HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-08-09, Page 53 "(MUST 0, 1918 40.0.04,404,0404 See These Regal Shoes [idly a Young Man's g a specialty of Men's y commendable feature MANSHIP, CHOICE LITY. the Reg -al Shoe have pleased to have the over. re described ;- lahogany shade of calfskin Nee,Iin soles and Panther pair, aoo. - of black gunmetal calf - blind eyelets to top and heels, per pair 8.00. Prig ITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL * * • 40- 3 • • No Heat Waylaid. Straight w' ails in the deep ftrepot of the Sunshine Furnace pre- vent ashes from col- lecting and absorbing the heat instead of allowing it to do its work in heating, the •••4•0F•W•1•••• homc- one of the feat- ures that make the Sunshine the kind of furnace you want for our home. 'Edge. hin ce ai 'Winnipeg Saskatoon Edmonton Vancouver AVE NCR thorers Wanted ivrir„ y Inn' ed emer r rnlle beyond. to Winnipeg, plus $13.-00- rh Service at moderate prieeele and a Scenic Rona, by CIVIC. AUGUST 22 and 29 ONTO AT 10,00 p.m. :C.N.R. Agent, Seaforth s :Kele St. E., Toronto,. Ont, and wages" Leaflet_ 1234 0.100•0•01104$04 dered .issortments of Serges, ,z.ds you could wish to reys, browns and guaranteed dyes. g of: materials at -,amo, attention live., new stock o a We're sure (SP Sort Seaforth ' AUGUST 91 1918 SEAFORTH MARKET& Seaforth, August 8, 1918 Wheat, per bushel Shorts, per tort Butter, per _lb. Eggs, per dozen Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Floux, per cwt. 5.60 , Peas, per bushel .. Potatoes, per bush Hogs, per cwt Margarine Bran, per ton • 0 • * • 0 • • • - 0 • S *42310 $41.00 38 to 40e .40 to 41e 70 to 75e $1.00 to 45.75 $S.60 2 00 $ 8.59 .374" 36.00 BEAN 'MARKET Toronto, August 6th.-L‘Beans-Catilidiare -- wane, per bushel $6.50 to $7.50. Foreign, nand - picked. bushel $6,75 to 57. Detroit, August 6th. -Beans, immediate and prompt shipment, $10.25 per cwt. shipping wants; Limas, 17 cents per pound. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, Aug. 6th-Liveweight-flexts, four lbs.. 21. to 22e; hens, four lbs., and over 27e; leering chickens SO to 32e; rooeters 16c to 18c: eiticklinga, 25e. ducks, 15e, turkeYs, 25c to 27c. Dressed Poultry -Hens, four pound, 26c to .2,7c; how 4 lbs.. and over 28 to 29e; spring chiekens, 40e to 45e; roosters, 23c be 25e; jaeldiege 30e to 35c; duck, SOc ; turkey, $0c. DAIRY MARKET Torontee Aug. 6 -Che -New, large 23% to 24, twine, 233/, to 2434; old large 25aec iroegegiie ......:tseNoins. 6c.no ntodieci26.V.e. 48to 49c; selected, new -laid 50 to 51e; cartons 52 to 54c. Batter -Creamery solids 45c; do. fresh made eee to 47e; choice dairy prints 41 to 42e; ordinary dairy prints 38c to 40e; bakers' 36e to 38e; oleonaargarine beet grade 32 to 34c. Comb Honey -Choice 16 oz., $2.50 per doz.; 12 oz., 53 Per dozen; seconds and dark comb .a2.50 to 52.75. . Maple Syrup -Imperial gallon, $2-26; five gallon tins 52.10 per gallon. Maple eugar, -per pound. 24 to 25e, GRAIN MARKET Toronto, Aug. 6th -Manitoba Wheat -No. L lerorthern, $2.23112; No. 2 Northern, $2.20%; No. 3 Northern, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.101k; in store Fort William, including 21ke tax. Manitoba Oat. -No. 2 C.W., 89%c; No.. 3. .C.W.. 86%c; extra No. 1 feed 86%c; No. 1, feed 834c in entre at Fort William. Americau Corn -No 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal ; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats .-No. 2 white, 85e to 86e; No. 3 white 84c to 85,e; aecording to freighta outside. Ont - Arlo Wheat -No. 2 Winter, per car lot, 52.22n 'basis in store Montreal. Peae-Nominal 13ar1eyMa1ting 51.20 to 51,22; according to ireighte outside. Buckwheat --$L80, accord - to freights outside. Rye - No. 1, 51.90, zsecording to freighte outside. Manitoba flour .-War quality, $10.95; new bags, Toronto Ontario Fleur -Winter, in new bags, prompt ehipment. war quality, $10.65; Toronto deliver- .ery ; 510.65. Montreal. pee:kept shipment.° 3/fil1feed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal frei- ght, bags included: Bran. per ton. 535.00 Shorts per ton, $40.00. Hay -No. 1 per ton, aele to 517; mixed hay, 514 to 515, track, Toronto. Straw -Car Iota per ton, 58,00 to 18.50, track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo. Au.guet 61h.-Cattle-Recepits. 200 ears; good grade e 25c higher: °there slovv: Prime native steers, 517 to 517.50; ehipping -ethers, 516 to 516.50 i 'plain and coarse 513 to $14; Canadian heavy steer, 516 to 517; Canadian steers, fat, coarse, 1100 to 1200 lbs., ,513 to 514 Canadian steers and heifers, 511 to $11.50; let native yearlings, 950 to 1090 Iles., $15 to 516; light native yearlings, good 513.50; fair to good kinds. 511 to $12; harglY -.steers and heifers. mixed $10.50 to $11: Wes- tern heifers. 51 Oto 511: Canadian heavy cows 411 to 511.50; butchering cows, 58 to 58.50; cutters, 37.50 to $8; canners, 56 to 57; fancy bulls 19.50 to ..$11 t butchering bulls $9 to 310; .common bulls. $7-50 to 58; best feeding steers -SOO to. 1000 'Ilea. 39.50 to $10: medium feed - 58 to 58.50; tteelcers 57.50 to $8.501 light 'common 57 to 58; milkers, springers( 565 to , $150.Hogs-Receipt, 30 cars; market 10 cones loweo; heavy, $20.25; to 320.50 ;' pigs and le care ; market steady, top lambs, $17 to yorkere 510.75. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts , I 118; yearlings, $14 to 515: wethers 512 to 513: <ewes, 511.50 to 515. Calves-Receipte, 1500; market 50 rents higher: tops, 310: fele to good. 517 to 518; fed calves, 57 to 59. . Montreal, August 6th. -The week's receipts ,of live .tock at the vreet end cattle market emoutned to 121.7 ,cattle 1.051 sheep anda lambs, 1323 hog' and 715 calyee. This morn- ing there were en the market for to -day' etrade )55 ;little. e09 sheep end lamhs, 507 'hags and tit celves. e , let the .eanedian Peceic _litotes: yards the 'offering, were 800 -cattle, GOO ehep and larribe en hoot and 409 balv. , Qaotations: Choice steers 511 te, $12.50 ; good $10 to 511; medium 58 to $9.50; choice but - her bulls, 30 to 510; good bulb, 38 to 58.50: medium, 57 to 58: choice butcher CONV.I. 59.50 to 10.50; good cows. 59; medium cowe, 37 to -38: sheep. 312 to 513: lambe, 51.7.50 to 518.50; graas calves, 57.50 to 59; milk-fede$12 to 514: ehoice select hog', of cars, 321; SOW:3, $18-511 to $19. Union Stock Yard:, Tomato, August 6th. - A light run of cattle for a Monday, eiribin- ed with the faet that the market clo'ed at noon owing, to the Civic Holiday. ijtduced a competitive spirit arntmg the buyers l' -which , has been foreign to the yards for several :ewers were advanced anything from 2 c to weeks. The result was that prices for theaver .50c and values for choice butchers 25ck All other grades of butcher cattle were iteady and common thin cattle alone virere a" drag em the market. Choice heavy steers were more numeroue than on any market of late, and gold readily from 514 to 515.35. Best Buteltr eteeie and heifera were also a fair representation. considering the limited offer- ing, and met an active trade at values be- tiveen 513.25 and 513.75_ The piek among the fat eows and bulls sold from ,I0 to '15c higher than last week. Medium to good cows and bulls were in fair demand -at steeey prices, rannere were 'active and firm, but common cows "Still required some pushing. AD indication of the scarcity of choice .teens eLsewhere was provided this morning when Corbett, Hall and Coughlin bought fon P. Burn? and Company, who are atarting an -abattoir in Terontofive loads �f steers from 414.50 th $13.2e,aral one loae of fat cows -which coet from 510.50 es 311: During last week Corbett. Hall and Coughlin sold in the eouary to the Swift Canadian Company for their New York trade 35 toads of choice but, ghers that averaged 1300 to 1400 pounds.. Stockere and feeders continued a dull- trade and very few milkers were on the xnarket. Ln both .seetions quotations were reported steady. Fourteen hundred Iambs 'is !too big a -consignment for the Toronto market th con - mime these days, and not onlywere price3 :forced down a good 33.00 as the result of the big offeringbut round 600 head of Iambs were 'unsold ,at noon. when the market cleeed. The pick amen.: the lambs this morning cashed ixt at 19, but a. few exceptions brought 191,ec. fibeee were quoted a dollar lower. and only the very best of vealescaped a similar drop, but values for all other grades of calves euf- :fered a dollar cut. . .ivalleorgesd. were reported fi'en at 520 fed and The receipts were lee --erloade, with 2188 'azirdielam. 17102_ calves. 1112 hogs and 1443 sheep George Rowntree for Harris Abattoir bought 450 cattle: Steers,: 512.50 th 315.25; heifers, 49 to 512: cows, 56.50 to 510.35; bulls, $7 lo $9.50. Gunn -s Limited Liought 260 cattle; Butchere 311 to 31.4e cows. 56.25 to $10.50; bulls, 57 10 $11. - Quinn and Hisey Arad: Butcher3-2. 1135 ha, $11; 5. 1130 lbs.. 313.50; 6, 111 Olbse 413.56; 1. e80 Ib, 53.50. Cows -1, 1160 lbe, 59.75 e. 1145 lbs., Mee; 2, 1015 lbs.. - 410; e, 10e0 lbs., 510: 1, 930 lee., 59.35; 1, a50 nee, 56.1e ; a 1000 lbs.. 59•30; 2, 975 lbs., se; 4.nee nee 59.3e; I, 1130 lbs., $8. Balle-2. 0.0) no., 58.50; 3. 620 Ilae., 57.75. Sparkhall wad Armstrong- sold: Butchers- ' 17, 860 lb.s. 510.25 ; 7. 1010 lbs;, $13; 12, $20 lbs.. 516; 6. e60 lbs., 511; 15, 101.5 ibe., 512.65. Cove, -I, 1060 lbs., 511; 1. 1200 lbee 38; 3, flee lie.. $0.85; 3. e86 lbe., 59; 2, 1125 Mee Wage; .: .1100 lbe., 58; 3, 1075 lbs.. 59; 1. '780 Is.. 5e.e0 ; le 995 lbs.. Mee: 1, 920 lbs. . 37.50; 1 e;le lbs. 5e; 8 910 ilea, 37.10: 1,' 37') liee*$4. Bull:. -e. 770 lase 510; 1, 1190 Den $i' .5 a S -'t. reers -16, 5360 lbs.'37: Donee le to 1.- ! a, see $1.1 to 3:1; hog,. 520, red ..u1 .frar;ere' EL n! in .. el S. nes -old: Bee -hers -1, -1.2,0 IL.. .11 i...6 ,..e.v. --1, 730 ilea, aeele 111.41 1.,; 54 •ai „ NO lee, $6,e0; 1, %I) the . 60 nee, 57.30. Bulei - 17. e*Ile ;1,, . ..;:.:.,): "., 74e ibis.. 5e; 1. MO ale., $e: 1 melee- 5e1.50: .1 mit1/4„..r.i. 310'.i.ril each; cane,. e. e: Diann e. i i.e.ese_ eel: B lechers- :20, 1225 .?be.. $':, 'e., et 1..121 lbs.. 511.66: 25. 1122 . -14e. ell T. ale', Ile.. 311; 9. 1001 Iles„ 13.60: 4. loal :Ile :cai 22 .1-3.1 the., $12.50; 1, 860, ime lSi.: ' -1: e. :116 Ilte, 51e; 6. 988 lbs., 512; 10. 1°0 l'it . tie : 9, 11-:e 1t.i., 5n : 1, 860 the., a.. $10.O9. 15, 900 lbs„ 510,25: 10. ea) I. , Sae Cos- 6, 1055 Ibe, 513.60: 14. 11-17 a, ,leati lbs., 310.85; 1.. 1090 lbe , sea,..1 : ; ! teo*11,.., 31.0.75; 1. 1210 lbs., 39.7i. :,I lea!, ll.., 51.75; 1. 1030, lbs., 59.75; 1, lireia... ee ;0; 5. 1059, 59.50: 2, 1075, 16,,,,eeeee .•‘‘' a 1024 Wee 38; 1, 1020 lbs., 57. mete e feee lia., eas.75; 1, 780 liee., 37.75; 1..1040- Ito., 59: 2 milkers, 5130 each. H. I'. Ileenedy sold: Buteehrs-2. 750 lbs. $10.50; 1, 101:0 lbs., 313.50; 1, 880 las., 510: TEE HURON EXPOSITOR 4, 1070 110., $10; 1, 930 lbs., $10; 2, 860 Ilea $6; 4. 1200 lbe., $11; 8, 1130 lbs., $7; 8, 1120 thee $10.15; 2 ,1160 Ilea, $8.75. BuIlls-e1, '780 lbs., 58.75; 1, 1070 lbs., $9,75; 1, 810 lbs. $$.50; 2, 1600 lbs., McDonald and Halligan sold: Butchers -17 1220 Ts ., $15,25; 22, 1190 lbs., $15; 20, 1200 $16; 2 . 1220 lbs., $14.50; 22, 1175 lbs., $14.50 17, 11 0 lbs„ --$14.50; 8, 1160 lbs., $14.40; 20 1150 I ., $14: 5, 1080 lbs., $12.75; 20, 980 $12.50; 22, 950 lbs., $11.50; 15, 9$0 lbee $11 /, 760 lbs., $10.50; 1, 640 lbs., $8,50; 15, 980 lbs., $11,75; 22, 840 lbs, 59.851 Cows -5, 1080 Ilse., $0.25; 6, 1120 lbs.. $0.85; 4, 1176 lbs., $9.59; 3, toe° lbs., $8.75; 1, 1160 thee 59.40; 1, 87 Olbs., $4.25; 4, 790 Ma, $6.50. Bulls -10, 633 Ilia, $7,.85; 17, 500 Dee., 7,35; 1, 1670 lbs., $9; 1, 1220 lbs., 510.26; 1, 1030 lbs., $9. Corbett, Hall and Coughlin gold 15 carloads at the following quotatione: Good heavy steers $14.50 to $16,135; choice butcher* $13.50 to' 1514.25; good butchers 412.75 to 513; •medium butchers '$11.50 to $1.2,; common butchers $10 be $11; choice heavy bulls 510.50 tto $11.25; butcher bulls $9 to $10; bologna balls $7.50 ea $8; choice cowe $10 to $11; good cows, e9.50 to $10; mediult cows $8.26 to $9; com- mon cows 57.50 to 58; canners, 56 to $6.50; Weep, light. clipped, $14 to $16; heavy sheep, and buelcs $8.4 to 510.50; ebeice spring Lambe 18e to 19e; choiceecalves, $15 to 516; medium' calves $13 to $14; hogs/ fed and wat- ered, $20; hop, off cars $20.25. . The' following were the''quotations: - Choice heavy steers, $14 to $'15.85; butohene cattle. choice $13.2 5to $13.75; do. medium $10.75 to $11; do. conunon 59 to $10; butchers' bulls, choice 311 to $11.25; do. medium bulb $10.25 ta $10.60; do. rough bulls 57.50 to $8.50; butchers' cows, choice 510.75 to $11: do. good, 510.25 to 510.50; 'do. medium $8,25 to 58.75; do. coo:unon 57 -to $8.25; stocker,. $8 to 510.50; feeders $10.5 Oto $11; canners and cutters $5.5 Oto 56.50; milkers, good to choice, each $9' Oto $125; do. common and medium $65 to $75; springers $90 to $125; light ewes, $13 to $15; yearlings, $15 to $16.50; spring lambs 18e to 19%c; calves, gbod, 13.50 to $15.50; hogs, fed and watered $20; do. weighed off can. $20.25. • BIRTHS Stewart -fn Seaforth on August 2nd, to Mr. and re. Harry Stewart, a sort. Hae -In Tuckersmith. on August 74h, to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hay, a son.. Bunking,. -In Ilullett township, on July 2910, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hunking, oodaugh- ter. Ashton -1n Tackersmith, on July 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton, a daughter, Lawson -In Steeehen, on July 27t6, to Mr. and Mrs. Georee Lawson. a. daughter. - DEATHS Reynolds --fn Seaforth. on August 2nd, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Reancede, aged 3 months and 2 weeks.. Lament -In Toronto, on August 2-ncl. Peter Lamont. of Zurich, aged 56 years. MeCutcheon-fn Turnberry township, on July 271h, Amanda Parks, relict of the late John. MoCutchezon. aged 68 years and 4 months. meeeeeieneo Howiek township, On July 27th, John McLean. aged. 76 years and 4 months. Noylor-tn Wroxeter. on July 25th, Leola, Jean ,daughber of Kr. and Mrs. elilton Nay- lor. aged 8 (months. Reymann -In London, on July 291h. Anthony Reymann. of Cranbrook, itt his 75th year. Wheatley -In Hullett township, on July 30th, Emma Maria Dyke,' widow of the late Wm. Wheatley, aged 75 years and 7 months. 41•1=1•11001•110a. W BOX St CO. Embalmers. and Funeral Directors C.' BOX Holder of Governneent Diploma and Liscense • Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice 'Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 ' Phone -50 .1=11001•1•10•1=11•• 11111 IMRE 111111111111111' 1111101 111111111111111111 W. 5, G6rmley . AND FUNERAL DIR CTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grooery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth. es. -1F1ower8 furnished oh short ootice3: 11111111111 • Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 Pi 1141111011:11111"S111,,i11101t111111i111111ill!!;111111v:4111111gliiilliii11111111111111111;1111111111 FOR SALE For 'sale a good young cow due' to freshen out August 10th, a good milker and quiet. Ap- ply to WILLIAM ELCOAT„ Brucefield, or phone 5 on 628.- Clinton Central. 2643-2 TEACHER WANTED Wanted, a qualified .teacher for Roxboro Ocliool, No. 13, MaKillop• Apply stating ex- nerience and extlary expected. JOHN SCOTT, R. R. No. '2." Seaforth, or phone 7 on 236. 2643-1f. AUCTION SA -LE / • 01 Hou esleolci Furniture. at the red le-nce of the lath Edward Hallett, um street, on Satur- day, August 1016, at 2 p.m., the following property, viz: Extension table. chairs, rockers, bedroom suites, stoves, picture% books rend a lot of other articles too- numerous to men- tion. PO9itively no reserve. Terme-Cash. T. Brown, Auctioneer, CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- •ING OF VOTERS' LIST Vetere' List 1918. Municipality of the Town- ship of Tuckersriiith, in the County of Huron. Notice Is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9, of The Ontario Voters' List Act, the coesies required by said Sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, pursuant to :said act, ell persons appearing by the lest reeised assessment roll of the said Muni- cipality th be entitled th vote in the said Muni- cipality at elections for members to the Legie- taiave Aesembly and Municipal Elect -inns. and that the said liet was first posted up in my office in Tiickereenith on the 2410 day of July. 1918, and remains there for inepection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proce.edirtge to have any errors or otniseions corrected according to law. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk Dated this leme day of August, 1913. 2643-1 MORTGAGE SALE 01 Desirable -Dwelling House in Seaforth - Linder and lay virtue of the powers -contained in it certain mortgage. which will fie duceel at the time of sale, • there will 'be offer- ed for tale by public atictien, on Satarday. the 94th day of August, 1.918, at the hour of e o'clock in the- afternoon, at Diek's Hotel, Seaforth,eby Thoinae 13rown, Auctioneer.. the following property, nennele: Let number Twenty -One (21), on the west gide ef . Ease Steeet, itt Coleman's Surve.y, of Part of' the said Town of Seaforth. There is ereet- ed oct the properey a brielc dwelling house, with ararne -kiteeen and wood shed attached' reed a figh‘ndid opportunity is. offered to any person desiring to secure a comfortable resi- dence. Terms et Sale -Ten (10, per certt, of the purchase money to he paid down at the new of elle, balance to be paid within thirty t30) ,deys thereafter, when the purchaser is entitled to a conveyance free from eneum- brauces. T -he property will be sold subject to the eeasting montlely tenancy. Further partig- ulars and .coerlitione of ;sale will be made known on the day of safe and can be had in the meantime feom the undersigned. Dated itt Seaforth, Ontario, *de 610 day of August, 101.8. 11. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor; Tho. Brown, Auctioneer. 2643-3 MAN WANTED Wanted a .man for farm work. Apply at The Expoeitor Office, Seaforth. 2648x1 ESTRAY PIG. Strayed on to the premises, west half lot 27, coacession 8, Hibbert, on or about August and, one young pig. Owner may have the sante ley proving property and Paying char- ges. JAMES HILL, Stela P.O..; phone 18 on 48, Dublin. 2648-8. HOUSE FOR SALE A comfortable frame house pleasantly sit- uated, good cellar, hard and soft water, large garden. Apply to THOMAS 13ICKELL, Sea - forth. 8642-4 TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS i • All telephone accounts due the Tuekeranaith Telephone System are payable to JOHN B. MUSTARD, Brucefielel, Ont. 2642-3 FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, north gravel road, 21/2 mike from Seaforth, frame house, bank barns, good water and orchard, $5,600. Grain, stock and implements may be purchased with farm. JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No. I, McKillop, or Phone 8 on 235, Seaforth Central, 2642x8 POULTRY WANTED I am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of poultry delivered at my store, Main, Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each week. G. D. HAIG1L 2636-4f2 FARM FOR SALE For Sale lot 1'7. concession 9, Township of McKillop, containing 100 acres. This farm has been in graes for a number of years, and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as ea price and terms to JAMES I. JOHNS - TON, co Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. • 2632-41. HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William street, Seaforth, heed and soft water, good stable • For further particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone. 10 on 124. 2622-tf HOUSE FOR SALE --- For sale seven roomed frame houee on North. Main Street, one door south of Me. Robert Winters' residence. Must be sold at once. • Apply at The Expositor Office, Seriforth. 2624-01 TEACHER WANTED Teacher Wanted for the Junior Room in School Section No. 11, Walton. Applications., stating salary and experience th be eent to THOMAS H. BOLGER, Secy.-Treas., R. R. No. 2, Blyth, Ontario. • 2642-3 FOR SALE For Sale a cottage with two bedroonis, and two lots on North Main Street, two blocks from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and eoft water in kitchen:. All in „good hape. Easy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seatorth 2627-11 FARM FOR SALE For sale north half of Lot 35 and west half of Lot '34, on the 5th concession of Me-' Killen. This is a first class fan, well drain- ed and well fenced. and will be sold cheap and on eeasonable terms for quick sale. For fur- ther. particulars apree 1 to THOMAS J. AD- AMS, R. Re No. 1. Clinton. Also 25 acres of hay, fleet cut, will be sold on the field. 2688-tf FARM FOR SALE' For sale lot 30, concession 11, Hibbert, con- taining 150 acres. There are on the prem- ises a good brick house, with slate roof, two bank barns united. 15 acres of choice hard- wood bush, best spring.water, well fenced and drained and is orae of he best farm in the township. Apply on the premises or address D. McDONALD. Cromarty P.O. 2641-11. MOTORISTS ATTENTION Bring your Casings. Tubes and Electrical work to Square Deal Garage, Varna, Phone Clinton 626 r 14 for scientille repairing. All Vulcanizing guaranteed not th Luna*, Blister or Pull Apart. Will outlive rest of casing. Complete* line of repaired casings carried, $5 and op. Also all new tires leept in stock. Ex- erese charges paiti one way. E. H. EPPS & SON. Varna. 2638-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Notize is hereby given, purauant to the stat- ute in that behalf. that all persons having claims against the estate of Agnes Wortley, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or a- bout the 6th day of 'April 1918, are required on or before the 24th day of August, 1918, th send or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Reverend Dr. Larkin and William Somer- ville. the Executors of the said estate, full particulars of their claims duly verified be affidavit and the nature of the seourity, (if any) held by. them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the executors will proeeed to distribute the assets of lived estate among the parties entitled there- to, having eegard oqly th the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth this 29th day of July, 1918. M. BEST, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the eaid Executors. 2642-3 FOR SALE. ITsise and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to, the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and c-urrant bushes. This Is a corner pro- psrty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva• tien. This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-e FARM FOR SALE For sale.Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame honse, two barns and frame stable 75 feet ling, cement floor in cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced,. Large apple orchard; also all kilids of small fruits; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing done. This farm is situated miles east of the village of Bruce - field and 5 .miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill Road. School across,, corner from farm. For further par- ticulars apply on the premiess or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth Central. . 2616-tf ' 1111111111111011.11.1.11111111111NIN emoise Re Opened The Seatortn Fruit Store re.opened In the POst Office blocic on Thursdaywith a full line of Fresh Ernit MARIA. PHILIPS Opposite the Commercial Hotel IMPROVED AND ITNIMPROVUD FARMS..'*` Write for booklet and priees of im• proved and unimproved, farms in the famous Gilbert Plains .District. J. H EVAN'S & GO, Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x20 FARM FOR SALE For Sale 10Q acres, all 'cultivated, lot 11, Concession 6, Tuckersmitte, H.R.S., with barn 56 by 80 feet, stone foundetione pig pen, driv- ing shed and hen house, 6 roomei frame cot- tage, good well with wind mill. Also 50 acres of grass land. west half of lot 5, concession 7, good well with windraill t a good grase farre. Apply th JAMES FINLAYSON, R. R. NO. 3, Kippen; phone 8-132, Seaforth. 2639-tf 'FARM 'FOR SALE :Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of'the best clay land in 1)1eKillop, 6 aere_, of buish, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth. 2 miles from Con- stance, lele miles from school. There are on the premiees, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs. one piped th barnyard and in theother a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from tbd.road to the buildings. Apply to, MRS, SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-tf Harvest Help • Excursions $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Half Cent per Mile 'Beyond AUGUST 20th 'and.'29ill From all stations between''Lyh, Ont., and Toronto, Weston, Meaford and Palgrave inclusive, also from staions north of Termite to and including Huntsville. AUGUST 22nd and 29th. . .From Toronto and all stations west and south thereof in Ontarid. 'Full. information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. g'llorning, District Passenger Agent,:)Toronto, Ontario. W. Somerville ........,.Town Agent W-. R. Plant- .... 'Agent see. - Canadian National Exhibition Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7 300,000 admissions sold first day of advance sale.- .Come with the crowdsto the great- est Exposition in the 40 years' history of the C. 1.4E. "The Heroes of Britain" A production of tremen- dous force and beauty, with 1200 participants. All the colorful parapher- nalia of romance and his- tory in the making. In- spiring, dramatic --- a spectacle every Ca9adian should see. MOVEMENT - LIFE SPLENDOR' A llatriotic Thrill in every scene Giant livestock and agricultural display-. Geverrunent exhibits -demonstrations of Irma. tional training by 50 crippled heroes -farming on factory lines: colossal exhibits of labor - slaving devices Government patriotic food show - Creatore's world-fiuned band -- exhibits of fine arta-AND k *WORLD OF, OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Price of admission is unchanged 25 cents I Consult your local agent regarding railroad fares Auto Sales Garage Is now located in its new premises, formerly Turnbull and McIntosh' Livery Barn, Main street, Seaforth. A complete line of AUTO REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES We have secured Mr. Sanderson, of Toronto, who is areexpert in Electrical and all auto repair work. All Work Guaranteed. . Wholesale and retail repairing and machine work. Stewart McIntosh • . MANAGER THE WBA.TIRL001 THE cANADLAP O F CO LR- SlR EDMUND WALKER, • av.a, LLD., MCI-, President The Three -Plow Tractor for Ontario. The Tractor that Makes Good. The Tractor that has stood the Test. The Tractor that is guaranteed Under All Conditions. Write for Free Catalogue, Prices and , any information Wanted. Separators- all sizes from 24 inch Cylinder upwards. A few rebuilt machines at very reasonable prices.. ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY, SEAFORTH. Selling Agents for Ontario. SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manner FL V. F. JONES, Aset. Gen% Manager CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RZsEtwE Ft*, $13,500,000 311 The Manager is prepared to*consult ‘tvith prospective u, customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Curreot account, the . making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given pro SEAFORTH BRANCH I G MULLEN ' pt service. - - --meow MANAGNIR CREAM WANTED. We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, eNegh, sample •and test each can of eream carefully and give you statement of the same We also supply cans free di charge and give you an honest business deal, Call in and see us or drop us a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario Cement Silos -Contract s 1. Workmanship Guaranteed.0 ..••••11.wiek Rogers Bros. Contractors Fullartoa P.O. lammanink Silisommesimmemmotwommememo. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvestind in Western Canada "Going Trip West" -$12 to WINNIPEG. "Return Dip East' ---$18 from WINNIPEG - GOING DATES TERRITORY 1 From stations in Ontario West of' Smith's Falls to and including Toronto oie Lake Ontario Shore Line and Havelock-Peterboro' Line. From stations Betleany Junction 10 Port Idcblicodt and BarloetoneRobteaygeon. From statione Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. Front stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line. From stations on Sault Ste, Marie branch. From stations on Main Line, Beaucagt to Franz, inclusive. . (From' stations In Ontario West and South of Tomtits to sad iscludiog Hamilton and Windsor, J From stations on Owen Sotmd, Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingkam, Elora, Listowel. Goderich, St. Marrs's. Port Burwell and St. Thomas breaches: (,,From statiehs Toronto and North to Bolton, inchisive. August 20, and August 29. AThigliTtis 22, and August 29. SPECIAL THROUGH TRAINS FRCSS TORONTEL Full partioulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, W. R. HOTeltD, Distiict "granter Agent, Toronto re iAAA PROC: GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Grace of God of the United Klingdiant of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. • . To all to whom these presents shall come or Whom the same May in any wise concern, -,--GREETING • A Proclaination of conditional amnesty respecting men belonging to Class 1 under the Military Service Act, 1917, who have disobeyed our Proclamation of 13th October, 1917, or their orders to report.for duty, or are deserters or absent without leave from the Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. 1* E. L. NEWCOMBE, 1 WHEREAS consider - Deputy Minil4ter or jug"°°' f able numbers of men 'Canada. belonging to Class I under our Military Ser- vice Act, 1917, called out on active service -in our Canadian 'Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada under Our Proclamation of 13th October, 1917, although they have thus become by law soldiers enlisted in the Military Service of Canada, . Have failed to report for duty as lawfully required oethem under the said Military Ser- vice Act and the regulations 'thereunder, in- cluding the Order in Council duly passed on April 20 last, Or . have deserted, Or absented themselves without leave from our Canadian Expeditionary Force, And it is represented that the very serious and unfortunate situation in which these men find themselves is due in many cases to the fact that, notwithstanding the information and warning contained in Our Proclamation afore- said, they have misunderstood their duty or obligation, or have been misled by the advice of ill-disposed, disloyal or seditious persons. AND WHEREAS we desire; if possible, to avoid the infliction of the heavy penalties which the law imposes for the offences of which these soldiers have thus been guilty, and to afford them an opportunity within a limited time to . report and make their services available M Our Canadian Expeditionar3r Force as is by law their bounden duty, and as is necessary for the defence of Our Dominion of Canada. NOW KNOW YE that we in the exercise of Our powers, and of Our good will and pleasure in that behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare .and cause to be published and made known THAT THE PENALTIES OF THE LAW WILL NOT BE IMPOSED OR EXACTED as against the men who belong to Class 1 under Our Military Service Act, r917, and who have disobeyed Our Proclam- ation- aforesaid; or who have received notice from any of Our registrars or deputy registrars to report for duty on a day now past and have failed so to report; or who, having reported and obtained leave of absence, have failed to report at the expiry of their leave, or have become deserters from Our Expeditionary Force, PROVIDED THEY REPORT FOR DUTY ON OR BEFORE THE TWENTY FOURTH _DAY OF AUGUST 1918. AND WE DO Pr011tEDY WARN AND SOLEMNLY; IMPRESS UPON ALL SUCH MEN, an as well time who employ, harbour, conceal si..issist theme in their disobedience, that, if hey.persist in their failure to report, absenc or desertion until the expiry of the lastentil" :med. day, they will be pursued and punis ed with all the rigour and severity of the law, SUBJECT TO THE JUDGMENT' OF OURCOURTS MARTIAL WHICH WILL I BE CON- VENED TO TRY SUCIfi C SES or other competent tribunals: and also hat those who employ, harbour, conceal or a 1st such men will be held strictly accountable as offenders and subject to the pains, penalties and forfei- tures in that behalf by law .provided for their said offence. ,. Provided however that notiing contained in this Our Proclamation is inte ded to release i the men aforesaid from their obligation to 1 report for duty as . soon as possible or to grant , them immunity, from arrest or detention in the meantime for the purpose of coxnpelling them to perform their military dutyj Our intention 1 th - being merely to forego or retni e penalties heretofore incurred for failu e to report, , absert'ce without leave or desert‘n incurred by those men of the description afor .esaid who shall bein the proper discharge dr their mititarY duties on or before the said twenty-fourth day of August, 1918. Of all of which Our loving snbjects and all others whom these oresents. may concern are hereby required to take notie andgovern themselves accordingly- - IN TESTIMONY WilEREOF, We ve caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and. the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed: Witness:, Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, Vito r Christian Willbun, Duke of Devonshire, Marquess of Hire on, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Burlington, arcrn Cavendish of Hardwicke, Baron Cavendis • of Keighley, Knight of Our Most Noble Ord of the Garter; One of Our Most Honourable Privy Council; Knight Grand Cross of Our Atrost Distinguished Order of Saint Michae.1 and Saint George; Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order -' Gov- ernor General and Commander -in -Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Government liouse, in Our City of OTTAWA, this FIRST day of AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred anil eighteen, and in the ninth year of Our Reign. BY Command; e- aie Under-Secretary State, S. T. Holmes' Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite eitewart Bros. i Resi- dence Godench at., cpp Dr. Soott'e Flowers itirnished an . short notiee. • Phone Night or Day 1190. _ MAN WANTED Wanted a .man for farm work. Apply at The Expoeitor Office, Seaforth. 2648x1 ESTRAY PIG. Strayed on to the premises, west half lot 27, coacession 8, Hibbert, on or about August and, one young pig. Owner may have the sante ley proving property and Paying char- ges. JAMES HILL, Stela P.O..; phone 18 on 48, Dublin. 2648-8. HOUSE FOR SALE A comfortable frame house pleasantly sit- uated, good cellar, hard and soft water, large garden. Apply to THOMAS 13ICKELL, Sea - forth. 8642-4 TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS i • All telephone accounts due the Tuekeranaith Telephone System are payable to JOHN B. MUSTARD, Brucefielel, Ont. 2642-3 FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, north gravel road, 21/2 mike from Seaforth, frame house, bank barns, good water and orchard, $5,600. Grain, stock and implements may be purchased with farm. JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No. I, McKillop, or Phone 8 on 235, Seaforth Central, 2642x8 POULTRY WANTED I am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of poultry delivered at my store, Main, Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each week. G. D. HAIG1L 2636-4f2 FARM FOR SALE For Sale lot 1'7. concession 9, Township of McKillop, containing 100 acres. This farm has been in graes for a number of years, and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as ea price and terms to JAMES I. JOHNS - TON, co Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. • 2632-41. HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William street, Seaforth, heed and soft water, good stable • For further particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone. 10 on 124. 2622-tf HOUSE FOR SALE --- For sale seven roomed frame houee on North. Main Street, one door south of Me. Robert Winters' residence. Must be sold at once. • Apply at The Expositor Office, Seriforth. 2624-01 TEACHER WANTED Teacher Wanted for the Junior Room in School Section No. 11, Walton. Applications., stating salary and experience th be eent to THOMAS H. BOLGER, Secy.-Treas., R. R. No. 2, Blyth, Ontario. • 2642-3 FOR SALE For Sale a cottage with two bedroonis, and two lots on North Main Street, two blocks from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and eoft water in kitchen:. All in „good hape. Easy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seatorth 2627-11 FARM FOR SALE For sale north half of Lot 35 and west half of Lot '34, on the 5th concession of Me-' Killen. This is a first class fan, well drain- ed and well fenced. and will be sold cheap and on eeasonable terms for quick sale. For fur- ther. particulars apree 1 to THOMAS J. AD- AMS, R. Re No. 1. Clinton. Also 25 acres of hay, fleet cut, will be sold on the field. 2688-tf FARM FOR SALE' For sale lot 30, concession 11, Hibbert, con- taining 150 acres. There are on the prem- ises a good brick house, with slate roof, two bank barns united. 15 acres of choice hard- wood bush, best spring.water, well fenced and drained and is orae of he best farm in the township. Apply on the premises or address D. McDONALD. Cromarty P.O. 2641-11. MOTORISTS ATTENTION Bring your Casings. Tubes and Electrical work to Square Deal Garage, Varna, Phone Clinton 626 r 14 for scientille repairing. All Vulcanizing guaranteed not th Luna*, Blister or Pull Apart. Will outlive rest of casing. Complete* line of repaired casings carried, $5 and op. Also all new tires leept in stock. Ex- erese charges paiti one way. E. H. EPPS & SON. Varna. 2638-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS - Notize is hereby given, purauant to the stat- ute in that behalf. that all persons having claims against the estate of Agnes Wortley, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or a- bout the 6th day of 'April 1918, are required on or before the 24th day of August, 1918, th send or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for Reverend Dr. Larkin and William Somer- ville. the Executors of the said estate, full particulars of their claims duly verified be affidavit and the nature of the seourity, (if any) held by. them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the executors will proeeed to distribute the assets of lived estate among the parties entitled there- to, having eegard oqly th the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth this 29th day of July, 1918. M. BEST, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the eaid Executors. 2642-3 FOR SALE. ITsise and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to, the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and c-urrant bushes. This Is a corner pro- psrty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva• tien. This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-e FARM FOR SALE For sale.Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame honse, two barns and frame stable 75 feet ling, cement floor in cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced,. Large apple orchard; also all kilids of small fruits; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing done. This farm is situated miles east of the village of Bruce - field and 5 .miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill Road. School across,, corner from farm. For further par- ticulars apply on the premiess or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth Central. . 2616-tf ' 1111111111111011.11.1.11111111111NIN emoise Re Opened The Seatortn Fruit Store re.opened In the POst Office blocic on Thursdaywith a full line of Fresh Ernit MARIA. PHILIPS Opposite the Commercial Hotel IMPROVED AND ITNIMPROVUD FARMS..'*` Write for booklet and priees of im• proved and unimproved, farms in the famous Gilbert Plains .District. J. H EVAN'S & GO, Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x20 FARM FOR SALE For Sale 10Q acres, all 'cultivated, lot 11, Concession 6, Tuckersmitte, H.R.S., with barn 56 by 80 feet, stone foundetione pig pen, driv- ing shed and hen house, 6 roomei frame cot- tage, good well with wind mill. Also 50 acres of grass land. west half of lot 5, concession 7, good well with windraill t a good grase farre. Apply th JAMES FINLAYSON, R. R. NO. 3, Kippen; phone 8-132, Seaforth. 2639-tf 'FARM 'FOR SALE :Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of'the best clay land in 1)1eKillop, 6 aere_, of buish, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth. 2 miles from Con- stance, lele miles from school. There are on the premiees, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs. one piped th barnyard and in theother a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from tbd.road to the buildings. Apply to, MRS, SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-tf Harvest Help • Excursions $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Half Cent per Mile 'Beyond AUGUST 20th 'and.'29ill From all stations between''Lyh, Ont., and Toronto, Weston, Meaford and Palgrave inclusive, also from staions north of Termite to and including Huntsville. AUGUST 22nd and 29th. . .From Toronto and all stations west and south thereof in Ontarid. 'Full. information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. g'llorning, District Passenger Agent,:)Toronto, Ontario. W. Somerville ........,.Town Agent W-. R. Plant- .... 'Agent see. - Canadian National Exhibition Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7 300,000 admissions sold first day of advance sale.- .Come with the crowdsto the great- est Exposition in the 40 years' history of the C. 1.4E. "The Heroes of Britain" A production of tremen- dous force and beauty, with 1200 participants. All the colorful parapher- nalia of romance and his- tory in the making. In- spiring, dramatic --- a spectacle every Ca9adian should see. MOVEMENT - LIFE SPLENDOR' A llatriotic Thrill in every scene Giant livestock and agricultural display-. Geverrunent exhibits -demonstrations of Irma. tional training by 50 crippled heroes -farming on factory lines: colossal exhibits of labor - slaving devices Government patriotic food show - Creatore's world-fiuned band -- exhibits of fine arta-AND k *WORLD OF, OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Price of admission is unchanged 25 cents I Consult your local agent regarding railroad fares Auto Sales Garage Is now located in its new premises, formerly Turnbull and McIntosh' Livery Barn, Main street, Seaforth. A complete line of AUTO REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES We have secured Mr. Sanderson, of Toronto, who is areexpert in Electrical and all auto repair work. All Work Guaranteed. . Wholesale and retail repairing and machine work. Stewart McIntosh • . MANAGER THE WBA.TIRL001 THE cANADLAP O F CO LR- SlR EDMUND WALKER, • av.a, LLD., MCI-, President The Three -Plow Tractor for Ontario. The Tractor that Makes Good. The Tractor that has stood the Test. The Tractor that is guaranteed Under All Conditions. Write for Free Catalogue, Prices and , any information Wanted. Separators- all sizes from 24 inch Cylinder upwards. A few rebuilt machines at very reasonable prices.. ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY, SEAFORTH. Selling Agents for Ontario. SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manner FL V. F. JONES, Aset. Gen% Manager CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 RZsEtwE Ft*, $13,500,000 311 The Manager is prepared to*consult ‘tvith prospective u, customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Curreot account, the . making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy and given pro SEAFORTH BRANCH I G MULLEN ' pt service. - - --meow MANAGNIR CREAM WANTED. We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, eNegh, sample •and test each can of eream carefully and give you statement of the same We also supply cans free di charge and give you an honest business deal, Call in and see us or drop us a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario Cement Silos -Contract s 1. Workmanship Guaranteed.0 ..••••11.wiek Rogers Bros. Contractors Fullartoa P.O. lammanink Silisommesimmemmotwommememo. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted for Harvestind in Western Canada "Going Trip West" -$12 to WINNIPEG. "Return Dip East' ---$18 from WINNIPEG - GOING DATES TERRITORY 1 From stations in Ontario West of' Smith's Falls to and including Toronto oie Lake Ontario Shore Line and Havelock-Peterboro' Line. From stations Betleany Junction 10 Port Idcblicodt and BarloetoneRobteaygeon. From statione Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. Front stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line. From stations on Sault Ste, Marie branch. From stations on Main Line, Beaucagt to Franz, inclusive. . (From' stations In Ontario West and South of Tomtits to sad iscludiog Hamilton and Windsor, J From stations on Owen Sotmd, Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingkam, Elora, Listowel. Goderich, St. Marrs's. Port Burwell and St. Thomas breaches: (,,From statiehs Toronto and North to Bolton, inchisive. August 20, and August 29. AThigliTtis 22, and August 29. SPECIAL THROUGH TRAINS FRCSS TORONTEL Full partioulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, W. R. HOTeltD, Distiict "granter Agent, Toronto re iAAA PROC: GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Grace of God of the United Klingdiant of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. • . To all to whom these presents shall come or Whom the same May in any wise concern, -,--GREETING • A Proclaination of conditional amnesty respecting men belonging to Class 1 under the Military Service Act, 1917, who have disobeyed our Proclamation of 13th October, 1917, or their orders to report.for duty, or are deserters or absent without leave from the Canadian Expedi- tionary Force. 1* E. L. NEWCOMBE, 1 WHEREAS consider - Deputy Minil4ter or jug"°°' f able numbers of men 'Canada. belonging to Class I under our Military Ser- vice Act, 1917, called out on active service -in our Canadian 'Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada under Our Proclamation of 13th October, 1917, although they have thus become by law soldiers enlisted in the Military Service of Canada, . Have failed to report for duty as lawfully required oethem under the said Military Ser- vice Act and the regulations 'thereunder, in- cluding the Order in Council duly passed on April 20 last, Or . have deserted, Or absented themselves without leave from our Canadian Expeditionary Force, And it is represented that the very serious and unfortunate situation in which these men find themselves is due in many cases to the fact that, notwithstanding the information and warning contained in Our Proclamation afore- said, they have misunderstood their duty or obligation, or have been misled by the advice of ill-disposed, disloyal or seditious persons. AND WHEREAS we desire; if possible, to avoid the infliction of the heavy penalties which the law imposes for the offences of which these soldiers have thus been guilty, and to afford them an opportunity within a limited time to . report and make their services available M Our Canadian Expeditionar3r Force as is by law their bounden duty, and as is necessary for the defence of Our Dominion of Canada. NOW KNOW YE that we in the exercise of Our powers, and of Our good will and pleasure in that behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare .and cause to be published and made known THAT THE PENALTIES OF THE LAW WILL NOT BE IMPOSED OR EXACTED as against the men who belong to Class 1 under Our Military Service Act, r917, and who have disobeyed Our Proclam- ation- aforesaid; or who have received notice from any of Our registrars or deputy registrars to report for duty on a day now past and have failed so to report; or who, having reported and obtained leave of absence, have failed to report at the expiry of their leave, or have become deserters from Our Expeditionary Force, PROVIDED THEY REPORT FOR DUTY ON OR BEFORE THE TWENTY FOURTH _DAY OF AUGUST 1918. AND WE DO Pr011tEDY WARN AND SOLEMNLY; IMPRESS UPON ALL SUCH MEN, an as well time who employ, harbour, conceal si..issist theme in their disobedience, that, if hey.persist in their failure to report, absenc or desertion until the expiry of the lastentil" :med. day, they will be pursued and punis ed with all the rigour and severity of the law, SUBJECT TO THE JUDGMENT' OF OURCOURTS MARTIAL WHICH WILL I BE CON- VENED TO TRY SUCIfi C SES or other competent tribunals: and also hat those who employ, harbour, conceal or a 1st such men will be held strictly accountable as offenders and subject to the pains, penalties and forfei- tures in that behalf by law .provided for their said offence. ,. Provided however that notiing contained in this Our Proclamation is inte ded to release i the men aforesaid from their obligation to 1 report for duty as . soon as possible or to grant , them immunity, from arrest or detention in the meantime for the purpose of coxnpelling them to perform their military dutyj Our intention 1 th - being merely to forego or retni e penalties heretofore incurred for failu e to report, , absert'ce without leave or desert‘n incurred by those men of the description afor .esaid who shall bein the proper discharge dr their mititarY duties on or before the said twenty-fourth day of August, 1918. Of all of which Our loving snbjects and all others whom these oresents. may concern are hereby required to take notie andgovern themselves accordingly- - IN TESTIMONY WilEREOF, We ve caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and. the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed: Witness:, Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, Vito r Christian Willbun, Duke of Devonshire, Marquess of Hire on, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Burlington, arcrn Cavendish of Hardwicke, Baron Cavendis • of Keighley, Knight of Our Most Noble Ord of the Garter; One of Our Most Honourable Privy Council; Knight Grand Cross of Our Atrost Distinguished Order of Saint Michae.1 and Saint George; Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order -' Gov- ernor General and Commander -in -Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Government liouse, in Our City of OTTAWA, this FIRST day of AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred anil eighteen, and in the ninth year of Our Reign. BY Command; e- aie Under-Secretary State,