HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-12-20, Page 4T+ EMBER "DECEMBER 20 1918 T11 RON KPOSITOR 4 WAFORM MARK]M history and. was a particularly food -prices., our railway sectionmew are ehurehon Monday evenigj )#c mbee k butter, the- major part of it going to cal ols ar Put- I
the Allies and in the first five , V admirer of the -late j6i A - Mac- turding. a nRmbei (if'. used ties into '23rd - 130th S4bbath seho Seaforth, De
ts to ma: e eir 19ahs donald- and the �eive The put- ting forth, all effor, k ...... s Whitney, fireood whi6h-,,#i11 Well 'A"Wit, Per bushel -
of 1918; fifty-six carloads were ex- V pot,&t -per bag ............. $1
W T F S -v ery best for the S M T ported- This buter at present rices He was 'a alued member of Lebanon pose, being of haidwbo`d.----jMT D. A- entertainments the on, one. of our coal merchants enjoyment of both ybung and when in D Lid old, r,- per pound 40 to is woe thou -sand per car Forest . odge, NQ. - 133, and had the Cantel oubt -Biell e tib about ton . s u a P dozen -57 to
Ioi filling all the was fortunatd enough, this week- coup- A who wish t' �e t leasant g per which would mean far. the inety-six honorab distinction f f -
6 7 t� get Jewntp. fti t -will find this an 1 2 4 5 hairs eof. Ile was a member Of led with good management enink's entertai r cwt . .........
ed in 1917, nine hundred ellAirS �g 3F pe can export deed, ............ and! all Will -er bushel ern 4 and .1 was some more coal in- which was in opportunity. be made Wel- 10 rT 12 13 14 ori I Church --Give Slippers. - 9 and sixty thousand dollars, -only a lit- the Trivitt M at$, p
Is 19 20 dollars. member of the Advisory boaid of a godsend to many who were just a- come.—Mr. T.'N. Foryfli. and Mrit gpring wheat per bushel 15� 16 17 tle short of a million We a- per bushel ............ s bft -it 14, still a verY scarce Albx. Sinclair, were sight-seding dur-- -or many. years. He wa bout out, jb6
'27 28 at Stock 25 26 have developed this export trade not that church f �221 23 24 - of the Council Board commodity and hard to obtainr--On ing the pait -week at the . 31
all also a member 12
Rranl per on account of the high quality of No need to worry about interost- per ton ...... .
29 our products but because Great he of stock. '31 Brii- of Exeter for oneyeaT. Air. Davis Monday 6vening �last a: very show in Guelph and they report*a 41
auspices of t ....... 5; 60 to
...... -as a good soul in'niany ways but ifig ine6ting undek the grand showing of all classes ffirhat, o giVe --for Xmas viour, Per cWt. ain and the countries that were en- w League, was.held in the basement of the farmers are this g. gaged in the Y*r require all the food the qualities that iiiade him popular —A number of Just make up your' mind – N-pW ADN-ERTISEMENTS GRAIN AIARKL
they can get, consequently, we have and won a ection in a very wide eir- the Metodfilt church. Dr. S. Har- week, finishing up the fall ploughin .-Nlanitciba ge to 9i been to sell o of a "kind heart. He die, as president f 0P- —Dr. Aitken, pas�or of St And- ve Slippers and
a le ur good an in- c oa
d our le, were those Dec, 17
meeting, with reda g ser-, 12,24%; No. "2 Northern, $2.21,
diff erent butter at very attractive, 'was full pf go have the problem s '$2.11T ened the Miss s church here was conductin 0 od-will and human 5 scripture lea- rew ived. th ; No. 4 wheat $2 last Three Days INKOre-Stewavt present our d radiated cheerfulness Mad vices, f or Mr. Rloss at AubUrPI a at Fort William, not including G. willis-4 prices. . At butter is com- PathY,Wl n and- Rev. Mr. Doan afterwards taildng the anni- Everybo&y appreciates awr C.:
ippels -N'V helpfulness. He was aged 51 years,- I so Sabbath; Mr.. Rioss oats, per buShel-Wo. 2
tore --J. Mactavish-9 ing int -hat 0 days. He is survived b engag q direct competition with't ing in prayer. 'The principal in� S am -4 month and 2 'y versay services, in St. Andrew' a C.W., ra!So- I L. Will; Slippers --they're so pra&- 14�
d Kenzie, of Bayfiel f feed 172%
nd 99 r i -V trand-8 one'sister—Daniel. terest of the. evening�s programme No. a yellow $1
fr6ra other provinces and countriesi all _Miss Crrie M ; in store. Ardei
duce a three brothers a tical and -No. 2 yelow
4 J. Finnlgau�-s Of which are endelmoring to proi centered inla. poetry. competition," with. Gt the 33eneflt--:-W in was useful. weve What to- Cjv,--ThQMps0WS-9 superior articleso that they may c Sidney Richard and Mrs. Samuel._ spending, a pleasant visit 4 ample corn feea $
ap- and some 15 fine -selectioxid.-weire onts, bu.
Sweet, all of Exe�er, brother Mr. Alex. McKenzie of, $1.1Z4track Toronto. Ontario
slippers for every memb-. kotice to creditors -5 ture and hold. the diff eren.t markets$ the hands of t�e acting chairman of her ?, white '7'- to 750; o. 3 whit
crop No. -9. Mustar —6 th village.—The Kippen Log,,% Wanted -J. d war is over. Our prairie the eve brZX of aceor4ing to freights outside. -
now t�at the .nihg., Rev. Mr. Doan who op-' 0 New Serialrnnoess the meeting an ada Bible Society, was er of the family—slippers'.., i winter per ear lot I
pastute imparts.a, very rich flavor and BAYFIELD the Upper Can Weat--,NNO. Xmw Appeal ened the envelopes � at s church, on Taes- a held in St. Andrew' No. 2. do.. 42.11 to $2.19; NIC
ld 'rime fine color and that.color at the pres- We extend to our friends and customers bes, that are easy on the feet the selectiow for the judges to. the read o. i spring, 2.,09 to 2
Staudard Sft&-4 wishes for a Merry 'Christmas. Although day evening. last The weather Was $2,07 to I ent #me takes � on the cA�r of King r the best pro- and e No. 3 do� Notice to Creditor__,),, past year has been a most'Btrenuous' one we most unfavo�ablefor the meeting, this on th pocket 2 Ao. � $2.10 to $2,14;
award three priz�s fo asy e Midas' gold, only that it. disappears. rhankful ng William 5hipping points. according
I 1 f.o.b.. ` per bushel- Barley,r
have reason to feel sincerely that �ductiong - tb�e judges bei r, which caused the attendance to �ook. im -htr peas, $2. Is p our b G� J. Notice --W. M , Hiniarti- -5 more. iquickly and must be more eas- Victory * ours and ho a that vys Wil McKa-Y,1,`iRidhard Blatchford and -yea sioa per bus., ear
can,�enjoy a Happy Xmas, new crop '9$e to
Notice --,r. Dod&s-9 that Midas all. Rev., Mr. Colelough, Wanted-'S;p0Z-itDr Office--& ily digested, for yve are told soon return and we Rye-- 2, S
lftildinv ! 2669al Suthetl��d a -Ad. the -selections being. all be "very sm F. A. Edwardsi Bayfield. agent for the Society in this district W(IMEN,S SLltppFRS— Iftekwbeat ---- per bushel $1.40
Rab�,- carriage wantd--i was in a fix 4�id ,very hungry but Breezes.,Mii. Sam Kirk of Toronto, so 'good theY found it rathe�r.a diffi- freights outside, Manitdba f
was present anil gave an address on jAcotding to IWO.'r 4uality, at Toronto - card of Thank -1--5 could nc 9 'th leather soles at ...... .......... )t "eat t.hW gdld. Nevertheless, is spending a few holid4ys in the vill- cult matter t & 'decide upon but after good' work this society is doin Plaid f elt i . * $140 a pair lour -winter in new bWs, Pro
Auction o ng Midas' bank 11 awarded the Black felt with felt soles at Per pair ...... 90c and $1.25 tarld :F wheat wanted -4 age the guest of Mr. Jamep Stur due *consideration of them it g, the , Bible woments, war quality. deli
Xmas entertainment -4 account to satisfy the smiling farmer's Of, -n 'ar arnia, the first prize to what turned out to in the. way- of spreadin -Kozy Felt in red or brown with padded soles ......... $1.25 qreed--Car lots -Delivered � Mont
--J. A. Stevmrt-5 wife these days and when those smiles geon.—Mr. Richards e 'In all lands and the number Of var- bags iucludek, bran per ton $37
Warnin-z and Miss Rachards of Alberia, are be Miss Freda Smallacombels produe- Felt Juliots ; in b14, red or brown, fui� trimmed �1.95 J= Sproat -5 iiiiiii, Wood for face's it ner to Miss ious languages the Bible was printed = per ton $42.25; Hay -No. I rx!r
-nd in like mail. shorts
are on one of the pioneer visiting their sister, Mrs. John Me- tion the seco 'Work = *2g t�D SU per ton; iiiied $20 to $21 tr
and in many other points of SLIPPERS— seems to say the day of retribution rk. Doan.' = MISSES 10
Leod.-��The Geddes -Tyson Lumber Ci)., G. I-lardie, and the thlrd to. M Straw----Ca�lot $1 .5 -0to $11 V
is at hand, for back in. the. early igh_ which this 'society is engaged'in. = ITIormto- I
Of Wiarton, have pprelihsed the mill- Rev. Mr. Doan pro�edhiniself an ex- in Black Felt slippers, felt soles, per pair ....... 'Toronto,
ties in the west the magnificent price dat -of writing, The,.'secretary's 'report Was then read = Red felt ozy slippers per pair ................... here and have engaged Mr. William cllent chairn-lan.—At e of twelve cents was*paid afteip in some j. and all went to show that the Kippen = Plaid felt shippers, �eather soles, per pair .......... MustEird to manage the businees here. we learn of the death of Mr.4.. H. LIVE STOCK MARKETS
of th work. cases, taking it twe-n.ty miles �o get branch is. doing her share Good pricei are being paid and any McDonald of this village,"who- has Bufrajo. December . -attl
a buyer. I intend to take up in f0ure The old officers were re-electedp v1z: MEN'S SLIPPERS— having timber to sell should see Mr. beeri so seriously ill durig tlie past Soo. goodsteady', common lower -.-prime -st
SEAFORTH, Friday Der,. 20th, 1918. to take up in future letterk the live been closed year, but do not know the date of� Presi*nt,. Mrs. James B. McLean; Black felt'with felt, �olei per pair ............ $1,40 to 4-17 t.o � s
-hipping steem $16 to SH
Mustard,—After having - iG, yearlL-ws 3192 to $19:1
stock i ref rer, Mr- HenrY Ivi- er LQ . . .. ; bute -10 to Si3; Cows $4-50 to $11; bulls
dustry, and the fine class in all, several wee ['and, will inake further, er- Secretary-Treasu Plaid feift with leat4er soles, p * pair ........ $1.50 -10 $11 to 4
-s on acount of the "flu" funeral are being stockers and fvede)�s S-7 to reared 'thiPsad event in -another is- son; after which the collectors. were Alligator. leather sliopers in black. or tan at per pa1T .... $2006 kinds of st6ek'.that the library is agaiii open. 'Thp diirec-, ence to FT Chocolate Idd slip* RVNI MANITOBA on Manitoba farms, which a few years tors t, a recent Yoeeting dee�ded to: sue.—A very interesting meeting was appointed. All officers of this. society rs at per air ........ U50 to $3.. 60 pows and springer -3 $65 to 3145� caves
-3,S00 :Steady V> to -319.50. I
but are d A. would do a good act by havinj the ago, had not a rod of fence, ed still! remain h6ld in Zurich lodg� of A,F. an Dear Expsitor,--Now that I m,ay have the members - I 000; - iteady; heairy. mixea
ow fenced in many cases with the bip efits per ay evening last -when the home pastors take up the work in CHILDREN'S SUPPER -Itweivts 21
your re; fifty c on Mond Plaid felt spiRers, per pair. .-Tight vorkera and Pigs $16
-appear bef are aders, freq�Lent- what a difference at the low sum., Of y ably their churches so that all moneys col- ........ $12,to $16.80, Star$ $3.0 to sr'. occasionally as best page wire an year. This is a very.small feedor the first and third degrees wi�re ver . ..... Toughs.
ly, instead of only r S Fancy felt slippei;i, per pair ........... ........ 75c 00; lower-Aambs 1;
in the appearance of the country. I priVileges given and they woild like coMerred upon ;candidates and the lected would gD Wbe e it i most Slipp *Ud lumbs-Recipts SID
inded of a stor c em. Y Red Felt Kozy ers,,, ribbon trimmed per pair ...... 06 venture to say that if a visitor roni e in -coniplish the most good. told by :�Tark Twain on himself that large number of ne* mem- -next meeting in, th onth of Jan- needed and ac 42,wes $4 to $6 mi%ed sheep 59 to he the east who has not been here foi ��,Oatreal, December i7. -There was a
to�lr, bers,. The librar now consists !of over uary, gKoinises to'bea very interest- —The. ladies'. of the Kippen Patriotic buse or starting out on a leture y This . H 'extends the, Compliments of the Season t4D Everyb�-dy vo umqs an in the cattle market for 6
lize it fe,
always preferred the one -night stands ,say ten yearss would not reco-gi ing
soven hundred I d now that ing one -with the presence of the Dis- Society will *hold their meetings dur-; May this be the Me grades of CRttl
rriest, d all: the Merry Christmas yetf-ve ever ad. e for the hoiiday trade u!
as he -,,aw it last. eliut� Grand, Master, ollowed ing the - winter months every two audience all he the long viJuteXI e'ven t g vriee�� were Steady undir a,
or he could tell that _ings . have come trict D it seneral thin
0�t one hour and thirty odd W B. nian� - by a bainquet.—We'undersand thafthe' weeks on'. Thursdays ahernoon; in- some extra ekoice beef is aun
knew in ab MR doubfle�s be! pleased to a- -for this clas,
Gawford farm, whi�h we.reported iTi s ch.they have been in, but the high wices vaid
minutes and by remaining up all night vail f4memselves of this -opportunity..-- tead of Friday, whi 0 0:1 adw can hardly be said o rule i
On Thursday of last week there was a last issue as purchased by MYL Jas. moeting. All ladies of this vicinity The
at the first streft of day befom the, CLINTON c the ordinary market. meditm gradej
-ng of citizens and resi- Smillie, was Pur sed by him and are asked to do what they can to help but the Aen
inhabitants of tr1at town were awake large gatheri 'attle are tenr1ing to weak to the fact, he could escape without Farmers' Club, -At a meeting of Jor unnej-s ana cutters continues ; the- his p�ighbor, Mr, j. C, McLean, - im.- along the good Work of this ciety- dents fromthe nearby country at keei) in these ftef-Z.
opuw the Clinton United Farmers' Club the,' t mediately to th� nottli -of that farm, give a reading being assassinated by tow t= welcome,to Nursing Mrs. (D�) Aitken'will a furious P n1all. 'Ateadl although, t
-fing officers ,nd lambs are about ,
lace but when'he came.,to a city that follov were electea for the Sister Miss Sterling, Two tables in equal shares, as Mr. Smillie and on woman's work from -three to'four a te . little in s
I-ptlency to ease a
is T16ted.
C'nsuing year: William McEwen, pres- 'e having good farmso of the small meat trade. The ma
wanted three or four lectures in sue- t- �ahn Shanahan, Vice -President; 'were spread and after 11 h yed, Mr, I Lean,' both o'clock at each, meeting, and all are -h uncrtaj�n'and prim,
5EA FOM OW for hoga i#
cession he said it -was enough to make Men the good things provided a p me just Nvanted a share. each in the Craw- wlcoyne to attend �each meeting. ra, er f cars, ho-eveei,
e. Vhoiee zielectsff.
aid G. W. Layton, Secretary,�Treasurer; -ira-riabi
a im very I OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL IfOiRL qualities.
the Gods sweat and it' always followed. Songs were givew by Mr. ford farm, to 'dd to their own. i --We Death of a Good Woman .—It Is our m6d demand at from $18 tO- V
Lom,� Tyndall, Ed. WiS6,.1. -R. Jer- regret to learn that. our t6wndmaii, JKr, sad duty this week to have to chro-n- TELEPHONIA 11 a*r 1f)9 poundi, while Poore,
xnal,-e tthe gods sweat including one -Eric Anderson,- R�eve Brwin, Rev. -A. grouped kins, S. - B. Stothers, John Innis, J. k s quite seriously SOWS, Ur�d Gta)�S aefrom, these fig
11ark'and the rest Were Macfarlane. and Miss Isabel Woods of W - J - Clar i ill this' icle the death of a -'beloved lady in eluding
In G. Crich, Directors; S, B. Stother's down to $14 to $15.
in the allery turning on the heat.. S6aforth. Rev. Mr. . Clarke of Code- Week but trust hie may soon take a 'the person of Mrs, William Ivison, Iiif e Canadian Pacifit stock �*Ards
n. and B. Waldron, Auditors. st,6A amounte(
the humble citpacity of a corresp ich, gave a most nteresting address change for the better as he did a npm- who passed away at the home of her r�eeipts of live
dent let me here say a ward on be- regarding the re-,�6ent Victory Loan ber of months ago., when in a like son-in-law, Mr. Sterling McPhail of i �2m cattlei, 2009 sheep and lams. 1300 I
tone w
half of our hard worked editors.,whose manner was -very ill, -The, following porter's Hill, Friday, DecW��; V4�A. The # the market here,
BRUCEFIELD and unfurle4 the Rag awarded to Bay- on for srood cattle, of hich only
field, opointed ' as canvassers Mr, Macfarlane spoke of the were ar editorial pens have to take up the Pub- Notes--k1r. Elliott has moved to fuiids for the erection of a monument e a--vanags in 'thi line ,were
and as we one by the In nam mwderate amoubt was . for 13th, like a full shock of lic'qestions W the -day, brave and faithful work d -0 n heroes, who for the harvest. Her aiden I P h o.tograp teeady under aatherr4
Ind read' t1ose the Turner -farm, near our village. boys on lan in Hensall for ur!falle was. Fanny Edgar she was l3afn of the market was �dt in our fmchairs a d and sea and of the noble and which he plurchased ii.ecently.---a-Miwr gave their lives for King and s ago, and Quotailons-eboiie steers S12M to editorials we are sometimes apt to ov- and heroic work of the nurses and C*un.-- inPeterboro, Ont., 81 year erlook how hard the I editor ' labors, - Lawrence Forrest ha moved to the Mrs. Gibson, president of to $12.00. med Aifotic try: George Brown, R9bert DhRsdale, about 61 years a+ o she was marriled to D6'uble: X4
the P liff6, Willi 9 i ne- iack Lt I farm he recently purchased from Mr. John Rowe a.nN Dougall, W. -r common, $7.54) to SO; week i it and year in. B -c Society, presented Miss Sterling With the late William Ivisoh, who died I I I ny . onth That Xmas Gift Probl#ni 0 - ood bulls, $7.50 to SE
iit '5 to $9,5 - C - kQtty, � R buls, agricultural Hnry,—The Sunday School _ Buchanan, Georgq obert#. :jo +'. three years ago. My, and Mrs. am s4pp9sed to talk on me ineaiwfii 15.0 to 17; 0hajee buplters' i
subJectswith d little pep thrown i1i, mas tree b-ntertainment will be held Dalrymple, John, Fitzgerald, William' Wison, atthe time 6f theiv marriage koute + �§olved. — —. il— - , 1;0oa
.00 to 49,-.5 ss. to vieaiuin-
Qn Monday evening n�xt in the church, McK;ty. The above corhinittee will be $5 to $5.50; sheep I
not to talk politics, for the truce is not TUCKERSMITH came to the HUron tract and settled VISO. A-ann
tD $9; lambs 12.50 —Special Christmas services will be called 'toget6r' a� an early date.. to betwee# There is more of the true suirit of 14.50., u over Yet., I noticed ho*ever, that Sir. held: in the church on Sunday next West End Notes -few of the far- make necessa I ry arrangements.—The iti the township of. Hay just West of' 411 to $14-, $5 tr) Wilfrid looed- into the.-.10litical oen mers have been plowing sod this.,week. our villag6t - and; - there for 36 years 19non Stock Yarils, T-O"M December
Iloy, re- actiob of �the 7-B;Ad of � Health in once M - MONTREAL TORQNTO, Christmas in a photdgraph, yourself
the,other day at Londbn to see if that. —Mr, John Murdock of Stan 11,.Ivi5on,.w1th. his noble wife and -,with over 6ow head of caftle lor-a,4
cently receiv'ed carload of 'cattle —Mr. G. W, gott won prizes with more putting the b4n on all public en- tGbring 1down valUes-NI-IrY w
oait was geting -nice and brown, and buyei% � out
his horses at the Fat Stock Show at helor e with than in r 6id4fid-, the piadeer 1# SUM all morfiing. I
IT & GO teade. Ws very
from Alvinston which he will fleed tertainm'e'nts and-49sing churches for, liEnio'; I also, noticed that Our own Bob Rogers Quelph ast week—A few -cases of all,#its privations, hopes,and, discour- unt - voi Sfficient to 14
ing colit- Th
day in inter.—Robert Mur&k at 169 en, to Eire -bawrs t ig quotat
was eating *plum jam the other during the wi P st one Sunday is receiv f up under them choose. o opej4te it lgst.weele
inflifenza are reportgd.11iere, but all gmento. But she bore i apll� 1. Toronto and nb. aoubt the -other fel- W. Haugh, James Dallas, C. Wasman gratulations from, u vast I I - - I -0� and in the end they ixot at least,50e taen
majority of imveringi, our citizens. Hei , . all with a bravdry and patidnee Pe- are- �Seiveril 4roveravriaoted the decline at We,;
IWI, corporation is Unexcelled; Dining Ca Service.
low was wishing that that jam. bad and Dougald Fotheilinghant attended are re' economical, and they' wxys� ap- Successful Prize Winners. — The exiliar to the- early settlers of '-this �others estimated the cat At 41 per '100 almost. clear of;-,dis'ease Et the sur- been made from the Dawson plum b�6t 'the Guelph Fat Stock Show.—Pte. Vere views of 2n,exti
Messrs. Broadfbot Bros. and D. Foth- Astpit. By good ni�nagenibnt 'and preciated. Make arran eme ts to4ay but th ese opfidom, v roundingtowns'an 9 with the lower. vs
ary fellows are not supposed Fred Perkins who. lately returned from , d vi�lages together aide of the ewe. Even
we ordin cessful exhibitors lcowW.. ditiiets have, morp he trade for -the bWarr cattle,
igham- werp sue inddstry ""however, he and her in force t
the war, is visiting at the home of era th manj h -atid for -only' three 4aiys until ;not become any better than l4w, and to eat jam just yet� nor -open the oven at the reoent great sto6k; show held cases than ai,*any*.jj Vzkild rAoon, succeeded in constructin a sitting -ookat roasts, Sor the boss of �rfr. James Gemmell. He was gassed, - G roi� since the Span- 9 Sleeping cars on, tug, k�#Aiw I -
door to I in uelph-, M 4 their fqre�gt h6me into a, corilf0ttable- Parlor I I *e commodbutcher vattle.- bu),Vrs ecal
r- -FQth4�ghanl won i4h influenza -struak 64 lbpd-. That Z:aT4 gn 0 i9od .,d 'looked 4t these it -was the a
I$a-vs to open the door but is noNv making a good recovery. O'�F, * , '� Xipas—As the days are 'sh�rt ploase the house too Ig ad I
second prize for three year old heavy Hensall- has, e§ c- well handsozAe farmsteadand in their tral often spoils �i6, crispness of -its con- Its.. vrith� th, cows and bulls, with the *=&OHO
1600-`Jbs; 5th for doubi� in 'do Were .ofw� in vazly, nerg-i which were a I .
draft team,. under . 1.d4e, to� -pro t, years able to retire 4=n -,'xirli ctive'004
%ewvy �steers sold -from $13.50 to " h1kJ
-year . olif sho*w'-n o -halter lo'n" ot. 4'ard 00�31 the W;$ for one extra choice steer which w.%,
tents. Yes, Mr. Editor, I thnk that three �n a more active duties of life t attent -f9r agd heavy- drat 4mare. The is the ward;juit plain crispness. Any- CROMARTY .5th id h Ts bderr heir and In order that they might speT it deal. Choice butcher steeft- any Grand way with Toronto, A Serious 'Lossldr. McLaren met inotto. 'Geop- e U.t-Pettk, Reeve, pro� their-. declining years with Bob. saying at I essirs. Broadfoot Brow 'won third. Safety First as alwa. ease and Full infor�aiion -ulied in from 411�0 to $12-26 ani
to $14-.B
g Trunk Ticket �Auent C. R Horning, 'Do F6- BUC Wd baby,beeve from $
truce is over., aiid Sir Walter Scott, ex- ith a heavy loss this eek. Ongo- for two year old heavy draft filly�and sented th6'i6nic1`Wity witlillie-Vie-' P"leasure, twentk-five years ago retired P a to.- bliteber cattle i
Premier of Saskatchewan, saying also ing to -the barn on Tuesday morni District Passenger e Toronto. The weak
sixtb for hea�-w drauilit brobd mar. froni�ithe farm; c me to our V'111- tory 'flag ith two �stars, showing and -a era a Cho
PORTRAff-PHOTO the handlerDf-s' ets d
f his cows dead in the G PHER - ; - . -; it is over and members of the Union he found one p To the., Ratepayers.--4-ust a line to th ' ftensall has subscribed 'twice the age to ro-side in which home Mrs. W. Somerville ...... Lgent 'bat as was the C 'last W onlq the Ix
a at �...Toirn we stall. Thb animal was a high PurbAm. the ratepayers of . Tuckersmitli, and Tke trade i
Cabinet saying itis not so, I think amouni of the objectivb.—On behalf Ivison continued to reside until some W. R. Pisilt' pepot -AMt §EAFORT11 .4qAues at csUle re wan dy at weel."S 410se. Mil
hbout stea will have to call.our fri�nd, Gadsby grae, one of the beat milk -e -is in the others who itznay coniern. -.We hear municipality, George Hudson month's ago, when she took ill while c irm, with quatity eow;s the
were I in to settle tthe n�ittter, county and wag valued at over $200. a � lot of gossip these days about, -that and William E. Pipff, nioved,a voto on a visit to her.daughter, Mrs. Me- u -1W The pmc trani
4emaladl tho QU
The month of Navember just closed This is the ,second g6od 0ow Mr. la-,vsuit over a street in;8gmoDdville. of th4nks to Mr. Vetty, and the lat- Phall. Old. age and the breaking up of from $90 to $11150.
Lamlys, were modtrately acilVT has been a remark -ably fine month in McLaren has lost in a month.t Well we all know there was a lawsuit ter expr rt * that circum- a - once strong constitution was her strong.!. with $14 to J14.550, and 59verld
Red CrossThe Cromarty Red and we also kn the west, closing the last week, we had ow that t -he township stances depriLved the municipality of a only ailment. 14 All through life she bhes at 315 taking the best. Sheep. V
waring, 'of -,now, but the Cross Auxiliary held their annual and Kruse Broi. were the losers and 111ore * public recognition and accept-, Was a busy and active wo mian and in lArly V7 animals were
a slight c4 the hea
Beat veals were a Simile 0
rest of the month,'the wheels were meeting on November 27th. D also that it helped to swell our taxes ance of the gift.—Mrs. Garnet G. the closing up of her life's journey w 4md beavy iclass and Was$ contributed,�il few hundred (Yotlars. But'l do not Smallacombe has k�turned from- it shewas ever cheerful and happy.. She o 4ell 0 afmost any -Pric- in use nd wi-h the heavy rain of Nov- the - Y a of zwits V4 -�yjamas, 59 flanel S. n 1 r ts, want to discuss that, The Part which reetings ember .13th, and the. heavy traffic pleasant, visit With relatives : and 'humbly and un6inplainingly submit- wAre unchargea- at $18 .26 fed a
it was reported that tbe Mlar
ced 24 &heets, 9%. dozen towels were I am aot satisfied a' 4 --red, and
bout is that I have farm produce to town, we experien friends in Galt, Kitchener and Gublph,� ted to the will of her, Divine Master, -nade 4tnd 249 pairs 9f soel<s Nvere knit been told on several oebaiions that 0rance liitween f.o.b. a0d w6shedwof
the rou-t-he.it country, roads in many —The relatives and friendi of -the Mrs. 'Who for sixty long 'ears had been overs bavinr t1oul
y US is again in force,,VT
E cordially extend the Season"s Greetings o all our ciis' the 7115o boob.,
years anti when the frost just hardei�- in all -about $1058 worth. B6xes were this lawsuit kas a spite act of Sproats ght of Mr -C er o"ible to run hogs on
George a da6a, er S. . h strength and comfort in life and at ed that enough, it was a con- sent to our bo everlil to- frustrate Kruse -Bros., and take a- Troyer, and a. sister of Mrs. George its close! she was able to say: "I to their patronage during th the
padkei-s' f.o.b. prilce to the drover
'�e�r and in October ay. opposition in the ile business olt. By the ay, a husiness times during the Hudson of this village, and of Mrs. -know that my Redeemer liveth and as' closing year. AU receipts ere 301 onrloads, vil
friend who to go twenty a Christmas box was sent to each- In Now I am rupping. a tile yard and William Vanhorn,.will regret to -learn for. me I Wil beh in right-' le, 05 25-78 hoks and 20742- �1 I Id Thy face v4ftl
pring a Jun Grpss Society ago 0 .;md lmbs,
wa� ntile* into the %�ounzr.ry, knowin-- it the s ior Red started the same some tewyears W curred in Moose eousness. shall be satiofied when. We ate till offering alI Christmas Goods as adv— 0diam Ztd. I)oaaht 350 cattle, Satebem!
-as orzanized and the girls sent many, at the request of a rate- mforts to our boys. Dur- payers ofithe towhshi sed I ek's paper, at greatly reduced p the -old fas:hioned cart and horse to additional co -too, rout,,h to ake hi�4 car set out Mith % umber of the Saskatchewan, on; Thursdays of I awake with Thy likeness.*". -.. She t1e. 00 to $14,50 cows, $6 -IS t6 $11 p. I have run la t eek r in what' is termed doubl� was truly a good woman and fbr sixiY It t in last wl rices. T�e III;. cannerj utters and bologim niake the crip, and meeting him in i'19 the four years of war $2285 was this tile yard� mysell. It is my own pneumonia, following' a severe attack years had been a consistent member of are going �asr and if there's anything we hM-e that. willl the evening ade coritributed, goods valued- at $3509 and I have h P. Konaeoly sold: Two loacu of but
fter his �eturn, I m ad no help nor have of influenza, after a very short ill- tb d during all suit, as th' gift desired, it would be to your advantagi-11 00o 1b.
e Methodist church an butchers $8.15 to It casual reinark bout,- roads, and he -were shipped and 280 boxe-, were sent bet;n any ttouble that I know Of- to ness,4 and the follovvng verses h to $10.25,; bull$. SIJ60 to 41c
ave hese years her - Christian life was to not wait' bu t choose it NOW-. repli6d - th4t it was juit as good rid-, -overseas. t4e "township. Soinie eight years '190 CorbetL Hall and Acoughlin quoted: C
been banded to'us for publication. her Christiair profes- in keeping with ing in a cA-,-t over those roads� s to Notes.—Miss Elizabeth Hog4a&,,h of I lasked t6 have the roaa to the South kjitchem- -*12.2ry to sii; good butchers sion No"deseryipg person ever ap I . but6ters $9.50 to,$10.26,
the received Nvord last week ot me ade dt f9r loads to go through We loved her,' y4i,' we' loved her, $12-, medium
attend it Billy Sunday meeting.ln my PICTURE BOOKS, FICTION-, DOLLSt GAMES plied to her in vain, either for needed vWn butchem $8%0.to S9; ehoice cows $1
Carlisle in the spring and fall dnd I gave the But Jesus loved 6r more PERFUM S IVORY. AND EBONY GOODS, PAPE- 010.SO; lrood cow,- $9-50 to $10; medium�
not of the death of.her nep4ew, ig-nornce I h,ad to confess I could ore tanizible � evidence of see the ,4hiiffitrity 114-o ich he rel3lied lfDg',�rafth, of Regina, who died of in� Co*uncil a donation of $10 at Gat time And He --has entl. counsel or m TRIES,� F UXTAIN PENS,, CHRISTMAS BOOKLEW o ediunt"
g y called hei ne�s conse $10.50 d cows $9.60 to $10 *. in kind quently she was' not cannera
"Thev r,� both firz-t class at-rencies to f1uenza,--,.-- Carlisle -was about 19 years justto show that I was willing to help To yonder blissful phore. AND CAR S.1 $8 to $0. eamo cows $7 to *8
onl highli respected by'all wh 6 en- -0 to $19-60;
k y -o $6, choice beavy bulls $1
sh, e the ou� of you." 'of age. It is about nine years.since, pay my u,ay- The road is still partly The Golden Giteis'were opeiied, ��fio -to I
joyed her acquaintance but-w4s belov- eher W, s ss to so; holoxna buV4tO
I do, 6t ithat th * readlec.,- of the family moved from Croma"ity to mud road, while thousands have been A gentle voice said, come, Don't fqget that ILODAK—a gift that pleases all. J. B, Shields and Son m. -ftebers
e The ju,st took are at present vi-ithout spent 'in lawsuits. Now let all this be And with farewells -unspoken, ed by many. In shoril, she manifest- 8,�
upon fklni- S5076 w. hogs fed and ,�ittered- CALL AND GET. A CALENDAR toba its putt.;rx her whole energies to to the Ap it is, 'I never -was in this lawsuit She calmlyi entered, home. Quinp gmd Hisey sol telephone sysiem, owing ed the greatest. zeai in dvefy good r or was anyotte *646: 12i 720, $645; 1� -160, U-50" L
the produetion- of --ra,in, and gharing evere vindstorni that. passed ove in it on my behalf, an We none may know who next ma� fall,- work and was able within a few d. yjutcbgTt�
-tftr pro, -ould,the r mouth 1, 900, S9.50; 3
-inces to tl h on Tue,-day evening last, the )arty, or parties ho spread Benedth d�athls. �ha�stening r6d; s of her death, to occupy her with her e west E!l place in thq sanct . uary. Mrs . ivison 3. S20, 39.00. 4�
reater part of the pbles ebing domn this story of spite to give sympathy One in�st be first then let us all,, the vputation,of being the' s the mother of -nine children,.who C. Lv W wa i�rtdaery of -*he 8riflish Empire. Ant froti Croniarty to Dublin.—The pub- please answer this and explain where Trepare to meet our �God. 120, $10. 54 1249. lie school is again closed as a preven- Sproat's tilct yard ever did anything ee6r showed their devoted affection i). 910, S5.5. 2. 11,95. $9.75; 1. 940. has. me.ant durin4 the tati� -from .�e flu; it will ot be to spite Kruse Bros., or anybodyse, and duritig herdecliiiing years kindly four vean5- of war nd what a -lory . SVPPLIES STORE 0 )ep.,-* KIP REXALL tv 1M 47,25, M. $7.25; I, '720,
lianded to %,,-heat im th�: I se sign $7 - 1. 6f S90#
wers of d un-il the New Year.—A barn in ther act or (teed and ple EN And tenderly �ve much attention and 1. 7"O, 2 r; )0 S7.25; 1 ta Mr. Fraser, about four their'natne. ".ks regards the bonus, affection to t9ei aged mother. The tv with the rest of Can- St Andrew's Church Anniversary r - 2, W0. 4, 82-5, family consists of two sons and seven ada to our ;4ol(Hers and saitors. mile, eia,,4t of Croinarty, yvas destroyed anyone VIQ runs a til d Ser*vlces.—Anniversary services held by tre last Thursday � night, -There ve- ghters: -Henry on the homestead, who boarded their V I .1 . to dau Yes our sili P bon -us or grant- Pass hround �%, �-ears age seems * Ic ng 'lliam M. Sproat, Tile yard, look forward to, but the years do not west of our village: Wjlliam of White z'u� other ilay, that made wat- a&)ut hvven,ty tons of hay thirteen Aeae.—W: N 4 47 o th take long in passing rpund. e,svort 6o ffie craven cattle, four horses and eight hundred R J� ieaf r It is 51 Pliins, N.Y., Mrs. George Card, of hed drank far years bushels ef oats, All were destraved vears�since St. Andrew's chu"rebi Kip- Dakota.; Mrs, J�. Dahks, Zion City;� roni Mrs. Wo the barn wa,,- quite a distance f ker, Peteror-0; Mrs. (Rev.) to 0- -`T)tqz co atinihikate the it was i r Pivine Service. S. I Holm4a"
P. Thp t, -i Conc-rt will be Feld in the The 'anniversary of- this event was I ,�;.(;h to say that Y of '%-,he neighbors, ni oss Barnby' of Sprixgffe'ld* .Mrs. Sterling
e*.-rzh on Fridily evening, Decem- Porters Hill; Mrs. Robe-vt bein a par - bee V, h; i,, the treat of the sewsoTi. k A t ible W save anypf the contents. Very colebrated on the t)ast Sabbath. Goo*d McPhaily P11 -neral Director nd
Licensed Embalmer h), he 13,-t;e1i Dn�%'t fail to ))e: prwent, delivered by'Rev. Mr. Ross, of Au- iitt high 1)lace in t1 which open nt 7 o'clock, concert �at 7.30 bro n, inuch yrnpathy is felt for 11r. Fraser thers, John Edgar of Bobcaygo 11red b1iket, she Lw(" n v411 lbe given and Yoa ire congregation listened to able sermons Brownlee, Mppen, and a daughter de- a
in ceased, Mrs. Ivison also leaves two Sta rd Seed" -t. 1��.L �v �S t Metleed by 'the burn. We fancy there -,vere not many king parirs in Oddfe'
'UJp�. Snday Sdhool , Execu- iaid t4) be 2662-1 present on this occapioq who attended and Thomas, Edgar of Peterboro, and -tows builOing opposiw
risive in -Canda and EXFTER two sisters, Mrs. John Whiteman, of Are endorsed by he Organization of Resources Committee -of MiX 0% mg, ro the� fact Uiat 'Are are the opening cerernonies,fifty-one years *64 �Stewart Bros Resi-
for in this pro- of Jos our t1ill nighi and clay, �iive have- a ago However, there w4ould be a 'doz- Kippen, and Mrs. John Pugh of Bens- Ontario an�a are f 6r iallt, by the following -firms: dence Groderwh, at.. crp
epb Davis.—One of the ctuantityofieed for iale at tue followink I took plae esi fort. The funera from hirtv en or more, your corre�pon`dont,bei -.iix creatileries, kr)wn and niach eA.teemed r at i�;13 nd )3ran at per tion, Ing Torgau, Mrs. Ivison's home in out village on THE,t.0A 01BELL FLOUR MILLS Co., West Cheee far- dents. of Exerer, irl the person of Mr. BrinEr'YOiar Milling� Co., Hen- apiong that number. The services of ,it fAMPBELL FLOUR MILLS Co., Peterboro. �i 2662-tf the day were of the beqt d furnisbed �cu
�eph Duvisj passed away -on Tuesday to the of Jus mis- Monday,. the 'services being conducted THE wheat Wakerft�-.Rritig us your',whkt, either R... by HOW APO
i Vutter nl:,-,-h4.- of last week. The deceased had take was -.made in bbwing her 1�hstor, Rev. R. Wilson, assist- $ON & HOWSON, Wingham. short notire. fR , r viNmt, e will pa3r yod the vi�ry ed by Revl.'Dr. Aitken. The remains D. C. THOMSON, Orillia it has -zhov,rn - mric- hL.;�n' Pin delicate health for many M, prf--iant we are payfi*,76c to conduct the 51st aniversary "M I
d9FAL A, A 11 L, Bolton. 'Ailift 1othk1uantitywi(1(1ut1- veari and of late proba4ly mote tor cat; und rwr fmihel for barlw; grain St. Adrews', as.his sermons were were interred in the family plot at ..Phone - Night or, Day
very. ncourasfint� whei., �-o, tluiq usual On Friday -1weviou t -n rhange, Cook bree lilgag full of the old gospdl atid left a good. Hensall'�cemetery. The funeral was- Write for prices and purchase direct fronV t4e above manufacturers. Og. Ont. 269 testified fi,r inertAized pro- to his,(leath lie complained -of being 2-t* � impression on the Veople for food, very largely attended I and e ,,Dn-- me, amply to the -high esteem in which the Parmens and Att ti L kidayr SilLs' tation, so there was S$E "'STANDARD" ONT THE TAGS of and ht onee took his bed, when thought and med - was held by those who were 14 vered that he had con- deceased cam it w� d A�rci,,-., rnatle to rd6r, Also, a good k bric ' nq disappointment, as Mr., Ross I-wzr by the influenea which soon develo- best qualified to� judge her 'kind dis- h,w-e f,,r :qaq or to - rent; --one of the ve" brought a good message -to the PA -0- OFFERING FOR SALE in Hemull. Ple&4e xive -mo a eat], YOU on in their re�q)ective e�: o, pineunlonia and with his al- ple. An excellent* congregation and positi and Christian character. Tfie 11. Cudmore. liewali find the vrice right. rcady-wekened constitution he could choir fully sustained their former rep- COTTON SEED MEAL A pall bearers were- Dr. Barnby, Henry OIL CAK k M'EAI�. . 0,oes and harness repair, ha,,4ttn n,�t wiCastand the ravaVes of the dread 'utation with Miss A. : Bell. as the or- and William Ivison, S. - McPhail, R. tv as born in Ex The choir discoursed sweet Brown ate sa in . carload o, F4rmers, the 'Iz'Y M%� �l Lthe'dair,, or6ducts fflzeae M Davis w.=' ihip in Oddfeflows. Hall, All kinds of repair-! ianist. 1�e and H. G. Walker. Those for iminedi lots! To be sold directly t 85c g done at reduced r,�tee�. Men's soli' :,-,y to raarket in the eter, beirg a 4on of the late Richard 'pilair; boy -3'75-i a Pair; likolies 65e and children'si MUSIC, while at the mojo�iing- serviae, from. a distance. who attended the fun- Farmers Alocal anizations and. local dealers selling dire0ly �-to EMBALMER A"
ere- FUNERAL DIRECTOR P 1)atch any rubbets, coarse 6� Mrs. E. Sproat sang asolo, and at eral w Mrs. George Cara,- of Alice, sto k. Is offer is open only to December 31st, when - r'Le!l nd mare poli- "nd H,% whole life wa� pent 0c it plir. -W� !.utul-r, rther tha -ps.4 revairing of all kind, *11 be made of stock remaining. n as liere, .zl.fter he quit school lie clerked "' hart other dispoition C the evening service quartette Dakota;; Mrs. J. Danks and Wilbert reduced ;)r; Lf*. %Ve repair while you wait I Abov
A.;.;uniing thut this in -he -ndre-%, Bell. an er of. Zion CityJ11.;. Mr. and Mrs. Prices:, on application. Till December 31st,'they will be iwox- Undertaking Parlors
Good %�ork gu�trantptd- Kindly give us a call: I by Messrs. A 'POtt ore of Messrs. Farmer Bros., d James maintain that f(.,r runiber rd years and later took imately $68 to $64 Per ton, Lo.b.,, Hamilton, dependig li carrying M. Williame Grocery Stm
f s- I :2661-4 B. McLean, a4d sisters, Mrs. E. H. 0. Walker, of Peterboro, Ont.; Mr. manage- cour,,e in banking in the"Private Briefs.— The Christmas rush is Sproat and Miss Annie, B. McLean, and Mrs 1 -orth Main Strett, Seif S. McPhail and daughter$ of charges 4 the ti* of pur6hase. f ininiedi- b-Ank B. S. O'Neil. ,'-)f -late now on in our village, of and our me- was very much �ppreciated. Tillie of- Porter s Hill; Mr. William Ivison, t ut
Dr th4
I dt ut
L n e
e- riad
0 n -the b'si6 marked weights as they arrive- Purchase lowers f urnished m sliort 1W
7. — W ite -in, t:-rn to the diryman yevs hii delicate health would. not chants repoft trade as very good, and fering for the day- totalled $21 hi Plains, N,Y.; Dr. and Mrs.. from, JA ES R1 RDSN & SON$, Ltd., Royal Bank Building, S Id of
of vital perinitf him engaging ih any active are disDlaying fine tocl�i, and 01 that Notes—We' remiind our readers of the R. H. Barnby, of Spiringfield, Ont.; Charges moderatli
Toronto. In charge for the Organization of Resources Commit Par -
Christmas tree entertainments in our -Mrs ss ho have employment. Deceased w�" a �staunch is -now wanted, is a little sl ' h' i t Robert Scott, Peteboro; M1 Phone—Night or Ing 0 I liament Buildings, -orontl� �,2062-2 clml in the creamery Conservative and took ano* aftive. make business fairly hum. flgGrain is �vfllage churches. St. Andrew's Will Marjory -Barnby, Sprinaffield- Flight- te p-ar �Yjani. interest in all poitical, and public mat- Cadet T. I'vison Bkmby, R. 0. N AS.� coming very freely. into market and lold their entertaiument on Friday, (if creamary ters, was well informed in all politi- in'(!ets'with ready demand and ffood �December 20th. and the Methodist Springfield-