HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-06-21, Page 5JINE2i, i
Shoes t
m. will -wear White Shoes thi.s
, no m-oman should be without
e White Boots, Oxford, Cole
:Mn ornaments and buekles.
Rubber Soles. Reasonable
enth -inch tops, plain
$3.50, and $3.75.
, with eight -inch tops, plain ia
and $3.75.
iason's latest, made* with long
RaTnelled heels, per pair $1,75
with one or two straps across
-elonial buckles, Cuban Heels,
-with rubber soles and heel%
eher solea and heels, per pair,
, 15e a Bottle, in Cake Form,
had been attending high sehoot
e -Mrs. Fluke and Mrs. St Clair
here visiting their parents, Mr.
Mrs. D. R McDonald-Misslla 1, -
Linie spent a week lately with Mr.
Mrs. T. Murdock. -Dr„ Wm. Mur-
: of Rainy River spent a few days
lase week with his parents Mr.
Mrs. Wm. Murdock. -Mr. John
eott, of Hamilton, was here this
renewing acquaintances. -Rev. -
E. F. IVIcL. Smith, of Lucan, form-
a Carmel Church, Hensel', was
on Friday last taking part with
Mr. McConnell, pastor of Carmel
rch, in the funeral services of the
Nriss Jessie Bell Which service took -
• at the parental home a mile west
ur village, on Friday afternoon.
The service was quite largely at.
ed, and Mr. Bell and family have
sympathy of the community in
r bereaveoment.-Relatives of Mr.
Mrs.- R. Jarrott, of Egmondville,
1 this village, on Saturday attend -
he wedding of Miss Reita, eldest
ehter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarrott to
Cook of Hamilton, formerly of
ton, Miss Inas Hudson rendermg.
-nieely the solo, "On the Road to
)(Ilse; the accompanist being Ma.
VanEgmond.-Miss Margaret
Iston and Miss Kettle Scott are tea
/ikon this -week atteselin' g
ting of the Grand Lodge of Odd
,ws,going as representatives of the
Mr. H. Augur had the mese-
ie to get his hand hurt
) ago while adjustingan auto tire,
is able to resume his dutien again
[le garage. -Miss Dora Sheetitt
is in training at London as a Mine
kver ses spent Saturday last at her .
here. -Mrs. W. Lancaster is
t• he west on a visit with Mr. and
G. H. Follick and will also visit
ives in Exeter. --Mr. A. Murdock
Yeputy Registar'together with a -
aer of representatives that 11,10 -as
inted,will attend to the regestran
a all over age of 16, years The
of such registration is Saturday
!2nd. and will be found in the
1 Hall and possibly also in the,
)I -house if more rooin is required •
efter that day any who eannot at;
have the privelege of registering
Le Post Office on the following_
lay, the 24th of June, and it will
ell for all to remember the 22nd„
ay appointed, and we believe that
'efurdocle is making good provis-
for abundant help of deputies oa
day. -The crops and gardens art
RP; fine in this section and giving
Premise of a splendid yield. -The
Kr. Donne, ef Monkton, has been.
nted by the Methodist Conference
eltarfre of Hensall and Chisel-
ndeis very highly spoken of as
de preacher and good pastor anal
oe welcomed to our village. Rev.
Cnight, who at present in charges
and has been far the past three
, has been appointed to a goot
'e in Milverton and together with.
Knight and family will be muelt
d by their friends.. --The Coin -
charge of the Orange Demon- -
on here on the 12th are alreedY
kg' very busy and intend spent*
•ins to make the celebration here \
at success and aim at having the
-ine ever held in the County of
Etssoqmenrs of Serges,
eds you could wish to
greys, brown and
with guaranteed dyes.
r.z,riety of materials at
-et the same ,attention
Yur fine new stock of
-etc. We're sure
So Sort
.JUN1 2i toot
Notes. -An obi time union 'picnic will
be held on Saturday afternoon' June
29th, in McDonald's bush. Thecom-
mittee request the /tidies to bring a •
basket: ThereWill be sports for the
children and a good •tinee is assured,,
overybodk welcome. -Mr. and Mrs.
Flowers of London, recently visited
mt. and Mrs. Mooney. -Miss Morrow
of Seaforth paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs
0. Theobald this week,
Notes. -Mr. John Eckert has treat-
ed himself to a new Chvrolet car. -We
were sorry to learn that Miss Phalen
and Miss Coyne,our teaching staff,have
decided to resign, as they were excel-
lent teachers. --Mr. Joe Murray, who
arrived home laet week from the train-
ing camp, was presented by the boys
fronl the surrounding country with a
w rist watch, safety razor outfit and
• addreasbefore his departure last
Monday. We wish him a safe journ-
ey and a happy return, and that he
may live to see the Flag of Freedom
wave for ever in Canada. -Mr. and
- Mrs. Wm. Manley, accompanied by
Mrs. Gore Eckert, were in London last
week to see the boys in training camp.
On their return they were accom-
panied by Mr. Con. Eckert, who has
been in St, Joseph's Hospital the past
two weeks, for an operation for the
removal of two toes. We are pleased
to learn that he is neueh improved and
ikopee to be rid of his trouble. -The
promising- hay crop has got a setebaek
the last two weeks and it may be
wise to reserve. some of the surplus
'crop of last year. -Mr. Joe and Miss
Monoea Eckert were visitors tn. our
burg last Sunday.
Seaforth, June 1, 1918
Wheat, per bushel +.2.10
Oats, per bushel
Barley, Per bashel ', $1.40
Bran/ per ton ' 36.00
Shorts, per ton .$41.00
Flour, per ewt$5.75
Peas, per bushel .. .. • . • . . 43.60
Margarine 37c
Potatoes perbag $L25
Butter, per lb. : ... ... . ....... .. zi38c
Hogs, per cwt. $18.
Eggs. per dozen 33c to 34e
Tout, June 18. -Butter, choice dairy,
43c to 45c; Butter, creamery, 48c to 52e;
Margarine, lb., 35e to 37c; Eggs, new laid. doz
42c to 45e; Cheese, lb.. 30c • Cheese, fancy, lb.
35e; Maple Syrup, half gallon, 51.15: elapie
Syrup, gallon, 32.50 to $2.75
Toronto, "June 18. --Dressed Poultry -Turk-
eys, lb., 30e to 33e; Fowl, lb, 30e to -34e ;
Spring Chickens, 50c; Roostera, lb., 28c;
Ducks, lb., 30c. Live Poultry -Sprints chick-
ens, Ib. 46c; Roosters lb. 25c; Fent Ib, 27e
to ne: Ducks, lb, 30c.
Toronto, June 18. -Manitoba Wheat --No, 1
Northern, $2.2434e; No. 2 Northern, $01/2:
No. a Northern, $2:17t, ; No. 4ewhiat, $2.10%;
etor a Fort William. including 2eec tax.
Idanitoba Oate-No. 2, C. W. 85%c ; No. 3
C. W.. 821214e; extra No. 1 feed, 824c; No. 1
feed, 79Mte, in store Fort William. Amerlan
Corn -No 3 yellow, kiln dried, noml ; i
4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats
-Nee. 2 'white; 79c to 80c; No 3 white, 78e
to 7Pc, according to freights outside. Ont.-
' ario Wheat -No. 2 Winter. per car lot, 52.22;
basis' in store MontreaL Peas --Nominal
Barley -Malting. $1.23to 51.25,. according to
freights outtide. Buclicwheat--$1.80, accord-
ing ' th freights outside. Rye ---No. 2 52.00,
:according -to fr.einhts outside. Manitoba flour
-War quality, $10.65; new bags, Toronto
and Montreal freights, prompt shipment.
Ontario •fiour-Wer quality, $10:65, in bags,
Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment.
Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal freis
glitz, bags included: Bran, per ton, $35.00
Shorts per ton, 340.00., Hey --No. 1 per ton,
$15.50 to 516.50; mixed. 513. to 514, track
'Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, $8.00 to
0.50, track Toronto.
Buffalo, June 18.-Cattle-Rceipta, 5,200:
good atrong, grassers slow; prime steers, 517.75
to ele.ee ; shipping st4ers, 517 t 517.50; but-
cher', '512 to $16.75; yearlings $13.50 to 516.76
heifers, 510.00 to 514.50; cows, $6 to 513.50;
bulls, 37.50 to $12.50; stockers and feedere,
57.50 to 511; fresh cows and springers, steady,
365 to 5150. Calves -Receipts. 2.250 steadY;
37 to 518.50. Hoge -Receipts, 7,200 ;, strong;
heavy. 517.45 to $17.60; mixed aid/yorkers,
517.50 to 517.60; light yorkere, $1T.60 to 817.75
pigs, ,517.75 to $18; roughs $15.25 to $1540;
stags, 510 to e12;. Sheep eind lambs-Rceipts,
2,000 oteady to strong; lames 510 to 519 ;
Yearlings, 412 th 516 ;twethers, 514 to 514.50;
ewes, 56 to 518; mixed sheep, 513 to 513.50;
Union Stock Yards. Toronto, June 18. -The
increase in the offerings of cattle, paticular-e
ly grass-fed :stock. brought, a sharp decline in
Prices at the Union Stock yards. The mark-
et experienced the first heavy run of grass
cattle, and with reports from outaide markets
and sales were effeced only at a reduction of
50c to 51.00 a hundred from last week's
levvela. The weakness was not noticeable to
showinoan eaeler tendency buyers held back
any exteat in sales of well finished steers, and
choice butchers brought good prices. The too
price of the market, 518.00 a. hundred, was
Paid for three fine steers. 1,180 pounds bought
by the Swift Canadian Co. A load of heavy
steers, the best load on the marlset, sold at
The offerings of calves continue fairly lar-
ge Prices remain strong. Hogs are a com-
ParatiVely small run and prices were fixed
at 518 fed and watered. The same price is
elePected to rule the market to -morrow. The
market for sheep was unsatisfoctory but there
was atgood demand for lambs.
Representative sales were:
Frank Hunnisett bought 100 butcher ateera
and heifers., 000 to 1.100 lbs. $14.25 to 516.00.
H. P. Nannedy sold one load of butchers,
A. W. Talbot (for Wm. Davies Ltd.)
houghte200 but cattle, steers and heifer,
3/.3 to 515.35.
GUIlledi Limited, bought 250 butcher cattle,
414 to 516; cows, 519.50 to $13; bulli, 59 to
514; 250 hogs-, fed and watered, $18„; 2e
calves, 516 to 516.50.
Rice and Whaley sold 19 steers and heifers.
960 lbe., 514.60; 16 steers and heifers. 920
Ms., 514.50; 24 steers and heifers, 820 lbs„
414.25; ee, steers and heifers.. 820 lbs., $13:
25 steers and heifers, 800 11e., 512; 4 cowa,
1,110 llee„ 512; 5 cows, 1,240 lhbee, 314; 1
eolee 1,150 lbs. 512.90; 4 coy e 1,040 Iles 511.75:
calvs, $12.60 to $16; sheep and lembn 517 to
Dunn & Levar.k sold 18 steers and heifers,
959 lin., 514.25: 4 steers and heifers. 675
lbs., 512.30: 3 steers and heifers, 1,050 lbs..
516; 24 steers and heifers. 1,015 lbs. 515;
12 steers and heifers. 0.) lbs. 51.4.25; '1 calf
160 lbs.. 317; 10 heel!). 517.60; 9 calves, 516:
21.3cleolvestbs,5.115.5(20.; 2: bulls, 1,000 lbs., 511; 1 bull
Chas. Zeno:mare & Sons sold 10 butchers,4778
!bon 519: 6 cov.•s, 1,060 lbs.. 510.90: 2 bulls,
445Ibs, 5`,.25: 2 milkers .5122 each; 23 calves,
140 lbs.. $1.1.50: 4 heifers, 640 lira., 310; 23
calves, Sne lbs. 516.50; 2 calves, 20 lbs.
517 ; cows, 990 lbs.. 510.50; 6 salvo. 168
lban 512.50-' 16 butchers, 792 1b3., 511 : 1
butcher. ot20lbs., $14.
Quinn & iIiey sold 8 butcher,. 1,900 !be.,
515; 14 butchers. 865 lbs., $12.55 cow.
1,150 ib -s., 313.50; 1 cow. 1,270 lbs., 51.4; 7
butchers, 470 lbs. 514; 2 butchers. 950 lbs.,
310.50: 4 sows, 1,077 lbs. 312.50: 5 butchers,
816 lbs., 51.2; and others.
J. B. Sidelds & Sons sold 3 cows. 1.120 jinn
412.50; 1 bill, 1,710 lbs.. 313: 16 butcehrs.
31.1-2724% :06stx-. 5,11';',. 1.15 Ib,..
utchens, 1,344 lbs..
calves, 218
lee- 415.75; 9 hogs, 518; 2 hogs, 318;
ealves, 160 lbs.. 516; 3 sheep. 170 tbs., 517.25:
calves., 635 iin., $15: 2 Iambs. 55 lbs., 520,
colvw. 133 lbs., 516; 3 butchers, 868 lbs..
514,75; S butchers.. S70 lbs., 514.75; 2 butch -
em. kisr, ihs., 512; 1 bull. 910 lbs., 511_75.
a ions were: ---Extra ehoice heave'
eeeeze. eleele0 fe.) $17; Choioe heavy steera.
311.50 to 514.77:: bu.tchers Cattle. choice.
311.66 to 315; botchers, good, 513.7.5 to 514 ;
'butchers, medium. 512 to 512.50; butcherre.
Ilicaealardiuontn,b411111.3.te3.1$01.12.;25t4; bu5t1c011.5en,0;' br°uullge,h chbouicthie'.
31.2,50 to $13.23: good 511 to' 511.50:
-1311 to $8.50 butchers' cows, choice, 512.59
113.25: good, 511.50 to 511.75; medium.
516 to $10.50; stockers. 9.50 to 511.25; feed --
else, $11.25 to 513; canners and cutters, 56 to
milkers snmd to choice, $99 th 5140 ;
reerraon and mediura, $65 to 580; sPringers,
te 5140; light ewes, 517 to 518.50 t Year). -
tlegs, 513.50 to $20; spring Iambs, 23c to 25e;
a: fed and watered $18. weighed off cars,
f. o. ee, era
Funeral .Director and
Licensed Embalmer .
Undertaking parlors in Oddfel
Lows building opp_osite
atewart Bros. Resi-
dence Ceodeneh st., cpp
. Dr. Scott's.
Floweret f urnished Zen
short notice.
Phone] Night or Day 119,
r sh Fruit
We hI.ve on sale Special
Barg ins in Fresh Fruit:
Strawbe ries 20 and 2.5c a box
Pine A pies $3.00 per dozen
ROBINSON-WAITE.-At the home of the
bride's parents. Bayfield road, Goderich. on,
Wednesday. June 12, by Rev. R. 0. McDer-
mid. Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wm.
Waite; to Mr. John Franklin Robinson, of
Brooldie. Ont. '
MeGoc Johnston.- At the parsonage. Tartu,.
on June 3rd., by Rev. .T. E. Jones, Miss Ila
Peari Johnston, of Hay, to Mr. Owe L.
e, of Stanley.
Pres •ator--McDonald.--In Exeter at the home
of Rev. Yelland. on June 5, Miss Nellie
Maud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
McDonald, of Hay, th Mr. Wm. Preszeator,
of Stephen •
Ellerington-In Exeter on June 8t11.,
Efferington in his 82eid. year.
soft water i Kttcherj. All in good hape.
!Easy terms. Apply to E. L. Box, Seaforth
2627-tf . •
Th s. Phillips
Whol ale and Retail Fruits
Opposite ommercial Hotel, Seaforth.
Moulders mid Machinists wanted. Good
wages and strorking conditions. Apply Can-
adian Allis Chalmers, Stratford, Ontario,
Any person having property suitable dor a
ChIldreres Shelter for the County of Huron
are requested l to 'comnannidate with the un-
dersigned, giving full 1sticulars as to situ*.
'tion, price, eth.
County Clerk.
Gode.rich. .1 ne 12th, 1918.
For Sale a
two lots on
from Main 13
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
' H. b. BOX
Holder of Government Diploma
and Liscense
Charges Moderate
Flowers furnished on short notice
Day Calls
Phone 50
Night Calls
' Phone 175
W., S. Goriri:1ey
Undertaking Parlors Above
M. Williams' Grocery Store,
Main Strett, Seaforth
Flowers furnished on short notice
• Charges moderate
Phone -Night or Day -192
A two-traerie honey extractor. Apely floss
doors north of Presbyterian 'Church, Egroond-
MIM' LL, 'Seaforth P.O
We now have in stock drain tile in
sizes from 3 inches up to 7 inches.
KRUSE BROS., Egnuondvilie
Phone 2 on 169. 2635-2
For Sale Cement Draining Tile -A11 sizes
from 3,40 12 inches. Four inch at 524.00 per
thousand and other prices equally as reason-
able. Apply on Lot 20, Concession 7, Mc-
Killop. Phone 19 on 234, Seaforth. SYDNEY'
DOLMAGE. 2636x3
I am prepared to pay the highest Cash Price
for all kinds of poultry delivered at my store,
Main Street, Seaforth, on Wednesday and
1Thursday Forenoon of each week.
G. D. HAIGH,. 2636-te.
100 Acre; of land, 114 miles from Seaforth.
Rich clay loam, well watered; small orchard:
two story frazne house with stone foundation:
bank barn, atone stabling. A beautiful home.
Price 55,500. BOX 8, Seaforth. 2636-tf
Small frame house on West William
street, Seaforth, hard and soft water,
good stable. For further particulars
apply to J, D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 on. 124. 2622-tf
Of Farr* stock, Implements, etc. The ad-
ministrator of the estate of the late John
Wilson has instructed Mr. B. S. Phillips, and-
tioneen to offer for sale by public auction on
the north half of lot number nine in the sec-
ond concession of Tuckerarnith, L. It. S., on
Monday, June 17th, 1918, at 2 o'clock in he
afternoon,/ the following chattels: 2 cows, 1
yearling heifer, 1 yearling steer, 1 aged horse,
1 wagon, 1 buggy, 2 land snufflers, 1 cultis
vator, 1 cutter, 1 seed drill. 1 lend roller, 1
single plow, 1 mower, 1 seene-boat, iron har-
rows, harness, 2 logging glebe; and about two
dozen hens. Terms --$10 and under, cash. Over
that amount four months' cliedit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes. GLAD -
MAN & STAVRETRY. Henson, Ont., Solici-
tors for T. C. Joynt, Administrator; B. S.
PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. 2634-2
There will be big doings at Gode-
rich on Monday, July 1s. The pro-
gramme williloccupy the whole day,
morning, afternoon and evening.
Morning, from 9.30 o'clock -Trades
procession and floral parade, juvenile
games, baby show; These will take
place on the Square; no admission fee.
Afternoon programme at Agricultur-
al Park. Three horse races for ag-
gregate parses of $750-2:10 class,
$350; 2:30 Glass, $300; green race,
e100. Some of the best horses in
Western Ontario will be there. Base-
ball -Clinton Y4S. Goderich. Automo-
bile race. Patriotic demonstration by
school ,children. Highland dancing
a.ad iping. Clinton Kiltie Brass Band
in attendance. Evening -A Musical
Programme on the Square. 'Operatic
performance, "The Lass of Limerick
Town," in Opera House, followed by a
dance. Proceeds' of the day go to
patriotic funds. Speed the holiday at
the lakeside town and have a great
big day's sport.
cottage with two bedrooms, and
(nth Main Street, two blocks
eet Splendid cellar, hard and
For sale lot
McKillop, co
has been in g -
should grow g
as to price an
TON. co Man
17, concession 9, Township of
hang 100 'acres. This farm
s for a number of years, and
1. crops. Write for particulars
terms to JAMES I. JOHN13-
ha Hotel, Winnipeg,, Kan.
deSrsEigAriLEed,D and
for the Domin o
at this office un
day, June 27, 1
the Public Bu I
Combined sp
can be obtain
caretakers of t
Persons ten
ers will not
the printed fo
their actual SI
aceEeacptedh tender
able th the ord
Works, equal to
of the tender.
By o4:1
DeparterHent of
Ottawa, Jun
ERS addressed to the un-
endorsed " Tender 'or Coal
Buildings " will be received
it 12 o'clock noon, on Thura-
18, for the supply of coal for
limn; throughout the Dornin-
ification and form of tender
at 'this office and from the
e different Dominion Build-
ing are not6ied that tend -
considered unless made on
supplied, and signed with
ust be accompanied by an
on a chartered bank, pay -
r of the Minister of Public
10 per cent. of the amount
• Seoretkry.
blic Works,
6, 1918.
Notice is hereby giVen pursuant to the State
ute in that behalf that alL persons having
claims against the estate of Martha Rands,
late of .thertownsilip of Mullett, 'in theaChetteitk
of Huron. Houeewife, deceaaed, who died- at
the City of London, on, or about the 29th .day
of April, 1918, ,are required on or before the
5th day of July, 1918, to send, post prepaid
or deliver to the undersigned full particulars
'of their claimse duly verified by affidavit and
the nature of Ithe security, if any, held by
them. And furher take notice that after the
said last menti ned date the assets of the said
deceased will be distributed among the Parties
entitled thereto having regard only to the
claims of whfc notice shall then have been
Dated at Seaforth, this llth day of June,
1918. .
Solicitor for th Executors of the said Estate
Sdlicitor for the Exectitor of said estate.
Notice is herer given pursuant to the Stat-
ute in that be alf that all persons having
claims against' he estate of Duncan McCal-
lum; late of the town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, Retired' Farmer, dmeased,
who died at the said town of Seaforth, on or
about the 15th day of May, 1918, are required
on or before the 5th • day of July, 1918, to
send, post prepeid, or, deliver to the under-
signed full particulars of their claims, duly
verified by affillidavit and the nature of the
security, if any, held by them. And further
take notice that after the said last mentioned
date the assets of the said deceased will be
distributed among the parties entitled there-
th having regard only to the claims of which
notiie shall thee have been given.
Dated at Seaforth, this Ilth day of June,
• R. S. HAYS,
Soliciiror for the Executors of said estate.
Notice is here,y given pursuant to the Stet- •
'utes in that Mhalf that all persons having
claims against lhhe estate of the late Ebenezer
McMurray of t e village of Egmondiiile, in
the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died
on or about t e 17th day', of April, A.D.,
1918, ere res ed to deliver or send post-
paid, a statena nt of tehir claims and the
nature of the ecurity thereof, duly verified
by an affidavit, be John Beattie, merchant, of
the Town of e rth, one of the undersigned
executors of th. last Nen' and testament of
the said Eben r McMurray, deceased, on of
before the rand da3 9f June, 1918. And
take notice that after the aaid last mentioned
date the Execu rs will proceed th distribute
the assets of th said deceased among the par-
ties entitled the eto heating reference only to
the claims of hich they shall then have .re-
ceived notice. sated this 29th day of May
A.D., 1918. J lathe BEATTIE, & JOHN Mc -
CAA, Executors 2638-3
In the matter o the mtate of Reverend Pat-
rick Corcoran, late of the TOW11 of Seaforth,
Notice is hereby #issen pursuant to the. Stat-
utes in that beha that all Persons Baying
any claims or demands against the late Rev-
erend Patrick Core ran, who died on or about
the 13th day of d4rch, 1918, at Seaforth, On-
tario, are requir n or before the,27th day of
Jun.e, 1918, to sen by post prepaid, or to de-
liver to the unde igned, 'solicitors herein for
.Iohn Corcoran of 1 Ottawa, Ontario, Admini-
strator of the estat of the said deceased their
name and e.ddreeses and full particulars in
writing, of their e ims and statements of their
accounts and the ature of the securities, if
any, heki by them4 And take notice. that
after the 27th day jf June, 1918, the said Ad-
ministrator will pr ceed th distribute the as -
seta of the said d eased among the persons
entitled thereto, h ving regard only to the
claims of which he -hall then have had notice,
and that the said lAtiministrator will not be
liable for the said issets or any part thereof
to any person of whose claim he shall not then
have received nistic Dated the 27th day of
COORE, Goderich end Seaforth, Ont., Solici-
tors for the Said Administrator. 2683-4
We have Our Creamery now in full
operation, and we want your patron-
age. We are prepared to pay you
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you every twO $ieeks, c".gh, sample
and test each 1 c n ef cream carefully
and give you st tement of the same.
We also ,supply cans free of charge.
and give you an honest business deal.
Call in and see ue or drop us a card fox
Seaforth Ontario
Thorob led 5
The following import' d Clydesdale
and Percheron Stallions which are all
em :
oiled, inspected and pproved will
stand for service this season at
Clydesdale [92541 (12625)
Enrolment ;No. 1366 . Form
To insure 515 .
Clydesdale ][959,11 (14631)
Enrolment No 1681 ' Perm A 1
To insure 515
Percheron (6382)
Enrolment No. 4986
Form 1
Tonsure $18
Clydesdale [92551 (12103)
Enrolment No. 1370 Form 1
To insure $15
Will travel the following' route:
Monday, May 6th -Will leave hie own stable
at Henson, and go west to second concession,
south 3% miles to R. Northeott's for noon;
south eye miles, east 114 miles, then north th
Ben Makin's, for night. Tuesday -East 114
miles, to Thomas Venner's, / for noon; then
north 114 miles th Chiselhuret, then west to
John McLeares corner, north 1e4 miles to Wm.
Hoggarth'e for eight. Wednesday -West to
James McGregor's corner and north 114 mikes,
then west lee miles to Themes Workman's for
noon; then south 11/e miles tie Kippen, west to
Hills Green, north to Hugh Love's for night.
Thursday -West tor Blake, south th Elmer
Klopp's, for noon e then west to St. Joseph
and then south to! A. Hendricke, for night,
And where he will remain until 'Friday noon.
Friday noon -East to the 14th concession, 2.nd
north 114 miles, then. east 114 miles, and
north to William Thiel's for night. Saturday
proceed south 13/4 miles, east. to Gosh-.
ezi line and north th Zurich, th the Commer-
cial Hotel. for noon ; then east. to Hensall,
40 his own stable where he will remain untie
the following Monday. morning.
William Kay, Manager.
Percheron [sips] (84214) _.
Enrolment No. ease : , Form A 1
To insure 518' '
, ,...
Will travel the following route::
Mende'', May 6th ---Will leave bia.own stable
nt Henault ,and go, east 114 miles and north
3% miles and east 114 males to, Abe. For-
sythe's 'for noon; then four miles e to Williain.
Davis', ,for night. TuesdaY4-Esstaly Way" Of
Stare th Ernie Templemenef 'Thatemorte theik,
past 114 miles, south 114 mile and west 2
miles to Ritisell4cott's for igliti WedieesdaY
-est 24 mil e south Z14 mitsse" be the
boundary to Daniel Brintnell He ,for noon; then
-sweat to .his own stables at HenesilI,,rezziaining '
there until Thursday morning: e Thursday ,
-West to Parr Line, north 40 3141/3 Green, tal
Wilson Czerlyle'es foramon e then %with to;)Gole-
man's Corner, then west to l• .-1! -then
soutta 1U 'nines and west :IF
Thioriofoe night: FridaY.Lillreilt .- -.• = :.14*.,
to Henry.,Stelnbailee., l'Or 'Wail P.-- . 4butti
3 Mike, east 11/4 miles and' elortheto William
Thiel's for night.. Safurtheige-goeth etal. (mat'
to Zurich, to Comrne.rcial Rotel, feir noon;- thou
east to his own stable,' Hensel!, where
he will remain until the folloWing Monday
William Luker, Manager.
(18978) [16986]
Enrolment. No. 1367 -Inspected and Approved
Form I.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
during the present se,ason at John J. Mc-
Gavin's stables, Leadbury, lot 22, Concession
13, McKillop. Terms 512 .to insure, payable
February ist, 1918.
J. J. McGAVIN, Proprietor
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
No. 42946, Vol. XXIL.A. T. R:
Enrolment No. 1151. '..Form 1.
Win stand for theimprovement of stock this
season ae his own stable in Egneondville.
Terms. 513 to insure. -
JAMES BERRY, Proprietor.
Passed Enrolment No. 863 Form
(Imp.) ,[3140] (88420) '
51540 ineute.
Will stand for the improlement of stock this
season as,.follows:
Monday -Will leave his own staele, Bruce -
field, and go west to Varna at Chris. Ward's,
for noon; then rorth into podeeich township,
and west by war a Baytle1 eoncession to Ar-
thur Welsh's, for n.gitt. Tuestlay-Noetb lar
way of the 70. concession, to Gaerge Vander -
burg's, Porter'.; Hill, for neon ; thee north be'
way on the 6th concession to Jas. MoMillan:s,
lor night. Wednesday -By way of Mill Road
and Jewell's Corners, •to (Awe id Ginn's, for
noon; then north by uay or Benmeiler.
along the Mditland concession to Harry Svieetto
for night. Thursday -East to the 16th C011ea(3.-
sion, then by way of the Huron Read th Clin-
ton th Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain
until Friday' morning. Friday-Soeth bat way
of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce -
field, where he will remain until Saturday
morning. Saturday -South e by Way of the
London Road, 24 miles east to Robert El-
sie's; for noon; thenee.by way of the 2ted eon -
cession, Tuckersmith, and the Mill Road, to
his own stable, where he well remain until the
following Monday morning. er
WM. BERRY, Preprieter de Manager
15279 (15938) Vol. XXXIIL
Passed Enrolment 'lo l 3267 Form 1
this season as follow: iimpeirroev.e
Will stand for th15tcie nsment of stock
Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable,
at Staffa, and go west to James Hill's, for
noon; then south th the Cromarty Line, thgn
east to Cromarty to his own stable for nign.
Tuesday -South to AlfredHunkin's. Ifsborne,
for noon;. then west along Thames Road, for
34 miles and south on the 4th concession'to
Robezt Sellery's, for night Wednesday -
East -to the Elimville Line] and south th Mime
vine, and east th Wiricheisea, to John Del -
bridge's, for noon; then south to William
Brock's, for night. Thursday --South end: east
on the llth concession of Blanchard, ts A. J.
IVIaxworthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon;
then south to the Kirktors Line, and we.st to
Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for night. Friday -
North along the Mitchell , Road, to Mount
Pleasant, and west to Jasper Pridhara's, for
noon.; then west and north to Sohn _Hamil-
ton's, 10th concession of Hibbert, for night.
Saturday -North 2Y, miles to Mac Grey's, 7th
concession for noon; then west to the 7th to
the Centre road, then south to his own stable,
where he will remain until the fedlowing Mon-
day morning.
.10111sT LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor Sr Manager
(54151) e.e53
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion.
Enrolment No. 41175 Approved Form 1
Wili stand for the impro eneent of stock thia
wson at Ins own stable, ot 8, concession 4,
kers,roor h
is a b utiful black horse
with best of feet anti legs Stands /6 hands
high and weighs over 1O� pounds. He ie
supposed to be one of the beet bred horses
in these parts. whict, le pedigree shows.
Mares fnom distance w 3 be met. Terme
40 ifteure $13, payable February 1st.
CHAS. RI Proprietor.
Phone 7 on 136. Seaforth 263241
Form A 1 Approved.. Enrolment Nee 4881
51526 A.T.E.--2205 C.N.R.
Race Record 2.9"
The Grand Circuit Race end Show Hone.
First prize winner at Seaforth an.d Clinton
1917 Spring Shows. The only stable in the
County of Huron that ever offered the sere
vices of a stallion with a record of 2.10 or
hotter. Elm& Dickson 2.061/4, will stand a.t
his own stable, Commercial Hotel Barns,
Blyth, with the exceptien of the following
ratite: Monday -Will leave his own Atable,
Blyth, and proceed to Auburn, for noon; then
by way of Nile to G. McNeil's for night.,
Tuesday -Will proceed th Colborne House,
Goderich, for noon and remain there until
Wedreenlay noon. Wednesday -Will proceed
by way of Benmiller for Blyth where he will
remain until the following Monday morning.
Terms to insure 520.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
Form A 1 Approved Betrolment No. 2936
51522 A.T.R.-1070
The Standard bred show and trqtting stal-
lion: Full brother to Dustyn 2.1444 and Inez
M. 2.17ee. Was shown fifteen tunes -four-
teen times first and once second. Ike Medium
will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as follows: Thursday --Will leave his
own stable and proceed noreb40 Belgrave for
noon; then to the Farmer, Horne, Winghame
for night Friday -Will Proceed to Bluevale
th Hall's for noon; theme to Gordon Me
Donald's, Brussels, for night. Saturday -Will
Proceed to his Orrt stable, - Blyth, where he
will reznain until the following Thursday
Terme th Insure, 515.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, /proprietor.
, -
No. 18029
The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion
Passed Enrolment No. 529 Feent 1.
Will stand for the improvement of stock
This season as follows: Monday -Will leave
his ow imitable at Peter McCann's concession
3, Hibbert, and'' go to Jeani Flynn's Beech-
wood, for noon;' then nd 8% miles and
east 11,4 miles to James O'Loughlin's, for
night. Tuesday -East 244 miles, north 144
miles to William Uniack's, Kinneeot, for noon:
then east 244 miles and south miles and
east to John Muirayes for night. Wednesday
-By way of Brodhagen to William Flanni-
gan's for noon; thene114 miles west and 244
miles south to Andrew Krauskopies for night.
Thursday -To his own stable for noon; then
21/miles east and 11/4 miles north and 244
miles west th hie own stable for night. Fre-
dzy-244 miles south, 244 miles east, and lee
-Miles north to his own stable, ehere he will
erernain until the following Monday morning.
To Insure $15.
JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor & Manager
[13458] (12035)
Insepcted, Enrolled and Approved
R. D. MURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager.
2nd concession of Stan -
field- and go w to
Monday-Wilielleave his own stable in Bruce -
ley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon;
then_ north and west to William Glenn's for
night Tuesday. ---By way of Bannockburn to
Varna, at the Temperance Hotel, for noon:
then by way of Bayfield Road th the Goshen
Line, to Albert iticClinchey's for night-Wed-
nesdaY-By McCeymon't side road to the Parr
line, then south to Williatn Foster's, for noon;
then th William McKenzieTs. 2nd cemeession of
Stanley, for night. Thursday -North te the
Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; re-
maining there until Friday morning, Friday
-To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon;
the nto McAdara's side road, then north to
the 2nd concession. H. R. S, Tackersmith,
then west to James ,Caenochan's for. night.
Satutday-West by 'Broadfoot's bridge, then
south to the Mill •Road. to his own stAble,
where he will remain until the following
,Monday morning.
For sale seVert rootned frame house en
North Math Street, one 'door south of Mr.
Robert Winters' residence. 'Must bet sold
'at once. Apply at The Expositor °fade,'
2d24-tf I
• ,L!,
an furnish Victory. Bods at 991/4 and
interest, freeof expense to purchasers.
City of Calgary Gold Bonds'7%
City of St Catharines.Gold Bonds 63/4%
Also have for immediate sale the follow-
ing Municipal Bonds:
City of. Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield e
per cent,
Government of Newfoundland Gold Bonds to
• yield 644 • per cent.
Province of aantario Gold Bonds th yield 6
/ter cent.
City of ',Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield 01/2
pot. cent.
Anr one' hating money for %vestment
should.avall themselves of this opportun-
ity, to secure these gilt edged securities:
Apply to
• R. S. HAYS,
Seaforth, Ontr
C.V.0,, LLD., D.C.L, Presider)
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
SIR JOHN -AIRD, GeneralManager -
H. V. F. JONES, Aset Gera Manag
RESEVE FUND, . $13,500 000
The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective
customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether
it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the
m'aking of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they
will be net with courtesy and given prompt service.
SEAFORTII BRANct -•-#1rtimiume
Write for booklet and prices of im-
proved and unimprovedfarms in the
famous Gilbert Plains District, J. H.
EVANS & CO:, Gilbert Plains, Mani-
toba.• 2617x20
Rouse and halfac;e of land in t
village of EgmondvilleThe propexty
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed.? good wel
and cenIent cistern. All kinds of frui
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property for a
,retired farmer and the taxes are light.
"For narticulars apply on the premises
'or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-e
For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L. R.
S. Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
There are on the premises a good
frame house, two barns and frame
stable 75 'feet long, cement floor in
cattle Stable; hog pen'two wells, The
land is in a good stats of cultivation,
well drained and fenced Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood buebe fall
plowing done, This farm is situated
13/4, miles east of the village of Bruce -
field and -5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from. farm. For further Per'
ticulars apply oit the -preiniess or
address Michael Whitinore,,Bruceneld
R. R; No. I, or Phone 5 on lilt; Sea -t
forth Central. •2616-0
Auto Sales
Is now located in its new premise's,
formerly Turnbull and McIntoslea(.--t
Livery Barn, Main street, seem*. 4.
complete line of
Wholesale and retail repairing =4
machine work.
Stewart McIntosh
Spring Term fro
Aprit 2nd
Stratford, Ont„
Commercial life offers the great oppor-
tunities. Recent lady graduates of thia
scbool a.re earning as high as $100e, per
annum. The last application we received
from an office man with some e.xperience
offered initial Salary of $1800 per annum.
Students may enter our classes at any
time. Graduates placed in positions, Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. De-
partments. Get our free catalogue.
President • Principal
Lot 88, Concession 6, McKillop, 1.06 aormi
of the best clay land in leeKillort, 6 "atm
bud, the restin:ill% . h state of CIAllanatehaaV
6 miles from S miles frt. Oen-
stance, miles Arrehdol. Tile* ire:ota
the premises, a good seven roomed lime, Za
bank barn 64x76, edl Page vire Seneca
weli underdrained. There are forty sorer
nletsghed, 5 eerek heat and the balance '
ed -down. There are two hic swklae, owe
Dined to bartyard sted ea After a dam
with a hydra lie ram mmapriqr the water to
the house aired "to the barn. As Ike
is in tbe orchard, and neer the blurt
fencer therU no, -,,waste %not There
graded an gravelled. lane fro* the roma
the bui/diw•
Apply to MU.
DORRANew Seefirtit.
A Change of Time
will be made on
jutw the 3rd
Information now
ln Agents' hands
W. Somerville . . . ....Town Agent
W. R. Plant .Depot Agent
4.11 P. FISHER.
Has purchased a Percheron Stallion
and will stand him in Seaforth and
vicinity during the season. Further
announcement later.
ON JINNI 224 Saturday, emir smut and
wolirtn, resident in Canada, who is 16
years and over, must attend at one of the
places provided for regOiratiert, 6etween the hours of 7 &tn. and
10 p.m., and there truthfully answer all the questions set forth upon the registration card.
itipon signing the card, vouching for the accuracy of the
eaanswers, the ma.n or woman
'will receive a Regigtration Certificate, as shown' betOwk, -which must be carried upon the
'person therfter.
Why the Certificate is so Important'
For failure to reeler a maximum fine el $100 an
one month's imprisonment is provided, also an added
penalty of 4110 for each del the person remains
unregiiteired alter June 22net,
Persons remaining unregistHared cannot lawfully be
employed; and cannot draw wages ler work does
after June 22nd. Employees wise keep unregistered
persons in their employ will he liabk tor fines espial .
in amount to those recoverable front the unregistered
Unregistered persons caniaet lawfully purchase
;transpOrtation tichets, and may fin& themseives
batted EMIR travelling on railroads stemless* ein,
Sinsitarly they may be denied board and 1b4ng
any hotel, restaurant, public 'souse or lee anima Itonee.
k a word -r -All persons romaining unregistered, and
all person* -having dealing.s arida unregistered
persons, knowieg them te be such, Incur heavy
penaklee ander the law.'