HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-10-25, Page 2TEE HURON -EXPOSITOR
4 • 6
Chase fhe
Norpin C
Git !AN
Is the heater you need to guard baby
against cold during the morning bath and
frolic. Can be carried upstairs and down -to drive
the chill from bathrooiii or, breakfast room.
Lights, strong, handsome; furnisl: -r, ten hours
of heat on a gallon of Kerosene.
Price $6.50
O -Cedar Polish, is the right
Rolish for all woods and finishes
-for floors, furniture, lino ee,
leuns.s. 25c. to $3.00 sizes.
O -Cedar Polish Mop -two
styles -priced at $1.50 each.
13011sh _Ad
tne tt.,„
'I ..•••••
Money • Save
oiht Wadi Expos4or
SEAFORTH, Friday, Oct. 25, 1918.
.....maa-e-=-- •-. .
What sort of 'man is the Crown
Prince of Germany, about whom so
many different stories have been told?
Dr. Arthur N. Davis, the American
dentist who lived for several years in
Berlin, met the Crown Prinee several
times and was not favorably impressed
by him. One Would gather. from Dr.
Davis's remarks that the Crown
Prince's own statement made not long
. ago tot the effect that he was no fire
1 eater was probably truthful, although
the popular theory has been that the
Crown Prince was the real leader of
the war party in Germany, and that he
'as the spokesman of this party
forced , the' Kaiser's hand • in July
and August, 1914. Dr. Davis' idea
of the Prince was that he was
something of a e"sissy" more inter-
ested in jewelry and the /it of his
clothes than in the •itrar. Nor does
the dentist subscribe to the theory
that the Crown -Prince personally is
a brave man. (V course, it is prob-
ably true that the bravery that is
displayed in a dentist's chair is even
a rarer quality than the "two o'clock
in the morning courage" that a great
general lauded.
The first time the dentist and the
Crown Priace met wasin 1905,
when the young man came to have
his teeth fixed. He was a Most un-
satisfactorypatient, for as, he sat
in the chair he trembled violently
and was so fearful of the slightest
pain that Dr. Davis found it almost
- imPossible te do the necessary
1 work. He Was exquisitely dressed,
and had a habit of placing his hands
on his hips, and -with his flaring. coat
Iarid cap tilted at a sporty angle had
a swagger appearance that was un-
usual with German officers.. On this
%first visit he carried a copy of Life
containing a cartoon - of him which
tickled hi a vanity, though it is diffi-
cult to believe that at any time the
New York humorous ° paper ever
presented the Crown Prince in any
other role than that of ass or
knave. He had two beautiful rings
, on his left hand and wore a wrist-
watch. At that time wrist watches
were considered badges of effemin-
acy. He took great pride in his
own slfro figure, and told Dr .Davis
he ate very little in order to remain
The Fuel Controller states that one-
tenth of an inch of soot in pipes resists heat
the same as 10 inches of iron.
Clean pipes, furnaces
put in repairs at
SILLS, Soafort
McEitcp MvtiaI
Fire insurance Co
eactoffice: Seaforth, Oat.
IL Connolly; Goderich, President
jS. it.Evans, Beechwood, Vice-Preeiderk
tr. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secy.-Treas.
Alex. Leitch, It. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed.
Hinchley, Seaforth; John Murray,
Brucefield, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth;
j. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jar -
smith, Brodhagen.
William Rinn, No: 2, Seaforth; John
Bennevries, Brodhagen; James Evans,
3eechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.
Connolly, Soderich; D. F. MeGregoe,
R. It No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve,
No. 4 Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock;
George McCariziey. NO. 3, Seaforth.
Trains Leave Seaforth as follows:
045 a. m. - For Clinton, Goderiok,
Wingham and Kincardine.
11.53 p. ra. - For Clinton, Wingham
and Kincardine.
11.08 p. m. - For Clinton, Goderich.
6$6 a. rre-For - Stratford, Guelph,
Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and
points west, Belleville and Peter-,
bora and points east.
$.16 p.m. - For Stratford, Toronto,
Montreal and points east.
Going South a.m.
Wingham, depart .... 6.35
Belgrave • ..... ....... 6.50
Blyth . ... . . ...... - 7.04
Loridesboro 7.
(Vinton, ........ ,.. 7.33
Brucefield ...... e. - . 8.08
Kippen 8.16
Hensel.' ...., - - - 8.25
Exeter 8.40
Centralia 8.57
London, arrive 10.05
a Going North a.m.
London, depart 80
Centralia 9 35
Exeter 9.47
Hensall 9.59
Kippen . . - ...... . 10.06
Brucefield 10.14
Clinton - 10.80
Londesboro 11.28
Blyth ...... - 11.37
Belgrave 11.50
Wingham, arrive . 12.05
a.m. p.m.
640 1.35
7.18 2.14
732 2.20
• ........9.38 4.80
tiederich, leave .
Toronto Leave ..........7.40 5.10
Guelph, arrive 988 7.00
Walton 11.43 9.04
Blyth 12.03 9.18
Auburn 12.15 9.20
Gods:del 12.40 OM
Connection* at Guelph Junction wits
Main Ilse for Galt, Woodstock, Les-
ion, Detroit, and atiolgo and ail in-
termediate pot.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,.
Billousriess/Sour Stomach, Bad,
Breath -Candy Cathartic.
No i:oadihow bad your :liver, stomaeb
on towels; how much your head aches.
how miserable yaw are from constipa-
tion, indigestion, biliousnesg and slug-
gish bowels -you always get relief with
Cascarets. They immediately cleansa
and eegulate the stomach, remove the
sour, fermentine-°food and foul gases;
take the excessbileefrom the liver and
cry off the constipated waste matter
and poison from the intestines: and
bowels. A 10-oent box from your drug-
gist will keep your liver and, bowel:
(dean; stone& sweet and head clear for
months. They work while you sleep.
For Infants and Childien.
6h Ltd You Have Always BOugld
Beare the
Moiety:ars of
"Pape's Diapeesin" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutee.
If what you just ate isouring on
your -stomach or lies like a lump of
lead., or you belchr, eue and eructate
sour, undigested fool, or have a feeling
Of dizziness, heartburn, fullriete, nausea,
taete in mouth and. stemaelnbead-
aelie, you eau get relief in. five minutes
by n(utralizin.g acidity. Put an end to
such stomach distress now by getting a
large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin
freme any drug store. You realize in
five minutes how needlers it is to suffer
frem indigestion, dyspepsia er any stores
ach dieorder caused by food fermentation
due to excessive acid in stomach. "
Lcok, Mother! If tongue is coated,
oleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
the handle is turned.
An English inventor's,. automobile
tool box contains a tray that is fitted
to hold the most used tools in separate
'INFLUENZA has been invented that is worn under a
compartment. t. :-
hat and protects the back of the head
For cold weather a head covering
neck and throat. '
... •
RAGEs IN CANADA ss„stztuitenitswoFtatiiyoef tbeenThexn made of wood
tr 'td in various ways.
Thousands of Cases Reported
With Many Deaths.
- The Crown Prince .would make an
appointineiit for 9.30, but would call
up at 10 -and say . that he- would be
there at .11; and would - turn up
sharp • at noon. He had a. tremen-
dous love of the liraelighf, and was
frequently stepping his horse or his
car to lgieve a coin to a child or ',an
unusuallf professional -looking beg-
gar. This, Dm Davis thought, was
merely ostentation, . but we recall
that an Enghsh woman eild-io travel-
ed with the Crown Prince on ship-
board when he Went to .. India on n
hunting expedition_ some years , ago,'
as impressed by ' his love_ of, chil-
ren, and his almost fatherly inter-
t in those he met. The Crown
rince was the despair of the police-
men of Berlin,. as were -his brothers.
He drove at a reckless - pace, and
usually on the wrong side of the
street On one occasion his car
was wrecked, but as bad hack would
have it he escaped injury. On one
Occasion he rode his horse tup the
hundred steps of the palace at Sans
Souci, not a difficult feat, but One
that was eVravagantly advertised
in the obsequious German press.
. Dr. Davis saw him once driving
up tinter • Den _Linden; but hearing
the familiar sound of the Kaiser's
car behid, he drew up to the side
of the road - and stood at salute,
untit it had passed, not daring to
precede his father. When the Crown
Prince visited the dentist after the.
war broke out the American noted.
that he looked much. older than his
years. His conversation was as flip-
pant as ever and was full of libidin-
ous speculations as to the good time
the men were having- at home with
the millions of German 'manhood
at the front. He asked the dentist
if. he saw many good looking . girls
in Berlin, and showed an interest in
tie subject that was.deplorable in a
married man, .Dr.. Davis • said that
criticism of • the Crown Prince's be-
havior with regard to the women of
loose character- who visited his head-
quarters was quite general. His own
officers: complained pat he was set-
ting a bad example which they had
few opportunities ef following. He
was riot -considered e military expert
lay thosein the inner circles:, but
the newspapers -lost . no opportunity
of representing him as a great com-
On this occasion be had new
rings which he took great delight in
looking, at. He spoke about a new
car he • wasdrivi•nge and childishly
showed off a new raincoat to a num-
ber of royal and semi -royal ladies
who had assembled in the dentist's
waiting room to .wait for him. The
tear he considered "A lot of damned
noneenee." He spoke of his men at
the Western front standing in. mud
an water up to their knees as
thought it were rather a .humorous
situation. "We've been having a
lot, of fun pumping the water from
our trenches into the French trench-
es,' he said, and the dentist. re-
marked, "Well, I suppose they pump
it. right back, ,don't they?1' to which
he replied, "You're .quite right, quite
right. That's exactly what they dot
Really' it's a great lark." His con-
versation upon the war was of 'a
jejune e4aracter, and it was plain
enough that no idea of its horror
had penetrated his mind. He spoke
unconcernedly of two million Ger-,
mans growing up who would furnish
reserves for the German, -army, but
expressed the wish that the fighting
were overt It would be interesting
to know if this conversation took
place atter Verdun.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food _gently
motes out of the b-owels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be-'
eaus.e ;they know its action on the stom-
rah, liver and bowels is prompt and sure.
Ask your druggist: for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Pies," wbioli con-
tains directions for babies, children of
all ages and for grown-ups.,
Experts have listed more than 10,000
varieties of orchids.
Horse hair automobile tires have
been invented by a Frenchman.
A novel club for policemen contains
a single shot pistol in its shaft.
The six state capitols of Australia
have been eonenctecl by wireless tel-
Concealed under the flare of a new
cap for men is a pocket for Money
or valuables.
An experiment•station for the pro -
!TRUIT-A-TIVEV-The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine -Gives the Power.
To Resist This Disease:
The epidemie of Spanish Influenza
which played such havoc in Europe,
has reached this continent, Thou-
sands of cases of the strange malady
have appeared and many deaths are
already reported; Surgeon -General
Blue of .the United States Public
Health Service having stated that
"Spanish- Influenza will probably
spread, all over the country in
six weeks".
Practically every ship which
touches our shores from abroad,
brings those infected with the
Surgeon -General Blue urges that
"the individual take all the precau-
tions he can against contracting
the disease by care and personal
hygiene". Plenty of exercise should
be taken; the dietshouldberegulatede
Spanish Influenza affects most
.severely elderly persons and others
whose powers of resistance are
weakened by illness, work or worry,
especially those who are "run-down '
or not feeling up to the mark."
The really great danger from the
disease is not so muchin the disease
itself, as that it often develops net°
pneumonia. ,
What everyone needs now is a
general tonic like "Fruit-a-tives"e
This wonderful fruit medicine is not
a germ -killer. It is a body-builder;
a strength -maker; a blood -purifier;
a power in protecting against the
ravages of disease.
"Fruit - a - tives " regulates the
kidneys and boweis, causing these
organs to eliminate waste regularly
atid naturally as nature intended.
"Fruit-a-tives" keeps the skin active,
and purifies and enriches the blood.
" Fruit - a - tives" tones up • and
strengthens the organs of digestion,
insuring food being properliedigested
and assimilated.
Everyone cad take ordinary pre-
cautions, avoid crowded places, and
use "Fruit- tives" regularly to
insure sound digestion, to keep the
bowels and kidneys regular and the
whosystem in. the best possible
condition. Then we are safe from
"Fruit-a-tives" is said by dealers
everywhere at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50,
trial size 25c or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Friiit-a-tives
Limited, Ottetwa, Ont.
The place froni which a reeord is
taken in a new talking machine cabi-
net is automatically held open Midi it
is returned. .4
.By adding cobalt to.. chromium -
carbon steel an English tainVentor
claims to produce a tool steel equal in
hardness to high speed steel. ' u
Because weight rather than size
makes eggs valuable for hatching, a
California, poultryman has indented a
simple' egg weighing scale.
An English inventor's watch' is so
-mounted in its case Ithat it can be
laid upon a table with the dial in an
almost vertical position.
It has been estimated that if all
railways could be coaverted to' elec-
tric power a coal saving of more than
161/2 per cent. would result
Norwegian scientists are trying to
learn if sounds accompany the aurora
borealis, as is claimed by natiVes of
far northern latitudes.
A .new luggage braeket for auto-
mobile running boards can be adjust-
ed for loads Of various sizes or re-
moved from a car in a few seconds.
The Portuguese g.overnment has
planned an extensive system of radio
stations to Bak Lisbon with its col-
onies and other European capitals.
• A Woman is the inventor of a -ward-
robe suit case equipped with a tray
hinged to stand upright, upon which
garthents can be carried on hangars.-.
The discovery of the largest deposit
of high-grade chrome; in the world is
claimed for Rhodesia,more than Z000,-
000 tons already having been exposed.
The Detroit inventor of a new auto -
Mobile engine eliminated the flywheel
by distributing its weight equally
among -the connecting rod\O of the
By careful selection and breeding
South African ostrich experts expect
25 per cent. more plumes than the
average bird of to -day.
A Mlorado town and installed sani-
tary street drinking fountains which
deliver both cold water from nearby
mountains and hot water from hot
springs in the vicinity.
French builders Of one type of motor
plows equip them with at system of
mirrors to enable a driver to see the
greund ahead of him and the -work he
is doing at the same time.
An adjusting rod operated from the
driver'et seat alters the angle of the
blades in a new cooling fan for auto-
mobiles to keep the motor at a 'desired
temperature at all times.
To give sailing craft auxiliary pow-
er an Englishman has patented an in-
ternal combustion enginetto be carried
on deck and drive 'propellers lowered
over the sides when. needed.
An Indiana inventor's emergeney
axle to replace one broken on an auto-
mobile is so shaped that it receives
the brake hub and extends under the
regular axle, to which it clamps. ,
In Spin there has been invented a
steel automobile wheel with steel
tires, which is said to have moat of
the advantages and none of the disad-
vantages Of the rubber tired wheel.
Small wheels that have been invent-
ed by a Los Angeles man to prevent
motorcycles overturning are so mount::
ed that they do not prevent a machine
running smoothly on rough mule:
By transplanting young trees upside
down so that the branches develop
roots and the roots leaves, an'English
railroad has Produced small shade
trees in less time than ordiaarily.
To enable a person to match, the
color scheme of a room a new indirect
lighting fixture has a double bowl, be-
tween the portion e of which fabrics
or any desired hue can he inserted.
To measure the force exerted by
persons exercising, a Frenchman has
invented a machine in Which, bicycle
Anechanism drives a dynamo, which
registers on delicate electrical instru-
As a substitute for the alarm clock
an inventor has brought out a mirror
to be se mounted Outside a tvindow
that the sun's raye ire reflected into
a. sleeper's eyes at any; desired hour.
Several thousand • fresh water fish
from the United States have been dis-
tributed in Gatuin Lake in an experi-
ment to learn if they can be acclimat-
ed to. the canal zene as a food supply.
The world's preductioh of petroleum
last year has, beeri estimated by the
United States geological survey ex-
perts as in excess of 500,650,000 bar-
renlss,. or more than 68,000,000 metric
An aerial cable -Way 75 miles long,.
the greatest in the world, will be built
in northern Indiato provide transpor-
tation for a regioi where the Soil coti-
dibons make railroads impracticable.
duction of tea has been established 41
Pipe -with a spiral lock seam is made
from strips of metal by a recently
invented machine.
An electricarprocess has been inventd
ted in England to protect iron and
steel from corroding.
To aid persons to sleep in daylight
an opaque mask to be worn over the
eyes has been invented.
Of European invention is a clip to
hold a pen oa a -writer's finger without
using a penholder.
A combined chair, writing table and
telephone desk has won a patent for
its Indianapolis inventor.
Agents of the government will in-
vest gate the possibility of raising
cott n in
The vai
chair so i
possible f
clet of the
invented b
A new 1
folded fiat
Italy has joined other European na-
tion in pr
A clip t
on a door a
a new skirt
that are said to wear well for two
years from the bark ef young Haden
Pedals with which an automobile
d to give a driver's hands
been patented in Texas.
pontoons, intended to
all boat- unsinkable, have
I in England by an Aus-
ious parts of a new folding
terlock that it is ahnost im-
r it to upset. •
us to strengthen the mus -
hands of violinists has beeri
a Russian violinist.
ether travelling bag 4as a
bottom which permits to be
when not in use.
hibiting the manufacture,
or sale of absinthe.
at holds a, piece of chalk
any height desired forms
gauge for dressmakers.
easants make moccasins
can be steer
a rest have
make any sn
been patente
For towing, damaged automobiles to
garages a 1�w, four wheeled truck
that picks u. a car bodily has been
Pasteboard Iboxes lined with tin arid
lead foil have been invented in Den-
mark as subst4utes for tin containers.
The inventor of a rocking frame on
which a baby 'carriage can be fasten-
ed to form a Cradle secured a patent
r it.
French scie4ists are developing a
iprroone..ess for the production of electro-
lytic iron sheets and tubing from cast
The upper iiart of the handle of a
ne.w screwdriv r can be turned cross-
wise of the s aft to give additional
In an indoor golf game patented iri
England players drive balls through
an arch and rinF a bell instead cif into
a hole. Boston
Ain'ventor's automatic foot
measuring devie e is said to fit a nian
with shoes acc rately in less than a
In a flameless, incadescent gas burn-
er of European invention the gas iv
forced into a porous disk within which
it burns. • '
Feathers revolving on a shaft turn
the leaves of books with a fumigating
cabinet patented by a Salt Lake City
A bicycle tire made of elm wood that
is said to work satisfactorily on clay
or gravel roads has been invented in
Holland. --
Within the business end of a new
mop is a cone shaped head to catch
and wring the fabric as a crank on
OCTOBER 25, 1918
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Interest allowed at hig eat Current Rate.
• Brumfield St. M rys Kirkton
Exeter Clinton Illensall urich
of, putting this flesh on is evident. I
The most profitable weight at which.
to finish cockerels is when they weigh
about four pounds; but even earlier
birds may be fed with profit, as sev-
eral experiments conducted at the Ex-
perimental Farm this suramer go to
Poultry meat of all kinds has .been
a good price. Hens have been selling
as high as roasters and broilers have
paid well. Leghorn cockerels at the
Experimental Farm have been sold at
about two pounds each, and because
of being especially finished. on milk,
brought good returns and paid well for
extra feed. Four different lots xnark-
eted in August, 152 birds, weighed 280
pounds, they were fed for about ten
days during which tinie they gained
60 pounds, weighing at the end of the
feeding period 340 -pounds. They con-
sumed 180 pounds of. mash and 24 gal-
lons of buttermilk. The mash com-
posed of two parts corn meal, one part
rnidldings and one part buckwheat
WHEN RE' i'Ttt”E-Nr:2 !Th'Y.
iVind .and rain and aleci,
Cloudy sky an4 gray
Seemed to be the ead of time,.
• N:Vhen he went' away.
sea of yearning faces,
Mothers, sweethearis, wiveee
dlanees seemed to cut nie'j
Like dull, jagged knicea..
:_;:•;01111(1 of distant Music,
Bugles, faint and sweet,
Some one shouts, Coadag:"
zt:ilence reigns c!omplete.
Then, as though t`f3 save them,
There goes up a, eheer,
All tht crowd is wavini,,
Forgetful of their, fear.
Shuffling slush of marching fet-t
The men in khaki clad.
Then, "Oh, he has passed me,"
My own lad. ,
Head so quick uplift*
And for me a smile.
Dear God, send him' back again.
After awhile! ,
-Catherine Wam Branham.
Even with the present high price
of feed no one can afford to sell birds
and espedially cockerels, in a thin
condition. The good priees received
for poultry meat more than pay for
the extra feed; and if there ever was
a time when birds should be finiehed
it is now.
As a war measure the marketing
of thin chickens should be prohibited.
The most expensive: part of the bird
to produce and tkatt which is of the
least value for food is the frame. The
cheapest weight for the feed fed is the
flesh as it is all edibl, the necessity
The feed was 180 lb. at four
cents a pound, totally $7,20 and 24
ga ions of butermilk at five cents a.
ga lon at $1.20; making a total of $8 -
40 for feed and milk. Add to this the
value of the birds at the start 280 lb.
of thin chickens that would bring 35
cents per lb..$98; and it makes a total
cost for thin chickens and feed- $116.-
IThe weight of the finished chicks,
was 340 pounds, having gained sixty
p wide in the ten days feeding. Thee,
✓ lue per pound was increased because
o the quality saf the flesh to 50 cents
pr pound, making the total value of
t1ie birds $170.
This meant a revenue of $54 for the
c re of 152 birds for less than two,
eeks. It also showed that fof ev-
y patina increase on the birds it took
pounds of mash and four pounds of
or an average cost of 14 cents
er pound of gain.
The Panora
Range is yotr real
friend on waE,11 day.
Change the top
around, set the boil-
er on the far side
and use the three
nearest holes -you
can boil on all of
them. Dinner on
time; no extra fuel,
no rush or confusion.
°111 SALE BY
lien6 Edge
14cC1 s
London Toronto Moitreal.
Stjohn,N.R. Hamilton Calgary
yob will find WRIGLEY'S.
Everybody thInki of WRIGLErS
when chewinun is mentioned.p
This is the isIt of years of
effort to give'mankind the
benefits and enJoyment of this
low-cost sweettleat.
WRIGLEY'S s appetite and
digestion--atlays thirst -renews
,Sealed tight -
Kept right
.1/4,540 e•-•
' • -nee
Save and
At no time in th
there been such'
By economy in all
can serve their C
Economize by not sp
luxuries. Every don
account is the first
Fr i mu Exintotto
(Too Late for aLst Week).
Notes. -Quite a number from he
attended the St. Colurnban euch
party last week, to provide funds f
the soldiers' Christmas boxes. -M
Trod Eelmat is installingthe Del
lighting system, and is going to ha
everything up-to-date in conneeti
tvith it,
School Report. ---The following i
report of the school in section No. 1
Stanley; for the raonth of Septemb
Names are in order of nierit:--Fif
class -R. Verner IVIcClymont,•Elean
P. Fisher; Senior Fourth --Beatrice
MeLadhan, W. L. Workxnan,
Hyde; Senior Third -L. C. Workma
B. C Harvey, W A, Ross; Senior Se
ord-d-E. F. Anderson, T. A, Dinsdal
J. E 'McKenzie; Part Second --J A. A
demon,, 11. MeClyment, W. D. M
Lachlan; Primer -J. A. Telel-,achlan,
J. McDonald, R. McKenzie. The d
lowing are the best spellers in
%monthly spelling match: Fifth-
McClymont; sr. IV -Walter Workm
Senior III -Clarence Harvey; Seco
as -Helen Dinsdale; Part II -John A
The Fall weather is the xressa seve
season of the year for cold -s --one d
is warm, the next is wet and e
aziel unless' the mother is on her gua
the little ones are seized with col
that may hang on all winter. Bab
Own Tablets are mOther's best frie
in preventing or banishing colds. Th
act as a gentle laxative, keeping t
bowels and stoxnach free and sw
,An oecasional dose will prevent
or if it does come on suddenly
prompt use of the Tablets will
ly cure it, The Tablets are sold
medicine dealers or by mail a
'mita a box from The Dr, Willia
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario.
me .
How he had escaped the murder
automatic of the Hull' prowling
*search of atrocities, only the king
fate* that look after good dogs In
But so far he had, and even in
hunger -stricken land of Belga'
this dog of doubtful descent -for
_ was none of your Patricians in
'doggy world -had fared none too b
ly. He was of hunting' breed
knew how to forage for himself, e
when success meant only such east
.aneasa hog
ns Cargreatest Canada
as guide, philosepher and friend
little Michel whose only possession
was. Michel had lost father, mot
sisters, brothers and relative in the
va.sion and how he had managed
survive could only be explained
the fact that he was too small and
signifitant for the overweening
to notice. Anyway, there he was
for a friendless Belgian baby he 1
ed none too basil/ off. The reason
Sep, his dog. That faithful mon
had succored him where all hy
kelp would have probably overloo
Ifoinund SaenpdshMailierecd nahdhigin
fastidious under his fostered c -are.
would even sometimes refuse a r
sodden mud cseked crust. Gaily
ouid wander away together in
eternal search for food. And ra
were they disappointed. They
wise too seitosmo smell
aandkepttiwaewall outy. of the
of the marauding Hun whom
But there are 1,200,000 'Michels
blichelles in Belgium arid very
few of them are as well look
as our hero. Will you not do aS
for some ief thein as a dog is doin
one. Ten dollars will keep a chil
a io eionitthte.. eThe smallest oontrib
will at be gladly acknowledged 5
'Peter Street, Montreal, Quebec,
eadquarters of the Belgian It
The sucess to be obtained fro
far flock will depend very largel
the way it has been handled duren
autunm 'red/Ales. The plan at the
perimental Kerte, Nappan, N.S.,
for.e the loreeding season opens
fall go through the flock, pick o
the nonproducers, peer milkers,
that may have bad mouths or
udders, alto any that are too 01
breeding profitably, and discard
In selecting 04 the breeding.
looks alone is not the only gui
many times a ewe may be a pro
header yet be very thin, due t
fact that she has been brought
by a heavy milk flow. Good
should be retained in the 0
long as they will breed and feed
Iandas properly.
All lambs not intended for
ang purposes are sold. If the m
happens to be flooded it is found
more arofitable to feed them well
January or February, by putting
en goo(1 aftermath until barning
the finish on roots and meal.
Ram Jambs intended for br
are plaeed in a separate field -
good clover aftermath and
light grain mixture of half Po
oats; one -clues -tor pound of bra
on'eelfth pound of oilcake meal.
ewe lambs are also placed in a fi
themselves, but not given much