The Huron Expositor, 1918-07-05, Page 8TEA Quality has placed our Tea in the foreground. It's the highest quality and best value we can offer our cus- tomers. Onee whieh Will give satis- faction always, thus enhancing your good will.-P'xice 56c a waned. Hfghest prices wM be paid for all' kin' ds of poultry delivered, Thursday - firemen's up to 12o'clock. W. J. Finnigan PHONE 72 SEAFORTH , 2634x2 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111411 AL GARAGE 1-1916 5 -Passenger Ford 1-1913 5 -Passenger Ford 1-1911 5 -Passenger Ford 1 -5 -Passenger Flander 1 -5 -Passenger Chevrolet 1 -2 -Passenger Jackson $385 $300 $175 $250 $475 $275 These cars are in good running shape. 1 41taost new steel tired buggy $15 1 covered 2 -seated, surrey $50 1 New 1,Ya h.p. gasoline engine On truck •$90 Have a umber of good second-hand Bicycles at ......BARGAIN PRICES NEW CLEVELAND AND MASSiY- HARRIS BICYCLES ....$40 to $50 Daly's Garage, Seaforth Harness We call your attention to our Sty- lish and up-to-datte Single Harness. The best values we have ever offered in Goldiee or Genuine Rubber Trim- med, made of Union Oak Leather, un- excelled in quality and design -our own make -with prices ranging from $25 up to $40. BUGGY DUSTERS , A large assortment of fancy atterns from $1 to $2.50 Wateeprof Rugs For Auto or Buggy, in Mohair or in Rubber -all sizes -$1.50 to $3.50 Plush or Wool Knee Rugs In Fancy Patterns, $3.50 to $10 SHAMOIS SKINS AUTO GAUNTLETS SPONGES SHOE REPAIRING We are still repairing shoes at the 1210St reasonable prices. Expert Workmanship Prempt Service. Broderick's Leather Goods Store Sweat Pads Axle Grease Whips James Watson General Insurance Agent Real Esta and Loan Agent Dealer in 'Sewing Machines. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly Apply at my office for particulars. J. F. DALY 0 we tat naiekd Optician. Iskluer Marriage Licenses SIGAFORTEE ONT FOR WALKING cisoose a oomfortable low heeled Eng- lt last. For dress weaii we have some excep- tionally attractiv'Lmodels in allOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Sport styles are well represented. White soles are still popular and we cart supply every footwear need. STYLE AND ECONOMY A seems, wage an eternal warfare, yet a weinan told us she had proved it economy to have a pair of SCIOES FOR EVERY OCCASION -changing them frequently. Street shoes look shabby after an afterno-oga, at tennis, evening slippers ciee be quickly ruined by damp pave- ments or wet grass, athletic shoes are asit of place in the house. We are headquarters for every style QUALITY FOOTWEAR R SCOTT Phone II THE HOME OF GOOD SHOW • cap limn F.41011'401* • DISTRICT MATERS 1 I - , Local Briefs. -An error appeared in the Strand Theatre advernaeMent of „last week, regarding the pride of ad- mission. There will lie no change in prices, the tickets remaining at the old figures of lfie and 10e for child- ren. -Mr. and Mrs. John McNay and family spent a few days this Week in Harailton.-Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh have returned from a two week's visi with friends in garloek.-Mi Ethe Grieve, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Dr. Grieve. -Miss Rena Mc Kenzie, of Stratford, is spending. th holidays at her home here. -Miss B McClure has returned from London where she was visiting with friends. - "Mrs. Middlemost, of Hamilton, spen the holiday at the parental home o Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johneton.-Nis Doreen Taman, of Toronto, is a gues at the home of Mr. J. A. Wilson. - Miss Helen McMichael, of Toronto, i spending a few holidays at her hom in Harpurhey. - Mr. and Mrs. W Jaraes spent the week end in Toronto -We have to thank Mr. William Mc Dougall, of Egmondville, for our firs dinner of new potatoes this year They were of the Goldeh. Seal variet were large in size and of excellen quality and have been ready for us for a week past. -Mr. Wm. Harkness who has been spending the past tw weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Frost left for Denfield on Saturday to vsi friends there before returning to hi home in South Porcupine. -Mrs. T Grieve won the prize in ,the Egmend ville knitting contest by bringing i the first pair of socks, -The Misse Ida and. Eva Love, of Toronto, ar spending the holidays at their hom here. -Miss Bessie Grieve, of Tare, i home for the holidays. -Mrs. Jame Sproat returned this week from month's visit with friends in Detroit She was accompanied by Mrs. Georg Allen, who will spend some week visiting friends here. -The Sacramen of the Lord's Supper will be dispense in the Egmondville Church on Sunda morning next. -Mr. Joe Robinson, o Toronto, spent the holiday at his horn in Egmondville.-Miss Edith Frost, o Denfield, who was visiting her casin Miss Beatrice Frost returned to he home on Saturday.-sMrs. Torrance and daughter, of London, are visitin this week with Mrs. 1S.'Neely.-Mrs E. Matthews of FordWich, is the gues of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fraser. -Mrs. M Y. McLean returned on Saturday from a- months' .visit with • Toronto an Hamilton friends. -Miss Reta Your] has returned from Toronto.-Domin ion Day this year was the coldest an most disagreeable summer holiday w have had for many years. -Margaret the little daughter of Mrs._ D. Stewart met with a nasty accident on Monday She was playing with some othe girls whee she was accidentally strucl in the face with a croquet mallet several stftches being required to dos the wound. -Mrs. A. D. Sutherlan and two children left on Saturday fo 1 Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, wher they will spend the summer.-Mis Esther Purcell and Miss Agnes Hewe spent the holiday •with Stratfor friends. -Mrs. W. Holt, vsho has been visiting her parents, Col. and Mrs. A Wilson, returned to New York this week. -Miss Anna Bell is the guest of friends in Quebec. -Many friends' wil regret to learn that Mrs, F. Case is seriously ill at her home here. -Miss Loretta Sloan and Miss Margaret Purcell were visiting 'with • Blyth friends this week. -Mr. Alex. Lowery has completed extensive improvements to his residence on North Main St. He has put a cellar under the whole house, with cement foundatiOn, floors and cistern, and Cement walk, and now has one of the most comfortable homes on the street. The work was done by Mr. W. Bristow, which is a guarantee as t� its efficieticy.-Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie, and daughter Florence, are spending a few days with London friends. -Mrs. W. W. Meredith, of Wallaceburg, is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. J. F. Reidee-Mr. and Mrs. McLennan, of Brantford, sent the week end at the home of Mrs. Boyd. -Mrs. Montgom- ery, of Brantford, was a guest at the home of Mrs. D. Stewart this week. - Miss Belle Ballantyne, of - Waterloo, is spending the holidays at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Ballantyne, in Harpurhey.---Mise Greta Watsqn, of Regina, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. James ,Watson, G6dekeh Street. - Lieutenant Reginald Abell, son of the late Joseph Abell, who was so well and favorably known iii Seaforth, was here from Toronto Royal Flying Corps, visiting his grandmother, Mrs. John Abell, for some days - before leaving for England. Lieut. Abell was in Texas training most .of the winter. -Mrs. J. O'Leary, and little daughter, of Winnipeg, aee visiting her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. David Donovan. -Miss lima Freexpan left on Wednesday morning to visit her fath- er in the West, who has a good posi- tion as manager of a flour mill out there. -Mr. Jarnes Reid, Vitoria street, had a serious operation per- formed on Tuesday evening by Drs. Wishart of London and McKay and Burrows of Seaforth. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. -Mrs. Kelly and son Emmet, visited friends near Brussels ever the holiday. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Holmested, left en Tues- day for Toronto, where they -will spend July and Augast.-Dr. J. H. McFaul and family and Mrs. Ellison and son of Toronto, are guests of Ur. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. -Dr. F. H. Larkin Preached anniversary services in Westminster on' Sunday, Rev. Craw- ord of that•nlace, occupying the pul- it of First Presbyterian church. -Mr. rid Mrs. John Pinkney and Miss Pink- ey were in Goderich last week at - ending the marriage of Mrs. Pink- ey's nieee.-A nmeical evening in aid f the Red Cross will be given on Monday evening, July 8th, in the Car- egie Librare hall, by Miss Goven- ock's and Mi • Hall's music classes. very one is invited to attend. -Mr. arl Stephenson, of Winnipeg, is vis - ting at the home of Mrs. Ellen Mur - ay, Goderich street -Mr. and Mrs. owan and family motored up from arnia and spent Sunday with Mr. nd Mrs. James Cowan. -Miss Deem, f Stratford, spent Sunday with her ousin, Mi-- Ruby Bristow. ---,Mr. R. . Archibald, of Dunnville, spent the oliday at the parental home of Mr. a a and Mrs. Jas. Archibald. -Mr. and d family motored msby for the week . Alex IVICNabb of th their aunt Mrs. Mrs.. W. A. Crich to Hamilton and G end. -Mr. and Mr Toronto, visited w John McNabb over the holiday. -Mr. George Smithers and fdaugkter, Miss Mabel, epent the luiliday WithAvlatives in towns -Mr. and Mrs: Padgett and son of Tor(Mio,are vi, siting at the h.ome of Mr. and Mrs. X Chittenden.-Miss Thompson and Mis McCanne 1Vb9ldaY for their espectiye Listowel stud Coll' •.00d.- sie McMichael wa ID Londo ho1iday.-1VIrs. Wil are visitini.;t, rs. he -Mr. and Monday for their Alberta. -Miss Burlington, is sp es her home here. of Rochester Hopi 1 left on omes in iss Bes- for the ouby and ittle son home in Ingersoll. . - L. Willis left' on home in 1Stettler, ettie Pethick, of ding the holidays Miss Grace Walker 1 is visiting at the parental horne of r, and Mrs, W. J. Walker. -Mr. and Mrs. F. J. awrence of Vancouver, al here sp nding a couple of month with M s. Law- • rence's parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkney. Mr. ',Lawrence is on the staff of one of theVa;ncouver schools. - Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ross and son motor - Monday. -Mr. and and son spent the Waw nosh. -Miss ed to Toronto on Mrs, Robt. McGee holiday in East Laura Robinson is t guest at the home Kinley preached in the Methodist evening last; bef London: He will Mr. A. A. Nayl r. -R v, Geo. Mc - is fare ell sermon church on. Sunday Ire his removal to be succeeded 'here by Rev. Mr. Moyen-Miss Robb, of Termite, is sPendieg the holidays at the home. of her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Menzies and es Menzies were e of Mr. and Mrs. week. -Major H. alo, and Major lvation Army were John Robb. -Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ja guests at the ho James McGee. thi Crawfordof Bufl Crawfor . of the S visitors at the horie of Mr. and Mrs. John McLennan this week. -Miss Edna Dayman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Da an, of McKillop, left this week to esume her position in Toronto. Farm ImpIetneats'i r Sale. -Two second- hand loaders, in good epair ; two second -band mowers, and one 6-fo.t Massey -Harris binder nearly new. Will be old on easY terms. R. C. Henderson. Seafo 6/3/3x2 For Sale -Male cal,Young Pigs, and as Pasture 'is small. One ood Cow. -L. G. Van Egmont', Seaforth.' 2688x1 For Sale. -A frame barn 20x40 feet_ can be easily moved. AP+ to Mr. H. Charters, on the premises, Seal rth, or to Colin Ken- nedy, Portage Is Prai ie. 2688-4 Musical Evening -4 musical evening in 'aid of the Red Cross will be given in the Carnegie Library Hal , on Monday evening, Slily 8th. at 8:15 p. m., sharp, given by Miss GOvenlock's and iIi88 Hall's pupils. Ev- ery one is invited to tteml-Admission, 25c. Hurley -Barry. --On Monday, June 24th, in St. Jame' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, lhere Was solemniz- ed the marriage cf Catharine Barry to John J. Hurley, of Brantford, Ont. The _ceremony was, conducted by Rev. Father Goetz, in the presence of the immediate relative. The happy cou- ple left on the 6:O a. m, train for' Buffalo and other points east. On their return Mr. a d Mrs. Hurley will reside in Seaiorth. Civic Holiday Celebration. -The Seaforth Branch o the Navy League will hold a "Keep atch" celebration in Victoria Park on Monday August, 5th. and the day wili be proclaimed Civic Holiday. he committee in charge have a nuijiber of scouts out securing the lates attractions. The programme will inc ude a monster par- ade, sports of all 1inds, a tank etc. - Watch for bills and full paticulars and remember the date. Civic Holislay, Monday, August 5 h. Good Barley. -We have received this week a sample of barley which was grown on the f rm of Mr. Robert Boyes, Bronson 1ine, Stanley, that measures 4 feet, 5 inches in length, the kernels being plump and well filled, and it is an excellent sample of the two -rowed Varity. Mr. Boyes says that he sirnpl§ reached oVer the fence and pulled a handful of stalks and that he has ten acres more of the same kind. Crops I of this kind not only pay well but ill go a long way towards a victorio s ending of the war. Death of Richard iHicks.-Mr. Rich- ard Hicks, one of the oldest, best known and highly respected residents of Egmondville, paSsed away at his home there on Wedn'esday after a Jong and trying illeess n his 76th year. For a number of years he was Prin- cipal of the Egmo dville school, but for many years he has lived retired in the village.. He also at one time took a, deep interes in the Egmond- ville chnrch and S nday sehool. He is survived by his i2v dow, but no fam- ily. The funeral setvices, which will be private, will be h Id from his home to the Egmondvill cemetery, this, Friday, afternoon. _sae A Terrible Expe ience.-TheWest- ern Globe .of Lacon4e, Alberta gives the following accoun of a terrible ex- perience that befel at little son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pi hard of Calgary and fornierly of Seaforth, and a grand- sont of Mr.. Win. Pi kardi for many years one of the lead.ng merchants of this town: Little Jo n Pickard, two- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Pickard of Calgary, had a Very disagreeable experience this week, which fortun- ately -will have no ad results. The Pickard family are camped for the season at the McLa in beach at Gull Lake. On Friday m rning the little fellow, who was playing with other members of the fa il3n around the cottage, 'disappeared and when his parents missed hizn o trace of him could be found. Aft r searching for a couple of hours, th fa -mer e in the neighborhood were cal led upon for as- sistance, and in a sho time hundreds of willing men we scouring the wooded country in t e vicinity, The search was kept up 11 Friday after- noon and throughout the night with- out success, and. on Saturday after- noon: the citizens of Lacombe turned out in force, and under leaders went .over every foot of brush and swamp for miles around. The search was kept up continaously: all day Satur- day, tired groops of 1 men being re- lieved by fresh volunteers but it was• not until seven o'clock Saturday ev- eniug that the joyful' word was ',sent out that the little one had been found, .and that he was all right. To say that the searcher were overjoy- ed is putting it mil y. - To Mr, R. Adams, a well known farmer of the dieted, fell the linnor of discovering the wanderer. With a party Mr. 1 TILE 11URON EXkOSITOB- CHOICE SUMMER READING , A line of„Oopyright Fietien, well bound books, 'printed frern clear type, good assortment of titles. Many of -these are -A1:35 and $1.50 editions. GOOD VALUE, AT .65c each Thompson s Bookstore. - SEAFORTH. Window Shades and Picture .Frames. Agent for New Idea Pattern'''. POCKET Registration eard Holders 1 OC Always new , goods to choose from. Do not fair to visit our store. New Model Columbia Machines now in stock. This is the Columbia Store. BEATnEs FAIR THE CASH WAY STORE SEAFORTH :•: ONTARIO Adams was scouring the district on section 11 over two miles from the child's home, when he caught. a glimpse of what he thoughtwas the child's curly head above the tall grass of a slough about half a utile away. His companions thought he was mis- taken, but Russ said he would inves- tigate and on going along found that his eyes had not deceived him, and that the lost was found. The youngster was standing in the wat- er of the slough, which was nearly up to his waist, and there is no doubt but that for Mr. Adams' discovery, all would have been over with him in a short time. He was in a weak con- dition after his thirty-six hours' ex- posure without food or water, and had he fallen in the slough the last chance of finding him, would have passed. Taking him in his arms Mr. Adams carried him to a farm house, where a little nourishment was given him and he Was then ca 'ed home to his ever-joyed paren'4s. How the boy managed to get so far .away from home through the rough country he had to travel. i a mystery, as grown men had their troubleagetting through' the tangles of fallen timber. About three hundred men took part in the search and it proved that there was nO one man too many. HIBBERT. School Report. -----The following is the report of the school in section No,. 7, Hibbert:Promotion to Jr.. IV -Flo- rence Venner, Lloyd Venner. , Promo- tion to Jr. 111-41slelsonHowe,Gladys Wren, Mary McDougall, Edna Saes- / eras- Proinotibn to Jr 111 -Ma McKaig, Lloyd ,Hoggarth, Wilso Greta Sararas. Prom.otion to Jr. II Leola GIanirille, Vera Trefirey, Gird wood MeKarkf ddie Chappel. - Norris; Teacher. 1 - , _ WALTON. Personal. -Miss Mayme Ryan, who is attending the Dominion School of Telegraphy 'in Toronto, spent the week end at the parental home here. - Dimensions For Soldier's Socks. -The Women's War Auxiliary ask that the. women who are knitting socks for the Auxiliary will make them accerdin to the follo-wing diinensions: Rib, • inches;7 inches plain -to heel; 2 inches for heel. Feet of socks, 9% to 11 inches. The scarcity and cost of yarn makes it imperative that the socks be not any longer than is absolutely ne- cessary for the Comfort of the soldiers -S. I. McLean, Secretary. VARNA. Notes. -The Orange Order will. at- tend the Presbyterian church on Sun- day, July 7th, at 8 o'clock in the ev- ening,, when special services 'will be held in connection with the order.- amummak:, alaMallaNNIINIM1/1111101axaa RINCESS Triangle Plays Set iihe Pace William Collier's Amusing Oornedy "The No Good Guy" Has been characterized by the critics as "an immediate success that will be popular for a long time to come." 1 Also "in this exquisitely human comedy Collier has not made a hit by accident, but through the use of high intelligence and fine sensibilities.' YOU CAN SEE IT' Thursday, Friday ad Saturday Complete prograxime always _ shown TWICE SATURDAY NIGHT PRIN CESS STRAND Showing -.- MAE MARSH in "THE CINDERELLA MAN" Pronounced Miss Marsh's best picture MON., TUES, WED. - Jack Pickford and Louise Huff in "THE VAAMINT" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Also the final episode' of "THE FIGHTING TRAIL" Price 15c • Children STRAND j -The sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed in the Presbyterian church here on Sabbath morning last. Nine were received into full coniniun- Zon profession of their faith in Christ and three were received by certificate, -site n CONSTANCE 1 Notes. -Rev. C. C. Keine preached his farewell sermon_ on Sabbath last to a large and appreciative audience, being asintimation of the high stan- dard of his ministmThoughthe circuit is a very heavy 'One he PPP' .forined his duties nobly and woW The best wishes of the Congregation go. with him in his new field' of labor at Cottam.-Miss Rose Rejr' an has been confined to her rooin far a few days this week. -)Mrs. Ed. and Wm. Brit.:. ton 'spent last week with the latter's parents, Warwick Township, Lamb - ton County. -Mr, Chdrles McGregor and faraily motored to London on Fri- day last. -- Haying has commenced - with a namber of the farmers and wil11= soon be general.- The copious shower - on Sunday evening last did much to freshen up everything, Which was much needed. :101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Mil BRUCEFIELD. Notes. -William Reid, jr., of Stan- ley, 'has been operated on for appen- dicitis. Dr. Gandier performed the operation. - Joe Grey, of Hamilton, visited in the village this week. -R. Gemanell has gone to the west, where he will work on a farm during the summer. -136 pairs of socks and 20 pairs of pyjamas were sent to head- quarters this week by the Red Cross society. -Pte. Russel Dallas spent the week end at his home here. He,is training in London and likes the lie. He will snake a good soldier -Miss Meths closed her school With a gala afternoon. There were games, etc., also a supper. Thirty dollars was handed in to the Red Cross treasury 'as a result of the day's fun. CHISELETJRST. Notes. -Mr. John Varley had the misfortune to get his leg broken on Thursday of last week, by being kick- ed by a cow. It is unfortunate 'it hap- pened at such a busy season, help be- ing so scarce. -The picnic held in Mr. McDonald's grove was well attended, it being an ideal day. Much interest was shown in the sports 4and horse shoe throwing. Several of our local boys who are training in London were present' and able to enjoy the com- pany of their friends. -Mr. Thomas Vernier is at present confined to the house with an attack of bronchitis. - Mr. John Fitzgerald, sr., spent a few days with Mr. Harry Regan, of Huh- letta-Mr. John McLean has purchas- ed a fine Mitchell car, 13EECHW000. ,School Report. -The following are the promotion Examination results of the pupils of school section No. 1, Me- ' Killop and Logan; Jr. IV to Sr. IV - Total, 850. -Charlie Malone 634; Philip Flena-gan 6213; Teresa Flanagan 619; Grace Moylan 550; Mary O'Rourke 527; Harold Maloney478; Fergus Kel- ley 467. Jr. III to Sr. III -Total 760 -Marguerite Horan 495; Katie Aan- agan 488; Patrick Maloney 480; Jos. Shea 472; Nellie O'Rourke 430, Har- vey Dantzer 427; Wilfrid O'Rourke 421 Marguerite Burns 404; Lizzie Hick- nell 394; Helen Dantzer 380. Sr. II to Jr. HI -Total 675 Jinn Shea, 524; Eileen Mulligan 487; Esther _Ryan 462 Mary Melone 435; Joseph Ryan 403; Jim Kelly 386. Jr. II to Sr. II -To- tal 625 -Joseph Malone 458; Ruth O'- Reilly 428; Mary Ryan 426; Kathleen Mulligan 402; Willie Kelly -319; John O'Rurke 282; Part II -John Moylan„ Patrick Flanagan, Willie Dantzer, An- nie Ryan, Pearl Horan, Emmett Mal- one, Margaret Mcilligan. Primer - Frank Maloney, Joseph O'Rourke, Joseph Ryan, Zechariah Ryan, Angela Mulligan, Joseph O'Reilly, Eileen ‘Burns, Rose Krauskopf, Willie Ryan. L. E. Young, Teacher. HAYFIELD Breezes -Mr. Geo. Mason, sr„ Mr. John Mason, jr., wife and child, ;3 WI Mrs. Robert Beattie and family, Ali of Winghaxix, motored down and spent the ist of July with Mr. anti Mrs. A. Erwin_k-Wm. Johuston and two sist- ers,ofliondon„ spent the :holiday in their summer home here. -Mr. Claire Pollock,land the Misses Brennan, of London, spent the lst at the former's home here, -Dominion Day was cele- brated here, but owing to the disa- reeahle weather,not as largea crowd urned out as was expected. How- ever, the atheistic sports were held on Claregregor Square, and were well contested in every event. Also a grand concert was held in the Town Hall in the evening. The_programme was given by Clinton, London and Belgrave singers &Da musicians and delighted the large audience present. After the concert a social ho r was held and a very large crowd enn_lbyed a pleasant evening together. Music was furnished by. the Geddes Orches- tra, of Belgrave, which delighted all present. The proceeds of the day and evening amounted to over $200 which is for patriotic purposes. - Rev-. Mr. Darling, wife and family moved from here on Tuesday to their new appoint- ment near Brantford. Rev. Mr. An- derson,- of Lambeth, ' is expected this week to take up his duties as pastor of the Methodist churchg for the year. -Dr. Tillman. wife and family, of London have taken a cottage in Lake- side Park for the season -Rev. Mr Jennings and daughters have arrived and are living in their' fine new cot- tage which he erected two years ago. =Miss Garret ands niece Miss Moth- \ ershead of Washington, D.C. arrived on Saturday and will spend the mer in in their handsome cottage here. -Ms. W. H. Robinson, wife and familP, of London have moved into Mrs. Ross's cottage, of Clinton and in- tend spending the summer here.- M r . Eugene Sander, wife and daughter, of Kitchener_ spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H..W'. Erwin. -Capt. Ferguson, W. ' Stinson Graham Moorehouse, D. II. McNaugh! ton and A. E. Erwin motored to Stratford on Wednesday last and took in the Horse Races while there. -Mr. George Green, wife and family of Drayton and Mrs. Albert Vanstone and'family, of Gorrie spent Dominion Day with their mother, Mrs. Green of the village. ---1; O. L. No. 24 in tend celebrating the 12th of July at Hen - sail and a large crowd are intending to go from here. -J. J. Mferner, M. P. wife and family, of Seaforth spent the ist.in the Tillage visiting friends.- Mr. Chas. Edwards and wife, of Tor- onto and Mies Baxter, of London have arrived at Miss Ferguson,s for the ummer. WIN MEM =O. MINF IER 1111•10 1.11•1 Mal O MEN ••••• •••11 E NO NNW =at & EV MIN IMO ISM •••• M.11. MI= =MC One RON MIN =OM YON IMMIS IMO 400 •••• 11.11▪ 111 NMI 11••• 1=11 N MI .1=11 an▪ d •MI -1=" J ▪ EN mat •Mall mit AMY 5, 19118 1111011111111111111111111,111111111 Br& _ 1Vactavis s Going on Your Va ation Soon? Then Take Our Advice -Don't LenanvigTo enEvery-dthayin! fo ia the Last Moment. Start the vacation trip completely. Many a person has found that I etesidperesp. preparation po why rush and hurry when you can purchase you every need now, leis- urely and with greater deliberatio ant 411. Aft low = ▪ Something New for the SpOkt and Bathing tiri Sport Model Corsets 7 c to $2.00 If you want your Waist line to I k trim and neat ev- en during strenuous exercise, or e en in your bathing- - suit, you will find this elastic spor model cor.4t splen- didly adapted, and, that is more extremely =fort- = able. They fit snug over the ab omen and over the hips and also nave bose supporter Ask to see them at our tors t cdunter, 5'. New Shipments Offer did Choice to Buy Whether it is because we have muslins that has brought to us s utile of business, or Whether incre led us to give particular attentio it is nevertheless a fact that worne preference. These include und drawers, 'gowns and camisoles. lam _= Summer Dresses at Cool White Skirts M ent Materials at They launder beautifully. Ma dine and pique. Others of a ne is also washable. Made -with a n tractively trimmed with Pearl b pockets. If you want to be truly find no better . way than to bay skirts in your Summer wardrobe. MM. = k SEMI , 1=111 MIN 1••▪ • OMN▪ I NNW awl awn mim▪ e =no moR row soma OEM 1•1110 NMI Ininf Imo 1•1•0 MON !MI mot =Ms IMMO wards WomenSplen- ndermluslins specialized on under - ch a substantial vol - sed Sales has col:nisei- to this departilnent- give this store first. rskirts, corset covers, Price range 20C to Se. alaa. Paa 111MF ,7 lilt Olt de of EXCel 2 to $35O erial are rep, cotton mate w panel front gahar- ial that and at - RODS and attractive economical, ou can two or more f these This manufaEturer, by the way, being the most particular in his fiel ness finds clear reflection in the g Prepare to buy liberally and be on le The styles are those you will fir the price. Splendid quality gingh ing ; trimmed in white and various terials. 1.25 and u as the repute ion -for . So this areful- rinents them elven. and soon. d in models 4 twice ms used in tbe mak- , rrangements ma- Summer Underwear Stock Fu I 'and Complete Here \ k In this day and time the merchan his stocks complete, offers a service thy of your serious consideration. Being able to select from complet underwear in all the various quail fording the same kind of values y tomed to heretofore, is an example o ed.at this store. who is able tc keep to you that is wor- stocks of Su mer ies and at price af- u have been ac us - the service render - SIN SPS SITIs P717 OPP 4•P 4510 Dainty Wash Fabrics,, so cool and 5 and Invitin A 4eer Voiles; in. scores of lovely patterns; checks, two/tone stripes, plaids, floral effect Grecian scrolls, Orielntal designs; scores of patterns n beautiful cielor cpoi amzi de‘spi n.hayf atrivsoo rnasnd i .ngGthinems the clans, sm.: rt checks and 1 of exception i quality in ply plain colors to combine with them. C stume Linen, Lustrous Poplins and kddie Cloth for he younger set. Their low prices will be a revelation to mi. A great ss ... ss variety at the popular prices from 35c to 75C. . Ili g AIR . NM Splendid Quality Irish Linen 40c I - a yd, 70/ There come days during July and A simply must have at least several wash s a material partioularly desirable for s splendidly and in a fashionable crash effe wide. Colors, reseda, rose, grey, co and pink. Irish linen, pongee, extra quail "rommasamosa -ma gust when you irts. This is irts ; washes t. 36 inches enhagen, helio y at 65c a yd.. J. Mactav sh Seaforth 3111111111111111IMMIIIIMMI1HINWINflitli lIflPl��hlllIilIlI aro