The Huron Expositor, 1918-07-19, Page 51•91•11= 1110•1111111 =MEM =MOM =NEMO MOM molm ONION fl3L 19) 1918 bonnet* )•e transaction macle in ottr rely for the worth of your . statement concerning our ere eyelet:me at any. time, to tu will see with your own va and wherefores of or s you here, at moderate rben the Shoes are as good. or Fine Kid, made- with . high cut style with Pilau pair short vamps, plain toe, turn $4.00 fortable avid durable shoe ght shoe for everyday wear, ` pain ny Calf Leather with Acme per pair - ; 4 • • I'M COMMERCIAL ISOM • K>4><>0.040-1.040..0404, ; Esse d on the platforna was that , never had been better - cater - than in Hensel'. Our citizen' , ere also worthy of special men - as they met the morning trains, el on the streets, in the proces- arid on the grandstand and their music did much to enliven Lay and to add to the pleasure of ecasione Mr. Alex. Murdock also cded amusement for the lovers of ing in the way of throwing open aege shoe on King street for a inn- hall and devoting the proceeds expenses for patriotic work, and churches all very -generously lIL the proceeds after actual ex- ee for what they had to purchase teiotic or tho Red Cross funds, total proceeds froni. all these Jos iilcluding the amount realized the fine concert in the eveniug the sale ef tags by the girls will es high in the hundreds for the Cross. but at date of writing we not been able to learn the exact int. One splendid feature of the ration was the good conduct of unense crowd, there not being a e incident of an- kind to the con - r and eVennahilag passed Off Wit/ ing arid as merrily as a marriage while our hotel, restaurant atei e Places of business profitted well the fine celebration. Litilizing all the Heat Any furnace will burn A„ extract the heat from But only a properly alit and installed furnace itt utilize ail the heat to arm your home. McClary's Sunshine rna..ce installed the EcClary way is guaranteed warin your home --every m in it. 0 e oes tine Winnipeg Vancouver Edmonton. Saskatoon 69 (I.ered at assortments of Serges, _eds you could wish to n greys, brOwns and with guaranteed dyes. variety of materials at 04,.. the same attention fine new stock of c, We're sure Seaforth S on, Lit 1941918 szAroirrn mums. 4•00,11101101.11MIlm Seaforth, June 27,s 1918 pleat, Der bushel • ... ._. . .. • ..2.19 oat& per bushel ......... ..... 65e Barley, per bushel pran, per ton Shorts, per ton rout, per cwt. Peas, per bushel .. Margarine Potatoes perbag.."..... $1025 . Butter, per lb. .i5c. to 38e Eggs, per dozen 36e to 37e i ' Hogs per cwt. $17.25 $1.40 36.00 $41.00 $5.75 ..$3.30 37e BEAN MARKET Teronto, July` 16th. -Bean ---Canadian - Onime, bushel, $7.50 to $8. Foreign, hand- picked. bushel 36-75 to 37. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 16.-L1veweight-Hen's 3 1-2 Onunds, 22 to 23c; hems, 3% and over 26c; tomer chickens 42e; roosters 18c to 20e; &WOO, 30e; turkeYs. 25e to 27e. D 116e;rea3bensedtrY 4 31Zullbe.--n , and over *%over27roun28cla2 c ; s5peto ring chickens, 46c and 48e; roosters, 23c to 25c; tioldings 36e; temkeys gOc. DAIRY (MARKET Torontsta July 16--Cheme-New, large 231j ito 24e. me 23% to 2414; old large 251,41c to too; ns 26c to 2814c. reamiero solids 45; do. fresh made 48e to 4 c; choiee dairy prints 41 to 42c; ordinary dairy prints 88c to 40e: bakere' 36e 38c: oleomargarine beat grade 32 to 34e. • nenta-No. 1, candled 48 to 49c; selected/ newelaid. 50 to 51c: cartons 51 to 52e, Comb Honey --Choice 16 oz, $3.50 Per cloe.: 12 oz.. 33 Per dozen: seconds and dark comb $E.50 to *2.75. Mai& Syrup -Imperial gallons, $2.25; live `gam tins *2.10 per gallon. Maple sugar,. e'er pound. 24 to 25c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, July 16. -Manitoba Wheat -Noe 1, • Northern, $2.2814 • No. 2 Northern; $2.20%; , No. 3 Northern, $2.1.73; No. 4 wheat, $2.10 a In store Fort William, including 2t4c tax. Manitoba Oats -No. 2, C. W., 90%c; No. 3, fn..W. 871)/4c; extra No. 1 feed 8784c; No. 1 feed unte in store at Fort William. American Corn -No 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal: No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats -No, 2 white. 85 to /We; No. 3 white, 84c $5c, aecodring to freights outside. Ont- ario Wheat -No, 2 Winter, per ear lot. 32.22; basis in store Montreal. Pew -Nominal Barley -Malting 1.27 to 31.29; aeocrding to freights outside. Buciewheat-$1.80, accord - hue to freights outside. Rye - No. 1, $1.90, aocording to freights outside. Manitoba flour -War quality, $10.95; new bags, Toronto Ontario Flour -Winter, in new bags, prompt shipment. war quality, 310.65; Toronto deliver- ery: 510.65, . Montreal. prompt shipment. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal frei- ghts, bags included: Bran, per ton, 535.00 Shorts per ton. 540.00. Hay -No. 1 per ton, 413.00 to 314.00; mixed. 811 to $12.00. track fforonto. Straw -Car lots; per ton, 38.00 to 53,50. track Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, July 16th.-Cattlee-Receipts, 16 cars; good grades steady: others slow; prim heavy steers, $17.25 to 517.50-. best shippin etee m 516.50 to 517; plain andcoarse, 813 $14; Canadian steers, heaver, $16 to 316.50 de. fat coarse. 1100 to 1200 lbs., 314 to 515 do steers and heifers 812.50 to $13.51; be native yearlings, 950 -to 31000 lbs.,Si5 to $13 light native yearlings good quality, 312 t 513; best handy steers-. 512 to 513; fair t good kinds. 511 to 312: handy steers an heifers. mixed 311 to 512; Western heifer 511 to $12; Western heifers $11 to $12; sta heifers, 51 Oto $11; Canadian heavy cow 310.50 to 311.50: best fat.cows, 511 to 312 butceering cows $8.50 to $9.50; cutters, 57.5 to $8; canners, 56 to 37; fancy bulls, 311 511.50; butchering bulle 59 to 310; commit bunt, 38 to 59; best feeders 900- to 1000 lbs 39.50 to $10.50; medium etoekers, 58 to $8.50 Tight common. $7 to 58; best milkers an springer:, 8100 to 8150: mediums, $75 to 390 common,. 50 to $60: Hogs -Receipts. 50 cars market 10 centlower: heavy e18.40 to 318 50. Yorkers, $18 to 518.75; Pigs. 518.75 319. SSImeo and inmbe-Receipts, 5 ears market nteady: top lambs, 319; yearlinge, 31 to 316.50: wethenn 313 to 11L4: ewes. 311.6 to $13. Calves -Receipts, 2000; steady, tops 318.50: fair to giood, 517 to $18; fed calves 37 to $9. Montreal. July 16. -The offerines of liv etock at the Weet End market this mornin nenounted to 604 cattle, 500 sheep rend Iambs 500 hogs .and 1100 calves. With the fair of ferings on the market, some of which wer of good quality, there was very little denten diapIayed early in the day, and general dull ness wag noticeable in nearly an lines. Ther was at disposition on the part of buyers to- wards somewhat lower prime, and the tone et the market was not particularly strong, and tendency .to make concessions being noted. Cattle sold at fairly steady prices. for most Ilene, although there was an etnicr tone. Hoge were fair. and choice selecle sold' at $18.50 to 519 per 100 pounds off cart. The trade in calves was better and prices fee this seetion of the market were good. Large numbers are coining in and a good deranei is being ex- perienced. Trading at the C P peon we4 dee ned of no special fetre•re Prieee had a down- ward tendency e " nithoegh e •e.- was amolantiat :0 e oe earths len *tee. and Iambs, 250 hoes and 450 calees. there \Ca 5' difficulty in abeeroiare ail offerines. Quotations per hundred pound.; C'noiee steers $12,50 to 313; good 511 ect $12 ; medium $9 to 510.50: choice butehers' built, $10.50 to 511: good, $10; medium. 59 to 39.e0. Choice Teutchers' cow, 510 to $11: good rows. 7.50 to $10; sheep, $12 to 513.50; lambs, *18 to 520; calves. 511 th 514: others, 58 to $10. Union Stock Yards, Torontn. July 16th. - "Eleven o'clock and not a bullock sold," wa.s the plaint of more than one commission man and drover this morning, which had more than a semblance of truth in it. The fact was that trade at the yards had struck another dun atreak. There were a lot of common and medium killers and few loads of closine killers th the pen. From the ring of the belt buyezs did not attempt to show any real activity, but what effort was made revealed an early in- clination to take something more off the cat- tle values. In the end 25c was taken off good to choice butcher steers and heifers and a little more in many cases where the other grades were concerned. The drover.; suggett- ed that the buyors had framed a sort of hold- uP, and several were inclined to take their cattle off the Toronto market and ship th Buffalo, where trade this morning was re - Ported steady along last week's lines. UP to early afbernoon none had acted upon the de - tare, but had not entirely given up the idea when the market closed, and many loads of common to medium cattle were 'left unsold. The dissatisfied drovers declared that if they once quitted the Toronto market they would net suit the beg buyers when the time for heavy pureta.sing arrived. Even the best killers on offer -met a draggy trade, but there was nothing extra special in the pens. one straight load of steers, which averaged 1116 topping values for the day at 14e The hest of the loads which remained csAhed in front 313.25 to 513.75. When it came down to the common cattle it was like trying th squeeze blood from a stone- to get any offers from the buyers, who apparently,have no de - etre them daya for common stuff. Cows and bulls were sieralarly affected by the recesson. the inferior grades, with the exception of canners, which were steady, being difficult th dhpose of. The trade for butcher cattle cloaed meseoarklainagt. the 25c cut introduced during the The stocker and feeder trade was again of little account owing to the farmer e" holding the idea that prices will drop still lower in the immediate future. Two loads of milkers all told cashed. in from 875 th 5125 Per head. Titere was a slightly improved demand for good milkers. Lamb quotation, fel lawny 75c, the pick aetarn: a reodecate offering selling at 23e. Calves and sheep were steady and moderately Hogs were steady at 518.25 fed and twatered. The morning's offering was made Up of 142 can with 2543 cattle, 359 calves, 1106 hogs and 646 eheep and lambs. Ben Kirk for (Harris Abattoir bought 150 hoot, 318.25 fed and watered. Gunns Ltd., bought 200 cattle: Bubeher steez.; and heifers, 312 to 514: bulls, 37,50 ±0 319, C. McCurdy bought two loatle of butchers, 5" t° "99 Ilee $12.75 to $13.50. A. W. Talbot for Wiliam Davies Limited, bought 1e0 butcher steer.; and heifere, 12.75 to 413.a. Dunn and Ledack sold: Butchers -15, 980 Thee 312,59:16, 1060 lbe.. $13.50: 20, 1115 Ile. 514; 6. 1035 lbs., 515.75; 14, 1050 lbs., 513; 12, 995 Mo. 313; 12, 850 lbe.. 59,50. Cows - 1. 1134 nen 38.75- 1, 1030 lbs.. 37.25; 1, 1020 the., 56.3e; 4, '1097 lbs., 310.50; 6. 1160 Li, $10.5;3. 1446 lbs.. $10; 1 bull, 670 lbs. $,8•25: 1 milker, 5116; calves, $8.50 to 516.50: $10 th 517; lambs, 522.50. :ficDonald and Halligan sold: Butchers -24, 1095 ib;., $13.50 21, 1075 lbs., 513.25: 13, Mae lbs.. $13.40: 21, 1006 313.15: 8. 910 the, $1a.10: 11, 1560 lba., $12.90; 2, 1030 lbs., 31.e.90: 15, 910 lbs., 512.75: 10, 1140 nee, 412,75 ; 12, 985 Mee 512.75; 25, 994 'be. 512.- 60 , ; 13, 940 lbs. 512.65: 7, 275 Iles., 312.50: 1, 1300 lbs. $12.'50: 14, 970 thee 512.35;, 19. 015 Bee. 51'2; 15, 1000 thee 512: 4, 900 lbs.. Sel..7e; 1. 750 lbs., 310; COPT3-8, 1030 thee 511; 10. 1080 lbs. 310.40; 2. 1105 lbs.. 10.ee; I. 1100 lbe, 39.75'; 2, 1016 lbs., $9.50: 1, 1260 as., so.- states -4., 1200 lbs., $12J 1, 18150 $11: 80 maven $16 to $17; 70 tamilis, 180 to 221/4o. The toilewleg were the cittotataC iona t--itoice heamt steers $13.75 to $14.2• to tie, chon-- le -$13.25 to $1349; do. good, $12.75 s to $1,8e do. medhan4111e75 to $12.25 t de, corn; mon $9,25 to $10; kitchens' bulls, choice, S11.26 to $11.50; do. good bulls $10,75 to $11; dee meditain btilla $10.25 to $10.50; din rough bells $7.50 te $8.50; butchers' cows' choice 511.25 to $11,50;ndo. good $10978 to $11; do. medium. 18-50 to $0.26; do. cora- neon $7 to $8.50: steekera $8 to $10-58; feed" en, $10.50 to $11; canners and cutters,. $5.50 to $6.50; milke.rs, good to choice $90 to $126: do. common and medium $66 to $75; BPringers $90 to 3125: light ewes, $13 to $18; yearlings. $15.50 to 317; spring lambs 22c to 23c; calves $13 to 316; hogs, `fed and watered $18.25; do. weighed off ears, 318,50. ,BIRTHS • Stephenson -In Stanley, on June 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson, a daughter. Puchanan--Ire Walton, on June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buchanan,, a- daughter. MARRIAGES Holmes -Watson -At Blyth, on June 26th, Emerson Stanley Holmes oftWest Monkton, Out, late of the 4th Canadian Mounted !Rifles, France to Dora, fourth daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, of Morris township. - DEATHS , Bc:Iwznan-.In Morris tow hip, on July 4th, il William. T. Bowman, tn. is 50th year. s McGuire -In Joplin. Moe- .S.. on July 4th, Robert Milton, eldeste sen of Arthur and Mrs. McGuire, 9f Bruseelis. ed 34 Years. MiEwert-In Hay township, on July 8th, John likEwen, in his 86111 year. W. T. BOit ft CO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors 11. C. SOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 50 • S. Gormley g EMBALMER AND FUNERA:L DIRECTOR. Undertaking Parlors Above M. ° Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 •111111•••••=1•0•111...... ESTRAY CATTLE Strayed on to thee premises, lot 11, conces- sion 11, McKillop, about the end of June, 2 yearling cattle. Owner may have the sense by proving property and paying charges. Jas. Martin, No. 2, Walton. 2640x3 STRAYED. From lot 10, concession 2, Tuekersmith, a two months' old pig. The undersigned would be glad of any information that would lead to its recovery. 'WILLIAM TAYLOR, R. R. No. 2, Kilmer'. 2640-1 NOTICE A meeting of the Huron Branela of the Dominion Alliance will be, held ah the Car- negie Librare, eistforth, on Monday 'Them at eight o'clock. Mr. A. T. Cooper, Field Secretary, will address the meeting. Execu- tive wil meet at seven o'clock. All irterested please bear in mind the date. • 2640-1 TEACHER WANTED For School Section No. 10, Stanley Town- ship. Duties to commence September 3r4. Apply stating salary, qualification and ex- perience. JAMES MeQITEEN, Secy.-Treas., R. R. No. 1, Brucetield. 2639-4 FARM FOR SALE. 100 Acres of land, 114 miles from Seaforth. Bich clay loam, well watered; small orchard; two story frame house with stone foundation; bank barn, stone stabling. A beautiful home. Price $5,500. BOX 8, Seaforth, 2636-tf FARM FOR SALE ,Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 aeres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 mites from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 11/4 miles from school. There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one Piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no• waste land. There is a 'graded and gravelled lane from the road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE. Seaforth. ' 2627 -ti NOTICE Exeter Branch of St. John Ambulance Association, On Sunday ne.xt' weather permitting ; a 'United Church' Paseede, will be held th the Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, when the inerabeffi of No. 4 Nursing Divieion of Lon- don, ulna members of No. 1 wig apite with the Exeter class for Divine Service at 7 p.m. Also it is proposed to hold a meeting at the class room's Sanders street, from 4.30 to 5,30 p. m., for all those interested in the self-sacri- ficing work of the Order of St. John Ambul- ance Association. The classes are open to both married and single ladies and those who de- sire to do so,- may join at any time. Mrs. Thomson, Lady Superintendent of No. 4, will address the meeting. All particulars must be obtained direct froan the class secretary, Mrs. R. C. Cooke. No outside information, by order. All thoee ladies in Hensall who are interested and would make an effort to attend will be cerdialtly welcomed. 2640-1 CANADA EAL130 TENDERS addressed to the un- ts, deraigned and endorsed "Tender for Re - newel of South Pier at Bayfield, Ont.." will he received at tine office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, August 7th, 1918, for the corn- eIetiee -of renewal of South Pier at Bay - Reid, Heron County, Ont. Plane and forms of contract cau be seen end specification, and forms of tender ob- tained at this Department and at tem offiae of em District Eneitseer, Equity Building, To- rento, ife.nt., and it tkeePost Office, Rayfield, Ont, Tenders will not be considered unlese made on printed forms supplied by the Department end in accordance with conditions oontain.ed teerein. Each tender must be accompanied by - an acoepted sheque on a chartered bank, pay- able ±0 bhe order of the 'Minister of Public Works. equal .to 10 per ceat. of the amount of the tender. Note. -131e prinM, . can be obtained at 'nen Department by depoaiting an accepted bank cheque for the sum of 510, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will he returned if the intending bidder sub- mit a regular bid. By order, R. C. DESROCENES, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 15, 1918. E IfRON Exposao 4 S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertakmg panlOna in Oddiel • lows building epposite eitewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., cpp Dr. Scott's Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119, 1 POULTRY WANTED Lam prepared to pay the highest Cash Price for all kinds of poultry delivered at my store, Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and Thursday Forenoon of each week. G. D. HAIGH. 26364f. PASTURE TO RENT To rent 35 acres of good pasture. Ap- ply to Con. Eckeut, Seafortle. Phone 14 on 238. 2639-2 ESTRAY STEERS Strayed item Mr. John Govenleck's farm, near Winthrop, about the last week in June, 5 steers, 3 two year olds, White, Roan and Gray, and 2 Red ones, not so old. ,Any in- formation leading to their recovery please pewee 10 on 244. Seaforth.-MRS. WM. ANDERSON. 2638-2 FARM FOR SALE For, sale north half of Lot 35 and west half of Lot 34, on the 5th concession of gdo- Killon. This is a firat class farm, well drain- ed and well feoced, and will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms for quick sale. For fur- ther particulars - applyto THOMAS J. AD - 'AMS; R. R. No. 1, Clinton. Also .25 acres of hay, first cut, will be sold on the. field, 263841 PIGS FOR SALE , For sale 12 young pigs 6 weekt old on July 14. Apply on Lot 12, Concession 8, Mullett or phone 12 on 636, Clint.* Central. A. T. DALE. FOR SALE For Sale a cottage with two bedrooms, and two lots on North Main PAreete two blocks from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and eofti water in kitchen. All in good thape. Easy ter. Apply to E. L., BOX, Seaforth 2627-tf FARM FOR SALE For Bath lot 17, concession 9, Township of McKillop," containing 100 acres i 0 This farm has been in grass for a number a years, and should grow good crops. Write for particulars as to price and terms to JAMES I. JOHNS - TON, co Manitoba Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. 2632-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on Wet William street, Seaforth, hard and Soft water, good stable. For further)Particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 124. 2622-tf * MOTORISTS ATTENTION Bring your Casings, Tubes aid Electrical work to Square Deal Garage,. Varna, Phone Clinton 626 r 14 for scientific repairing. All Vulcanizing guaranteed not to Lump, Blister or Pull Apart. Will outlive rest of casing. Complete -line of repaired casings carried, 35 and up. •Also all new tires kept in stock. Ex- press charges paid one way. E. H. •EPPS & SON. Varna. 2638-11 .1111.210.110•1•1•Iiene•ammt.. .rxonFE TO CREDITORS. -Notice • is lierebse given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all persons having claims against the estate of William George Hart, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of, Huron, Fanner, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1918, are re- quired, on or before the 10th day of August, 1918, to send or 'deliver to the undersigned full Particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly, veri ed by affidavit. And further take notice that alter the said 10th day of August, 1918, the Exe- cutors will proceed te distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given.. Dated at Seaforth. this 8th day of July, 1918. J. M. BEST. Solicitor kir the Executors of said estete. 26394 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of Mary Ann Simpson, late of the township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died at the township of Stanley or or about the the 9th day of June, 1918, are required on or before the 1st day of August, 1918, th send, Post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, full Particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled theveto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Hensel' this 10th day of July, 1918. GLADMAN AND STANEURY, Hensel! and, Exeter, Solicitors for ;the Executors of the .said Estate. 2639-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of George 'Taylor, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, fariner, d sed, who died at the City of Lond on or about 7th day of June, 191 required on or befpre the 1st day of t, 19181 to send, post prepaid or deliver e undersigned, full Particulars of their c iras, duly verified by affidavit and the na re of the securitet 11 any, held by them. And further take notioe that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Hensall this 10th day of July, 1918. GLADMAN AND STANBURY, Hensall and Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the said Estate. 26394 FOR' SALE. House andehalf acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated. on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, ancj. currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice- property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 25+34-e FARM FOR SALE For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L. R. S.'Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house, two barns and frame stable 75 feet long, cement floor in -cattle stable; hog pen two wells, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced. Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing done. This farm is situeted 114 miles east of the village of Bruee- field and 5 ,miles frora town of Sea-• forth on. Mill Road. School 'across corner from farm. For further par- ticurars apply on the premiess or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefteld R. R. No: 1, or Pherne 5 on 142, Sea - forth Central. 2616-lef res nut We 'have pti sale Special Bargains in 'Fresh Fruit: Strawberries 20 and 25c a box Pine Apples $3.00 per dozen Thos. Plaiilipg Whblesale end -Retail Frilitif Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Auto Sales Garage ,-------e • Is now located in its new premises, formerly- Turnbull and McIntosh's Livery Barn, Main stre0t, Seaforth.A. complete- line of • AUTO REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES Wholeeale and retail repairing and -machine work. Stewart McIntosh IMAI4AGEH N DS Can furnish Victory Bonds at 99% and interest, free of expense to purchasers. City of Calgary Gold Bonds, 7% City of St Catharines Gold Benda 614% • Also have for immediate Sale the follow- ing Municipal Bonds: • City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield 0 per cent. Government of Newfoundland Gold Bonds th yield 6ee, per cent. Province of Ontario Gold Bonds to yield 6 per cent. City a Montreal, Gold Bonds,. to yield 61/4 Pee cent. Any ene hating money for Investment Should avail themselves of this opportnn. ity to secure these gilt edged securities. „ Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2824-tf RsAyitTYV,AmY BRAND'TRUNt Offers you and all the family. the outin of your life: Highlands of Ontario ALGONQUIN PARK MUSKOKA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY LAKE OF BAYS TIMIGAMI are all famous playgrounds Modern hotels afford city comforts but many prefer to live in tent or log cabiri. Your choice at reasonable cest. Secure your Parlor or Sleeping ,Car accommodation in. advance, . Full infermation froin:,ahy Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or t.:110.;;11ortileg, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ontario, W. Somerville T W. R. Plant .. Dept Agent Agfat pot Agennt Just Arri ved CAR McNAIR BRAND XXXXX SHINGLES. Let us show you how to make a forty year shingle roof. CAR DRESSED PINE - Some beautiful V matched eiding and square matched flooring.. CAR CANADA CEMENT - Your assurance of perfect satisfac- tion in old and new work. CAR SOFT COAL - Would strongly advise anyone with a furnace to put in at least part of their supply of this coal. CAR • CHESTNUT COKE - For upstairs stoves this is next to the genuine Anthracite from which the American Fuel Administration is practically barring us. The above items, although of new stock are comparatively reasonable in prices. We also have good supplies in our other staple lines and solicit your enquiries. John B. Mustard 2639-4 BRUCEFIELD THE WATERLOO BOY - The Three -Plow Tractor for Ontario. The Tractor that Makes Good: The Tractor that has stood the Test. The Tractor that is guaranteed Under Al Conditions. , Write for Free Catalogue, Prices and any information Wanted. Separators - all sizes from 24 Cylinder upwards: A few reheilt machines at very reasonable pres. ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER COMPANY, SEAFdirra, Selling Agents for Conine . 1 • J. P. FISHER. Has purchased a Pereheron Stallion and will stand him in Seaforth and vicinity during the season. Further announcement later. ELMER DICKSON orm A 1 Approved., Enrohnent No. 4881 51526 A.T.R.-2205 C.N.R. Race Record 2.0614 The Grand Circuit Raoe and Show Horse. First prize winner at Seaforth and Clinton 1917 Spring Shows. The only stable in the County of Huron that ever offered the ser- vices of a stallion with a record of 2.10 or better. Elmer Dickson 2.0614, will stand at his own stable, Commercial Hotel Barna. Melee with the exception of the following route: Monday -Will leave his own stable, Myth, and proceed to Auburn, for noon; then by way of Nile to G. McNeil's for night. Tuesday-eiVill proceed to Colborne- Howe, Goderich, for -noon and remain there until Wednesday noon. Wednesday --Will proceed bY way of Benrailler for Myth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. • Terms to insure 320. THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor. '••••.i••••••••••, KING KAY The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 529 Form 1. Will stand for the imProvement- of stock this season as follciws: Monday -Will leave his ow nstable at Peter McCann's. concession 3, Hibbert, and go to John Flynn's Beech- wood, for noon; then north 3% miles and east 114 miles toJames O'Loughlin's, for night. Tuesday -East 23. miles, north 114 miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecot, for noon; then east 23 miles and south 114 miles and east to Sohn Murray's for night. Wedneedair _By way ,of Brodhagen to William Flanni- gan's, for noon; then 114 miles west and 2% miles south to Andrew Krauskopf's for night.. Thursday -To his own stable for noon; then 23/4 miles east and 114 miles north and 2% miles west to his own gable for night. Fri- day -23/4 miles south, 23/4 miles east, and 114 miles north to his own .stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. To Insure $1.5. JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor & Manager EARL 0' CLAY Insepcted,[14n5rogled(1243d5)Approved R. D. IYHIRDOCK, Proprietor and Manager. Mandan -Will leave his own stable in Bruce- -field and go west to 2nd concession of Stan- ley, then north te John Butchardn, for noon; then north and west to William Glenn's for night. Tuesday. -By way of Bannockburn to Varna, at the Temperance Hotel, for noon; then by way of Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line, to Albert McClinchey's for night. -Wed- nesday -By McClymon't side road th the Parr line, then south to Willie's% Foster's, for noon; then to William. McKenzie's. 2nd concession of Stanley, for night. Thursday -North to the Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; re- maining there until Friday morning. Friday __To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; the nto McAdam's side road, then north to the 2nd concession. H. R. S., Tuckersnaith, then west to James Carnochan's for night. Saturday -West by Broadfoot'a bridge, then south te the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he wall remain until the following eiloeday morei_ng. EMPEROR McKINNEY (54151) 1653 -The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No, 4075 Approved • 'Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, lot 8, concession 4, Tuckeremith. Emperor McKinney le a beautiful black horse with best of feet and legs. Stands 16 hands bigh and 'weighs over 1200 pnunds. He is suppotsed to be one of the best bred bones, in these Parts, whict tds onliitree shows: Mares from a eztaine will be met. Toms , to insure 313, Payable February 1st. CHAS. RILEY, Proprietor. Phone 1 on 136. Seaforth 2682-tf CUMBERLAND GEM (18978) [16986] Enrolment No. 136T -Inspected and Arm:need Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of stock during the present season at John J. Me.. Gavin's stables. Leadburo, lot 22, Concession 13, McKillop. Terras 312 to insure, payable February lst, 1918. J. J. MeGAVIN, Proprietor' The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion RED McKINNEY No. 42946, Vol. XXII, A. T. R. Enrolment No. 1151. Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable in. Egmondville. Terms, 313 to insure. JAMES BERRY, Proprietor. 2631xtf THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION INDEX Passed Enrolment No. 363 Form 1 (Imp.) [3140] (83420) 815 to insure. Wil4 stand for tke improvement of st.ock this teason as follows: Monday -Will leave his own steel's, Bruce - field, and go west to Varna, at Chris. Ward's, for noon; then north into Godeeieh township, and west by way a Bayfiell eonstosion to Ar- thur Welsh's. foe negro Tuesday-No-tb I y way of the itie concession, lo George Vander - burg's, Porter's Hill, _tor noon:i lime north by way on the 6th concession to Jas. McMillaik's, for night. Welnesdaen-By way of Min Road and Jewell's Corners, to itsweel Ginn's, for noon; then north by nay ot 13etun'iien and along the Maitland concession to Harry Sweet's ' for night. Thursday-Enst to the 16th conces- sion, then by way of the Huron Road to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain until Friday morning. 1-n13:le-South by way of the London Road to les own stable. Bruce - field, where he will remain until Saturday morning. Saturday -South by way of the London Road, 2% miles east to Robert El- gie's for noon; t,-nce by way of the 2nd -con- cession, Tuskersmith, and the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will rercesin until the following Monday Warning. WM. BERRY, iitroprietor & Manager MAKWIRA 15279 (15968) b Vol. 221EXIII. Passed Enrolittent No. 3267 Forza 1 $15 to insure. Will stand fon the improvenzent of stock this season as follow: Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable, at Stoffa, and go west to Senses Hill's, for noon; then south 16 the' Cromarty Line, then e4ast to Cromarty to his awn stable for night Tuesday ---South to Alfred Rankin's, Usborese, for neon; then west along Tharaes Road, for 3% miles and south on the 4th soncession to Robert Seller/3, for night. Wednesday - East to the Elimville Line and 13outb to Elim- ville, and east th Wincheisea, to John Del - bridge's, for noon; then south to William Brock's, for night Thursday -South and east Muxworthy`s (Wattage's old farm), for noon; on the Ilthrcession of Blanchard, to A. S. then south the Kirkton Listeeland west to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for night. Friday - North along the Mitchell Road, to Mount Pleasant, and west to Jasper Pridhattes, for noon; -then west and north to John Hamil- ton's, 10th concession. of Hibbert, for ',theist. Saturday -North. 2% milw to Mac Grey's, 7th concession for noon: then west to the 7th to the Centre road, then south to his own etabie, where he will remain until the following Mon. day morning. - , , JOHN LIVINGSTONE. Proprietor & Manager IKE MEDIUM Form A 1 Approved jinrolsaent No. 2936 51522 A.T.R.-1470 C.N.R. The Standard breed show' *0 trotting stal- lion. Fall brother to Dastyn 2.141/4 and Inez M. 2.171/4. Was shown fifteen times-four- temt times first and once second. Ike Medium will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Thitreday-Wfil leave his own stable and proceed no to Belgrave for noon; then in the Fanners Home, Wingnam, for night Fridiy-Will proceed to Bluevale -to' Hall's for noon: -*mace to Gordon Me- Donalds, Brussels, for night Saturday-Wili Proceed to his own stable, Bietle wheW be will remain until the foltowing Thstradew morning. Terme to inatrre. 015. THOS. COMMIS, Myths Proprisem THE CANAD OF CO .SJR EDMUND WALKER, cv.o., LLD.. D.C.L., President SIR JOHN ARID, General Manager Ff. V. F. JONES, Aset Gera Manager CAPITAL PAID UP, S15,000,000 RMRVE FUND, $13,500,000 3S The Manager is prepared t& consult with prospective customers regarding their bankin requirements. Whether' it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the making of collections or the ne otiation of a loan, they will be met with courtesy an wen prompt service. sEAFORTIeBR CH J G MULLEN IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. Write for booklet and prices of im- proved and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District. J. H. EVANS dts CO3 Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x2e For onces 56 by ing oh tage, g ef good w Apply Kippea • . MANAGER FARM FOR SALE e 100 acres,all eultivated, lot II, ion 6, 'Tuckersmith, I-I.R.S., with barn 0 feet, stone foundation, pig 'nen, driv- and hen house, 6 roorael frame cots-ai well with wind mill, 'Also 50 acres land, west hall of lot 5, concession 7, . with windmill; a good grass farm JAMES FINLAYSON„ R. R. NO. 3, pbone 8-132, Seaforth. 26$041 emmostmeotomeememmemmosee liguffiumooffillopmmumommuo Mifilliffillilffi Aeroplanes for he Army 111111111=i GOMM - Flax Pal ling_ p‘ Wantedl mom mim mom =MEM .1•1•111111. 4111111•1111 1 The Seaforth Food Production Asiocia upon public attention the urgent need fort Flax Crop and also the iarther -desirability on farms this season. The Flax Crop will be ready to pull a Flax is used for manufacturing the w fighting lines. Save our splendid men by ing wings. ion is desirous of pressing ==. e proper harvesting of the ea..= f securing sufficient labor Mom - t the 25tle inst. ... W ....... = rigs of aeroplanes on the ivie.g them the best fight - MEN AND WOMEN CAN AN $4.00 PER DAY GIRLS AND BOYS CAN EARN 3.00 PER DAY. If you wish to piell,by the acre you. can get ;15 up. • You can work right at home. There Trucks to take you to work and bringeyo charge. 0111NIM 1=.11•111 In order to save time and secure favo make early application. 0111111M1 MINIM =NM OMNI 411•1011, din= MM. WINO FARM LABOR OUR SLOGAN -Farm Labor the Ke3rato Don't say you can't get help until you hts opportunity of assisting in securing it. I be Camp Borden Army = home each clay- free of bie loeations for pulling, le 11111~ 1= of Greater Produeilea. I „ given the S.F.P.A. the = Applications for eorperienced farm help ( en, boys' and W0111'.43111) a supplied by the Organization of R,esources nunittee of the Ontario I E Government should be filed with the secreta =,is necessary. INIIM = < IaS 3. A. STEWART, Mayor W. HART F. G. NEELIN, SecretarS, Seaforth, Jelly letle 1918. "Smile and Carry On. Mimp miniu minim illimmilmimommilloomommifimmilllifigml Sr at once. Quick Fti,,,g MMIS UMW 4 OMB 4MMW Y, President, S.F.P. P. A. 111111111111110111111111=11 e• -has ma e it the fa - mite 4's eet ration" c of the A lied armies. -( -send it t� your friend at the frni the hand esti, longeitt - sting re- freshMen he can carry.