HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-09-13, Page 2NEPIINSET
0 F 5
H ERn is a shingle that meets every
uire forroofing
requirement m tr
g homes. It is
thoroughly weathe proof, being made of the
same materials as the famous Paroid,Roofing.
S7'77 LES
nehes x 12'; inches
They are mon:. c:.: *active in appearance than
slate; they are durable and fire -resisting; they
are easy to lay and most economical in price.
They are sa., itable for .all residences.. And
you have your choice of t...o permanent colors.
RED r' GREEN -- Slate Surfaced
Nepo utt Paroid Roofing is recommended for farm buildings and factories.
Sold by Lumber and Hardavars Dealers.
Green Slate Roofing, heavy, q
Heavy Paroid, Plana, sq ...
2 ply Paroid, sq
Canadian Brand, sq ..
Roof Paint, black, per gal
Barn Paint, red, per gal
.ltRN EN18I'U
The .Huron County Red Cross and
Canadian War Contingent Associa-
tion held their annual meetingin
Wesley Church, Clinton., o n Friday
of last week.
The meeting, was well attended,
representatives being present from
almost every branch . of the Red
Cross and patriotic society in the
I county.
The morning session was entirely
taken up with the hearingof reports
and the transaction of business. The
reports were very encouraging, . - the
work having 'grown wonderfully dur-
ing the past year. One hears, per-
haps, less of the work than former-
ly, the reason being probably that
the women have become more ac-
customed to. it, but some idea of the
growth of the work will be realized
when it is stated that in 1917, 33,000
articles were made while in 1918, 61,-
000 articles were turned out by the
industrious fingers of the Huron
*aunty women, their work being ,thus
Imost doubled.
The reports from the different
shipping centres were most encourag-
ing, showing not only an increase in
work quantity of the wo k b ut a most
gratifying advance. in the quality as
A. returned prisoner from Germany
was expected to address the ladies in
I the afternoon but at the last min-
ute word was received that he could
Inot come. The Executive telephoned
'London and just as the business was
in finishedtheafternoon-Mrs. Som-
erville and Mrs. Edwards of London
I arrived, having motored up as soon
t as word was received that no speak-
er had arrived.
I, On being called upon Mrs. Sorner-
s ville said it gave he great pleasure
I to address the annum meeting of the
! Huron County Red Cross and C.W.
I C.A. She spoke of the organization
meeting held two years ago and con -
1 gratulated the women very heartily
j on the progress made during these
1 two years. She said the shipments
f from Huron County were ' always
most welcome at Hyman aHll, as
they were so ample, always came in
such good order and were so little
trouble to the packers. She spoke of
the increase in the work. stating
that the shipments from Hyman Hall
in March last exceeded those of the
4.00 whole previous year. She said the
work had grown in the west also and
3.85 splendid shipments were being sent
from each province in the west. e
;.,85 also urged no abatemeiiit of the ork
as the need was a growing one nd
%t` 000 urged the giving of money so that
«, . - - sweetswriting material and other
necessary things .could be sent the
boys. in the' -trenches.
M,rn tnha is undertaking to supply.
each Canadian soldier with a Chris-
rnas re ding this year:
Mrs. Somerville also spoke for the
sailors and urged that assistance
should be elven for this worthy fund.
:Nies. Edwards representede - e
'h R d
Q sA.S11.4LS,SealorthA
Cross and she spoke of the need ..of
the wounded men and war prison-
yrs: She said Christmas stockings
would be sent again .this year, that
" work was being taken up immediately
so as to get then offin good time.
to be given this year
1. stoekirizs made anti filled at
Ineealen to ensure a greater uniform-
Ti answer to a question as to the
division of the supplies, Mrs. Ed-
offArTls explained that all hospital
nnolies Tirent to the Red Cross, also
.1'• jam ¢-snit, etc.. and that one
,,,.anter of the socks went to the
^:l Cross. three quarters to the
INT P A_ also all the dley shirts,
--titers etc.
Tom. old question of the sodiers
':i1rfo' to buy the supplies coming
nn bre 1, sneakers affirmed that noth-
;rcr sent through either the Red
rlrosa or the C.W.C.A. was ever sold
a soldier. These were gifts from
'•1-1 t=roiren of Canada to the boys
_elle were defending the homes of
r'r51,11 and .were not to be bought.
''T4.,; Somerville • said that some so -
^.P1 -;es (lid sell supplies and some
mist..*.ndPrstandings might have come
4 -het way as a man could not al -
',earns tell hnw his socks were sup-
--lied het that neither the Red Cross
nee t'he (t. W . C.A. sole their supplies
�,: `-'"nye them to other societies to
The election of officers resulted in
lt•'- rosti1 of the old staff, namely:
President. Mrs. W. D. Fair, Clinton;
Nr''" Mrs, (Rev.) James Hamilton,
cterlerirh • Rec.-Secretary Miss Con-
`4- Narstl1; Cor Secretary, Miss
Tifton. Exeter! Treasurer, Miss G.
Rrown. Seaforth.
A committee for Belgian Relief
was also organized the officers ap-
n"lnted being those who have been
working locally in Seaforth, namely:
"Trs. Govenlock, Convener, I41iss
"resswell. Secretary • Mrs. 7 homp-
-en Treasurer This committe is
to meet with the general executive
nee transact business for the county
T1i0 meeting closed by singing the
rational anthem.
Fire .tzn n°& ti t t E o .
�; ;�l��Ul"�i2, �.�i�. Look,. Matherl If tongue i$ boated, I
cleans* Tittle bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can resteasy after giving.
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have .
a well, playful child again.
1. Connolly, Goderich, President
au. Evans,. Beechwood, Vice --Presiders
X. E. Hays, Seafcrth, Set.y: Treae.
lex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed.
Finchley, Seaforth; John Murray,
Brucefield, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth;
1. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jar-
muth, Brodhagen.
+r'illiara Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John
P:.nnewies, Brodhagen; James Evans,
echwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.
£;o= noliy, Goderich; D. F. eGregor,
R. 1 No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve,
No, 4 Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariock;
;gorge McCartney No. 3, Seaforth.
Trains Leave Seaforth as follows:
1155 a. M. --- For Clinton, Godericb,
Winghan and Kincardine.
!3 p. n. - For Clinton, W Ingham
and Kincardine.
MOS p. m. - For Clinton, Goderich.
6.36 a. m. -For Stratford, Guelph,
Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and TAKES
Sick children needn't be coaxed; to
• take this harmless "fruit laxative." .
Millions of mothers keep it handy he- ,
cause .they know its action'on the stow-
aeh, liver and bowels is prompt and sure.
Ask your druggist for a battle of
1 "California Syrup of Figs," which eon -
tains directions for babies, children of
all ages and for grown-ups.
44„thildten Cry
OR iLartlifirS
points west, Belleville and Peter- OFF DANDRUFF
born and points east.
1.16 p.m. - For Stratford, Toronto, .-
Montreal and points east. Save your Hair! Get: a s.na!! bottle
S.ONDON, HURON AND .BRUCE of Danderine right now -Also
Sena. stops Itching scalp,
3.36 f Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair as mute evidence of a neglected.
7.04 3.48
3.56 scalp; of dandruff -that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
4.15 the hail' as dandruff. It robs the hair
8.08 4.33 of its lustre, its strength and its very
8.16 4.41 life; eventually producing a feverish -
8.25 4.48 ness and itching of the scalp, which if
8.40 5.01 not remedied causes the hair roots to
8.57 5.13 shrink, loosen and die -then the hair
10.05 6.15 falls out fast. A little Danderine to-
night -now -any time -will surely save
your hair.
4.40 Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
5,45 ; Danderine from any drug store. You
Going South
Wingham, depart .... 6.35
Belgrave 6.50
Londesboro .......,7.13
*London, arrive
Going North
eondon, depart
aensall. ............
rucefield ............ 10.14 6.24
Clinton 10.80 6.40
Londesboro ........
Blyth ..............
9 35
9.47 5.5,, surely can have beautiful hair and lots
9 9.59 6.09 ;