HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-11-29, Page 4to t 11
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2 1 25
.ivk.no•••••••we •Te..100•••••,
5 6
121 13
1. 20
26 27
What Shall 1 Give -Stewart 13ros.--a
Xrar-, Chat -F. S. Savauge-1
Cet Sale -Greig Clothing Co -4
The ilrunswick,-W. J. Walker & Son.4
Bulaben..-W. G. Wil1is-4
Sensible Gifts -J. • Mactavish-8
Framed Pictares-Thorapson'e-8
Auction Sale -Mrs. U J Cra.word----5
Auction Sale -T. J. Fee.ner -5
Estray Steer -Peter lIawtherne-6
Estray Steer -John Alegander-5
lifound Lost -William Thorapso1-5
Notice-Ifugh MeIntosh-li
Notice --.T. Nolan -6
Bug Lost -S
Oateratea Records-Beatties
Auction Sale -W. N, Ken1--5
Nouse or asle-11. Cuamore-4
siert and Italian Armies. Such a com-
parison will show that the number of
our dead and wounded is les than two
per cent. of the total sacrifices made
by our Allies. It is a matter of his-
tory that daring the last four years
the French and British casualties have
more than once been greater in one
week than we have suffered for. the
entire war. It is well known in
France that General Pershing and
many other of the best mien under
him, are doing everything they can to
keep our people at home from a boast-
ful spirit and to have a modest view
prevail of what has been accomplished -
by the American Army in France.
We should be overi
-generous n our
allotment of credit to the Allies,and caught on fire from the coal oil steve. lives
we can afford to be ultra -modest in. She ran out of the house and neigh- mes.
all our speech and actions with these bors hearing her soon went to her as- is e
nations who have suffered to a 'degree sistance and put out the flames, both sem
hitherto unknown in history. We can in her clothes and also in the house - seep
take this ,modest view without in any -which had also get on fire. She was et
' of I ed 84 years and 4 months and the ,. Quee
SRAFORTH, Friday, Nov. 29th, 1918.
• .T.1..t•.:':4.C).N..,
McMillan a the boundary west ana Christmas presents, All Will be wel-
LUL attack of influenza. He waS,atvery 9 0,
d away of pneumonia ,following come, and tea will be served front 43 to
lock. speciel thankseving
• will be held in our churchon
y, giving. thanks to God who
iven to us the great victerY,----
eorge Glenn has Sold his farm
• London road, to Mr. DO*, of
Staffa, for $10,000 .-4Viarry of
liagers will remember Pte, 'Geo.
bell, formerly of our village. Ile
highly esteemed young man and his servie
death la a distinct less to the commun- ;
ity. Seven brothers survive: Alex., has
Miles and Joseph in the west; John, Mr.
Duncan, Hugh and Patrick at home, en eh
also five sisters: Matilde, of New York,
a graduate nurse;. Margaret of the our
west; Nellie of Wingham and Annie cam
and Veronica at home. - lately died in England, where he was
--Elizabeth. Olver, relict of the -late lie era me. e, He was the youngest son
John Parsons, of _Centralia, was burn- of D aid Campbell, ho formerly car-
ried 1.is a blacksmith business, now
ed to such an extent on Sinulay ev-
ening that she passed away 011.1Vialit owne by Mr, Thomas. Wheelart
dor -morning. She had been living contr eted influenza and Passed 'Away
'alone,and in sorrie manner her dress -after a very short illness. His father
Saskatchevtan, also a eister,
ceoll, to whom much sympathy
ended e ---Edwin IVIorriton has
his farm in. Stanley, to. Mr.
ens, of near Blake, for 39,000.
a fine farm .-Mr. Jame Me -
'wife moved to our village
what we have done. Let our Allies do ;burns and shock . were so severe that from the farm last week. We welcome
way nommizing the imp
they will be grateful and generous. ;She was an estimable old lady, said ' them as citizens to our thriving vill-
the praising; and the Lord knows 1 she passed away a few hours later.
That our soldiems have Shown a bray- I well known to many. She was born age .-Mr . John Swan is busy helping
Mr. David Rouatt to load grain for
ery second to none we can have a ; in England and came to Canada many , Scott and Co., ef the village .--Mr .
justified pide in, and that there has years ago. Her husband predeceased t John Snider is busy building a garage
been splendid discipline in the Ameri- ! her about twelve years. ', for his cat. -Mise Jean Elcoat left'
could have done vastly more than it gestions of the erection of a soldiers' i in the Toronto General Hospital.
this week to take a Course of training
can Army in France, and that America 1 -With the close of the war the sug-
did do if it had met been deprived raemorial; to commemorate the heroes eaaeteeseettere 1.
come true a
awhile first.
Kernick goe
he and Char
was with th
but We mus
Providence a
ever is, is
letter and I
one. from ea
not worry
life and, wh
every 24 hen
• up again.
boy -ARC
The following statement has come
to ue in the form of a letter from a
distinguished American engineer, who
has done setae, notable construction
work in the United States and who
has 'lls.t returned from France, where
lee has seen *ore than a yea,r's service
as eta officer of the American army.
The note of warning he sounds is
timely and deserves attention. We
Lwow him and assure our readers that
he speaks with responsibility and au-
thority, although for obvious reasons
his name cannot be -mentioned. here.
;-New York Outlook.
Otdoubtedly, wheo the history of
the t reat war is soberly analyzed in
the aura, one of dhe primary elee
men s that catised- the war will he
• of the ability to make it.glaetter stets- frorn Goderich. and district who have USBORNE •
`d t Edwards and other members i t b Pte Archie Morgan, eon of hand 1 web of flannel and 99 lbs. of
ing of the
.1 want .0 see France
.Ben wrote and said Bill
to France any day and
le go Soon and wis
ni istead of strangers,
trust an over -ruling
d remembef that "What -
est." Now this is some
ant three naswers to it.
h of you, please, and do
tier me. I am enjoying
n I get blue about once
s I have It out then cheer
eve to all from Your own
41,11011.0AMMIL. 6000aP41
OYEMUER, 1918'
Rubbers f r Farm Folks
ociety-e-The annual ineet-
Kippen. Patriotic Society
was held on, Thursday, No ember 21.
The followiog offteers were elected;
President, Mrs. T. Kyle; Vice Presi-
dent, Mrs, j. Maelymont; Treasurer,
Annabel ,McLean; Secresary, Ethel El-
gie; Cutting Committee, Mrs. Mc-
Clymont, M s Elgie and Mrs. French;
Knitting Ce sors, .Mrs. W. H. John-
ston and NTS R. B. McLean; sewing
censor,' Mrs. J. W. McLean. The a-
mount. of work dime by the society
since the last annual meeting is as
bllows: 1 sweater, 1 scarf, t/ loath
laths, 123 trench towels, 126 alas of
pyjamas, 157 day shirts, 517 Pairs of
day socks. making total number of
ing by our igorance of t e war game given their lives in the mat cause, is articles of 925 valued at $1.175. They
and by our pitiful unpreparedness, are taking definite shape. At theoneetuig From Overeeas.-e-Thefollowing very*
conclusions that we should intelligent- ' of the town council on Friday •tvenmg interesting letter has been forvtarded also packed fourteen Christmas boxes
• to us for publicatiOn. It was 'writ. for the boys overseas. There are. on.
ly give study to in the future. .
Deep down in their hearts the Allies . of the Menesetung Canoe Club,addres- ,
Or. end Mrs, J. T. Morgan of this
ss to them We can go a long way club expressed their willingness to
the • tovmship, and will be read with inter-
eet by many old friends here: "Dear -
full slow in realizing OUT indebted-- sed the council and in behalf of
in earning their forgiveness for our take • hold of the project,. , 1 the ,
est Mother Daddy and Sister, -Here
tardy, entry by adding to -what we touneil should wish to undertake. it, Hay eouneil $260; Stanley council eg90;
have already done a great big -heart- to give their assistance and eo-oltera- is your absent boy again settling down
garden party $135 .03; Mrs; McCly-
ed, modest wise assistance throughout time They stated that they hid no to write you a good, longt newsy letter
anont's class $20; Halifax Relief $14.50
the long reconstruction period that definite plans as to the t form the rne- on this lovely Sunday morning away
teas $6; collection at annual meeting,
must now slowly heal the war wounds morial should take; their idea rather over here in the biggest city in the
em emit $12.19'total $932..80. Expenditures -
everywhere in England and on the was that a fund should first be raised, i world; London. Does it not se
Paid to Hyman Hall '$802 .69.; Stewart
Continent. We are entitled to the the various lodges, societies and other ; nY, Yet 1. never seem to realize that I
Bros., $16.35; eapenses of garden par -
great consolation that if twi had not organizations being asked give their I am in the heart of a great city because
entered the war in 1917 and thus given assistance, and that then a genera .
/ it is so utterly peaceful end quiet ty $32 .03; J. Detweiler $8 . 29 ; R.
B ownlee $4 23. .1 1Vlactavish $1.93;
the Allies our support, the Allies and committee representing all the con- in the hospital ward, and v a I came
our cause would have been lost. . Simi- tributing -organizations, should bej in I was on 'a stretcher in a Red Cross
larly we are entitled to pride in the , foidned to decide as to the disposition ambulance and was se blooming sick
that t Chateau Thierry and of the fund. The Mayer and council I saw nothing You have often read
of -London fogs. ,and we have certainly
wool. The following is the treasurer's
repot for 1918: Receipts -Balance
on hand $74.08; fees $50; patriotic
dances $81. Tuckersmith council $250;
iact an opportunity they were as good jeet, and asked the representatives of had them lately. Stockwell is a sec-
other places where'our men were given expessed hearty approve o e p
fighters as could be found anywhere. the Menesetung, Canoe Club to go a., } den of the city 'situated on very low Irene Douglas of Hensall, spent the
Our allies everywhere admit that their_ head with their pleas, and two mem- ground, and so necessarily damp. 'weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
demonstration restiffened the .spirit bens of the council were namedlo est rains or gets fo,ggy every day and William McDonald. -The Misses Pearl
the French, British, and Italian armies in co-operation with the committee of although it may he difficult for you to and Ruby McKay of London, were vis -
so enabling the Allies under the diree- the Club. - Thit ekmmittee is composed believe, sometimes it gets so thick in itors at the home of Mrs Isaac. jarrot
tion of General Foch to go -forward of W. H. Robertson (chairman), H.T. the ward with two good fires on, that the past week, and were also guests
T Millar. You cannot see plainly th the other end. at the wedding of Mies Kate McDon-
Halifax Relief lund $14.50; Belgian
Relief Fund $37.50; express and pos-
tage $5,80; total $923.32; balance on
hand $9.48.
Netes-Miss Flossie Foss and Miss
fcernd to be the inordinate conceit of and crush the German .s But our ae- Edwai. s
tual participation in the final struggle (treasurer), and and Lorne G. Young (sec of the ward. It is a ou e
. .
ald, -Mrs (Rev) W. M. Gatild of
was relatively too small te justify retary) At a special Meeting .oa the hospital wall to the house across Toronto, *h ' returned missionary
ef the human mind ,atkd -where one pro- f the over -statements that have Tueaday evening the Club subscribed the lane and in' a fog you cannot from Formosa, will, on Thursday ev-
. been made to the American people $100 as an initial contri u 'on o h see those Muses through e win. ening, December 5th, give a mission -
duces distrust, unhappiness, and chs- through the American press. I hope fund, and members. Made additional dow. There has been frost at night itY addresi at the Union Prayer -meet-
gleet, the other produces confidence, The Outlook will Preach modesty as a ..contributions amounting to $25. Leta • lately but to -day is lovely and warm. ing, which will be held in the IVfetho-
admiration, and decency in human af- nresetalisite for our effective service ters are being sent out to the various This is a every large hospital having dist church ' Mrs -Gauld is no stranger
organizations of the town an ig rte in all 360 beds and every leveed is to the people of this vicinity, as on
fairs. America, is conceded the world soliciting their Old, and for the present about 75 feet bang by about 26 feet irt frequent occasion% she has ,. given
over to have a very large population the objective of tnta,.000 has been set. width ,each having in it twenty beds. grand addresses on the line of mission
• . There are 17 big ; windows with ven- work going on in Formosa. Mrs. Gauld
is- a pleasing speaker and has her sub -
if - tilators at the top so theY are light
the Germans, Conceit and modesty
are diametrically oPposite qualities
he the work of reconstruction.
and an al4tormal endowmeat of natur- „ ON NOTES
ct U hand and this will be 'in
-a/ resources as compered with the bat- ' -Mr, Ed. Penhale has disposed of CONSTANCE and' airy. So now you know pretty f
anew of the earth; but since these his 100 acre farm in the township of Notes. -The regular meeting- of the nearl how 1 ani situated, I Oh, yes, opportunity for all who have the mis-
Ladies Aid.Society was heldon That's- the ward is heated by four hate are_ sionary spirit and also will be pleasing
Hay being lot 3 concession 9, to Mr. , - . • . , Y .
exploit and constantly to reiterate of Cretliton. The nrice
- day afternoon of this week and was whi coal burned and
places in chis to many of this ,community, in having
facts are conceded, we do not need to William *tin
/ paid was $5,000. wel Iattended .-Mrs. ' J. Sutherland flaw are lovely mid comfortable and the pelasure• of having Mrs. Gauld for
*ern. -Rev. ',E. Ford of Goderich, far- who has been visiting at the home of mother, you• should ' see the lovely
e , the evening's address Everybody is
Messrs. Pt•Hawthorne, Miller Adams and very kind. ' She has Mader her p.m. -Mrs. Joh IVIunn of Ripley,
soles and heels which sta
the lightest: cleanest and wa
ter and their cost is compare
wear. We,tnention a fewof
Men's Pure Gum Rubbers m
red rubber soles and theels,
Men's- Pure Gum Rubbers
white rubber soles and heels,.
Men's Pure Gum Rubbers, 1
tops per pair -
Your work on the farms is in the
fields and • out of doors -duty calls
you out into the inclement weather
to feed and water the stock -to do'
the chores and to do the winter
teaming. 'All this depends on health
and health demands that you wear
foot protection. Keep your feet
warm and dry by wearin.g a pair
of our Pure Gum Winter Rubbers.
We carry a tomplete stock of the
celebrated MERCHANT'S RUB-
BERS and can supply you with any
style you desire Merchant's Rub-
bers are made of long wear, pure
'gum uppers with solid red rubber
d the roughest kind of wear. • They are
est footwear you, can wear for Win-
vely small compared with. leather foot-
ur many styles:
de with two buckles or four eyelets, and
er pair .... , ...........$3.85
*th two buckles or *four eyelets and
per pair . ... • .43.85
eed styre with a inch waterproof e.anvas
„ $4,50
M6's Pure GUM. Rubbers, 1
tops, per pair
Men's Pure Gum Rubbers, a
red rubber soles and heels,
Men's Pure Gu•rn Rubbers,
and red rubber sojes and heels
We also have a complete s
Youths' Weer ,at prices
Mackinaw socks to wear
ced style Nv'th 12 inch waterproof canvas
• • 6 6
. $5.00
laced style with 7 inch leather tops and
er pair
aced style with 12 inch. tan leather tops A
, per pair, ,
ock of Winter Rubbers for Boys and
anging from $1.75 to $3.00 a pair (4
th rubbers at 75e and $1,00 a pair. 2
'',.±.•••••. :
tion ! believe, the last patient to come away
rlier ! highly pleased with her little infant
.c. ' son, who was 'born there on the 13th.
was of this month. -On Friday evening of
If of last week a Fowl Supper and Musical
ed and Literary Entertainment was held
tty in the Town Hall under the auspicea
the of St Paul's, at which the attendance -
sing was quite large and a most splendid
ond, and bountiful' supper was served by ,
Lieut. H. Lawson, Sergt.thlator Hur- the ladies of the church, 'who Inive`
reit, 'Pte. Barney Delvin, Mrs. SaM. more than i local reputation as goo&
Hutrell and others. Much en oyed cooks and most liberal providers,
solos were sung by Miss Short, Mr.. which was evidenced by the fact that
Shaw and Pte, Delvin. The little after the large crowd had had all they
monologue by the latter caused much could eat of the finest cooked food
merriment, and his parodiee of . pop- and other tempting viands, so katich.
ular ,patriotic songs -to the ere
the Battalion won well de
encore. Follovving a reeitatio
Comrade Pocock, a number of a
stories, mostly concerned with ra
life and experiencesi were told,
every comrade contributing to t
Durin the evening f
Unfortunately for us, for many merly of Clinton, was elected pres- her brother, Mr. George Stephenson, plants Nurse Peat has. see is otie welcome at the Methodist church on.
Dr, Fowler have retutned ,home from one comes on at night. The ward is
Pollard a . . .ii the da time and then who has been spending a week's visit
with her mint, Mrs James B. McLean,
-Mr. John Armour has purchased . ,
the D.B. Anderson farm on the Blue- their hunting trip i in Northern On- I also fitted out . NAM a lavatory and has returned home. -Owing to . the
tario, bringing with them six fine deer. 'a bath room. We all have to take a ending of the war, a thanksgiving ser -
vale Road from Mr. Robert McKenzie '
and purposes moving to it at once. They had a roost •enjoyable trip and. hot .bath twice ntieillY dtaloareen• up vice will be held on. Sabbath morning
Mt. Charles Potter has purchased Mr.: look as though the north agreed with . the skin and neake•itepeel •O't Mine in -St. Andrew's. The services: will
Armour's farm in the town plot. them .-A number of friends of the ie deing fine. and I think will be fin- 'be conducted by the pahtor, Rev. Dr.
, •
Stephenson lankily. were invited , to ished at the end of sin weeks. Then Aitken. Special music will be furnish-
-Pte. Alex. Irwin a soldier who - -
was training at London,. died of influe
their home oike evenhioh last week, to the wards have electric lights and ed by the choir. -Mr. James B. Mc -
at the , home of his father, Mr. partake of a venistim dinner served in a few of the beds have one on the Lean cleaned up his crop of sugar
Robert Irwia, of the 9th concession,
their usual good etyle by the two MTS. wall right over the patients head, beets this week. He shipped 3 care
Ashfield township on Saturday, Nov- their
They were treated to the and mine io (me so I can read until loads which meant to Mr. 'McLean and
ember 9th. Deceased was a highly ze-
venison by Mr. Thomas Pollard. 1 lights out ever3r night. Say folks be- his co-workers a lot of 'handling, and
speeted young man and a nephew ,of
returned to her' home, hiftyMiiipega- matron in this ward; an elderly lady' Thursday evenirigitnext;at 7.30 o'clock,
ident of the Goderieh Ministerial As -
years we- have been accused a being e sociation at a recent meeting held
-Hugh Campbell an T.
boastful nation, and in quite a consid-
erable degree we have lived up to this
reputation in the present war by mak-
ing -in different ways claims to mirac-
ulous achievements both at home and
abroad. . .
1 In America in 1914 there was a con-
siderable portion of our people who
saw that the world war was a vital
concern to America, anethis minority
was able to lead a great majority of
America could not be isolated by an -Mr. and Mrs. John A Bell, Hamp- BRUCEFIELD I atndthsend my. mailAagainplotr awhile
McLean a good return for his work.
an rrny os 10ffice
ocean and that America would inevit-' • ton` Court, Toronto, announce the en- ,Iutatnonwow ...vae..ar.: ?aur 2559-1
"gift business", i PO e Cal.&
1 26594 lease tel. anymee else like y to.- -More improvements are still going
ably come into the conflict and thus gagement of their second daughter, Shop ; ue "le- ' , ' • . 1_ on for the corning summer in the Way
Anna Eveline, to Rev, William Alex- Died in the West. -The following 'write, to do tne same. You see I am
f rennovat' build' sofanduDrireliohn
take some sort el a place in a new ander Monteith, BA., of Amherst- was taken from the Swift Current Sun ' attached to no company at the 4th oWorkinan!..,ritngthe :If
asseciation of nations The question burg, Ontario. youngest son of Mr. and refers to the son of Mrs. A. Dav- 'Reserve and my mail gets lost I
and Mr rieoWoode to thenorth,village
of just what this place ivfll be is one and Mrs George Monteith of Exeter, idson of the London Road, who died on have net had a box yet so please try
men thete. dais gettino home the
that is uppermost in the entails of The nnuniage will take Place quietly November 5th: "Alexander Chaff . Ws for a new plan. The last let- .311•18Y
Lcement and material, and their neinh-
the end of November. Davidson was one of the most respect- ter I got from you was dated Septerne !tors are showing. all kindness by gift
every serious minded perion. The ed citizens ef the Gunderson dis- bar 11. I don't know if I told you be- mg them a helpmg hand. -Mr. john
The London Confereoes, of the
in that town.
'fore I forget I Wish you would start
the Weather for the work was not of
our people into a realization that Mrs. Charles Barber, of Winghant. • the most pleasant. We hope for Mr.
• -
ed to Mrs. Garrett. The present
had been postrioned . from an e
date owing to the influenza erda
A brief and very happy reply
made by COmrade Garrett on beh
himself and wife. This was foil
by a number of short, pithy and
speeches of congratulation to
guests of honer, the speakers
Comrades Capt. J, L: 'Itch
huceessful solution of this problem Methodist church es' to "t&e invited to trict, where he had lived for a number
of years. He was only 27 years of
will require that all of the premises meet in Goderich next year, the official
age, but his life among the people
that we in America build upon must boards of the two Methodist churches
of the cemmunities has been such as
be oorrect and not false, otherwise our of the toonhthaying deheidedmeteorissuies
to make his mame dear to the Memory
position will be a hindrance instead of such an roe? atbion.i Th efi t g . of all who knew him, and his memory
a help proportionate to the antetutt of held annual v a on t e rs week m
will long live among the people. He
• error there is in our facts and reason- 3 d - ' took the most aetive part in the affairs
une en P
Iar e and im ortant
gathering. The last time the Co- nfeg-
Mg thereon. We find ourselves assoe- e
v.ce met in Goderich was in 1907, of the district, was, secretary of the
Shortly after the completion o Red Cross, the echbol board, and in
-Great Britain, Preece and Italy- . f the
many other ways proved himself a
lusted with three other Great Powers '-
North steeet church.
and manifestly our first duty with - man of worth as a friend and neighbor.
these associates should be to show to -Rev. J. A. Agnew, pastor of the He was stricken with influenza, and
them that we have a correct 'estimate Ontario street church, Clinton, has Te- , passed away on November 5th. His
fAS to the amount of their contribution ceiswd eel unanimous invitation 'from sieter, Mise -1‘,Iarjorie Davidson, who
and our contribution to victory. If Ridout street church; London, to be- 1 ems his housekeeper and also taught
we take a position with our associates come pastor of that congregation after the dietrict school, has the sincere
that is out of harmony with the re- conference m June fnext. The rvie sympathy of all. The body will be
gpeetive contributions in the conflict, teflon came as a surprise to Mr. shipped to: Brucefield, Ont., for burial."
see shall not only fail to maintain the Agnew, but on considering it he has Owingtothe health -restrictions it was
twepect of the -e wonderful people, but decided to accept, subject, of course, impossible to bring the remains home.
we shall deeply offend them and lose to the f.tpproval of the stationing Notes -Rev Jesse. Gibson gave a
their friendship. The consequences of committee. Nearly all of -din Ag- veny instructive address in the inter -
emit a loss would be tremendous in- new's ministerial life has been epent ests of the Bible Society en Friday
in the London district and he nat-
Sure not only to ourselves but to the eyeing in. the Presbyterian church.
wofid in general. urally feels very much at home there. Mr. Gibson was to have illustrated
He will conclude his third year la
It has been apparent for -some -time his lecture with lime light views, but
o thoughtful observers who have been Clinton next June. His congrega- unfortunately, there were no electric
in Franee for any considerable period tion will regret his departure. " lig,hts in the chuch, and he could not
that the readers of American news- -The Clinton News -Record of last show his views. However, his address
aper and and magazines were being giv- week says: "Mr. C. E . Dowding was listened to and was very much en -
en a magnified idea of the actual ac- 3.C*Ms in tOVV'n the end of the week look- joyed. Mr. Gibson is a very fluent,
wenplishments of the American Ex- ing after the shipping of his heusehold z.4peaker . -Mr . D . McIntosh held ed
peditionary Forces in France. Amer- effects to Toronto, es -here' he'lues local- very successful sale on Tuesday.
lean people have been given to under- ed. Tie. Dowding, havine ' resigned There -was a large attendance present
-and that on the engineering side, from foe 'llcisene Bank some time afe, and everything sold for good prices.
for instance, great engineering a- has tato.ert ever.the management of the _Miss Edith Bowey spent the week
ehievements have been aecomplished laree keenly...E. Interests of his father- end with London friends. -The many
in France, and that these achievements in-law, Mr. oeyd of Bobcaygeon, with friends! of Mrs: Fred. Tomlinson will
...ire proper foundation for abnormal head offices. in Toronto. Mr. Dowding's regret to learn that she is not in her
pride both at home and abroad, and many friends irk Clinton and vicinitY usual good health. -----Ren. Mr. Johnston
. that our French and British associates wish leen success in his Beer calling. of Varna, occupied the pulpit both
hoe -e been astonishedhat our engineer- Mrs. Agnes Dowding, who remained morning and evening. in the Presbyter -
Mg work. Statements have been made in Clinton; while her son was overseas, ian church last Sunday. Mr. John -
to tile American people through the will also reside in Toronto!' MT. Step is a favorite with the Brucefield
press and by word of mouth that at DOWding wee the very popular enapa- people and there was a good congre-
f least one, sometimes it is said to be ger of the Molsons Bank -in Clinton gation at bot hservices.-Annitersary
two, double -track railways have been until he went overseas with the 33rd services wit, be held in the Pretilty-
built from the coast to the front; and Battalion as paymaster.
yet the fact ,is that no such contruc- -Word was received last week by
tion has ever been etarted. When the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bissett; of Exe-
war is over and the extent or our en- ter, that their son, Sergt. T. Harold
gieeering construction is actually seen, Bissett had been killed in action on
it will be found that the amount for November 1. This wasin the last big
character thereof is no adequate foun- drive shortly before the signing of the
dation for unusual home pride or armistice. Sergt. Bissett was 32 years
Unstfulnees. of age, most of his life being spent
The foregoing statements are not ia Exeter He enlisted with the 161st
in any sense a criticism of American Batalion, and after -training in London
engineers, of their patridtism or of and Gaup Borden left for oversea S in
their ability. The sirapPe facts are November, 1916. He was in England
that they were not called upon to do for about a year when he was draft-
anythine heroic or usual, and those ed to France. 'He went through many
V are aware that the great- of the stiff engagernenta in whieh the
c' -'T• a eshteerine achievements on the Canadiane took part and was killed
in the war have been ace Jost at the Close of the war.
elhhel hv the Prenct. and British. -Reeidents of Whiteehuich and •
geation of our participation community were shocked On Monday
• Oelitirer it is illuminating to of last week c,nen the death of Mr.
waleere ear vaellelty lists with those Lures hIchlilem became known. De-.
ef ties Britielt, French, Belgian Rus- ceased Ines the eldest son of Miles
fore that there is a Sergeant of the
Aikenhead, of Sarnia vicinity, was
Imperial Army here. Came in three home is filled, and Mrs
paying a rileasant Visit to the home ous
served anti aft* the formal pre
some time waespent in social
• course and cards. Comrades
It ell and Fred Jones, of St.
w e present, representiog th
number of 33rd men in that cit
Briefs--Dhring the past we
the weather net being very fa
for the farmers for outside
they • have improved it in the
bringing in large quantities
-Pte. William Shacklock of w
turn we -made mention of in las
-issue, as one of our returne
from the hear, but who had
the loss' of right arm as the
a third wound. in action, desi
correspondent to,express his
cere thanks for a purse of ne
as a gift from the citizens o
and vicinity and to epsure t
their kindness to him will
forgotten .-What is Ituconi.
Hensall Hospital, in the ho
Robert Paterson, and which
erson has managed so well
care and cornfert of the man
which have come there or
by our local doctors and p
Dr. A. Moir, -has becom
boon and convenience tont
present time, every room
days before me awl he is a capital rest, of the Towns ip.of
of his son .james, during the week.
fellow.. His wife sends him grapes
r. and Mrs. James Reid of Lon -
and apples and a cake • every
few „, don, are visitors at the homes of
days and he is always treeting In- Mrs. Reid's brothers, Messes. TILOIllaS
and I tell you I aetpreciate it. The
and John Workman, ancl many other
first apple he gave me, wes only a old friends': Mrs. Reid is an old time
fall variety, but say -I ate core and Tuckersmith lady and all frieads are
all but the stem. . The food here is pleased when she comes their way .-
encellent and we get all that is good The old furnace in StAndreW's church
for us. I never felt better in my
has been removed and is to be replacsd
life and -a,ill be•gettinte up on Tuesday with a new one. Messrs. Boathron
and then will play with the Middies & Drysdale have the job on hand and
who fit most of the beds hi the scar- the people of St. Andress church are
let fever wards. By the way, Daddy, sure of having a good article when
let me give you a little idea of the this firm are doing the work. -Rev.
prospects in the cattle market for next Mr. Anderson Of Bayfield last Sun -
summer even if the war closes.Let day, conducted missionary services in
me give you a few figures I have been the Methodist church, M. Anderson'
collecting lately from offieial quota- delivering an eocellinis address. - Mr.
tions. You know the food control here Alex Monteith who for some weeks
sets the price on everything in the has been spending a pleasant visit
way of food, even livestock for the 'with his brother, Henry, .at Powassin,
block. Grade one fat cattle to -day has returned home. Mr. Monteith re -
brings '78s per live cut. or $18 .72 per ports a fine outing and by his
cwt, and in order to prevent unfin- appearance we would judge that the
ished animals being marketed, the friends of the North country had been
price is to be raised one shilling per very kind by giving him their very
month until next May at least. The best
price then will be $21.12 per cwt. live .
weight, here, for our class of grade 1
fat stock. Hay has been .fixed at HENSALL •
£1.2 or $57.60 per ton and every horse
LaPtraaenatj,idCeiBniltelitsloetstte, l'al2nw 4,
is. rationed. Meat M London tceday Arches foesrnr sale
or to
der. Also a ...;ood bric
is 2s 8d or 64 cents per lbh
.; batter rent -one of the very
is 2s 6d or 60 cents per,lb, and etery best in • Hensel]. Please .give me a call, you
person is limited to .1 ounce of ,butter wilfind the price right It. Cudruore. Hensel.
es -3
and 4 ounces of oleo per week. Milk,
I believe, is 8d or 16 cents a quart. Presentation. -The following which
Eggs come at 6d each, 12 cents, or we take from one of the London daily
$1.44 per dozen. Moreover pig owners papers refers to the esteemed rector
have been warned to have all pigs of St. Paul's Church here and speaks
ready for slaughter by January 25th for itself, and will be read with inter -
as feed rations will be cut off then. est by many: "Amid most homelike
According to associated press • cor- surroundings the presentation made
respondent, the following prices pre- last night by the members of the
veiled in Brussels (Belgium) on Oct. 33rd Comrades' Club, to Rev. Sergt.
and Comeade E. R. Garrett, and his
bride, of Herman., was one of those
particularly; pleasing events which
mark the honor that men delight to
pay to a (unmade whose qualities .they
have tested under eonditions and cir-
cumstances which reveal the true man.
The presentation took place nt the
pleasant parlors of the G.W.If .A.
Queen's avenue, which had been decor-
ated with pink asters, in the presence
of a goodly number of members and
etheir wives and lady friends, associate
members of the club, and was made
on behalf of, the mentbers by Sergt.
Pocock, vice-president of the club, the
gift being a silver tea tray, engraved
as follows: 'Congratulations and all
• good wishes .from Ye Old 23rd, Cern-
lades to our esteemed first president, 1
Rev. Comrade E. R. Garrett and wife, te
quet of -white, carnations was present-,
terian Church on ,Sunday, December 250.918: Meat 8s to 158 or $L92
Oth, when die Iteet 3. Morrison of to $3.00 per lb.; potatoes is 6d or
Sarnia, will be the speaker of the 46 per pound; bacon 15s or 43.60
day. Special music will be furnished per lb.; butter 16s or $d3 .84 per lb.;
by the ch.oir. On Monday evenng fel- ,SbfgEit 8sI or $1.92 per lb., or $192
lowing, Mr. Morrison will give his a , cwt.; *a per lb'
. 80s or $19.82;
famous lecture on t'that boy'". -The eggs each is, 3d,,30 cents or 43.60
Red Cross will make itlast shipment Per dot
en; candles., 2s 8d. each ,or
of pyjamas this month, bat will cone i 64 cents. Don't speak of dear living
tinue to send socks as long as they 1 in Caoada. and stay with the farm.
are needed. -The Kelly . Missionary Nero in England tomatoes are 2 shill -
Circle will hold its annual sale of ; ings 6 pence per lb. `(6 small •ones for
work and bazaar on December 13th. 'about 60 cents); bananas 21 cents each
The girls are making great prepare- I and apples almost as dear. I am glad
tions and hope this will be one of the i 1 den living at the Governments ex, -
best sales they have had. Now that ! pense and not at my own over here.
the war is about over, the gir feel 1 I 'thought perhaps these figures
that they can give more time
-work and hope it will lie well atron- 1 folks I must bring this scattered
might be interesting. Now, dear-
s o this i
ized. The mission band will also have ' epistle to a elese. I fell asleep yes -
a booth and will have plenty of nice i terday afterndon and dreamed I was
things for young and old. This will • sent. back to Caneda and was with
be a good place to come and buy your -You all again, but I hope it don't
t of•
remained over TthaE it had to .be sold •
hy.pablie auction, Reeve Petty., one of
the: wardens of the ehurche
the hammer when over $20 US teali,z-,
ed from the good things so liberally
early 'provided by the ladies of the.congre-
pro- -1 gation, and while the aupper part yeas
t was son good and enjoyable, the Moran'
or SO
ay of
ose re -
esult of
es your
ost sin-
rly $140
em that
ever be
as the
e of Mr.
rs. Pat-
es to the
teen taken
a great
y at the
: B. For-
ay, is, we
and 'musical .part was well in keeping,.
the . rector, B,ev!.. Mr. Garrett, proving
himself a splendid chairman, while the
speakers of the enduing in the per-
sons of 'Rev, Mr. McConnell, Rev.
Mr. Doan and Sgt. -Major Hurrell and
Sgt. M. A. Pocock, the last two men-
tioned of London, and warm personal
friends and admirers of the chawnan,•
Rev:. Mr. 'Garin*, .delive,red spien
addressee interspersed with midi
humor and -heid well the attention- of
the audience, while Mr. Milne R. Ren-
nie accompanied by his wife rendered
a .fine solo, and Miss Elva Shaddoek
an interesting and humorous recita-
tion, and thoughout the evening,. Miss
Alexia Murdock rendered a number of
fine instruMentals; The proceeds, af-
ter deducting- all expenses amounted
to over $100 and St. Pail's church,
Rector and congregation are to be con-
gratulated on the great, success of
their supper and entertainment. Thanksgiving services services will be Ilea in
our churOhes on Sunday next and irk,
Carmel Presbyterian church, -a mi
ter from Torento will eon
morning neviee, and will preacb. in;
Methodist church in the evening. -
Mt., W. G, Wilson has rentedMT0i..
Moore's dwgliing on Richmond stzeetae.
north, and intends occupying it sboe
September'18, 1918! A handsome bou-
N• 1
•N. : /•••
. •
• .5 •
Plays All Records Properly
H re's a phonograph on which you can. play any
• ma e of record without using an y attachments of
mak -shifts
• Th complete Brunswick -method of reproductio
incl es the ULTONA, the new invention that, by •
the , ere' turn of a, hand plays perfectly both lat-
eral and vertical cut records. This amprovement
Is oa all three large models.
• e Brunswick all wood -throat med sound eham-
bee built like a violin ----With the "ULTONA."
combine to set up new standards of bene -giving
to 4iaeh record played, a purity, power and faith-
• fu ess beyond all previous attainment.
met be too easily satisfied.iar th
th*n hear the Bunswiek play your verite reeerd
/lem • all,
- ny make! You to be the Judge. ,
i •
- -
• See our Noriday: display. Gifts for *VI'
body. Beatles Fair. 2650
Notiee-Accounts of the late W 3. Pori
axe ready for collection at the store and t
pea:mbar 2nd. After that date they 2w65ilgi
given over to a co1lector• 4
taypY 1111,01 improved. His sister
Itiotes.-Mr. John McDaid of Hs
Mon, veho was ill at his home here
tehea1novtie ddl ls:_ielinsrl odrao, nh4ageni nidra'sAnaw: ter:as_1.1 lajAb josrsi kbdobraGe:
nronroad, west. Mrs McGrath
Seaforlin will reside with them. '
extend, a heaoty welcome to such
Steenled lady. -Mr David McCom
d hinermianuteghehnte.r-347pesep, josit s.a.t
attended the farmers' meeting at .A
ton 3 Tuesdty afternoon.
Me t tmell, who has had les st
en Matti street, Dublin, fixed up
orefildrytted;0118,1ragrtoeilleriaresilig, botsandsi
and will be open for business on d
=day, November 30t11. Mr. Mee
nel is no straager nt storekeeping
ehould Make a success of his ei
rgatt. :1wriofAnothernethriv51Igvi4ag;:ay-
..f 1
ears farmers have complained of I
dal, handed out to them by politia
back by the one and jeeeed at by '
other, Farmers have been think
hard during the past four years,
nothing to say as to the terms ;
pcsed on her. Farrnan have had
Thrace to say with .. aspect to the tee
imposed on them. t. The price of eve
thing aeon have had to buy was 61
by the dealer. The price of everyth
they have had to sell was liken
fixed. The price of the former was
ways double the cost of producti
The priee fixed for the latter wasi
titenlinolgunlhchrinelezipsrdotahdie_aunc:t:htitehan, ettsetighoff:bparztvirol
always received more for merely ha
didfor his part of the transactil
'The Jig is up. Farmers in the nut
eipallirtrhitaTvseadjdeteoir:intignetdhetoviidlaogthe ofeirD4
buying. and 'selling, intend in fact,
be their mown Middle -men. They
.• goingto ramailetore of their o
They said so lost Tuesday night
their meeting ind they mean it,
Seaforth, Nov. 28, I,
Wheat, p'er bushel
Butter, per pound
Eggs, pet dozen _ ....... to
Potatoes, per bag 3
Begs, per cwt.
ats, per bushel...........
Spring wheat, per bushel
Barley, per bushel
Bean,- per ton ,
• Shorts, per ton
Flour, per cwt. - .atti
;Teas, per bushel
froree&k. Nov 26.-Agge-No, 1-atoroge
to 54e; selected storaw -Mc te. *Sc, new Ist5,
,vartons, Vig to- 76c. -• ] •
Butter-Oresinery solids 51 to .58e; de.IU
SO to 65c; chnice cledry prints 46c to 47e,
olinary dairy- . prints Mie to 40c bakers' I
to' 33O; Ingrggitglie, beet grs14e, 34 W85*.
Cheese-NeW, Urge, 27 to 27%e; twins,
'to 274e; *Paitts.-Mode.. 8tge.-`37 to IT
tnsias. 27 to 280- -
Comb lffemer--Choire 12 oz, $CSO to 35
per dozen.; 12 az,„ 38.50 to $4 per dozen
Maple Syrup -1* S gerbil thts 43.26.
Toronto. Nov 25 -Live weigikt-gens
Us.. 20e to 35e; hens 4% and -over 24e; sp
ciffikeis 20, td• 28o, roosters 13e,. ducklings
turkeys 800. Drossed-New, 24 to 27, I
43 lbo. and over. 20C1 aPlAng adelogns.
•irooters 2$e; clueldingo 30c; turkeys 31
Toronto, Nev.: 26. -Mani
Northern St -24.34 ; No. 2
Igo. 3 Vert:Lent No.
in store at Fort wagiam, not
Manitoba -eau. oor wstel-No. 2 0.
Boo,- No. C. -v... 77e; extra No, „
TW.e: No. 1. teed 76c in store. Alael
corn-No.2 yeltivi $140; No, 8 yellow II
11.0: 4 YellOarti '$1.60; saniPle earn, fi.5f
track Tdrontos • Ontario- Oats, per ht
No. 2, trrater, I7c to 24c; No. 3,1
.0„eats to 79e: 'new crop per WOOL 1
strict Wismb-tr-No. 1 winter Per clirlot
• to $2.22; No. 2. do., $2.11. to 42.13;
$2.07 to, 42415; No. 1 sPriggg. 2.99 to ]
No. 2 do. $2.10 to $2.14.; No. 3 do. 42.1
42.10 Lei), shipping points, *wording
freights. Peas, $2.10 per bushel. BarreY,
fog, new oral), $1.48 ta 41.08 per car,
, Buckwheat --per bush. $1.50. Pe• --144. ;
accoreing to freights ontskie. Manitoba
War quality, 111.35, at Toronto. ]
taxi° Flour -Winter in new bags, lor
alltionsents. war tloolitY, 14.25; Toronto de
Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Meg
freights, bags included, brou per ton to
shorts per ton 442.25; rIg'"--No* 1' per
324 to $20 per ton: Mixed, Set to $24.50;
Toot o Straw -Car lot Per tug 10.`50 to
Buffal. Noember 26.300; good. sow; °them steadY prime
fliers, *11. -to 315.60; Yearlings 415.
*17.5*; shipping Lasers, no to 3164fd)
v13.30; heifer, $10 to 18; sows, $O to
- bulls $7 to $11; feeders and stokers
41: fresh emirs and springers. $65 to
Catves--Beeelpte 1200; etrong $7 to $
Rogo-Ree.elpbs, 16,000; 25 to 50e lower:
mixed„ yoolkers. Tight porkers and Pigs
roughs 312 PO $16.80; stags, *10 'to $18:
gind Iambs -Receipts, 18000; 50c to $1
lambs $9 to 415.3'5; Yearlings 47 to
Vethers $10 to $10.50; ewes $4 to 49.75;
oheeP 49,75 to $13.10.
Monerval, November 26th. -The *
live stook' at the West Bad mark
Past week Law amounted to 2225 cattle
eheeP and Iarri.n. 3520 hogs and 520
This mornings the gofforings for to-dos'?
ket amounted 3.)00 cattle, 1200 shee
lambs: lf'50 hoto and 275 calv&.
The enfferinos of cattle were largely
• up of inferior oracles. Choice stuff was
av.ti the market ored an advance of 50
Per 100 pounds on anything that was
-E°O. 'The trading was fairly active
e above mentioned grade in. eepe
deraarid, but with eomParativew .
Small meats were fait, Arm, and .a
g000d trade was noted in sheers ono
There seems to bo a little better denga
tills class of stuff at present, generollv
in thLisectfon, Cratves were in demand.
few *tie offering at present prie
lirm. Milk 'fed stet& is in keen deln
good prioes. The market for hogs, des
creased- offerizigm. remains stesdi and
selects are 4uots1 get $18.25 per eat o
At the C;P, nirds the offerhsgs
dav's inakEcrore,160 cattle, 100ss,
Itta-ko.• 1200 hogs and 200 calves. The
receipts anmented to 2600 hogs and 700
Trading was on the quiet aide here, but
were a 1tb firmer.
lanotationgi-Choice steers, $12 te If.
steers $10.50 to $1.1; medium. $9.
.940; °amnion 4740 to *54; eh;ofee
cows $9.25 to 39.76; goOd 840 40 .
lull'. $6-50 to $8; choice blinher bulls
$.59; good n.25 to 28.25; mei. CU
Sheep $9 to $10 Iambs 312 to $13.40•
calves 12 to $15: grass fed $7 to 89:
hes..."ts, off cars. 21.8 to 318,25: heavies an
415 to 316; sows 315 tO 315,50.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Novena
;hulking from the rapidity with vshielt
tering of 6000 Load of gauge, rooS6l7
was disposed of ritFA morning, it
teat the cattle trade hos entered Uriori
tiro°. it omam not be said that the
_quality of the oSering helped to
*rade, for Um qra'de killers were Part
• lacking. Pair to eteclipne lautolca
wog rePrePe2ite0. good caws and
in leaser numbers. common quality
• coaxers DreanaitiItatiag, The kwers
bug femur a use for everythimg at vat