HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-08-16, Page 8r-
Live Poultry --- Fresh Eggs.
Eggs must be strictly fresh.
Poultry taken in every Thurs-
day up to le o'clock. ' We
pay you the highest price.—
WIR *um
Keep ,Watch. Celebration.—The Sea -
forth branch of the Navy League wish
to extend their sincers thanks to the
citizens of the town and. surretsrgling
country for their kind assistance and
generous donations: The sum of $2,-
700 has been realized over and above
all expenses, the celebration being the
Most successful ever held here. Par -
sties who donated cream and butter
and did not wait for their gems er
crocks MEW have the same from Men
Sutherland at the post office.
Stratford, Ont.
The call for trained help is greater now
than ever before in tho Matra"' of
C&nada. Our graduates ard securing
splendid positions. We have Commer-
cial Shorthand and ;TelegraPhy De-
partzuents. If you purpose taking a
business oollege course during Fall or
Winter months. write now for our free
catalogue. -
D. A. hfcLACHLAN, Princioal
Harness and Leather Goods Store.
Special Value,s tmequalled. for quality
We guarantee our own make of har-
ness to be genuine No. 1 Oak Leather,
Goldine and Rubber trimmed.
Scandinavian Team Traces, two
-guaranteed for two years at $16 to $18
a set.
Bamboo Bindek Whips 50c
Gall Cures—Crude Mecca • 25e
Arabian Paste—Bickmore 25c
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh 25c to $1.,
Suitcases, special, 24 inch ,
Club Bags, "Fabrikoid", as good as
leather with single or double handles,
nicely lined with pocket at $1.75, $2.50
Trtmks—We have the. largest se-
lection in the county, perchased be-
fore the, advance in price.
anteed; prices .moderate.
Leat,her Goods S tore
Sweat Pads .41-103 Grease Whips
Real Esta, and Loan Agent
Dealer in Sewing Machines.
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Terms
reasonable and possession
given proraptly
Apply at my office for particulars.
Jeweler and Optician.
Isoner Marriage Licenses
choose a comfortable low heeled Eng -
WI last. P
For dress wear we have some excep-
tionally attractive models in
Sport styles are well represented.
White soles are still popular and we
can supply every footwear need.
it seems, wage an eternal warfare, yet
a evninan told us she had proved it
economy to have a pair of
changing them frequently.
Street shoes look shabby after an
ante/moon at tennis, evening slippers
can be quickly ruined by damp pave-
ments or wet grass, athletic shoes are
out of place in the house.
We are headquarters for every style
Phone 11
sr 0 t
Death Of Pin4er.—The
death occurred at his home on -George
street, Seaforth, on Friday last, of
Mr. VIlliam Pinder at the age of 36
years. The deceas4 was born in Ful-
lerton township, but had resided. in
Mitchell prior to coming to Seaforth
a few years ago. Mr.Pinder was only
ill about two weeks, pleuro -pneumonia
being the cause of his death. The
deceased was a steady, industrious
young man, and his early death came
as a great shock to his family and
friends. He., is survived by a evvidow
and four small children, who have
the sympathy of the conuntmity in
their great bereavement. The ftm-
eral services Were held from his home
on Sunday, interment being made in
Mitch.oll cemetery.
Serious Accident.—A very serioue
automobile accident eccurred on MaM
Street, about one &clock on Satur-
day afternoon which might easily, but
fortunetely did hot terminate fatally.
A 'car driven by a young. son IV Mr.
William James, was coming up the
street, when the driver encotmtered
two other vehicles. In trying to avoid
a collision with a hayrack, young
James lost control of the car, which
took a quick turn and- bounded over
the curb 'on to the pavement; strik-
ing Mrs. Marvin of Goderich street,
who was passing and forcing her
through the large plate glass window
in Thompson's. Book store. Mrs. Mar -
vin's left arm between.the elbow and
shoulder, was badly cid by broken
glass, the muscles being severed and
her wrist was also fractered. Medical
aid was immediately summoned and
she was removed to her home, whene
she is making satisfactory progress,
but suffering greatly from shock, and
it will be a long • time before she will
have the use of her arm. The car was
not damaged but both the front and
sides windows were smashed,. and it
may prove a difficult matter to replace
them at the present time.
Tbe Council.—The regular monthly
meeting of the Council was held in
the Council Chamber on Monday ev-
ening last; all the members present.
On motion of F. Harlenrn and J. Hays
the finance report was read and adopt-
ed. W. Ought)* and F. Harburn, that
Chief J. P. Bell be sent -as a delegate
to the Fire Chiefs' Convention at To-
ronto on Auguet 276,30th—Car-
ried, F. Harburn—Thomas Stephens
—That the accounts of W. A. Stone
and Co. ,and BeBlair 'tor two cars of
soft coal tor Water works be paid—
Carried. Thos. Stephens—Jas. Hays
—That the _Council have erected on
the corner of Main. and. Goderich
streets a silent policeman for the proe
from accidents with motor cars, the
same to have pabited on it in red
letters, "Keep to the Right." Others
-Co be erected at the coimers of Market
street, John street, and other streets
that the committee may decide on—
Carried. Thomas S‘tephens and F.
Savauge that the rate of taxation this
,year be 36% mills on the dollar on the
assessment, made up as follows: Coun-
ty ratn 3.09 mills; public library %
mills; general purposes 20.7 mills;
war tax 1 mill; Collegiate Institute
3.15 mills and public and separate
schools 7 mills. After passing ac-
, counts to the amount of $1,605.09,
the Council adjourned to meet at the
tall of the -Mayor.
Reid, of London. were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bell last week.
Miss Mary Bell Motored back to Lon-
don with them to spend a couple 'of
weeks holidays.—Gunners Jack Ed-
munds and J. Connor, of Petawa*a,
spent a week end leave at their homes
hem—Mrs. Chapman and daughter,
who have been spending some nionths
with relatives at ailbert Plnais, Man-
itoba, have returned to their home
on Goderieh street.—Miss Ella Stnitt
of Toronto, is a guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James .Beattie. ---Miss
Mary Keating, of Toronto, is spending
the holidays with relativee here.—
Miss Sarabel Daley spent the week
end with friends in Goderich.—Misses
Janet and Jean Hays are spending a
two weeks holiday with friends in
Orillia and Barrie.—Mr. W. Sclater
and Mrs. John Stanles and children
of Regina, are visiting at.their home
here.They came east to see their father
Mr. Sclater, who we regret to
state, is seriously ill.—The Misses Ella
and Mabel Turnbull left on Tuesday
to visit with friends hryGeorgetown.
—Mrs. Edward Devereux, of Detroit,
is here visiting at the homes of her
sons, Messrs. Louis and Frank Dev-
ereuxe—Miss K. McKechnie, of Bos-
ton, is visiting at the McKillop manse
this weak, the geust of Rev. and Mrs.
Itte Carswell —Mrs. R, Kelly, of town,
ceived a letter from her secencl son,
incent, statine that he had arrived
safely with a draft of American sol-
diers in France, having sailed from
New York on July 4th. For a number
of years he was aelinotype operator in
Montana, and received his military
training at Camp Louis, Washington.
Of Mrs. Kelly's four sone, one is train-
ing in Canada, two are in France and
one is a returned soldient-Miss Tillie
Devereux of Detroit, and little Miss
Carnie, of Durand, Michigan,- who
were visitino with relatives here, have
returned to their homes .—Miss S. I.
McLean returned on Thursday from
a months' holidayeat Killarney.—Miss
Kate Broadfoot who has been visiting
at the home of her mother, Mrs. J.
H. Broadfoot, returned to Hamilton
Wauchope and son, Kenneth, of To-
ronto, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Porteotts, this week,—Mrs. W.
Glennie, Hespeler, and Miss ,Dor-
othy Morson, of Toronto, are guests
Best. —Miss Hilda Goldhawk is iris-
it' friends in Hamiltonmd will also
take.. the Toronto Exti'ttlon.—lieu.
F , H. 1, •lois will have far his sub-
jest .die*Sunday eveniayg, "A- Garden
Scene an its Consequences.'- �Mr, and
Mrs, Peter Beige, and two children
of Vancouver, are visiting at the
home of his brother, Mr. John Beige
in McKillop, and with his sister, Mrs.
Albert Krauskppf.--=Miss Alfrieda
H cknell, of Mitehell, spent the week
end with her cousin, Miss Mary Mat-
thews .:ale Misses Eckert entertain-
ed a number of their school friends
on Tuesday evening, at their hone
in McKillop. ---•The Seaforth Lawn
Bowling Club intend holding a one
day Scotch Doubles tournament on
their greens here on Wednesday, Aur
gust 28th. --Miss C. B. •McKinley,
has resigned her position on the Col- I
legiate Institute staff and has accept-
ed a poeition on one of the Edmonton
Collegiate staffs. --Miss L. Willson,
of Detroit, i$ visiting at the home of
her, sister, Mrs. W. G. Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. • Horton: return-
ed from the -west on Saturday, haying
been caleld hthne owing to the sud-
den death of their son, Henry Burns
Horton, who passed away on Friday,
from an attack of appendicitis . The
'deceased was only 16 years of age and
his sudden death was a greet shock
.to the family, who will have the sin-
cerest sympathy of all in their loss.
—Mrs. (Rev.) • S. McLean' and `daugh
ter, Miss. Marion, of Egmondville, re-
turned on Thursday evening last from
a visit with friends in' Barrie. --Mrs,
Robert Johnston, who were visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Middleinost, in
Hamilton, has returned home .--Miss
Park of Detroit, is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Neil Gillespie.—Mrs. H.
H, Ross has returned from a visit with
friends in Detroit. --Rev. and Mrs.
Moyer and family are spending the
holidays at their summer 'home in
Kingsville(—Mrs. . W . Montgomery is
visiting with relatives in Toronto. --
Miss Effie Colbert, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs.' Thomas Colbert, of London,
is spending the holidays at the home
of, her grandmotehr, Mrs. D. Clark,
in Egmondville._Miss Hazel Morrow
is' spending the, holidays with friends
in. St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Little and family, who have been vis-
iting at the parental home of Mrs.
W. Davidson, have returned to To -
i onto, --Miss Anna Bell has returned
from a month's holiday with friends
in Quebec ,—Mr . 'James Hays. was a
Toronto visitor this week.—Miss
Thompson, of Bradford, Pennsylvania,
is the guest of Mrs. W. E. Bell
Mrs. Scott, of Toronto,; was the guest
of her sister, Mrs W. Somerville
last week .--Mr, , , and Mrs. Harry
`Purcell and two children, of Buffalo,
are visiting at the home of his father,
Mr. James Purcell!, in Eglnondville.—
Miss Helen McMichael who was spend-
ing the holidays' at her home in Har-
purhey, has returned to..Toronto.:
Miss Duff, of Toronto, is a guest at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Cooper.
1 4101.
wanted. --Wanted at once, woman to work
in kitchen also s°'dinins-room girl. Apply at.
The Queen's Hotel, Seaforth.. 2644-2
For Sale --Jed ey heifer calf, one or two
good cows and seven young pigs. L. G. Van
Emend, Seaforth, Ont. 2644x1
Buggy For sale.--Atrto seat rubber tire Mc-
avighlin buggyonearly new for sale, or will.-
dxchange for, good steel' tire buggy. J. P.
Coliwell. Phone 14, on 132, `Iuckersmith. 1:
Dance at • Bayfield, Wednesday, • August 21,
from 8" to 12 p.m., Blackstone -Buckley' Orche-
tra, 5 pieces. .- 2688-tf
Morse For Su)e.- mare, suitable dor,
any kind of •rentk ane a ood.driver� Alio one
twin Cockshutt gang plow as good as new,
and one pea rake. Apply tot W., Higgins,
Warnes street Seafortb. 2843-2
Notes.—Rese Mr-. and Mrs. Wilson
are 'away on vacation. Rev. Mr: Snow-
den took charge of the services on
Sunday. He also. spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Harnwellse-Miss
Jamieson, of St. Marys, aed Miss
Edna Beatty of Toronto, are spending
a few days in our burg.—The many
frienWs of Miss Florence Clark, will
be pelased to know that she has been
improving.—A hard time lawn scoial
will be held in Varna on Thurthday ev-
ening, August 22nd. Tea will be
served and the evening will be spent
in. amusements both ancient and mod-
ern. 'This is a new feature. Come
and see the fun. Proceeds of the ev-
ening will be, devoted to soldiers' com-
forts. Admission 25c and 15c.
Notes -L -Mrs. Laerou and her daugh-
ter, Helton, of Port Arthur, are vis-
iting friends- here. It is 28 years
since Mrs. Laerou- was home and she
finds quite e, change. She is a daugh-
ter of the Thomas O'Hara.—Mr. and
Mrs.. Willem Manley and Mr. and
Mrs. Thbmas McKay and family -and
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Purcell motored to
Bayfield last Sunday to take in the
cool breezes of the lake as the hot
weather during the week was almost
unbearable.—Last Tbuesday's storm -
did considerable damage to the grain
crops, beating it clown to the ground.
which makes it a tedious job cutting
besides the loss it will mean to the
il011.96.3 and Lots for Sale.—As 1 content -
plate moving my family from Dublin, 1 offer
for sale, two properties, desirably situatillt in
the village—two comfortable homes. Apply
on the premises. W. A. Nevin. 2643x3
Notes.. — Miss L. Evans visited
friends in Clinton for a few days.—
Miss F. Kipper, of Kitchener, visited
her sister, here for a few days.—
Mr. Briglitall of the Standard Bank,
hae gone on a two weeks' vacation.
—Misses Ella and Evelyn Canning, of
Toronto, are visiting friends here.—
Mrs. P. Ryan and Mrs. William Jor-
dan are visiting friends in Torontes,--
Miss Margaret Ryan, of Toronto/ is
visiting at her home, south of the
village .—Quite a number from here
motored to the Bend on Sunday, and
enjoyed a goad time .—Mr. and Mrs.
R. Evans and family have returned
to Detroit, after visiting the former's
parents here.
Field Crop Competition.—The judg-
ing of the Standing Field Crop Com-
petition in connection with the East
Huron Agricultural 'Society, was done
last week by Mr. L. Cascadden, of
Aylmer, who made the seven aw,ards
as follows: R. J. Hoovee, Greyl92%
92%, Golden Gem; R. L. Taylor, Grey,
89%, Banner; L. E: Cardiff, Morris,
88%%, American Banner; John Lowe,
larg.e number of good fields and scor-
ing was very close. Morris township
Bags,. Bill Folds, Wallets,
Purses, Card Ca*s, Regisqa-
We are sliowi g some big
values in these li es at pres-
Window Shades and Picture Framee.
Agent for New dea Patterns.
ere ead
We have, been ost orturiate
in getting deli eryl of Import-
ed Crockery in ollOwing lines.
Our well -know Dinner Ware
gold pattOns op.en stock.
,saucers and o d
crate (100 d z.) odd white
cups. Also sOveral case of
jap fancy. chinla, See these
, Goods " "Iqet Our Prices
headed the list t
ber of prize ,win
them, .we guess,
prizes .run fronl
s year in the. num-
ers, buteit was due
s Grey -had the as-
od many -years. The
20 te $4, and there
er advantages be-
sides eecuringe one of the awards.
Heavy Storm. An electrical storm
broke over the wshm between five
and six o'clock Friday night, accom-
'Denied by a,heavy downpour of rain.
In the western art of Hibbert the
was flattened, apples t ees and heavire
Wm. Balfour's farm in Hibbe , near
Crementy': had _most ef the shingles
and part of the heeti g on one side
blown .off, and t e vicinity of
strong. Tines and fences were level-
led as well as many ;fields of oats.
The lightniing w' very 'sharp, but
the nnly damege learned of Was a
steer killed by- htning on the farm
seine 46g b lied in Legan-
and mice; 44,
an operation for
Stratford hospina
ceived stated- he
lye His meny f
• him around again
of Winnipeg, an
Alpena, are ithe
owe, ;ire underwent
ppendicitis at - the
. Last. reports re -
as improving nice:-
iends hone to see
soon.—Miss Miller
MOss Martin, of
nests of Mrs. D.
Parke. Miss, Miller left for E1 ViSit
to C'ornwalL Mr
visiting here Ior
William Hog-gert
friends in atd era
Martin intends
fevi weeks.—Mrs.
of London, visited
nel Cromarty a fete
is at present visiting at the home of
her parents,' Mr. and' ,Mrs. James
Scott, near the y'llage.—Miss Olive
Speare visited fri lids, in Logan part
Miller visit0 with friends in Mitchell
on Sundays' last. Miss Wilson, of
Hickson, hag been yisiting with h*
brother, fol:. the past two weeks, and
expects to .go overseai shortly- as a
nurse.—Miss Steacy of Toronto. is
visiting her aunt, rs.' S, A. Miller,
Grand,Trunk stagon et Mitchell, was
burned to the grOund early on Wed-
nesday morning. I The agent, Mr. W.
A. Abrayn and is family, were a-
wakened 14. sew e entering their a-
partment and ba ely escaped being
suffocated. The re started at the
west cornet( of the building and is sup-
posed to henie bee caused by a lighted
cigar or cegarett being dropped on
the platform abo t the time the late
until the building became ignited. The
alarm was; quic y sounded and the
Fire Company ere soon • throwing
three streetne in o the raging flames
which, weie ra idly spreading. By
daylight the building was a mass of
ruins. The tr ks were saved and
traffic as nsuall followed. Baggage
and exprege we e saved, but the con-
tents of tilt, age ts heme, with the ex-
ception an( fe articles, are a total
lose. Thee stet on was a very old
building and ga e a bad impression of
our town et fi st sight. It will be
A Para oimt Picture
replaced with a mere modern depot.
Notes.—Ater doing, a continued-.
business ever since Mithhell was a vile
lage, the doors of the dining room of
the .111as House have been closed to
the public. This wa.s necessitated by
the scarcity of help, It was imposs-
ible to continue this far-famed branch
of the Hicks House, and the doors will
be closed for a month and two months
if necessary, until a sufficient staff of
girls 'can be obtained to warrant them
re -opening.
Good Wheat—We have been shown
a sample of Marquis wheat from et
field on the farm of Mr.James Smith,
11th conession, that is the best we
have see ethis year. The heads are
large and:filled. with good plump grain
and Mr. Smith has a three acre field
just as good as the sample which
will takes a lot of beating.
Field Crop Competition.—The fol-
lowing are the names of the prize "-
winners in the oat field crop compe-
tition:Albert Bickle 86 points; Henry
Switzer, 85 points; Robert Ratcliffe 82 =
points; James Stephens 79 points; se=
M. Brtheohr 77 points; Wiliam Hot-
lingshead 75 points. P. L. Fanehe, =
of Chathann acted as Judge. ' Barley. =
—William Harding; 86 points; John -.-
78 points- Joseph White 76 points, I =
iting at thn home of Dr. Partride
Urquhatt, 80 points; M. Brethour,
Albert Sickle 74 points; John E. Ber-
ry, '70 points; Wesely Shier 69 points.
R. H. Abraham, Judge.
Breezen—Mr. and Mrs. E. Mantles
and family of London have taken Rev.
E. C. Jenning,'s cottage during Au-.
during the past week,.—Mrs F.., Mc-
Donald of Shawvon, Saskatchewan,
.is visiting his parentee Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel McDonald.—Mrs. Carty and
Son, and Miss Edith Green of petroit,
have been visitipg their mother, Mrs.
Green.—Miss Ruby Fisher of Kit-
nhener, Was the guest of her aunt,
Mrs, P. A .Edwards.—Misses Mebel
and Eva Stinson have been visiting'
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. F.
Stinson.—Mrs. Edward Reid and Mrs.
Teir of Owen Sound, have been at -
Mies R. Woods of Seaforth, has been
visiting her aunt, Mrs.eHewson.
Notes.—Miss Evelyn Turner is vis- =
Anniversary services yvill be held at
Johnston's annointment on Sunday,
August 1§th. Rev, S. Davidson, of
Beigrave, will preach morning, and
evening at 11.30 and 7.30. Mrs.
(Rev.) Davidson, of Belgrave, and H..
Snarling? of Gorrie, will assist with
the music. --4. very interesting Insti-
fut,e meeting was held at the home of
Mrs. H. Diamontle- on Thursday of
last week. Papers were given by Mrs.
Ed. Johnston on "What makes_ a sue -
Campbell on "The value of vegetables
in the diet," which were very instruc-
tive, Quite a number of lttters were
teed from the bovs- overseas acknovi-
'edging receipt of boxes and socks
sent to them recently.. The following
i'13- the repoxt fog the monthe Shipped
,to Red CreSit; 198 suits' nyjsrna;s, 111
pairs., of socks, -to our boys, overseas,
34 pairs socks,and 40 boxes of.ti‘oldiers
'I'urnberry council $100; Morris Coun-
cil, $100; from mite boxes in schools
on registration day, ,Rarasay's sehool,
Niches 50c; Stone School $1.00.
Red Cross .—The following, is the
Juyl report of the Wroxeter Red Cross
Society: Contributions for July—G.
Allen $4; Mrs. G. Allen $2; J. Allen
Gibson $8; Miss Harris 50e; Mrs. R.
Michael $1; A. McMichael $1; Miss
Wearring $1; Mrs. Wilson 50c; ?raper
service $17.20; making a total of
$77.70. Goods shipped -66 Pyjama
suits. 48 pairs socks, 12 flannel suits,
54 towels, 12 face cloths, 30 stretcher
caps, 6 pillow cases, 1 parcel n'otton.
At present the society's bills payable
exceeds the bank balance. Yet .the
buyers are placing ordersfor material
for fall and winter work, confident.that
the people will make their contribu-
tions large enough to pay the bills.
The teasurer will be very glad to re-
ceive any contiebutions, large and
small, that there may be funds to pay
for all materials when receieied.
Notes.—Mr. and- Mrs. Finlay An-
derson are geting settled in their new
home in the village. We 'wish them
many years of health to enloy a well
earned rest —Mrs. Arthur Brooks and
family of Centralia are spending the
holidays hern—The'Women's Institute
Packed boxes en Wednesday and sent
them to the boys overseas.—Rev. Mr.
'Boyle is expected to take the service
in his own pulpit ,eext' Sunday at 12
o'clock .—The patri.otic soctety are
making preparatioas for a field day.
Further partichlars will be given later.
—Rev. Mr. Burgess, of Bluevale, will
take the service in the• Methodist
church next Sunday evening. at eight
o'clock. --A number from here took
in the Chautauqua gathering at Wiag-
ham last week and were delighted with
the whole affair. --The boys in khaki
frora this digtrict, who , have been in
training at Carling's Heights are all
home on harvest leave for a few
dist and Presbyterian churches was
, held in Knox church on Sunday' at 8
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Davidson. was the
preacher. A union choir furnished the
musice—On Thursday, Mr. B. Young,
Morris and Miss Edna Mason, daugh-
ter, ef Mr. John Mason. of East Wa-
wanoile were Quietly married and
have taken up residence at _Sul:whine E
at the groom's home.a-Miss Camp-
bell, returned missionary from India
whose home is at Molesworth took the
service here and at Calvin, OR Sunday,
August 4th, nd gave a vivid account
of her twenty years experience in that
UST 1g,
7,ery' body
Go no place for pleasure
without a Sweater. Particue
larly when they are so pictur-
esquely handsome as those we
are now showing. They are
patricians in every detail and
are good company always mad
Your attention is called to
our colleCtion running from
Our Advertements Tell Their 'S.
Story in a Quiet, Sincere way'. 5.
Best of all, you can always Z.
depend upon them as being :lei
truthful when you are interest-
ed in a description of a certain -ET -
item and come to the store ze
you know beforehand tlfat you
will find it to be exactly as'de-
scribed. Speaking about var-
ious methods fitf advertising,
' this store has from the first :et'
been an inherent believer and: -
1 follower of Truth in. adver-
.tising and has seen its Mesita. ...
ess grow steadilyyeat by year.
We shall continue to me E.
your confidence and whether
it is our printed statement 12,,e -
here or spoken word in the =
being the truth.
, 4111X
A bit of pin4 ribbon: ilbit d4inty
= gerie A. pre#y:georgette Mouse: -
= _Jest Picture a . very pretty, though qtlite often a blouse of
E even a very plain style and frlom under its sheer texture there =
E may be seen a very dainty, but very pretty lace trimmed silk or =
E satin camisole and right at -the point of the collar peeks out une
derneath a bar pin, the tips of dainty pink ribbon. You have no
doubt seen just such a blouse and just such a camisole on a pass-
er-by and have often turned. to note its, appealing- attractiveness. s
You can buy just such blouses and justisuch camisoles here. The
blouses are priced at $1.no to $7.50 and the camisoles $2 to $3.
Middy Blouses : T4ese Favoured
Summer Garments C 'n be Found in
Attractive Styles this Store
. There are good reasons why thelmiddy blouse has becu
one of the mos't favored Suminer garMents, It is washabi
Middy blduses are made to be washed and washed.
Brought an Increased Nee
for Notions
Whether a spool of a certain
shade thread, or plain pearl but-
tons, or notions with a fashien
4Q) feature attached, we endeavortte
have tfie range complete here at
all times.,
Brilliant Crochet Cottbn, in
ail colors, at, bail . 8c
" Coats " Mercer Crochet
Cotton, white,and ecru, at,
" Clark's " Crochet Cotton,
Embroidery Needles, all
sizes. at, package I 5c
Mercerized Embroidery
Threads, in white and colors,
Silk Embroidery
Threads, in all colors4caant sdke7inc
Thimbles in celluloid and m
al at each
.Dome Fastners, black
white, all sizes, at per doz. foc
Rooks and eyes, blaelt and
white, in all sizes,et per card ece
Large Skeins of White
Mercerized Embroidery Thread
(6 strand) at skein 15-c.
Padding Cotton, per bal
5c and 8c.
Crochet Silk for Embroider.
ing, in black, white and colors
at, per spool isc and 35e
ery Floss, in all colors, at per
skein ftc
Tape Measures (e ee longn
at each
Gowns Stamped -for gmbroidery
The designs printed. on a fine white nainsook ; the gowns -5
are confpletely ready made. just a 'fe7 scallops mad flowers vall =
ow -
finish the garment -85c to e1.25.
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country with the Beils. Miss Camp- E.
guiding the people of India. SeafOrth
bell spoke in high terins of the way 'E.
in which the British Government is re ''''
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