with
mer. -Mrs.
Ines in De-
va Love, of
holidays at
Opposite Commercial HoteleaSeanorth
.1 ill..c\._L
.,... , ipteniana
„ 'leerier Marriage Licenses'
BOX 121, CLINTON Phone 100
(formerlY of Brucefield)
-Agent for..
The Huron & Erie Mortgage
Corporation and the Canada
, Trust Company.
Commissioner H.C. of S., Convey-
ances, Fire and lornado Insumnee.
Notary Public.
Wednesday each week at Bruceileld
Scotis Home of
Xmas Footivear
Misses and Children s Felt
easy Slippers
Potu,e slirpers
Hockey Shoes
• Rtibier Boots
• Suit Cases
Club Bags
Dress Shoes
Work Shoes
Buckled Rubbers
Laced Rubbers
Men's douse Shoes
Arch Su ppot ts
Pelt Shoes
for Ay -v-4
!:1 4
The Home of Christmas Gifts h
Mr. Fred Robinson,iwith
holidays' at her home her
• Mactavish and son spent
- her home in Ingersoll. -
and Mrs. Moyer,spentCh
their daughter, Ititeh
John Sproat spent Chris
troit.-Misses Ida and,
- Toronto, are spending tb
- their home in Eg-mon
Nettie Shillinglaw, of
• spending Christmas at her home in
Tuckersmith.-Mr.. Frank Finnegan
e vine, recently vacated by Mr. G. El-
has moved into the housein Egrnond-
liott, who has returned to McKillop to
reside. -Mrs' A. C. Bra
coe, is the guest of her da
t Hazen. -Dr. McKee spen
• at his home in Toronto.-
- a kreen Christmas after
C heavy fall of snow came 0
eve, and the sleighing is
, again although autos are
about. --Monday next is
f day in town and township
eh, of Sim-
ghter. Mrs.
It was not
11. Quite a
fairly good
till naming
but 0,S yet
ir in muni-
rs. Wm.
silver jab-
• there has been very little s
cipal affairs: -Mr, and
Devereux are attending th
ilee of the latter's brother Very Rev.
Dean Downey of WindS01
Satuarday Night is Prize Pac age it at
,The STRAND. Eight • prizes given away
Free. Join 'n the fun.
, 0. . 2668-1
Wood for Sale. -A quantity of dry 'wood 14
and lr.; inches long, black ash 1 arid elm, $4.50
per cord. Apply at The Expositor Office, Sea -
forth. 2668x1
' Wanted -Oats, fall wheat an peat- at the
Atlas Cereal Co.. Limited. Seafbrth, 26a-tf
'Wood! Wood !--Don't wait u CI' the cold
weather sets in, buy your suprly neg. 500
cords of 12 inch wood to offer.' W. Ament.
Soaforth. 2661-tf
For Sale--,Dus. Bulines4 and A, ail Contract,
Apply to Commercial liotel, Seal rth. 2661-t
Up. -At the r cent.
Thornpson4 John Street -The Misses tions held in the United $tate, Dr.
Gertie Crich, Jean Hays, Ella Elder,
John AleFadzean, was elec ed to the
Florence Deem and Mary Smillie, of Senate for the State of Co orado. Dr.
the Stratford Normal School, are.
McFaelzean is an old Grey township
spending the holidays at their homes-
boy, being a son of the late William
here. -Miss Jessie Scott, of Holstein, McFadzean. He is also a hrother-in-
is spending the holidays at Thornton law of Mr. Thomas Dodds, and a ,cous-
Hall.-Misses Margaiet, Maryand in of the Messrs. Cuthill, of Mc -
Kate Cowan, of Toronto, and Miss iK Ilop. He received his ea ly educe-
Phemia Cowan, of Dundas, are spend-
ing the holidays with their parents,
Ma and Mrs. James Cowan. -Miss
Bessie Grieve, of Zora, is visiting at
her home in, Egmondville. - Miss
Gladys Thompson, of Merriton, spent
Christmas at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Thompson. -The
-Misses Turnbull, Miss Olive Rankin
e School
for the
niends in
Detroit, has retureed home. -Mr. and.
Mrs. J. F: Ross and son, are spending
the Christraas holidays at Mrs. Rose!
• home in Toronte-Miss Kathleen Bur-
rows, of Toronto University, is spend-
ing the holidays at her liorne here. -
Mr. and Mrs. W. Govenlock, a Chi-
cago, and Mise J. Govenlock, Of the
Goderich C011egiate Staff, spent
Christmas at the parental home of
Mr. and Mrs. J R. Govenlople-Miss
Belle Ballantyne, of Waterloo, is
spending the holidays at the home of
her father, Mr. W. Ballantyne, in
Harpurhey-Mr. and Mrs: Castles, of
Toronto, are visiting at the home of
her parents,. Mr and Mrs: P. Walsh.
-Rev. F, H. Larkin will have for his
subject next Sunday evening "The
League of Nations." -Mrs. J. Graves
and Miss Alva are spending the
Christmas holidays in Detroit. -Mr,
Clifford Bell, of Toronto University,
is spending the holidays at his home
here. -Mrs. Sclater and Mrs.
John Finlayson were called to Galt
this week owing to the illness of Mrs.
L. G Kruse, who is suffering front a
seriou,A attack of influenza. -Mr. Jas.
Sieeth,. of Sarnia, who Was visiting
with friend ,s here, rendered two solos
in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday
Lash Mr. Sleeth .has a welltrained
voice of exceptional •merit. and his
Seaforth friends were more than de-
lighted to have an opportunity of
hearing him again -Mr Earle Ches-
ney, ef the Bank of Commerce, Credi-
ton, is home suffering from an attack
of influenza. -Miss Helen Carswell, of
Toronto University, is spending the
holidays at the manse, Winthrop. -
Miss Florence McKay, of Weston, is
visiting at the hohse of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James McKay, in Eg-
monelville.-Miss Madge Stewart, of
Elora, is spending the holidays at the
parental home of Mayor Stewart.--
• Mr Wm. Brine, of Toronto, spent
• Christmas with his mother and sisters
her .-Miss Kate Broadfoot, of Ham-
ilton, is visiting' at the home of her
mother, Moe. J. H. Broadfoot.-Mr.
H. M, • Jackson, of Toronto, spent
Christmas at the home of his father,
Mr. G. E. Jackson, in Egmondville.
-Gerald Case, who recently return-
ed from overseas is spending a few
day with friends in town 4 -Mr. Scott
Grieve of Detroit, is spending the holi-
days in town .-Mr. Samuel Jackson
and Mrs. W. Close, of Chesley, are
spending the Christmas holidays at
their home , in Egmondville.—Miss
Ruth Sproat spent Christrnas in De-
troit .-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holt of
New York spent Christmas at the
harne of Col. and Mrs. Wilton. Mr.
Holt returned to New York on Wed-
nesday. -Howard Hays, Jack Best and
Sydney Deem have arrived home from
the front. Messrs. Best and Deem
went overseas with the Hurons, while
Howard Hays was a member of the
Princes Pats. and had been over three
sears in the trenches. All have been
wounden.-Mr. ;and Mrs. Fred Rigg-
er spent Christmas with friends in
and Miss Ethel Beattie, of t
of Faculty, Toronto, are horn
Christmas ,holidays. -Mrs.
who has been visiting with.
)(Amin --Mr. 111 . Wilson
f Den -Mt; spent inuistrnae at the
GITIO of Mr., and Mrs. W. G. Willis,
• k,
bon in Grey, later graduaring from
the Seaforth Collegiate-. 1 r. Me-
Fadzean has resided in Co orado for
Some years, but has many Id friends
here who wish him every ucee,ss in
the large field of American • entice.
1 Red Cross.--, An appeal is
the ladies of Seaforth
in Refugee work, which is b
r by the C. R. S.C. All the
. asked to come to the Red Cro
Carnegie Library, on Thursd
noons to sew or recevie gal
sew at home. As this wor
urgent the Society hopes t
7.1 e,t e to
to assist
ing done
adies are
s rooms,
y adher-
ents to
• is yery
have a
large shipment by the end of ,Jarraary.
Begin the New Year by helning this
great cause. The Busine s meet-
ing of the Red Cross Society
held in the Carnegie Library
day afternoon, January 2nd
clock. The following telegr
received hy the secretary of
forth branch of the Red Cross
Mrs. L.T.DeLacey, Seaforth
quarters of Canadian Red Cross aocie-
ay, extend to all. officers. bran hes and
auxiliaries of the Society theii 4ordial
wishes for a Christmas gladd ed by
the thought_of good work don and of
suffering relieved. For a New /Years'
motto, we will take the worde of our
chief Commissioner, in a repo
received: "Until the last
soldier who offered himself as
rier between us- and destruction
charged from hospital, we roue
will be
sir was
he Sea -
o iety:
rt just
a bar -
is dis-
forward steadily under the banner of
the Red Cross. -Noel Marshaln". Life
memberships presented at ,the last
business -meeting- Miss Tea ',Grieve
and Mrs, Joseph Keating, and Mr.
A. D. Sutherland e
Nurse Awarded Military I NI al. -
The following from the Van ouver
Sun of k December 8th, will bel read
with interest, Nurse McNair, b ing a
niece of Mr. William Mullione d of
this town and well known l to Irnany
in this district: "Mise Beatrice Mc-
Nair, who has been awarded the Mili-
tary Medal, graduated frorn the iVan-
couner General Hospital .in ,19114 and
when the war broke out was acting as
supervisor of private wards at the
Good Samaritan hospital, Los Angeles.
She immediately gave up her position
and volunteered for overseas service.
She has been in France since the.early
days of the war, having been sta ion -
ed at No. 7 Canadian hospital at
Etaples, -which was bombed in Jane,
at *which time Miss McNair volun eer-
ed to remove patients under shell lfire,
for which act of bravery She has leen
mentioned in despatches and awa ded
the military medal. She has had s me
trying experiences, having sailed to
England on the Ansonia, which jtas
torpedoed off the ;Irish coast. She vas
one of the fortunate persons resjied
by a mine -sweeper, on which she par-
took of a supperdof hardtack, tea'Said
British Columbia salmon. Later he
was removed to a trawler, and -frOni
it to a destroyer, which took her to
England: This brave Vancouver gir1
was --barn in Ontario, where she has
a host of friends. She is the fi st
graduate of the General hospital -w o
has won distinction, and is a sister of
Mrs. (Dr.) 3. L. Turnbull, Mrs;R.
Mitchell and Miss May McNair, 'of
this city Another sister. Mies Teta ,
McNair, of Victoria, Superintendent
of the V.O.N., and the only brother
in the family ie. D.A. McNair of th s
(ate. Writing to relatives here of hr
reward she simply states: "I am glad I
so that you all at home may knoW '
e e e
4ng to yo
n )18-lifax. owing to mumps
•- suffered a severe attack of
ea Mi5/3 May McNaughton is
pending the holidays —Mr.
eIrri.eintIrth, eAliwegt, -ims6rar ,....g whis,
nClianibere had the misfortune to
Oat his fine, Pereheron horse on day!Mon-
, ,lie has sustained in a short timee--
1 , . This is the third similar lose
The Christmas tree was a, great suc-
Peace , cage and Was well attended. The
- - gramme,was excellent. ,
Thoinpson'S Bookstore
eattie Fair
Columbia Machines and Records
sold here
that I have made my -work
while' for your sakes."
Notes. - On Monday , evening a re-'
•ception was given in the Town Hall in
honor of the boys who are returning:
I Clarence Crawford, Norman Hunking,
. Harvey Ranking and Epho Snell were'
present. Frank Brown arrived on
I Tuesday. Mr. Fingland occupied the
chairt The program consisted of
solos by Miss Abrey, Mrs, Adams,
Mrs: Johnston and John Moore; ad- '
dresses by Mr. James Snell and Rev;
Mr: Sawyer. . Each of the boys re-
plied. We are glad to welcome the
boys back.—Among the Christmas
visitors ,we notice Miss Maggie Me -
Cool, of Toronto; Miss Olvetta Brig-
ham, of Highgate; Miss Edna Lyon,
of Dresden; Miss Esther Jamieson, of
Toronto; MSS Bertha Brogden of Lone -
don. -Mrs. Albert Widen has been
quite ill for the past month. She is
not improving as well as her rnany
friends would like, ---Mr. . Wells is
.busy putting in.a new boiler and other
improvements in his grain crusher. He
is now living in Miss Lyon's house
in the village. _, i
nTragic Accident. -J. H: ,Colborne,
dry goods merchant, died on Monday
night, as a result of injuries received
when he was hit by an auto- owned and
driven by E. J. Cross or this town, r
formerly of Beeton. Mr. Colborne 1
(worth didnot regain consciousness arid ex-
pired in an 'hour. The accident occur-
red on the square about 11 o'clock.
Still Doing His Bit, -The Mitchell
Advocate has the following, to say a-
bout a former well known resident
this township:. "Mr. William Evans,
of Hibbert, near Dublin, is over 83
years of age, and during the fall,eif
this year he ploughed with an ordinary
walking plow over fifty acres of land.
He heard the call to produce and feel-
ing he was not too old to do his bit,
he set to work and believe what he
will Make many younger
men sit up and take notice.
Notes, -The teacher and pupils of
St, Columban School presented their
pastor, Rev, Father Burke, with a gold
headed fountain pen and a pair of
gloves as a Christmas gift, -A very
successful entertaioment was given by
the pupils of St. Columban school on
Friday evening last, in the Parish
Hall. Eitch pupil performed hei. part
perfectly, due to the careful ;training
of their teacher, Miss Sullivan. Santa
Claus also aiSpeared on the s ne and
distributed gifts to each child. The
pupils presented their teacher with a
$10 gain piece.
Notes. -Many friends of Mr. and
Mrs., D. Bedard will extend the sin-
cerest sympathy in the loss of their
little year old son, who died on Fri-
ed Farmers' •Chile has been organized
tending 'over gofne months -A Unit-
ed Farmers' Club has been organized
in Bey township.: -Mr. and Mrs. N.
Dahms are spending the Christmas
holidays , in Hanover . -Mts . • L.
Smith is visiting at the parental home
in Milverton. -Mr. Samuel Oesch hes
purchased the rural mail -route con-
tract for No. 2,- Zurich, from Mr. D.
Gascho and will commence his duties
at the New Year. -Miss Lottie Gal -
sten of Clifford( is spending the holi-
deys at her home here.
Notes .-Messes . Fred Eckart and
W.- Manley were in Toronto on busi-
ness last week. -Rev, J. M. Eckert
of Hawthorn, N .Y., is calling on
friends here. -Miss Katie Eckert of
Toronto, paid a flying visit duaring the
week, -Ward was received here of the
death of Mrs. e Winterholt, of Kit-
chener, formerly Miss Annie Orshel,
of this place -A pretty wedding took
place at the flame of Mr. Henry
Beuryman on the 26th inst, when his
only daughter, Martha, was united in
marriage to Mr: Colley, a prosperous
young farmer of Logan. Their many
friends wish the young couple a pros-
perous and smooth journey down the
stream of life .----Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
McKay arid Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley
and their families spent Christmas
with friends near Seaforth,
Notes -Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Bol-
ton have the sympathy of this com-
munity in the death of their second
daughter, Mary Rebecca, at the early
age of fourteen years. About 'a year
ago she underwent an operation for
stomach trouble and for a tiine there
was hopes for her recovery but her
affliction proved'. too much for her
strength and she passed away on
Saturday last. The remains were in-
terred in McTaggait's cemetery on
Monday afternoon -'-Pte Peter Mc-
Naughton arrived home on Monday
from Halifax. He was arncing those
drafted in June last, but was guar -
POST ". -
,"An Arteraft Picture"
This isn't an -old picture, but an
Arteraft, one of Fairbank's new-
est and best photeplays. Rapid,
fire action, thrill, humor and ex-
ceptional Scenic qualities.
I Both legs, were badly broken, ribs i
I crushes in, and the skull fractured.
i The deceased was 79 years old and
, was one of the oldest business men
. here, having conducted a dry goods
store for many years -4:Besides his
devidow he leaves four daughters and
sthree sons, Mr. Cross was arrested •
" by Chief Postlethwaite, and allowed
bail till 1 o'clock on Tuesday, when
he was remanded to jail till Monday,
. bail being refused by Crown Attorney
Seater. Coroner Dr. A. C. Hunter
opened an inquest on Tuesday, and ad-
journed till Saturday morning, when
a full investigation will be made. Al-
though there was no traffie on the
given for the accident, -Mr, Cross
square at the time, no reason can be
claimed he was only going about fif-
teen miles an hour at the time, but it
is .alleged he did not stop under 70
feet. the body in -the meantime hang-
ing to the front of the car. The case
is attracting considerable interest.
Notice. -A ear of Kehota Lump Coal Will
arrive in Dublin in a few days. This variety
of coal is very suitable for domestic use. Per-
sons desiring a supply should make their
wants known so that an equitable distribution
may be made. Joseph Nagle, Fuel Commis-
1 sioner. 260-1
Notes --Amorig the Christmas visi-
tors, in town are Messrs. Will Mc-
Dermott and Will Dillon. -Mrs. B.
McConnell and family of Seaforth,
spent Christmas Day • with her rela-
tives here. -Norman Wolfe,- who is
studying for the Lutheran Ministry at
Concordia College,' Indiana, is spend-
• trig of month with his parents here.—,
Misses Murray, Meaghen; Roach and
Nagle, pupils of the Normal School
at Stratford, are holidaying at home.
-The pupils of the Ursuline Academy
of Music, gave a very interesting vocal
and piano recital on 'Tuesday evening
of last week .-Mre J. J. Roach, of
Detroit, is visiting relatives here. -
Mr. -James Maloney, of the *tviation
Corps, is home from England. -Mrs.
Patrick Curtin, of Hibbert, and tittle
son, Urban, are spending a few days
in Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Welsh.
-Mrs. J. V. Ryan, and her cousin,
Helen Roach, spent Tuesday in Sea- -
forth. -Mr. Nagle is having a load of ,
Kehota lump coal suitable for domes-
aie purposes, shipped to him for dis-
tribution among the houses who are
still on short allowance.
Successful Sale. -At the sale of
Messrs. J. and W. Hay, on the 17th
good prices were realized. The twen-
ty cows averaging $1'70 andlthe young
brood sows $7n. One cow made 4212
and three heifers averaging .$184.00,
which goes to show that good stock
will always command top prices.
'School Report. -The following is
the report for November and Decem-
ber for School Section No. 3, Tucker -
smith: 4th class senior'Grace Broad -
foot,. 751; J. Souter, 734. 4th class
junior, Roy Walker, 687; L. Boyce,
677; Willie Fotheringhana.621; J. Mc-
Intosh, 615; Willie Souter, 502 3rd
-class senior, J. Davidson,698; Jeanie
Fotheringharn, 683; Bessie Broadfoot,
587; Carl Broadfoot, 512; Eldon John-
sen, 534. 3rd . class junior, Carman
Haugh, 721; Exion Nigh.. '2nd class
s nior, Davie McIntosh, 601; Ina
ott, 578; Wilson McCartney, 584.
2nd class sunior,eHazel Haugh,. 650;
George Munro, 576; Freddie Boyce,
565; Leonard McKnight, 547; Clifford
Broadfoote536; Seldon Ross, 345. 1st
class senior, Helen Davidson, 473;
Erma Broadfoot, 463; John Fothering-
ham, 418; Wilson Broadfoot, 435e H.
Armstrong, 391; Willie • Scott, 390;
Alice Munro, 366. let class junior,
Gordon Papple, 500; Ella Papple, 498;
Clarence Armstrong, 487. ` The prize
winners for November and December
were: Sr IV, G. Broadfoot. Jr. IV,
Rog. Walker. III Sr., J. Davidson.
III Jr., CarmOn Haugh. Sr. II, Davie
McIntosh Jr. II, Hazel Haugh, Class
I, Sr., Helen Davidson. Class I, Jr.,
Gordon Papple.-M. MELLIS. '
Notes. -Miss Irene Terryberry, of
'Toronto, is home for the holidays.-
' Miss Myrtle Crich has accepted a
school in Hastings county and will
commence her duties at the beginning
,of the year. -Miss North is spending
the holidays at her home in London.
-Miss Hattie Turner is spending the
holidays at her home here.---m-r. John
F. McKay received word last week
announcing the death - of his brother,
Adam,- who died berm the influenza
at his home in the west --Mr. W. C.
Landsborough, formerly_ of this town-
ship, but now of Toronto, underwent a
serious operation in Toronto General
Hospital on December 7th. for stomach
trouble and appendicitis. We are pleas-
ed to learn, however, that the opera-
tion was very. successful and that Mr.
Landsborough has received a new lease
hospital. I
of life after two weeks spent in the
• :God
• Will
Th M,apte Leaf, ouremblem dear,
-Th Maple Leaf .1or ever !
G d save our King, and `71eaven bless
TITe Maple Leaf for ever!
. No m. -in or woman
for generations upon
generations can , tecall
a Cl,ristrrias, Day like
unto December 25th,
The pealing •of the
Christmas Chimes had
new and' finer signifi--
ca,nce. to all •mankind
on this ChrtStmas Day.
Peace on Earth is to-
day an •accomplished
‚fact—good will toward
• man must of necessity
follow the sacrifices
• made by men and wom-
en of every naiionality
• and every religious faith
during these .past four
Men and women of
every class and faith
have come to know each
pther better, have come
to have a higher and
( more lasting regard for
. each other,
) They have fought
side by side—they have
died side by side—they
have forgotten every-
thing that seemed or
was a barrier in the
past, and nave succored'
each other in their an-
guish and sorrows, and
too have helped and
tound.pleasure in each
other's wit and pleasan-
Truly thisis a Christ-
mas Day long to be re-
membered—and since
the world war is at an
end, allow us to extend
to each. and everyone
the compliments of the
'season, and to wish
you all a very Merry