The Huron Expositor, 1918-07-05, Page 5JTJL19Js
rider Feet
er wore." is the eapres
`e Shoes.
trotibled with tender sensative
of our Cushion Sole Shoes.
et unon a soft insole a fine felt,
ye!? of cork, (levered by a good
f these Aloes are made of fine,
ei the heels -are broad and. cam-
leres Cushion sole shoes in all
ith flexible turn soles and
$5.00 and 5.50
tam soles, rubber heels, and
Vassar brand, per pair, $6.50
no Empress make, uppers of
Tied or sewn with the Goodyear
. .. . . ...... 47.50
es of fine kid leather and with
per pair, $• 70.0
ppers of fine kid leather and
. . ... . . $7.00
011. We
il sermon on Sunday evening last.
'ere was a good attendance and spec -
Ely good music by the church choir,
sisted by the sister charge of
eiselhurst, and Miss Follick of Ex -
r. The cantatta rendered so. well
Is much enjoyed bv the large con-
.egation. Rev. Mr. Knight goes to
:Iverton after a pastorate here of
ree years and will be missed by
env friends. He will be succeeded
- the Rev. Mr. Dean, of Monkton,
to comes very highly spoken of, and
II give his first sermon here on Sun -
v,. first July 7th. At the morning
mice at the Methodist church the
nice was taken by the superinten.-
nt. Mr. Ortwine, assisted by the tea-
ers and was of a Patriotic Nature
was much enjoyed by all present.
Quite a number of our recently en -
ted young men were privileged to
end a couple of days at their homes
re, while others expect to spend the
ming Sunday with parents an4
[ends in Hensall and vicinity. -Mr.
hn Cameron, G. T. R. Agent a
!orgetown, spent a day here recentsi
with his parents, Me and Mrs rri
meron, and attended installation at
e Masonic Lodge OD Monday emit
;%-The Misses Lammiey of
rd are home spending holidays wi
air parents as are alsothe Marshall
vs from. Belleville.-Reave Petty
vinhis 'brick block, formerly'
own as the Bell Nock, re-painteCt
ueh gives it a nice front appearance, -
d we believe a number more a our
siness men intend touching up their
nts in the same way. -Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor have this week moved into,
. s. Bullard's dwelling just east of
a Presbyterian church, which they
e -e rented. -At date of writing wee
ve learned of the death of Mr.
e. Tapp, of what has been termed
rhe past as Rodgerville, a eouple
les south of our village. The de.
tsed had attained the good ripe age
86 years. Her maiden name was
zabeth Willis_ and she was a wo-
a highly respected for her many
iellent qualities, and her demise
?n at that ripe age was hastened
a paralytic stroke from which she
i been suffering for a number of
eks and part of the time was in
uncenscious state. Much seen -
h is extended to her aged husband
I her son John of the village, and
other members of the family liv-
at a distance from home. -Mrs.
Pope and daughter,. Miss. Ellen,
ac returned home from London
e?e they have been sneneling several
ks with friends and relatives.-'
committe for the celebration here
he 12th are getting very busy with
!near approach of that date and aint
.aving it the very best -Miss Kate
wen of London, was here re-
ly spending a week or so with her
- friends and relativeg.-The retri
given by the pupils of Miss F.
on Friday evening last, was very
attended and her many pupils
alike credit to themsaves and _
teacher. The programme was
and varied and much enjoyed hlr
-nd the proceeds which were gen-
sly given for patriotic purposea
,zed a nice sum for the good
e. -Our Sunday evening concerts
nt by the band are much enjoyed.
assortments of Serges,
..eds you could wish to
greys, browns and
with guaranteed dyes.
-ariety of materials at
et the same attention
Dur fine new stock of
etc,. We're sure
Red Cress. -The Ladies' Patriotic
Association of $t Columban and -Man-
* assembled at the home of Mrs. G.
lloiland, on the 29th int, and
packed boxes of eats, valued at eighty
donna for the boys overseas. From
letters received from the boys over
there we learn those thing's are highly
Welcome and much appreciated. The
number of names to whom we send
boxes is slowly but surely- increasing
as the months go by, but this labor of
love and duty we must endeavor to
carry* on until those dear ones return.
The ladies intend to meet on Tues-
eay, july 9th, for cutting: and sewing
garraents for the Red Cross. MI the
ladies are requested to attend.
The Demonstration. -The First of
July celebration held here was accom-
panied by very bad weather, which
kept the people from coming to a
large extent, but for all, there was
good crowd and the games Were ear-
ried out pretty well in the morning.
The calithumplan and trades proces-
sion, headed by the band, marched
through the principal streets and was
eine of the best ever held, especially
the tank, Which crawled along with
guns firing from the inside, giving a
very good idea Of the origisel war -ma-.
chines. -This was followed by a game
of baseball between Wingham and
Westfild, which resulted in a victory
for the latter team he the score of 19
to 5. After dinner a great program
of athletic sports were run off, which
were keenly 'contested, especially the
automobile races, which went the mile
itt fast time and were won by Taylor,
of Blyth, with a Ford ear, and Dobie,
of Wingham, with a McLaughlin car.
In the evening a packed house greet-
ecl the crowd. The proceeds amount-
ed to abouse$1,000, which is for patri-
otic purposes. Great credit is due
those who took such an active part
in making the da v such a success un-
der adverse circumstances.
Sehool Report -The followfng is the
result of Promotion Examinations of
pupils of S.S. Na. 7. Stanley. The
classes are given as they will be_after
Sept. 1st. Pupils promoted are mark-
ed "P" those not promoted "R."
Senior 4th -Louise Turner (P).
Junior 4th -Lorne Coleman (P). Keith
Love (P). Senior 3rd-F,lva Stephen-
son (R). Annie Turner (P), Anna Love
(P). Junior 3rd-Einine Love (R),
Vera Smith (P), Welker Cathie ( P),
Eileen Turner (P), William Anderson
(P), My Stelk (P), Lawrence Reich-
ert (P), Edna Cochrane (P). ' Junior
2nd -Grace Colemen, Clarence Steph-
enson, Merle Carina Gladys Stephen-
son, Robert Turner, Earl Love. P -art
2nd -Wilma. Love, Elmer Turner, Vi-
ola Stelk, Blanche Jeffrey. Senior
Part lst-Dorine Farquhar. Junior
Part Dote...Rai ob Turner, Pearl M.
Taylor, Teacher.
Seaforth, June 27, 1918
Wheat, per bushel 2.10
'Oats, per bushel 65,
Batley, per bushel, - • . . • • • • • • • $1•40
Bran, per ton 36.00
Shorts, per ton $41.00
Flour, per -cwt $5.75
Peaa, per bushel .. .. .. .. ..$3.09
Margarine 37c
Potatoes peebag $1.25
Butter, per lb. 35c to 38c
Eggs, per dozen 36c to 37c
Hogs per cwt. $17.25
Toronto, July 2-Beans-Cieriadian hand
picked. bugle'. $8; imp., handepieked, Burma.
or Indian, $6.75; Japan, $8.50 to $8.75; Li-
man 18c to 19c.
Toronto, July 2 -Cheese -New, large, 261/2
to 24c, twins, 233/s to 244; old large 251e,c
to 26c; twins 26c to 261a c.
Toronto, July 2 -Dressed Poultry -Spring
ehickens, 65e; rooters, 28c; fowl'38c to 40e:
turkeys, 40c to 45c. lsite Poutry- Spring
thickens, 55c; roosters, 26c; turkeys, 30c:
tans, 30c to 32e.
Toronto, July 2 -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1,
Northern, $2.23%; No, 2 Northern, $2.201,;
No. 3 Northern, $2.171,6; No. 4 wheat, $2.10/2;
in store Fort William, including 21/ec tax.
Manitoba Oate-No. 2, C. W. 851/2c ; No. 3
C. W., 821e3e; extra No. 1 feed, 82%c • No. 1
feed, 79Ine, in :store Fort William. .Ainerican
Corn -No 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal ; No.
I yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats
-No. 2 white. 79c to 80c; No 3 white, 78e
to 79c, according to freighta outside. Ont-
ario Wheat -No. 2 Winter, per car lot, $2.22;
basis in store Montreal. Peas -Nominal
Barley, malting, $1.23 to $1.25, aecording to
freights outside. Budkwheat-$1.80, accord-
ing to freights outside. Rye -No. 2 52.00,
according to freights outside. Manitoba flour
-War quality, $10.65.'new bngs, Toronto
and Montreal freights, prompt shipment.
Ontario flour --War quality, $10.65, in bares,
Toronto and Montreal. prompt shipment.
Millieed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal frei-
ghts, bags included: Bran, per ton, 535.00
Shorts per ton, $40.00. Hay -No. 1 per top,
415.50 to $16.50; mixed, 513. to 514, track
Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, 58.00 to
48.50, track Toronto.
Buffalo, July 2--Catt1e,-Reoeipte, 3,000;
steady to strong; prime steers, $17.50 to
517.85; shipping ethers, $17 to $17.26; butch-
ers' 512.00 to $16.75: Yearlings. $13-00 to
317.00; heifers, 510.00 to 518.25; cows, 56-50
to 512,20; bull% 57.50 to 512.00; stockers and
feeder,, 57.50 to 510.50; fresh cos" and
Wingers, 560 to 4145. Calves--Iteceips,
1,850, strong. 57 to $18.25. Hogs -Receipts,
6,000; etrong, heavy, $17.50to 517.75; mixed
Yorkers, light yorkere and pig, 517.85 to
$18: rough, 515 to $15.25; stags, $10 to 512.
Sheep and Laralos-Receipts, 1,000; steady to
strong; lambs, 514 to 518.75; Yearlings, $10
to 416; weathers, $12.50 to 513.50; few fancy,
414.25; ewes, 56 to $12: mixed eleeP. e$12 --t°
Unites Stock Yards. Toronto, July 2-A
steady demand for all kinds of cattle marked
the.tracling at the Union stock yards yester-
day. The run V! 03 a fairly large one, but it
was Pretty well cleaned up before the ohne
of the day. There was little if any change in
Prices, though one er two drovers •reported
butcher cattle 25c lower. For choice eteers
Prices continue firm but comparatively few
seatle that would merit this description are
tion the market at present.
The lee; market is holding its steady tone,
and pricos for this; NtiCt.1( will be unchanged
at Ste fel and watered. Yesterday's offer-
ings were a Rae malter than Monday last.
one; Ina head being marketed.
Sheet, a.0•1 Iambs were in better dessoo.nd.
While th .to• woe little enquiry for heavy aheen
lieht ewes were bid hieher. Lambs were de-
cieedls mai, the bet on the market selling at
nine esound 320 to 521.
$22.00 with ;Ale aeerege for choice quality run -
The run wee 19•2 (-are. with 3.36e head of
and Iambs.
cattle, tea caive-s. 1,660 hogs and ass alseee
Reines enteti • s. 4alu$:
Ine Swift Canadian Co. bought 100 sheees
to 316.50.
$9.01 to; yearlings. 514.00 to 517.00%
Bonne. lith,,
510.00 to 522.00; 125 calve -3. $10.
Dunn and Lvack sold 15 butchers, 1:040
Re.. $14.25; 20, 1,140 lbs, 514.00; 9. 780 lbs.,
$12.10: 24, 940 lbs., 313.10: 8, 1,040 lbs.,
414.1e. COM -It. 1,150 11)3., 311,10: e.
1,120 lbs.. 511.25; 2, 1,110 lbs., $11.00; 1.
1. 1,120 lee, 58.50; 3. 1.150 Ile., 510.00; 6.
976 lie., $11.00; 12. 1,250 lbe., $11.00; 2,
1.420 lbs., $11.00; 3, 1,120 lbs., 510.00; 2,
Bee $11.0n
J. B. Shieets and Co. sold: One bull,
1,430 lbs. 511.50; 5 cows, 1,020 lhe., 511.90;
1- cow 1,030 lbs. 59.00; 7 cone, LOTO
410.51: 1 cow, 970 lbs..36.50: 2 cows, 1,010
ibse $11.25; 1 cow. 1,020 Ilse..(511.2C ; 2 cows,
1.100 baths, 75 ihan • $32.06; 2
slim, 115 ., 515.00; 2 aim. 185 Men $11-00;
5.4arobs, 138 lbs., $21. 22 lambs. averaging 68
221.00;- 1 lamb, 50 -lbs.. g14; 8 ealven
170 lbs., $15.75; 1 calf, 240 $16.00; 8
sheep, 110 lbs., $8.00; 2 ahem. 115 Mao 515;
2 calves. 185 lbs.. $15.25; 1 sheep, leo Ihs.,
$14.60; l*calf. 260 lbs., $15; 2 sheen, 105 lbs.
$16.50; 4 sheep, 175 Ms., 512.16; 4 caws.
050 lbs., $9.50; 1 00W, 840 Theo $7; 11 cows
1,060 lbs., $11.50; 18 steers. 1,680 lbs.. $18.85;
10 steers and heifers, 840 Than $18.50; 2
lambs, 76 lbs.; $22.00; 6 Yearlings. 80 lbs., $17;
20 sheep, 120 Thee $14.85; 2 'calves, 580 lbs.,
318.00: 5 salves. 275 lbs„,- 510.00. 3 calves.
210 lbs., $16.50; 9 heifers, 960 lba., $13.75; 1
ball, 1,380 ebs., $13.80; 1 bull, 1,840 lbs., $11.-
Rice and Whaley sold 22 cars: 22, 1.140 1,140 lbs., $15; 6. 920 lbs., $14.85; 19,
1,100 lbs., $1.4.35; 23, $13.60; 8
870 Ibis., "$13.50; 1, 990 lbs., $13. Coma -6,
1,110 lbs., $11; 7, 1,190 lbs., $11,40; 5, 1,820
Ilen, $11.75; 2, 1,150 lbs., $10.75; 1, 1,150 lbs.;
$/.0.76; 10, 1,160 lbs„ $11.50; 1, 1,090 Ibe.,
$6.75; 2, 960 lbs., $8.50: 3, 1,020 lbs., $11,50.
Buils--2, 1,020 lbs., $9.50; 1. 1,040 lbs., $12.
Calves. -2, 800 813.75; 13, 110 lbs., $12;
le 230 lbs., $17; 6. 80 lbs., $12; 81,1.80 lbs.,
$16; 19, 160 lbs„ 016.5(); 6, 180 lbs., $16.
17. 180 Ibs., $16; 1, 210 lbs., $16,00; 1, 380
Ibis., $11.50; 2, 160 lbs., $14.00: 8, 140 lbs.,
416.50; 1, 160. lbs., $14 e 1, 220 lbs., $14.
Sheep -2, 110 lbs.. $14; 4, 160 lbs., $1.4.1)0;
2, 200 lbe., $11,00; 12, 160 lbs., $11.50; 2,
140 lbs., $9.00; .3, 120 lbs., $41.2 Lairtbs-e-1,
150 lbsi, $16; 4, 90 Re., $21.25.
Cort,ot a11 and Coughlin sole 40 cars -,
Extrn choice havy steers, $15.50 to $16; good
heavy steers, $15 to $15.30; choke butcher
:steers and heifees, 514.50 to $15; gond. $18-75
$14.25; medium, $11.00 to $12; Common, $9
to $10; ehoiceheavy bulls, $11.25 to $12; but-
cher bulls, $10 to $11.50; bologna bulls, $8.25
to $9.25; choice butcher cows, $11.50 to $12;
good butcher cows, $10.50 et,o $11; mediurn
butcher cows, $8.50 to $9.56; common but-
cher cows, $7 to $8; canners, $6 to $6.50:
sheer:, light, clipped, $13.00 to $14.00; heavy
sheep and bucics. $10.50 to $12: choice spring
Iambs, $20 W $21.50; choice calves, $16 to
$17; medium calves, $14 W $151, hogs, fed
and watered, $1.8.00; hogs off cars $18.25.
McDonald and Halligan sold 27 loads of
cattle, act follows: Butchers, 6; 1,1e0 thee
$15a0; 18, 1,180 lbs.. $15.10; 16, 1,125 lbo.,
$15.00; 6. 1,289 lbs., $15 ; 12, 1,060 lbs., $14.66
13, 990 lbs., $14.00; 9, 1,290 lbs., $14.25; 17.
1.000 lbs., $14.40; 22, 1,160 lbs., $14.40 ; 9,
1,075 Tbs.. $14.00: 3, 1.1/1 lbs„ $14; 1, 1,280
lbs., $14; 20, 1.085 lbs., $14; 15, ,920 lbs„
$13.70; 12, 1,055 lbs., 513.70; 1. 1,110 The.,
$/8.40; 12, 995 lbs., $118.25; 1, 950 else., $13;
27, 1.070 The., $12.e5•, 4, 910 lbs., $12.50: 1,
NO lbs., 513; 5. 900 lbs., $12.85: 17, 915 rm.,
$12; 11, 9(30 lbs., $12. Cow --3, 1,180 ha.,
$13: 1, 1.110 lbs., 518; 1. 1060 lbs.. $12.50;
4, 1,165 lbs.. $12.25; 4. 1.110 lbs.. $11.50; 2,
1,165 lbs., $11.15; 2, 1,020 lbs.. $11; 6, 1.150
lbs., $10.75: 1. 1.030 lbs.: 010.50; 1, 960 lbs.,
$10.25; 3, 1,025 lbs., 310.26; 1, 800 llon, $10.
Bulls --1. 1.760 lbs., $12.50. Shipped out two
loads of stockers.
The quotations were: -Extra choice heavy
steers, $15.50 to $17: • Choice heavy steers,
$14.50 to $14.75; butchers cattle, choice,
$14.50 -to $15; butchers,- good, $13.75 to $14;
butchers, medium, $12 to $12.50; butchers,
common, $11 to $11.25; buthhers' bells, choice,
$11.50 to e.12.00: good hulls, $11 to $11.50;
medium, $10.25 to $10.50; rough bulls, $7.60 th
38.50; butcher cows. choice, $12.00 to $12.50;
good. $11.50 to $11.75; medium, $9.75 W 510.
25; stockers, $8 to 311: feeders. $11. to $11.50;
capers ad cutters, $5.50 to 56.50; milkers,
ood to choice, $90 to $140: cmmon and med-
ium $66 W $80; springers, $90 to 3140: light
ewes, $15 to $17; yearlings, $15.50 W 317:
spring lambs. 20c to 22c; calves 513 to 517;
hoses, fed and watered, $18: weighed off cars,
$18.25; f. o. b. $17.00.
Gibson -In Wroxeter, n June 22nd, to Mr.
and Mas. John Gibson, a son.
Ilanna-es Grey Township, on June 1510, to
leer. and Mrs. William Hanna, a son -John
Buchannan-In Walton. on June 25th. to Mr.
and elWre. J. S. Buchannan, a daughter,
Mary Isabel.•
Leyburne-In Tuckersmith, on June 17111, to
Mr. and Mrs. S. Leyburne, a daughter.
Dalrymple -In Brucefield. on June:21st to Mr.
and Mrs. Dalrymple, a son.
Burdge --In Stanley. on June 20th. to Mr. and
Mrs. Feed Burdge, .a son.
Bell-Speir-At the home of the bride, on
June 19, by Rev. A. J. Mann, 13-.A., Mr.
Edwin T. Bell, B.A., Toronto, to Miss Cora,
Adelaide. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James 81Peit, of Morris townithip.
Gaseho--Brennerman-In Hay Township, on
June 4th, Amos Gascho and Annie Brenner -
man, both of Hay township. .
Meyers-Deniardine---At Varna, big Rev. D.
Jehtistwn, on June 20th. Celia, daug'itier of
Mr. mill Mtn. Z. Desjardifie, Babylon Line,
to• Ma. T. Meyers. of Blake.
Hicks -en Egrziondville. on July 3rd, Richard
Hicks, aged 76 years.
Stevrart-In Goderich, on June 23r4, James
- Stewart, aged 79 years and 7 months.
Stiles -1n Ashfield, on June 24th, John Stiles,
aged 54 Years.
Reynett-At Alexsindria Hosental, on June 24,
MSS Isabella If. Reynett.
Gill -In Exeter, on June 13, John Gill, aged
89 years.
English -In Crediton, on June 14th, leery
Sweitzer, wife of John Englieb, aged 43
years, 10 months and 6 days.
Ale.. BM/
111 T. BOX dE GO.
Embalmers and
Funeral Dire,cters
Holder of Government Diploma
and Liscense
Charges Moderate!
Flowers furnished on short notice
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 50
W. S. Gorrniey
Undertaking Parlous Above
M. Williams' Grocery Store.
Main Strett, Seaforth
Flowers furnished on short notice
Charges_ moderate
Phone -Night or Day -192
Complaint has ben made to tlae McKillop
Counc4 that parties have been bathing in
the Maitland River opposite the CerneterY,
without proper clothing. As this is oontrarY
W the Ontario Statutes and the By-Iawe
the Manicipality of the Township of Mc.;
Kalov, any further violation of the Act will
be punisseed as tkk.e law direete. By order el
the council.
.41100.M. ItIURDIE,
2601-3 Clerk ^ of McKillop.
Brine your Casings, Tubes and Electrical
work to Square Deal Garage, Varna. Phone
Clinton 6E6 r 14 for scientific repairing, All
Vulcanizing guarenteed not to Lump, Blister
or Pull Apart. W111 outlive rest of casing.
Cerapleste line of repaired casinge carried, 55
and un. Also all new tires kept in stock. Ea-
proes tesarges paid one way. E. H. EPPS &
SON. Varna. 26:38-tf
Of Houseeced leerniture in Egmortdvjfle.
3 blooks west of the Woollen Mills, on Satur-
day, July 135., at 1 Clock p. ma., the follow-
ing .7-3 lockers, Cie cabinet, parlor table,
settee. 2 bedroom suites, dining room table
and 6 theirs, sideboard, couch, 1 leeIcorne
Natiosal range, MoClary heater, kitchen cab-
inet, 6 kitchen chalets, and other articles too
numerous to mention. Terms -All sums of
$1.0 and under, cash, 8 months credit on bank-
able paper. RALPH R. WHIgE, Prop, T.
Brown. Auet. 20884
resh Fruit'
We have on sale Special
,Bar ains in Fresh Fruit:
Straw erries-2'o and 25c a box
Pine 4pples $3.00 per dozen
T os..Phiilips
lesale and Retail Fruits
Opposit4 Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
'Streyed from the premises, Lot 29, Con-
cession 7, McKillop, on or about May 20th,
a redteewith white star on forehead, and
weighing a out 600 pounds and dehorned. Any
infonnatio leading to its recovery please
notify SY NEY A. DOLMAGE, R. R. No; 1,
Seaforth, r phone 10 on 234. 2638x2
Strayed rom Mr. John Govenlockre farm,
near Wint rop, about the last week in June,
5 steers, 3 two year olds. White: Roan and
Gray. and 2 Red ones, not so old. Any in-
formation leading th their recovery please
phone 11) on 244, • Seaforth.-MRS. WM.
ANDERSON. 26e8-3
For sale north half cif Lot 36 and west
half of Lo14 34. on the 6th concession of Me-
Killop. This is a first class larinewell drain-
ed and wele fenced. and Will be sold cheap and
on reasonable terms forquick sale. For fur-
ther partichlars apple to THOMAS J. AD-
AMS. R. R No. 1. Clinton. Also 26 acres of
hay. first cit, will be seed on the field.
For sale. 12 young 'pigs 6 weeka old on
hone 12 on 636
tillettor , , Clinton Central.
July 14. S.pply on Lot 12, Concession 3,
For Sale a oottage with two bedrooms, and
two lots oia North Main Street, two blocks
irons: Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and
soft water in kitchen. All in good .Autpe.
Easy- terms, Aemire to E. L. BOX, -Seaforth
or Bale lot 17, concession 9, Township et
McKilloto, eontaining 100 saranThl. 'form
has been in geese for a 'masher of Year*. awl
_should grow geod crops. write for Particulars
as to peke and terms to JAMES I. JOHNS -
TONS co Manitoba Hotel, -Winnipegn Man.
For Sale Cement Draining Tile -All sizes
from 3 W 12 inches. Emu; inch at 524.00 per
thousand arid other prices equally as reason-
able. Apt e on Lot 29, Concession 7, Mc -
Kalov. Phone 10 on 234. Seaforth. SYDNEY
A. DOLIVIAGE. 2658x3
n am preenred th pay the highest Cash Price
fof all kinde of poultry delivered at my store.
Main Street; Seaforth, on Wednesday and
Thursdaa Ferenoon of each week
Small frame house on West William
street, Seforth, hard and soft water,
good stab, e. For further particulars
apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 en 124. 2622-tf
100 Acres of land, 11A miles from Seaforth.
Rich clay loam, well watered; small• orcherd;
two story frame house with stone foundation;
benk barn, etene stabling.• A beautiful home.
Price 55,500; BOX 8, Sean:nibs 2636-53
We have our Creamery now in full
operation, and we want your patron-
age. We are prepared to pay you
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you esreryl two weeks, *Vb, sample
and test aeh can of cream carefully
and give ou statement of the same
We also ijupply cans free of charge
and give ou an honest business deal:
Call in aiad see us or drop us a card for
Wednesday night. July loth
Jewett's Grove Pavilion
8 to 12 p.m.
Blackstone -Buckley five
piece orchestra
The Three -Plow Tractor for Ontario.
The Tractor that Makes Good.
The Tractor that has stood tke Test.
The Tractor that is guaranteed Under
Write for Free Catalogue Prices and
any information Wanted.
; R•p
Sefling Agents for Ontario.
ales •••-•,•-re.
M port
s The 'following imported Clydesdale
and Percheron Stallions w ich are all
enrolled, inspected and a proved will
stand, for service Ahis s aeon at
Clydesdale [92541 (12 25)
Enrolment No. 1366 Form. 1
To insure $15
Clydesdale S95961 (14 33)
Enrolment No. 1681 Form,. A 1
• To insure 515
Pereheron (8382)
Enrolment No. 4986 Form 1.
To insure 513
Clydesdale [9255] (121
Enrolment No. 1870
•, To insure $18
Will travel' the following rou :
Monday May 6th-Wi11 leave h' own stable
at Hensel , and go west th seco d concession.
south 8% miles to R. Northeo 'a for noon;
south 134,miles, east 1.3/4 miles, en north to
Ben Mak ins, for night. Tina y -East 114
miles, toThemes Venner's, fel noon; then
north ly miles th Chiselhurst, hen west to
John Mc earl% corner, northin% n Hes to Wm.
Hoggarth s for night. Wednes ay -West th
James M Gregor's corner and no h 114 miles,
then west 134 miles to Thomas NS orkinan's for
neon; then south 11/4 miles to Ki pen, west W
Hills Greer., north to Hugh Loy 's for night.
Thursday -Wet th Blake, sout to. Elmer
Klopp's, for noon; then west St. Joseph
and thenl south tci A. Hendric s, for night,
and wher he will remain until Friday noon.
Friday n on --East to the 14th a ncession, and
north 114 miles, then east Se miles, ,and
north W Wiltiam Thiel's for nee t. Saturday
-Will Pr.ceed south 11,4 mil, ast W Gosh-
en line and north to Zurieti, to the Gommer-
cial •Hotel, for noon; then eas to Hensall,
to his own stable where he will remain unte
the folloWing 3,1onday morning.
William Kay, Manager.
Pereheron [3139] (842 4)
Enrolment No. 1869 • Form A 1
To insure 518
Will tritvel the following rou
Monday May 6th -Will leave
t mil
at Hensa ,and go east 1% M
3% miles . and east 11/4 ranee
own stable
and Mirth
Abe. For-
sYthe's f0 noon; then four to winkaa„
Davis', for night. Tuesdays- by WO lei
Staffa, th 'ErnielTempleman'et 1,0 noon; 'thee
.oast 11/4 . es, south 134 and weat.A
miles to 1 Scott's for Wednesday-
"---Vini3t 2 ' ranee,' south 2% ' to the
boundary Dan el Brietnell'e, to noon; then
west to his own tables at Renee , remaining
there until Thursday morning Thursday
-West to 1Parr Line. north to -Hi Green . to
Wilson Carlyle's for noon; en .a• rth to Green,-to
Co th Rawest AO Gosh' 'Line, then
south • lmansath west to to PI
Thiel's io njgbt. Friday-West14o the 14tb.
th Hentyi; k's, for no.: then south
in Mlles, -rii, Imilei and to William
Thiere for 4 night, i Saturdara-s, arid -ease
to Zurich, to Commereml.Hotelsalss,•-xoon ; then
east to his own stable, • Ile n11, where
he will remain Until the follew ng Monday
morning. 1 - •
William. Luker, I Manager.
(1378) [16986]
Enrolment No. 1867-Inspeeted and Approved
1Form 1. -
Will stand for •the improvenae
during the present season at J
Gavin's stales, Leadbury, lot 22,
13, McKill p. Terzns 512 to insu
February 1
t, 1 1 se
t of stock
hn .1. Mc-
e, payable
.i. J. MeGAVINI Proprietor
The Stendard Bred Trotting
No. 42946, Vol. XXII, A. T. R.
Enrolment No. 1151. .
Will stand for the improvement b
season at his own stable in E.
Terme, 513 to insure.
JAMES BERRY,1 Proprietor.
Form 1.
stock this
on ville.
Passed • Enrobnent No. 368 Form 1
(Imp.) [3140] (83420
• $t5 th ineure.
Will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as fellows:
Monday -Will leave his own Jeanie, Bruce -
field, and go west 101 Varna, at Chris. Ward's,
for noon; then earth into Gode township,
and west by way cf Bayfield conetissiaa to Ar-
thur Welsh's, for naght, Tuesday--No-tb lsr
way of the 7th concession, so George 'Vander -
burg's, Porter'.; Hill, We mewl ; then north her
way on the 6th concession W Jas. McMillan's,
for night. Wedneaday-By way of Mill Road
and Jewell's Corners, to Oinvied Genie's, for
noon; then north by way or llenneller, and
along the Maitland concession th Harry Sweet's
for night. Thtiraday-Bast to the 16th conces-
sion, then by way of the Huron Road th Clin-
ton to Graham's Rotel, for noon, and remnin,
until Friday morning, Pridan-South by way
of the London Road to les own stable, Bruce.
field, where he will remain until Saturday
morning. Saturday -South by way of the
London Road, 2% miles east to Robert Eil-
een for noon; thence by way of the 2n& eons
cession, Tuekensinith, and the Mill Road, to
his own stable, where he will remain until the
_following Monday morning.
WM. BERRY, Proprietor & Manager
152/9 (159.e8) Vol. XXXM.
Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Forno
$15 to insure.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season as follow:
Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable,
at Stein, and go west th James Hill's, for
noon; then south th the Cromarty Line, then
east to Cromarty to his own stable for night.
Tuesday-Soath to Alfred Hunkine, Usborne,
for noon; then west along Thames Road, for
31/4 miles and Boutia en the 4th concession to
Robert Sellery's, for night. Wednesday -
East to the Elimville Line and eouth to Elim-
ville, and eiust to WThch'elsea, th John Dei..
bridge's, for noon; then :south to William
Brock's, for night. Thursday----Soath and east
on the 11th conoesaion of Blanchard. to A, J.
Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm), for :aeon:
then south to the Kirkton Line, and west to
Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for Right. Friday -
North along the Mitehell Road, to Mount
Pleasant, and west to ;asp& Prldhanes, for
noon; then west and north to John Hamil-
ton's, 10th concession of Hibbert, for night.
Saturday -North 214 miles to Mac Grey's, 7th
ooriceesion for noon; then west to the 7th to
the Centre road, then south to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following Mon-
day morning.
JOHN LIVINGSTONE. Proprietor & Man• ager
Form A 1 Approved Enrolment No, 2938
51522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R.
The Standard bred show and trotting stal-
lion. Fun brother to Dustyn 2.1414 and Inez
M. 2,171/4. Was shown fifteen times -four-
teen times first and once second. Ike Modium
will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as follows: Thursday -Will leave his
own stable and proceed no to Belgrave for
nooa then to the Farmers Home, Winghana,
for night. Friday -Will proceed to Bluevale
to Hail's for 'noon; thence to Gordon Mc-
Donalds, Brussels, for night. Saturday ---Will
proceed to his own 4tab1e, Blyth, where he
will remain until the following Thursday
morning. •
Terms toj insure. $15.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
Form A 1
Approved.. BArolment No. 4881
• 51526 A.T.R.-2205 C.N.R.
Race 'Record 2.061/4
The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse.
First prize winner at Seaforth and Qlinton
1917 Spring Shows. The only stable In the
County of Huron that ever offered the ser-
vices of a etallion with a record of 2.10 or
better. Elmer Dickson 2.063/4, will stand at
his own stable, Commercial Hotel Baran
Blyth, with the exception of the following
route: Monday -Will leave his own stable,
Blyth, and proceed W Auburn, for noon; then
by way of Nile to G. McNall's for night.
Tuesday -Will proceed to Colborne House,
Goderich, for noon and remain there until
Wednesday noon. Wednesday -Will ',proceed
by ways of Benmiller for Blyth where he will
remain until the following Mondan morning.
Terms to Wain% $20.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
• No, 13029
The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesciele Stallion
Passed Enrolment No. 529 Form 1.
Will stand for the improvement eaf stock
this season as follows: Monday -Will leave
his ow nstable at Peter McCann's, concession
3, Hibbert, and go to John Flynn's Beech-
wood, for noon; then north 314 miles and
east 11/4 miles th James O'Loughlin's, for
night. Tuesday -East 214 miles, nonth 1%
miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecot, for noon;
then east 234 miles and south 134_ Miles and
east to John Murray's for night. Wednesday
-By way of Brodhagen to Witham Flanni-
gan's for noon ;then 134 miles west and 214
miles south to situdrew Krauskopf's for night»
Thursday -To his oWn stalile for noon; then
2% miles east and 114 miles north -rind 214
miles west to his own stable- for night.
•day -214 miles south, 2W miles east, and 1.44,
miles nonth- to his own stable. -where he will
-remain until the following.Monday morning. •
To /aware $1i.
JAMES MURRAY. Proprietor & anagir
[13458] (12080
Insepcted, Enrolled and Approved.
R. D. muimocK, Proprietor an Manager.
Monday -Will leave his own stab in Bruce -
field and go west to 2nd concession of Stan-
ley, then north W John Butawarda„ for noon;
then north and west th William Glenn's for
night. Tuesday. -By way of Bannockburn W
Varna, at the Temperance Hotel, .for noon;
then by way of Bayfield Road W the Goshen
Line, te Albert McClitscbey's for night. -Wed-
nesday -By McCIyinon't side road th the Parr
line, then south to William Foster's, for noon;
then to William McKenzie's, 2nd concession of
Stanley, for night. Thursday -North to the
Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; re-
maining. 'there -until Feiday morning. Friday
-To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon;
the nto McAdam's side road, then north to
the 2nd concession, H. R. S., Tuckersmith,
then wmt to James Carnochan's for night.
Saturday -West by Broadfoot's bridge, then
south to the Mill Road, to his 'own stable,
where he will remain until the foleowing
Mouda,y morning.
(54151) 1653
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form 1
Will stand for the im.provement of stock thia
season at his own stable, lot 8, concession 4,
Tuckersmith. -
• Emperor McKinney is _a benutiful black horse
with beet of feet and legs. Stands 16 bands
high and weighs over- 1200: pounds. He is
supposed to be one of the, beat bred hones
in „these parts. whies. 1113i pedigree shows.
Mares from a distance will be met. Terms
to insure $13, payable Februry 1st.
CHAS. RIL "roprietor.
Phone 7,on 136.. Seaforth • 26824.1
C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L., Preaident
SIR JoHN -Alp. Genera Manager
H. V. F. JON S, Ass't Genl Manager
The Manager is prepared to consult w4h prospective
customers regarding their banking requirem nts. Whether
be the opening of a Savings or Curren account, the
making of collections or the negotiation o a loan, they
will be met with courtesy and given prom
t lservice.
Ras purchased a Percheron &anion
and will stand him in Seliforth and
vicinity during the season. Further
announcement later.
• -Contracts Solicited -
• Workmanship Guaranteed
• Rogers Bros.
Contractors Fullerton P.O.
Write for booklet and pikes of im-
proved and unimproved. fairmi in the
fanious Gilbert mains *Dretriet-L. lie
EVANS & CO,, Gilbert Plains, Mani-
toba. 2617x20
--„,--, k
interest, free of expense= to ,purthasers.
. Can furnish Victory Bonds at 99% and
North Main Street, one door south of Mr. City of St C.Ittharines Gold S0100 614.To
rreoosidmeednee.frammuebe house:ind '.. 7::::har
Y:IgslorrY.:mleddlasotintassa1, e7"the. follow.
at ORC0-. Apply at The Expositor 'Odle% 1ng MunielparlIonds-: '--
=Ca -
• ;J
'House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good sited, geed well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks_ on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
estired farmer and tife taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-U
Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres
of the best clay land in McKillme 6 acres of
bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation;
5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con-
stance, 11/4 miles from school. There are on
the premises, a good seven roomed house, large
bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There are forty acres
Ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balances seed-
ed down. There are two big sprtngs, one
piped W barnyard and in the other a dam
with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to
the house and to the barn. As the spring
is in the orchard ,and near the house and Ilne
feride, there is no waste land. There is a
graded and gravelled lane from the road to
the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL
DORRANCE, Seaforth. • 262741
' Solicitor for the Executor of said estate.
Notice is hereby given pursuarit th the'Stat-
ute in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the estate of Duncan liecCal-
lune late of the town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deseased,
who died at the said town of Seaforth, on or
about the 15th day of May, 1918, are required
on or before he 5th day of July, 1918, to
send, post prepaid, or deliver to the under-,
signed full particularsof their claims, duly
verified by affiffidavit, and the nature of the
security, if any, held by them. And further
take notice that after the aaid last mentioned
date the assets of the said deceased will be
distributed among the parties entitled there-
to having regard only to the claims of which
notice shall then have been given.
Dated at Seaforth, this llth day of June,
• R. 5. HAYS,
Solicitor for the Executors of said estate.
Notice is4ereby given pursuant to the Stat -
ate in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the estate of Martha Rands,
late of the township of Hallett, in the County
of- Huron. Hotsewife, deceased, who died at
the City of Loialon, on or about the 2eth day
of April, 1918, are required on or before the
5th day of July, 1918, to send, post prepaid
or deliver to the undersigned full particulars
of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and
the nature of the security, if any, held by
them. And further take notice that after the
said last mentioned date the assets of the said
decewed will be distributed among the Parties
entiMd thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have been
Dated at Seaforth, this Ilth day of June,
R. S. HAY,
Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate
For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R.
S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
There are. on the premises a good
frame house, two barns and frame
stable 75 feet long, cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The
land. is in a good state of cultivation,
well drained and fenced.. Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done. 41'his farm is situated
134 miles east of the village of Brune -
field and 5 miles from town of Sea-
-forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from farm. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premiess or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea -
forth Central. 26164f
Goveyiprnmeertnt6;int-oltperNe.tevetnoutndlaid Gold Bonds to
City' or Toronto, Gold. Bonds:- te, nem
previesefog.Ontario.:Wrold, Bonds to 3rield
per mkt. -
City of Mdrareal, Gold Bonds, to Aoki $Vi
per cent.
Any one hating money for Investment
should avail themselves of this opporttm
ity to secure these gilt edged securities.
Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
Is now located in
formerly Turnbell
Livery Barn Main .
complete line of
Wholesale and re
machine work.
its new pr
and Mai
treet, Seafortia
il repairing and
Offers you and all the fainly the
outing of yo life.
Highlan s 0
Onta io
are all famous p
Modern hotels afford
but many prefer to fiv
cabin. Your choice at r
Secure your Parlor o
accommodation in ad
Full information
Trunk Ticket Agent el'
Thstrict .Passenger A
W„ Somerville
ay comforts
in tent et log
SPeeping Caw
any Grand
. Horning„
nt, ,Toronto„
.Tewn Agent
Th3lici *PO
April Mg
Spring Term from
• Stratford,
*Commercial life offers th
tnnities, Recent' lady grad
ischooi are eternise as high
annum. The lain applleatio
from an office man with so
• offered initial salary of $1
Students ma 3k enter bur c
time. Graduates placed in
mercial, Shorthand and
partments. Get our tree
great orfipipp,
itres_a_ Mit
as fippo
e ex
ner Vtinkni.
see et
nom. Oka -
by De -
"Heavy, heavy hangs over
•'your head."
"0,1 know what it is, daddy!,
You held it too close and 1
smeH it it's WRIGLEY*Sr
"Righto, sonny - give your
appetite and digestion a
treat,. while YOU tickle
Your sweet tooth,"
Chew It After Every Neat
The Flavour La
Made in Canada
S.1 T.. Holthes
uneral Director and
• Licensed Embalmer
Und rtaking pariors in Odlefel
lows building opposite
•etewart Bros. Resi-
dence Godeach Bt., opp
lowers furniShed :GU'
ort notice.
Phan Night or Day
'Streyed from the premises, Lot 29, Con-
cession 7, McKillop, on or about May 20th,
a redteewith white star on forehead, and
weighing a out 600 pounds and dehorned. Any
infonnatio leading to its recovery please
notify SY NEY A. DOLMAGE, R. R. No; 1,
Seaforth, r phone 10 on 234. 2638x2
Strayed rom Mr. John Govenlockre farm,
near Wint rop, about the last week in June,
5 steers, 3 two year olds. White: Roan and
Gray. and 2 Red ones, not so old. Any in-
formation leading th their recovery please
phone 11) on 244, • Seaforth.-MRS. WM.
ANDERSON. 26e8-3
For sale north half cif Lot 36 and west
half of Lo14 34. on the 6th concession of Me-
Killop. This is a first class larinewell drain-
ed and wele fenced. and Will be sold cheap and
on reasonable terms forquick sale. For fur-
ther partichlars apple to THOMAS J. AD-
AMS. R. R No. 1. Clinton. Also 26 acres of
hay. first cit, will be seed on the field.
For sale. 12 young 'pigs 6 weeka old on
hone 12 on 636
tillettor , , Clinton Central.
July 14. S.pply on Lot 12, Concession 3,
For Sale a oottage with two bedrooms, and
two lots oia North Main Street, two blocks
irons: Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and
soft water in kitchen. All in good .Autpe.
Easy- terms, Aemire to E. L. BOX, -Seaforth
or Bale lot 17, concession 9, Township et
McKilloto, eontaining 100 saranThl. 'form
has been in geese for a 'masher of Year*. awl
_should grow geod crops. write for Particulars
as to peke and terms to JAMES I. JOHNS -
TONS co Manitoba Hotel, -Winnipegn Man.
For Sale Cement Draining Tile -All sizes
from 3 W 12 inches. Emu; inch at 524.00 per
thousand arid other prices equally as reason-
able. Apt e on Lot 29, Concession 7, Mc -
Kalov. Phone 10 on 234. Seaforth. SYDNEY
A. DOLIVIAGE. 2658x3
n am preenred th pay the highest Cash Price
fof all kinde of poultry delivered at my store.
Main Street; Seaforth, on Wednesday and
Thursdaa Ferenoon of each week
Small frame house on West William
street, Seforth, hard and soft water,
good stab, e. For further particulars
apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 en 124. 2622-tf
100 Acres of land, 11A miles from Seaforth.
Rich clay loam, well watered; small• orcherd;
two story frame house with stone foundation;
benk barn, etene stabling.• A beautiful home.
Price 55,500; BOX 8, Sean:nibs 2636-53
We have our Creamery now in full
operation, and we want your patron-
age. We are prepared to pay you
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you esreryl two weeks, *Vb, sample
and test aeh can of cream carefully
and give ou statement of the same
We also ijupply cans free of charge
and give ou an honest business deal:
Call in aiad see us or drop us a card for
Wednesday night. July loth
Jewett's Grove Pavilion
8 to 12 p.m.
Blackstone -Buckley five
piece orchestra
The Three -Plow Tractor for Ontario.
The Tractor that Makes Good.
The Tractor that has stood tke Test.
The Tractor that is guaranteed Under
Write for Free Catalogue Prices and
any information Wanted.
; R•p
Sefling Agents for Ontario.
ales •••-•,•-re.
M port
s The 'following imported Clydesdale
and Percheron Stallions w ich are all
enrolled, inspected and a proved will
stand, for service Ahis s aeon at
Clydesdale [92541 (12 25)
Enrolment No. 1366 Form. 1
To insure $15
Clydesdale S95961 (14 33)
Enrolment No. 1681 Form,. A 1
• To insure 515
Pereheron (8382)
Enrolment No. 4986 Form 1.
To insure 513
Clydesdale [9255] (121
Enrolment No. 1870
•, To insure $18
Will travel' the following rou :
Monday May 6th-Wi11 leave h' own stable
at Hensel , and go west th seco d concession.
south 8% miles to R. Northeo 'a for noon;
south 134,miles, east 1.3/4 miles, en north to
Ben Mak ins, for night. Tina y -East 114
miles, toThemes Venner's, fel noon; then
north ly miles th Chiselhurst, hen west to
John Mc earl% corner, northin% n Hes to Wm.
Hoggarth s for night. Wednes ay -West th
James M Gregor's corner and no h 114 miles,
then west 134 miles to Thomas NS orkinan's for
neon; then south 11/4 miles to Ki pen, west W
Hills Greer., north to Hugh Loy 's for night.
Thursday -Wet th Blake, sout to. Elmer
Klopp's, for noon; then west St. Joseph
and thenl south tci A. Hendric s, for night,
and wher he will remain until Friday noon.
Friday n on --East to the 14th a ncession, and
north 114 miles, then east Se miles, ,and
north W Wiltiam Thiel's for nee t. Saturday
-Will Pr.ceed south 11,4 mil, ast W Gosh-
en line and north to Zurieti, to the Gommer-
cial •Hotel, for noon; then eas to Hensall,
to his own stable where he will remain unte
the folloWing 3,1onday morning.
William Kay, Manager.
Pereheron [3139] (842 4)
Enrolment No. 1869 • Form A 1
To insure 518
Will tritvel the following rou
Monday May 6th -Will leave
t mil
at Hensa ,and go east 1% M
3% miles . and east 11/4 ranee
own stable
and Mirth
Abe. For-
sYthe's f0 noon; then four to winkaa„
Davis', for night. Tuesdays- by WO lei
Staffa, th 'ErnielTempleman'et 1,0 noon; 'thee
.oast 11/4 . es, south 134 and weat.A
miles to 1 Scott's for Wednesday-
"---Vini3t 2 ' ranee,' south 2% ' to the
boundary Dan el Brietnell'e, to noon; then
west to his own tables at Renee , remaining
there until Thursday morning Thursday
-West to 1Parr Line. north to -Hi Green . to
Wilson Carlyle's for noon; en .a• rth to Green,-to
Co th Rawest AO Gosh' 'Line, then
south • lmansath west to to PI
Thiel's io njgbt. Friday-West14o the 14tb.
th Hentyi; k's, for no.: then south
in Mlles, -rii, Imilei and to William
Thiere for 4 night, i Saturdara-s, arid -ease
to Zurich, to Commereml.Hotelsalss,•-xoon ; then
east to his own stable, • Ile n11, where
he will remain Until the follew ng Monday
morning. 1 - •
William. Luker, I Manager.
(1378) [16986]
Enrolment No. 1867-Inspeeted and Approved
1Form 1. -
Will stand for •the improvenae
during the present season at J
Gavin's stales, Leadbury, lot 22,
13, McKill p. Terzns 512 to insu
February 1
t, 1 1 se
t of stock
hn .1. Mc-
e, payable
.i. J. MeGAVINI Proprietor
The Stendard Bred Trotting
No. 42946, Vol. XXII, A. T. R.
Enrolment No. 1151. .
Will stand for the improvement b
season at his own stable in E.
Terme, 513 to insure.
JAMES BERRY,1 Proprietor.
Form 1.
stock this
on ville.
Passed • Enrobnent No. 368 Form 1
(Imp.) [3140] (83420
• $t5 th ineure.
Will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as fellows:
Monday -Will leave his own Jeanie, Bruce -
field, and go west 101 Varna, at Chris. Ward's,
for noon; then earth into Gode township,
and west by way cf Bayfield conetissiaa to Ar-
thur Welsh's, for naght, Tuesday--No-tb lsr
way of the 7th concession, so George 'Vander -
burg's, Porter'.; Hill, We mewl ; then north her
way on the 6th concession W Jas. McMillan's,
for night. Wedneaday-By way of Mill Road
and Jewell's Corners, to Oinvied Genie's, for
noon; then north by way or llenneller, and
along the Maitland concession th Harry Sweet's
for night. Thtiraday-Bast to the 16th conces-
sion, then by way of the Huron Road th Clin-
ton to Graham's Rotel, for noon, and remnin,
until Friday morning, Pridan-South by way
of the London Road to les own stable, Bruce.
field, where he will remain until Saturday
morning. Saturday -South by way of the
London Road, 2% miles east to Robert Eil-
een for noon; thence by way of the 2n& eons
cession, Tuekensinith, and the Mill Road, to
his own stable, where he will remain until the
_following Monday morning.
WM. BERRY, Proprietor & Manager
152/9 (159.e8) Vol. XXXM.
Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Forno
$15 to insure.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
this season as follow:
Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable,
at Stein, and go west th James Hill's, for
noon; then south th the Cromarty Line, then
east to Cromarty to his own stable for night.
Tuesday-Soath to Alfred Hunkine, Usborne,
for noon; then west along Thames Road, for
31/4 miles and Boutia en the 4th concession to
Robert Sellery's, for night. Wednesday -
East to the Elimville Line and eouth to Elim-
ville, and eiust to WThch'elsea, th John Dei..
bridge's, for noon; then :south to William
Brock's, for night. Thursday----Soath and east
on the 11th conoesaion of Blanchard. to A, J.
Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm), for :aeon:
then south to the Kirkton Line, and west to
Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for Right. Friday -
North along the Mitehell Road, to Mount
Pleasant, and west to ;asp& Prldhanes, for
noon; then west and north to John Hamil-
ton's, 10th concession of Hibbert, for night.
Saturday -North 214 miles to Mac Grey's, 7th
ooriceesion for noon; then west to the 7th to
the Centre road, then south to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following Mon-
day morning.
JOHN LIVINGSTONE. Proprietor & Man• ager
Form A 1 Approved Enrolment No, 2938
51522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R.
The Standard bred show and trotting stal-
lion. Fun brother to Dustyn 2.1414 and Inez
M. 2,171/4. Was shown fifteen times -four-
teen times first and once second. Ike Modium
will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as follows: Thursday -Will leave his
own stable and proceed no to Belgrave for
nooa then to the Farmers Home, Winghana,
for night. Friday -Will proceed to Bluevale
to Hail's for 'noon; thence to Gordon Mc-
Donalds, Brussels, for night. Saturday ---Will
proceed to his own 4tab1e, Blyth, where he
will remain until the following Thursday
morning. •
Terms toj insure. $15.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
Form A 1
Approved.. BArolment No. 4881
• 51526 A.T.R.-2205 C.N.R.
Race 'Record 2.061/4
The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse.
First prize winner at Seaforth and Qlinton
1917 Spring Shows. The only stable In the
County of Huron that ever offered the ser-
vices of a etallion with a record of 2.10 or
better. Elmer Dickson 2.063/4, will stand at
his own stable, Commercial Hotel Baran
Blyth, with the exception of the following
route: Monday -Will leave his own stable,
Blyth, and proceed W Auburn, for noon; then
by way of Nile to G. McNall's for night.
Tuesday -Will proceed to Colborne House,
Goderich, for noon and remain there until
Wednesday noon. Wednesday -Will ',proceed
by ways of Benmiller for Blyth where he will
remain until the following Mondan morning.
Terms to Wain% $20.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
• No, 13029
The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesciele Stallion
Passed Enrolment No. 529 Form 1.
Will stand for the improvement eaf stock
this season as follows: Monday -Will leave
his ow nstable at Peter McCann's, concession
3, Hibbert, and go to John Flynn's Beech-
wood, for noon; then north 314 miles and
east 11/4 miles th James O'Loughlin's, for
night. Tuesday -East 214 miles, nonth 1%
miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecot, for noon;
then east 234 miles and south 134_ Miles and
east to John Murray's for night. Wednesday
-By way of Brodhagen to Witham Flanni-
gan's for noon ;then 134 miles west and 214
miles south to situdrew Krauskopf's for night»
Thursday -To his oWn stalile for noon; then
2% miles east and 114 miles north -rind 214
miles west to his own stable- for night.
•day -214 miles south, 2W miles east, and 1.44,
miles nonth- to his own stable. -where he will
-remain until the following.Monday morning. •
To /aware $1i.
JAMES MURRAY. Proprietor & anagir
[13458] (12080
Insepcted, Enrolled and Approved.
R. D. muimocK, Proprietor an Manager.
Monday -Will leave his own stab in Bruce -
field and go west to 2nd concession of Stan-
ley, then north W John Butawarda„ for noon;
then north and west th William Glenn's for
night. Tuesday. -By way of Bannockburn W
Varna, at the Temperance Hotel, .for noon;
then by way of Bayfield Road W the Goshen
Line, te Albert McClitscbey's for night. -Wed-
nesday -By McCIyinon't side road th the Parr
line, then south to William Foster's, for noon;
then to William McKenzie's, 2nd concession of
Stanley, for night. Thursday -North to the
Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; re-
maining. 'there -until Feiday morning. Friday
-To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon;
the nto McAdam's side road, then north to
the 2nd concession, H. R. S., Tuckersmith,
then wmt to James Carnochan's for night.
Saturday -West by Broadfoot's bridge, then
south to the Mill Road, to his 'own stable,
where he will remain until the foleowing
Mouda,y morning.
(54151) 1653
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form 1
Will stand for the im.provement of stock thia
season at his own stable, lot 8, concession 4,
Tuckersmith. -
• Emperor McKinney is _a benutiful black horse
with beet of feet and legs. Stands 16 bands
high and weighs over- 1200: pounds. He is
supposed to be one of the, beat bred hones
in „these parts. whies. 1113i pedigree shows.
Mares from a distance will be met. Terms
to insure $13, payable Februry 1st.
CHAS. RIL "roprietor.
Phone 7,on 136.. Seaforth • 26824.1
C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L., Preaident
SIR JoHN -Alp. Genera Manager
H. V. F. JON S, Ass't Genl Manager
The Manager is prepared to consult w4h prospective
customers regarding their banking requirem nts. Whether
be the opening of a Savings or Curren account, the
making of collections or the negotiation o a loan, they
will be met with courtesy and given prom
t lservice.
Ras purchased a Percheron &anion
and will stand him in Seliforth and
vicinity during the season. Further
announcement later.
• -Contracts Solicited -
• Workmanship Guaranteed
• Rogers Bros.
Contractors Fullerton P.O.
Write for booklet and pikes of im-
proved and unimproved. fairmi in the
fanious Gilbert mains *Dretriet-L. lie
EVANS & CO,, Gilbert Plains, Mani-
toba. 2617x20
--„,--, k
interest, free of expense= to ,purthasers.
. Can furnish Victory Bonds at 99% and
North Main Street, one door south of Mr. City of St C.Ittharines Gold S0100 614.To
rreoosidmeednee.frammuebe house:ind '.. 7::::har
Y:IgslorrY.:mleddlasotintassa1, e7"the. follow.
at ORC0-. Apply at The Expositor 'Odle% 1ng MunielparlIonds-: '--
=Ca -
• ;J
'House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good sited, geed well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks_ on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
estired farmer and tife taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-U
Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres
of the best clay land in McKillme 6 acres of
bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation;
5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con-
stance, 11/4 miles from school. There are on
the premises, a good seven roomed house, large
bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There are forty acres
Ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balances seed-
ed down. There are two big sprtngs, one
piped W barnyard and in the other a dam
with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to
the house and to the barn. As the spring
is in the orchard ,and near the house and Ilne
feride, there is no waste land. There is a
graded and gravelled lane from the road to
the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL
DORRANCE, Seaforth. • 262741
' Solicitor for the Executor of said estate.
Notice is hereby given pursuarit th the'Stat-
ute in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the estate of Duncan liecCal-
lune late of the town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deseased,
who died at the said town of Seaforth, on or
about the 15th day of May, 1918, are required
on or before he 5th day of July, 1918, to
send, post prepaid, or deliver to the under-,
signed full particularsof their claims, duly
verified by affiffidavit, and the nature of the
security, if any, held by them. And further
take notice that after the aaid last mentioned
date the assets of the said deceased will be
distributed among the parties entitled there-
to having regard only to the claims of which
notice shall then have been given.
Dated at Seaforth, this llth day of June,
• R. 5. HAYS,
Solicitor for the Executors of said estate.
Notice is4ereby given pursuant to the Stat -
ate in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the estate of Martha Rands,
late of the township of Hallett, in the County
of- Huron. Hotsewife, deceased, who died at
the City of Loialon, on or about the 2eth day
of April, 1918, are required on or before the
5th day of July, 1918, to send, post prepaid
or deliver to the undersigned full particulars
of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and
the nature of the security, if any, held by
them. And further take notice that after the
said last mentioned date the assets of the said
decewed will be distributed among the Parties
entiMd thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have been
Dated at Seaforth, this Ilth day of June,
R. S. HAY,
Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate
For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R.
S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
There are. on the premises a good
frame house, two barns and frame
stable 75 feet long, cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The
land. is in a good state of cultivation,
well drained and fenced.. Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done. 41'his farm is situated
134 miles east of the village of Brune -
field and 5 miles from town of Sea-
-forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from farm. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premiess or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea -
forth Central. 26164f
Goveyiprnmeertnt6;int-oltperNe.tevetnoutndlaid Gold Bonds to
City' or Toronto, Gold. Bonds:- te, nem
previesefog.Ontario.:Wrold, Bonds to 3rield
per mkt. -
City of Mdrareal, Gold Bonds, to Aoki $Vi
per cent.
Any one hating money for Investment
should avail themselves of this opporttm
ity to secure these gilt edged securities.
Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
Is now located in
formerly Turnbell
Livery Barn Main .
complete line of
Wholesale and re
machine work.
its new pr
and Mai
treet, Seafortia
il repairing and
Offers you and all the fainly the
outing of yo life.
Highlan s 0
Onta io
are all famous p
Modern hotels afford
but many prefer to fiv
cabin. Your choice at r
Secure your Parlor o
accommodation in ad
Full information
Trunk Ticket Agent el'
Thstrict .Passenger A
W„ Somerville
ay comforts
in tent et log
SPeeping Caw
any Grand
. Horning„
nt, ,Toronto„
.Tewn Agent
Th3lici *PO
April Mg
Spring Term from
• Stratford,
*Commercial life offers th
tnnities, Recent' lady grad
ischooi are eternise as high
annum. The lain applleatio
from an office man with so
• offered initial salary of $1
Students ma 3k enter bur c
time. Graduates placed in
mercial, Shorthand and
partments. Get our tree
great orfipipp,
itres_a_ Mit
as fippo
e ex
ner Vtinkni.
see et
nom. Oka -
by De -
"Heavy, heavy hangs over
•'your head."
"0,1 know what it is, daddy!,
You held it too close and 1
smeH it it's WRIGLEY*Sr
"Righto, sonny - give your
appetite and digestion a
treat,. while YOU tickle
Your sweet tooth,"
Chew It After Every Neat
The Flavour La
Made in Canada