HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-08-16, Page 5T. Holmes • Funeral Director and. Licensed Embalmer Undertaking partors in Odd fel lows building opposite arewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st opp Dr. Scott's Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119, LITGUST 16 i918 ***40.04.4400..40+04040. See These Regal Shoes tinctiy a Young Man's king a specialty of Men's ery commendable feature KMANSHIP, CHOICE of the Regal Shoe have - be fp" leased to have the oier. , ddsaribed ;- ahogany shade of calfskin Neelin soles and Panther r pair, 8.0.. e of black gunmetal calf. cut) blind eyelets to top and heels, per pair 8.6o. RIM 5IPE COMMEIICL4L Nunn; ,.*.* • r,ance of a crutch, but i no bu- oying nicely. -Miss Marjorie Metp- r, of Toronto, and formerly a resin nt of our village, on her way home m spending a couple of weeks at Hotel Sunset, at Goderich,. spent few days at the home of Mrs. J. theriand, and while here, visited th friends in Grand Bend and Ati- rm. Her many friends were pleased meet her again. -Harvesting and x pulling still continues the order of e day and with the busy times in a ceuntry the village is quieter a- buainess lines. -Our eitize gave a concert on the st et Saturday evening last and a very ta'e ceewd listening to the fine se- nionsa-Mr. and Mrs: J. W. Bon - ren and children, accompanied by ends, spent a day recently with rel- ives and friends in Auburn . -Mr. d Ms 11 B McDonald and familY ve moved to Brussels, where they -e relatives and, where Mr. Mc- nald intends carying on the meat einess. Mr. McDonald enjoyed a ry good busirtess here, and thgith- with his family proved good resi-. ats. and will be missed from our in business, church and social cies, and we wish Mr. McDonald success in the business which he dr -stands so well from long ex - nee. -Miss Hattie McQueen haw -,tn-ned from -a pleasant visit with atives and friends in Hanover. - ss Flo, Cudmore of Toronto, is here ending a couple of yeeeke holidays th her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Pot - la have been visited lately by a mber of relatives from Michigan. Uiss Ethel Glean of Toronto, spent veeksholidays here with her and ther, Mrs. W. Dougall and aunt, -s. Blatchford. -Mr. H.J. MeDoet- is putting an addition or kitchen tot dwelling. -We believe that the con- eration of St. Pauls church intend chasing a property her to be used ectory.-At date of writing, we rfi of the death of a young girl Ce had Indian parents and who waa rking at the flax pulling and we 'eve she died quite suddenly after rery short illness, and while her ther was moving her to an easier ition.-Prayer meeting in Carmel a -ch is being discontinued for one nth during the very hot weather the busy season with the farmeas, I on Sunday next, August 18thsow- to the absence of Rev. Mr. Me - men; who, is away on his vacation, re will be no morning service, but he evening at 7 o'clock, Rev. Mr. -ett of St. Pauls church, will emi- t the service. -Mrs. Barnett and dren of Chatham, are visiting Mrs. rre Thomson, Mrs. Barnett's mo - e -Mrs. J. McD. Wilson_ and sis- 24r1;'. Mossitn of St. Marys, re - reel here recently from camping rand Bencl.-Miss Evelyn. Robson, duate nurse of New York, is here Vete her sister, Mrs. H. Armaid- 'ioc. bean crop in this and other sec - a, la looking very promising.- ' merchants are looking forwar& good prospects to a splendid_ fait • ie. -Mr. and Mrs. T. Dickson. family have returned from visit - relatives in the country. -A num- t' new neat dwellings would meet ready demand for renting and na as houses are hard to. get in village. >41000.0.01004t0.040040 ered assortments; of Serges, ;teds you .could wish to Ltn greys, browns and with guaranteed dyes. :variety of materials at et the same attention fine new stock etc. We're sure Sp Sork Seaforth 1110.0.040400041,0490603 ATTGUST 16 1918 ' SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth August 15, .191.8 irgoggs, per ewtperdoz. en. .. .. . .39e t$O194406e potatoes, per bushel .. OBuattets,rrver ... .. .35e to 40e Wheat, per bushel 2. Shorts, per ton to4140 1co Butter, per lb. 3 8 4 Barley, per bushel) • $5.60 to $t1:7005 FriPeala7srariree:Ppe:rbFit.sh..el. . . 3$ .36 8.. 067000 Bran, per ton BEAN MARKET Toronto. August 13th.-Iteans-Canadian, handtPickeds bushel 37.50; imported, hand - Slicked. Burma, or Indian, 6.50; Japan, 38; Limas, 18c to 19c lb. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, August 13th.-Dremed poultry_ Spring chickens 38 to 40e; roosters, 22c; food. 26 to 30c; ducklings, 33o; turkeys, 32 to 15c. lave Poultry -Roosters, 16c; fowl 23 to 27e; ducklings, 25c; turkeye 27 to 30c; gyring chicken. 82 to 35ei DAIRY avIARKET Toronto. Aug. 13. -Cheese, new, large 231dec nis 24e, twins, esss to 24%; old large 25yac Se 26e; twine 26e to 261,4c. Eggs -No. I, candled 48 to 49d; selected. .52c to 54e in cartons. Butter-Fe:oh, dairy, choice, 40 to 42e; creamery prints, fresh made. 450 to 47e; solids 44 to 45e. Honey, new crop -Strained 60 lb. tins 21c; 10 lb. tins 311,4e; 5 lb Aim 22c; Comte - Dozen 33 to $2.60. _Maple syrup -81/4 lb. tine, 10 to a case, 414.50; imperial gallon tins, per tin, 32.25e; imperial five -gallon cans, per can, 510.50; 16' gallon kegs, per gal. 52; maple sugar, 1-1b. box. pure, per IL 24 to 25e. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, Aug. 13. -Manitoba Wheat -No. Nprthern $2.23%.'No. 2 Northern, $2, 2 No. 3 Noitherna$2.17at ; No. 4 wheat, $2.i'; In store Fort William, including 24,c tax. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W. 89%e; No. 3, eteree, 85%e; extra No. I feed 86%e; No, I, feed 88%c in store at Fort Williara. American Corn -No 3 Yellow, kiln dried, nommal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats .-No, 2 white new crop, 79c cents to 81 cents: No. 3. white 78e ta 80c per bush. Ont - auto Wheat -No. 2 Winter, per car lot, 32.22; basis in store Montreal. Peas -Nominal arley-Afalting-$1.05 to 51.07, according to 'freights outside. Ituctcwheat-$1,80, accord- ing to feeights outside. Rye - No. 1, 51.90, accordina to freight; outside. Manitoba flour -War quality, $10.95; new bags, Toronto 'Ontario Flour -Winter, in new bags, prompt Aliment, war quality, $10.66; Toronto deliver- •ory; $10.65, Montreal, prompt shipment. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal fret- stita, bags ineluded; Bran, per ton, 385.00 Shorts per ton. 540.00. Hay -No. 1 per ton, 317 to 518; mixed $15 to 316; track, 'Toronto. Straw -Car tote, per ton, $8.00 to 38.60, track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, August 13tle-Cattle-Reeeipte, 205 oars, market 15 to 25e lower; prime heavy oteere 517 to 317.50; beet shipping atee, 516 to $16.50; plain and coarse, $1t to $14; Can- adian Esteem, heavy, 316 to $17: do. fat coarse 1100 to 1200 Ibe., 314 to 515; do. fat sthere and heifers, 311.00 to 512; best ABilive year- lings, 950 to 1000 [be., 31 5to 516; light nat- ive yearlings, good quality $13,50 to 314.50: best handy sthere, 12.50 to 13.50; fair to ' good kinds, 11.00 to 12.00; handy steers and heifers, mixed. 510.50 to 311; western heifers 310 th 111.50; Canadian heavy cows, 510 to 3/1: be* fat cows, 310 to 311; butchering t cows. 38 be 30; cutters. $7 to 59; canners, 6.50 to 36.60: fancy bulls, 510.50 to 311; butchering . butte, 39 to 310; oommon , bulls, 37.50 to $8; best feeders, 9$ to $19; medium feeders, $8 40 38.50; stockers, 57.50 to 58.50; light common, 37 to 38; best milkers and epringere 3100 tc, $150; mediums, 375 to 590; eomnaon, $50 to $60. Hogs-Recepits, forty cars; markt 25c lower: heavy, 320.65:, to 520.90. Yerkers and pigs, 321 to 521.15. 'Sheep- and larnbe-Receipts, 10 ars;cniarket 50e lower; top Iambs, 317.50t yearlings, $15: wethers. 513; ewes, 312.00. Calves-Receipte 200; steady, tope, 318.50: fair to good, 317 to 317.50; fed calvni. $7 te $9. Montreal, Auguat 13. There wee a big in- crease in the offerings of live stock at the local cattle market e this morning, amounting at the West end market to 1,547 catte, 752 aheep and lambs. 1285. hogs and 950 calves. At the C.ItieR. stock yards there were large offering's of cattle, over 1700 being disposed of during the trading-. Priem Were steady, with atrong tone if anything, and price conces- sions Were few and far between. Quotatione-Choice steers $12 to 312.50; good -311 to 512; medium, 8.50 to 510.50; choice butchers' [tulle, 39 to 310; good, 58.50; med- ium, 37 to 38; choice butcher cows, 59.50 to 310.50; good cows, 39 to 0,50; medium, 37 lio 48; sheep, 311 to 312.50; lambs, $16.50 to 417.50; calves, milk -fed, $10 to 518; grass fed, 36 to 38; choice select hogs off cars, 520.50 to 321; sows, $17 to $18. Union Stock Yards. Toronto, August 13. -Good th choice cattle met .with a brisk de- mand at the Union Stock Yards yesterday, and Prices for these qualities were slightly higher than hist week. The medium and CO/1MM var- ietka were a little slow in cashing, but held their values fairly well with the previous closieg quotations. There were some very nice animas in the offering of 3031 cattle. One extra fine load of 28 steers, averaging 1320 pounds each, cashed to the Harris Abat- toir Company at 516.25 per cwt. Thee was the highest figure paid at the Union Stock - Yards in six weeks. They were cashed by Dunn and Levaek. Other choice cattle sold around 514.50 and $15; while the best of the regular run cashed around $12.25 and 312.50 Per ewt. Medium and common butchers av- eraged 310 per cwt. The best cools and bulls also found a ready market. The derna.nd for anything of good to choice euality was strong at prices from $10 th 511.25 per cwt. The medium and good built and cows sold at from 39 to 39.75 per cwt. Canners and cutters sashed at from $* to 36.50 per cwt. There WA.; tittle activity amongst the etock- eis. POW farmert are to be found around the yards at present looking for cattle to put on ot :nose. Milkers are also rather quiet, prices for the he.it -ranging from 3140 th 3160. The calf market Wit.3 firm with the best veal eazhing around 316.50 and 317 per cwt. itreine Iambi were selling much better than at the eleee of the week. There were a few choice animals sold yesterday at 520, 320.50, and an odd one or two at $29.75 per cwt. This 15 on advance of approximately 52 per cwt. over the closing quotations of last week. The wring of sheep and lambs was fairly /elate, an having been received over the week end, but despite this fact there was a good active demand for anything of even Seediurn quality. Sheep were also a little bet, ter in price, the best selling from 515 to :nese and one or two very select 10i73 at 4I•7 per cwt. Yearlingt were coshing at a- bout the eeme figures as the choice handy 'sheep. The heavy fat sheep, however, were plow and draegy. The hogmarket i.; tro ng. Yesterday's general ouatatioa WP..3 320, but there._ were a few tote coshed at 320.25 and one er two ex- tra choice loath at 320,50 per cwt. fed and 'watered. Tha latter price wae paid by firms rot regularly at the market, and therefore could hardly he taken as a market ,quotation. Dunn and Lova& sold: Butchers, 5, 1005, 56,25; 2, 1005, 37.50; 4, 840, 50.75; .5, 8050, 58.85: 2. 500, 310; 24, 920, 311.25; 5. 910, 311.50; 2, 785, 50.50: 5, 718, $10; 25, 960, 315:7, 1075, 59.25; 11, 1020, 513.90; 16,825, 311; 21, 1080, 314. Cows -12, 1060, 59.50; I, 000, e6.50; 20, 890, 310.85; 2, 1075, 510; 4, 7100, 39.25; 3, 1090, $9.4.); 4, 680, 37. Bulle 1180, 39.50; 2. 1750, 38.25; I, 1069, 38.25: 8, 710, $8. zfi Rice & Whaley,. Acrid 18 care; Buteherst 19, 10e0, 515; 24, 1020, 513.50; 20, 1110, 313.75; 16, 1100, 313.25; 21, 890, 311.90; 11, 990, 311.10: 13. 990, 511; 5. 1080, 311; I, 1090, $11.76; 1. 900, 30; Cows -1, 1180, 310.50; le 1130, 311; 1, 1100, 311.40; 2, 1t60, 510: 1300. 39 9, 1160, 310; 3, 1040, 57.25: I, :1070, SO; 11, 1160, 39.75. Bulls, 1, 970, 39.26; 1550, $10.25: 1. 1510, 39.75; 1, 910, 38.25. Stocker; and feeders, 1, 530, 56; n 810, 59.25; 740, 59; milker 3124.50. Cobret,t Hal and Coughlin sold 20 cars and 'quote; Good heavy eteens. 515.50 to 316.00;. choice butcher steers and heifers. $14 to 14.25,- good butcher steers and heifers. 313 th 513.501t medium butcher eteers and heifers, $11 to 412.25; eOrtrZIGII butchers ethers and heifers, 3L0 to 510.50: choice heavy bulls 510 to $11: butcher 611Pc 59 th 89.50: bologna bulls, 37 to. 43; choice butcher cows 310.50 to 510.75: good butcher cows, $5.51) to 510; medium butcher cows $7.2t to 37.75; canners, 56 to 36.50: sheep, light. clipped. 514 to 315; heavy sheep wad bucke, sta to 512; choice spring lamas, 31.8 to 5n.25 ; choice calves. 515.50 th 516.75; ritteditteeealvoi. 311 to 313; hogs, fed • and wat- itittla Sty th 320.25; hogs, off cars, 520.25 th 320.,50, Qainn and Hisey sold: Buteliers' I, 860, }be. 1.50; 1, 990, 311.50; 1. 910, 39.50; 2, 990, 11.t0; 2, 375, 310.75 e3. 990, 511.25; 1, 850, 411; 1. 750. !VI; 10, 1020, 314.75. Cows, 8, tien, $10.7t; 1, 1410,- 510.25; 1, 1060, $10.25; 2. 1095, $9: 1, 1080. $8; 1. 1250, $10; 1, 980, 17: 10, 1020, 314.75. Cowa, 8, 865, 310.75: 1,, 140, 310.25; 1, 1060, 310.25; 2; 1096e 30, 1, 1080, 38; 1, 1250, $10;t1, 080, $7; 1,1270, 39.50; 2, .1145.. $10; 4. 1050, $10; 1, 1150, „.Iti. Bulls. 1, 1710, 1$9,50. J. B. Shields and Edon sold: ,Butches', 4. 875, $10.25;'21. 1020, $14; 16. 1040, 414.76; 1. 810, six ; 17, 1035s $15: 1, 1060. 1$12; 3. 970. 310.50; 4, 520, 57.60; 22, 1080. 314.80. Cows; Is 104.0, 56.25; 2. 1010, 410.25; 1, 770, $0,60; 2, 960, $6.50; 8, 1160, $10.86e• V. 1156e, $8.50; 1, 1020, $7, 5,,,o16, se. Bug; ei,,880„,, $8.50; 24, 590, $7.25. Milkers, 1, 31106 • Gurus, Limited bought 160 cattle: $10.50 to 414; cows, 37;50 to $11; bajr,et: to $10.50. The Harrie Abattoir Compnay bought ,500 eattleio 1 toad of 28 head extra, choice ateers 116,2 • butehers' steers and heifers, 512.15 to $16; ivas. $5:25 to $9.50; b1Is. 57 to $10,50. Idattnald and Halligan sold 20 loads: But- chers --16, 1180, $14.65; 10, 1110, $14.25; 11. 1075, 314,15; 17, 1070, 313.60; 21, 1000, 12.76; 17. 950, $12.50; 11, 950, 312.25; 11, 950, $11,- .50; 18; 960, $11.25; 1, 890, *11; 8, 780, 310.- 65; 1, peo, $8.50; 2, 1055, $12.75; 6, 075, 512.- 25; 19, 980, 312; 3, 970, 310.50; 4, 890, 511. Cows -i7. 1100, $5.90; I, 1/25, $10.10; 24, 1085 19.65 :12, 975, $6..75; 1, 780, $7: 1, 960. $7; 2:1780a/0.50: 1, 680, 56.50; 2, 930, $9.50; 1, 11$0, $9.50; 2, 1120, $9.50; 1, 1040, 38.50; 2, 1055. $7.76. Bulls -1, 1470, $10.75. The following were the quotations : - Heavy steers, choice 14.25 to $16; do. good, $12 to $14; butchers' Steers and heifers, choice $11 th $11.50; do. good, $9.50 IPO $10.50; do. mdituni$8.50 to $9.25; do. common, $7.76 te 8;250; butchers' cows. choice $10.75 to $11.26; .do. good, $8.75 to $10.50; do. medium 58 40 $8,59; do. common, $6.75 to 37.50; do. auto nris $6 to $6.50.; butchere bulls, choice, 10.50 .to $11.25; do. good, 19.5 Oto $10.25; do. mede luau 38.120 to $9.26; de. cc:minion $7.50 th $8; best feeders S6.50 th 09.60; beet stockers $8.75 te $9.50; milkers and springers, choice $100 40l$160; do. common and medium, $66 th $90;calves, choice, $16 th $17; do. med- ium, 312.50 th 14.50; ode. common, $10 to 42'; do. gruel $7.60 th $9; lamies, choice spring,. $17.50 th $18,-00; lambs, oarlingee 515 th $16; oheePs choice handy, $13 to $16; do. heavy ant fat bucks. $11 to $12.26: heevy fat, $8 to Silt; hogs, fed and watered, SOO to20,25: do. off cars $20.25 to $20.50; do. f.o.b., $19 to $19.25. Lesa SI to $2 on light to thin hogs: thee $3 to $3,50 on sows ; less $4 on stags ; lees 50c to $1. en heavies, THE HURON EiPOSI TOR • RORSEIll'OR SALE. For sate, a heavy draught horse, quiet and a good worker, single or double. Apply to 2C644HASx1O. CO, K. North Main Street, Seatorth. A.UCTION SALE Of Household Furditures at the residence of the 'late Mr*, John 'McKinley, Jarvis istreet. Seaforth, on Tueeday, August 20th, at 2,80 o'clock rasa. Terras olah-T. Brown, Allot. 2644x1 = • CA D OF THANKS I desireto xprese m- y hearty appreciation and gratitude th the tnany kind friends and neighbers,1 asp Jelly- the Robert Bell Engine and Threeher ompany and their employees, for the. ki dne a shown duringthe illneee and .subsequen death of my husband. Mrs. W. PINDER. • Seal rth. 2644x1 Nero -In Goderich on Sunday, August 4th, to Mr, anti Mrs. Albert Mero, a son. IHO SE FOR SALE Arnes-In Grey township, pe July 18, to Mr. and Mr. Joseph Ames, a son. For sale Turnbull -inn Grey township, on July 24th, to Ur. and Mrs. W. M. Turnbull, a daughter. the MARRIAGES Ferry-eMeilis-At the Presbyterian 'Manse, in Saekatoott by Rer. W. .Clark, on July atra, 't Mary Elizabeth 1e1Iis of Vancouver, to Wm. Roy Ferry, of Kindersley, Sask. Gowland-Torbes-At the Methodist parsonage Lacombe, Alta... on July 24th, by Rev. W. HellingsWorth, 141Fr, R. Cecil Gowland; of Ifelingeworth, 'Mr. R. Cecil Gowland, • of iyousgest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Forbes, of Walton. McKay -McLean -At the Methodist parsonage itt Bruseeis, on July 24th, by Rev. W. B. Stafford, B . A . , Mr, Robert Wilson McKee,. of Earl Grey, Sesta, th Miss Mary MeLean, daughter pf Mr. Archie McLean. of Grey. Watiamaison-aStapies-At the Methodist Par- eonege, Btusselo, by Rev. W. E. Stafford, B. A.. on August 6th, Mr. George Herbert Williarasoa, to Miss Dora Staple., both of Walton. ' DEATHS Isaac -At Victoria Hospital, Lonciod, on Aug. 8rd, Fanny Dearing, wife of Weeley Isaac, of atephen,1 weed 51 years. Blatchford -IP Exeter, on August let, George Lee BatchfOrd, son of tar, and Mrs J. W Blatchford,laged 29 years. McGregor -In Goderich, on August fith, Robt. Itairegor, fnfant son of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. McGregor, aged 10 days. Harrison -In IGodetich township, on August 6, James Anirner Harrison, youngest son of Me. and Mrs. Albert Harrison, aged 1 year. end 2 months. Williams -In Goderich oniciin August 7th, Robt. Ns/Minim; ie his 68th year. Bravrn-In weoaner, on August Rachael Godbcat relict of the late W. If. Brawn, M.D., aged 66 years, Gibeort-In Wroxeter, on Aust let, Jeannie M. Gibson, aged 54 years. Roe -lei Grey township, on August 6th, Laura • Whitfield, beloved wife of Fletcher Roe, in her 51st year. Sholdice--In Grey township, on Auret 6th, Mary A. MoCuaig, beloved wife pe W. W. Sholdiee. aged 47 years, 9 months and 12 days. Horthn-In Harpurhey, on August 10, Henry Burns Horton, aged et years, 2 months and 15 days. Pinder-In Seaforik, on August 9t1, William Pinder, aged 86 *ars, and ten months. amrstaxswarremliw W.. T., BUX & CO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. Q. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calla Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 50 iA 11111111111011 IIIMINI111111111111111111111i11111111111111 1111111111111111111 S. Gormley a EMI:IA.1,21ER AN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above a M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate phone -Night or Day -192 11§1N115111111 1111811111M • AUCTION SALE 1 Generol: Grocert stock and other artielee. Thomas Brown has been Instructed th sell iy pablic auction at the store ;in Chiselhurst, a general grocery stock and other articles including one horee, wagon, buggy and har- ness. on WednesdaY. August 2Ist, 1918, at two p.m. Terms -All Items of $10 and under cesh; over that amount three months' credit vvill be given on furniehing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for cas4t on credit amounts. S. J. SPRIGGS, Pooritor ; T. Beetere Auctioneer, 2644-1 Important Notice to Harvesters. There is ev ry probability that Harvester's Eenursions to Western Canada after August 22nd will be ancelled. .Those intending to go west shoald leave on the first excursion. Dates of Sale From Toront6 and east and north' August 20th; from Toronto and west and south, August 2nncl. Collodion Northern Railway Special Trains leaie Teronto Union Station 1.0. 150 p.m., August 20th and 22nd. R. L. FAIRBAIRN; General -Pa senger Agent. T-oronto. 1 esidence of the late Joh Mc - names', on is frame, splendid Two lots further p MISS C. oars, estreet. oessforth. The house ttl con ins eight rooms, and has a Idler with furnace, electric lights. of lan d with good garden. For rticuliars apply on the premises. B. iii KINLEY. Seaforth. 2644x2 , 1 i For sale on August ply to WILLIA phone 5 on i?OR SALE a gold young cow due to freshen 10th, ; good milker and quiet. Ap- LCOAT. Brucefield, or 628, Clinton Central. 2643-2 'I,EAC • Wanted, School, No. perience and R. R. No. 2643-tf. ER WANTED 1 I 'a cm . lified teacher for Roxboro 13, . cKillop. Apply stating ex- Bela y expected. JOHN SCOTT, 2, Sea firth, or phone 7 oft 236. . 0 e A comfortable uated, good garden. Apply forth. ,-...... MOUS FOR' SALE . i f rame hiTitite pleaeantay sit- cellar, hard and soft water, large to THOMAS BICKELL, Sea - 3642-4 TELEPH All telephone Telephone MUSTARD, INE ACCOUNTS ace unto due the Tuckersmith System • e payable th JOHN B. Brucefi•Id, Ont. 2642-3 100 acre from Seaforth, water and and implements JOHN McIttILLAN, phone 8 op FARM FOR SALE tarm, no th gravel road, 21/2 mules fram• house, bank barns, good orchar. $5,600. Grain, stock ma 'be purchased with germ. R. R.„No. leMeKillop, or 235, Se:forth Central. , 26421E8 POULT I, Y WANTED . I am prepared to Pay the highest Caah Price for all kinds of' poutry deliaered at my store, Main Street, Seafo is, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of 'each week. • G. D. HAIGH. 2680-tf. ° . For sale lot McKillop, containing has been in ehould grow as to price TON, co Manitoba 20.32-41. FARM FOR SALE' , . 17, eonctesion 9, Township of 100 acres. This farm grass for a number of years, and good crops. Write for particulars and terms th JAMES I. JOHNS - Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. . .. HOUSE Small frame street, Seaforth, good stable. apply to phone 10 FOR SALE house on West William hard end soft water, For further patticulars J., D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or on 124. 2622-tf HOUSE For sale North Main Robert Winters' at once. Apply Seaforth. FOR SALE seven roomed frame house on Street, pne door south of Mr, residence. Must be !told at The Expositor,. Oce, 1 2621-tt TEACHER WANTED ---.- Teacher Wanted for the Junior Room in Sthool Section No. 11, Walton. Applications stating salary and experience th be sent th raomas H. BOLGER, Secy.-Treas., R. R. No. 2, Blyth, Ontario. 2642-3 ----- • For sale half of Lot Killop. This ad and well en reasonable ther particulars IS, R. R. 1 y. first cut, 1 FARM FOR SALE north half of Lot 35 arid west 34. on the 5th conceasion of Mo- is a first class farm, well drain - fenced, and will be sold cheap and terene for quick sale. For fur- apply to THOMAS J. AD - No. 1, Clinton. Also 25 acres of will be Jot(' on the flea 2638-tf l' FARM For sale lot :stifling 150 see a good sank barns ghost bu.sh, best irained and ;ownship. Apply ). McDONALD, FOR SALE 30, concession 11, Hibbert, eon - acres. There are on the ptera- brick howse wth slate roof, two united, 15 acres of choice hard - spring water, well fenced and is one of he best farms in the on the premises or address Cromarty P.O, 2641-41. CREAM , We have operation, ege. We the highest you every and test each end give We also supply and give you Call in and partisulare. THE SEAFOWITE Beatorth, , WANTED. our Creamery now in full and we want your patron- are prepared to pay you prices for your cream, pay two weeks, a. e !gh, sample I can of cream carefully you statement of the same; . cans free of charge. an honest business deal. see us or drop us a card for CREAMERY Ontario FARM For sale 3. Tuckersmith, ['here are rame house, table 75 Attie' stable; and is in veil drained irOard; also ix acres of dowing done. .1/4 Miles east ield and 5 Seth on erner from iculars apply ,ddress !Michael t. R. No. ortis Central. FOR, SALE , Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. containing 100 acres. oil the premises a good two barns and frame i feet long, cement floor in hog pen, two wells, The 1 a good state of cultivation, '1 and fence4 Large apple 1 all kinds of small fruits; good hardwood bush, fall This farni is situated 1 of the village of Bruce- .; miles from town of Sea - Mill Road. School across farm. For further par- .; on the premiess or Whitmore, Bracefteld ' 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea- 1 2616-tf 3 AT YOUR SERVICE R.. 1110 GINS BOW 127, CLINTON Phone 100 (formefly of Brueetleid) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company. Commissioner H.C. of J., Cenvey- ances, Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. •- Wednesday each week at Brusefield Re - Opened 161.1•1021•11.4.0 The Seatortn Pruit Store rF-ooened in the Post Office block( on Thursday with a full line of Fresh Fruit MARIA PHILIPS - Opposite the Commercial Hotel larib MINk FARM FOR SALE For , Sale 100 acres, all cultivated; lot 11. Concession 6, Tuekersmith, }I.R.S., with barn 56 by 80 feet, stone foundation, pig pen, driv- ing ahed and hen house, 6 roomei frame cot- tage, good well with' wind raill. Also 60 item of grim lurid, wett half of lot 5, concession 7, good well with windmill; a good grasrs farm. Apply th JAMES FIN'LAYSON, R. R. NO. 8, Kippen; phone 8-182, Seaforth. 2639-41 FARM FOR SALE Lot 88, Concession 6, Meltiliop, 100 acres of the best clay land int McKillop, 6 mires of hush, the rest...in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, '2 mike froin Con- stance, Vie miles from school, There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house. /arms bank barn 642076, all Page wire fences and welt underdrained. There are •forty sores Ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down, There are two big swinge, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dant with a hydraulic rata pumping the water to the house and to the barn. A.si the option is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from tbe road th the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS • Notice is hereby given, pursuant , to the stat.. ate in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the estate of Agnea Wortley, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or a- bout the 6th day of April 1918, are required on or before the 24th day of August, 1918, to send or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Reverend Dr. Larkin and William Somer- ville, the Executors of the saideestate, full Particulars of their claims duly verified ter affidavit and the nature of 'the' security, (if any) held by them. And furtheretake tiotiee than after the said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to disttibute the assets of said 'estate among the parties' entitled there- to, having regard only to the elittute, of which notice shall then have been given. Date4 at Seaforth thia 29th day of July, -1918. ij'a M. BEST, Seaford", Ontario, Solicitiegi for the soid Exectithes. os.409124 FOR SALE. '- House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street,. close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. GOod, com-, fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. - This Is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of euttiva • tion This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply oa they promisee or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-d MORTGAGE SALE Of Desirable Dwelling House in Seafprth Under and by virtue of the powers contained 'n a certain mortgage, 'which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by public auction; on Saturday, the 24th day of August, 1918, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, by Thomas Brown, Esq., Auctioneer, he following property, namely: Lot number Twenty -One (21), on the *est side of East William Street, in Coleman's Survey, of ;Peat of the said Town of Seaforth. There is etect- ed on the property a 1½ brick dwelling house, with frame kitchen and wood shed attaehed and a splendid opportunity is offered to any erson desiring th secure a comfortable esi- dence. Terms of Sale -Ten (10. per cenlj of the purchase money th be paid down ati the time of sale. balance to be paid within t irty (30) days thereafter, when the purchaser is i entitled th a .conveyance free from en um- brances. The property will be sold subi t ito he existing monthly tenancy. Further pall c- ulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of tale and can be had in he meantime from the undersigned. Dated st Seaforth, Ontario, this 6th day of August, 1918, R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 264318 CementSilos -Contracts Solicitedr-7 - Workmanship Guaranteed.o Rogers Bros. ontractors FaIlartbn P. 0. RAILWAY GRANO TRUNK SYSTE0YI Harvest Help Excursions $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Half Cent per Mile Beyond AUGUST 20th and 29th - rom all stations between Lyn, Ont., nd Toronto, Weston, Metiford and aigrave- inclusive'alto from staions orth of Toronto to and including untsville. AUGUST 22nd and 29th. one Toronto and all stations west nd south thereof in Ontario. • Full. information from any Grand runk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, istrict Passenger Agent, Toronto, ntario. . Somerville Town Agent . R. Plant ..... . -Depot Agent • Canadian National' Exhibition Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7 300,000 admissions sold first day of advance sale. Come with the crowds to the great- est Exposition in the 40 years' history of the C. N. E. "The Heroes of Britain" A production of tremen- dens force and beauty, with '1200 -participants. All the coloefut_paraphee- tuella of romanceand his- tory in the making. In- spiring, dramatic - a epectade every Canadian should see. MOVEMENT - LIFE SPLENDOR atrioac Thrill in every scene umt livestock and agridultural display- ov ent exhibits -demonstrations of -ioca- training by 50 crippled heroes --farming ctory lines: colossal exhibits of labor- . devices -- Government patriotic food Creatore's world -finned band - Attlee its oi fine arts -AND A WORLD OF SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. 1.16 nsult your local agent regarding i railroad fares * Paine of admisaion is unchanged 25 cents III= T MOTORISTS ATTENTION Bri g your Casings, Tubes and Electrical work Ito Square Deal Garage, 'Verna, Phone Clin n 626 r 14 for 'scientific repairing. AR Vulca izing guaranteed not to Lump, Blister or Pilil Apart. Will outlive rest of casing. Complete line of repaired casings carried, 36 and up. Also all new tires kept in stock. Ex- press charges paid one way. E. H. EPPS & SON, Varna. 2638-41 THE CANADIAN B OF CON ERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER.' SIR JOHN -AIM,. General Manages 1 ' C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L., President H. V. F. JONES, Asst. Genl Manager 4.41 CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 - 30 The Manager is prepared to consult With prospective customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given prompt service. SEAFORTH BRANCH J G MUI0LHN . . IMPROVED AND tTNIMPROVED THE WATERLOO, FARMS. Wr4s for booklet and prices of ims preyed and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District. J. H. EVANS & CO; Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 261.7x20 Auto Sales Garage Is now located in its new premises, formerly Turnbull and McIntoeh's Livery Barn, Main street, Seafoith. A complete line of = AUTO_ REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES We have secured,'Mr. Sanderson of Toronto, who is an expert in Elifetkeril and all auto repair work. All Work Gstaxanteed. Wholesale and retail repairing and machine work. Stewart McIntosh MANAGER BOY The Three -Plow Tiactor for Ontario, The Tractor that Makes Good. The Tractor that has stood the Test. The Tractor that is guaranteed Under All Conditions. Write for Free Catalogue, Prices and any information Wanted. Separators- all sizes from 24 irksk Cylinder upwards. A few rebuilt Machines at veryareasonable prime ROBERT BELL ENGINE & T1{RESH:8g COMPANY, SEAFORTH. •1 elling Agents for Ontarle. • 1 „ 1 Many i ousand Farm. Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western "Canada "Going Trip Wost"-$12 to. WINNIPEG. "Return Trip Eastn-ill from WINMPEt GOING DATES . TERRITORY . Front Madan/ he Ontario Wait ig' AVniiha Pitts 40and loch/ding Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Lim lane Havelock-Teterbored Line. From statism Kingeton to Redrew Junction, inclusive. *Front stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line, From station. on Sault Ste. Marie branch. From stations on Main Line,'Bedocage to Frans. inclusive. From statism Bethrisay Junction to Port McNicolloutd Raritston-Bobcaygeon. Auguat 20, Aueruet 22. { Freak stations ha Ontari,o Weet and' South of Toronto to mei i Hamilton. and Witivisor. Oat. From stations on Otten Sound, Walteerton,"Teeswiter, %Filmdom, Mora, *towel, Goderkla St. Mary's, Port Butwell. met St Thomas branches. ,From stations ToroOto and North to Bolton. inclusive. - SPECIAL THROUGH TRAINS MOM restostnro Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. R. HOWARD. Distsict Passenger Ageat, Threat* • For Help • ? FARM help is scarce, but this condition can be relieved to a marked degree by using machines that accomplish . more work in a given time with less man power. 4 , Why should the farmer cling to horses -a slow, expensive means of power -when every other business is adopting the truck and thereby reducing the cost of hauling, speeding up deliveries, and saving for human needs the food that the horses would otherwise consume? The motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weather. Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working, it eats only while in actual use, and when the day's work is done it uires very tittle attention, and leaves you five kr other hores" about the place. Then, it can be housed in one- quarter the space of the horses, wagon and harness it replaces. It is a mistaken idea that a truck ieuseful fa* kr eking upon paved roads. The Ford can be driven an Mir tho firm, and wed for houlin'g grain, potaines, fruit, Jogps,eoper, wood, stack, sulk or any alter product. The it 'travels, the time it saves, and its low upkeep appeal very strongly to all users of the Ford Truck. If yes need skip, order your Ford One Ton Truck today. All prime soibiset to war fax charm, essottrasinasil AIM& THE UNIVERSAL CAR One -Ton Truck $750 Runabout - - Touring . Coupe - Sedan 57Z 595 770 970 535