HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-09-20, Page 5er- of 0Y, er ar- of to ry her L.ur- he led at. ifl Ghy of avo am it- ind rge ich [eir )ur ies old his ne. iny EPTE Seafarth Sept. 19, 1918 r dozen , .. .. ....42e to 48c r bushel .... ........70c e , per lb. . 38 to 42e oes, per bushel to 1.50 at per bushel *ng wheat, per bushel gs, per ewt , Shorts, per ton ... ......$41,00 Barley, per bushel. ; 1 1 • • • * • 6 $160 0 Peas, per bushel ............$2.25 Flour, per Cent ......$5.60 to $5.75 Bran, per BEAN MARKET Torento, September -V.-Beans-Ca adieu. aant picezed. buehel $7.50; irePorted kande picked, Burma or Indian, 16; Jimen, $7,50; Vries, 19c. POULTRY MARKET September 17.-Dresse4 Poultry -- chicken% 33 to 35e: roosters, 28e; fowl 0e: ducklings, 83c; turkeys 82e to 35e. poultry -Boosters --28c; fowl, 27 to , dueklings, 220; turkeys 27 to 30c: spring c ern 30. DAIRY MARKET Tenon Sept. 17. -Cheese, new large 23% • 240,, twin, 283e to 24%; eed large -25ene 2rsc; twins 260 to 261,4e. Eget-No. 1 candled, 49e to 50c; selected fee be 55e: in carbons 55c to 56c. Butter -Fresh dairy*. choice 41- to 42tm reamerY print*, fresh made, 46e to 48c; olid 46 to 46c. Roney, new erop-Strained, 60 lb. tin26c; 1.4 lb. tins 26te to 27; 5 lb. tine 271,e to 28c. -Combe-tiezen-e.75 to 54.50. GRAIN MARKET Tonnito. Sept. 17 -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1, Inorthern $2.24ie • N. 2 Northern, $2.21n:M: No. 3 Northern -12.17%; No. 4 wheat $2.111ii in stare at Fort William, not including tax. Insinitoba Oats, per bushel -No. 2 C., W. Wen; extra No. 1 feed 8214e; No. 1 feed. pee -in store at Fort William. American Corn -No 3 Yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No, e yellow, kiln dried,. nominal. Ontario Oats -No. 2 wiriter, new crop, 76 to 78c, per tweet; No. 3, to 77c; per bushel. Ont- artio Wheat -No. 2 winter, Per ear lot, 82.21; • winter. $2.27: No. 2, spring, 52.26; ern 3 Spring, $2.22, basia tit store at Mon- treal. -Peas -No, 2, nominal. -Barley, malt - per bushel 81.01 to 11.06:, new crop. Buckwheat - Nominal. Rye - Nominal; according to freight a outside. Manitoba flour -War quality, old crop 811.35, Toronto. Vettario Flour -Winter„ in new bags, Prompt shipment, war quality, 10.85: Toronto deliver - my, Milifeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal freights, bags included: bran per ton 536.40: shortper ton. ;141.40. Hay -No. 1 per ton: n19 to 520; mixed, 517 to $18; track. 'Toronto. Straw -Car lots, Per ton, 59.00 to 39.5e. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, Sept. if. -Cattle -Receipts 6600: sieve and easier; prime steera 517 to 317.50: ehipping steers $16.50 to $16.75; butchers. $12 to 513.26; yearlingn $13 to $13.25; heifere, 510-50 to $13.75 cows, 55 to 512; bulls. 36.30 -to 511; etockers end feeders $7 to 1e.e0; fresh cows. and springer., 565 to 5145: ales,, receipte, 1400; etrong, 57 to $19,50, Itirge-Receipts, 8800; steady, heavy, $21.2e to 521.35: reixed and porkers, $21.25 to 21.40; Iigbt yorliera, 521 to 521.25; pigs, 520.75 to $21; rougbs $ae to $13.50; stage 512 to $15.80,- Sheep and larabs-Receipts, 4000: Meade; lambs, 510 to 818.50: a few, 518.75: learn/nee $6 eo $15: wethers, $13,25 to 513.75; ewee 56 tie 512.50; mixed sheep 512.75 to sta.25, Union Stetek Yarda Toronto, September 17. moreir,g's trade lacked the variety of a week ago and WIL.3 accountable for, to some extent, by an absolute lack of ateers for ex- port and a very pronounced scarcity of good to choice butchers in an offering which ex - needed alit thousand head of cattle, the record leave run of the season. The offering as a whole was not quite accurately described by one buyer aa "a collection of junk," but frora the paint of view of quality et was the poorest forward ori Monday for a caneiderable per- iod. After about two score loads of good cattle had been picked up nothing but cornraon • andimellium killers remained, arid it was aot earprisieg that for the latter grades valties reeeded 20 to 40c and up to 50c in spots,. Any- thing good among the butcher ateers and heif- ers and tows and bulls was snapped up at rm prices, but all the other grades were itir -mined to a more or less &fuggy trade, and nuraeroua loath of common killers were left ever. Canners were steady and active. Stockers met with a pretty fair demand and field from 83.25 to 510.25; and ill a few odd eases where the cattle looked very promising a little more was paid. There was a good .demand for milkers and springers at a shade trifler values, 50 head among a moderate of- fering cashing in firom 5100 to 5160. Lamb prime dropped 50c; the quotations for the morniag ranging from 17 to 1714e a pound. Sheep were barely steady on account of the big run. but veal which were scriece met with a firm and aritive trade. For the third week in succession hogs rere arm at e19.50 to 519.75 fed and watered. At this end the packer -buyers are not exhibit- ing any special deeire for hogs, nor are tbey reported to be active in the countret The recepite were 310 loada With 6197 cattle, 372 calves, 417 hogs, and. 2782 sheep and lambs. Ben Kirk (for Harris Abattoir) boagh2e0 bogs, 519.59 fed and watered. Frank Hunieett bought 80 butcher cattle, 904 to 1100 lbs., $11 to 812.50. A. W. Talbot (for William Davies Ltds. • bought 200 steer, 512 to $14.75. Fred Rowntree bought 39 milkers and sprin- gera, 5100 to $160, each. aunts lernited bought 500 cattle: Butchers to $14,50; cows. 56 te $11; bulls, 58 to$11. Swift Canadian Company bought100; hogs at $19.50 fed and watered. George Roitintree (for Harris Abattoir) bought 562 cattier Steers, 511i25 to $14.16; heifers 510.50 to $13; cow 55.75 55,75 to 510.25: buls.,$7 to 510.25. Demi and Levaek sold: Batchers-24, 1150 lbs„, 1514.75; 18. 953, $12.50: 26, 850 lbs., 511; 10, 442 lbs., $11; 8, 940 lbse $11; 24, $20 Ite,,. .10075: len 620. 510.75; 11. 318,510.50; 21, 1%1 $te.sa; 20, 1130, 513.60. Cows -3. 1160, Ste: 2, *27, 510.23:3, 1110. $10.20; 17, len, 3n.85; 4, 106e, $8.75; 3. 883, 86; 1, 1000 lbs., $6e 2, 755. $5'.93: 1, 790, 55.85. Stockers - 22; 773, $11;a7e7. 510.60; 2, 550 57. . neamnan and Sons sold: Butchers -1, ma Iv..., 57.39. Cows --2. 810, 56.25; 11, e25. 0.25. 11ulle-1, 1150, 59.35; 9,825. $3.2. Stenkere- ere 710, 59.50; 4. 780. 511; Rine eailicers, 51e5 each: 1 milker, 565; 2 milkera (with ceivat), 5117 each; 3 railker-e 5110 each: 3 milkere 5115 eaeh; 1 milker e100; 2 CONV, :(with calf) e104.50; 1 milker 3160. Quin and liney sold: Butehers-7, 900, 511; 22, 1350. 514ne10; in. 880, 511; 1, 870, 59.25: n, 34e, Si .3724, 59.10. Cows ---22, 900. §10.25: 1. 70, 53; 3, 700 $7.73; 3, 340. 53; 1. 1040, Pere: e. 1185, 310; 1, 930, $6.5e; 1, 930i 56; 1300, v.50; 1, 1040, 53.65. Stockers- e20, 51e.2e; 1, 810, 510.2e: 7, 130, $10.54: 1, 706. 510; S, 500, $9; 1, 620. 5e.25: 3 350, 5e.25; I. 890, $13. S. 11. i.c.,'„ieids arel San sold: Butchers -1e, 83e. ele; 15. 1e20. 514.23; 17. 5'20. 510.35: 7. Vane. M. lt- 7, 633. 53,50: 25, 710, 510.50. •ilen 51.0.511 7„ 1. springer $120. :Cali Whaley eieal: fiutchere19, 1180. $14.75. i3. 1.,73. ,51.1.1:5: 25, 1160, 514.20: 28, 1030 -$1e, nee $10.2e: 16, 1080. $14.63: • 700. reee 1.7. 'len 512.16: 5. 920, 511.1e: 2, 1210, 311.F: --;MR. 56: 17, 1100. $13.e5; rine ereieei runs 1300, 30.50: 1, 1015-, etnee.Stociii----12, 820, $10.25; 1. 5t0.2e. 7, 7e0, 510.50; 1. '700, 510; 3, 500, 33: I., eee, 3e.25; e. 960, 39.25; 1, 890, $12. Corbeit, liact and Couehlin quoted: Good. /new' •air r s, $1.4 . :19 to 315; choice butchers, butchere, 512 to 512.50: inedium F.. eteleire 510 . 50 to $11 . 50 ; common butcher;, 5e to 5e.50; choise heavy bulls, 510.30 11.1.; butchers bulls, 58.75 to 59.25: nologna (.....1114. 57:23 to 5.4.25; choice °owe 13-50 to 1e.75: good caws, 59.50 to 610; med- ian Ceefte Ob.) 58.50; common cows 53.:50 to 37: caeners, 55.30 to $6 eheen* light 313.54 to 514.50; heavy- sheer, and bucks, $10 , 812; eleeice spring lamte 17 to 1714c; mice caiem 17 to 517.76i medium calves, $11.53 to 5.1.3: hogs fed and watered et9.50.: hogs, eft' ear. 519.7e. Melernale mid Ilailigue, sold 38 cars of y steers 51.5 to 515.60 per cwt.; goal. ,le (514.50 to 514.85; choice but- ehere e'er e- to $1.5.25; f400f1 do. 511.e0 to 512.2e; :net -ten de. $10.50 to $1.1; coir.racin de. t., Sir*: nen eastern 'sneers and heifers le to Veen , .i.:s bulle $10.50 to 511; good tin $' 3'il: medium do, 58.60 to 39.00: neeteee. eiaee to $8; choice cows, $10.50 to el1. eoe0. do 53.50 to 510: medium do., 10 -canoe de., $7 to 57.50; canners newt eseine 85.73 to 53,50: choioe feedene 'IL eie: ince!, do.. 510 to $11; milkers mei -pre. cot' 11.5 to $110: d,. goed, tk, $T14. The fere...stir. nitre the quotations a --Extra reheiee hea sta-rc> 815 . en to $16 .00 ; cheiee mc'svi Lire to 515: butchers, cattle. good 11.75 ba 512.2e : 0- mature 5fi0. to.$11: do. common $9 to n.fie; berseer leen choice 511 to 11.2.5 de- tiethunt. “).?..!-; to 510.60; do. rough Mille :nee3., .3- 74; tketr...hers' cows.. choice, $10,75 nit $11- e en 3 59.2e to $0.50: do. common e7.2e to Si: ,tockere 53 to 510.60; feeders S10.50 ta 511; canners and cutters 5.50 to reekere. good to choice $90 to $185; do. *- eel medium, $65 to $75; epringera 2 $150; Wes *13 to $IS $10; 1rn 17 to cheer.* $14 to $17.75; boe, eaand -$19.50 to e19.75; do. off *1O75 • BIRTHS • Lowe -In Grey Towriship onSerstetioller 84 US Mran rim Milton Lowe, a eon. Letinan-In Exeter, on September Itti to Me. and Mre.W Lutraan, son. bfeCaulan-In Morris townIijp oflSeP Ilth, to Ur. and Mrs. Newton Meteatrlay, • son (AM bore). Wallret•-ln Brussels. on SepteMber 8th, to M. and Mrs. Ben, Walker, a daughter. MARRIAGES eNichol-4101YLurray--At. St. johns' Rectory, Brusaels, be Rev. Ho Smith, on September 4. Mr. Duncan. McNichol, of McKilI0P, to Miss Olive Pearl McMurray, of Bruseels. ms-Beird-At the James street Methodist Parsonage on September Dtla by Ree. J. W. Baird, Miss Vaney Baird, daughter of Mr. John Baird, of Grand Bend, to Mn John Rollins Sims, of Orediten, earle-Petterson-At the Methodist anion - age, Myth, on September lltb, E a Pate tenon, of Huieltt, to Mr. Wesley Searle, of Morrie. • • DEATHS .. • Daunceye-In Exeter on Sersteraner 8th, Eliza- beth Marsden, wife of Mr, John Dauncese • aged 67 years,, 9 months and 9 days. MeAlliater-In Toronto, on Septeraner '7th, John leicAlliater, age & 74 years. ont--In Brussels, on September ;rd. Sarah alien Arnott, beloved wife qf Hugh Lamont aged 62 Me's, 11 months and 27 dans. - Einbura-In Morris, on August 31st, Mary Elizabeth Bell. beloved wife of A,F. Fem. bury; aged 61 years, 6 mantle and 10 'lays. Nash -In Harpurhey, on neptember 16th. L11 - Ilan Maud, second youngest daughter of Me, and Mrs, Daniel Nash, aged 2 nun, 3 Moritha and 11 days. T. Holmes Funeral Director and aLiconsed Embalmer Underiaarmg parlors in Oddfet lows building opposite estewart Bros. Resi- dence Godench at., opp Dr. Scott's Flowers furnished on short notice, Phone Night or Day 119, 1111111211111IMIN 11111111111111111111 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111" 'W. S. Gorrnie311 EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Groeery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice • Charges moderate Phone -Night, or Day -192 DATES OF FALL FAIRS Bayfield Blyth October 1 and 2 September 23 and 24 Dungannon ........October 3 and 4 Godericla September 25 to 27 Kirkton • October 3 and 4 Mitchell ......September 24 and 25 Wingham October 8 ahd 9 FOWL WANTED I arc, prepared to pay the highest cash rrice for arty quantity of live fowl. delivered at the Royal Hotel every Tuesday forenoon, Phoise 6 •on 247. Seaforth. 2619-tf J. G. McMICHAEL. NOTICE, McKillop Township • Couneil Seaforth on September 23rd, mire • wil znaeetin t 1,35 M. Murdie, Clerk, Seaforth P. Or • FOR SALE Four choice ram lambs and one two year old. These are all choice rams. JOHN Me - LEAN, lot 6, coneetsion 12, Tuckersmith, R. R. No. 2, Kippen, 2648x4 MOUSE( FOR SALE A comfertable frame house pleasantly sit- uated, good cellar, hired and soft water, large garden. Apply to THOMAS BICEIELL, Sea= ferth. 2647-tf FOR SALE • For mile in Freiman. a brick house, with 8 rocens, 4 lots. 76 fruit trees, good cellar. hard and soft water inside. Barn, woodshed erid everything in good repair. Amen' to • MRS. Jen. Moore. 820 King St., London, Ontario. 2.1,48-s HELP WANTED Help wanted to spread flax by the Canadian Flax Mil's, Seaforth, Good wages will be paid to women, bons and girls. CANADIAN FLAX MILLS. SEAFORein„ 264e-tr. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implenients.-Mr. Thou Brown has beem instructed to sell by public auction on lot 27. concession 9, McKillop, on Tuesday, fletober lst at 1 o'clock p. tn., ;the following property; Horses -Pair of gen- eral purpose horses 10 years old, drivieg horse 9 years old quiet and reliable; aged general purpose mare supposed to be in foal. Cattle - Taro choice young caws due to calye October 20th; cow due to calee 10 Noyernber heifer rising 3 gears old due to calve in November: 2 choice cows due to calve in. April; 11 ateers tieing 2 years cad, 1e heifers rising 2 year•s •oid, 9 spring calves. Pigs -Large brood sovv with liter at foot 6 . weeks old; large broad sow• with litter of 9 at foot, 5 weeks old: &mice sow clue to litter October 20th; choice sow due to litter November 5th: 10 store pigs 3 monthe old, 5 Young pins 7 weeks old: 25 hens and pullets. ireplemente-Maasesi-Har- ris binder 6 foot cat with truck and sheaf carrier, only cut 35 acres: Massey -Harris mow - eine foot cut; Massey -Harris 13 diee 3111 gore( an new: side delivery rake, cultitator, set oe Cameral. harrows. :steel land roller, ecuiller, luotter wagon, farrn truck wagon, hayrack, ,ttok-rack, gravel box, set bobsleighs, cutter tem buggy almost new, Klein fariniug wlth. bagger; Clinton fanning mill, set snap*, wheelbarrow, extension ladder, forks, hoes, and, other sraall articles. Also ,one choice stoat range, a riumiser of , drilla of potatoes And marigolds to be sold in the field. a quan- tity of 16 inch hard wood; churr., 500 bushels of oats, 200 bushels barley, Tents -All sums of 10 dollars and under cash: over that a- mount 9 ,months credit on approved Joint nettle A discount ef 4 centre on the dollar off for csish on credit sehounte. JOHN REED. Proprietor; Thos, Brown. Auetioneer. 2649-2 'SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., Preelden CAPITAL PAW UP, $15,000,00 SIR JOHN AIRD, C'tneraIManaeee H. V. F. JONES, Ass% Cern Manner ESERVE FLgOr • $13 5,00,000 .1..011111.11.11,00.1601/1/ 30 The, Manager is prepared to consult with prospecitive customers regarding their bankrn'g requiremeks. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the - making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt serVice.- SEAFORTH BRANCH G MULLIEN •MANAGER SALE REGISTER , On Friday, September 27th, on Lot 11,' Con. cession 6, Tuckersmith, farm ?stock and imple- ments. George Belli Proprietor; T. Brawn, Auetioneer. On Wednesday, Oetober 2nd, at 12 o'cloek sharp, on lot 29, concession 9, Hibbert, clear- ing side of farm stook and IMPleinents, grain hay, roote and core, ?else household effeete. Robert W. Eberhart, Proprietor; Thos. Cern- eron, Auetioneen • AUCTION SALE • Of ' Household Furniture. -Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auctioti at the residence of the undersigned, Station Steeet, Brucefield, on Saturday, September 28, 1918, at 1 o'elook p.m., the following: One eounch, cupboard, gime top cupboard, kitchen table, small table, solid WhInut table (with leaves), sewing manatee, 2 rocking chairs, new aimn chair, 6 dining room chairs, number of kitchen chairs, 8 foot stools, 3 waeb.stands, 2 wooden beds, flour chest, 3 mirrexs, clone 4 Itimps, 2 chamber sets, °handier pail (new),, wood heater, feather tick • and other. ticks, carpets, mats, window blinds, etc., number of framed pictures, 3 Water stands, quantityof 'silverware, cutlery, glassware, tinware, enam- elware and crockery, copper wash boiler, wash tubs, fruit gems and baskets, 2 dozen grain ,bags (about new), horse blankets, carpenter tools; hoes, rakm, step -ladder, etc. Also a quantity of mixed lumber and numerous smaln ' er articlea: Terms -All sums of $10 aud under cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint note. A discount of 5ne per annum off for cash. RICHARD BUCKLER, Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, 2648-8 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. -Mr, Thos. Brown has received instructions freira the un- dersigned to sell by Public auction on Lot 11, Concession 6. Tuckenemith, on Friday, Sep- tember 27th, at 1. o'clock ram., sharp, the fon lowing property: Horses -Mare 10 years old, .general purpose horse, 8 years old, driving mare 9 years old, light driving horse 9 years old, heavy mare 4 years old, general purpose colt 2 yeare old, general purpose milt 1 year old. Cattle -11 cows, between 2 and 5 years 'old supposed to be in calf. ,8 cows. 2 years old to calve between now and next January; there oughbred eow 3 years old and calf with pedir gree, 7 yearling steers and heifers, 18 calves, Also thoroughbred Tamworth sow due to far- row in October, thoroughbred bull with pedi- gree, and about 150 hens and pullets. Imple- ments -Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cute nearly new. Massey -Harris mower 5 ft. cut (nearly new), Massey -Harris seed drill (13 -hoe, nearly new), cultivator (nearly new), bean cultiva- tor, puller attached; Maxwell disc, 8- ft steel roller, Massey -Harris walking plow, root pulper seuftlert high wagon, three-quarter 'wag- on, set boheleighse hay -rack and pig -rack come nined, gravel, box, Clinton fanning mill, set 2000 lb. scales, Massey -Harris cream separator, (nearly new-, 2 sets deuble harness, set sin- gle Lammas, hayfoier, can .180 feeenneeslings and puilees, -wheelbarrow', forks and hoes, set • double harrows, Massey -Harris 10 foot sulke rake (nearly new), 15 tons of hay, a quantity • of straw to be fed on the place, a quantity of roots, and a quantity of grain. tPositively no reserve as the proprietor is giving -up farm- ing. • Terms -All surne of $5 mad under cash • over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5% per annum • off_ for cash. Straw, grain and roots to be cash. GEORGE BELL. Poprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Auc- tioneer. 2649 -td AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Fierrn. Stock, Implements & lioues- hold Furniture. -Mr. B. S. Philips has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 1, Concession 1, Township Of Stanley, on Friday, October 4th, at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp the following property; Homer, _carriage mare 7 years old, gelding rising 8 - years. old sired by King Thomas, inickleg colt, L5 months old by Earl 0' -Clay. Cattle --4 steers 'rising n years old, cow 4 years old due Feb- ruary ist, calf 5 months old. Implements - Set teani harness, set light harness, top bug. cutter, lignt wagon, plow, scuftter, set of harrovrs, hayfork, rope and car, set „ecales, feed kettle, grindstone, wheelbarrow, 'House- hold Furniture -Bell organ, sewing machine, bureau, 2 beilsteade, one with mattress; kit- •• chen table, side table, exteasion table, centre table, glass sinboard, kitchen cupboard, milt sideboard, 2 Frockers, 2 lounges. dining TORR1 chairs, kitch n chairs, Happy Thought range, Garland mial =stove, nearly pew; wood heater lamps, dishes; crocks, eraniteware, nickleplated tea kettle. one nic'kle plated pot, one flour box, •a clock, a quantity of gems, nails, a leteef other things too numerous to mention, atm about 15 cords of twenty inch hard woad.. Farm -(If net previously sold? Farm -lot 1, concession 1, and part of lot 2, concession 2, Townehip of Stanley, containing 1.45 acres more or leas. There are on the premises, a frame house with woodshed, two barns 36x56, one with stone wall under, stable and driveshed, two Wells one at house and one at barn, about 7 acres of bush, good erchard, and creek runa througe farm supplying wat- er year rowed, all seeded to gram. Terms - On Chattele, 3 months.' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. On sums of 510 and oyer a discount of 4rie per annum off for cash. Ten -is of. farm ean 'be known by applying to the undersigned. ALBERT TAYOR & SAMUEL THOMPSON, Exeeu- tors ; B, S. Phillips, Auctioneeri •2649x2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements. -Thomas Cameron has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 29, Concession 9, Hibbert, an litiedrimday, October 2nd, at 12 o'clock p. m., sherp, the following xtroperty: Horses -One draft mare rising 7 years.- -supposed to be with foal; agricultural gelding rising 7 years old, black gelding 2 years from Chlorodyne; farmer's driver 7 years, makee good thine s horse. Cattle -Cow due in October, heifer due in October, heifer due in December. (choice), 6 cows (supposed to be with calf, • 2 steers rising 3 years, 6 steers rising 2 vears,. 3 heifers rising 2 years, '7 calves. Also 3 brood sows due in October, 00 pullets, 80 Young hens and some roosters. Implements - Lumber wagon, complete; truck, gravel box. democrat, 2 good McLaughin too buggies, cart, Portland cutter new. pair bobsleighs, pair light pleasure sleighs, binder, mower, horse rake. steel; hay -loader, cultivator, disc, four seetion harrows. one section harrow, land roller, 2 .walking plows. 2 two -furrow ploughs, 1 two -farrow gang plow, seed drill, saunter, pulper, wheel -barrow, hay and stock rusk. windless mak, turnip sower, grass Seed sower, 2000 Ib, weigh scales, fanning mill with bagger, Coleman crusher, cutting box with 12 ft. carriers; 3 horse power gasoline engine .With belting, speed jack, 3 sets doubletrees, neck-yeke, 2 buggy ooles and, whiffietrem, set brass mounted team haraess nearly new, 2 sees work haenese, set double light harness. 4 sets single harness, 100 feet lee inch gas pipe, patent iron "oat box, hay fork rope. blacksmith bellows, 2 grindstones, emery ar stoee, water -trough, pig-cratl, coal range, boxes, barrels. Household De Laval' eEffects-Good wooream separator No. 12 nearly new; eattiaree neinder and filler, w,ashing machine, churn, pails, 2 five gallon gasoline cans, iron sugar kettle, etc,, quantity of store wood, 709 Mee soft coal, forks, shovels hoes, ladders, horse blankete, 2 robes, bells, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. One dog. Alec) some hay and grain, 27 rows of mermaids and turnips, 81 rows of turnips, Vir acres of corn, 2 acres of buckwheat. Pos- itively no reserve as the farm is sold. Tee -ins -All sums of 310 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given. on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of s- per cent. off for cath. ROBERT W. EBBRHART, Proerietor; Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer. 2649-2 - - - ...... Val. T. BOX it CO z,-------- _ 41 Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. 'C. BOX , Holder of Governiaent Diploma - • and Liscexise Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day galls Phone 175 Phone 54 ESTRAY HEIFER Strayed frora the premises, lot 7, concession 3, Stanley, about the first week in September, one 2 -year-old heifer, red roan in color with sharp pointed horns. Phone 11 on 81, Hen - sail.. WILLIAM MeKENZIE, R. R, No. 8, Kippen. • • 2649-3 $25 REWARD A reward of $25 will be given for any in- forraatimi leading to the conviction of the per- son or persons who 'book my automobile from the garage on my farm last week. Phone 9 on 238, Seaforth. ROERT GARROW, Sea - forth. 2649-31 FOR -SALE ••1.1•1....111.1..•••1 Lots numbers 216 and 217, West side of Ord street, in Jarivs survey, 'Seaforth, on which there is a good frame house,* all in geed re - Pair. leru.st be sold to dose out an estate. Apply to JOHN G. GRIEVE, McKillop, or to JOHN RANKIN, ,Seaforth. • 2649-8 FOR SALE For sale the .frame residence on Coleman street, opposite the Itlax Mille The house is excellent repair, good cellar, soft water he house. For further particulars and terms, atenti to ANDREW CALDER James Street, Seaforth. 264941 POULTRY WANED:. I am Prepared to PRY the bighest Oaidt Price for all kinds of poultry delivered 4t my ;Acme, Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each'week. ; G. 13. HAMM 2130641. '• HOUSE FOR SALE- , 44, , • A fiaine cottege meaenileich conlains eight rooms and has a liege Pe fur- nace; electric lights; lir*Placvn.bh, mem. hard and soft water in! 'kitchen. Aently - to Mrs. John Kerr. Seaforelt. ,• -204$14 ' NOTICE , Having purchased the Dublin, chopping Mil, I will take possessoon on Monday, Sept. 23rd, and kindly invite all old customers -and .as many new ones as can conveniently' pat- ronize me. Will ehop six days eacheweek. JOSEPH WEBER, Jr. 2649-2 1••••••=1••••••111•0•211.. ESTRAY PIG. • Strayed on to the premises a the under- signed, lot 9, concession 13, McKillop, about August 28th, a white pig about 4 months and weighing about 80 pounds1 The oweter maythave the same on proving Property and paying chaoges. JOHN CLARK, • 2647x3 • FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 17, concerfaion 9, TowieshiP Of McKillop. containing 100 acres -a This fartn has been in grass for a number of years, and should grow good crops. Write for rparticular, as M price and terem to JAMBS L JOHNS. TON, co Haeltoba Hotel, Whtnipeg, Man. . 2682-31.- NOTICE • Take notice that under the Dominion Pro,-- hibitory regulations of last December, any liquor found, in any place that kW been mean- ufactured, since April 1st, 1918, is liable to be confiscated and the owner heavily- fined. This applies to liquor, cider, and heme-mede wine of any kind provided it treatment more than two and one half per cent. of proof spirits. Dr. A. J. Irwin, President A. T. Cooper, Secy. ' FARM FOR SALE For sale, south hall of lots 16 and 17, on the 2nd concession of McKillop, containing 1371e, acres. There are on the premises a -frame house and barn in good Condition. The farm is -well fenced and underdrained and. in a goed state,of cultivation. Plenty of good water witt to seed windmills. Three miles from Sea - forth, eir, miles from echoed, For further par- ticulars apply on the premises or whims TOBIAS NASH, Seaforth P. 0. 2640x8 -FARM FOR SALE Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckemmith, 100 acres all cleared. Good fraine house and. bank barn, pig pen, hen house and driving shed. A good orchard ana plenty of good water; well tile drained; rimed mail and tele - Phone and' in fleet class condition. On the Huron Road, 2% miles from Seaforth, and 6 miles from Clinton. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. BeeHersdersonee Seaforth„ ' 2645-tf MOTORISTS_ATTENTION Bring your Casings, Tubes and Electrical work to Square Deal Garage, Vern* Phone Clinton 628 r'14 for scientific repairxng. All Vulcanizing guaranteed not to Lump, Blister or Pull Apart. Will outlive rest of easing. Complete line of repaired casings carried, $5 and up. Also all new tires kept in stook. 19t4 press charges paid one way. E. H. EPPS lb SON, Varna. • 2638-tf • IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. Write for booldet and Prices of im- proved and unimproved fermis in the famous Gilbert Plains District. J. H. EVANS & CO., Gilbert Plains, Dlani- toba. 2617x201 •CREAM WANTED. • We have our Creamery aow j fa operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay- you the higheat prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, neigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the sante. We also supply cans free of charge, • and give you an honest Insinees deal. Call in and see us or drop us a card kw particulars, . THE SEA.FORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario 111111111111111Mmin. wen he said - 4 • . itner the av1.1 utan popu. • legion must go shortl of many things to which it is accustomed in times of peace or Our armies must go short of munitions. and other things indispOsable to them." •1 NOW the only war we can -possibly live u to that obligation is by go ng with- out in order that ou .soldiers may havt. For, the money we Waste is' not money at all -it is equipment, clothing, shot" and shell that are ur- gently,needed in France. By denying ourselves, there- fore, we enable Canada to procure to the fullest extent the materials and labor which , she and our Allies need for the successful prosecution of - the war. What happens when we fail to save? " A pull on labor by the Govern- ment in one direction and a pull on labor by the people • in the opposite -diiection. Hundreds of 1 millions of dollars are of no use to the country if goods and services can be . secured only to the extent of eighty millions of dollars. So we must do every - "thing in ourpower to release both goods and labor for the purposes for- which Canada needs them. -il WHETHER it be food, • coal, wool; teel? leather, labor or transportation, the result in till cases is the same. Whoever competes with the nation by freely :satisfying his own desires, selfishly appro.s priates to his own use that which is so urgOtly required. for our, lighthig men in: France. For the sake of your country and the boys "over there," spend cautiously. Thjnk qf Aka Lord Kitchener hat ° said,. and ask yourself first,; "ft this something I really need or can 1 do without it?" Published under the huthutity GLUM • Minister of Nome* of Canada FARM FOR -SALE. • For Sale. 100 acres, all cultivated, lot 11. Concession 43. Tuckersmith, ILLS., with barn 56 -13y130 feet, stone foundation, pig pen, driv- ing shed and hen house, 4 roomed frame cot- tage, good well with wind mill. Also 50 acres of grass land, west half of lot 6, concession 7, good well' with windmill; a good grass Ur= Apply' to- JAMES FINLAYSON, R. R. NO. IL KisoVen; phone 8-182, Seaforth. 2689-31 FOR SALE . Lot 22, concession 6, McKillop, containing 100 - acres with large • house and barn, l% mikes from church and school and 4% miles from. Seaforth. Will be sold cheap if sold 'R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 18 on 235; immediately. A:ppla to THOMAS O'R'0261YR4u7, Seaforth. ' • FARM FOR SALE -- 100 acres on the Mill Road, two miles to Brucefield, and four miles to Seaforth. Well fenced and drained. Brick. house with fur: nace. Large basement barn, spring water piped to barn; cement silo, pig pen. Price and terms right. For full rparticulara apply , to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth; or to ALEX. A. WATT, 22 Toronto street, • Guelph, Ont. 2647-tf. FARM FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE I:For sale lot 32, concession 11, Hallett, Can' . 1 tinning -100 acres, There are on the premise i et, a 14 storey brick'house large bank, barn, i ivealied and hog pen. Artesian: well z,,with i indmill and water'in both barn and house. i a e farm is well fenced and. drained, *01 10 ' it good state of cultivation. ' About ten acres Of hush. Two miles from village, of Londe" - borer, railroad and - Church and one mils Ifirm actool. Rural mail and telePhone. Fame ' Will be sold on reasonable team. . For ,fur - iter particulars apply to CHARLES II. MAN. NING, Box 114, Loadeebore, Ont... ..2646x4 , Small frame house on West Williaaa street, Seaforth, bard and softovatIns„ good stable]. For further parMakma. apply to J. D. Hinckley, Seafertb; phone 10 ort -124. . 1261$4;if FARM FOR -SALE • Far sale north half of Lin 85 and wet half of Lot 34. on. the 5th concession of Me. Killop. This is a first class farm, well drain- ed and well fenced. and will be sold °heap and on reasonable terms for quick sale. For far- ther particulars apply to THOMAS 3. AD- AMS, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Also 25 titres of hay, first cut, will be sold on the field. . • • 2688.31 FARM FOR SALE For sale, lot 29, concession 2„McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the Oremisee a leie storey frame house, large bank barn, and'- driving shed. Thee farm 18 all celared and in first class Brine of eultiva- tion. Well underdrained and fer,ceit a d very clean. One and a half mile's from eaforth, and one-quarter of a mile from eelio ,This is a choice farm and will he sold en vete' re:zombie terms. If not sold, wilLbe rented. For further particulare apply to 10184 JOHN H.HAYS, Seaforth, 2646-tf FARM FOR SALE Lot at, Concession O. McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land, in McKillop, 0 menet of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; stance, 11/4. rallies flout school. - aro on 5 ranee from illeaforthe 2 miles at Con- ihe premises, at good seven roomed house. Urge bank barn 64x76„ all Page wire fetuses and well underdrained. There are forty ploughed, 6 acres bush and the ba1atce seed- ed down. Tkere are two big .pniftge, one piped to barnyand and in the athor a dime with a hydraulic ram pumping the .water to the house and 'no the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the lumen -and Wm fence, there is no waste land. Tease is a graded and gravelled lane from tee road to the buildings..- Apply to ' MSS. f5A,SII/EL DORRANCE. Seaforth. 2827-tf ' TENDERS WANTED Tenders addressed to the untlereigned and marked "Tender for Bryant Dram" war be receiyed until September 20th, 1918, at 3 p.m., when said tenders will be 4rened, nor the cone stractien and completion of the Work to be done and material to be furnished on the Bryant Municipal Drain in the Tvivnishipis of Htdlebt, and Morrie. Plans and specifications maybe seen at the Clerk's Office at the village of Lonnisboro. A marked cheque- for n% 01 amount of tender to ACCOMPRAY 14attas, 3/0.1- 1ett, September 2nd. 1918. ' JOHN FINLAND, Clerk fpf Windt 26474 ' 1 House and, half acre of land in the 'village of Egmondville. The property 1 - is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property, Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of frdlt trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro= petty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva. tion. This is a nice property for a retiredfarmer and the taxes are lifht. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth, 2584-tt FOR SALE. THE WATERLOO BOY • -The Three -Plow Tractor for Ontario. The Tractor that Makes Good. • The Tractor that ha•s stood the Test. The Tractor that is guaranteed Under AU Condition*. Write; fee Free Catalogue Prices ;and any information Wanted. 1 Separators --- all Sizes from 24 inch Cylinder upwards. A few rebuilt machines at very reasonable prices,. • ROBERT DELL ENGINE & THRESHER COWAN SRAFORTIL Sang' Apsti for on Stratford, Ont.1 ;Lady Graduates 'of last' term I are now earning as high as $18 and even $20 per weele,1 while ; young, =en are earningll still better salteries. We ea not ; meet, th€ demandfor trained. help. Write us at once for par- ticulars regarding oar ',Com- mereial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy Department; Students may enter at any time. D. A. MeLACHLAN,Priacipal 1111110166111•NINNIIIMINIMM611111 BIGGER and Better than Ever The lait and best holiday,outiag the year - The Goderich fludaetrial Exhibition, Wednesday, Thar, slay and Friday, September, 252, 261 sad 27.. Thesplendid band of the Western On - 1 tario Regiment of London., Witk forty pieces, also been engaged. This is the best band -in Western Ontario. The speeding tests, for which larie purses are offered, include four events: 2490 2,20 and 3 minute and farinas' 104 or pace. Among other features be Monroe Brothers, high -Class tom- - edy acrobats, baseball mat, Stret- ford vs. Goderich, on Frida and tile : usual free exhibition. of pec1 at.. .tractions before the gran tend. "