HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-10-25, Page 5weliessinO es. ;St a- rnot on ad- ravery apathy ts and Ise. a nur- s for - 41" and of this rest.. keen in weeks, able to she is •terson, to be Aartin, p home kll has ralysis Iresent. 1ST! ere proven ieteelass cotoder tor, Jose rroneboy " Oka big setae:try t rubber tee:trawl area tool te. emelt rt can run eilti prize gads. vet.= 3150.00 25.60 15.60 - 12.51 ‘,V2733:16 t•Qzraiwc• Ine.heaet Ihrin one BLS in that a have te t upee ri soon al recitation lustre:al De .boya g peace - n Smith. L Hazen,- . tton. Ont - Arai. prisr,onn noettiene tandgirie is of age wess, sad tI wilt be erase= a. 'or mr tor ,tonat vai- n iseseiel be were rill close at see aWez Sbi& -Adana*: es, to nd at on 0 OCTOBER 251 1918, CANADA. -Joseph Lean; of Kitchener, fifty year of age, while cleaning windows at the Buffalo Forge Foundry in that town, on Tuesday, lost his balance and fell on a pile of iron. Ile struck on his head, crushing his skull, and death followed a few minutes later. The man leaves a wife and grown tip family, . -Word of the death M London, Eng., a Richard Reid, agent -general for Ontario, was received in, Kitchen- er with genuine regret, Mr. Reid was rope -lox v;:th all classes of cfnzens. Prior to his appointment to his over- seree posiron MT. Reid was a member of the Legislature for North Waterloo being succeeded by C. S. Mills, the present member. Mr. Reid wag well- nown as a school teacher aed as an agricuItur:st He was a gradeate of St. Cathatines Collegiate In.stitute and of Ottawa Normal College, and for many years was principal of the old Central School, now the Suddalsy School. He owned a farm just outside the city, mid was a leading breeder ot choice Jersey cattle. He was one of the founders of the Canadian Jer- sey Cattle Mb, and had an interne - Conal reputation as a judge a cattle of this type. While a member of the Legislature Mr. Reid initiated many edacational reforms, and he was an ex -president of the Ontario Education- al Avsociation. He was an honorary colonel of the 108th North Waterloo Militia Regiment and his family has played a patriotic part in the present war. One sort. Lieut. Stanley Reid, has been killed in action. and., another, Alex., has won the military cross for bravery. Mr. Reid had married twice his second wife, to whom he was mar- ried in 1913, being Miss Alice Mulhol- land, of Toronto. Mr. Reid was born at Millbank, Ontario. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, Oct. 24, 1918 Butterper lb. 40 to 42e Eggs, per dozen ...... . ... 45 to 46e Wheat, per bushel .... ... . .. .2.16 Potatoes, per bushel ... .... .. 1.50 Oats, per bushel Spring wheat, per bushel ......2„.12 Hogs, per cwt. .. . ..... .1725 Shorts, per toe . . .. .. 4300 Peas, per bushel $2.25 Barley, per bushel $1.00 Bran, per ton ..... .... . .138.00 Flour, per cwt. .... . . . . 5.60 to $6 70c DAIRY MARKET ' Toronto, October 22nd.-Bietter, choice, dairy 60e to 55c: creamery 55 to 60e; Margarine 39 to 40c ; eggs, new laid, dozen. 65 to 70a cheese a0c; fancy cheeee, Sae. POULTRY MARKET ororao, October 22nd. -Dressed Poultry - Turkeys. lb. 40c; fowl, per lb. 30 to 35c; :spring chickens 38 to 40e; rooters, lb. 23 to 25c; duckling, per lb. 35c; geese, lb. 30 to 32c. Live Poultry-Spriug chickens 25e to 28e; rooster e 20c; fowl 30c; ducklings 26c; geese 23 GRAIN MARKET Toronto', Oct. 22.-Monitoba Wheat -No, 1, Northern $2.241/s ; N. 2 `-Northera, $2.21e; No. 3 Northern $2.17,; No. -4 wheat $2.113 in More at Fort William, not inclading tax. Manitoba Oath. per bushel -No. 2 C. W. Sac; No. 3 C. W„ $214o; extra No. 1 feed, per bushel 821e1, •cent.; No. 1 feed, per bushel SOt:.e in store at Fort William. American Corn -No 3 yellote kiln dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried. nominal. Ontario Oats --No. 2 winter, new crop 75e to 78c, per bushel; No. 3, 74 to 77c per bushel. Ont- artio Wheat -No, 2 winter, per car lot, 32.31; No.3 winter, $2.27; No- 2, eprinee 32..26; No. 3 Spring, 32.22, basis in store At Mons treel.-Peas-No. 2, nominal. -Barley, malt- inptr .bushel, $1.00 to $1.05; new crop. Buckwheat - Nominal. Rye - Nominal; according to freights outside. Manitoba flour -War quality. 311.65; at Toronto, On- tario Flour -Winter in new baga, prompt shipment, war miality 10.75; Toronto deliver- ery. Millfeed-fiar lots -Delivered Moatreal freights, bags included, bran per ton 337.25; shorts per ton $42.25; Hay -No. 1 per ton, Z22 to 323: Mixed per tan $20 to $21.50; track 'oronto. Straw -Car lot per ton 310 to 310.50. LiNre, STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, October 22nd.-Catt1e--Receigit4, 5,- 00; good etrong ; common slow; prime steers 317 to $17.50; shippirig sthees'15.50 to 316.50; butchers, 311 to 316; yearlings 312 to 318; heif- ers all to 312.50; cows, $4 to 312; bulls 1.50 to $11.50; stockere and feeders 37 to 316.90; fresh cowiaaral apringers steady, 365 to 3145. Calves-Reeeipts, 11,000; steady, $7 to $19.00. Hogs-Reeepits, 16,000; 50 to 55e lower; heavy 318 to $18.10: mixed and ydrIsem 3/8; light yorkers 316,50 to $17.25; pigs, 16.20 to 16.75; roughs $15.50 to 16; stags $12 to 314. Sheet and lambs -Receipts, 10,000: 50c lower ;.others steady • lambs 39 to 315.'15 ; •few, 316; year- lings 37 to 313: wethers, 311 to 11.50; ewes, 34 to 310; raixed sheep, $10.50 to 311. Union Stack Yards, Toronto, October 22nd. - -There was still a lack of tietivity on the part of the buyers when the cattle market resumed this morning after almost the dullest week of the year. In the pens were close upon 5500 bead of cattle* but the only classes the buyers were caiefly interested in all morning were good quality heavy killers and canners. Choice butbhers and heavy steers were not plentiful and eold from 311.2510 $11.75 for the former and from 313 to $13.40 for the heavy stuff. An odd heavy steer here and there fetched a little more, and a few good sters cashed in from 312 to 312.50. Canners were fairly plentifui and aold from 33.75 to . These prices, qual- aty considered, were apything from 25 to 35e lower than the quotations which ruled at Thursday' s elcree, Buyers were out for a. larger cut, but in most cases found the drovers un- willing to concede more. In the afternoon there was a shade better Fovement among the irabetween grades- of cattle at the Tower values of the day, but left -overs were numerousaGood to choice cows and bulls were scarce, bot there was a fair trade in light eeramon buns, Which sold from 57,25 to $7.75. Farmers still showed a disinclination to deal in stockers and feeders, and the trade in both eectione was very tight at a stade easier val- ues. Milkers were a light offering, and only where quality was present was the trade firm at last week's priees. Poor milkers were not wanted at any price. The lamb market which was well eupplied was steady to weak' in spate, the pick among the lamee eelling at 316,35. The general quo- tations varied from $16 to $16.25. Sheep were steady and in fair demand. Choice veal quo- tatione were a ehade off from Thursday, chif- Ie owing to poorer quality. Common th good oalvee were -iterate- to weak. No .1."1-antee wasreported in hog prices, buy- er-, quoting 314.25 fed mod watered and 18.60 weighed off cars. but otieiders paid an addi- tional 25e. The receipte were 278 carloads. with 5428 cattle; 2.39 cats e 1388 hogs and 2185 sheep and lavabo. The following, were the quotations: Extra chain. hewn, steers $14.00 to 314,75: choice heavy ethers 313.25 to $13.75; butchers' 'cattle, choice $11.25 to 311.75 ; good, 510.00 to 510.21 metliunt 58.75 to $9.25; do. cora- eornmen 7.75 th l.25; butchers. bulls, choice 310 fo 319.10: do. medium bulls, $9.50 th do. roueh feats, 57.27. to $8.26: butchers' wars ehoiee 310 te $10.25; do. good $9 to 39.50; aka medium, 37.50 th 38; do. common, 36.50 to 57: etoekers, 58 to $10.50; feeders, 310Se th 411; eannene and cutters $5.75 to $6.26; ,nod in choice, $90 to $160; do. come mon rte 1 mediem, 365 to $75; springere, SOO to alaa • heat ewto. $13 to 314; yearlings, 315 ▪ $1'nee iviirine Iambs 315.50 to $16.25; cake,. to choice $14 to 317.15: hogs, fed anil -oaf eoseee ; weighed off can 513.50. BIRTHS Warreeee Ifen..sall. on October 6th, to Mr. and M. W. 1,Yarrener, a daughter. Atkineir.--In. Wing -ham, on October 8th, to Mr. and Mr e A. Atkinson. a son. Galloway- In Howick, on October let, to Mr. and .51rs. Wilbert Calloway, a son. Triebeere-In Hay. on October 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Triebner, a son. Hudson -Ire Hensel!. on October 8th, to Ma'. and Moe C. S. filet.4on, a daughter. lies:I-At Zurich, on Oatober 16th, th Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess, a son. Blyth, on October 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Miller, a aanghter. rawsonesIn Hallett. on October .lath, to Mr. are! Mr. Earl Lawson, a daughter. •ss THE tfEJ MARRIAGES McInterre-Walker-M the home of the brideo partials, on October 12th, by Rev. E. P. AtTnstrong, Mr. C. C. Bielntyrer,of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronta, to nets, daughe ter of Mr. tend Mrs, Same& Walker, of Wingheon. Bedard -Laporte --At DresdaIe Raman Catholic Church, cre October 7th, by Rev. A. A. Ron - dot, Miss Evangeline, daughter of Arr. and Mrs. ,Y* Laporte, Bauble Line, fIela .to Mr. Lee Bedard, of Courtright. _ Tonalin-Henthatt-In St. Paul's church,Clin- ton, on October 9th, Mies Marguerite S. Herman, youngest daughter of Mrs. E. Her- man and Mr. George Tontlin, all of Clinton. DEATHS Jeffrey' -.4t .his late residenee, Toronto,, on Oct. 12, Roy Taleffrey,in his ,271h year, youngest son of B. Jeffrey, former' yof Londes- bora. MacLaren-In France, on September Pte, J4ohn Dougall MaeLaren, third on of Mr. and Mrs.,Robett MocLaren, of Tuckersoaith, in his 2ath year. Yettow-On the Thames Road, on October 8, Stoma Yellow, ,relict of tha late Thomas Yellow, aged 68 years. Mankton, on October 4th, Clemen- tine A. Tennant, relict of tbe bate William 'alhine of Grey township, aged 83 years, and 1 month and 1 day. Prang -At Zurich, on October 9th„ Mrs. Mary l'nfing, 'aged 77 years, 1 months and 14 dans. String -In Howick, on October 1st, Wilfrid - Earl, only soil of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3, Strong, aged 17 years, 11 months and 7 days. Moir -In Winghani ,ou October ath, Alexander Joseph Moir, of Oulross, aged 42 Years and 1 month. 41111•11111•111 IS. T. Holmes Funeral Director and :Licensed Einbahner Undertaking parlors in Oddfei lows building opposite otewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderieh st., cpp Dr. Scott' Flowers furnished on short notice. ° Phone Night or Day 119, i 111111111111.(I1111111111111111111111141111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 W. S. Gortniey EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' 'grocery Store. Main Sett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 § TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY • Owing to the Fcarcity of help, the banks refuse to accept cheques for taxes, therefore all taxes 111114 be paid to Mr. Thos, Wylie, collector, personal- ly or by mail. By -Order Township Council of Stanley SALE REGISTER On Tuesday, October 29th, on lot 6, con- cession. 9, Tuekersmith, farm stock and imple- inmate. Alin A. MeCloy, proprietor ; T. Brown auctioneer. . GARFIELD • MeMICHAEIN Licoreea Auctioneer for.the County -of Huron. Sales conducted in any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Address Seaforth R. It. No. 2, or phone 18 on 236, Seaforth. 2653-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For sale or will exchange for a similar animal IRegistered Jersey bull. Alva' to W. N. LENN, R.R. No. 1, Hensall, or phone 9 on 0, Seaforth, Central. 26544 POULTRY WANTED anai prepared to pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of poultry delivered at my store, Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and %Thursday Forenoon of each week. . G. D. HAIGH. 2636-tf. FOWL WANTED I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for any quantity of live fowl, delivered at the Royal Hqtel every Tuesday forenoon. Phone 6 on 247. Seaforth. 2649-tf .T. G. MeMICIIAEL, HOUSE FOR SALE A comfortable frame. house pleasantly sit- uated, wail cellar, hard and soft water, large garderi. Apply to THOMAS BICIMLL, Sea - forth. 264741 HELP WANTED Help wa.nte4 to spread flax by the Canedian Flax Main Seaforth. Good waeles will be Paid to women, boys and girls. ' CANADIAN FLAX MILLS, 2645-11 SEAFORTH ewe. STOCK FOR SALE 4 For oale 6 shares of Bell Engine Stock. This stook paid a dividead of 7 per cent, ft year. Foroparticelare apply at The Expositor Office. 2650-tf. FOR SALE Horses, Berleshil*e Pigs, Dorset Sheep For sole 6 year old Clysle mare and 'colt, suckers, yearlings and 2 Aar olds, heavy and light breeds, sucker pigs, dam took ard at 'ao- rtae and first at Landon; sire 3rd at Toronto and first at Ottawa; 9 month old boars, 2. year old sow t� farrow in November. Phone 2 on 82. Hensel!, or apply on lot 24; Canoes- sion 2, Hay. W. PARC. 26524 FARM FOR SALE For sale north half of Lot 35 and west kali of Lot 34, on the 5th ooncesaion of Me- Killop. This is a first doss farm. well drain - ea and well fenced. and will be seld cheap and on reasonable terms for quick Bale. Par fur- ther Particulars aonle to THOMAS J. AD- AMS. R. No. Clinton. Also 25 acres of hay, fitsota win1., be sold iffx the field. 2sgs-tt rARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Conceseige" 6. aleXilloP. 109 acre; of the best clay la in MeKillop, eines of bush, the rest in a high stete of cultivation.; 5 miles from: Seaferth, 2 miles from Con- staace, Vas milee boom school. There are an the prenaises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x7e, all Page wire fences and well underdvained. There are forty acres PlAglied, 5 acres bush and the balanee seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one pitied -to barnyard and in the other a dam witk a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and Ito the barn. As the spring 53 10 the oraliard arid near the house and line feriae, tbere Le no waste land. There is a graded 11.11a gravel4ed lane from tbe roaa to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-U W. T. BOX & BO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors EL C. BOX !folder, of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 FARM FOR SALE For sale 150 acre -farm, one of Tuekersmith's beat, being lot 27, 'concession 3, L, R. S., con- taining 100 acres. and North Half lot 27, concession 2. L.R.S., containing 50 acres. There are on the premises a large brick We storey dwelling with slate roof and fur- nace with woodshed. and kitchen at rear. Large barn 50x70 feet, with stone stabling underneath, and straw shed 36X56, and -water in barn. There are two acrea of orchard containing apples, plums, cherries and pears' four acres of bush on each lot, balance of the farm ell cleared and in splendid istate of cultivation. There are two good wells on each place. The farm' is situated 6 mhea frona Seaforth and 2 miles front Brueefleld, and one mile from school. The fifte acres will be sold separately if desired. Fur fue- ther particulars apply to JOHN A. DALLAS, Hensall ; or to ALEX. MONTEITH, Kippen, Phone 10 on 94. 2651x44f, AUCTION SALE --------- Of Church Property in thS village of Bruce - field. The undersigned -has instructed Mr. T. Brown to sell by public auction on Monday, Or- tober. 28th, at 2 p.m., the following property: Villagb lot containing 14 acre, more or less on which is a frame building 40x28 feet, known as the Bruce -field Methodist- church; also a frame shed '75x221/2 feet. A crash sale Will be made of church l'iirriishings, cbafts, seats, lamps, tiax stove, stove pipes, etc. The whole will positively be sold. Terme for the property -Tea per cent. of purchase price on day of 'sale; belance in thirty days. RI P. WATSON, Secretary Trbstee Board; T. Brown, Auction- eer. 2653-2 AUCTION SALE OF GRAZING FARM The Executrs of the estate of Martha Rands, deceased, have instrueted Thomas Brown, Esq., Auctioneer, to offer for asle bY public auction, on Wednesday, the fith day of November, 1913, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the preraises the North half of Lot number eight (8), in the Fourth (4th) concession of the Township of Mullett, in the County of Huron, and also 3 horses„ 2 cows and some other small articles. This land is well situated and is very suitable for grazing purposes. There are on the prem- ises a frame house, a frame, barn, a small orchard, a good well at house and a spring at back of the lot. Terms of Sale -Twenty (20) per cent of purchase money, cash, and the balance in thirty days. The purchaser will be required th sign an agreement to complete the purchase at the time of sale. Further particu- lars will be made known at the time of sale and may be had in the meantime from Messrs. Robert Clark .and_Charles McGregor, Executors or from the, undersigned. Dated the. 23rd day of October, 1918. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for said Executors ; Thomas Brawn; Auctioneer. 2654-2 a FAR0M FOR SALE The undersigned wishing to give up farraing oa aacount of ill heealth and want of help, of- fers foe sale his age fa.rnt on the London Road. 2 maes soutk of Hen.sall. and 4 w.iles north of Faxeter, known as the North half of I lot NQ. 32. Gonesetai 1. Usborne. ¶is farm is well drained and ienced and in a fine state I ot teativation veithent one foot of poor land with the iollowing mentioned buildings on at: Barn 74:40: 11/1 storey frame dwelling 20a37; es tea giP5d kitohen, .106x32; driving shed 181E24; ou ualciSne: 16x40, and good pig house and e good hrieked ap wells. This property will be eeld at a very reasonable price and on easy terms. For further particulars apply 10 WILLTell WHITE. Proprietor; Heitsall P. 0.z.- or to G. J. Sotkerland, Conveyancer, Hen - 2650 -4 * AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. -Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction oh lot 6, concession 9, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, October 29th, at 1 o'clock pan, the following propeeteri Horses -Team of heavy horses 8 and 9 years old; good driving horse 6 years old. Cettle-Four cows, 3 of them supposed to be in calf, one due to calve in Jan- uary and the 'other two due in March; one heifer rising 3 years" old, supposed to calve in January; 4 yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer, and 5 calves. Also about 80 hena. Implements --Deering biraler 6 foot cut, Deering mower a foot cut; Deering cultivator, Deering horse rake,. eteel land roller, seed drill, 2 furrow rid- ing plow; buggy, cutter,, wagon, hayrack, set bobsleighs, turnip sower, igrindstone, set of 3 section diamond harrows, scuffier, pulper, fan- ning mill, wheelbarrow, two walking plows, Daisy churn, set of team harness, third horse set of harnees, set single harness, forks, shov- els, spades, whiffietrees and other articfes too numerous to mention. ° Also about 20 tons of hay. Terms -All sums of 310 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be giv- en on fuanishing approved joint notes, A dis- count ofe5% per annum. off for cash. Hay th• be casheaJOHN A. McCLOY, Proprietor: T. Brown, ..luctiooneer. 2652-3 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. -Mr. John." Purvis, Auctioneer, has been instructed th sell by public auction on lot 3, cenceasion 16, Grey on Tuesday, November 5th, at Io'elobk the following; Horsee-1 horse 10 years old, horse 7 years old, mare 5 years old. Cattle - Registered Shorthorn heifer rising 3 years in calf;. Registered Shorthorn heifer rising two e-asos old in calf to imported hula 2 grade cows supposed to ae in calf; 9 steese rising 2 years, heifer rising 2 years old, a calves, nine Pigs 10 Weeks oid, 80 hens. Implelhents- Deering binder 7 foot cut; Big B mower 5 foot cut: hay rake 10 It; hay. tedder, manure spreader; seed drill (12 hoe);. dile harrow (14 discs) spring tooth cultivator, Oliver riding plow, walking plow, drill plow and Potato dig- ger, pea harvester, scuffles.; pulper, turnip sower, 2 sets hatrows, truck wagon, aa-wegort aed box; der:secret wagon, buggy, hayrzack, Oat rack with roller section; pig rack, -coal box, gravel box, set 3,000 lb. scales with stock platform; Chatham fanning mill and bogger, wheelbarrow, *scar barrow, post hole auger, grain craele,/buggy aod cutter pole, Melotte cream separator (No. 2) ; 2. sets of team harness, ladders, pig orates, chicken coops, 4 corner posies, 150 bushels mixed grain,. grain hogs, a quantity of mangolde and potatoes, and other articlee all in good repair. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms - All Burns of 810 and evader, cash; over that amount 8 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A diecount of 4 cents on the dollar oft for cash on credit amounts. JAMES Mc- FADZEAN, Proprietor: JOHN PTJRVIS, Auc- tioneer. 2654xF AUCTION SALE Of Farm. Stock arid Implements. -Mr, Thos. Brown has been instraated to sea by pablic auction on lot 12, conceasion 7, Tuckersraith, on Tuesday, November 5th, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following Property: Horses -Team 14 heavy draft horses 4 and 8 years old; one 4 -year-old mare, agricultural; filly rising two years; one horse 10 years old; driver ten years old, quiet and reliable and a good third horse. Cattle --Durham cow 4 years old pedigreed, due to calve in January, 3 Durham heifers 3 years old pedigreed due to celve in January; Dur- ham cow 7 years old, pedigreed, due to calve in January; Durham heifer calf 7 months old, heifer 10 months old, 6 grade calves': 10 grade cows. Pigs - One Yorkshire boar 9 months old eleg_ ible for regitsration; 2 sows due to litter November 25111: four pigs about 125 lbs. each; 6 chunks pigs. Also one Ford touring car, ran less than 5000 miles, complete with electric,starting and lighting system, demount- able rims, robe rail, tire carrier, spare tire and speedometer. Implements -McCormick binder 6 foot cut with :sheaf carrier, also 25 pounds of twine; Deering Ideal mower ; Many Ilarris 15 spout shoe drill; scuffier, see of diamond harrows four sections: Deering disc harrow, 14 disc; International stiff tooth cultivator nearly new; Cockshutt Kangaroo 2 furrow gang plow: Premier single furrow riding alow: Wilkineon• No. 1. walking plow; sulky hay eake; Coleman steel land roller: Massey -Har- ris root pulper with set new knives; tread power: Imperial cream separator, nearly new; Clinton fanning mill, grain bags, stoneboat, hayfork rope used two years; sling ropes, bloek end tackle, top buggy, two cutters ohe nearly new; Walkerville wagon, set of bob- sleighs with box: set ),ogging bunks and dray bottom; flat hay Dock 16 feet long; gravel box with shelves two pig crates; Cock.shutS low down manure spreader used 3 years; scraper, wheelborrow, about 40 tons of hay; quantity of storm to be fed es the place, with the priv- ilege of using a. k)od stable until March 1st. A quentity of turnips and mangels, three sets heavy double harness, one set nearly new; two sets single harpess, one set nearly new; some household eecto, shovels, forks, chains, and other misce enema articles. Terms -All sums of 510 and under, cash; over that amount 12 :months credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 5% Off" for creel:. Hay and Ford oar th be cash. ANDREW ARCHIBALD, Peoprietor; T. Brown. Anction- eer. 2654-2 SHORTHORNS FOR SALE !ken bulls, from 8 to 24 months of age, of the good kind. Also must sell about 25 females before winter. They are the 'prolific kind and are priced at about half their value to move them. Crown Jewel 42nd still heads this herd, JOHN' ELDER, Hensill, Ontario. /658-4 FARM FOR SALE Tenders will be received up till November 1, 1918, /or the sale of West Half Lot 18, Con- cession 15, Grey township, Huron County, known as the John Wortley Farm, consisting of fifty acres. This property must be sold in order th wind up- the estate. Apply to B. WORTLEY, Woodstock, Ontario, Executor. 2653x2 'HOUSE FOR SALE A house for Bale on Victoria street, Seaforth, containim eight rooms; hard and soft water, eleetric light, furnace, elood cellar and -gara den. ' Apply to MISS C. MeTAVISH, at the -1 Sandford Clothing Faetory. 2658-4 HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West Willlaiij street, Seaforth, hard and soft water, good stable. For further particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth,. or phone 10 on 124. 26224f TWO CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE Being lot 19, east half 20 in *be 2nd con- cession of Stanley, containing 150 acres, with up-to-date buildings anet in a high state of cul- tivation. There are also 15 acres of good hard= wood bush. Plenty of good water. Mao 100 acres, being lot 16, concession 2, with good buildings, plenty of good water and 10 acres of bush. These farms are situated within 2 miles of Bruceileld. For further particulars apply to J. T. or GOLDIE GRAHAM, on the premises, or Brucefield P.O. 2653x4 FOR SALE Desitable property for sale, consisting of 8 acres of land, well drained and fenced; a six roomed house, large pantry and woodshed, on stone foundation, cement cellar with cement shelves • hard and saft water; cement floor in cow stable, nice hen house; a young orchard,' of choice fruit. Fine location on Goderich- at, west of Seaforth. Apply th MARGARET ROBINSON, Seaforth P.O. 2653-11 004.adeeesftememer........4 FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 17, concession 9, Township of McKillop, containing '100 acres. This fern' has been itt grass for a number of years, and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to price and terms tri JAMES I. JOHNS - TON, co Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. -2632-tf. GOOD FARM WANTED 100 acres of good land -well improved; not more than 5 miles from town or more than ern rule tam, eel. ei.rh &time bo4h bind. Must be clean and in -good state of cultivation. I expect -to be in Seaforth on Saturday morn- ing, October 12. .Apply with all particulars to WILLIAM RICHARDSON, 48 Kent Road, Toronto. 2651-tf FOR SALE That very desirable protlty just off Main gre street, Egmoridville, consisti of one-half acr of land. on which is situa a 1%. story brick house with seven roams and good cellar. There are also on the peemises a stable, good well and cistern, also apple, Plum and pear trees and other small fruits. This is a 'splendid property and the taxes are low.. For further particulars, apply to Mrs. Al. A. Charlesworth. Eamoadville P. O.- 2650x2-tf FARM FOR SALE For Sale 100 acres, all cultivated, lot 11, Concession 6, Tuckerstaith, H,R.S., with barn 56 by 80 feet, stone foundation, Pig Pen, driv- ing shed and hen house 6, roomel frame oot- tage, good well with wind Mill. Also 50 notes of grass land, west half of lot 5, concessiOn 7, good well with windmill; a good grass farm. Apply to JAMES FINLAYa0N, R. R. NO. 8, Kippen; phone 8-132, Seaforth.' , 2639-11 ea - FARM FORzSALE 100 acres on the Min Rolla, two mites to Brucefield, and 'four miles-' 10 Seaforth. Well fenced and drained. -Brick house with fiw- naee. Large basement barn, spring water Piped to barn; cement -silo, pig pen. Price and terms right. For full' particulars apply to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth; or to ALEX, A .26W47A- t fT 22 Toronto street, Guelph, Ont. • FARM FOR SALE -Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersraith, H.R.S. 100 acres all cleared,. Good frame house and bank beam, Pig Pen, hen house and driving shed. A good orchard and plenty of good water; well tile drained; rural mail and tele- phone and in first class condition. On the Huron Road, 23/4 miles frora Seaforth, and 6 miles from Clinton.. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to ,J. B. Hendersdh, Seaforth. 2645-tf NOTICE • To Consumers of Coal in Hallett: - The Fuel Conlirollee for Ontario has ap. portioped 215 tons of coal for Mullett. Per - ns 'Nir ant ing coal must apply th William Jamieson, jr.. or to John Fingland, Londes- boro, who have ben appointed Fuel Commis- sioners for Mullett. on or before October 30t11, 1918. No perean'having a supply of wood or other fuel need apply. By Order of the Council ef Hallett. 2651-3 NOTICE The Board of Health of Stanley Township recommend that where a case of influenza de- velops in a school section, that the trustees does the school for a period of not lesa than two weeks. Also that an churches be closed for a period of not less than two weeks. All public meetings belcancelled during the said time or longer is necessary, The Board also strongly recommends that persons recovesiot from the diseaee he kept isolated until ail signs of the disease have disappeared. Mali Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Poet - master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 22nd day of Nov- ember, 1918, for the coneeeance of His Ma- jesty's Mail, -On a Proposed Contract for four ears, six times per week, over Walton No. 4, from the lst of April, 1919. Printed notices curtaining further information as to conditions. of proposed contract may be seen and blank. forms of Tender may be obtained at tbe Post Offices of Walton, Brussels and Blyth, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector, Post Office Inspector's Ofdce,* Lon - (Ion, llth October, 1918. 2654-3 Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS aadressed to the Post. naster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Frickty, the 22na 'lay of Nov- ember, 1913, for the conveyance, of His Ma- jesty's Mail, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Seaforth No. 1 from the 1st of April, next. Prinbed notices containing further information as to oonditigns of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of' Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Seaforth, Egmondville, Bruce- Aeld, and St. 9nlumban and at the office of the Post Offic . Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, ost Office Inspector; Post Inspector's ce, London, llth October, Me . ' 2654-3 I FARM FOR SALE # TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Lot 18. concession 4, :M6E111100, Huron County, containing 100 acres of first class. clay loam soil (no better onywhere). There - are on the premises one PA storey frame house with 'stone cellar: also a one startle' frame houses bank barn and implement house; two acres of good orchard.; two wells of Rood water; a spring creek near rear of farm and running sauare across. This farm is well fenced with coil wire and drained with,, tile. and it; in a first class state of cultivation. Ten acres of hardwood bush on rear of farm; rural snail at gate, and phoee in house. Sit- uated on a first chine gravel road one half mile from church an school and four mild from the busy tatvn of Seaford'. Will be gold as above, described or in two lots of fifty aeres. encl. IaUGH IticINTOSHa BO Rosevear Ave., Toronto; and REV., A. W. maif NTos. Port Arthur, Executors. - For further par- ticulars aritelY to the executors, or to Finlay McIntoah. Seaforth. 2651x4 NOTICE TO &EDITORS In the estate of Harriet Elizabeth Dignan, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceasei. Notice is hereby given pursamit to the statute in that behalf, tbat all persons having any claims against Hariaet Elizabeth Dignan, who died on April 7th, 1918, 1:t tthe TowrishiP of Hay, are required on or ore. the 26th' day of October, 1918, to send by poet or de- liver to Ross Dignan, Hensall, tintario, Ad- ministrator of the Estate, of the said de- ceased, full particulars of their claims; and that after the said last mentioned date the administrator will proceed 'th distribute the assete of the said deceased nrriong the persons entitled thereto, having' regard oalY -th the claims of which he shall then have had notice. and that the said Administrater will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any. Person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. Dated at Ooderich, the 30th, day of September, 11918, PROUD - FOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for said 'Administrator, 2651-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby giveh pursuant to the Stat, - in that behalf that all persons' having claims against -the estate of William Sclater, late of the Town of Seaforth; in the Count's, of Huron, Coal and Wood Merchant, deceased, who died at the said 'Town of Seaforth, on or about the $0th day or August, 1918,_ are re- quired on or before the 5tle day of November, 1018, th send, poet prepaid, or deliver to .the undersiged Olt particulars of theireclaims, duly verified by .affidavit and the, nature; of the securitY, if any, held by them, Arid further take notice that after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said deceased -will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only th the claiins of which note ,s o ice shall then have beet given. Dated at Sea - forth, thi15th day October, 1a18. 14. S. Hays, Solicitor for the Executors of said es- tate. - -.2653-3 ' AT YOUR sEgyircE B. R. IITCOINS • BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 100 (fdrmerly of Bruceffeld) • , -Agent foie -- The Huron & Erie. Mortgage Corporation and the Canada -Trust Compank. Commissioner H.C. ef Convey- ances, Fire and Tornado Insumnce, Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Brucelleld ore Coa1 Although we are getting a certain amount of hard.coalt the fuel con- troller .persists in advlsing us to supply - substitutes, and we now ha* in stock the following : s For Private Houses We ,,have some beautifill Kennel Coal and Coke, eithee of which burne eleanly and gives tremend- ous heat. Threshing and Furnaces - Vie have the ordinary Soft Coal. En some of the American States - they are not allowed to burn any- , • thing better in furnaces °. For Blacksrniths • We now have a large supply of genuine Kleanweld Smithing which has always given entire Satisfaction. • We also have large stocks in Cenient, Lumber, Shingles, etc. and respectfully solicit YOur ioquir- ies. Call us up at our expense, we are here to give SERVICE. Phone 618- • Victory Loan 1918 It is the 'duty of every citizen to purchase Victory Bonds,. aid this bank is prepared • to assist wage earners by making loans for this' purpos on the most favorable terms. Wherever possible, the bonds will be held for sakkeeping, on behalf of small subscribei% for one year, without charge. THE CAMADIAN BANK - OF C MMERGE SEAPORTS HUANG" G MULLEN • MANAGER FOR SAL. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated, on Centre Street; close to the Presbyterian church and is known com- fortable house, good shed, good ell' as the :u Frcell property. Good, c;tri- and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit treeS, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner p o- perty with no breaks „see front, &n& the land' is in a good state of culti*a. tlon. This is a nice property for a zetired farnaer and the taxes are lig t. For particulars apply on the premi or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 25 .d CREAM WANTED. We have our -Creamery now in f operation, and we want your patr n - age. We are prepared to. ply yu the highest prices for your cream, play you every two weeks, a, c'gh, samPle and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the se e We also supply cans free of charge and give you an honest business deal. Gall in and see ins or drop us a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth *ataxia Stratford, Ont. Lady Graduates of last term are now earning as high as $18 and even $20 per week, while young alien are __earning still better 'salaries. We can not meet the- demand for trainei help. Write us at once for par- ticulars regarding .our Com- raercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy 'Department. Students may enter at any time. D. A. McLACHLAN,Prhicipal NOTICE Beechwood, Ontario, The undersigned desires to thank his many customers and the public generally, for their dontinued 'support in my (business and wish to inform them that 1. am well prepared to sup- ply tehir wants in footwear in reliable Boots and Rubbers; also a full line of Groceries, Dry Goods, and any goods usually foundm a general store. We are open for all marketable produce at highest prices. We are taking -in Live Poultry every Wednesday Forenoon, and will pay highest Prices without shrinkage. Give us a call. My accounts are now read,. Yours, resepetfully, G. K. HOLLAND -44 e' Fall Term From Sept. 3rd IN SHAW'S Business Schools, Toronto. Free Catalogue en requeat. 4 Write to W. H. Shaw, President, Yonge a n d Gerrard Streets, Toronto NGINtS FOR SILO FILLING Fliihlands of Ontario The Home of the4tead Deer and Moose OPEN SEASONS DEER -November 11t b Noirein 15th, inclusive.. MOOSE -November 1St to Novem 15th, inclusive. ' In someof the Northern Districts of Ontario including Timagami and :the territory north and southof the Can- adian .Government Railivay from, 'the Quebee to Manitoba Boundary pen season for Moose is from October 1st to November 30th, inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgro s - the Haunts of Fish and Gztzne", geeing game laws,fi hunting regulations, etc., to C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Waterloo Boy Tractors Tust what you need for silo filling, threshing, plowing, cultivating,' disc- ing or any work on the fern. r edbeuliivIter tit . ani We have them in stock for inunedi- ae traction engines, 20 - h.p., 16 h.p. 17 h.p. and 18 hip. Portable Rebuilt engines from 12 h.p. upwards. . Separators from 24x40 inch for in- dividual farmer John B. - Mustard W Somerville Brucefield, Ont, ITown Agent W R. Plant ...... .1...Depot At 1 amessassmosessimemesmar esemosimmoor . • All for immediate delivery. ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANIG .• SEAFORTS. emememomme Motormen and Conductors Wanted. Steady Positions. Ten Days' Training. New men earn an average of $90 per month. Others make from $70 to $110 per month. The war will soon be over. Make pre- paration for the future. The Toronto Railway Company 165 Front Street East Toronto 1 0