HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-06-14, Page 8.r,ysion,••••••••....r. offering the Best Values on Canadian Market to -day: ... • • ... :35c peas ... . ... ...35c Mee tomatoes , . . .... 35c Imes Comfort Soap 350 Bleetrie Soap - . .. 35c Fels Naptha Soap 25e Mack or Mixed Tea 550 Oats, 90 pounds for $5.50 J. Finnigan PHONE 72 SEAFORTH AT YOUR SERVICE Et Rt HIGGINS BOx 127, Clinton. Phone 100 kforuterly of Brucelleld) -Agent for - Huron & Erie Mortgage rporation and the Canada Trust Co. Istatiseet IL C. of J., Conveyancer, a and Tornado Insurance. Notary Public idaniidii of each week at Mateerfieli' arness e caR,your attention to our Sty - Balt and up-to-datte Single Harness. The best values we have ever offered in Mine or Genuine Rttliber Trim - do of Union Oak Leather, inie Ore in quality and design -our Own Make --with prices ranging from de to $40.: BUGGY DUSTERS A large assortment of fancy atterns from $1 to $2.50 Waterprof Ruts For Auto or Buggy, in Mohair or in Rubber -all sizes -$1.50 to $3.50 Plush or Wool Kee Rugs Fancy Patterns, $3.50 to $10 SHAMOIS SKINS AUTO GAUNTLETS SPONGES. SHOE REPAIR/NG We are still repairing shoes at the most reasonable prices. Expert WorlonareThip Prompt Service. a 13roderiek's ather Goods Store $weat Pads Axle Grease Whips CementSilos -Contracts Sdlieited- Workmanship Guaranteed e citogers Bros. Contractors 'Fullerton P.O. Ja. ni es Watson ,.....GenertAl Insurance Agent Real Esth and Loan Agent Deakr in Ziewing Machines.' POW. good houses for sale, Oenveaieuttly aituated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms roaeonable and possesstr given promptly y at My office for particulars. .14 .DALY f3Welff OptaWan. lbotter Marriage Licenses T o my` Marriage Miss Reta sown ?ExpostorMMeDerreototf atnhnde U1 tuie Continuation School. Mr. tap ,-- DISTRICT MATTERS expects to don the khaki in a week or Fraining te, Huron Old Boys -At an enthusias- tic meeting of the Huron Old Bore of Toronto, at the Sunyside Pavilion,(the Herber Board Restunutt), on Monday evening last, it Was decided to hold the Annie], Excursion and Picnic to Queenston Heights on Wednesday, July 24th: The railways were unable to supply any special train service or rates, in consequence of which the an- nual trip to 'the County of Huron had to be abafidbrted. i Belgian Relief. -The following is' the report of the Treasurer of -the- Seiforth. Belgian, Relief Society for 1 May: -Balance from April, 54c; Mrs. Jas. Hinchley, $1; Mrs. W. E. Kers- lake, $1; Mrs. Robt. Jones $2; Mrs. Joseph Keating, $1; Mrs. !Win. Gov- enlock, $2; Mrs. DeLacey, $3.70; Mrs. J. Maetavish, $2,50; Mrs. , C. Stewart, $2.50; Mrs. Oscar Neil, $1, Daura Mc- Millan, 25c; A Friend, 25c; Post Of- fice, 27e; Bominion Bank, 18e; coat donated by Miss Lakes, $25.75. Total $43.94. Remitted to J. L. George, To- ronto, .$43; expenses, 20C; balance on hand, 74c. The coat donated by Miss Lukes was drawn for last Thursday, Miss Elma Freeman being the holder of the lucky ticket, No. 25. A box of clothing was also shipped to Motreal. -as- Local .Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. James Beattie accompanied Mr. and Mrs.J., E. Smith on their return Treater trip to Peterboro. Th-- will also visit with friends .in .Galt, Hamilton and Toron-, to. Mrs. W Holt, of New York, is visiting at the home of her parents, Cot and Mrs. Wilson. -Mr. and Mts. Walter Robinson were visiting with friends in Port Dover and Toronto last week. -Mrs. Woodward and two children, of Winnipeg, are visiting with Mrs. Wallace and other friends in down. -Mrs. A. Archibald was in Goderich this week attending the wed- ding of her granddaughter,MisS Waite ---,Mrs. John Sproat was called to Lucknow on Tuesday owing to the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Reid Mr. W. Smith, North Main Street, who has been under the doctor's care for the past six monthe, is, we regret' to state, not improving, and very little hope is entertained for his recovery: -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Blake, of Grey, were Seaforth visitors last week. -The ladies of Roxboro will hold a Red Cross garden ,arty on the lawn of Mr. Robert Garrow, on Wed- nesday evening next, June 19th. The Seaforth Band will be in attendance arid an excellent programme furnish- ed. Two pigs have also been donated to the ilitclies for RedloCross purposes and _these will be drawn for at the garden party. -Mrs. King, of Walk- erville, was visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. F. Case, Maple Hall, this week. -Mr. Robert French has moved into the residence recently va- cated bk the Misses Cooper, and for- merly oecupied by Mr. J. B. Thomp- son. -Miss Verna Graves, who has been spending some time at the' home of her siateitin Detroit, has returned to her home here -Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. Shannon were here visiting the lat- ter's mother, IVIrs I/ Dorrance.-The many friends of Mrs. Robert Shea, of Seaforth, will be pleased to learn that she has secured a comfortable room with the Sisters of St. Joseph, of London, where she intends making her her home. -Mrs. ,,Chapman. of Gode- rich Street, left this week for Gilbert Plains, Man., where she will spend the summer. -Miss Lukes has donated a very handsome knitted coat for the Sailors'Relief-Fund. It is now on ex- hibition in Mr. J. Macta.vish's window and tickets may be secured at that store. -Mrs, McQuaig and son, Russel, have returned from visiting friends in Stratford. -Mrs. Harris, of St. Cath- arines is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jones, corner of West and Goderich Streets. -Mr. Win. Smithers, of Mont tana, and a former resident of this Vicinity, is visiting at the home of the Messrs. Jmieson, Huron Road. -Mise Mason, of Welland Hospital, is viiting the Misses Mason, Main Street, this week. -Mr. C. L. Willis, 4ditor and eproorietor of The Statler, Alta., In- dependent, with his wife and two children were here this week visiting at the home -of his mother, Mrs. R. Millis. Mr. Willis Came east to at- tend the annual meeting of the Cana-- dian Press Association in Session at Toronto this week. -Mrs. Ketelien, of Exeter, is a 'visitor at the home of her brother, Mr. Robt. leBell.-- Fidelity Lodge of Oddfellows will . hold their Annul Decoration Service ut the Mait- landbank cemetery on Sunday after-, non, June 23rd. -Miss Margaret Ross, of Brifcefleld, was the guest of Mao Norma Jeffrey this week. --Mr. James Devereux, of the Huron Road east, has a Shorthorn calf 9 months old that tips the scales at a little over eight !hundred pounds; a prety substantial weight for a youngster. -Miss Rena :McKenzie, of Stratford, , spent the week end here. -Mr. A. J. Smith., of Carrington, North Dakota, was visit- ing with friends here this. week. Mr. Smith is an 'old Hullett boy and son -in - 1 . i lewtef .Mr. Joseph Sproat. -Miss Es - the Purcell of Seaforth, spent a , week at the home of her cousin, Miss 'Theresa Hielmell, at Beechwood. - The Silver Thimble and Trinket Com- , 1 • BOB WALKING choose a oomfortable tow heeled Eng- lish last. For dress wear we have some excep- tionally attractive models in SKOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Sport styles are well represented. White aoles are still popular and we ca a SUPply every footwear need. STYLE AND ECONOMY - it seems, wage an eternal warfare, yet a woman told us she had proved it economy to have a pair of SHOES FOR EVERY OCCASION changing them frequently. Street shoes look shabby after an attegaoon at tennis, evening slippers ceto be quickly ruined by damp pave- , meets or wet grass:, athletic shoes are %lett of place in the house. We are koadquarters for every style QUALITY FOOTWEAR H R SCOTT Phase 111 THE HOME Pr, GO.Pri. SHOES -mittee will be at the .1/ea Triaog e room on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, June 15th, to accommodate *those WhO still have articles to con- tribute. An auctien sale will he held at 9 o'clock p. m. -The many friends here of Mr. Joseph Sproat who recent- ly had his foot amputated at the Wingham Hospital, will b'e pleased to learn that he has so far recovered as to be able to be moved to Belgrave, where he is making very satisfactory progress towards recovery. -Princip- al Fraser, of Montreal College, con- ducted Anniversary Services in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday last, delivering two very able and profit- able sen ons to large and appreciat- ive congregations. ,Special music was rendered by the choir,assiated by Miss Gibbins, of Clint:en.- Mrs. ErneSt Murray, lid little daughter, of Re- gina, who Chave been spending several weeks at the home of Mrs. W. Mur- ray left last week to visit her home in Montreal. -The Arnprior Chroni- cle of a recent date contained the fol- lowing interesting item: A quiet wedding took 'place on Wednesday morning, May 29th, in the Roman Catholic Church, Fitzroy Harbor, when Rey, Father O'Neil united in eo.--Mr. and Mrs. Brock Greenand Mr. and Mrs, /laming .motored tip from Hamilton and speOt the eek end at the home of Mr. and MTS. E Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid were in Lan- don this week attending the funeral of a nieces -Mr. F. S. Sava 'e °cou- pled the pulpit of - the ethedist Muftis on Sunday 'mottling set and Rev. D. Carswell,- of MeKillo in the, evening in the absence of R v. Geo.' McKinley, who was attendin Con- ference at Walkerville.-Mr. . Smith and children are in Tor rito this week at the home of her sis or, Mrs. Roe oke, -Mrs: tawrenee, an I son, of Sarnia, are visiting her sist r, Mrs. Wm. Carle:when, of Tiicke smith. - Miss M. Williams has returr4ed from a visit with' her sister in' T ronto.- Mrs. T. C. Irving and M L. 12 Blackburh, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. aod Mrs. J. 1F: Ross. -A very successfill lawn soeia was given. by the Methodist Chu h IS. S., on the Church grounds on Friday evening last. The proceeds moianted to about $56, which will be i for providing comfornrfor the bo s .t ,the front. -Susan VanEgmond, vif of Mr. John McMullen, die. at he MO of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Hi c ey in Seaforth on Sunday last. Th re- mains were taken 'to her ioie in Elkton, Michigan, for interm nt.-The Missionary address given b Rev. Se Middleton, Principal in charge of. the Anglian Boarding School, Blood Re- serve, McLeod, Alberta, in S. Thom- as' Church school room, on W dnesday evening was most. interestin and in- structive. Mr. Middleton hals proved himself to be a most eapable and ef- ficient worker among the Ind'ans: He has unbounded faith in th. Indian and in his becoming a us ful and valuable citizen for Canada if he is only given a suitable ducaton. Housekeeper Wanted -For the , summer. Seaforth. 2635x1 Special $1.95 Optical Sale of War - anted high grade gold filled rinun spectacles and eyeglasses, fitted. with best qu ober.. ical lenses. Regular $4.50 value foi o lY $1.96 Eyes examined free by our well maws and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hughso , formerly optical expert for Kent's Jewelry Store, To- ronto. /Owing to the scarcity of le es, prices are adVancing rapidly, so take a vantage of this chance and come early. Two days only, Monday and Tuesday, June 17 and 18. BEAT - TIE BROS. FAIR, Seaforth, Garden 'Party. -A garden party under the auspices of the ladies of Roxboro, ill be held on Mr. Robert Garrow's lawn, on he evening of Wednesday, June 19. An ex ellent p gramme by local talent, assisted b Miss Ada McClinton, Soprana, and Mr. H. . McGreg- orof Goderich, and Mr. J. G. Mull n, of Sea - forth. Supper will be served fro 6 to8 o'- clock, and if the* weather is unfa orable the garden party will be held the. fol owing eve- ning. The Seaforth band will be in attend- ance. Proceeds in aid of the Re Cross. Garden Party. --Remember the Cross Garden Party on the lawn o Garrow, Wednesday, June 19. B tendance. Dr. Forster, Eye. Ear, Nos4 forth. Wednesday the ,19th ins Speeiali4t, will be, at the Queen's a. m. to 3 p. m. For sale cheap, newly painted Small family. Apply 4C.0 Box 85 oxboro Red Mr. Robt. and in at - and Throat Hotel, Sea- , from 11 top buggy, also DeLaval cream separator, early new, with or without power attachmentApply to J. C. LAING, Seaforth. 2635x2 Found.-Watchfound in Egmon ville. Own- er may have same by proving p operty and paying charges.. Apply to W. J. Finnigan, Egmondvi Ile Taken. -The parties that took good= um- brella out of Phillip's Fruit Store will 'kindly return same, as the owner knows -who got it. It had a brown handle with light r shade on end. 26354 For Sale -A number of farm implements also a quantity of hay. Apply to Miss Sara Gemmell. -R. R. No. 4, Seaforth or phone 8 Gonet14A5 "Wear -Ever" Ahuntsin a Kitchen Equipment and save fuel, food, i ork, worry and money. H. L. Bailey, De onstrating Salesman. Phone 8 on 137, Se forth Cen- tral. 2632-tf Snap for Quick Sale. --=-Good fra e dwelling, eight rooms, in good repair -$860. Immediate possession given. H. Edge, Seafort . 2631-tf .The High Cost Of Living. -Eco omy is the word to -day. Make your old gars ents do in- stead of purchasing new ones. ave them dry cleaned and pressed. Dry cle ning when properly done lengthens the lite garments, preserves their fresh, new appealiance, and acts its a disinfectant. Insanitary wearing appearel often causes sieknes a'ndj death due to germs. Clothing should be -clealned at fre- quent intervals. We dry clean oice a .week. "My Wardrobe" Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite Queen's Hotel. 2629-tf Wanted -Housekeeper- on fart. near Sea - forth. Apply to R. larrow, R. R. No. 2, Sea - forth, or phone 9 oi 236. 2626-tf est The Casualty List. -Word was re- ceived here this week that Li t. Clar- ence Garden, son of Mr. G. F. S. Garden, of Kitchener, and formerly of Seaforth, had been killed i a flying accident in England. Lieut. Gardner was born and received his enly edu- cation in Seaforth, and he ijas maisy friends , here who will sincerely regret to learn of his early death. He was -a nephew of Messrs. Adam and James Hays, of town, and at the time of his enlistment in the Flying Corps he was Manager of a bank in the *est. osee Died in Michigan. -The o despatch from the St., -Claw, Press, will be of inteteet to our older readers, as Dr. Sell well known to many in to cinity and for a number of sided at Constance. The Pr Our people generally were distinct shock Tuesday eve news that Dr. William L. had died a little after 5 p. M. known that the doctor had failing health for some time, a few were aware of his seri dition, which, taken with th his high standing, made his come as a shock to the wh munity. Dr. Scboales was September 27th, 1855, at Ha Huron County, Ontario. He ed for and entered the Univ Michigan, from the medical ment of which he graduated class of 1878. He began pr Young America, Ind., and late from there to White Rock, lVic About 25 years ago he remov d White Rock and located at S. In this city he has been a v r Rowing chigan, any of les was and vi - ears re- s yen, a by the choalee It was een in ut only us con- fect of death tice at moved higan. from Clair. V sue- cessful practioneer. He was a of high ideals, looking more good he might be able to do h the financial side of life and it, wore himself out in the service 0 ens. September 26th, 1886, e married to Mis Cynthia E. F r of White Rock. This woma well known and -esteemed by our ple, but became an invalid doctor's devotion to ,her thro long illness and, the way he s himself in ministering to her long her life 'and relieve her s showed him an ideal husban spite of all that loving, devot could do she died some years a it August 30th, 1916, the doe married to Mrs. Jeannette L St. Clair, a woman well luio esteemed by our people who -s to mourn hie lose. The doct in I : I I 1 le C com- orn on tt, in repar- sity of epart- in the man to the erally an to THURSDAY f oth- We do all kinds of Picture Fram- ing and aleo carry a large as. sortment of Ready Made Frames. Bring n your picture and choose a frame frontour stock of New Mouldings, • T hompson a Boo store. SEAFORTH. Window Shades and Picture Frames. Agent for Nei/ Idea Patterns. Cash Way The Cash Way of doing business makes possible the prices you find marked in plain 'figures on every article in this store. Never have we had such variety and in the face of to- day's markets'never such values, COME AND SEE BEATTIE'S FAIR THE CASH WAY STORE SEAFORTH ‘• • • • n/ • ONTARIO '1,111Manlial has four sisters living: MTS. W. C. Bainton, of Bervie, Out.; Mrs. John Ferguson, of Wolseley, Sask.; Mts. J. W. King, of Bluevaler Ont., all of whom were with him when he passed away, having been Summoned the Sunday before; Mrs. -Andrew Gibson,. of Regina, -Saske, and one - brother, .Frank H. Schoales, of Laird, Ontario. His aged mother &el about two months ago.' He also leaves an a- Fdopted son, NeTI Schoales, now resid- ing in Sombre, Out The doctor was one of nature's noble characters. A 'man of sterling integrity, true to his friends, steal/fan* adhering to his high ideals and ever ready to sacrifice himself to serve others, he was a cre- dit to the medical. profession and has laid many people in this community under an obligation which they can never repay. Earth is poorer when such a man dies and though gone: from ug yet he is not and cannot be forgotten, but the influences which he set in motion will, live and be ad in- spiration to nobler living long after his earthly body shall have crumpled in, decay. • Red Cross:L.-The_ following are the reports of the 'Secretary and Treasu- rer of the Seaforth Branch of the Red Cross Society for the month of May. Treasurer's Report:- Receipts -Bal- ance on hand May, 1st, $69.61; A Friend, '$400; '*Xeiead, $200;. John cCaa, $50; Janiett Burrows, $5; Mrs. RobtJones$5; Win. Smitle,$5; Mrs. G Laird, $10; Mrs. James Jamieson, $2; James Jamieson, $2; Miss. L. P. Hargan, $1; Mrs, Geo.. Clieaney, $1; John MeLermare. ,$1; Balance from Com-meicial Euchre., $2; Donation fr- om Ryie Bros'., $7.50; Proceeds from Ada Ward Leeture, $43.25; Proceeds from Intolerance, $1820; Proceeds .from Work Bag, donated by 'Mrs. Van - Sickle, $8.25; Proceeds from "The Old Fashioned Tea" at the home of MTS. A. D. Sutherland, $40.80; Proceeds from the "Euchre" at the home of Mrs A. D. Sutherland, $28.45; Winthrop Branch, $10.85; Kinburn War Time Club, $12.50; Balance of April Month- ly Contributions, $5.25; Quilts', $7.50; 'Music, 25e; Rags, $1,70; Pieces, 25e; Red Cross Pin, 25e; Blankets ,$2.25; money boxes of town, $3.06;Monthly Contributions, $148.10. -Total $4092:- 02. Expendituret-F. Gorden.. Osier (Prisoner of War) $10; MTS. Jane LengWorthy $2; Stewart Bros., ;227:83 J. McTavish, $435.42; 3. P. Snowden, $4.10; Sproat andtSproat, 25e; Themps son's Book Store, .45c; McLean Bros., $3.25; FrGordon Osier for yarn, $437.- 25. -Total $1120.55. , 'Balance on hand $28.53. -Grace Mullen, 'Treas. -Secretary's Report for June, - 234 suits of pyjames, 12 -flannel shirts, 168 pairs of socks, 6 pairs of heeless bed socks, 24 butter cloth' handker- chiefs, 6 feather pillows, 264 towels. Edna DeLaeey, Secrete -Tr. CHISTLEHURST On Thursday afternoon last the Pat- rotic Circle packed for the Hyman Londion: 96 trench towels; '28 'helpless shirts; 7 pins of socks; eight Suits of pyjamas; two field shirts and to the boys overseas, 16 boxes of' eats, 16 pairs of socks, 17 trench towels; $5 dollars was donated by Mrs. Hill, of Brucefield. TUCKERSMITH Garden Party.--eRemember the Roxtoro Red Cross Garden Party on the lawn of Mr. Robt. Garrow, Wednesday, June 19. Band in at- tendance. School Report.-Tkie following is the report of S. A. No. 6, Tuckersmith, for May: Seen -Y. -W. Landsborough, 65, Jr. IV -Ed. Johns, 62. Sen. HI -J. Landsborough, 67. Jr. III --B White, 67. Jr. II -E. Landsborough, 75; M. Armstrong, 75; A. Johns, 74; E. Tewnsend, 74; E. Layton,61.---41. F. Hilhnan, Teacher. • Presentaton.-A pleasant social eve- ning was spent recently at the home STRAND was guson, was, peo- nd the gh her crificed o pro- fforing I. In care o, and or was d, of and nv'ives r also , 'FRIDAY SATURDAY Two Men and a Woman With an Ali -Star C s . A thrill- ing° story of Romance and intrigue. Also A Lonesome e Comedy -24 in Two wq'trts PRICE 15c. CHILDREN STRAND - , of Mrs. Robert Parsons, town line, when her mother, Mrs. Rye in eves presented with a fine invalid's chair by her old neighbors and friends in the locality in which she lived. Last winter the good laby had the misfor- tune to fall and break ker ankle and when nearly recovered from the first accadent she again fell and brokeher leg near the hip: But we are pleased to say with kind nursing she js getting along well and is able to use her new chair. Mrs. Byelaw -in leeway thank- ed the doners-for their useful. gift and inquired for all her old friends. We hope the old lady may be spared many days to enjoy her chair. The follow- ing_is the address: -'.Dear Mrs. Ryck- nian:We your friends and neighbors are assembled here to -night to express our regret of your departure. Living among us for over a half a century, you have endeared youbielf to vs and we have always found You an ever kind .neighbor and true friend in all times of joy and sorrow. Yon are possessed of high ideals towards the fulfillment of yonr duty to God and to us. Thus your true Christian life has been an example for us all,and these happy thoughts of you -will be cherish- ed by us. Our most earnest wish is that the remaining years of your life may be blessed with the assurance of eternal happiness. We ask you to accept this chair as a memento of our Ioee and esteem for you. Signed ma behalf of your friends, Mrs. John Selves Sr., Mrs, Gordon Bolton. JUNE T4, 1918 Hinpithinimrimmumninuninminiminnunsminimminifo = - - Store closes at 12.30 tem. every Wednesday during June, Juirt °August = Sr.t."' Shop in the forenoon on Wednesdays during June, July and August = eor" =. , WALTON Notes. -Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Fergu- don, of Toronto, are visiting at the pa- rental home. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Laughlin were in Toronto, last week as delegates for .the Farmers' Club. - Rev. Mr. Steele, of Toronto, preached in - Duff's Church last Sunday. -Rev. Mr. Craik is _leaving the Methodist circuit and will be succeeded by Rev: Mr, Cousins, whose father had charge here, some years ago. -At the annual eeting of .the Red Cross last week fs. Driscoll was presented with a life mbership certificate in recognition f her great work. She is 74 years Id and in two years she has knit 75 pairs of soak, made 235 day hixts and 17% suits of pyjamas. This s a record which is hard 4"" beat. We ope she will enjoy good/ health for any years to come. -In the Treasu- er's report of the Red Cross Union ast week there was a slight miss- rint; /instead of .$2.13 from Leadbury t should have read $22.13 , - CONSTANCE Garden Party.---Remerriber the Roxboro Red rose Garden Party bn the lawn of Mr. Robt. arrow, Wednesday, June 19. Band in at- endance. A Notes. -.:Mr. 'John' Scott- and 1V1r. A. apson now sport a Chevrolet car ach.-Mrs. George Wheatley, Sr., is cry low at present and not much ope is entertained for her recovery-- hile Miss Verna Adams was crank - g her car, it back -fired, striking her n the foreaem straining it and 3iursthig a blood vessel, which will lay rr -up for a week or two. -Our town- ; hip fathers have, disposed of the tatute Labor -system'and now all the Toad work will be let by contract. Each day's labor is set at one dollar, which will be paid in taxes. -Mr. T. 'Riley went to London. on Menday in ilh.e Military draft. --Mr. Will Me - ill aci is now in Petawawa Camp n "th the artillery. Mr. John Alin- trung is also with the colors, while ome =Ore have leave of absence for :short time. BRUCEItiELD , 'Car Far Srcle.-1.1Sed ear in excellent con - tion. A lbargain for quick sale. Apply to 'Oscar 'Neil, Seaforth. 2635-2 The Late Mrs. Simpson. -At the age clf 86 -years Mrs. 'Simpson passed a- way at her home in this village on unday morning, after a. lingering M- ess of oome 'months. :She has resided I tour village for -many years, coining with her husband from a farm in Stanley. iler husband died many ars ago. They have no children, 'but one adopted daughter, MTS. Chas. Mint, :of Clintont -who has lately been with her. She was a member of .the eefield Pe.eshyterian Church. 'The ev. W. D. McIntosh 'conducted the eS Anti the funeral was held on uesday to Baird's cemetery Notes: -Many from .our village at- nded the funeral of the late Mrs. illiam Hart, which took place ,on unday to Baird's cemetery. It was ne of the largest funerals ever seen our *defiant Mee was well -known our midst, and was a member of Presbyterian Church in this "Al - t ry1 ge.-Mrs. Gemmell entertained the elly Circle of our church, on Thum - last, when a pleasant time was itpent sin making quilts. 'About 47 embers were present -The Red €ross offering for May- was seven *tire ,of pyjamas and 33 pairs of :sox. 34Uss Alice Ratenbury has returned mu visiting, relatives at "Toronto and tudington.-Mrs. Bryant„ef London, i visiting her brother, johiftMcCow- , of Stanley, -Mr. Moody is attend - g the General Assembly at London I is week.. -Mrs. Hill is confined to er room with, inflamatory theumas SM. LEADBURY Garden Party. -Remember the Roxboro Red C ass Garden Party on the lawn of Mr. Robt. G rrow, Wednesday, June 19. 'Band in at - ie dance. Presentation -On Thursday evening oc last week a very pleasant time was s ent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A Hully where a number of friends g ther ed to do honor to their son H rVey, previous to- his departure o er seas. The following address was red by Mr. Leonard Leeming, Mr. 11 Leeming making the presentat- io Dear Harvey: We, your neigh - bo s and friends, having heard of yoir intended departure, from Our st, decided we could not let you go without expressing in a small me sure our appreciation of the sae- rifi e you are about to make, and our re ret .at your removal. We wish you to accept this watch and purse of go/ as a slight expression of our go wishes. May it ever remind you of he friends who are anxiously wal ing to welcome .you home again alidl be an, inspiration in supressing tyr nny and wrong, We feel confi- = den -float--you will do your "bit," and live up to the ideal of a "soldier and E a an." May -the ever loving and wa hful' Father see' fit to guard, pro- E tect land send you ififely home when = • peac has" been proclaimed. throughout -11" our and. Signed on behalf of neigh- E hors and friends, Edwin Davidson, = Dune n McNichol, ed Mactactmsh's Seaforth and Our Store MOW aaagfaaffirSMIUMMOSS. our Moriey Ciieerfully Refunded I or Goods Exchanged 14MR: AND MRS. SHOPPER e, DO YOU KNOW- -- = - th t we have one steadfast purpt)se which keeps a ceaseless influence = upm the movemeni of this store's business. That set purpose is to -= procur and put into circulation by distribution through this community r..` ▪ the highest class popular merchandise of the world's markets at the = = lowest possible price that shrewd figuring and prompt cash payments 0.6 Ian* loom. Nam NNW Awe "moo tone MOW PIM ••••• What OMB = cati. control, = 1 - ...i 1 = I E if, 1 after buying, you. or any person is dissatisfied with tht pur- = = chases -if they do not come upi to your expectations after you have = E examinedthem at home, we shall willingly 'exchange the goods or, = ▪ refund the money -as you desire. la, la a I = as a a a and AMP fl•• MEW * • * • o. aea 40 a'. 0 • *. 0 - Annuncement to Prospective June Brides - a a= _= , anal If la VIM aink SIM AMP =1 MOO ME& •1••• la I a a a a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ila a a al a a as Oa. o l•• a al .1•NO a Inn• MOD I•1•• MO. IMO/ • ▪ In• l•Mo 4111111 U na MEN Men .11111 •IIMO •n- o = We can supply all you needs in Wearing Apparel most satisfactorily = mos NEM N EM •••• O VA' •••• OEN ••••1 •••• OMNI •II•O 1•••, Suits -,-Coats Skirts -:.-Waists • E.. 4111•1 moo VINO a I = 1a. Snow White Muslin Undeiwear Daintiness, refinement, good materials, neat sewing -all the merits =. of home-made garments -these arethe charmsfirstrecognized = = our collection of Undermuslins. = ••111 MON NOM MIN a • The Hat Question _Easily Settled 1•Mtl• =Ea We will make on short notice any special order for a Summer Eat,- and if we make it, it will be right / Choice Novelty Silks are Here More new Silks have been added • to the stock recently. New fttney ere -= Silks in individual dress lengths at $1.25 and $1.50 the yard. Leaders EN:i = "in 32 inch to 40 inch black silks at $1.25, $1.50, $1.65,.$1.75, $2.00 and E., E. $3.00 the yard. We recommend our colored faille cord silks for their est '= richness of finish and wearing quality. Special for Waists and tis." Dresses. Prices $1.50, $1.65, ;$1.75 and $2.00 a yard. 1111111! , a . = Linings and other Dress gindings ..- a - E Every new worthy production of Dress linings and dress furnishing is =, a i _ found at our counters, Dressmakers and others in need of dress ae- = _ =cessories of any nature find that they can buy them quickly, cheaply, =, - -. = - - economically and satisfactorily from us. - - - NIRO, Minn a.. , la S ... ..... a% a a - a a COol Wail- Fabrics f3rSummer Dresses a a _ .... = . 3 = = ' a - True economy in wash materials is in the qaulity. We present de- - - al = Ali [ pendable goods- and give selectiop from a great assembly. ' .... - - - - - _ - - 1. Imported colored muslies and voiles, pretty patterns, printed - _ = - = - .....= in dainty color tones at i .. ..... . . .. ...25e to 'toe - = .... - 2. Imported white Lawns; Dimities, Voiles, Marquisettes, eta., = - - - = at - i 1pan, floral, Stripetand check effects at .............;......20c to 85e - - = = k. - - - 3. Vestings, Nurse Cloth, Gingham, and Prints, Imported and ..... - E - - Canadiatemade fabrics, fast colors and clean finish. ,, Best sellers range from - - s • • • ' 'd • ' . • . 0 . • • 250 to 25e , MOO 3. Drills, Piques, Linen and Indian Head, Suitings, both White and Colored Goods. Popular prices are ."..,25c to 65c Mactavish, Seaforth .111111110M11011111Nffilliffilift11111“11111Niii I- S a NON S a a S a a S InNin S S S S S S S a S a S S a a a a S