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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-11-29, Page 5rar qat old of liz- waa ary trig„ -mg the aer- Zee-. and mat an edict Ulf* Et of gen- era(' lock 3ita- Wies Qlr af uted Irak CCM - of e oe. ld lfl in g -- 's. nese bort.; NOVEMBER 294 1,918 DUBLIN See Holiday display. Gifts for event", len Fair. 26594 ifinee--Aceounies of the bete W. J. Fortune are readn foe collectionat the store and trait Detonator 2nd, After tbat date they will lee liven over to a collector. 2659-1 Notes -Mr John MeDaid of Ham - Mori who was ill at his home here, ie 2101V muelt improvedlbs sister is etuite well again, and his brother Chitties is doing as well as can be ex - ted -Mr and Mrs. Arnold have O'sr Veteran StIle higher than last 'Thuida tole nricei reported_ ent to early in the After- noon Were $13.76 to $18.90 for two beide of landyweight ateers. Several other loadcash- ed in from $12.50 to $18.40-adura lot of cattl'e sold from$10.50 to $11-40. SeVaal, .extra nice cows and buts touched the 11c mark, and in both sections the values were higher in com- parison with those for • butcher steers and heifers. Caonere were active and stronger - from ;5 to *5.25. • • The good demand for killing cattle took away loads which on preceding market e would have Sold as stockers, and the stocker, trade this enoroing whieh -was much stronger than at last week n close, was curtailed in ecaise- Th d II f re ocl - moved. into their new hOnie on the rat Etat nnit„. }1111•011 road, west. Mrs McGrath of nOokstove with oven; sewinvi:. mPatelfieneet1-°nwialt tnnenttentntntt n light ateninn ttiol from $90 2 kitchen cvliairs; cookst r Soafeatile will reside with them, We The lamb trade' Was seemly ea gtro uctiou Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture. Thos.; Brown has ,been initructed to sell by publie auction at the tesidenee of the undersigned, Ord Street,' Seaforth, on Saturday, 'November 30th, at 1 inclock p.m., sharp the following; Dining - xoom suite bedroom suite, kitehe ntable and A iron bed with springs and mattress.; gedkoorn small percentage of the heavy ehipmeg.s o ld table and star.d; linoleum and oilclotb, wash extend a heztrty welcometo such. an from 14.50 to 14.75 and Ottawa Valler lie boiler, board and other kitchen untenails too 11 from $15.25 to 515.35. One lot of 400 black feted lambs ehipprol by J. Noonan, of Perth, and which averaged from 82 to 85 Ibs., were as nice a bunch as any ever seeneon the market and sod for $15.50. Sheep and calves were steady. - Hogs continued firm at 318:60 fed wad wat- ered. The receipta were 320 carloads, with 5901 cattle, 290 calves, 2679 hogs and 5070 sheep and esteemed lady. -Mr Davi e rine and her daughter Mary, spent Satur- day in Mitchell. -Mr. Joseph Nagle attended the farmers' meeting at kir- *Mon on Tuesdty afternoon. -- Mr. 14... McConnell, who has had hs store en Main street, Dublin, fixed- up and ratted has put in a high class stock, if dry goods, groceries, bots and shoes Rowntree bought 35 milkers 595 to $160 and will be open for business on Sat- each. , =day, November 30th. Mr. McCon- 12Fr-eaTtttleveht.1_'ee rsfor$1:1t(fris Abattoir bought eel le ea stranger in storekeeping and ne, Steers 25 to 512 50 cows $5 to 511 ; bulls 56 to 513.90; heifers should make a succette' of his call- to ' ing in the thriving- village of Dub- Frank Ronneett bought 155 butcher cattle 800 to 1050 lbe., $11.10 to $12. Ir 1 Swift Canadiaei bought 2200 laralses 514.50 to if he Dawn of Another Day. - For 515.60. H. P. Kenneely sold 10 loads: Butehera 59.25 years farmers have complained of the toVnncrielaist5 be tr. ; bulls •57 to $11. treatment, both political and commer- 9,V.0i 092,510 dal, handed out to them by politicians 1. 690, V.50; 5, ;680(,) $10.5g7s8-02 , 830, $9.00; 3, 850, $9.50: arid business -men of the cities aria 3, 1010' $8 1330, 511 ;,. 1;1020, $7 9. 12, '9 0 ' $ *2 .;; 1' towns. They have been patted on. the back by the one and jeeied at by the 1160., $7; 1, 970, $6.54 2: 925, 586:50;335880; 4,1., $3$ On Lot 23, Concession 1, McKillop, adjoining . other. Farmers heve been thinking1 s5.26; 1 1130 . 8 95 Bulls 1 them , Tsobwn on nf FrSiedafaortN% at b on', 29th, haed during the past four years, and $9.75; hogs $18:60 fed and 1030, 57;75 = `'; 766-7 35 .25 . S-te:eelles°°' 2$7 z l' P wate-reed-,-- 6, 720, I auction sale of househyold fligagrre,-c90 '11-n8li evidences are eine. that 'they. ields and Son sold: Butchers -19 of a walnut parlor suite, 'walnut piano, mir- ata now pepa-reuto act. Germany has uti il- sil $t : 111;3itig:-0.,111.304,51g640i7;c3ows-7, 1110, Tc0a4r,e,Wv%1Tnututittalistand, walnut desk and bdolc. nothing to say as to the terms im- alnrouotkbersedroosm sittet„.atTesk pcseri on her. Farraers have 'had no- 4, 1106;$9.25. StLekess-22, 8#0, 17.t. ta5iill bedroom suite, chesairsw, uumerous to mention. Also a quentity or Tmens-Cash. W .11,Itent, Proprietor, T. Brown, Auotioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, James Jones, Auctioneer, has reeeived instruetinns from Mr. George Hinz, to sell by public auction at the Bornhohn Iletel„ Logan township. on Wednesday, cember lith the following: Five cows to calve in December and January; 4 cows to ealve in February and March; 3 farrow cows, 8 spring calves; 18 steers and heifers rising 2 years old; 20 steers and heifers rising 3 years old; 3 seem to litter in January; 20 stock hogs from '10 to 100 llee. This stock is all in good condition and there will be no reserve, as the proprietor is short of feed. Sale at one o'clock, sharp. Ternes-10 months' credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. Five per cent. off for cash. GEORGE HINZ, Proprietor; Jas. Jones, Auc- tioneer. 2659-1 CASH SALE , thin': to say with ...-ispect to the terms sle."14; calves $8 to 516.50. sewing machine, oak ) dinnee wagon, contain, ,irripoeed on them. The price of every- thing they have had to buy was fixed by the dealer. The price of everything they have had to sell was likewise fixed. The price of the former was al- ways double the cost of production. The price fixed for the latter was of- ten enuchless than the cost of produc- tion. The midale-man, the go-between always received more for merely hand- ling farm produce, than the farrier did for his part of the transaction. The jig is up. Farmers in the muni- eipalities adjoining the village of Dub= ling have determined to do their own buying. and selling, intend in fact, to 'be their Mil middle -men. They are going to run a store of their own. They said so last 'Tuesday night at their meeting and they mean it. SEAFORTIE MARKETS. Seaferth, Nov. 28, 1918 Wheat, per bushel .. . .....2.16 Butter, per pound 4.5c Eggs, per dozen ..........53c to 55c Potatoes, per,bag $1.40 Hogs, per evil.. ' 17 . 50 Oats, per bushel Spring wheat, per bushel Barley, per bushel )3,ean, per ton Shorts, per ton Flour, per cwt -Peas, per bushel 75e 212 11.00 38.00 43.00 5 60 to $6 $2.25 'D.A.11tY MARKET Toronto, Nov 26.-Egge-No. 1 storage 53c no 54e; oeleaed storage 5-3c to 55e; new -laid in cartons, 70 to 7nc. Butter -Creamery solids 51 to 53e; do. prints 53 to 55e; choke dairy prints 45e to 47c; or- elleory , deity prints 38e to 40c; bakers' 300 33e,te nntfrgariee, best grade. 34 to'35e. Cheese --New, large, 27 to 271ne; -twine 27e 271,4o; grainer -made; large, 27 to 2eyt,en, twins, 27 -Oa 280. Comb Honey -Choice 16 oz., 54.50 to $5 per Tor dozen; 12 oz.. $3.50 to 54 per dozen. Maple Syrup-Isi 5 gallon tires $6.26. POULTRY MARKET Toronto. Nov 26. -Live weight -Hens 4, Tine 20e to 23e; hens 4tn, and over 24e ; spring thickens 2e to 23e; roosters 18c ;, ducklings 22c : tarkeya 30e. Dressed -Hens, 24 to 27c; hens, 41,4 lbs. and overt 29c; spring chickens, 30c rs rooste23e; ducklinges 30c; turkeys 35e. GRAIN MARKET 0. Zeeman and Sons sold: Butehers-1, 880, 56.25; 17, 810, 57:55; 6, 830, 510: 8, 665, $6; 24, 690, 37.25. Cows -7, 995, $5.25; 1, 1220, 59.50; 1, 1030, $5.25; 8, 1045, 57.25; 1, 1020. $6; 1, iostr 59; 7, 856, 35.20; 3, 945. $6.50;t', 1040, $6.50; 8, 800, 55.25; 2, 11l65, 46.25; 8, 10001 55.10; 16, 070, 55.25:20, 800, $5.10. Bulls -7, 810, 56.40; 1, 960, 56.40; calves 511.25 to $16' Cobett, Hall and Coughlin ' quoted -Good heavy steers $13.50 to 514; , choice butchers 511.50 to $12; good' butchers 510 to 510.50; medium butchers $9 to $9.75; eommon butchers $8e25 to 58.50; choice cows 510.75 to 511.50; good coes 510 to 510.26; reed= cows 59 to 59.25; oenaraon co'ullrs 57 to 58; caneers 45 to 15.25; choice hevatise 10.50 to 511; buteher al tes 59 to 59.25; hplogna bulls 56.50 to 57; Choice veal calves 317 to $17.50; medium calvee 312.50 to $15; choice limbs 15 to 15.35; choice sheep 510 to 511; hogs, fed and watered, 18.50. MeDonald & Halligan quoted: Choice heavy steers $13.50 to 14.25; good heavy stem $12.26 to 512.75; choice butchers 511.50 to 512.25; good butchers 510.50 to 511; ir,edium butchers 9.50 to $10.25; oommon butchers 58 to $8; choice, cows 510 to $10.50; good cows 59 te 59.76 ;raediurn cows 57.50 to 58.50; etaninOn village of Dublin, being part of lot 2, eonces- cows 6.25 to 7.00; canners and cutters 55.25, son 1, McKillop. It will be subject th a re - tit $5.75; choice feeders 511 to $1,75; gong serve bid. Dairy lierd will be sold without feeners $9.76 to •510.50; choice bulls, 10.50 to 511; good bulls 9 to 10; medium. bulls 7.50 reserve as the proprietor is giving up the dairy th 8.25: teornmon bulls $6.25 to 57. Dave business. Terins of Chattels: Ten mont in Rowntree sold 1200 lambs from 514.50, credit on furnishing approved joint notes. tn Discount of 5% allowed for cash. Terms on 315.35; 15 sliept .$5 to n10.50; 25 oninm Real Estate -10% of purchase money to be 516.75 to 17.75; 2digrass calves 5.50 to $6.50. The foilowilig were the quotations: Choice nmey steer; 13.50 to $14; butchers' cattle, enoice $11.,50 to 512; do. good $10.75 to 511.25; do. mediuni 59.50 to 5111: do. common 58.25 th 58-75: butchers bulls, choice, 510.25 th' 511; die. media* bulls, 59.00 1039.50; rough hulls ,57.75 th n8.25; butchers cows, choice 310.25 to 511; good' cows 59.50 10510,00; do. medium $8 th 58.50; do. common, $7.00 to 58. stockers $7./5 to 310.50; feeders 510 to 511; caneers and cutters 55. to 55.25; milk- ers, good to choise 390 to 5160; do. common and medium 565 to $we ; springers $90 to $,160; light ewes 510 to 511; yearlings, $13.00 to ela.50,esprbig Iambs 314.75 to $15,60: calves good to choice 1515 to $17:50; hogs, fed and watered 518.50; do. weighed off cars $18.75. Toronto, Nov. 26. -Manitoba wheat, No. 1, Northern P.24nte; No. 2 1Torthern, 52.21%c; No. 3 Vertherrt $2.1744; No. 4 wheel $2.1144 in, store at Fort William, not ineing tax. Manitoba Oafs, per telatel-No. 2 C. W. Bic; No. O. W., 17e; extra No. 1 feed, Ileee: No. 1 feed 16c 10. tore. American eorn.-No. '2 yellew $170; No. 3 yellow 51.65; No: 4 yell** 41.60: sample corn, $1.50, on track Tonontos Ontario Oats, per bushel, No. 2, ev-bater,7'1c to 84c; No. 3, 76 centa to 70oe. -new crop per bushel'. On - aria Wheat -elite 1 winter per or lot 12.14 to 52.22; Ne. 2. do., 52.11 to 5n.19; No. II, do„ 52.07 10 52.15; No. 1 spring. 2.09 to 2.17 ;- Ne. 2 do. 52.10 to 52.14e No. 3, do. 52.02 to *2.10 no -ho olliPoing Points, according to freights. Peas, 52./.0,per bushel. Barley. malt- ing, new crop, 51.03 to 51.08 per car lot. , Buckwheat -per bush, 51.50. Rye -No. 2 1.65 neoorffing to freight) outside. Manitoba flour War quality, 511.35, at Toronto. On - tali°, Flour -Winter in new bags, orompt shipmente, war quality, 10,25; Toronto deliver - ley. tots -Delivered Montreal ereights, bags included, bran per ton 537-25; 5horta per ton 542.25; Hay -No. 1 per ton, 524 to 526 per ton: mixed, 523 to 524.50; track Tont' Straw Car Iret per ton 10.50 to 311. pictures, curtain poles and, other furnishings too numerout to mention. Estate of Mrs. Fe Case. JESSIE A. CASE, Exautirix; Thos, Brown, Auctioneer. 2658-1 AUCTION SALE , Of Dairy Herd of well bred Holsteins, also house, barn and 5 acres of land. James Jones auctioneer, has reoeived instructions from Mr., Frank 3. Feeney, to Sell by public auction at Dublin, on Tuesday, l•ecember 10th, 1918, the no1lowing-2 newly calved cows with calves at foot, ,heifer 3 years old 'calved in October, 2 cows th calve in December, 5 cows to calve in January, 2 cowe to calve in March, 2 farmer cows not rn Calf; 2 heifers 3' years old to calve in January, 3 spring calve., 2 yearling heifem, 8 pigs about 125 lbs. each; 10 pigs 8 weeks old 7 pigs six weeks old: 30 cords of good dry cordwood; 40 rods of rails in piles; Human milking machine unit with equipment neces- sary to milk 16 efewsn Also a good frame house and barn with foundation, and stealing to hold 20, head of cattle and four barges; a goon eement silo and about five acres of land. Thie property is situated half mile from Use BIRTHS Saaith-In Stanley, on November 8th, to Mr. and Ma. Herb Smith, a daughter. Stephera, on Novembee 14th, th Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott, a daughter.. MARRIAGES - Hay -Meyers --At the Manse, "Varna, by Rey. D. Johnson. on Saturday, Nevember 21st, Williara Bay of Seaforth; to Miss Ilarytle 0, Meyers, of Blake. Ll.V.E, STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, November 26.-Catile--Receipte, 6,- 300: good, sov.-; cabers, steady: prime $17 to 517.69: ehipping steers, 516 to 518e50; but - there, 511 to 515.60; yearlings 516.10 to 518.50: heir -ere, 310 to 13: qows, 55 to 511; butte 37 to 511; feeders and stockers 57 .to 51: fresh cows and springers, 565 to $145. Calya-Receipte 1200; &acing 57 th 520.50. Inne- Recenne, 16000: 25 to 500 lower; heaty mieen, yerkers, light vorkers and pipe. 518; roughs 512 to 5j6,30; stage, 510 tO 513; Sheep and iambs -Receipt, 13000; 60c to 31 lower; 'neon: ee 5 Ot5.175; yearlings 57 th $12.50; trethere 311)10 516.50; ewe; 54 to $9.75; mixed eheee, 50.75 to $10.10. Montreal. Ncwerober 26th. -The offerings of Liv,' talet_ at &et West End inarket for the non vonie bee., egeounted th 2225 cattle, 1300 eheep ard an.20 hogs and 520 calves. Thi e i,tferings for to-days's mar - on, linen:eine/ :=O0-.) cattle, 1200 sheep and Inane anal ;tea, ern 275 calves. The enerinen eattle were largely made uoo. intenor grad. Choice stuff was scarce Anil the inarkft :ed an advance of 50 cents asr toil rennin on anything that wa at alt The tradiree wee fairly active, with ab -,v' mentioned ,erade in especially good riemar.d, lett with coniparatively few offerings. Steen .-n.eati v. -ere -Entity firm, and a rather g000d tetele was aated in sheep and Iatoln • There s....ems to he o. little better demand for this of stuff at present, generally steady in tine section. Catves were in demand. and as tern 'few are offering at present prices, are tree Milk fed stock is in keen demand at )keel prizes. The market for hogs, despite in- erea.ieti offerings, remains steady and choice lelecte are quoted at 518.25 per cwt off care. At the C.P.R. lards the offerings for to- 'anon- *seket were 160 cattle, 1900 sheep and lambn. 1200 hog' and 500 calves. The week's reeeieta amounted to 2600 -hoes and 700 tainacl- rrndinn. was en the quiet side here, but pric were a little firmer. Quotations.-0hoice steer% 512 fa 12.59; good eteers $10.50 to $11; medium 59.00 tst 59.50; common $T49 to 38.50; choice botcher 'eVtra 59.25 to $9.75good 8.50 10 59: riled - tine $6.50 to $8; oice beicher nulls 68.59 to 9-50: i10Q1 $1.25 to 58.25; mei. 36.69 to 37. Sheep 4910 510 lambs 51210 $13.20. &Mk fed oalvto 12 th 515: grass fed 57 to 59: select <A, cum. 513 to 518.25. heavies and lights, n/5 to $6; agt7P, 10$1'5.50. Innen ntock Yard, Toronto, November 26,-.- 1'1Z1r:' tec.m the :npidity with which an of - i5,000 h.ria of oattlemostly killem. 1",e, freee.,,ei of shit morning, it would seem' tw-11 ft-. ettle tea& has entered upon a good emtal eetb tend that the general eneein.. . nee offering helped to boost the trade, tap :rade killers were next door fe laeTtir.?, Teir ta Medialin backers were fairlY WOIifeeeeeeneee.a. good cowr and burn. but trt Inner vernier% common qualito eattle nd ea-eaen• eiYelexitinat;ng. The buyers this morn - tote: feven fer everything at values 96 to DEATHS Meanings -In Gederich, n'November 11, Mrs. 'Maria llurmings, widow of the late Ben- , jamia Inunnings, in her 91st year. Thompson -In Usborrie, on November 112, Earl Edwin Thompson,. son • Mr. and Mrs. John Tonipson, aged 16 yeses and 11 months. Hart -lit 3JeKillop, on Novenaber 27th; Emma Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hart, aged 16 years and 8 months. Itolsb--In Clinton, on November 27th, William Robb, aged 90 years and 10 months. 111111.1111111:1114 t; 1111113111M11111111111111011111111111111111111 -W.eSO -Gormley EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking .Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short. notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 't• maw 116. T. Hplrnes Funeral Director and :Licensed Embalmer Undertaking pariors in OddEel lows building opposite otewart Bros. Resi- dence Godench st., cpp Dr. Scott'e Pletvers furnished cri short notice. _ Phone Night or Day 119, A1110••••••••S•111 41111•1=1111M1411 1111•11M•111, ESTRAY CATTLE Strayed front the premises of the undersigned Lot 12, Concession 8, Tuckersmith, about Nov- ember 26th, a two year old red steer with horns. Any information which will lead to its recovery please forward, to John Alexander, Jr., R. R. No. 2 Kiln:ten, or phone 3 on 152 Seaforth. 2659-2 NOTICE paid on day of sale. The remainder in thirty, days, Date of possession will be made .nriewn on day of sale. Any pereou interested may enquire at lot 1, concession 1, regarding terms, etc. FRANK J. F'EENEY, Proprietor; James Jones, Auctioneer. - 249-2 AUCTION SALE of valuable farm, farm stock and implements 10 Tuckersmith. The undersigned has received instructione th sell by public auction on the premises on Tuesday, the lath day of Decem- ber, 1918, at 1 o'oldck, pen., the following: Real estate -Lot No. 11 in the 1st concession of Tuckersmith, L.R.S., 100 acres more or less. On this farm are a log houseandthree frame barns. The soil is a good clay loam and, is 411 good condition. There is a small orchard and about ten acres of bush, mostly hardwood. About 20 acres are broken and the rest is seeded- down. There are two good -wells on the propetty. This farm is owned by Mrs. N. 3. Crawford. Chattels -5 horses, 4 cows, 8 year. lingn 2 ealves, wee 2-yeattolen binder, mower, hay -rake, wagon, hay -rack, gravel box, set of sleighs, roller, cultivator, riding plow, walking plow, gang plow, set iron harrows, seed drill, grindstone, 2'000 lb. weigh scales, Chatham fanning mill, cutter, top blowy, set single harness, 2 sets double harness, cream separator, horse collars, hay fork, car, rope and slings, and other articles the property of the late James Crawford: Terms -On Real estate -Ten per cent on the dav of sale and the balance on the lot of March, 1919, without interest. Immediate possession will be given the, pur- chaser if desired. Chattles-$10 and under, cash. Over that ampunt, 10 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes or 6% dis- dount allowed for cash. For further particu- lars and -terms and conditions of sale apply to MRS. N. J. CRAWFORD, or MRS. JAS. B. MoTtEAN, Kipnen, Ontario, or to the under- signed. 41. W. Robineon, Auitioneer, Exeter, Ontario; Glaclman & Stanbury, Bar-risters, ter, Solicitors for Mrs. Crawford and the Administratrix of James Crawford estate. 2659-2 ie matter of the gnardianship of Cath- erine ergaret McIntosh, infant child of Finlay NiIutosh, deceased. Nntiee is hereby given that after twenty days from the date hereof, Hugh McIntosh of the city of Toronto, in the County of York, will make applicationto the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron to be appointed guar- dian of the person and estate of Catherine Margaret Melee:oh, the infant ctild of Flute', McInbosh, late of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died at Seaforth on or about let day of Nov., 1918, intestate, without having ap- ,peinted a guardian of the said infant, the said Itegh 110Intoeh being a lawful uncle of Inc erten infant. HUGE MeINTOSII; by F. HOLVDESTED, His Solicitor. Pated at Sea- lant this 21st day of Noyember, 1918. 2659-1 SO Important Notices, SALE REGISTER On Saturday, November 30th, at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp, at his residence, Ord Street, Sea - forth. Household furniture. W. H. Kent, pro- prietor; T. Brown, auctioneer. NOTICE • Important Notices GARFIELD IVIcMICHAEL Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales conducted in any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfaeticin guaranteed, Address Seaferth 11. R. No. 2, or phone 18 on. 236, Seaforth. 2658-tf SHEEP FOR SALE For Sale 25 Leicester ewe Webs. These are all choice animals. APPler 10 W.M. RINNp R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 15 on 46. 2655-4 POULTRY WANTED I am prepared to'Pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of poultry delivered at my store, Main Street, Seaforth, oit Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each week. G. D. HAIM 2636-14. VOWL WANTED I argil prepared to Pay the highest cash price for Linn cotantity eof live fowldelivered at he Reyal !Hotel every - Tuesday forenoon. Phone 6 on 247. Seaforth. , 2649-6t ' 3. G. MeMICHAEle HOUSE. FOR SALE - A corafertable frame house Pleasantly sit- uated, good cellar, hard and soft water, large gauden. Apply to THOMAS BICKELL, Sea - forth. 2647-tf FOR SALE A good delivery horse, a new top laiggY, bread wagon, a light wagon, a sleigh, Apply at the store to MRS FORTUNE, Dublin. 2658-2 - • HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William street, Seaforth,hardand soft water, good -stable. For further particulars apply to 4. D. Hinehley, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 124. 2622-tf GOOD FARM WANTED 100 acres of good land -well improved; not more than 5 miles Ifrom town or raore than am.- mile frera sc'. Aol. n ire 4unie boeh lend. Must be clean and in good state of cultivation. I expect to be in Seaforth on Saturday morn- eng, October 12. Apply with, ell particulars .to WILLIAM RICHARDSON. 48 Kent Road. Toroato. 2661-1f MEETING- OF HURON COUNTY • COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron will eneet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Deceinberh 1618. G. W. HOLMAN, "County Clerk Goderieh, Nov. 15„ 1918. 2658-2 , 17011. SALE That very desirable property jest off Main street, Egmondville. consisting of 9nq-half acre of land, on which es situated a 1 A. story 'Snick house with seven rooms and good cellar. Thera are also on the premises a stablegood well and cis , a, also apple. plum and pear trees and °the. mall fruits. This is a splendid property d the .taxes are low. For further particulars, apply th Mrs. A. bharleaworth. Eg-mondville P. 0. 2650x2-tf , FOR SALE. 1 House and half aere of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close= to tlie Presbyterian chureh and is known as the Purcell property. .eGood, cent- fortable house, good shed, good well and ceirtent cistern d , AlliOnde of trait trees, strawberries, ;raspMerries, and currant bushes. This iscorerpro- perty- with nor losaks -*Wont ;And the land is in a good state or eldtiva• tion. This is a nice nrOPerti for a- eetired farmer and the taxes-areliht. Per particulars apply on the protium* or to John Rankin, •Seaforth. 2584 -if The undersigned will k for service on lot 17,. Concession 1, MOKillop thoroughbred Poland China hog bred from Gould's strain of pure brediswine. Sows left more than two days will be charged something for feed. Fees 3. NOLAN, Phone 14 on 144. 26594 ESTRAY STEEit Strayed from the premises of the undersigned lot 1, concession a, McKillop, on .er about Nov- ember 10th, a two year old rising three with white spot on forehead, and little white under- neath. Any information leading to its recov- ery will be rewarded. Phone 6 an 236, or ad- dress R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. PETER HAW- THORNE, 26159i8 31017ND LOST l•wt near Brussels en Friday, November 22, a small black and white Beagle hound bitch, one ear slit about an inch. Answers to the name of Nellie. Any Information which will lead to her recovery please phone or send th G. A. Sills' Hardware Store, Seaforth, and anyone harboring her after this notice will be Prosecuted. WILLIAM THOIVIPSON. 2659x1 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HIBRERT All persons in need of coal for the coming winter are notified that latest advices from the Fuel Administrator state that no further supply of hard coal can be shipped for deliver' at Dublin this winter. Those who have not already laid in their full supply should at onee -endeavor to secure a supply of wood or 'other fuel. By order of the Council. 'JAMES JORDAN, Clerk. 2656-4 1 - Farms. for Sale FARMS FOR SALE I have some good c117;:e-ftirrita for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved,lon easy tame of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Re.R. No. 3, Eneter, or )hone Hyndman Line, Exeter. 265841 • FARM POR SALE For sale lot 17, concession ite Towaehiga Manion, containing 109. acres. This has Seen in aims for a number of years, and elibuld grow geed crops- Write -f" PartIOUAt as `to price and termto s , JAMES JO �1- co Manitoba Hotel, Whantreele Man. 2M2etf. I I \I FARM FOR SALE ( , For sale north half of Lot 35 and w t half of Lot 34. on the 6th concession of 110. •Killop. This is a first class farm. ed and well fenced, and will be sold ebap end on reasonable *me for ciuick s1e. 11or fur- ther particulars apply to THOMAS 3. ,AD- AMS, R. R. No. 1. Clinton. Mao 25 acres of hay, tint eut, will be sold on the field. 2638-tf FARM FOR SALE 4-- 100 acres on the Mill Boa4 two miles to Bracefield, and fair miles to eaforth. Well fenced and drained. Brick home with fur- nace. Latge basement barn, spring water piped th barn; cero.ent silo, pig pen. Priee and terms right. For full particulars apply to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth; or to ALEX. A. WATT, 22 Toronto street, Guelph, int. 26474n. • di 0 Embahners and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX ' Holder of Government Diploma and Liseense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on shott notice Night Calls Day Cans Phone 176 Phone 43, Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, H.R.S.. 100 acres all -cleared. Good frame house and bank barn, Pig Pen, hen house and driving shed. A good orchard and plenty of good water; well tile drained; rural ineil and tele - Phone and in rst class condition. con the Huron Road, 21/2 miles from Seaforth, and 6 miles from Clinton. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. B. Henderson, neaforth. 2645-1f • FARM FOR SALE ' Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 scree of the best clay land in nicKillep, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state. of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from COn- stance, IN, miles from school. There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank bitrn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed. 5 acres binh and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a ed and gravelled lane from the road to Did buildings. Apply to "MRS, SAMUEL RRANCE, Seaforth. 262740. FARM FOR SALE For Sale 100 acres, all culttnated, lot 11, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, /I.R.S., with barn 56 by 89 feet, stone foundation, 'Pig Pen, driv- ing shed and hen ,house, 6 roomelframe eot- tage, good well wieh Also 56 gore) of grass tend, west half of lot neconceeelori good well with vvindmilt; a goad grass farm. Apply to -.A.MES FINLAYSON. R.ds, NO: 0, KIPPen; phone 8-132, Seafortb. ' W 2639-U FARM FOR SALE For sok 150 acre farm one of Tuckeramith's et best,: being bet 24, conc;aion. 8; L. R. S.. con- tairunir 100 acres. and North Half lot 27e concession 2. L.R.S., containing 50 acres., There are on the premises a large brick 11/e storey dwelling with slate _roof and fur- nace with woodshed. and kitchen at rear. Large barn 50x70 feet, with stone stabling underneath, and traw shed 36x56, and water in barn. There are two acres of orchard containing apples, plums, cherries and oeari; fotir acres or bush OR mole lot, balante • the farm all cleared and in splendid state of cultivation- There are two enibod wells on each place. The farm is situated 6. miles from Seaforth and '2 miles from Rraoefleld, and one mile febm school. The WO acres will be sold seperately if desired. Fur fur- ther partieulais apply to JOHN A. DALLAS, Hensali • or to MONTEFTH, Kippen, Phone ie en -94. 2651x4-tf. FARM FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Lot 18, concession 4, McKillop, Huron County, containing 100 acres of first class clay loans 'soil (no better anywhere). There are on the premises one 1;4 storey frame house with stone cellar; also h one storey frame house, bank barn and iinplemeat house; two acres of good orchard; two wells of good -water: a st ing creen near rear of farm and running &name across. This farin it wo. "feneede with cell wire and drained 'with tile. and -is in a liast ,class, state ,of Cultivation. Ten WM% of leardwod- bush on -tear ofiefrerm: rural mail at nate and phone in house. Sit- uated on a "fiAl 'class gravel 'road .one-half mile front .church • and school Sind! foe. Miles from the busy town of Seaforth. Will be told as alxive deecribeds'or in two Iota a fifty acres each. HUGH MCINTOSH. 30 Rceavner Ave.! Toronto, and. REV. A. W. McINTOSHe ,Port ,Aietheir,” Executors,: For further par- ticula teep4y nothe executors, or to JOHN RANKJN, S eforth. • 26584f FARM FOR SALWeec., Lot 14, coneessioo 11, containing 100 acres' of clay loa mland itt the Township of Stanley, all under cultivation. Good brick dwelling, two bank barns with good stabling; plenty of good spring water; half inile frem school, This is one of the best farms in the ownship. For particulars apply on premises 4,r te GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Varna, P. 0., • 2658-4 • FOR ALE 10 sale. consiciting of 8 Desixalde pro acres of land, ve 1 dr ad and fenced; to six roomed house, large • ntry and wehea, co stone foundation, cern « cellar wax shelves; hard and` dolt water; icement door In cow stable, Trite hen house; a young arehard• of choice fruit. Fltie location on Godereph at, ROBINSON, Seaforth P.O. MA 11 2671,R- tr. west of Seaforth. Apply' to NOTICE FARM FOR "SALE • , A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers' Club will be held in the Separate School Hall, Sea - forth on Wednesday evening, December 4th, at o'clock. Mr. L. MI Powell, manager of the 'United Farmers' Co-Operatve Co., of Toronto, is expected to be present and will address the meet ng on the subject of Co -Operative stokes. It1.. also the annual meeting of the Aseociatton -a new directorate will be appointed, and delegates named to attend the annual donVen- tion of the United Farmers' of Ontario, th be held in Toronto, on December 18th and 19th. All fames's, non-members as well as members and rained farraers are cordially invited to at- tend. Bring the ladies with you. George D. C. 1Ftnrit, McKillop, President; John H. Scott, Hallett, Seeratary. 20159x1 For sale lot 2, concession Hibbert towel- ohip, containing 160 acres, abio west half of lot 8, concession 7 and east half of lot 9, coa- cession 6, in all 209 acres on winch there are 15 acres of bush. On the premises there is a large brick house containing 12 rooms with all. modern izuprovemerite. Also a large bank barn 92x36 feet; sufficient room to stable 60 head of cattle; also pig pe.n,driveshed and hen house. There are two never failing springs and good wells. This land ie all well drain- ed and about 60 acres fall ploughed. Con- eenient to achool adn church, rural mail and rural phone, Any person wanting a good ecim- fortable home, apply to GEO GE SMALE, 11. It, No. 1, Staffa ,or phone 2 on 20, Dublin Central. • 2656z3 GRAND TRIM Rs'Vera The Double Mc •Route between , MONTREAL, TORONTO; ' DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping eters'en night trains and Pa,rior Cars on principal day Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning,. District 'Passenger Agent, Toronto. W. Somerville Town Agent W., R. Plant ...... Depot Agent SIR EDMIUND WALKER,. C.V.O., LL.D.. D.C.L., President • • CAPITA. PAID UP, $1,5,000,000 e ERCE SIR JOHN AIP,b, General H. V. F. JONES, Ass.t. Gen Wel 14- nee RESEVE- FUND, = $13,,500,00o 38 e Manager is pzepared convIt with prospective cuStorbers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be Ithe..opening of a Savings or Current account, the mAirtg of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they 1 hie met with courtesy and given prompt service. MULLKN 4 1 SEAFORTH BRANCH • • MANAGSIII informing the Customer. • „ Tie ordinary person as a rule, has but little Imowledge ef dyeing and the natural laws that must be followed if satisfactory results sae Ito be Obtained when redyeing a garment In fact the ordinary ens -1 tomer 1 is very liable to demand that Agfa color be dyed over .a• darker one and to be somewhat skeptical of the particular dyer's- ale* ity whit she is told that it can't 1,1e done. .4 he following- information *ill be of sortie help to you in deciding what olor to have your garments, dyed. gods containing yellow, such as brown, tan or- orange, should be dye4l'dark brown, dark green, plum or black. They do not dye good bluehie, gray, and taupe, take datk blue, red, burgundy, plum., green orbei,a,i10 k. Faded. gray or taupe dees-net cover well in darker shade of b. same olor and should be made one of the above colors, or a dark brown. Blue will not dye brown, nor brown blue. I • " orduroys do not, as a rule, make.nice black but do make nice' • colors. „Checked 'garments should never be dyed black, bat an be inade rk blue, green or brown. .e aid woven goods that are faded do not cover well in any color but bl ck. Soft_ materials, such as velours,'when not tee badly faded, can be covered of the darker shades. ade over garments that have contained pleats, if faded, must always be dyed black. White serges that are sunburned can only be dyel black. • 'Buttons, buckles and fancy trimmings should alSPays lee'removed. It is also advisable to let out hems of sleeves and skirts , to provide for shrinkage, which sometimes occurs. No dyer can keep goods fro* shrinking, if they nre inclined to do so, no matter how careful he is in dyeing. "Don't have cottons, shoddy or loaded silk dyed -they are wit I worth it. All goods taken for dyeing are aecepted only ett owner's] risk We are as careful as it is poseible to be, and wlien goods break or tear ifrom cause beyond our control, we cannot accept xespensibilitie'i " Mv Wardrobe" Oprsite Queen's Hotel Seaforth. .m1;11 e *-464o*o****040**•:>****o•odbo4o4ors•000fioirco*. ive -Otde.kod' .Yotir • Sitit lf not,, this will interest OIL We have:one of the finest assortments of Serges, Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to see -dozens of patterns in greys,, browns And tnixtures ; also fine blues with -guaranteed dyes. You have a choice of a variety of materials it ifferent prices, and you get the same attention nd care -at any price. nd While here, look over our fine new stock of Shirts, Sox, Ties, Underwear, etc. Were sere we cam please you. D. Bright & Son. The High -Class Tailors, Staiorth ..eseo-do64/ecee emeeeesebeeceoeseo<e***0*****400 WATERLOO -B10 1.224. TRACTOR itention Farm.ers of urOn County Take agood look at this Tractor. You can see this Tractor at Seam*. If you buy„ one you can get service ort short notice. You can get repairs at once. Consider the matter. Come to Seaforth and see the Water- loo Boy. Study the lines of it: tne design of it the simplicity of every working part.1 Doesn't it impress you well at first sigh(t. ? Doesn't it impress you as a real - Tractor? The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. Ontario Di9tributors Waterloo I3og Tractors„-,-