HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-06-21, Page 1aneeneert'''' • f erne• -taesseenneneens., g N rt; i018. iiinumummuunummilimming day ing June, July. August fairing June July and S 'fully -Re changed -.------ Shs• Valk 'Mk sus , nded- ieh keeps a ceaseless influence mess. That set purpose is to ibution through this conurrunity of the world's markets at the ring and prompt cash payments on is dissatisfied with the pure lir expectation* after you have Ilingly 'exchange the goods or ,ecitve June Bries VW • &MI& left MR • • MOW .114-- • NM& &ft - Alln& - toia- woo mow anti %Me *at .ring Apparel most satisfactorily, ;kirts—Waists 'din Underwear rials, neat sewing—all the merits arethe charms first recognized in emeemeen.nmememexamemeeneemeneannue n Easily Settled .-pecial order for a Summer Hat, it wilt -be right r f S low , 1.15 - IMP if&A Nif& Silks are Here the stock recently. New fancy $1.25 and $1.50 the werd. Leaders 1.25, n1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $2.00 and colored faille cord silks for their aality. Special for Waists and I fid $2.00 a yard. - 4 Z :0111 Dress Findings ss linings and dress furnishing is e and others in need of dress ac- er can buy them quickly, cheaply, u.s. ar Summer Dresses the qaulity. We present de- i: from a great a.ssembly. id voiles., pretty patterns, printed .25c to 75e - titles, Voiles., Marquisettes, etc., 20c to 85e gham, and Prints, Imported and ul clean finish. Beg sellers range- ri 25c to 35e 3, -4-- 0, 11 'an Head Suitings, both White elad 25c to 65e t(11,*y forth IIflSflhlfltlflH:IIIIJJIJII Mill 11 iirmszcoNn YEAR. :WHOLE NUMBER 2636 SEAFORTH, 0,-1918 • Agino MeLEAN BROS. Publishers $1.50 Year in Advance Gil MORAL STATUS OF lhorror of them—that iitt ly rend his 0.0100000•440********4140********0404)*****004* THE III Greig Clothing Co'y "Second to Noe" 04,0.44.0.,,a‘Po."4"0,4.0patioris ightweig t Suits For flat • Weather Nothing quite SO' cornfortable •as one of Our light weight piece Suits for the hot days 'which are now just about due —Grey and Browns and in Fancy Striped Patterns.' Cool Underwear ‘+; IN the ligWst weights and 2 - piece -I- or combinations Short sleeves and 42 ankle or knee ' length, Price 75c to 10 Greig Clothing Co SEAFORTH one-c>•<>4nne.o•oencenoecencenhoo•oacsii.o.oaseniece.ceoce•en 4. 0 • 0 • 04 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4. all1111111.1111111111, Some of Our Specialties This Week are: Screen Doors indow Screens Hammocks and Coal Oil Stoves •OPROMMOMPOSIMMINIO The 'Big Haraware Store 11. Edge • Seafotth 1111111111111111111111111I •FIELD, ARMY. `- - 1 asorilsfsall,eniegeloenassrtadeseirenall •Pare bine mbe and alarmt• Thus, in a singe ex lamatory phrase, would 1 signalize he untruth of almost -all the charges a d ounter-charges thathave appeared 'n Ithe press and that have been utteedJ from the pulpit and the platform ire jespeeting the moral status of the Cana ran army at the battle- front. No editor sitting in his office chair at ho e, and not even the rev- erend docto s of divinity who went overseas an made alleged investiga- tions of our 'soldiers' morals, could possess an ing more thann partial facts and 4istorted view of the real truth as 10 hether or not the Can- adian arny 1n the field was given to drunkenn ss and. Sexual sensuality. They soul coul4 iot possess the truth in the i*atteij 4nd thus could not speak with in.du i ble authority pro or ton, because by po possibility could they know the 1"i side" facts 'of array life —unless the had served for long months in lth ranks on active service, which, of oirse, is contrary to fact. Only a sol i r who has seryed long in the . ranks at the front, and who also has, besid s his, first-hand- knowledge of the life a d habits of his comrades in the lhe, intimate acquaintance with offici- I rmy vital statistics and with the rep rts of army medical of- - ficersi can bela real eye -witness of the "inside" fact� about our soldiers' more als, and thisla reliable reporter of the. .facts or an i terpreter who speaks as athedra—with •authority mangled beyond eonceiv tion. What psychologi are, under these cire a it were, e 1^ • and info, 1 Whir ty. Now, itlia pens that I am one who to know aidr is the kin cf soldier so informed as to be able to repprt or interpret t e facts aboOt the morals of our soldi rs at the Front: Bar- ringlthe ver remotest possibility of my being at 1 ing partizan or a sensa- tional jour list, the public can feel "safe in ta. g chances" on accepting me as an u hentic and reliable eye- witness an 'reporter of the truth about the. oral status of the Cana- dian. army at the front. For I was for month a, soldier in the ranks of the Canadi a Infantry at the battle- front in ance. Also I - was Ser- geant-Insp ctor of sanitatioft for my i own battal on in the field; had access to the offi ial army vital statistics; and was in close relation, professional and persoa al with the Medical Of- • ficer of m unit. So that by virtue of these ny- functions- and relations in the fiel came to have a first- hand know edge of the truth about the degree f sobriety and sexual continence- mini g in the ranks of the Canadi ij arthy .in the foreign field. And, t ese are the conclusiehs I was c plied .logically to , draw from my ex e 'ence of observed facts: (1) That. h CanadiAn;Army at.the Front is es entially a sober and con- tinent arm ; (2) that, in general, the moral health- of the Canadian army jit th field is as excellent as our soldie ' admirable and enviable physical he h, and (3) that if any Canadian f t er has a son _ who- is "sowing hi 'ld oats" and who re- fuses to be "s aightened up" by pa- ternal advice and warning and home influences, au h a father will find, in the array tl-r tery best of reformatory schools. Fir army .discipline and army incul anon of respect for and obedience t. authority will, unless one is inat ly depraved, practically guarantee o al reformation. At any rate, in th 1 rge, volunteer citizen - soldiers wh le on active service will be better morally as well as physically; and when they return from war ill be beter fitted, moral- ly and phy ically, for higher citizen -- ship in the new democracy that is to be. . In what ollows I shall not be en -- gaged. on a peachnaent, or a polemic, •or a defenc , br even an apology. I shall aim to report history—to en- lighten the puplic. Incidentally, I trust I may sustain the patriot fathers . and mother tnd wives who loyally sent their on and .husbands to . war against the H s and who yearn to i fully repuls. , the attacks of those know truly Ayl ether their "lads over ed there" are rfrom, or are success - insidiously feL Huns that kill the soul as we 1 as the bides namely strong drin andsexual vice. I turn now .to sub it Proofs presumptive and proofs factual of the essential sobriety an continence of the Can- adian army at the 'front. First of I; what inference must we draw lo icUlly from the facts of the general health of our army in .the field? Indi putably, the health of the ranks is ve y excellent. Taking nay own battali n 4s an average battalion, I know tha the amount of illness in the unit du ing the first six months of active se ice in the field was about two and on half per cent., or twenty- five cases f .11ness per 1,000 men, including s cknesses of all sorts — colds, astht4a, tuberclosis, pneumonia, diphtheria, ypjhoid, dysentery, tetan- us, trench anc relapsing fever, and loathsome ordinary st the rank ar be impossil were given incontinenc infections fr so debilitat ers that th y to resist ev ei. sical ills of 1 finevvieresw. ofTh our troops togree sa oyf the z1 .0aeadian ar Again: rj tion -of co -vedrawn f men in the I goes into t with coura Why? B novelds a vsige of the adventu lookupon 1 I b iseases. Now, this extra- te of good health amonst d f1e of our army would le if our fighting forces ver to boozing and sexual 'or drunkenness and m exual vice, would have t e bodies of our soldi- ould have been unable he more common phy- e, such as colds and pr sumption, then, is that he good general health of t the front there must be as , a very negligible de-. and incontinence in the in the field. same conclusion is to the splendid exhibi- age and "nerve' by our e. The first time a man e line, he goes forward e and even cheerfulness. ius his experience is a . But in the midst e min excitement he ts — oh, the gastly ng rny he om about him, eadless, or le 1 changes stances or from the vivid memory 0 them, sure to occur in, the mind an fighting soldier? 'Just crease in his sense of a going into the line and dread of the enemy fire, ing time he is ordered to unit into the line. is fighting soldier lacks c that, after what he has and seen in the trenches, help having less and less the hellish fray, each Pi heart of a ese: a de - venture in increasing ach .succed- go with his ob that the urage, ' but een through he cannot "nerve" for eding time that he 3nust go into th- Now, ,every adult civilian kno, that booz- ing and incontinence in ke nervous wrecks of all men, Ito '! atter how strong by natural physi al constitu- tion, who indulge in, the, 'dices of in- ebrety and incontinence; It would be impossible for thorn nds of our fighting soldiers to go i O the line with courage and the "0 !ere" requir- ed to face horrid mail. ion of body and gastly death—if th were booz- ing and suffering fro infections from vice. But they cl go into the midst of war's -howling and terrible holocaiists, • time after ttilne, for ninths. They do keep; their nerve and stand firm, heroic- 1 en. The presumption, . the lqgic 1 inference, then, is that the Canadia ..ariny is an essentially sober and co i nrient army. Once more there refla ins another proof presumptive of th: high moral status of our fighting fires at the Front. It is psycho- hypiological phenomenon by itself. I mean the winning fight which our voinided sol- diers put 'up in the way of WiII pow, er and physiologinal r istance to. wounds that would the-4:owise, in all likelihood, prove mortal. two characteristic cases. the case of Private Po horribly wounded by sh crawled into a near -by s there he lay for forty eight hours, **tine; until, ades, the maggots. ysioal and persistent ai he recov- hrn there is ice, who was duty for a er, hit by a him.' When I instance The first is le who was time'. He ell hole; and with his wounds zuppu when discovered by e wounds were swarming Yet so excellent was his nervous condition and was ,his will not to die, t erect and lives to -day. the case of Private Pren voluntarily doing sent comrade. A church to long-distance shell, fell o deg out of the debela th Medical Of- ficer observed that it was futile to take the man to a hospital, bcuse, as he said, Private Prentice was dead. ROW- everI with fifteen WOuri ‘a and a ter- j - 1 rIbly mutilated face an jew, liken- ti,ce lingered several Own hs in French and EtWebsit hosiAtale*,74 e.t.4. the $ur-. geons regarded his ease - as hopeless, But with splendid ciete- • motion to . live he defied and.- lo ..ht . against death, in which he was helped by -a naturally strong body, a i. eventually recovered. To- day he i at home in. Canada, unfit for further servicee but a "going concern." . N w how could our wounded soldiers xercise such dogged resistence of wil and of body to death that they even ually recover —if it were true that he Canadian army in France was iven over . to boozing ` and incontinanc ? For these vices debilitate prOfound y men's phys- ical constitution and voli lona powers. The fact, then, that the physical con- dition of our soldiers' • 'dies is super- ior to their condition in civil life and the fact that wounded s idiers exhibit the ;most , astounding e ercise of will poare and physiologi i al resistance When suffering from se ingly mortal, wounds are, surely, a • impressive proof presumptive of t e essential so- briety and continence o the Canadian army in the fighting fi Id. ., I turn now to the fe.tual proofs of the genuine sobriety : • moral clean- liness of the Canadian rmy on active service in the field. sidering, first, the matter of "booze-fi hting" in our army in France, I obs e ' that for several sufficient reaso s it is pract- ically impossible for al diers while on active service in the fie d to get drunk or to protract boozing.1 The facts are these: the men eannotet the kind of stuff from which, "booze -fighters" are made; and, even if they could obtain the stuff, army regulations in the that: ters of time "off duty' - soldiers' pay and punishment for ermines would pre.. ost negligible vent anything but the abuse of the beer and the light wines supplied by the army "wet" canteens and by the French , staminets. In particular: first, soldiers on active service in the field are seldom in areas where "hard liquor" can easily, if at all, be obtained. By military regulat- ion and orders, -dire punishment is visited on the propriet r of any French estaminet who derides inely sells rum or any other spiritu us loquors to soldiers; and . the th fty French are careful or shrewd en • ugh to take no chances. All that �u soldiers on ac- tive service can legiti ately purchase in the way of akoholn beverages are French beer, a French hite wine ,"vin blanc"),and a cheap rench (so-call- ed) champagne --all f which, pe se, are the merest *polo ies for intoxic- ating drinks. But t ere is another beverage which is a e and a sort of "rapid-fire" intoxican . It is, how- ever, a soldier's own concoction, and goes .by the aptly de riptive name of "lunatic soup". 1 sh 11 briefly des- cribe these soldiers' beverages and their effect on the h an system. The French beer is -very indiffer- ent cross between o domestic so- called temperance ger and onion soup --t least A ta' like and af- fects the system likei such a- concoc- tion. It is cheap and watery; and if 'a soldier drank two allons of it at a sitting, he might as i,e11 have drunk so ,much molasses a d water, so far as its causing any a preciable stimu- lation of body and im gination is con- cerned. The French "yin blanc" is a clteap brand of whte wine, -which tastes and acts like very mild-vine- tur • sa amt.. Huron County • Belgian Relief. Every woman in Huron County is called upon to assist in the work of Belgian .Relief, 1st.—MONEY • $3.70 a month., feeds, clothes, and educates a little, homeless Belgian orphan, Any one guaranteeing this amount for six or twelve months may receive the name and address of the child saved. $20.00 will feed, clothe, house and medically -attend a poor consumptive, starved, rickety, ailing little Belgian child in Holland for six weeks. 15,000 are now on the waiting list. Who will save one? ? ? 2nd CLOTHING If every woman in Huron county made (or gave the material) for one garment, what a grand bale of cloth- ing we would have to help these help- less, homeless, suffering little ones itt Belgium. Let Huorn County "go over the top" in, Belgian Relief Work by each woman doing at little. , Sincerely Sara A. Govenlock Convener, Huron .County Belgian Relief. Seaforth, nune 14, 1918. nIateeial or money may be left at the Red Cross Rooms any Thursday afternoon. OM= gar. The French -champagne sold to soldiers is also cheap and mildNow, this "vin blanc" costs a half franc (or sixpence) a wineglassful," and the champagne costa' from. seven to ten francs (or from $1.40 to $2.00) a bettle. Itt the field soldiers are paid, if they are on hand to be paid, fifteen francs (or about $3.00) fortnightly. *Fifteen francs- can buy ,at the most no more than two bottles of the cheap- est eampagne. And since, like the French beer, a great 'deal ,of it must be drunk -Co cause any appreciable degree of intoxication, fifteen: francs'' worth would go little way towards, over -stimulation of the , nervous sys- tem.' .Moreover, in an hour on two a soldier's fortnightly pay as gone, and. he canna get any more pay for at least another fortnight. Finally military regulationS and police super- vision over -the Preneff i''SStcernittets, absolutely prevent beer and -wine be- ing ,sold fax more than -two hours (six o'cloek to eight o'clock) in the evenings to Aim-. troops. Accordingly, consiikring the opportunities or per- mitted time for drinking, the quality of the French beer and Wine, and the small amount of money (pay) a sol- dier possesaes in a -fortnight or a month—what chances have our forces in the field for boozing or drinking to excess? The chances are practically nil.' . • Yet there have been instances of individual soldiers, while in rest quar- ters or - even in ' the line, being the verse of liquor. How was this pos- sible? While in billets in a village 't could happen in two ways. French ivilians are allowed to buy 'Thard" iquors at the estarnirtets. A soldier fight bribe one of the Frencb civil- ' ns to buy a considerable quantity of um or whiskey and sell it to the sold - inn But the French are very inept "boot-leggers," and it would be diffi- i ult for a soldier to bribe a French ivilian to get him spirituous liquor, tilyit has been accomplished. "Luna - ie .seup" is the facetiously cynical ame given by "soldiers to an intoxi- c ting beverage in France. The Aus- t alien troops, I understand, invent - e t ' he name for the concoction. But they do not drink it. The Canadian& "try" it once—just once; and then, like the Australians, . eschew it for- ever afterwards., "Lunatic soup" is a soldiers' own concoction, or, rather, a soldiers' encluSive method of mix- ing drinks. The method is to con- sume as large quantities of French beer, "vin blanc",, and champagne as possible—and then waitfor results. The intoxicating results are slow at the beginning, but sudden and inevit- able in the end. I need not describe them; they ?net sufficiently. suggested by the sobriquet "lunatic soup". In the line an individual soldier may hap- pen to get 'tanked up" either by the accident of finding a lost S.R.D. jug containing soldiers runt rations or by stealing a quantity of rum from the quarters of an officer who may have charge of the rum rations. But such cases are very rare. Moreover, -the rum rations is now, as it bas- been for many months, only a witticism. For only on extraordinary occasions,. such as after a long hard turn in the Cold and. wet with a working 'Party, or, in action. when a wounded or ex- hausted soldier really needs a stimu- lant, is a rum ration served to Cana- dian froops--and, if so, the quantity served is, honestly, hardly more than a thimbleful. In the field, then, the only cases of drunkenness are strictly individual cases, rare in place and time, and quite negligible. For the time spent in drinking the cheap washy French beer is negligible; and the amount consumed at a sitting, or even in a month, is quite harmless. In short, in the field the Canadian Army is a genuinely spber body of fighting. forces. - On the other hand, when, after long wearing days or Months in the fight- ing -line, our noldiers are granted leave to London said other cities in the United Kingdom, it doe. happen that they inevitably meet msiduous and overwhelming temptations. Since • the loneliness of the soldier .on pass in a great and strange city is very depressing, since he is avidly yearn- ing for human eorapanionship, and since the "pubs" of London and other British cities- are inviting -social cen- tres, it is only natural and to be ex- pected that there • Should be some drinking to excess • by soldiers on leave... But still, 1 ean, . honestly say this—that when I was enjoying my evacuation •pass of fourteen days' leave from my regimental depot, I did not see one drunken Canadian soldier on the streets d London, Dub- lin, Belfast, Glasgow ' or Edinburg —and they were there in° hundreds. Even on Christmas Day, 1917, which I spent in London, I saw no drunken Canadian soldier, but I did see several British civilians jagged, juiced, jab- bering and jumping. So that, in niy view, the evidence is conclusive that in the field, or while on leave in the United Kingdom, Canadian soldiers are essentially sober men; and, in any ease, their moral status in sobriety is considering the quantity of insobriety per one thousand men, snuch higher :than obtains in a civilian population, say, in a Canadian village or town of one thousand inhabitants. As 'to the degree ef, incontinence in our army in France, I can put the facts stmimarily. Inthe field, even when our men are quartered in vil- lages far, a rest after beipg in the line, Canadian soldiers -are immune from temptation,,, and live thoroughly chaste lives. For -there are no such templations possible, because the war Ihas - ptied the villages and towns ,of all females from fifteen years up- wards, except old women. All the youths and men have gone to the war; and the . young women, too, are gone somewhere to do their bit for the war, presumably in the munitions plants alio other necessary industries, tak- ing the place of ,their fathers, hus- bands, and brothers. Et the villages and towns one finds only old men, old women and small children. How, then can anyone who is not an actual eye- witness of armylife in the field really know' thetruth or charge that our soldier at the front are given to in- continehee. The'charge is absurd. • On the other hand, real moral dan- ger .stalks pur soldiers when on pass in the cities of France and England. In, Paris and in London the terripta- tions to incontinence are, 1 must ad- mit, -.ubiquitous, and almost inescap- able and overwhelming. Only innate character and, loyalty to their own peopli, can protect our soldiers on leave in -Paris or in London, and save them from the temptress,as, in ony own observation, innate character and loyalty have, in the great majority of cases, aetually done. Such excep- tiorin as have occurred have, been in-- -eeVitedelhesand"- when-, tensidered *-- Tele- tivelY to the 'total chastity -which ob- tains hi the Canadian army are to be regarded as negligible, Reviewing all I have written to show truthfully the moral -status of the .Canadian Army 'at the Front, I can confidently reassure fatfiers and mothers and wives that they have no grounds to be --disquieted over any alleged prevalence of insobriety. and unchastity in the rank and file of our fighting forces. Despite a certain in- evitable degree of degradation in manners and speech, due to the rough - who give in that spirit, give that they rnay betentertained and will not re- ceive the blessing they would if they gave what they eauld freely that oth- ers might be helped.—Reader. $124 DEAL KEEPS 20 JUDGES BUSY Is fact, litigiously speaking, strang- er than tetion? There's a. cruel jibe that a lawyer - father was justly irate when his sen, in whose favor he had retired,. settled. in a day a law suit that had been in the family for at least two genera- tions.' From historic Huron County, Oia tario, comes a true story that is sec- ond onln to Charles Dickens' far- famed 3-arndyee vs. Jarndyce, in the Bleak House novel, as an example elf the delightful uncertainty of the „law. Jones vs. Tuckeremith was begun in 1911. It ends now. Why? Well, there are no more rivers to cross. The cause celebre has been before most of the judges of the Supreme Court of Ontario and, also; the Su - mettle Court of Canada. 5 Three single judges of the Province browsed on this pastoral dipute. Two Divisional Courts added their wisdom, one baying two bites at the cherry. Then, too; the Dominion tri- bnnal at Ottawa gave the wheel of le- gal fortune a brace of twirls. inthe- village of Egmondville, near Seaforth, there was an alleged high- way, known as "the north part of Mill street." It was still enclosed by the iold farm fence as part of the original field. But peace was followed by war when Tuckersraith council passed a by- law, 'dosing "n,orth part of Mill street" and making a sale to one Richard Kr u s e . Wowi Five ratepayers led by a Mr Jones, hurled the law at Vendor Tuck- ersmith township and purchaser Kruse Justice Middleton quashed the by-law, and the second divisional court dirct- ed that the issue be tried. ' The trial, judge, Mt. Justice Latchford, found for nnes, and the First Divisonal -= Court upset hit judgenent. Jones' went to the Supreme Court at Ottawa and Jones triumphel When this hap- pened, the Supreme Court divided ime partially on whether the street was a • street. Two big -wigs said itvas; two said it was not. But they united in soaking Tuckersmith. There -Die erne! war gave up the ghost, but a sniall-fry or two lingered -on hi the shape of CQg . .• 4ppeg„,,wa1 awarded costs - ;but a buildin, put up by Kruse, still reared its frowning battlements. Then Jones, through his counsel, Woe Proudfoot„ K.C., M.P.P., invoked the power MrLejhuslietle!i!jen, granted a writ of at- taeh prerenutsaaltiNlt yifnotthekpiseireuewforeram e notoplit verized 'within SG dys, rack And thumbscrews would be the portion of the offenders against the awe and ma- jesty of the law t -- All this sounds fantastic and ex- pensive, but it's the gospel accord ing to judicial interpretations of the statutes. • The taxed costs will look like a war -time tax bill. Ana how much did Tuckersmith Township get for the land? An echo answers: "One hun- dred and twenty-four dollars." and -ready- communism a the army Weekly Star, Toronto, June 15.ultuc in narvo (Much in little.)— and the life -and -death democracy of the trenches, army life in tbe field is a first-rate conserver of morals. The physicalhealth on our soldiers at the Front, and even in the trenches, is superb; nay, better than it ever was *hen the men were civilians; and -their moral health is as 'excellent as their asmirable and enviable physical codition. The Canadian army at the Front is a notably sobber and chaste e, army. Any other view, 'opin- ion, or belief is not logically tenable by those * who look squarely at- the facts as I have srbmitted them. Myo- pic /Aoralists may continue to hold to opinions other than mine and to pub- lish startling charges against our sold- ieris' at the Front These charges I shall stigmatize, to use again my opening phrase, as pure buncombe and alarm.—Canadian Magazine. WHAT 18 THE REASON To The Editor a The ExpOsithr: There are two things which we have and which are hard to understand. One of them is than the businens men can arrange among themselves to close their places of business on Wednesday e.ternoons of each week for the three months, June, July and -August. It is a good arrangement bothfor the bui- ness men themselves and also for their helpers, who are cooped up inside from year's end to year's end, and it must be a good thing for both. Again, they do not lose any business by it and the inconvenience to the, public is little, when they know beforehand and can arrange things to suit. They, the mer- chantsi can arrange to close the places of business every night at a certain hour excepting Saturday nights and a night -before a holiday. Now what 1 would like to know is why can they not or why do they not arrange to close on Saturday nights and. nights before holidays during the summer months say at 10 oclock and in, the -winter months at nine o'clock. They saythey do not want to keek open so late. They scarcely ever close before 11 o'clock and more often it is nearer 12 o'clock before they close. They say people keep coming in. Now they have it in their own hands it would be better for them, better for their help, and a great deal better for the public. The bulk of the People do not believe in it, nor do they want it, The second is why it is necessary when people are sq patriotic and loyal that when they want to realm money for the Red Cross, War Auiliary,etn., that they Should have to he promised a dance, a card party, or a supper be- fore they will contribute. 'I do not mean all, but a great Tinny. This does not show patriotism nor sacrifice, nor is it eithe, but it is selfishness. Those • , - 1 HURON NOTES —Last week, Dougald Strachan, of Jamestown, had the misfortune to have his right leg broken near the lijp. He was repairing the driving shed door when it fell on Inn. -We hope he will make a speedy recovery, Mr. Strnehan inat the old homestead, 3rd concession of Grey. —Capt. H. A. I1easiain wno ated as an M. B. from Toronto ni- versity, 14 2916, going overseas in June of the same year with the Ce A. M. C, as a lieutenant, is returning to Tornto. Capt. Hessian is an old Clinton boy, having spent his schoo days there. His wife and little son re- side in Toronto. —A graceful act on the part of the County Council last week was the voting of an honorarium of one bus& red dollars to Miss Marion Harland, in recognition of her Servites as organist at the weekly Sunday afternoon ser- vices at the House of Refuge. Miss Harland has been giving her SerViCell for years quite freely and *Mout thought of reward, and the couneil wished to give expression to their ap- preciation of them. —C. L. Brown, M.A.t of Wingham, has been appointed principal a the Sarnia Collegiate Institute to lill the vacancy created by the resignatoin of A. M. Overholt, who is going to Brantford. Mr. Brown is a specialist in mathematics and has a splendid record at Wingham. He will tale over his duties when school reopens, in the fall. —Mrs. WM Dore, of Wingharn, has received word that her son who was recently reported seriousli wounded, is improving slightly, vieb*.la will be good news for his many Wink - ham friends. His Chaplain writes that he was severely injured in the side by a shell, Mrs. Dore has since. received a note, written by Harr, tell days after being womuled. He states although his recovery will be slow he expects to pull through. —Some exciternent was caused in Clinton on Friday last When the horse hitched to Conner's delivery wagon took fright at something and made a dash up Albert Street. Hugh Ma- guire was in the . rig and pluckty hung on until they got pretty well up Vinegar Th1I, when seijng he vault , not get, the animal under control; he I jumped. Mr, Conner folloseed itt ear and succeeded in overtaking the runaway. Fortunately no partlitaar damage was done. This is the second runaway Hugh Maguire has been in during the past few weeks, he having eustained some injuries the first time. But he escaped nnheart on Fdar.