HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-12-13, Page 3MLIWJ� UM tAULU"U. JULIXILU VIL 11 A I 41 nix1lang. a speedy innihilation. of tke. 0 0 presumed CkI 41 Hurn- ore pllow. U y-, a DISTRICT MATTERS vanced in line, the "Guelsenau" head- ►I rn I S, -St lugees, the Germans ad- The Real Chri, s I re ,nig, ,She was f ed by the "N t th-i, t___ r berg" �x the "Scharnhorst,"'the !,hres: Et the de - and the "Leipzig.", dei" Inee ell=4: WHITE EN SIGN SUPREME IN At eig 0 o'clock the British lookout kout u � . 4 with it was a' clear, glorious morning. Or- r adapta- "Ha(l the British Navy been less ders.wer I _e given to get up full speed, prepared to contest Germ -iilitaris- and the -'battle cruisers raised, a smoke ,an n hatruction tic s on the sea during the h oil u aspiration screen e i ' trading months of the war, -Germany visibility for ,the German outlook$, vice, have to-&-ty would have been the master of At 9.30 von Spee arAved abreast world to Europe! of thd harbor mouth, and wad for the m Such was the remark- of an Ameri- Arst time able to note the atrengt)i of -g� high official -qome, months ago -n- nate It was then HE* questi"o-ps that rack thb bfi`ins :T ofevery Christmas 'Gift Giver 41-WHAff SHALL 'I'Givi@'," "HOW SHALL',, I REmFmiBFnt.Bvi@1y' ONE." Of'eouirse', i ;ed, condi- is ;e'�(Mw h* if yo 11jed'to overflowiag the .pour -,�arsof war has vindicated this that he realized e had been de- Cin pqrse is.fi lncrease4 Obsej,�aijon and justified the expendi- calved. He saw that Right was his A06k U10 tare of the British people upon the, only hope of escape. He turned, and *d'not wo' all, but expend it -tire -nee lie public rTy Royal Navy. made off, with, the British -ships close �s of great But during; the six months of hos- behind. there are hundreds whose til is strings .ken place tinties, frow, that fateful August day Atli jeblock, eleven miles separat- mr. They when 4ermany ffie-fused to accept arbi- ed the combatant, and at'12.55 the vho have t 0' ficrure have, a I'm't and N izatio-xl 'tration and issued her ultimatum to Bri'41sh opened flie on'the "Leipzig," iter the the Entente nations, to well into the whih was at the rear of the German I veryota cloy e to include e e. It to. these Year of 1915, the British Navy lip "had New o_ The German commander Pritles, of had an agitated existence. While the Idng recognized the. hopelessness ' of -reds this store t been (rdet- hund offers he greatest bottling -up process was singularly his position. He prepared to give the fiondz :)lute in the kiel � Canal and the battle, The Inv�npible .the 'Infleiible coral ow A inte U 4- 4-U -71 4.0 n +U'r. Q,;l helm. From the,lists bel you cau se -Wau:f.-� adjacent U vfu V, 11 V A LLILI�r 1Z. aX1-LCkA,'V-%?xL �,?.Lscsr, any Tenure seas Get urian m4 But indus- ritinie marau- arnhorst and the Gneisenau."V the (I eorarner- led useful gifts for e-veryone. You are ders roamed in search of prey= dense smoke from the funnels of the Coronel, and the defeat of the gal.- the British were -forced to, use super-, UALITY rel s6les- ii -I November, 1914, the wotld heard enemy ships obscured the view, and ware.- sure of STT LIN' G Q his and 'RIGHT Of Af AMR= lana, S;r Christopher Weadock, It was for speed to get to the othbr si& of eted com- dire news for the Entente, and a (lark- their antagonists. A terrific battle en- 1.4 P I c ri, 9 wben you purebase here. way b.-Ive -n. �d,'in which the "Oneisenau" and Lord Fisher had scarcely succeed- for the British natio we ~*'tion prior t "Peharnhorst" ' re crippled and inti it the ed Prince Henry of Battenberg as sunk, .gust, 1920. 1� 4-L 9 4� Alf :­­U�l 4-1- CiV-4- yj 4:1- C& lqq_ First Sea Lord, ere e took e xP T; A I I Steps in the naval campaign which gow" and the "CoThwall" hotly pury. - brought about the downfall of von sued the "NurnbeTg" and the "Leip- X m, there is Spee and This South Sea Squadr9n at zig." The weather had turned thick 'i,ake* a penciL and paper, write V ue yoga the Battle of Falkland Islands. Rear- and rainy, and poor visibility badly . niption for Admiral Sir Frederick Doveton Stur- handicapped the British gunners, down the nqmes of those you: and that of dee headed the squadron �to Of. slightly superior speed were the ships of the enemy, but the magnifi- sidering its avenge Admiral Cradock, olid the I,- wish to remember and you will md reports. 650 officers and -men who had gone to cent work of the British engineer -, the valua-their last sleep in the blue waters of and stokers negatived this advantage; A flindo a suitable gift mentioned i6 life in ev.!. the Pacific. How he accomplished his and. that night the "Nurnberg" and prey ' to British price, One object has been told in a vivid manner the IfteipzIg" fell re below. Quality - guaranteed by the greatest historihns of the war. proweA0. Only the "Dresden," limp - moo «9 • Surprise was to be the principal el-, ing awdy into 'the wastes of the Prices, the' very lowest po'ssible- ement utilized by the Ad it Oduth Atlantic, remained of that the defeat of von Spee. Conse u proud fleet '`which had tasted the de - the expedition. , was kept a profound lights of -,detory at Coronel. J k '°Aecret, a wonderful achievementwhenthe Battle of the Falkland Islands ti the in_4idWft_ and effective espionage was a��brilllau piece of strategy and a laystem of '411-e,eii`e Bey is taken iiiio credit to the skill of its creators. � It gem at Once is the virorld, a strata GIFTS coWlde n. Our naval ports were was a manoeuvre necessitating a trip 0or- filled - W�i � I taut hews ha4l an upq�y vw_ of per� audacious in its conception,, subtle in GIFT& t;h �ifi t6,�, _dofa% and � at Lost: p6ibkt. n iUd& colatihg - rftg The plan conceived by the British inent. The sole blemish was the es V �'Dresden.". •Admirality to rid the Southern: Seas of cape of,.the almppea'red the' Geinian• For Taiffier 'the German raiders �vas 4 -hi le yet ie F0 er e to allied shipping. Von Spee Vku-Aacious, and evoked the admiration menacthue r of aval Strategists. and his m, en, fought couragebw�ly, and N Rear-AdmiTal Sturdee was gaveti the due ekOdlt is given them by the vic-L. ors. They' went down with*c6lors Ay - liberty of action which would allow t Grandfather or uncle ng, to rest in the profundity of the him tohpply the plan in keeping with i Grandmother or Aunt FJ existing -conditions. His was, a game ocean, with brave CrAdock and- his % of bluff, an allurement in the shape men, for all time. a ZZWKss message to the "Cano- of Nick•'15C •to 1.00 MY instructing hei! to proceed to Cushion to 5,00 1. 50 to 3.50 tort StaAey'fillbe-Falklands, where, Mufflers....... to 1.00 conceal- HURON NOTES F a. she was told there was safe 25C t6. 56C 'Aufflers...... 2 5C to .3.,50 Ment and security froin the German The postponed annual meeting of Scarfs . ...... to 3-00 1 Squadron, sinm guns for the new forts the Epworth League was held in the Fancy- Comb and Sets ..... . I Oc' to 5.00 Ic •to Thad arrive& basement of the� Methodilst church, 5 5 Laundry Bags.....,_. ---50c tO. I OQ'- Von Spo intercepted flae message, Wingham, on Monday evening and the Smoking jackets.. 3.56 to 9.0 0 as it was ;4tended that "he should. following, officers were elected; Pres- Tea4 AprQns..... 25C to 75C He rightly believed that the talk of Fancy Vests.... 1 06 to 3.00 dent, • Alex Coutts; ist vice, F. R. 1 ... 50C to 1 -50 - Stamped Linen............. all -nonsense. new guns was Flush- 14ovison; 2nd vice, Mrs. W. J. Greer; Sweater 1,5 to 10.00 the BrW a .0 ed with Vs ouccem- over sh aTid H'nd-Bags ...... ....... to 9.00 _S7 3rd vice, Misses BlanAe Bennett --50C Bath 3-00 t0A00 JSquadron at.Coroilel, 'his cunning for Thelma Sanderson; 4th vice,.Pte. Geo. 25C to 2.00 the moment forsook bim. ' How easy as ........ Thompson; 5th vice Mrs. F. J�: Hill Um ell i.00 to .50 it would be to steam for the Falk- Gloves ............... ............ 25C to 2 3 Caps and Mrs. Wilbert wellwood; Corres-. u lands, seize -the disabled; "Canopus," Manuel,' See- Kimonas and Sacques.......i. 4. ponding Secretary, Roy 25. to 9�00 - * ; land, at the same time, the •-wiieless h ts... 1.0-0 to 2.0 retary, Jack Mason-; Treasurer, Miss . . . . . . 0 aiti 0,Xq station at. fort Stanley. •This done, Alice Imlay-` District Represeiitative Fur Collared Coats...... . . i2-50 to '010-00 Ove coats 5.06 tO 20. 00 could sall across' the Atlahtic to j, m, Graham; Pianist, M19sesMity Fur Lined Coats..... ......25.00 to 30.00 e in- Fur collared Coats ...... x&, 0 to 29.00 be South, African coast and there If _; Lloyd and Hazel Brandon.- Fur' Sets .......... -00 cept t#6 Vnion, Force: at Luderitz 5 00 to 100 Fur Coats..,...,.;... to 6oloo .00 144y, with disastroW ieSUlts to the I -A -.fkd death occurred in Goderich Rat: Coats .... �ot.85,00 to 115-00 isitors. steely a -rid tAllies. His plan was r towiiship on Tuesday of last 'Week W"iiious, but he overlooked the chief MarmOt coats .......... --95v00 when Mrs. Albert E. Izzard, passed ooking -factor oft sea warfare. In bis eager- away at her home in that township, exactly a their xiess tax strike a vital blow at the having been married exa- y six weeks n as - the day of her death. She was .ondo Allied iiOIW�� in the Southern Se on 1;R lie failed to appreciate the spirit oil the only daughter of Mr. and.. Mrs - stmas 11 true British set, h1p; and to him T. J. Kanaghan. of Clinton and was this failure naeaut defeat and 'dead born and grew to womanhood in that - I �tay?" - Admiral Sturdees initial squadr2 t0VA. For the past few years she had i Mail Tour teas the 'Invilleible" and the "Inflex- been living in Detroit, returning as a 1ble," two battle cruise'rs, displacing rs the 1711250 t aving a speed of 27-8 bri4p six weeks ago to her husband's • every on-,, and b 10,850 tons, She was Orders knots; .he "Carnarvon home Goderich township. many i a bright, lovable, girl, who had iKenV1 and the r. 0 n for knots.; the "' friends in the --old home town' and I S. "Ornuall," etwh 9,000 tons, and ; a a known. She was i- urj€-ed of 29 L-nots. At sila, this force wherever she was a member of Wesley church and 4)e Room Vas juined thylgiht cruiser Bristol, Mail Orders from i fore going to pe she was activ7ely which belonged to the West Atlantic - the is and i identified with be League and Sunday Station; find trt� armored linen "'Mae- A any of the above Gifft for and the "Glasgow." School work- there. Wfuch sympathy G ifts'fbr Little lists will be prompE- and, so soon On the milrni�g of December 7th is felt for the young husband, Z' bereft, and also for the parents add ly • and carefully Little, Boy 0M. ...... iLo the PritiHh squadron arrived at POT brothers, one of Whom is overseas and I Girl • filled. Long dis W The Fall- ***_...2eC 0 50C Stanley, -,,vhi(-h lies at the Eastern cos- or ser - another in training at Ottawa f 4 ustomers Ifter of t1he East' Ishand� Siberia. The other, brother tance- C vice in with their brown moors shin- ,: -recoveved.. Caps ............ o...25c. to 50C home, has just 5c to 50C eir innut k. -F ­-A�In-nua - Ilig qpar*tz, th ' - nierable WnO Is at can shop here iTai an a V I - - - . . . lochan-,�, and their Scotch shepbei*, Woves ......... 110 ik-OU Braw, * 11 **.4 * I - mail with absolute ),4; LU Z.)4; -the Outer He- -Abotit three oltlock last -day Muffler ........ 4*0A. are a strildng simile to re Fri 25C to 50C con6dence' lqitts� ... ..&25C to 75C Im 0 brides of the otkneys, transplanted a morning the spirit of Elvia Blackbi4rn, to the Southern Seas. Port Staley *.Mot J)f c '14atifterch 5C. W 25C %jTl r .25c to 50 N eckwear...,46.......... I fts for 10flie ,_Icheon i t is a deeply indented gulf, le -44i r Ma -,0ism iWay. (lifts *1d61V' of ose........... C to 90C Handkerchiefs ....... Ic to 25C for Sister.or an inner harb*, The low sl are On Great Beyond,�N'-Jieiir 196M �year. She. May we servjel Ties...... or bt **25C to qo�- -25C to SW the south side allovo vessels ensconqed The Oqft, to nearly -tom end.' The Marc ta therein a a *4 -�V6* Her .,YOU. Wt.. prepy d *1k,140 'Vi -a exceftht, vio-W ftefitud And Ribipons all colors..*. n tan sbit. ed visitors. I.. V bam, r . sea. J�'­ � �: r I ra V. C'. V. Asoc to coo..y. ;t Muffler. 40C to -2.1; :Ffarmed i 6�iadvdfi, her vofth�. -foeatfitg char .. I en - -0 wa, and t December the IN% had �beibn. gffeftt i- a7ifi'viadwy. •`,About 64 ~card ago 0 the British lee in coaling and mak- Donald, 2- SW�ater cbats.......1.50 to 2.5 C)i 9*ebajl -,!,r is on •sbe was vnitod-in inuTiage to Neckwear.........,.. 254,tO -.0 25C to ►Ise ing readv for the gra ',tqfin i(%ri:i� - �A4'*_4y,,*zne to Morris to"-. "Ganopu; 11 the "Britol" and ('Glfis�- JOb acres, half .25C t%3 2.50 in Gloves,..,' r -hip tak Gloves........... - ....25C to 2-75 4, it jil g iip We in 1gow- were in the inner harbor; the of 28 cofices*16n 4, then a:biph farm. "hivincible," ,in.1texible" 11Qarnar- ox... 0 von," 'Kent" and in. the BY i7n64iry and Ar2i the land was Hafldkerchiefs ....... 5c to 1-75 tancy S 25C t. 75,C 'n, turned into fruitful flileds and is still i the I I Outer gutf. 't-00 to 3-30, Dw.vit had harely awakened, OR De- 111 Possesion of the family. Mr. Currie Bou'doir Cap... t-----50ctO 1-50 Fancy Vest ... ...... --- died 23 years ago. It will be up to- ce-raber before von Spee arrivedtewar 0S ;wards 60 years since Mr. and Mrs. 0 frani tf-�- direction of Cape - Horn. 0 Swe a�ter Coat... i .!)Po to 10.00 -i- Muffler.......to 1-0 The Ever lx- ,t,zit one 6f the li�ht Currie an -el tin the 4th line -econnoitre, and this survivil"." Chil6en are as follows - a to 20 John\. of 15faidstone, Sask.; Nelson, of t '5 Sweater coats....- i.5o to 6.100 Los 'WS3(4 rhu preSence of two SEAFORT Sask : Robert on the home - probably the "Kent" Young stead;, iKesdames John B and N. 1 Hand 1:0 5-00 Coll r case,.,,,.,.,.isoc to 1.,00 and. th-• "Xac-edo'nia," the first ships aylle Arnold. of. Hawilton; Mrs, Albert Visihlt* �)% rounding the islands. He Crooks and 2Kiss Martha But !1(.rc! vtn Spee blundered. C hiisjud,-rerl the two ships as the rem- ris. There are 18 grandch Currie, Mor - 410 mark of (!ryJoc;k`s ill-fated squadron, severe great grandchildren. .7