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The Huron Expositor, 1918-10-25, Page 3
anaele t f our" and 24 .eats a hl os the 280 lb. -ing 35 a total *11€: chickk d sixty The because •0 cents. ;clue of for the an two for ev- it took unds of 4 cents ra Ly. op. e `ee t of on _ el, )H. Iver DWI After ;en, car 97 OCTOBER 25 , i1, HE 111 EXFQSI rte: 11 Save and Economize At no time in the world's history has there been such an incentive -to save. y economy in all things those at. home can serve their Country. Economize by not spending on non -essentials or luxuries. Every dollar savedhelps- A savings account is the first hep toward real economy. 1111011011E T11JDOMINK)N BANK 491 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager. 11011*IMMOCCIIIIIIMAIXIMII110111011011-11011i11110111110111101110011110111 ,il unless the afterfeed is poor. All _ . ttor breeding ewes are flushed" during the latter part of October or- the first of November. This consists in putting DISTRICT MATTERS them in a good clover and. giving them a light grain ration of oats, bran, and a litle oilcake meal. 'Hence the ewes make a rapid gain .in flesh: There are several advantages from, this practice. First --Phe ewes which are bred in a thrifty condition are more apt to throw vigorous lambs 3, second—they are more reliable I -breed- ers; third more likely to drop twins; fourth the flock will all breetl more evenly together, which makes it much better at lambing time in that. the lambs are all dropped within a short periodof each other, thus making less work for the shepherd., In selecting the flock ram it is the endeavor to choose the very best, typ- ical of the breed and vigorous. Ten he is fed well in order to keep !ism virile, but not too fat. He never grain until, about a month be breeding season. He is never alto to run with the ewes continually put in with them two or three h each day. In dividing the pen for winter, all mature ewes are put together; shear- lings•in another pen and ewe lambs by themselves. The latter are not bred monthly spelling match: Fifth—V. until one year old. Should there be McClymont; sr. IV—Walter Workman any -weak ones, they too are given a Senior III—Glarence Harvey; Second separate pen; otherwise they would --Helen Dinsdale; Part II—John An-. not get a fair show at- the trough der`on* with the more vigorous ones; The above method of preparing sheep far winter has been found to be most sat- isfactory. MANLEY (Too Late for aLst Week) . Notes. --Quite a number from here attended the St. Columban euchre party last week, to provide funds for the soldiers' Christmas bores. --Mr. fired Eckert is installing the Delco lighting system, and is going to have everythTg up-to-date in connection with it. STANLEY School Report.—The followin report of the school in section ,Stanley, for the month of Sep Names are in order of merit: class -=R. Verner McClymont, P. Fisher; Senior Fourth—Be4 McLachan, W. L. Workman,] Hyde; Senior Third—L. C, W is the o. 14, mber. Fifth lleanor trice L L. E. rkm.an, B. C Harvey', W A. Ross; Senor Sec- ond—E. F. Anderson, T. A, `nsdale, J. E McKenzie; Part Second— A. An- dersone H. McClymont, W. Mc- Lachlan; Primmer—J. A. McLachlan,M1. J. McDonald, R, McKenzie. the fol- lowing are the best spellers` in the ets ore ed but urs GUARD THE CHILDREN FROG, AUTi IV1N COLDS. The Fall weether is the most severe season of the year for colds --one day is warm, the next is wet and cold sad unless the mother he on her guard the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are mother's best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasional dose will prevent cold or if it does come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will quick,- ly cure it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Calgary " ' and went overseas in the fall cents a box frown The Dr. Williamsof 1915 and to France in January, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. 1916: He was wounded . in April of that year at Sanctuary Woode, recov- ered and went back to the lines,' and ' Hew he had escaped the murderous ' at the Somme, on September 29th, HURON NOTFeS —A sad . death took place in Drys- dale on Monday, October 7th, when Eli Gelinas, a respected farmer, _passed away, aged 30 years and 5 months. He had been ill for a few weeks with appendicitis and although everything possible was done for him it was of no avail. Deceased had lived in that sectign all his life and was well known. [His wife, and a numbereof small chile dren, mourn his loss. —Pte. James MacVicar,, arrived at his home in Goderich, after a try- ing war :experience. He enlisted at 'Stewart Bros. Maill and Phone Or ors Care f ull 'filled "---� Stewart 1 ros. Complete Mock at Reasonable Prices1 eautiful Styles hiIdrei Wealth of E ForMeii4 Woineu\, a REPARATIONS, a r e so delightfully comprehensive that every department reveals through its cleverly chosen assort- ments a distinctiveness, versatility' and atten- tion to your individual requirementsithat ex- presses the word a SATISFACTION " in all its completeness, and again let us repeat that you will always find the prices are lower here. THE VERY Smartest of " Women's Suits, Coats, Millinery and Furs, the Dressiest Overcoats, Suits and .Hats for Men and Boys. and the most reliable Hose and Underwear awaits you here. Styles which will distin guish the Wearer for their discriminating taste, quality whlic► adds character and wear to the garme€t and the pricing which is attrac- tively advantageous: automatic of the Hun prowling in -search of atrocities, only the kindly fates that look after good dogs know. But so fax he had, and even in the. hunger -stricken land of Belgium, this dog of doubtful descent—for t:e was none of your Patricians in the doggy world—had fared none too bad- ly. He was of hunting breed and knew how to forage for Himself, even when success meant only such susten- ance as a hog in Canada would have scorned. But his greatest value was as guide, philosopher and friend to little Michel whose only poseessinn he was. Michel had lost father, mother, sisters, brothers and relative in the in• - 1916, he received wounds- which put him finally in the non-combatant class. He was struck by an explosive bullet which inflicted very severe injuries, including shattering of his left hip. He lay for fourteen months in hospi- tal in England with a weight attached to his leg and had a dozen or more operations. The very best medical anfi surgical skill was given' to the case, and after two -years he has so far re- covered that he can get around with a cane. When he arrived by C.P.R. trar`n. in Goderich he vas greeted by a civic committee, consisting of Reeve Laithwaite, Deputy Reeve Clark and Town clerk Knox and driven to the vasion and how he had managed to -home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. survive could only be explained by James MacVicar, Hinoks street..Afe the fact that he was too small and in- ter two weeks at home he leaves for signifibant for the overweening Hun Toronto to undergo further medical treatment. —There passed away in °Wingham on _Moaaday, October 'fth, a well known resident of iVingham, in the -person of David Galloway, .in his • 68th year. Deeeased had been in poor health for ome months and for a short. time pri- or to his death had been confined to bed. Mr. Galloway resided for many years in Hawick Township and went to Wingham a few years ago. He to notice. Anyway, there he was and for a friendless Belgian baby he look- ed none too badly off. The reason was Sep, his dog. That faithful mongrel Lad succored him where all human help would have probably overlooked him. Sep shared -With him everything found and Michel had grown quite fastidious under his fostered care. He would even sometimes refuse a rain - sodden mu cak'e. odd d . d crust Gaily they wogid wander away together in the was highly esteemed by a large circle eternal search for food. And ra,rely were they disappointed. They were wise too and kept well out of the way of the marauding Hun whom Sep could smell ta, mile away. his son-in-law. Mr. Henry dohanu, at But there are t stun a0 Michels and Felrnore, to the Wroxeter cemetery. Michelles in Belgium and very, very of friends, and is survived by four daughters, his wife having passed a- way a few years ago. The funeral took place on tiee Wednesday' after- noon following, from the residence of few of them are as well looked after as our hero. Will you not do as much for some. of them as a dog is doing for one. Ten dollars will keep a child for a month. The smallest contribution will be a ladly acknowledged at 59 St. Peter Street, Montreal, Quebec, the headquarters of the Belgian Relief Committee. PREPARI G THE FLOCK FOR WINTER The sueess to be obtained from the far focez wilt depend very Largely on the way, it has been handled during the autumn nndnths. The plan at the Ex- perimental Farm, Nappan, N+S., is, be- fore the breeding season opens in the fall go tbrc:ugh the flock, pick out all the ncrpreducers, poor milkers, or any that nmy have bad mouths or spoiled Uddere, r;lso any that are too old for breeding profitably, and discard them. In selectins; oat the breeding flock, looks alone is not the only guide, as r Ez ny t TS.e: a ewe may be a profitable treeder vet be very thin, due to the fact t .a she has been brought down he y milk flow. Good ewes should be retained in the flock as long ae- they will breed and feed their Iambs eroperly. All t nibs not intended for breed- itte ;aureesee are sold. If the market happens to be needed it is found to be more ; , crit. bre to feed them well until Januany ear February, by putting them on goal af' _ rnth until banning time, then iini h ::r: roots and meal. Bin l .mbs intended for breeding are pieced in a separate field with good clover aftermath and given a light erain nii -ture of half pound of oats; one-quarter pound of bran• and onefifth pound of oilcake' meal. The ewe lambs are also placed in a field by tlier._siv e e but not given much grain NEW HEALTH - 111R WOMEN The t fateful years in a wo- man's life are those bete en forty- five and fifty. Many42,f Oh sex en- ter this period. tinder ,!repressing con- ditions through, overwork or worry *nut the home, or through a condi- tion in which he blood is weak or watery and so they. suffer heavily, Ailiong the ccanmonest symptoms are headaches, feverish flutes, pal- pitation of the heart, dizziness, back- ache, depression and other well. re- oognized disturbances of the health which stnalizes that : the blood re- quires attention. a Women urgently need rich, red blood all their lives, but never more so than in middle - life, when the nervee are also weak and overwrought. ) Now every woman clan prove the prompt help afforded to her health by renewing and . building up the blood. It is a test that any ailing woman can make by taking Dr. Wil- lialais' Pink Pelts, for these Pills make rich, red blood: which in turn stimulates the appetite, strengthens the nerves grid restores full robust health. Thousands of women have found in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills new health and strength and with these a new happiness and interest in life. So if you staffer, avail yourself at once of the splendid home treat- ment which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ea easily afford and you will be among tl.ose who rejoice in regained health. These pills are sold by all dealers in meaicine, _ or may be had by mail at 50 cants .a box or six boxes for $2.50 by waiting the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ontario. Men's Suits. Discriminating FolJowers of . Fashion .find here every Essential of , Distinctive I divid ality in -Dress Antic pated and Provided for EVERY Man who has been in this Fall has been impressed with the -fulness- of our stack of Suits, and the attractive patterns and fabrics they are made of. We have tried to tell about this wonderful big showing in our ad• vertisetnents but yon have got to come in and see the great racks loaded with hundreds of the season's rnost attrac- tive Suits, and not till then, will you realise how much this store is superior., to the ordinary clothing stores. ,You will see at a glance that the buying ° power of this store makes 'it the best place for you to buy. Prices $.�to $28 Men's Overcoats WE are selling a lot of Overcoats this Fall. The reason is appar- ent. We have the right goodq in big variety at the right price. Come in 'and see these dandy, big, warm, lux- urious coats ;..slip one on and feel the genuine comfort in them. Price to $28 Boys' Overcoats and Smits WITH' the same care in the same generous assortments we have bought our Boys' Suits and Overcoats and, marked them at the same rsason- able prices that obtains in our Men s Department. You can outfit your boy here.please him and save money too. Bring the bov in. t More New (..oats dor" Woinen WE are proud of the new coats we have recehtly • receiv- ed. -- An admirable selection of splendid models which makes provision for every seasonable purpose. The woman whose• wish it is to be becomingly clad will find here ° an almost unlimited line of fabrics, with . Velours, Beavers, Zebeline, Fries, Whitney and Tweeds among those destin- ed to highest favor. All these delightful Coats are beautifullyileveloped=— some plain, others featuring attractive trimmings in plush velvet. • There`is a so a splendid showing df New Plush Coats beautifully cut in entirely 'new designs. !rice $20 to $45 Furs, Rich T t-t I.S has always been a reliable Fur Store. Reliable because our person- al guarantee goes with every fur ,we sal . You take abso- lutely no ehance, here, and when you can buy with abso- ;lute confidence and safety, and at the same time pay less for guaranteed furs ----it is a real reason why you should buy here. Soft Lustrous 'UTOM Ruffs TT and Muffs in every kind of selected paltry from the child's White Thibet4 to t h e m o`e elabotate mink and Persian lamb sets, Women's Fur Lined Muskrat and Hudson Seal Coats. M E N --There never was a 'time when this store was not in the lead as a fur store. It is just as much in the lead to-day— so much so that you cannot afford to buy anywhere else. Stewart Bros, Womens Suits THE artistry of the greatest ,Ameri— can Experts furnishes the keynote to a collectin of the most Superb Suit Models the season will produce, while the conceptions of the foremost Can- adian . Fashion Creators finds expres- sion in an infinite variety of fine fabrics —emphasized by the perfect details of tailoring, so essential to a smart ap- pearance. Every n e w and wanted shade is procurable in these eminently stylish suits.' ` Price • S20t0 silo Winter Caps for Men and Boys BECOMING cap is a very nices- ar7 article of dress. Your head- ress, owing to its pioximity to the face z always noticed, There is no trouble, bout getting a good cap here, We leave such a variety to choose from tihat selection is easy, Tweeds, Beav- ors, Meltons and Serges,, with !knitted elastic or fur ear bands in every wanted - color. ©lor. .Price ...... ..cto S1.50 weater Coats For Everyone i drHE Sweater Coat is nota luxury— it is as necessary in a Canadian inter as any other Article of wearing pparel. Thereis nothing more coin- ortable, We are showing a wonder- uily attractive variety in all the best patterns and colors. From the small- est tot tc the largest man or woman we can fit you. $1.25108.50 c �