HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-07-26, Page 5JUL/ 26, LOIS ko404,00.04,01.0.**0406 tDa o ys rence it makes to your peace of properly shod during the hot It. don't delay getting your feet 7 Slippers. Our Summer Shoes ;he purse, Canvas Pumps and Strap Slip - ...Pan. 2.25, ;2.50, to $3.50 sithber or leather soles at per 3.00, $3.25, 0.5o and am trap slippers in Patent leather ▪ .$2.25, $2.50, $2.75, to . $2-75,$3.50, 44.00 to Ozer 45-00. $5.0, $6.00, to $Z.60 ippers at 75c and $1.00 $1.75 to 23.25 7arivas shoes with rubber SOleS $2.00. $2.75, $3.50, any Calf and Guninetal Calf, $4.50 to $6.60 ales at $6.00, $M, MOO. at . - ...$4.00 to $650- L.Joi and inexpensive. We 141,Nre and Children. SITE COMMERCIAL Malin ale * • * • de * • e • e • e • FustArrived, CAR McNAIR BRAND X XXXX SHINGLES. Let us show you how to make a ty year shingle roof. DRESSED PLNIE-- ioine beautiful V matched tiding nd square matched flooring. It CANADA CEMENT - (our assurance of perfect satisfac- ;ion in old and new work. SOFT COAL-- Vould strongly advise anyone with furnace to put in at least part -of. heir supply of this coal. R CHESTNUT COKE - or upstairs stoves this is next to he genuine Anthracite from which he American Fuel Administration 5 practically barring us. be above items, although of new ck are comparatively reasonable in We also have good supplies Yur other staple lines and solicit tr enquiries.. ahn 13. Mustard -4 BRUCEFIELD 1.1111.11101•1116 A Simple Proposition I -Ie is the McCiaty Sunshine Furnace proposition. McClaty's heating esgin- eers will give you advice and estilltates of cost of correct heating plant free. When you purchase a $ua- shine Furnace, McCrary's 1 . engineers Wili provide you Froper plans for instaning F: the MeClary way by vilich they will guarantee , atisfactory restil ts. LE BY Edge inetrir4 • Cab. Ce Winnipeg Vancouver Edmonton Saskatoon e41000.041100.04).01004100.4004 dered tit 1 assortments of Serges, teds you could wish to greys, browns and with guaranteed dyes. variety of materials •at et the same attention Our fine new stock of We're sure 5* Sort • • JULY 26, 1918 0.0.0=00.400•••••••.....0.0- SELFOIMIE MARKIITIL, Seaftirth, July 25,, 1918 wheat. per bushel . . ... . . .....2.10 *Marts, per to $41.00 $5.76 87c 11.40 Flour, per cwt. Peas, per bushel Margarine Barley, per bushel ate, per bushel -Eves. per dozen •potatoes, per bag Butter, per lb. ......36 to 38c Itogs per cwt. . . ..... ....$17.26 Bran, per ton 36.00 • • 0 • 70e 41 to 42c $3.00 BEAN MARKET 7 Voronto, July 23rd.-Beana-Canadian - prime, per bushel 56.50 to 57.50. Foreign, hand - ,picked. bushel 56.75 to 57. Detroit, July 23rd. -Beans -Immediate ship.. agent 59.50 Per cwt. shipping points; Limas 10e per pound. •••••••••000, POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 2a-Liveweight-He, 3 1-2 aromas 21 to 22c; hens sYr and over 26c, spring chickens 42c; rooter, 18c to 26c; naeldings. 30e; turkeys, 25c to 27ce Dressed Poultry -Hens, 31/2 pounne 25e to ',enema, 31/2 lbs., and over 27 to 28e; spring ehickene, 46c and 48c; roosters, 23e to 25e; geldings 35c; turkeys 30e. • DAIRY MARKET e Toronto. July 23--Cheese-Nevr large 231/2e ao-24c, twins. 2$3/. to 24%; old large 25n4c to 26e; tvrins 26c to 261,4e. Eggs -NO. 1. candled 48 to 490; selected, new -laid, 50 to 51c; cartons 51 to 52e. Butter -Creamery solids 450; do. fresh made 46e to 47c; choice dairy prints. 41 to 42e: ordinary dairy prints 38c to 40e; bakers' $6e eo 38e; oleomargarine bet grade 32 to 34e. Comb Honey -Choice 16 oz., 53.50 'per doz.; 12 ore, 88 per dozen; seeonds and dark comb 12.501» $2.7n. Maple Syrup-Inaperial gallens, $2.26; five 'gallon tins $2..10 per anion. Maple sugar, per pound, 24 to 25c. GRAIN MARKET ° Toronto. July 23.-Inanitaba ,Wheat -No. 1, Northern. $2.231/2; No. 2 Northern. 52.20e, 'No. 3 Northern, $Z.171/2; No, wheat, 16.10 ; in ntore Fort William, including 21ne tax. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W 891/4c; N. 3, 0.W., 861/2c; extra No. 1 ft;led 861/2e; No. I need 811/2c in store at Fort William. American Cone -No 3 yellow. kiln dried, nominal : No. yellow, kiln dried. eliminal. Ontario Oats n-Nte. 2 white 87e to 8c; No. 3 white, 86c to 87c, •according -to reights outside. Onto ario Wheat -No. 2 Winter, per oar lot, 52.22: bads in store Montreal. Peas-Novainal Barley -Malting 51.35 to 51,37; according to freights outside. Budkwheat--$1.80, accord.' nig to freighte outeide. Rye - No. 1, $1.9(O according to freights outside. Manitoba flour -War quality, 510-.95; new bags, Toronto 'Ontario Flour -Winter, in new bags, prompt ohipment, war quality, $10.65; Toronto deliver- nry; $10.65, Montreal. prompt shipment. Millfeed--Car lots -Delivered Montreal .frei- ghts, bags included: Bran, per ton, 535.00 Shorts per ton. $40.00. Hay -No. 1 per ton, $13.00 to 114.00; mixed, 511 to $12.00: track Toronto. Straw -Car lobo per ton, $8.00 to 18.50, track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo. July 23rd. -Cattle, 2$0 cars, mar- ket 25c to 40c lower. Prime native steam, 517.25 to 517.50; sipping steers, $16 to y $16.75; plain and arse. 512.50 to 513.50. Canadian steers, hea , $16 to 51-6.25; Can- adian steers. fat, comae, 1100 to 1200 lbs., 514 to 514.25; Canadian steers and heifera 511 to 512; beat native yearlings, 950 to 1000 lbs., 515 to 516: night yearlings, good quality, 513.25 to $14.75; best handy eteers, 512.50 to 513,50; fair to good kinds, $11 to 512: han - dy steers and heifers, mixed 510.50 to 511.50; western heifers $10 to $11; Canadian heavy con's, 510 to 511; butchering cows, $8 to 58.50; cutters, 57 to 58: canters, 56 to 57: fancy" bulls $11 to 511.50; butchering bulls to 510: common bulls 7-.50 to 58; best feed- ing bulls steers 900 th 1000 pounds, 59.50 to 510.50; medium feeders, 58 to 58.50: stok- ers 57.50 th 58.50; light common, 57 th $5; znilkers and springers $65 to 5150. Hogs, 20 cars. market 40c higher. Heavy, 519.50 to 519.75; yorkere and pigs. $19.75 i to *19.90. Sheep and lambs, 6 cars, market 125c to 60c lower. Top lambs, 511 to 317.50; yearlings, $15 to 516; wethers, $13,50 to 514; ewes, $13 to 513.25; Calves. 2000, market steady. Tore, $18 th $18.25; fair to good, 117 to fed calves, 59 to 510.50. Montreal, July 23rd. -The offerings of live etoelz, at the West End Market to -clay were 600 cattle, 1600 sheep and Iambs, 700 hogs and 1100 calves. During the week receipts leave amounted to 650 cattle, 1900 sheep and lambs, 1800 hogs and 200 calves. Although the supedy of cattle on the market WSJ light and there was a good demand for it, price% were not changed froin last week. Increaeed Offerings of sheep and lambe, especially lambs. are beginnipg to come in, and the tone of this section a the market was soin,ewhat eas- ier, alhough actual changes were slight. Cal - vee were plentiful but niet with a good active demand, and prices were also steady in this small meat section. Hogs were plentiful, but the demand was not so keen as it has been Lor the past few weeks. At the C.P.R. yards the offerings amountl ed to 400 cattle, 625 sheep and lambs, 650 hogs and 550 calves. There was an active trade during the morning, although there was a bit of hesitancy at first. Prices had an easier tone, although generally steady. In Some instances it Was reported that comes- ktiODS had been made th get rid of stook: Quotations per hundred pounds: Choice eteers 512 A to $13; good 511 to 512: inedium 58 to 510.50; butchers. bulls choice, 510.00 th 319.50; good $8 to 59.50; medium $7 th 58; choice butchers cows $10 th 511: good, 59 to 51.0; medium, 57.50 to 58.50; choice cows, 510 te 511; others, $7 th 10; sheep, 512 th 515: spring lambee Per pound, ISe te 20c; choice eelect hoes, off cars, 518 th 519.25. Union Stock Yards. Taranto, July 23rd. - While trade at the Union Stock Yards early in the morning were inclined to rather drag, it became fairly brisk toward noon. and near- ly the entire Offering was disposed of during the day. The "rune had a fair sprinkling of the good th choice, and even a few extra choice animate. The top offer of the day was $15 per cwt. but this figure was only paid for the very best. The average choice animals sold around 512.50 apd 513 per cwt. The medium cattle were rather slow most of the day, and deelined about 211c per cwt. Some of the com- mission men held the opinion that the entire snarket was slightly lower, but in the caee of the medium and common grades there was no doubt about it. Choice cows and bulk were in leood demand and sold around 51.1 and 311.50 per cwt. but two extra choice. well- liniehed and very economical butchers were cashed bY tIllinTI and Ffisey at $t3.50 per cwt. as high a figures as was ever paid for butcher eaves. These cows, however, were exception- ally fine animals. and of course could not be taken as any criterion of the trend of the znarket for COWS. As a matter of fact there are few cows selling for more than $11 per cwt. Medium bulls and cows cashed at front $8.50 to 110 per cwt. The marleet for calves was steady with the best veal.'; selling around 816 and $17 per cwt. Sheep were also about :steady and cashed at from 513 to $15 per cwt. Spring lambs were off 51. and sold at from $20 to $21 eer cert. The hog market was steady yesterday at $8.-50 oar cwt., fed and watered. There Is every lkelihood of this price continuing for another day or two. The undertone, how- ever, Le strong. Dunn & Levack sold: Butchers', 1.7, 580, 513.50; 5, 1120 lbs.. e10.40: 34. 1025 thee ;mit; a. 956 lbs., $12; 12, 950 Ibee 51.2; 4, 760 lbs.. 39.10; 42, 1.025 lbs., 513,25; 18, 1010 514; 20, 1150 110.. 513.75; 15. 1120 lbe., 513.75: 18. 910 Ithe. 512.25: 22, 990 1.10., 512.75; 18, 1049 no., 513.60. Cows -5, 1125 lbs.. 51.0.25; 1. 1890, 59.15: 7, 1080 Dee:. 510.25: 3, 1085 lbs., 55....1. 930 Ito., $9: 3. 1090 lbs., 59.25; 2,,- 105; lbs.. 57.50: 5, 900 lbs.. $6.60; 2, 700 loon 56.50: 1, 1160 Ibs„ 511: 2. 1170 lbs., 511.. Bulls. I, 1020 lbs.. 510.50; 1.. 1700 thee 511: 2. 1380 lbs.. 510,25: 1, 1.290 thee $11. Rice and Whaley .';old 20 cars: Butcher -3' 25. e1.0. 51.75: 19, 1190. 514.50: 2. 1300 lbee 511.50: G. 900 lbe„ 512.85; 8, 1100 lbs., 512.85; 15, 91.0 lbe., 312. Cows --6, 1160 lbs., 510.25: 3. 710 line 56.10: 12, 1150 les.. 510: 8, 1190 $10.60: a 1210 Ith.. $10.50; 3. 990 las.. $9. Corbett. Hall and Coughlin sold 38 cars and quote: Good heavy sthers, 514.50 to 51.5: choice buzehers' eteees and heifore. 513.50 th $1.1: 0e- --rood. 512.75 to $13.25: do. medium. 111..e0 te 512; do. ecnnmon, $9.50 th 51.0.50; eheiee eeetee bulk. 510.e0 to 511.25; butcher uulle. 9 to P0: do, bologna 37.60 to 58; choice 513 to 51.1.: (1o. vood, 59,60 to 31.7e) t ; eel a:inners. 36 th 6.50: 3heep, tight. 0: eke atolium. $8.25 to 59: do. commen, nipped, 14 to $15.e0: beavy eheep and bucks to 51 1 : chteee 4nrinte Iamb:, 519 to 520.50: cheiee ealeee 516 to $17; do, 'medium. SL1 i-° 317.: haze. fed and watered, 518.25 th 51.8.60: clo ore ears. el n o0 t 518.36. -1-• rt- Shielde, and Son eold: 4. 4t0, 510,e5; 2„t ennn 810.59: /I, 1.080 lbe.. 510: 2e. 980 ..512.30; 1. 730 Ills.. $9: la 1010 lbe., 413.50; Is. 1.01 Ilea. 51'3.25; 22. 1060. 514.25 `'.': -,243 5 10a. 31a. Cows: 3, 1.440, 510; 1. 37e 4114-. -$621: 10. 1037 110a. 5950; 2, 1100, 510.25: 1. 900 . $854) ; R. 1020 lbee 510.40: 2, 1130 a 1.100 110.. 59.50: I. 1260 pound]. 310.75. H. P. Kennedy eold: Butcher';': 1, 1270 lto. , .48-i ee0 lbs.. 56.50; 10, 1000, 513.40: 2, es0 ibs. $21.50; 18, 1020 lbs.. 514:4. 920 110.. 0. COWS -1, 910 !bee 38.50: 1, 740 lbs., 57.25' 1 1070 -, 56.50. 4, 1210 lbse 511.25; 2, 1105 lbs., $9.75; 1, 910 1 1 bilte"hae$8.*44eteenell 1' al? sire Stens.2500; tit:" Blirtlere$0.: 700 lbs.. $81.75: 4. 040 lbs., $9.75; /1, 760 lbs. $8.76; 16. /510 lba., 58.50; 8, 540 lbs., $7.75 4. 1080 thin, $11.10: 16,1440 at,' 512.65; 1. 1150 lbs., $9.64. Cows: 7, 1046 lbs., $2; 4 1025 line $9.50: 1. 090 lbs., $6.25; 5, 1220 lbs., $7.50; 3, 776 lbs., $6.35; 1, 920 Iba. $6.50; 1,„1250 lbs., $11: 1, 105 Olbs., $7; 2 1025, $8: a 1010, $9.85; 2, 960, $7.50. Bulls I. 420, $745; 2, 965, $8.25; 8, 950, $8.25; 2 855, 58.26;'1, 780, $8.25; 6, 1120 lbs., $9. SParkhall & Armarong sold: Buttehera: 12, -000 Ibk., $12; 6, 1000 lbs., $11.66; 17, 1060, $12: 26, 1080 the, $13.35; a 1067 lbs., $10.50; 1, 1200 lba, 510. Cows: 1, 1030 lbs., $9.75; 1. 870 lbs., $6.40; 4, 1070- lbs., $10; 1, 1020 ibte„ $9. Bulls; 2, ow $8, Quinn & Hisey son: Butchers 1, 1200 lbs., $11.50; 1, 860 lbs., $9.75; 1, 850 lbe., $10.50; le 1080 lbs., $12; I, 760 lbs., $9; 1. 910 line $11.75: 4. 1145, $10.35; 5, 102 Olbs., $9.80; 16, 1020 lba, 512.75; 16, 1010. 313; 12. 1040 Ibs, 58.75; Cows: 2. 1175 lbs., 518.50; 1, 1240 Ihs., $10.50; 1, 810 lbe $7.50; 4, 775 lbe., 36; In 1040; lbs.,19.25 ; 2, 815 lbs.. $7.50; 2, 995 lbs., $10.75; 4, 1030 lbs.. $11; 4, 1000, $9.25;:1, 1160110., $11.50. Bane: 1, 810 110. $7.50; 3, 1230 lbs., $8.75; 2, 880 lbs., $7.75. . Th William Davies Company bought 350 but- chers' Best, $12.75; to $18.75: medium. $10.- 75 to $11.75; cows, $8 to $10.75; balls, $8.50 to 511; canners, $6 to $6.25. The !Matthews -Blackwell Company bought 200 cattle: ;Butchers, $11 th $13.50; down $9 to $11 ; bulls, $8.50 th $11.50. The Swift Canadian Company bought 500 cattle: Steers and heifers, $11 to $14.35; cows $8 to 510. nO ; hogs, fed 58.50. McDonald and Haiirnato sold 16 loads: But- chers': 1. 1190 lbs,„ $14.25: 20, 1090 lbs., $13.- 40; 2. 1045:110., $13.75; 22, 1090 Mae 518.85; It 920 the $12.75: 3, 920 lbs., $12.75; 3, 1020 $1.2.40 e 3, i920. $12.35; 21, 980 ibs., $12.35; 30. 8'TS lbs.; *12.25; 15. 920 -lbs., sta; 4, 915, SUM; 12,1956 lbs., $11.50: 12. 820 lbs., 511; 11, sae lime $10.90; 2, 1065 lbs.; $10.75: 1, 980 lbs., $10.50; 1, 670 lba, $10; 4. 805, $10: 'Cowan 7, 105 Ilese 00.50; 4, 1160, $10.50; I, 8, 1000, Sig; 10, 1045, $9.50; 1, 1080, $9.50: 2, 1215, 58:60; 1., 1070. 37.50; 3o1.000 $7.50; 1. 850, $7.15. Butes: 1, 1480, 11.74; 1, 1010 $6.50. The folloWing were the quotations :-Choie heave steere $14.25 to $15; do. good $12 to. $13.76: butehers steers and heifers choice. $11 to 311.60; do. good 10 th 10.75; mediums, $8.75 to 39.75; de. conusatm $8',25 th $9; butchers* cows. choice 11.25 to 512; do. good, 9.25 to 510.50: do.1medium' 8.50 to 59: do. common $6.75 th $7.50: canners $6 th $6.50; butchenn bulls, choice, $1.1 to 512-; do. good. $10 to $10.- 75; do. medium 1181.50 to 510; do. common, $7.50 to 8: feedera,inme t 9.50 to $11: stockers best $9.50 to. *11: rankers and springers, choice $100 to $164; do. oommon to medium Sf15 th $90; calves, :choice $15.50 th $17.50; do. need - juin $12.50 th 314,75; do. common io $12; heavy fat $8 to $11; hunt*, choice spring, $20 to $21: Iambs, yearlings, $15 th $16; sheep, choice handy 513.50 th $15; do. heavy and fat bucks $1.1 th $12.25; hogs, fed and watered $18.50 to $18.60; do, off ears $18.75 th $18.85: do. f.o.b., 07.50 to $17-60- lawn $1 t° $2 on light to thin hogs; less ea to $3.50 on son; less 4 en stags ; less 50c,th $1. heavies. -BIRTHS' Devereaux. -In Seaforth; on July 1211), to Mr. and Ides. Frank Devereux, a daughter (Joan Margaret Held -At Daihwood, on Jay 11th, ta Mr. artel Mrs. W. Held, a, daughter. , MARRIAGES Harness--Mellonald-In Clinton, on July 11, Mies Laurel/la Macdsnalde daughter of Mrs. Allan Macdonald. th Mr. Elmore 0. Har- ness, of 'Clinton. by Rev. Dr. Stewart. ; DEATHS Calder -In Claysville, Pa., U.S.A., on July .21st. 1918, Dr. Geocge Calder, aged 84 Years. Spackman -At Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ontario. on ^..Tuly 12tin. George Spackman, 10 his 69th year. ammo, 1 W. T. BOX -& CO. Embalmers and Fimeral Directers ! H. C. BOX Holder of Government Dit)inma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers ,urnislied on short notice Night Calls Day 'Calls Phone 175 Phone 60 tionamllimommellowillummunimm W. S. Gormley ' EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Willia-ms' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on sort notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 HOUSE FOR SALE For sale the seven. roomed frame house on corder of George street, Seaforth, owned by Mrs. David; Donovan, Possesion given at any time. Bor further particulars apply on the premises or address, Seaforta Poet Office. 2641ke FARM FOR SALE - For &ale lot 30, coneeseion 11, Hibbert, con- taining 150; acres. There are ort the prem- ises a good. brick house with slate roof, two bank borne :united, 15 acres of choice hard- wood bash, best spring water, well fenced. and drained and is one of he best farms in the weskits. Apply OR the premises, or addrese D. MeDONALD, Cromarty P.O. 2641-44. L 0 S '111 • Lost in MeKilIem, on July 18th, 1918, a lad- ies' black serge suit ooat with belt and black silk cellar and cuffs, on concession 6 and 7, or on side tine between lok 30 and 31, oon- oeasion 5 and 6, or on ooncesaion. 4 and 5, 11/4 miles west of Grieve's bridge. Finder Please le.ave at Expositor Office. For further Particulars apply to EDITH DOLMAGE, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phoae 10 on 234. 26e0x1 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for constructing the Pryce Drain in the Township of McKiltop, will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until August 9th, 1918. or at the. Council meeting in Seaforth (Com- mereial Hotel) on August 10th, at two o'clock p.m. A cheque for 50/0 of contract price th acoorapany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, etc-, of drain can be seen at clerk's office, lot 24, concesaion 7. .McKillop. M. MURDIE. Clerk of McKillop Seaforth P. 0. 2641,2 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS 10 the matter of Thomas Philline of t.he Tow* of Seaforth, in the County of Ifuron end Province of "Ontario, :Fruit Dealer. In- eolvent. Notite is hereby given &at the a- bove named insolvent has made an aseig:nment under, R.S.O. 1914, Chapter 134, to the un- tlersigaed, of all his estate,: credits and effecte thr the generel benefit of hie creditom. A e rtg of the creditors of the aaid Ineoivent will be held at the. office of the undersigned, Seaforth. on Thursday, the let day of Ougust, 1918, at the hour of two o'clock, en tee afterzeoon, for the pterooee of the appoint - of ineoectors and the eiving of direc- tions for the diepoeat of the estate. Anel ell ere -elite -tee of the said insolvent debtor are required./ to file their claims with nay solicitor, duly verified by affidavit on or before the date of mid meeting. And notice is further given that after the date of aaid meeting. the As - nee will proceed to distribute the assots of the eetate amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard, only to the claims of which notice ohall then have been given and the As- signee will not bel liable for the assets or any part thereof so 'distributed to any person or person.s of whese claim he shall not then have notice. JOHN RANKIN, Assignee: 11.8. HAYS Solicitor for Assignee. Dated at Seaforth, On- tario. July 22nd, 1.918• 2641-1 .EuRoN wposnioit POULTRY WANTED .1 am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price Pier all kinds of poteltry delivered ,at my store, Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each week. G. D. HAIGH: 263641. FARM FOR SALE.' • 100 Acres of land, lin, miles from Seaforth. Rich clay loam, well watered; small orehard; twe story frame house with stone foundation; batik bran, stone stabling. A beautiful home. Price 55,500. BOX 8, Seaforth, 2636 -in PIGS FOR SALE or sale 12 yotang Pigs 6 weeks old on July 14. Apply on Lot 12, Concession. 8, Aullett, or phone 12 on 636, Clinton Central, A. T. DALE, FOR SALE For Sale a cottage with two bedrooms, and two lots on North Main Street, two blacks from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and ' soft water in kitchen. All in good Shape. Ealzy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, neaforth 2627-tf FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 17, concession 9, Township of McKilloP, containing 100 acres. This farm has been in grass for a number of years, and .should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to prke and terms th JAMES I. JOHNS - TON. co -Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man - 28324f. • HOITSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William street, Seaforth, hard and soft water, good stable. For further particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 134. 2622-tf ESTRAY CATTLE Strayed en, te the premises, lot 11, conces- sion 11, Mc,iKillop, about the end of June, 2 Yearling cattle, Owner may have the same by proving property and paying charges. Jas. Martin, No. Walton. 2640x3 TEACHER WANTED . For Sehool Section No. 10, Stanley Town- ship. Duties to commence September 3rd. Apply stating salaty, qualification and ex- perience. JAMES McQUEEN, Secy.-Treas., R. R. No. .1; Brucefield. 26394 HOUSE FOR .SALE - For sale seven roomed frame house on North Main Street, one door south of Mr. Robert Winters' residence. Must be sold at once. Apply at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. • 2624-t4 FARM FOR 'SALE * For sale north half of Lot 35 and -vvest half of Lot 34. on the 5tli concession of Me - This is a first cleats farm, well drain- ed and well fenced, and will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to THOMAS .1". AD- AMS, R. R. No. 1. (Minton. Also 25 acres Of hay, first cue, will be sold on • the field.- 2638-tf MOTORISTS ATTENT Bring your Casings,'Tubesand Electrical woelt to Square Deal Garage, Varna, Phone Clinton 626 r 14 for scientific repaieing. All Vulcanizing guaranteed not to Lump, Blister or Pull Apart: Will outlive rest of casing. Complete line of repaired casings carried, $5 and up. Also all new tires kept in stock. Ex- press charges paid one way, E. H. EPPS & SON, Varna. 2688-14 FARM FOR SALE .Lot 38, Conceseion 6, McKillop, 100 acme of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 11/4 miles from school. ' There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained, There are forty acres -ploughed, 6 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane ' from tete road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE. Seaforth. ; 2627-tii NOTICE TO CREDITORS:i Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of William. George Hart, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on. or about the I.9th day of June, 1918, are re - glared, on or before the 10th day of August, 191.8, to send or delivet to the undersigned full particulars of their deems and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And further take notice that after the said 10th day of August, '1918, the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, this 3th. day of July, 1918. J. M. BEST, Solicitor for the Executors of said estate. 2639-3 NO+ICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hay- ing claims against the estate of Mary Ann 'Simpson, late of ,the township of Stanley, in the Coenty of Huron, widow, deceased, who died at the township of Stanley or or about the the 9th day of June, 1918, are required on or before the 1st day of August, 1918, to Fiend, post prepaid or deliver th the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit' and the nature of the security, 14 any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice ellen then have been given. Dated at Hensall this 1011) day of July, 1918. GLADMAN AND STANBURY, Hensel! and Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the1said Estate, 2689-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of George Taylor, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died at the City of London., on or about 7th day of June, 1913, are required on or before the lst day of August. 191.8, to send, post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, full particulars of Isheir claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the easels of the said deceased will be dietributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Hensall this loth day of July, 1918. GLADMAN AND STANBURY, Hensall end Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the eald Estate. 2639-3 CementSilos -Contracts , Solicited - Workmanship Guaranteed„a Contractors AT YOUR sitivrev B. R. Hie G INS BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 44 • (formerly of Brucefield) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company'. Commissioner B.C. of J., Convey- ances. FireNoatandryTopurnabut I.n.surance, Wednesday each week at Brucelleld Auto Sales Garage Is now located in its new premises, formerly Turnbull and McIntosh' Livery Barn, Main street, Seaforthr A complete line of i • AUTO REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES Wholesale and refail repairing aid machine work. Stewart McIntosh . MANAGER "•••••0.010mommilimoli Can/ furnish Victory Bondi!' at 991/2 and interest, free of expense tor purchaSers. City of Calgary Gold Bonds, 7% City of St. Catharines Gold Bonds 61/4,4% Also have for immediate the 10110W- ing Municipal Bonds: • City Of TOronio,' Gold Bontla, to yield 1 per cent. Goverrunent of Newfoundland Gold Bonds to yield 61/2 per cent. Province a Ontario Gold Bonds' th Yield 6 per cent. City of Montreal, Gold Bonds, bo yleId 61/2 • per cent. Any cne having money for investment should avail themselves of this opportun- ity to secure these gilt edged securities. 2624-41 .11110.••••••••1=1111M••••••11., Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK sysl. Offers you and all the family the outing of yo ife. Highlands -of Ontario ° ALGONQUIN PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY , LAKE OF BAYS'N TIMIGAMI ' • are all famous playgroinuls Modern. hotels afford city comforts bat many prefer to live in tent or log ca6itt. Your choice at reasonable. cost. Secure vour Parlor or Sleeping Cox accommodation in advance, • Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E; Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ontario. W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... Depot Agent FOR SALE. • House and half acre of land in the village of Egniondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and 'ie known as the PUrcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of frith trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bashes. This Is a corner pro- pfrty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva. tion. This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For 'particulars apply on the premiaes or to Sohn Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-U FARM FOR SALE For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house, two barns and frame, stable. 75 feet long, eement floor in cattle stable; hog pen, two wens, The land in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced. Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing done. This farm is situated 1.14 miles east of the village of Bruce - field and 5 miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill. Road. School across corner from farm. For further par- ticulars apply on the prenaies,s or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth. Central. 2616-tf THE WATERLOO BOY The Three -,Plow Tractor for. Ontario. iThe Tractor that Makes Good. The Tractor that has stood the Test, The Tractor that is guaranteed Under All Comlitions. Write for Free Catalogue, Prices and any information Wanted. Separators - all sizes from 24 inch Cylinder upwards. A few rebuilt machin,es at very reasonable prices.. ROBERT BELL ! ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY, 1 SEAFORTH. a n . 0, Selling Agents for Ontario. Fullrto P Re - Opened The Seafortn Fruit Store re -opened in - the Post Office blocK on Thursday with a full line of Fresh Fruit •••••aaMmilamaftlamaammm MARIA PHILIPS Opposite the Cammerciai Motel ELMER DICKSON - atm A I Approved.. Enrolment No. 4881 61526 A.T.R.-2205 C.N.R. Race Record 2.064 The Grand Circuit Raoe and Show Horse First prim winner at Seaforth and Clinton. 1917 Spring Shows. The -only stable in the County of Huron that ever offered the ser 'vices of a stallion with a record of 2.10 or bettea Elmer Dickson 2.06ee, will etaad at his own stable, Commercial Hotel Barns Blyth, with the, exception of the following route: Monday -Will leave his own stable Blyth, and proceed to Auburn, for noon., theln by way of Nile to' G. McNall's for night. Tuesdaye-Will proceed to Colborne House, Goderich, for noon and remain there uetil Wednesday noon. Wednesday -Will proceed by way of iBenmiller for Blyth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to. insure 120. THOS. COULTER. Blyth, Proprietor. KING KAY The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 529 Form 1. Will siand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday -Will leave his ow astable at Peter McCann's, concession 3, Hibbert, and go to John Flynn's Beech- wood, for noon; then north 8% miles and mat 11,4, miles to James O'Loughlin's, for night, Tuesday -East 21/2 miles, north miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecot, for noon; then east 21/2 miles and south 11/4, miles and east to John Murray's for night. Wednesday 7 -By way of Brodhagen to William Flanni- gan's for noon; then 11/4 miles west and 21/2 miles south to Andrew Krauskopfn for night. Thursday -To his own stable for noon; then 21,4 miles east and 11/4 miles north and 21/2 miles west to his own stable for night. Fri- day -21/2 miles south, 21/2 miles east, and I% miles north to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. To Insure $15. JAMES MURRAY. Proprietor 8c manager EARL 0' CLAY [13458] (12035), Insepcted, Enrolled and Approved R. D. MURDOCK. Proprietor and Manager. Monday -Will leave his own stable in Brum- field and go west to and concession of Stan- ley, then north to John Butchardn, for noon; then north and west to 'William Glenn's for night. Tuesday. -By way of Bannockburn to Varna. at the Temperance Hotel, 'for noon; then by way of Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line, to Albert McClinchey's for night. -Wed- nesday -Ry McCiymon't side road to the Parr lino, then south to William Footer's, for noon; then to William McKenzie's, 2nd concession of Stanley, for night. Thursday -North to the Bayfield road to his 'own stable for noon; re- maining there until Friday morning. Friday -To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; the nto McAdamn side road, then north to the 2nd concession, II. R. S., ifnuckersmith, then west th James Carnoehan'b -for night. Saturday -West by Broadfoot's 'bridge, then south to the -Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. EMPEROR McKINNEY - (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion' Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock -this season at his own stable, lot 8, concession 4, Tuckeramith. Emperor McKinney is a beautiful black horse with best of feet and legs. Stands 16 hands high and weighs over 1200 pounds. He is supposed to he one of the best bred horses in these parts, wheel". bits pedigreee shows. Mares from adistance will be met. Terms to insure $13, payable February 1st. Phone 7 on 136, Seaforth CHAS. RILEY. Proprietor. d CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Enrolment No. 1367-Inspctede. and Approved Forml Will stand for the improvemept of stock during the present se,ason at John J. Mc- Gavin's stables, Leadbury, lot 22, Concession 18, McKillop. Terms $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1918. • J. J. McGAVIN. Proprietor The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion RED McK1NNEY No. 42946, Vol. xis', A. T. R. Enrolment No. 1151. Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable in Egmondville. Tema $13 to insure. JAMES BERRY, Proprietor. 2631xtf THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION INDEX Enrolment No. 363 Form (Imp.) [3140] (83420) $15 to insure. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday -Will leave his own stable, .Bruce - field, and go west th Varna, at Chris. Ward's, for noon; then rdrth int() Godeeieh township, and west by way cf Bayfield concession to Ar- thur Welsh's, fot n.get. Tuestlay--No-eb ty way of the 7th concession, to George Vander - burg's, Porter's Hill, ior noon; they north by way on the 6th concession to Jas. McMillan's, for night. Weenesday-13y way of Mill Road and Jewell's Corners, to Oswald Ginn's, for noon; then north by way or Beam:ilea and along the Maitland concession th Efarry Sweet's for night. Thursday -East to the Ireth conces- sion, then by way of the Huron Road to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain until Friday morning. Friday -South bY way of the London Road to h's own stable. Brute- -field, where he will remain until Salmi -day morning. Saturday -South by way of the London Road, 2ee miles east to Rebert El- gie's for noon; thence by way of the 2nd con- cession, Tuckersmilli, and the Mill Road, be his own stable, where he Will remain until the following Monday morning. WM. BERRY, Propetetor & Manager MAKWHtA ' 15279 (15938) Vol. XXXHL Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form I Passed 515 to insure. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follow: Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable, at Staffa, and go west to James Hill's, for noon; then south th the Cromartet Line, then east to Cromarty to his own stable for night Tuesday -South to Alfred. Hunkinea, Usborne, for noon; then west along Thames Rood, for 83. miles and south on the 4th concession to Robert Selleryn, for night. Wednesday - East to the Elimville Line and south th ville, and east to Winchelsea, to Jahn Del - bridge's, for noon; then eolith to William: 1Brock's, for night. Thursday -South and east oa the llth cotcession of Blanchard, to A. J. nnixworthy's (Vnallacen o/d farm), for noon; then south th the Kirkton Line. and wen to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkbon, for night Friday - .North along- the Mitchell Road. to Mount Pleasant, and west to Jasper Pridham's, for noon; then west and north to John Hamil- ton's, -/eth concession of Efibbert, for night. Saturday -North We miles th Mac Grey's, 7th - concession for noon; then west to the 7th to the Centre road, then south to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- day morning. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Proprietoi• & Man• ager IKE MEDIUM Form A 1 Approved Enrolment No. 2936 51522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R. The Standard bred show and trotting stal- lion. Full brother to Dustyn 2.14314, and Inez M. 2.171/4. Was shown fifteen times --four- teen times first and once second. Ike Medium will stand for the Improvement of stock this teeason as follows: Thureday--Will leave his own stable and proceed nor eit to Belgrave for noon; then to the Farmers Home, Winghann for night. Friday' -Will proceed be Blaevale th Hall's for noon; thence to Gordon Mc- Donalds, Brussels, for night. Satd,rclay-Will Proceed th his own stable, Blyth, ,ev'here 10 will remain until the following 1,11huredsy morning. ,Terms to insure, 05. THOS. COULTER, MY*, PrgoodoGOO. ETOG PRODUCTION - It is a wafter of the greatest importanie that Canadtz. should increase her produer lion of BACON HOGS and other live stook as there is at e\rese/4 a world-wide shorter. age of meat. Good illoiarkets for some think to come are assurOci THE CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE will gladly make loan to assist farmers in good standing to acq livestock. a' 1 • SEA:FORTH J G MULLEN . IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. Write for booklet and prices of lm - proved and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District, J. H. EVANS &" CO, Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x20 CH • •• MANAGNII FARM FOR SALE For Sale 100 acres, all curtierated,. lot 11. Concession 6, Tackeremith, H.R.S with. barn ;a by 80 feet, stone foundation, Pig pen, &liv- ing shed and hen house, 6 roma frame cot- tage, good well with wind mill. Also 54 acres Of grass land, west half of lot 5, eoncessionle ciod well with windmill; a good genes farm: Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON, R. len NO. S: Kippere; phone 8-132, Seaforth. 263941 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=111111111111111111M Aeroplanes f r the Army Help Wanted ••••10 N NW= =RUM. N OME 0111•••• AMEN. •■•••• 111100101M .110NE001 10101101•• ••••1101 . 1101101.1 ••••••• 11•111111PM11111‘ The Senforth Food Production 4ssxiation is desirous of pressing = upon public attention the urgent need for the proper -harvesting of, 'the = Flax Crop and also the further desittabikty of securing sufficient labor = on farms this season. ~la =MEI 4•1111•01 = The Max Crop will be ready to Pull abOut the 25th inst. =Flax isused for manufacturin the wings of aeroplanes on the I = fighting lines. Save our splendid m n by giving them :the best fight- - ing wings. * MEN AND WOMEN CAN EARN $4.00 PER DAY GIRLS AND BOYS CAN EARN $3.00 PER DAY.. If you wish to pull by the acre ou can get /3.5 up. You ean work right at home. itzgr.e will be Camp Borden Army I M. = Tracks to take you to work ,and b you home each (ray free of == charge. In order to spare time and secuie favorable locations for palling, make early application. 11111111101 FARM L BOR OUR SLOGAN -Farm Labor tkj Xeysteue of Greater Production. = = Doiet say you can't get help.0 you have given the S.F.P.A. the, ...as. opportunity of assisting in securing t. IM=0.0 01•1101. 0110110Ia 010111100) OMEN 0101111•101 1101.110.0 SIMON 111•••• 0111•1. SEINE 111=1•1111 Applications for experienced tarn. help (men, boys and women) supplied by the Organization of Reseurcea Committee of the Oniaxio Government should be Med with thel Secretary at once. Quick action is necessary. - 110MINII IMAM allina alosof = 11011 MIMS .. "Smile and Cory On." ME sionft [ Aram MIME! . J. A. STEWART, Mayor W. HA.RTTRY, President, .F. A. F. G. NEELIN, SecretarY, S. F‘ P. A. - ..- •-•- Seaforth, July 4.6th, 1918. . if& 11 iiH11111111,11111111,111111111111111,111 11' 1111ififfiffillIMMIMMION '"Give it to me. ,please, Grand- daddy." "Whytobby, if you wait a bit for it you'll have it to en- joy longed" "Poo -pool That's no argument with WRIGLEY'S 'cause the flavour lasts, anyway!" a . - ST. Holmes * Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer _ Undertaking parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite mtewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich at., cpp Dr. Scott"a . Flowers furnished an short notice. , ? . Phone Night ot Day 1113, - , i POULTRY WANTED .1 am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price Pier all kinds of poteltry delivered ,at my store, Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each week. G. D. HAIGH: 263641. FARM FOR SALE.' • 100 Acres of land, lin, miles from Seaforth. Rich clay loam, well watered; small orehard; twe story frame house with stone foundation; batik bran, stone stabling. A beautiful home. Price 55,500. BOX 8, Seaforth, 2636 -in PIGS FOR SALE or sale 12 yotang Pigs 6 weeks old on July 14. Apply on Lot 12, Concession. 8, Aullett, or phone 12 on 636, Clinton Central, A. T. DALE, FOR SALE For Sale a cottage with two bedrooms, and two lots on North Main Street, two blacks from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and ' soft water in kitchen. All in good Shape. Ealzy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, neaforth 2627-tf FARM FOR SALE For sale lot 17, concession 9, Township of McKilloP, containing 100 acres. This farm has been in grass for a number of years, and .should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to prke and terms th JAMES I. JOHNS - TON. co -Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man - 28324f. • HOITSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William street, Seaforth, hard and soft water, good stable. For further particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 134. 2622-tf ESTRAY CATTLE Strayed en, te the premises, lot 11, conces- sion 11, Mc,iKillop, about the end of June, 2 Yearling cattle, Owner may have the same by proving property and paying charges. Jas. Martin, No. Walton. 2640x3 TEACHER WANTED . For Sehool Section No. 10, Stanley Town- ship. Duties to commence September 3rd. Apply stating salaty, qualification and ex- perience. JAMES McQUEEN, Secy.-Treas., R. R. No. .1; Brucefield. 26394 HOUSE FOR .SALE - For sale seven roomed frame house on North Main Street, one door south of Mr. Robert Winters' residence. Must be sold at once. Apply at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. • 2624-t4 FARM FOR 'SALE * For sale north half of Lot 35 and -vvest half of Lot 34. on the 5tli concession of Me - This is a first cleats farm, well drain- ed and well fenced, and will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to THOMAS .1". AD- AMS, R. R. No. 1. (Minton. Also 25 acres Of hay, first cue, will be sold on • the field.- 2638-tf MOTORISTS ATTENT Bring your Casings,'Tubesand Electrical woelt to Square Deal Garage, Varna, Phone Clinton 626 r 14 for scientific repaieing. All Vulcanizing guaranteed not to Lump, Blister or Pull Apart: Will outlive rest of casing. Complete line of repaired casings carried, $5 and up. Also all new tires kept in stock. Ex- press charges paid one way, E. H. EPPS & SON, Varna. 2688-14 FARM FOR SALE .Lot 38, Conceseion 6, McKillop, 100 acme of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 11/4 miles from school. ' There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained, There are forty acres -ploughed, 6 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane ' from tete road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE. Seaforth. ; 2627-tii NOTICE TO CREDITORS:i Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of William. George Hart, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on. or about the I.9th day of June, 1918, are re - glared, on or before the 10th day of August, 191.8, to send or delivet to the undersigned full particulars of their deems and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And further take notice that after the said 10th day of August, '1918, the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, this 3th. day of July, 1918. J. M. BEST, Solicitor for the Executors of said estate. 2639-3 NO+ICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hay- ing claims against the estate of Mary Ann 'Simpson, late of ,the township of Stanley, in the Coenty of Huron, widow, deceased, who died at the township of Stanley or or about the the 9th day of June, 1918, are required on or before the 1st day of August, 1918, to Fiend, post prepaid or deliver th the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit' and the nature of the security, 14 any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice ellen then have been given. Dated at Hensall this 1011) day of July, 1918. GLADMAN AND STANBURY, Hensel! and Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the1said Estate, 2689-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of George Taylor, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died at the City of London., on or about 7th day of June, 1913, are required on or before the lst day of August. 191.8, to send, post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, full particulars of Isheir claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the easels of the said deceased will be dietributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Hensall this loth day of July, 1918. GLADMAN AND STANBURY, Hensall end Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the eald Estate. 2639-3 CementSilos -Contracts , Solicited - Workmanship Guaranteed„a Contractors AT YOUR sitivrev B. R. Hie G INS BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 44 • (formerly of Brucefield) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company'. Commissioner B.C. of J., Convey- ances. FireNoatandryTopurnabut I.n.surance, Wednesday each week at Brucelleld Auto Sales Garage Is now located in its new premises, formerly Turnbull and McIntosh' Livery Barn, Main street, Seaforthr A complete line of i • AUTO REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES Wholesale and refail repairing aid machine work. Stewart McIntosh . MANAGER "•••••0.010mommilimoli Can/ furnish Victory Bondi!' at 991/2 and interest, free of expense tor purchaSers. City of Calgary Gold Bonds, 7% City of St. Catharines Gold Bonds 61/4,4% Also have for immediate the 10110W- ing Municipal Bonds: • City Of TOronio,' Gold Bontla, to yield 1 per cent. Goverrunent of Newfoundland Gold Bonds to yield 61/2 per cent. Province a Ontario Gold Bonds' th Yield 6 per cent. City of Montreal, Gold Bonds, bo yleId 61/2 • per cent. Any cne having money for investment should avail themselves of this opportun- ity to secure these gilt edged securities. 2624-41 .11110.••••••••1=1111M••••••11., Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK sysl. Offers you and all the family the outing of yo ife. Highlands -of Ontario ° ALGONQUIN PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY , LAKE OF BAYS'N TIMIGAMI ' • are all famous playgroinuls Modern. hotels afford city comforts bat many prefer to live in tent or log ca6itt. Your choice at reasonable. cost. Secure vour Parlor or Sleeping Cox accommodation in advance, • Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E; Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ontario. W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... Depot Agent FOR SALE. • House and half acre of land in the village of Egniondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and 'ie known as the PUrcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of frith trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bashes. This Is a corner pro- pfrty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva. tion. This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For 'particulars apply on the premiaes or to Sohn Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-U FARM FOR SALE For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house, two barns and frame, stable. 75 feet long, eement floor in cattle stable; hog pen, two wens, The land in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced. Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing done. This farm is situated 1.14 miles east of the village of Bruce - field and 5 miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill. Road. School across corner from farm. For further par- ticulars apply on the prenaies,s or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth. Central. 2616-tf THE WATERLOO BOY The Three -,Plow Tractor for. Ontario. iThe Tractor that Makes Good. The Tractor that has stood the Test, The Tractor that is guaranteed Under All Comlitions. Write for Free Catalogue, Prices and any information Wanted. Separators - all sizes from 24 inch Cylinder upwards. A few rebuilt machin,es at very reasonable prices.. ROBERT BELL ! ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY, 1 SEAFORTH. a n . 0, Selling Agents for Ontario. Fullrto P Re - Opened The Seafortn Fruit Store re -opened in - the Post Office blocK on Thursday with a full line of Fresh Fruit •••••aaMmilamaftlamaammm MARIA PHILIPS Opposite the Cammerciai Motel ELMER DICKSON - atm A I Approved.. Enrolment No. 4881 61526 A.T.R.-2205 C.N.R. Race Record 2.064 The Grand Circuit Raoe and Show Horse First prim winner at Seaforth and Clinton. 1917 Spring Shows. The -only stable in the County of Huron that ever offered the ser 'vices of a stallion with a record of 2.10 or bettea Elmer Dickson 2.06ee, will etaad at his own stable, Commercial Hotel Barns Blyth, with the, exception of the following route: Monday -Will leave his own stable Blyth, and proceed to Auburn, for noon., theln by way of Nile to' G. McNall's for night. Tuesdaye-Will proceed to Colborne House, Goderich, for noon and remain there uetil Wednesday noon. Wednesday -Will proceed by way of iBenmiller for Blyth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to. insure 120. THOS. COULTER. Blyth, Proprietor. KING KAY The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 529 Form 1. Will siand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday -Will leave his ow astable at Peter McCann's, concession 3, Hibbert, and go to John Flynn's Beech- wood, for noon; then north 8% miles and mat 11,4, miles to James O'Loughlin's, for night, Tuesday -East 21/2 miles, north miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecot, for noon; then east 21/2 miles and south 11/4, miles and east to John Murray's for night. Wednesday 7 -By way of Brodhagen to William Flanni- gan's for noon; then 11/4 miles west and 21/2 miles south to Andrew Krauskopfn for night. Thursday -To his own stable for noon; then 21,4 miles east and 11/4 miles north and 21/2 miles west to his own stable for night. Fri- day -21/2 miles south, 21/2 miles east, and I% miles north to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. To Insure $15. JAMES MURRAY. Proprietor 8c manager EARL 0' CLAY [13458] (12035), Insepcted, Enrolled and Approved R. D. MURDOCK. Proprietor and Manager. Monday -Will leave his own stable in Brum- field and go west to and concession of Stan- ley, then north to John Butchardn, for noon; then north and west to 'William Glenn's for night. Tuesday. -By way of Bannockburn to Varna. at the Temperance Hotel, 'for noon; then by way of Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line, to Albert McClinchey's for night. -Wed- nesday -Ry McCiymon't side road to the Parr lino, then south to William Footer's, for noon; then to William McKenzie's, 2nd concession of Stanley, for night. Thursday -North to the Bayfield road to his 'own stable for noon; re- maining there until Friday morning. Friday -To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; the nto McAdamn side road, then north to the 2nd concession, II. R. S., ifnuckersmith, then west th James Carnoehan'b -for night. Saturday -West by Broadfoot's 'bridge, then south to the -Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. EMPEROR McKINNEY - (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion' Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock -this season at his own stable, lot 8, concession 4, Tuckeramith. Emperor McKinney is a beautiful black horse with best of feet and legs. Stands 16 hands high and weighs over 1200 pounds. He is supposed to he one of the best bred horses in these parts, wheel". bits pedigreee shows. Mares from adistance will be met. Terms to insure $13, payable February 1st. Phone 7 on 136, Seaforth CHAS. RILEY. Proprietor. d CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Enrolment No. 1367-Inspctede. and Approved Forml Will stand for the improvemept of stock during the present se,ason at John J. Mc- Gavin's stables, Leadbury, lot 22, Concession 18, McKillop. Terms $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1918. • J. J. McGAVIN. Proprietor The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion RED McK1NNEY No. 42946, Vol. xis', A. T. R. Enrolment No. 1151. Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable in Egmondville. Tema $13 to insure. JAMES BERRY, Proprietor. 2631xtf THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION INDEX Enrolment No. 363 Form (Imp.) [3140] (83420) $15 to insure. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday -Will leave his own stable, .Bruce - field, and go west th Varna, at Chris. Ward's, for noon; then rdrth int() Godeeieh township, and west by way cf Bayfield concession to Ar- thur Welsh's, fot n.get. Tuestlay--No-eb ty way of the 7th concession, to George Vander - burg's, Porter's Hill, ior noon; they north by way on the 6th concession to Jas. McMillan's, for night. Weenesday-13y way of Mill Road and Jewell's Corners, to Oswald Ginn's, for noon; then north by way or Beam:ilea and along the Maitland concession th Efarry Sweet's for night. Thursday -East to the Ireth conces- sion, then by way of the Huron Road to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain until Friday morning. Friday -South bY way of the London Road to h's own stable. Brute- -field, where he will remain until Salmi -day morning. Saturday -South by way of the London Road, 2ee miles east to Rebert El- gie's for noon; thence by way of the 2nd con- cession, Tuckersmilli, and the Mill Road, be his own stable, where he Will remain until the following Monday morning. WM. BERRY, Propetetor & Manager MAKWHtA ' 15279 (15938) Vol. XXXHL Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form I Passed 515 to insure. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follow: Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable, at Staffa, and go west to James Hill's, for noon; then south th the Cromartet Line, then east to Cromarty to his own stable for night Tuesday -South to Alfred. Hunkinea, Usborne, for noon; then west along Thames Rood, for 83. miles and south on the 4th concession to Robert Selleryn, for night. Wednesday - East to the Elimville Line and south th ville, and east to Winchelsea, to Jahn Del - bridge's, for noon; then eolith to William: 1Brock's, for night. Thursday -South and east oa the llth cotcession of Blanchard, to A. J. nnixworthy's (Vnallacen o/d farm), for noon; then south th the Kirkton Line. and wen to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkbon, for night Friday - .North along- the Mitchell Road. to Mount Pleasant, and west to Jasper Pridham's, for noon; then west and north to John Hamil- ton's, -/eth concession of Efibbert, for night. Saturday -North We miles th Mac Grey's, 7th - concession for noon; then west to the 7th to the Centre road, then south to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- day morning. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Proprietoi• & Man• ager IKE MEDIUM Form A 1 Approved Enrolment No. 2936 51522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R. The Standard bred show and trotting stal- lion. Full brother to Dustyn 2.14314, and Inez M. 2.171/4. Was shown fifteen times --four- teen times first and once second. Ike Medium will stand for the Improvement of stock this teeason as follows: Thureday--Will leave his own stable and proceed nor eit to Belgrave for noon; then to the Farmers Home, Winghann for night. Friday' -Will proceed be Blaevale th Hall's for noon; thence to Gordon Mc- Donalds, Brussels, for night. Satd,rclay-Will Proceed th his own stable, Blyth, ,ev'here 10 will remain until the following 1,11huredsy morning. ,Terms to insure, 05. THOS. COULTER, MY*, PrgoodoGOO. ETOG PRODUCTION - It is a wafter of the greatest importanie that Canadtz. should increase her produer lion of BACON HOGS and other live stook as there is at e\rese/4 a world-wide shorter. age of meat. Good illoiarkets for some think to come are assurOci THE CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE will gladly make loan to assist farmers in good standing to acq livestock. a' 1 • SEA:FORTH J G MULLEN . IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. Write for booklet and prices of lm - proved and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District, J. H. EVANS &" CO, Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x20 CH • •• MANAGNII FARM FOR SALE For Sale 100 acres, all curtierated,. lot 11. Concession 6, Tackeremith, H.R.S with. barn ;a by 80 feet, stone foundation, Pig pen, &liv- ing shed and hen house, 6 roma frame cot- tage, good well with wind mill. Also 54 acres Of grass land, west half of lot 5, eoncessionle ciod well with windmill; a good genes farm: Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON, R. len NO. S: Kippere; phone 8-132, Seaforth. 263941 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=111111111111111111M Aeroplanes f r the Army Help Wanted ••••10 N NW= =RUM. N OME 0111•••• AMEN. •■•••• 111100101M .110NE001 10101101•• ••••1101 . 1101101.1 ••••••• 11•111111PM11111‘ The Senforth Food Production 4ssxiation is desirous of pressing = upon public attention the urgent need for the proper -harvesting of, 'the = Flax Crop and also the further desittabikty of securing sufficient labor = on farms this season. ~la =MEI 4•1111•01 = The Max Crop will be ready to Pull abOut the 25th inst. =Flax isused for manufacturin the wings of aeroplanes on the I = fighting lines. Save our splendid m n by giving them :the best fight- - ing wings. * MEN AND WOMEN CAN EARN $4.00 PER DAY GIRLS AND BOYS CAN EARN $3.00 PER DAY.. If you wish to pull by the acre ou can get /3.5 up. You ean work right at home. itzgr.e will be Camp Borden Army I M. = Tracks to take you to work ,and b you home each (ray free of == charge. In order to spare time and secuie favorable locations for palling, make early application. 11111111101 FARM L BOR OUR SLOGAN -Farm Labor tkj Xeysteue of Greater Production. = = Doiet say you can't get help.0 you have given the S.F.P.A. the, ...as. opportunity of assisting in securing t. IM=0.0 01•1101. 0110110Ia 010111100) OMEN 0101111•101 1101.110.0 SIMON 111•••• 0111•1. SEINE 111=1•1111 Applications for experienced tarn. help (men, boys and women) supplied by the Organization of Reseurcea Committee of the Oniaxio Government should be Med with thel Secretary at once. Quick action is necessary. - 110MINII IMAM allina alosof = 11011 MIMS .. "Smile and Cory On." ME sionft [ Aram MIME! . J. A. STEWART, Mayor W. HA.RTTRY, President, .F. A. F. G. NEELIN, SecretarY, S. F‘ P. A. - ..- •-•- Seaforth, July 4.6th, 1918. . if& 11 iiH11111111,11111111,111111111111111,111 11' 1111ififfiffillIMMIMMION '"Give it to me. ,please, Grand- daddy." "Whytobby, if you wait a bit for it you'll have it to en- joy longed" "Poo -pool That's no argument with WRIGLEY'S 'cause the flavour lasts, anyway!" a