HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-11-08, Page 3`VE.: :B . `` N E1POSI OR • ra lief .ow the )r you, keasure Lit you L range :lichen they oven = the r bak, d con- Poking on.Po g irk all range ncoi vet' eetatoon 17. It ' ved by strict HIM- ES CP IS I VINE VAULT ving a prove PERS TA - SPEC - en into estab- not in d be tration ane of s of a rements )n who CEALS SISTi A DE - SENT FROM EXPE- `E, or ;.ie per - .tion or ting or uiposeE: Regu- t oration uilty of e upon six of not Dollars n Five both fine, that :ail rio spect 'red, was was a m the or in rof the eme its en and. Money Men and Money will win the War. 11 you can't fight, save, for it is essential n your Country'st interest that every i -t le dollar be saved. Savings Accounts are a National , safe-- guard. Open one today with 'PHLS bOMJN[}CN Bs SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager, atltf[i stI eManaIRllt![XX 161** [X***ilk NICKW1[ 10110401111l[I YM1KR iMM1a DISTRICT MATTERS' GGDERICR TOWNSHIP Death of Miss Woods. ---Ori. Satur- ,day, October 2th, there died in the Township of Dawn, County of Lamb- ton"- Miss Sarah Jane (Sadie) Woods aged 21 years. Deceased was the youngest daughter of .fir. John Woods of the 4th concession and was •gag- e in teaching school when she was stricken with influenza and pneumon- ia. The remains were brought home on Monday and interment took place to the Bayfielcl cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. A. Macfarlane offi- ciated at the house and graveside. The young lady is survived by her par- ents, one sister, Mrs. T. Wurm of Zurich, and two brothers, Matthew of the west, and Nesbitt, at home, and a half sister, Mrs. Sparks, of Stanley, and half brother, Living - Sone Woods, who ' is also now at home. Much sympathy is tyelt for the family in their sudden bereave- ment, Those who acted eas pallbear- ers at the funeral were: Messrs John and James Blair, T. Wurin, A. Sparks and James Reid. ' teemed eitizens.passed to the great be- yond on Sunday in the person pf Mrs. Ann Samwell relict of the late George Sarnweil aged 91 years. The deceased had been in feeble health for some time and a few weeks ago had the misfortune to fall end fracture her hip. Mrs. Sarmweil was one of Exe- ter`s grand old women and too much could not be said in her praise. ° In her younger days she was •a friend of all, possessing a very kindly and ami- able disposition... She was thrifty Yet hospitable. She was an excellent worker in the church and liberal sup- porter_ The deceased was a member of Cavan Presbyterian church. She has been a resident of town since a young girl and was twice married,her first husband being a brother of Mr. George McLeod of town. Afterwards she was married to Mr. George Samwell, who predeceased her thirteen years • ago. The funeral which was private, 'was held on Tuesday afternoon. NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE. An inventor has given a shirt an ad- justable collar band. A water cooled motorcycle engine has been invented in England. If applied -immediately salt will ab- sorb ink spots from clothing- A. wide variety of textiles are be- ing made' in Denmark from nettle fibre. DF -ALL WEATHER ; Fireless cookers that can be built THE into walls of houses have been ein- HARD ON LITTLE ONES vented.' 1 A new automobile bumper can be Canadian fall weather is extremely locked to• the front wheels of a ear hard on little ones. One day it is to prevent theft. waren and bright and the next wet ( Adding magnesia and an oxide . a and cold. - These sudden changes French inventor. has perfected an ex- bring co ie and s and 1 bring on colds, cramp treacly elastic glass. unless baby's little stomach is kept 1 i A pneumatic valve grinder has been right the result may be serious. There ; added to the list of tools operated by is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tab- , compressed air. lets in keeping the little ones well. 1 A seaweed native to the waters of They sweeten the stomach, regulate • Japan have been found to have value the bowels, break up colds and make ; as a laxative medicine. - baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by 1 Corn bread molds have been de - medicine dealers or by mail at 25 , signed that produce :miniature loaves cents a box from The Dr. Williams' in the form bf ears of corn. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. 1 The -world's highest dry-dock is on ' the. Vietoria-Nyanza in South Africa, BRUGEFIELD 3,600 feet above the sea level. Nates—Mr.. and Mrs. John PayneThere are more than. 200 kinds of of Oklahoma, who have been spending lx ilk producing insets, butonly a few a few weeks with Mrs. John Kaiser. of them are useful to mankind. Mr. Payne's sister, have beet for their- l'ArPigal mines less coal than any home: -Mrs. Smith of Detroit, spent other European nation, the annual j a few days as the guest of. Mrs. Walk- 1 production being about 22,000 tons.. j ere—Mr. Frank Volliek is the guest of For converting horse drawn vehicles } Inc sister, Mrs. Honer.—Mr. and Mrs. has been invented inewhich the front Dan. Munro and their children are laid wheels are replaced by " two other 1 wheels, inside each of which is a three horsepower motor. up with the influenza but at time of writing are getting better —Mrs. Rat- tenbury has returned from a very. pleasant two weeks' visit to Burling- ton.—Mrs. urling-ton. Mrs. Rowatt spent a few days in London last week.—Miss Jean Thompson, of Moose Jaw, who has WORSE THAN THE DISEASE IT - been the guest • of relatives here for some time, has returned to Toronto. `. SELFVICTIMS LEFT WEAK `Miss Thomson is attending, college NERVOUS AND WORN OUT there and came here to visit while the THE AFTER EFFECTS OF DREADED LA GRIPPE. college was closed on the' account of La Grippe, or Spanish influenza as influenza. --The Methodist church was the epidemic now sweeping over all sold by auction on Monday. Mr. Mc America is called, is one of the most :might bought the building for .$255. dangerous diseases known to man - The seats, stove, lamps and all mov- kind. Anyone who has felt its pangs able stuff was also disposed of at good is not likely to forget the trouble, prices. The Methodist people were Larippe, or influenza ,, starts with a sorry to see the old church sold. —` slight cold and ends with a compli- Mrs. De McIntosh, who was the guest cation of troubles. It ,lays the : vie - -of her niece, Mrs. George Simpson, tim on .his back, it tortures him with of Grin sby, for a couple of weeks, fevers, and chills, headaches and back - returned home.—Mr. Harold Pickering { aches. It leavee him s. prey to pneu- of London, spent the week end in our village.—Miss Margaret Rose is home from Toronto University on account of its being closed. EXETER Elliott Brooks.—A veny pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride on October 24th, by the Rev. Dr. Medd, of Main street Methodist church, when Miss Emily Brooks, seconddaughter of the late monis., bronchitis, consumption and other deadly diseases. Its after ef- fects are often more serious than the disease itself. It is quite possible to avoid la grippe by keeping the blood rich and red by the use of Dr. Wit= Hams' Pink Pills ---a tonic medicine which enrichee the blood and strengthens the nerves. If, however, the disease attack you, the patient should at once go to bed , and call a 13 d ht doctor before complications set in. Mr, and Mrs. George Brooks, was unit- t That is the only safe thing to do. But ed in the holy bonds of matrimony to to recover your strength after the sev- I Mnity of the attack has passed, you r. S. J. Elliott, both of Exeter. The will find Dr.Williams' Bink bills an bride was becomingly attired in a travelling suit of navy blue broad- unsurpassed tonic.. Through the use lathy with hat to match and carried of this medicir e all the evil .after s' roses and or- effects of this trouble will be batiish- happy couple ed. This had been proven in thou- aeir friends at sands of cases throughout Canada, Neyember lst. where in previous seasons la g,rippe dry.--A young I has attacked them. Among the many t • d to full health is Miss a bouquet of Christ ante blossoms. The will be at home to t :William Street, after Death of Mrs. La inns res vie life in the bloom of youth was cut shone last week in the death of Mrs. Irene Bootes, Portsmouth, Ont., who nays Y_"I take Dr. Williams Pink Pills 4 amaneemosessemama -Stewart Bros. all and Phone Orders Carefully Filled Stewart L giros. �e Announce Our Special Fall Display Of Wewing Apparel for\ Men and Boys Joseph O. Landry, nee Miss ;Mary Acheson, aged 21 years and 10 months. The deceased was taken ill nearly two weeks ago. The circumstances are par- ticularly sad as Mrs. Landry had been a bride of about four months. She was a daughter of Mr' and Mrs. Thos. Acheson,n her mother, a younger sil- ted and two brothers being dow with the disease the former being •in too critical condition to be informed of her daughter's death. Mrs. Landry - was one of Exeter's popular and tal- ented young ladies and her demise in the flower of youth issincerely re- gretted by a wide circle of friends besides her parents she is survived by tree brothers and two sisters, Mrs. E. Walters, Garvey, of St, Thomas; Beverly, Amelia and -Charles at home, The funeral which was private, was held on Sunday afternoon the remains being taken to the Trivitt Memorial Gekureh, where service was conducted Rev_ A. A - . Trumper, interment ing made in the Exeter cemetery. A- mong those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Garvey, of St. Thomas; Mrs. L. Billings,' • and airs. Thomas; Mr. and yrs. H. Levet`:, and Mrs. J. Acheson, of London; Mrs. Knight and son. of Il- derton. Death of an Old Resident.—One of Exeter's oldest and most highly es - because I have proven • their worth in my own case. Last winter I had a severe attack of la grippe and it left me _. weak and all run down. I had severe pains, in the chest and under the arms, palpitation of the heart and attacks of neuralgia which left me withthe feeling that life was scrcely worth living." I was advised t& try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began their use only on the principle that I would- try anything that might better my condition. I had only been using the pills a couple of weeks when the pains began to leave me. Gradual- ly -mit strength returned, my appetite unproved, and is a little more than a month I felt all my old time vigor had returned. I am sincerely glad I was persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I shall always have a good, word to say for them. - Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills not only cure the disastrous after elects of la .grippe, but are also a spegific for all troubles due to poor Mood, such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, women's ailments, and the generally ww-orx out f eeliag that affects so many people. You can get these pills through any sealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 Bents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. OUR POLICY OF BUYING A- HEAD AND OUR ABILITY TO BUY FOR CASA[ IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR /OUR AT- TRACTIVE PRICES. 4eri's i nd Iinclerwe'ar . I At Slight Advances over Last ,Year' Prices n. 0 not come here expecting: to pay exorbitant prices' for Underwear, based on the present pric pries of wool. The underwear we are selling wa bought last December on the basis ,sof last season's wool crop, arid while there are advances in prices they are so trifling that they. are hardly Mentionable,. But take a hint --buy your needs . this season and buy enough .to do rou for the next season too. Be- low are a few prices. Stani°ield's Red Label.. Tiger Brand, heavy. Medium Black Sctia.. • • Red Scotia. ... Scotch Knit... . Fleece Lined goys' Fleece Boys' Wool...... -.. Combinations in all the above lines at Prices ss • . ..... r.. . $2.25_° ......$2.00 $1.50. ▪ ..414 0! ,.. .. $1.25 • .....;.."ice e. . a... . a. .. ...•. a••• .• • 60c to $2 proportionate Warm, Cozy Underwear For . Women and Children VERY possible effort has been spent toward L, giving you the very best possible Undetwear Values. To this end that by diligent searching and careful buying we have assembled a: stock that should prove of very special interest to every woman, in Seaforth and vicinity. Space will not permit ot description, and after all, seeing is believing. Come in and see. Standfield's, Turnbull's, Penman's and Watson's are our Leading Brands. ec;a/ Clearing Sale of Flannelette Biankets $2.98 These are manufacturer's seconds -.very slightly imperfect - grey or white, with blue or pink bord- ers, full twelve -quarter size, soft, fluff and comfortable. The best bargain of the season. Price2 98 ,••• Includi.g an Attractive Showing of overcoats. Suits, Underwear He adwear, Footwear, Shirts, Gloves and - Work Clothes TT is now for the Men's Store to demonstrate the Styles for Fall and Winter. It will be a genuine pleasure for every Man and Boy to visit our Mgr's Store and view the delightful display of the Season's Newest G arment,s. Every one who sees this big informal Dis1ay of Fashionable • Clothing and Furnishings; will be delighted with the luxuri us cosy comfrt of the Overcoats, the Smart Style oil the Suits, the soft warmth` ot the Underwear and the snappy attr#ctive- ness of the Furnishings. But title most pleasing fea- ture of the whole display is The Reasonable Prices Every Man and Boy—and Woman too—is heartily in vited to call and inspect this, magnificent stock. When you have seen it, youwill knew there is no stock in i Duron County to equal t for siie, for variety or Low Prices. expectyou in Wew111 ournesti New Style Caps F1- L is the great Cap seas- on. There is nothing so comfortable or so serviceable in the blowing, blustering days of autumn as a .good cap• We have some very attractive new shapes in special fall pat- terns and colorings. PRICE 50c to $2.011 omen's Coats inStyles. YouC'll Like oats of Exquisite Designs Charming in every graceful folds of their detail, from the ,brae Attractive Large ,e Collars to the bottom hem, rg' } and everys garment is TEMPTINGLY P111c1n Surely not for many a season have the Women's Coats been sn attractive, so sensi- ble, and so eminently comfortable 'three reasons why you should buy your New Coat thisoseason, and buy it here. There is . anoth reason, a dollars and cents reason. With the p ent unprecedented high price of wool, k which will surely present itself in .next• season s gar- ments, it is the very highest economy to buy one of these sensible,comfortab!e, attractive Coats now while you can procure One at . reasoable prices. We have a coat to suit yon. Telephone or Mail. Your Orders We Prepay Charges Prices $20 to $45 WOOL. WAtiTED xl 1 Stew TremendousShowing of Materials for Women's Coats Beautiful _ Mateiils of Velour, Broadcloth, Velor ` Cheviot, Frize Serge, Bearer, Chinehilia,Kersiy Cloth, in Burgundy, wine; row , navy, grey, black. green, taupe. 56 to 58 inches 50 to 6 wide. Per yd. i• ORTII WOOL 'WPM D