HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-11-29, Page 3tl an ity, bee At {division in this rgot ayed, FFt oeca- led in> `divisonit ; e word :r the misled in ►hen the idenburg: a paved a weeks.: OBER `;29 1918 ST Now is the time to increase, your herd. Prices axe high- and the demands for cattle anddairy products insistent and imperatives You have pasture and feed. If an advance is necessary to help you buy more stock, have a talk with our local manager. T� 513 SEAFORTH BRANOH: -Ri �1 iSilVlattager. sallitarsenalateatitia0101111Etiliallliailnaltitilaanflaitaalleinitaifilliarialatallaaa gilt *mut • ceased on November 11, 1918, Canada had sent overseas 418,980 soldiers. At first Canada supplied a division, This was increased until by 1916 she. had in France an army corps of four divisions, a cavalry brigade, and numerous other servicee, such as line a of communication troops, railway DRYSDALE troops and forestry corps. On Sep - Pretty Wedding.—Tuesday morning, itember 30, 1918, the Canadia troope in November 12th, St. Peter's church France numbered 156,250. The cavalry was the scene of a quiet but pretty brigade included a strong::'drai?t f urn - wedding when Tillie Badour, daughter izhed •by the Royal North-west Mount - of Mrs. M. Badour, and John Rau, eld- ed Police. est son of Mr. and. Mrs. H. Rau, ' The Candians engaged in the were united in the holy bonds of mat- United Kingdom and France in con- imouy. Rev. Father Rondotte of&cit structing and operating railways lines, ated. The bride entered the . church and in cutting down forests and mill - on the axtn of her godfather, R. De- ing the timber number about 50,000. r►oruine, to the' strains of the -wedding Of the Royal Air Force, some -14,000 march and looked handsome, dressed or 15,000 were raised and trained in In 'a suit of cream serge with wreath Canada; . in addition many -joined the and veil which at the close of the eere- . R.A.F., after going- overseas in, the many was exchanged for a pretty hat " Canadian Expeditionary Force. of cream satin. Miss 'Verde Rau On Ocfsoper=31,1918, . the casualties made a pretty bridesmaid gowned in numbered over 211,000 There have silver, grey silk with hat to match, been over -50,000 deaths, 152,000 have Lawrence Denomme ably assisted the been wounded, ' and when hostilities groom. After the ceremony the hap- ceased -the prisoners of;war numbered py couple followed by a number of 2,800. friendsmotored to the home . ,The roll' of Ca tdi is: the groom's - parents, where 1915.' sill partook of an elaborately prepared wedding' breakfast. Part' of the af- ternoon was spent in motoring, after which the wedding party assembled at St. Eloi, April 3 to 19. the home of the bride's mother where -Sanctuary Woad, June 2 " and 3. dinner ;was served which would please iooge, Jane 5 ,6, 13 and 14. the most fastidious. An interesting Battle of Somme, September, Octo- feature of the table decorations were ber and November. the bouquets of flags which at this 1917• particular time brought cheer to the Battle of \rimy Ridge April 9 to ' 13. face of many, especially the boys in khaki. Towards the close of the ev- e8B29 lend y 3 and.Fresnoy, April ening the party -motored to Mr. H. Battle of Lene, June. Rail s where all enjoyed cards, music Battle o£ hill 70, August 15. and dcin8 till the small hours of Battle of Passchendaele, October 25 the morning,The bride and groom• were the recipients of many costly and November 10. gifts which testify to the esteem lin which They are held. Mr. and Mrs. Rau will continue to reside on the Bauble Zine. DISTRICT MATTERS Secind battle ofYpres, April -May. 1916: WARD THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To � the against colds baby nothi :.can equal •13ay by'gsOwn .Tabs* Jetts �e Tablets are a mild laxative �t w -kms the little enetallomath, and bowels working regularly. It is a cognized fact that where the stom- ach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exst,that the health Of • 1918: Second battle of. Sonnme, Marchand April. Battle of Amiens. August 12, ' *Capture of Bonch y-le-Preux, Aug- ust` 26=2.. Breaking of •,Qaeant-Drocourt line, d Sep teMber 3 and 4 'Crosain • of Canals du Nord and Bourion-` ood, September 27-20. Encirclement and Capt re of Cani- bran October IA.. • ctbre i Douai Ont ber 19 Capture of- Denain, October 20. Enelirelement and capture of V'alen- ciennes, October 25 and November 2. the little one will be good and that he Advance and capture of Mons, Ido-rexnber ? .11. will thrive. and be happy. The: §Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealerszor by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Tip AFTER EFFECTS 'OF Williams Medicine Co., Br-ockville,Ont. DREADED LA GRIPPE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Food, drug and tobacco plants throughoutthe country employ .125:000 wornesn wckers. Women employed in the linen trade in Belfasit, Ireland, have gone on strike for icrtiaSed wages-. Women. clerks in Winnipeg and Bon - fee, Cane receive. aminmun La ia, or Spanish influenzaas wage ot S11 perweek. the episiernrniiirt► new sweeping over all A Sheeteld, England, hairdresser ...America is calked, •is one' of •-the most whe volunteered for munition work da er diseases known to man - in one week of ,53 boatsearned over k .. ' Anyone who has felt, its. pangs • $85, t is not, likely te forget the trouble, Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker Af Texas , La ippe, or influents, starts with a former president of the General Fed`;� ei�t` cold=. and ends witha coinpli- +enation of Women's clubs, is toss' i cation of infables. It lays : the vic- tim United, States in the interest of the ;tun on his back, it tortures him with great nutted war work service. r seven and chills, headaches and back - Miss p Lufberry, slater of Major ladeee, It leaves hili' a prey to pneu- Lufber , the famous American ace iid, b cutis, cob wnption end who was shot down by Hun flyers, . is other deadl •diseases. Its after of-_ going to France where she hopes to feet; are o more serious than the secure a position in the service so as to lease i'se .It is quite possible to avenge the death of her brother. avoid la grippe by keeping the blood Scores of girls •emoloved on piece rich and red by the use of Dr. Wil - work in the plant of thei Bail -a' .fink Pills—a tonic -medicine Standard Metallic Products' eorpora- I which enriches the blood and tion at Paulsboro, N.J., earn from S3 strengthens -the nerves. If, however,. a doy.;the disease aftacka you, the t Secrea of - Labor Witten denies: sherd' at once gd to, bed, and cana that legislation is proposed which doctor behove complications set in. :would conscript women war workers. That is the only safe thing to do. But Cigarette smoking has become so `to recover your str.entgh after thesev- prevalent among wowen and girls in eigitY of the attack has passed, you England that it is proposed tp ens t will find Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills an legislation to put a stop to the habit. unsurpassed tonic. Through the use Msg.Mabel Gillespie of Boston, has ,of this medicine all the evils after been elected vice president of the effects Qf this trouble will be banish Massachuesetts state federation of la- ed. This has been proved an thou - box. sands of cases throughout. Canada, The Women's Tracie Union. League where in previous seasons la grippe of Philadelphia is urging all women has attacked thew. Among the many Workers to insist upon equal wages for thus restored to full health is Miss equal work with men. Irene Bootee, Portsmouth, Ont., who {Twenty five women, representing national and international labor or- ganizations, r-;an zations, ni 4,1 ercently in. Washing- ton,. D, C , , for the purpose. of esrb- ksing close relations between the government and original ' women 'workers. . Secretary of Labor Wilsons is in fa- vor of equal pay for women workwho sake the Wades of *len and do the sante work` -with the same amount of efficiency. • After almost thretielehades ben• of ad§ time campaigning in of'v suffrage, Mrs. cfmrtrie.tiiiivtaii Caw, national suffrage president, • age as over 30 in qualifying to cast her ballot. The Methodist Epiecopal-church i'n< Canada has declined' to admit women to the ranks of probationers and ort dained ministers. Worse Than the Disease Itself— Victims tselfVictilne' Left Weak, Nervous and Worn Out. FIFTY THOUSAND CANADIANS MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE" says: "1 take much pelasure in re- commending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, because I have proved their worth in my own case. Last 'winter I had a severe attack of la grippe and it left me weak and all run down. I had severe pains in the chest and under the arms, palpitation of the heart and attacks of neuralgia,which left me With the -feeling that life was scarcely worth -living. I was advised to try r.. W#ll nie' Pxi'k Pilieend began their nee only.' on the prmn, iple that 'I Wo ild trlr saaythiiig that might better my condition. 1 had only. been using =pRis sa sour& of "eswhen . the pains to leave me. Gr adual ly my strength returned, my appetite 11,0ro"ved-, and in a little more than a month.1 felt all niy'old time vigor had returned. I am sincerely glad 1 was persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and_I shall always have a good word to say for them. Dr. Williams"' Pink Pills not only care the disastrous after effects of la The following statement, showing grippe, but are also .a specific for all what hasbeen accomplished, from a troubles due to poor blood, such as military . point of view, by the Do- anaemia, rheumatism,indigestion, minion since the beginning of the women's ailments, and the generally war,. was issued by the Militia Depart- worn out feeling that affects so many :merit 1st week. people. You can get these pills When Canada entered.. the war on through any dealer in medicine, or by August 4, 1914, she had a permaninent mail at 50 cents a box or 6 boxes for force of only 3,000 men, and an active i $2.50 from the Dr.Williams' Medicine :militia of 60,000. When hostilities ` Co., Brockville; Ontario. In�xpen�i 'e I'r�se�ts of �terjing. (rive Useful resets -This Year* More Than Ever Neckwear INA FANCY BOX PVERY year we seem ; to hare nicer, pret- tier, better Neckwear for Men. This year will be no exception, We have a wonderful variety, of handsome sil=ks and knit- ted ties .in special Xmas designs and shadings. Prices 25c to $2.5o. Mufflers IN A FANCY BOX IF here is onet depart- went that - is better prepared r than another to show y "o u something: reallyyswell for Christmas giving, it is the Mufflers. Every known style is here in great variety of weaves at from 25c to $3.75. Smoking Jackets IN A HOLLY BOX ., E :'P ` him at home f` with the ff of -gats fo`r' mein What Would you give that would 'be more acceptable or com- fortable than one of these handsome -smoking'jack- ets or . house gowns. All IMO, sizes. Prices $ ' to iO, Men's Furnishings IN A HOLLY BOX Bra+ces.............25c to 75C Fancy Sox 25C to 75c. Collar Cases.......... $ i.,5o Laundry Bags ;x5c to 75c Ann. Bands15c to 5oc Garters„........ 25c to 50c Fancy Vests.,...$i to $2 Fur k . Py,amnas...$2.5o to 050 Ma it or phoneyour orders, we will fill them carefully and pray Stage, Post- age or Express charges. • reap Brimful of Hundre�c Gifts,. i1 to please pocket your book either. You'lL find just what you. wanted here, so come oaten. - as Store Now at its appy Suggestions for hristrnas. s of Useful:, Sensible Christmas 1 handsome d me bogies that are sure and that will not over - Handkerch-ief , For *en, Women and Children, are ready • HE HANDKERCHIEF is probablythe most popular o d al l Christmas Gifts. Nothinghas-been left undone toget an as- sortment equal to the demands of the hundreds of people who ,will make, purchases here. Whether it be the more costly or moderately priced handkerchief you 're q uire. yob wilI find':. very stunning s eci- nne s re in � Irish n �ei11, S ns Linen; Etxtbroided� Scalloped, or Hem- stitched Lace ;edges. Handketchiefs°oaf every, known kind:for Me' `omens 'and Children.. ; for the great Xmw season MOther No ,present ,you could give mother ould`'be half so ac- ceptable or serviceable as. one of our Newi Rugs. It: Will give her pleasure' tor years to corne;and be a- lasting • orna= ment.:to the house We have a beautiful collection of Rus - • and... `its at VERYgg TRACTIVE PRICES (.h-ristrnas Firs • There is ono present so highly prreed or acceptable•or laing as a -fur Ruff or Moil. here is. an exceptionally good showing -,of small Furs hero bought ht expressly fo the•` Xmas trade. Alf . fins witted to be °firstgualit and so good `'in' appearanc ' that you .will be proud to giv them. Give Gioves for hristrna :Oli will h d an {exceptionally good stock of . Gloves her But at 'C rest etas time we are at Our best.varie � r The arae and -shades, the reliability _ of. the makes, the exceptionally go , y .F 'fi reasonable � g at the r ccs makesour gloves a favorite. Xmas will cheerfully exchange for. proper sizes after Chrisbntas. Men's.... .75c to 5 rY omen s... 2 �5c to $3.00 Children Vic.:..:. ..25o t4,750 9 always. of styles quality We Umbrellas There is a ' wide range of very attractive: and desirable Um- brellas here. The quality of these - umbrellas together with the handsome handles,make them very interesting as Xmas presents. York wilt find one to suit here, whether for an womanor- child. o ch ld, $3. to 5o Fancy GoodS Laundry Bags.... 5oc to 75c Stamped Linens....5oc to t.5o Tea Aprons........25c to .5c T`o ►s........1 jc to 5.0o. Fs .� ray o _ ceps;...... soc to.�- .t4o a" ©thS ......... 25c to 425 Lunch loeth s. = to ,oa Stewart : r� SEAFORTH Stylish Hand Bags W - • HERE is the lady who would not apt preciate one E of our new style hand bags. 'Terre is nothing newer made- ( than the ones we are showing. ,A useful ores ent that is sure to please. They are from 25e to $9 Silk Underwear IN A HILLY BOX MADE of pink or white wr,X" baubti and 'crepe de chene silk, trimmed. with. lace and fancy, ribbons— camisole and envelope combinations. Price $1° toSiO Towels 1N i._. FANgt, BOX :o more uefu or sen6,. sible gift- coAld e imagined • than these beautiful Turkish towels • with{, their attractive lid pink, yellow or•. mauve borderm fricee from to$ 50 Towbes . Kni Capa ALL .tete new ideas in . 41L -Boys Girls a ` Women's - Knitted Caps are' sewn `N first in this store. Our lines are very ` complete with a splendid Chatstinas Assortment. Nothing would please a boy or girt more. Prices are 'train 25#c to SIAM k$r ECK EAR has. LN been ta tradttinna gift for Many years. This year we have a most fas. dilating collection of lin.; ported nove1tes,fancy lace 'collars and cuffs, fancy ties,. silk collars, . stock collars, linen lot- tars of every kind and size'. Apo to: MO earl dad and est: in the week—mi and above a ; shop hers, - . It will pay you. 1,444.4 .