HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-12-27, Page 5-NM 91.1. 111. 49t. mow • skom anikt misk 051. am. 1.11. ataf wzaa Mr. 00. 0.* 01. .141, .116, .14e rto. .1•It 43.1, anna• Epp. woo. .1111F aver war ..•••• IOW sabd. Map ;Mc 11111174 hs Aria ourselr. ara, to -day s urtall pIea RE r, AL tonn ig PECEMBEI 27, -BUR EXPOSITOR - SEAFORTII MAWITS. -------------- Seaforth, Dec. 26, 1918 SkTheat, per bushel ........ .. .216 Potatoes, per baz I3utter, per lb. .. ... 40c to 42c Eggs, per dozen 60e to 65c ngs, per cwt. , ... 17.50 Oats, per bushel 75e Spring wheat, per bushel . ..2.12 Barley, per bushel ...........$L00 Bran, per ton , ..........88.00 Shorts,per ton ............ : .48.00 Floul per cwt. — -5.60 to $6 GRAIN MARKET eforonto. Dec. 24.—alanitoba Wheat—No. 1, Northern $2,241/2; No. 2 Northern, $2.21afic; Ha. Northern 52.171/2; No. 4 wheat $2.11% store at Fort William, not including tax. .Menitoba Oat& per bushel—No, 2 C. W. e; 1i. 3 0.W., 70e; extra No. 1 feed, 10 No. 1 feed 691/2c4 metore. American eeeee,.—No. 2 yellow $L65 ; No. 3 yellow 51.60 ;: No. 4yellow 51.60; earaptee corn feed 51.45 eo $1‘.50, track Toronto. Oatario oats. betibel new crap, No. 2 white 71 to 4c;4No, 8 white 10 to 71c; aezerding to frieghts outside. One eerie wheat. No. 1 wintter per car lot $2,14 to 52.22: No. 2. do., 52.11 to 52.19; No. 8, OA, $2.07 to $2.15; N. 1 Boring. 2.09 to 2.17: laa.. 2 do. 52.10 to $2.14; No. 3 do. 52.02 to 52..10 f.o.b.. shieing Points, according to freight... Peas, 52. ;' per bushel, Barley, malt- ing, new crop. O0c to 9e per Waite car lot litaikwheat, pee bushel 51.36. Rye -2, 51.54 siordipee to freights outilde. Manitoba flour War quality. a11.35, at Toronto. On. Flour—Winter in new bags, prompt ehipments, war quality, 0.23 : Toronto deliver- ery. Millfecd—Car lot—Delivered Montreal frelehte, Wire ineluded, bran per ton $37.2.5; ehot s per ton 512.25; Hae—No. 1 per ton, $2:: to ae I per ton mixed 620 to $21 ;track, Toronto, atraa.— Carlat $10.50 to 511, track • LIVE STOCK MARKETS n ion Stocdc Vard.4. Toronto, Deceniber 2a -- Ties morninga offering of 1140 head of cattle coneisted for the most part of canners, eat- tere and rotheh .tuff generaly. The piek of the wee!; end coneignmentai comprised a few loata of butehere which caelked in from 310 to $12.6a, and for -which the trade, owing to the eery light offerine for a Monday, was round lae etroager tatia laet week. Good cows in a taw eti:AV wen,reported to be up to a quarter lienewe but the market ae a whole, for any - :Elazig good wile Ifa up. For the cannere, ewe - tine and common eattle the market was active end eteady and there was a good clean up Teefore the noon hour. 'rhere was a demand for good breedy etoake Ore and good feeders, and, there being very Few f either hind forward, the trade was -streamer. Beet mil en were wanted, but there awe nothing forward to meet the demand. Lambe were firm- for COMT11011 stuff up to a1r etronger for best Iambs, which sold from $1t to .514.5a, Sheep and lambs were incline al to a shade weaker trade. The best veals forward were not of the ueual good quality. - Home were firrn at 18 fed and watered. The ree.eipte were 103 carloads,. with 1190 eattle. 106 calve, 1676 hog, and 685 sheep and Lambe. The following were the quotations: Choice heavy eteere 815.00 to 513.25; butehers catzle ehoice $11.50 to 512; do. good 510.75 to 511.25: do. medium.$9.50 to 39.75: do. cornmeal 88 to aii.aa: do. butte $10,25 to 510.7e; do. medium bull 53.75 to $9.25 :rough bulls, 57.50 to 58; butchers cows. choice 310.25 to 510.75: good row e 59.50 to 59.75; do. medium a8.25 to 58.50: do. common $7.00 to $7.75: ateckers 57.75 to $1.0.50; feeder e 510.25 to e11.25; canners, 85.50 to $5.85; • milk - ere, gdod to choice $90 to 5150: do. common and medium $63 to 575: springers $90 to 5150; light ewes $S.00 to $1/.00; yearling513.00 to 315.50; spring- lambs 511 to 51.4.50; calves, good to choice 51e.50 to 517: hogs, fed and watered US do. weighed off care 518.25 : tto. f.o.b. $17. BIRTHS atanlatie- --In Stephen. on December 10. to Mr, and Mrs S. Statilake, a on. Biregart—In Clinthn. on December 17. to Mr. and Mrs. William -J. Biggert, a son - MARRIAGES Happer—Lake—At "Maple Lane Farm," by Rev. J. W. Johneon, on December 10, Pte. Leie S. Hopper, Morris, to Miss Mary E. ooungeet daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Lake, of Grey townehip. Bieling—Heaktnan—At Dashwood, on Decem- ber 11th, Edith Heckman to William. Bier - ling, both of Dashwood. Stire—Smith—At Dashwood on December 11, Pte. John Stire, to Mies Emma Smith, of Exeter. DEATHS : edarde-In Zurich, on December lath, Jarvis Bedard, aged 11 months and 11 days. alvisono-At Porter' Hillaon December 13, tare. Williarn Ivison. aged 81 years. Waniess—In Varna, on Deoember 17 h, Rev. Edward A. Wanless, aged 45 ye Embalmers and' Funeral Directors H. C, BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liseense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 . Phone 43. IMPORTANT NOTICES raXPROGEZIP—TO THE RESIDENTS OF Seaforth and surrounding country. I am agent efaa the Rival the unrivalled and the Bonclitone Herb Tablets. Prices 25e and 51, per box lucloding war tax. Mail ()Were ap- preiated. NOBLE T. CLUFF. 2663x4 OOD FOR SALE—FOR SALE 100 CORDS jaf hard dry woad about 13 inches. Price $5$0 per cord in 3 coal Iota. Apply to W. al, SPROAT, at the Brickyard. Phone 9 on 186. 266a-ta OR SALE—ONE FEED CUTTING BOX, hay fork rope, five Octave organ, revers- ible reed baby buggy. Apply to K. KEHOE, Gouinkick etreet, Seaforth. 2661x2 ('UTTERS FOR SALE—FOR SALE PRI- vately eight cuttere and three pleasure sleighe. May be eeen at Turnbull & MeIntosh's old Livery stable, Seaforth. TURNBULL & 1‘leIN1`06H, Seaforth, 2660-tf HOUSE FOR SALE A comfortable frame house pleasantly sit- uuted, good cellar, hard and eoft water, large garden. Apply to THOMAS BICKELL, Sea - forth. 264741 VOREST HOME STOCK: FARM—OWING TO the etrong desire of our neighbor a we have still retained at the head of the herd the bull Wimple Lad. Terme 32.00 peyable January let, 1920. We have at the head of our York - hires the noted aire, Charm. Terms after Jan- uary lot, 1913, $1.50 payable at time of sere ice. J. & W. HAY, . 2663x2 FOWL WANTED I am preparedto Pay the highest cash price for any quantity of live fowl, delivered at the Royal Hotel every Tuesday forenoon. Live geeee 17e. live turkeys 25c; live ducke 18s: dressed geese, 20 to 22c; dressed turkeys 27 to 80e Dressed, dry picked and heads oft. Phone 6 on 247. Seaforth. 2649-tf J. G. MeMICHAEL. NOTICE The undereigned will keep for service on lot 17, C-onceision 1, afelaillop, a thoroughbred Chia Poland Cha .hog bred from Gould's strain of I Pure bred swine. SOws left more than two days will be charged something for feed. Fees 51.50. J. MILAN, Phone 14 on 144. 2659x4 tuttnummitmummuou nuttimura. ST. Holmes • Fattier LI Direeeor and Licensed Einh.t.inier iadertalring intriove Oddfet - U Iowa nuitdeft,.,- opposite ,,tewart, tiro -i. Rest- -- deuce God ch- it mos *MI De. ow. mos mos Flowers- r itiniehea en (iieort no etre. MI I d. ▪ • SOW •••• ONO SIM RPM ••• OM. ••111 ealif ,10.1- 1 O▪ WN MEN IMO IMS = Phone Nigar or D ty 119 = .7111111111M1111111111111111111.14111111M111111177. W. S. Gormley EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 .t.,,eyvtir(6212,- Stratford, Ont, GOOD FARMWANTED 100 acres of goefd land—well improved; not" t more than $ miles from tow t or more .tten ire mile from sea te • Yoe leree hole. Must be clean and in weal state of cultivation. 1. expect th be in Seaforfh on &aurally morn- ing, October 12. Apply with all particulars to WILLIAM RICHARDSON. 43 Kent Road, Toronto. 2651-15 FOR SALE Thatvery desirable property just oft Main street, Egraondeille, censisttng el one-half acre of land. on whrch is situated a 1fle story brick house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premise:, a stable, goad well and cistern, also apple. plum and pear trace and other small fruits. This is a splendid property and the taxes ere low. For further Particulars. apply to Mrs. M. A. Charleswerth, Egroondville P. 0. 2650x2 -ti ESTRAY STEER Strayed from the premises of the undereigaed 101 Lieimeession 2, ialeKillep, oneor about Nave ember 10th, a aye year old rising three with white spot on forehead, and little white under- neath. Any information leading to its recov- ery will be rewarded. Phone 6 on 236, or ad- dress R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. PETER HAW- THORNE, 2659x3 Winter Term from Jan. 6 We place graduates in positions. Lady students of last term are now earning as high as $15, and even $20 per week while boys are earning higher saalries. We have Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy- Departments. Write for our free Catalogae. D. A. McLACHLAN,Principal YOONfre••••••••••••ellimEnimi•••••••••••••1 QHORTH.ORN BULLS FOR ,SALE—PRES- ent offeeing Rae Shorthorn, bulls ranging in age frofn months to .14 months. Four roans and on white all -aired by Prince Al- bert =02693=-. They are- all choice animate and will be said: reasonably. Inspection invit- ed.. Lot 27. ponesion 8, Hibbert. R. R. No. 1, Stataa.1 JAMES HILL. 2661-tf MILK. BUSINESS FOR SALE—FOR SALE aaa the milk business worth $6,000 a year azid one 4 horse -power boiler, bottle washer, bottler, battles and bottle cases, wagons, sleighs, 2 sets harness and one horse. Also 3 unit Haman mulking maehine. Poeeeseion given at any time between now and March 1st next. JOHN R. ARCHIBALD, Seaforth P.O. Phone 9 on 144. 2661-tf. FAll Term From Sept. 3rd IN SHAW'S Business Schools, Toronto.- Free Catalogue on request. Write to W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge a n d Gerrard Streets, Toronto °flee to Creditors NOTICE- TO CREDITORS:a-Notice is hereby given pUrsuait to the 'Steatite in thee he. half that all wagons hinting Clain% against the estate a William J, Fortune, iitte of the Vill- age elf Dublin, in the County of Perth, Mer- chant, dedeased, who died at the said. Village of Dublin, on the 21th day a„Oetbber. 1918, are required on or before the 15th day of January, 1919, to osend,Post Prepaid or deliver to the undersigned full particulars of their olaihaa &lila verified by affidavit, and the na- ture of the-segurity, if any, held by them. And further take notive that fitter the last men - tamed ditee the aisete of the said deceased will be distributed aniolar the parties entitled. there- to, having regards only to the cleans; of which notice obeli then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, this 26th day of Deceniber, 1.918. R. S. HATS_ Solicitor for Adminietratrix to said estate. 2668-8 Notice to Creditors 1 .the estate Of Finlay MeIntosh, deceased. A All persons having claims against the es- tate of Finlay McIntosh, late of the ;Town of Seaforth, Commercial Traveler, deceased, who died Lon the firat day of November, 1918, are eequired on or before the 15th day of January, 1919, to send to the undersigned Solicitor for Hugh McIntosh, Adiainistrator of the estate, full particulars of their claims and of the se- curitiee, (if any held by them duly verified, After the said date the Administrator will pro- ceed th distribute the estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims, of which he shall have received not- ice: After such distribution the said Admin-. ietrator will not be liable th any creditor, of whose claim lie shall not have received not- ice, fee any Part of said te. This notice is given pursuant to the te in that be- half. Dated the 13th of December 1918, F. HOLMIRSTED, Selitator for Hugh. McIntosh, Administratoe of estate of Finlay McIntosh, deceased. 2662-4 VOTICE—A MEETINq OF THE FARMERS' ' Club (for members rerily) will be held in the Separate School hal on Friday, January ard, lleia, at 8 o'clock p.m. Reports of the delegates te the annual,convention will be heard and a full attencimece ea requested. 'Bring the ladies with you, • G D. C. HARN, Presi- dent :.- JOHN M. EC,.KA T, Secretary. 2663x1 Notice to Creditors ••••••••••...••••••••01 NOTICE is hereby given pursue& to the Statutee in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of James Bela late of the Townehip of Tueltersmith in the County of Huron farmer, deceased, who died at the Township of Tuckersmith, len or about the 20th day of October, 1918, are required 00 or before the eixth day of January, 1919. to send post prepaid or deliver th the under- signed, full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit and the nature of' the security, if any, held by them. ..Mid further take notice that after the said last mentioned date,the assete of the said deeeskeed will be distributed among the paries entitled therto, having regard only to the claim* of which not- ice shall then have been giveit Dated at Hensel' tide 16th day of December, 1918. MRS. A. E. BELL, Hensel], & GLADMAN & STAN - BURY, Hensel! and Eketer, Solicitorse for the Administratrix. 2662-3 Township of Tuckersmith SYNOPSIS Or BY-LAW NO. 14, 1918 On the 16th day of December, 1.918, a by-law was passed by the Municipal Council. of the 'Corporation of the Township of Tuckerarnith. providing for the issue of 51,500 debentures, for the purpose of relieving Kruse Bros., Erick and Tile Manufaeturera, of a portion .of the loss sustained, financially and in the operation Oa their plant by adverse litigation. To provide for the aniyment of such de- bentures in five years with interest at 5lie per cent. by equal annual instalments of principal and interest as follows: Year Interest Principal Total ist ' 2nd Brd 4th 5th No matter' how much or how little land you farm, you will do it more profitably if you are a subsCriber for The Weekly Sun, the farmers' business paper, $1 per year. Send-, your or-. der direct to The Weekly Sun, Toronto TOwnship of Tuckersmith e BY-LAW NO. 13 1918 582.50 5268.76 535126 67.72 283.54 351.26 62.12 299,14 351.25 35.67 315.59 351.26 mai 332.95 351.26 -- — 5256.32 31499.98 31756.30 To provide for the levying and colleting of the sum Of 5351.26 annually for five years by a special rate mime all rateable,proPerte in the said Municipality, to meet tbe payment of each Instalraent, at the same time and mime manner :ae other tal:TS are „levied and collected. 0 D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk A By -Law to repeal and' withdraw By -lave No. 10. (vehicle is a by-law to provide for the issue of debentures for 31,500 to aid and assist feriae Bros.), as it wrongfully expreesee the intention of the Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckersmith. ,NOTICE Take notiee the above is a true and correct eynopeis of a By -Law passed in open Council by the 'Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckeremithc the 16th day of Deceniber, - 1913. D. F. McGREGOR. Clerk AUCTION ,SALES - A iiplitox SALE or v1ttA0E,r1torBi4TY ad` and household effects in Exeter consisting el' iota 14, 15j 10 and 11, on west Main street, 4and lobs 85, 86 and 97, Market trent On this property is P large storey brick dwelling, large two-storey brick blacksenitb shop with paint phop on 2nd storey1 also a frame store room. A. beautiful residence and good, stand for gep- (oaf, blacksmith. Also Iota 19 and 20, on West Main street. On this property a comfortable frame cottage, bard and soft water and stable, and lots 23, 24 and 25, Witt Main ...trait, lots 68 and 54, East Elizabeth street, On this pro- perty is a small frame 'house and stable. These properties mutt ,be sold as the owners are Mo old to manage the busing.% and are about to move to Brantford. If not aold plivately or before December 14th 1918, they will be gold by public auction on th&premises on Saturday, December 21st, 1018; with the chattels, coneist- ing of horses, cows', wagons, baggies, cutters, tools and hoUsehold effects. For terms and Particulars "annir to Thomas 'Cameron, R. R. No. 3, Exeter; or phone on Hynman line. MR. & MRS. D. BRAUND, Owners: Thos. Cameron Auctioneer. ° 2660-3 A UCTION SALE- OF FABX STOCK AND a -d* Implements.—Mr. W. E. Nairn bas re- ceived instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction- on lot 18, concession 10, Towpship. of Hibbert, on Friday the 27th of December, -the following valuable property: Horses—Mere rising 8 years old supposed th be in foal to MackwIre; driving mare rising 9 years old; Hackney horse ris- ing 6 years old. Cattle -8 registered Durham cows supposed to be in calf; 8 cows due to calve at time of sale, 6 two-year-old heifers supposed to be in calf; 20 yearling salves; 2 Hereford bulls 5 and 7 rnotkths old; registered Hereford bull a years old; pure bred Angus bull eighteen motahs old.. Sheep -13 pure bred Shropshire ewes;8 Pure bred Shropshire ram lambs. Pigs -8 brood sows due th pig in Feb- ruary; 40 pigs 8 months old. Implements— Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivator McCor- mick awing tooth cultivator, ditie harrow, 2 - furrow riding Plow, 2 furrow gang plow, Max- well binder; Frost & Wood mower, cylinder cutting box Mikado top buggy good as new; democrat, 1.V1 h.p. Gilson engine as good as new; cutter ,range stove. Terms—All sums of 510 and under, cash; over that amount eleven months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved Joint notes. A discount of 5% allowed on credit amounts. No reserve. OSWALD WALKER, Proprietor; W, E. Nairn, Mule tioneeer. 2661-3 1. Take notice tNha°tTtibeeEabove is a true and correct synopsis of a proposed bylaw which bite been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckersznitie and will be submitted to the electors for Approval to be voted on at the.same time and places, as .the anndal municipal election,January' fith, 1919, and if the assent of the electors is ob- tained to it, will be taken into further con- sideration la, the said- Counial after the -expir- ation of one month from the first publication thereof in "The Huron Expositor," Feiday, De- cember'13th, 1918 A.D. 2. That on the 24th day of December, A. D„ 1918, at his residence, Lot 25, Concession 14, H.R.S., Township of Tuckersmith, at the hoor of two o'clock in the afternoon, the Reeve if requested to 'so do, hall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two persona to at- tend at the final summing up' of the votes by the Clerk and one person th attend at each polling place on behalf of, the persons inter - felted in ad desirous of promoting the pro- posed By -Law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of op- posing the proposed By -Law. a That the Clerk of the said Corporation shall attend at his office, Lot 19, Conceesion 2 H.R.S., at the hour of two o'clockin the af- ternoon, on the eighth dee- of January, A. D., 1919, to 'SUM up the Member of votes givep for and again.st this By -Law. 4. That a tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before- the day appointed for taking the vote, a declaration, stating that his lease ex- tends for the time for which the debt or li- ability is to be created, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed By-Ls.w is pay - Ole and who has by the lease, covenanted th Pay all municipal taxes in reepect of the pro- perty. other than local improvement ,rates. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk 2661-3 Township of Tuckersmith '15/1011111-- M•210/ir LOgS Waffle, d simpliandeeeemememe. We are again prepared to pay the highest .spot cash prices for all kinds of timber, either in bulk or by- the thousand, and either in the bush or delivered in our yard. We are starting out this year with very high prices so if thinking- of selling any logs don't delay in calling us up at 11 on 018., More Coal Country points will not get much more hard coal this year, so we are loading up with CAN- NEL, COltE and LUMP. We would strongly advise securing a supply of these before the transportation question becomes a difficult. We also have in stock the other various lines we handle, inclutingpressed Lumber, Shin- gles, Cement, etc. John B. Mustard BRUCEFIELD - ONTARIO AUCTION SALES FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some good'oboice farms for sate in the Townshipa of Uaborne and Hibbert, all. well buiit and improved, on vita, term of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, R. R. No, 8, Exeter, or phone Hyndznan Line, Exeter. 2658-11 FARM FOR SALE Lote14, concession 11, containing 100 acres of clay loa mland in the Townehip a .Stantey, ala under !cultivation. Good brick dwelling, two bank barns with good stabling; plenty of geed speing water; half mile from school. This is one of the best ferias in the Township. For Particulars. apply on premises or to GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Varna, P. O.. 2658-4 . FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on the Mill Road, two miles to Bruceaeld, and gar miles to Seaforth. Well fenced and drained. Brick house with fur - pace. Large basement bean, spring water Piped to barn; cement silo, pig pen. Price anti terros right. For full particulars apply M JOHN _RANKIN, Seaforth; or to ALEX. A. WATT, 22 Toronto street, Guelph, Ont. 2647-15, FARM FOR SALE For Seth 100 trer; all cultivated, iot 11, Go n cess ion 6. Tuckersmith, with barn 56 by 80 feet. stone foundation, pig pen, driv- ing shed and hen house, 6 roomelframe cot. tage. good well with wind mill. Also Waterer 'of grass land, wait half of lot 5, concessiot 7, mod Well with windmill.; a good_ grass farm. Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON, R.' R. NO. 8, Kippen; phone 8-182, Seaforth2689-tt. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND da Implements, on lot 1, concession 1, Lake Road Hay, on Saturday, January 4th, 1919, at 1 o'clock, the follawing. One driving horse, Jersey cow due April let, set single driving harneee one half set work heelless, single plow, single horse eultivator, seaharroeve, light „wagon, buggy, democrat wagon, , cutter, creani separator, straw cuter, reaper,. washing ma- chine, base burner, 'heatiria stove. oak table, forks, shovele and other articles to numerous to mention. Terms—All suma of 510 and under caste over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes. Four per cent. per en - num off for cash on credit amounts. JOHN JARROTT, Proprietor; R. T. Luker, Auct, e.663-2, sellOOMICSINelk FOR SALE Desirable property fez, sale, eonsisting of 8 acres of land, well drained and fenced; a six rooneed house, large pantry and wocebibed, on stone foundation, cement cellar with cement shelves; hard and soft water; eeraent floor in cow stable, nice hen house; a young orchard, of choice fruit; Fine location on Goderieh st, west of Seafortie Apply to "MARGARET ROBINSON, Seitfortla P. 285845 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FIJRN•1- .ture.—Thomae Brown has been instructed to sell by public, aection at his residence, God - erica eteeet eaat, Seaforth, on Saturday, De- cember 28th, eat o'clock p.m., the following— Eight piece quarter cat oak dining room suite, 2 double beds, dresser, stand ,sewing machine, couch/ rocking chair,' centre table, coal range, coal /water (new), 8 burner coal oil stove inewl, refrigerator, Victrolia, bicycle, wash tubs, wringer and stand. linoleum, ruge, 2 kit chen tables, kitchen chain, high chair, folding go-cart, some electric fixtures, hand sleigh with railing. dishee, coking utensils and other household effects. Tel-nee—Cash. H. DaNCEY, Proprietor; T. BrOWil, Auctioneee. 2663-1 FARM FORT SALE. For sale. lot VT, ,concession 9, Township of MeKillop, containieg_ 100 acres. This farm has been in giass RIF a -number of years, and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to price and terms- to -JAMES 1. JOHNS - TON, co Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man, 2632-tf. FARM FOR SALE Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, H.R.S., 100 acres all cleared. Good frame house and bank barn, pig pen, hen house and, drhang shed, A • good orchard and plenty of good water; well tile drained: rural mail and tele - Phone and in first clas,s condition. On the Huron Road, 21/2 miles from Seaforth, and 6 miles from Clinton.• Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply th J. B. Henderson, Seaforth. 264.5-tf Logs and E /leading Bolts 1 = ' ••▪ • The undersigned is prepared to! pay the highest eash price for kinds of logs and heading bolts = = in bush or delivered in yard. mo • ! Heading Bolts E..: - to be mit 20 inches long ▪ Soft elm and soft maple to be = = cut 11-13-16 feet long. I▪ MO VMS MIS MIR NMI — ▪ Rock elm, hard maple and E = white ash and baswood logs to E — be cut 10-12-14 and 16 feet = — long. - WM. AMENT ▪ SEAFORTH : ONTARIO Ili 51111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111117r: 11111•1111.111•INIIIMEIL wiraime F.c SIR EOMUND 'WALKER. D.C.L., President if The Manager is prepared to Consult witiviwospective cOstomers regarding their banking requirements Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the Making of, collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt service, SEAFORTH BRANCH :a+ ' '"r4- ,a-.e..,s4 .. . • -o• f- 1'i 1 ? . E ,1 SIR JOHN AIRD, Calera Moiseer - H. V. F. JONES, AWL n"1M& AL PMD VP,$15,0001000 RESERVE FUND; .1 143,500,0OG 341 G MULLEN • MANAGIN FARM FOR SALE Fear sale lot 9, concession 7, Hibbert town- ship, eontaining 100 name, also west half of lot 8, concession 7 and east half of lot 9, con- cession 6, in all 200 acres on which there are 15 acres of b'ush. On the premises there is a large brick house containing -12 rooms with all modern improvements. Also a large bank barn 92x36 feet; efficient room th stable 60 head of eettle; also pig pen,driv(eated and hen house. There are two never failing soli:age and good wells. 'This landeis all well dram -.ed and about 60 acres fall ploughed. Con- venient to school adn church, rural mail and rural phone.Any person wanting a good com- fortable 'home, apply to GEORGE SMALE, 11. R. No. I, Staffa, or panne 20 on 20, Dublin Central. -WARM FOR SALE—MAPLEHURST FARM, Lan the Village of Linwood, on the C. P. Raieway, 80 mules west of Toropto, comprising 191 acres of good elay loam. On the farm is a large bank barn, excellent stabling. New driving and straw sheds and -new hog pen. Large, warm, frame house, with metallic sid- ing, new cietern, and pump, splendid orchard. The farm is tile underdrained I and all wire fenced. Catholic , and Profeetant schools and churchee in the ;allege, which a, built on the San, and only five' minutes walk from the station. This is the property of tae late A. Rennieeesq, arid is coneidered one of the fineet locatione in Waterloe county. Suitable far dairying or- mixed farming Terms—i-Easee AP - ply te W. 'F. RENNI13, Listowel, Ont. 2662-2 FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of oultivatior.; 6 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con.. stance, 11A, miles from school. There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64e76, all Page wire fencee and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 6_ a-eres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spzing is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is gi graded and gravelled lane from the road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-ta James. Watson- - 'Generll Insurance Agent Real Estl... -and Loan Agent Dealer in ,iewing`Machines. Pour good blouses for sale, conveniently situated in ,the Town of Seaforth. Terms reai3onable and possession given promptly APPIY at my offtce for particulars. FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good • well and cement cistern. All kinds of 1/%14 trees, strawberries, raspberries, and , currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- pfrty. with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of eultivi• tion. This is a nice property for a ietired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply•on the premises or to John Rankin,. Seaforth 2584-t± FARM FOR SALE Let. there be this Complete Phonograph in your home. • he 41, runswicK 714e Find Phonograph A The BrunsWick just had to be. In every industry the law of evolution applies and sooner or later, perfection is attained - Just as ,we have seen the automobile perfected in the last fifteen years so those in the talking inachiTie industry have watched for the "Final 'PhonograPho''' ' The Brunswick Phonograph,. manufactured by a concern With 'millions at its disposal, that has watched and waited or fifteen year, marks the highest development in the Phonograph field. The Brunswick is "all Phonographs itt one." An unusual phonograph that has frankly adopted the best features of all, and with some added re- finements of beauty ane finish, is priced to you without thenecessity of charging for discarded' models or experiments. Find out f r yourself=investigate thislinstrument, It is the 100% effi- cient phonograph. There are no attachments—no extras. The Brunswick unlocks the w ole world of recorded music for you—there are no exceptions. It plays b tter—looks better—costs less and easy payments can be ar- ranged at J. Walker & So SEAFORTH ,WATER1A TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Lot 18, concession 4, McKillop, Hurne County, containing 100 acres of first class • clay loam soil (no better anywhere). There are on the premises one lee storey frame house with stone cellar; also a one storey frame house, bank barn and implement house; two acres of good orchard; two wells of good water a et in,g creek near rear of farm Awl attiring sumac aceoss. This farin It ea fenced wita coil wire and drained witb tile. awl a in a first class state of culeivatioo. Ten acres of hardwod bush on rear a farm: rural mail at gate and phone in home. Sit- uated on a first class gravel rand one-hala mile from church and school ahd fo milea from the busy intirll of Seaforth. Will be' ;old as above described or, in two lots of fifty acres each. HUGH MeINTOSII, 80 Rosevear Ave., Toronto, and REV. A. W. Mei/1'1'05.11r, Port Arthur. Exeartore, For further per- tieulani anrly to the executon,. or 1.0 JOHN RANKIN, aeafertle 2658-tf 0 BOY 12-24 TRACTOR Attention , Tai(e a'--;,:,reo I look 2thjs Study ti e bites of tt the Fitnp'k it y of every tifvor Doestq't it impress you sight? Doesn't it impress y Tractor? The Robt. Bell E Oiario IMMO 1111111sta . , „ ..)v.;»•7:-• • ), Farmers of Huron County ractpr. design of it, ing part. well at first u as a realk Yo can see this Tractor at Seaforth. y u buy one youcan get service- on otice. ou can get repairs at once. Consider the matter. Come to Seaforth and see the Water- loo Boy. gine & Thresher Co,, Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. i41- rib tit nrs Waterloo Roy Tractors -