HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-06-14, Page 6- .,_""MW-_ _- , . ,,,,--- ­ , - _ _. __ , ___ � . . .- . -1 .1 � 1. . 11 - - -iTT.­ IT, `7w a , - _ - 7 . � ` ; - �� , -;-_ -_ . - . - .. I - , _�Vtl � �., IT � ;_. ­ � , , - . :.. - - - 11 - ,�� - - .. TTr.%W_TWtr114_ I - 7�­77_,wi� _1 . . - � � I � � - - , 7 -1 . ��­� _1 .1 I I " I ­, ., _ Vz 4 1 - .. . '. i � _` ­!`� 7- , - `,�­,,7`7,., " � - I . ! " . ­ , , - I ­ I . I I o , . - ".:T,T_*M1_11W__ _!.11 I; 1�. ,, ", I - - I., _ - .il, ­ .- - 1, I 77 -.� ­ I I . . I _ L. � . . � - T" , -1 -� - " - � ,ii 9,� M-Twwl -�`!,�--� ,!-i 7- ,­,� _ . - ,. ­ 4. . ,.,.- I I I- �1��, 1:­�, L_ !_�',,�_. jt�il _ � - . . I I . I �, � ., - - , 1, � .. I - . � ,- � 7;�- � I , __ �i . � 1, � ,. � ", . - - � � . � �. � ,t-- yl ir- ­ I V L­o�,, � :,: - : __ 4 � -1 ] . _ 1 " 1. ,�_ �,_ , - � 41 ,� � - _ . , � � � I . , I � ,� � . . � . ,,, - ­ ­ ­ 11 . . .. � I . � - - .1 I . I - � 1� ­ . � ­ � . . � � - I __ , ,,�� 7 ,�_­___ ,�7���-,-",�l-_!,-,,..��,,-_,��'I'l�-"-. ­­­ ..., .. - I . . I . �� I I �, I I . i . .� I I � . . - . I I . . - I � I . . Q, I . I .1 I - I � � I � ­ I . I I I _� , - � . - - . . -_ . - - -- - - - -7-7 - � � - _: ­. - , . 1, � - I I I - . - - - � -_ , - - . I I I I .- - - i . I I _1111i�� - I ,W I � � im ­ .. . .. I - . . I �. ­­ I - I - . . � ­­ - I . .. _. - . __ - __ . .I __ __ �.f - -;_ '� I - . I I _� ................. I., � I - I . - - 7 . . s . � 4i , * I I . � 0 ia-- 0. I , -_ I , 1. - __-_ 1- - . - . I , 'A R � 1. I I ___ I ­ I � . � I . .- -1 � � . � I ; - 4 - - -, - - I - -_ I � � ,III ,_ -11, r- .0b.o. _, -1 I I . _� � i. I � I I � � . ..... - -_ - --' - ._-z_:;,_ -1 - . - . . I _� * i!, " . "901"", . I - �, . 1. . I - � � ­ - _ -_ I ­ I I I � I' � - A I � - . � I � # --' & � I - __ - - , , __ ­ A-_ _ , , I � � - - iae. - to, � seven � , - .1 , . to f4LIl-'and early ,#Print. 'Aftft - I � .. � __ I . - . - - 1. -1 . _ \ ,4 - I - - pplicagonm - . '. - , irvajA _,th -- I k 99 � A 1, the 14 pring'rape ­­ . I I - - I � � I , L . , , UMakbor dop, md- ' % X"6 fs'Lots, whieh are all in&t- the rye is eatefi, off In the s I I I � -,%;, ­ - 0MIUM . rewdred� the 'A , � I I . I . - � __ .. .. . -.a& i hlb VC tter tits -.:of ,"cord in published r6por* . may be Sowil on this land and will 'i lot W . .. . : il I- I ,'Ing upon the MA401ft") r - t 16" - �' . I - �� ` - 11 .. . I PREW-unT M"I'Ll SOURING "be ish I , yond question-- the donclu- . come along � pasture Ili June or .1 . Am,ftl- I - PRONDAMRM E he more frequent- the ot"I be _ for . - I I - -, I . July,., Atfalto, and Ted� clover are sat- � . � k . I �?_., tho ,w4athior t I � I., I . W ft L ­ I building1l No � 1VO4W&1W . I W_ -, .­ #1M �X "A, aon arev'Oven, that­�f -411 1. I - I , . 0 , i� . � - I I - �. - I . . � - 1. . � or- in rural fttArlo were rodded -15 P.e. I ps and will serve I -_ . .. Pon a � , I,qf4ictqry past.ure.cro . � Mo 00 ,S) * - , 'Seed , . __ --mumm. . _�_ I r .4 &Zftv fluffy and � f the liber I U9e Of B . 1. - Itt H&1pge+ % Production -of Firg-Class.- . . kX mix-tuA�., From 5 0 to 1 6 0 gal- of the aliliuAl llghtntng damage- tO until the- mpe is ready.. AV. annual *. AM ft 1: . ,­ . . 1_.Qet sk, small bottle de�vv � � � It' - .. I , . . I . e . � . I � - � . - - - .eliminated.- pasture; 601isipting of one bushel,eaeb ­ _ I � ' .e should be buildings' would be TV i 4AX I . mi#ur I : , . � #F - . � I of 02O&O"e. potatoes Increases Yields. � . ions of . BdMeaux_ . cation, Prof. W. H. I)Ay, Ontario Agriculturo . I - t, oats and barley togethel I � ._ ­_ 11. I . - � p � I i !1I � - __ I used wr a6re at each appli - , of w-lieft, I - I � ugh spray!",''WhIch , college. , '� I 4-1_4.t with eight pounds of red clover pro- - I 1. %. ,�i � . A . 4. Upon thoro 41,1J, � - I � rr." Straight walls. in thAi . � .;- y*- ts�re for Ileavy hair *14 191iT- Exercise Male Breeding stock -The . tion I . .. # �boa pasture for the earb I i �.. oil - I I _.. I - - - , mean,% the covering of every Vol' .vibs 4i g 'A,. ' �pot ,61- the - I � I - , *ft testut ia radiant witb BIM, Stallion, Itam and Boar of th bLe BoiA6,a' I'X- of the weauling - Lamb. I summer Months, and the clover com- 5 �, deep ,,,fir( . � '. I . y 0,1 A � . care � . . .- . . o plant with t] � . - . � . . � . able Wftness and .S:Itx in the autumn will 91Nre a I 1i . � - _! Am incompea . IViust All Be Given Ex -form of a: fine mi lt,�"s For best results lambA shoUld,be lug along i . ,S1j1jsh,:11e Itumace pre- - . . . ' .,erceise It the ture in thV . I n al pasture I f - " - .11 % oza lustrous, try Danderine.. . � I . Qan b6 donQ only 'when th6 so Ion - 6tween four And five nice �`�pleklng. This an u -1 , .1 CO � - 'i� - doubles, the Standard of tho,Herd Ys to Be . weaned at b � time eirly in May. ; I ,,,veut %ashes from � �. - �, ii fo.und. that un- May be Sown any I . I I I ju- gooA preigur'6 so I I � -­ I I one application I .� - is * appIl4d'w'), I reat deal of additional i � �, - . � MaWtained. D I mine pord' of , I lecting - � . I Id your bak, � beSides It i ' - I . to ,Insure covering evefy der conditions prevailing during this Without a g � and abs2±ing , : - . � - � � .r mid-summe'r lab s possible to have a succes� 11 - � - � - ­-4.1-'aw1ves every particle of (Contrlbul�ed by Ontario Department Of the� plant. Th�e best TesUlts 1 Om hot dry months of ' - the, I or it I I fi� I - Of I . I I . I the heat hastead I 'Toronto.) crops 're -a . - � . You can not have nice heavy, A:grteulture, spraying are obtained when p dop off cOnilideriblY ill ,$ion, I . � I - � ted, . Th,c I . � -, . � r if you haffie dandruff. This 'are used which are .... their milk flow.' The,laniba receive throughout the entire season I allming it'to do its � ; . _. T is one of the anomalies of life sprayers I � . � . � so as to sihinent and � ?Increase In health and condition oi -1 ( 1 '.27 1 L. _ �, seurf robs t6 hair of its I with ,T -joint b,ttachments, ;�,omparatively littlo aotiri I the - , I I- _., ' I .1 . that the sources of our greatest the __ I I work in he2LM_.& 1. I .11, . . r ng o and, its very Hie, insure coveri i both surf I it Is, better for�, belth eWA and lamb p + I I .0 aces o' I - � i I �_. I t .. W stm9th of , I en the ,Outlay of time and ,expense. --J, P - ; I �, � ; ,�w . � , 41- produoa6 a fever- pleasures and greatest means leaves at each spraying., for -them to be separated, Wh I I home --one Of the feat- .1 . �_ , ,so, overoome it , n spraying before r � - oved frm ' ricul. At 0 11 � . ".. .... .0 goodi may also be sources of . 6. Upo' tther � lambs are rem o' thb ewes Sackville, B.S.A., Ontario Ag . I 1i � !I . ' �,:�'. I I . � , _. . I . ,sug, itching of the smlp; the . . - * I amount' tuial College. � � I � that make the . 1�,k I.- . - they wilViniss little the $Mal . .. -1. .1. , i. �,Jil it.. .ures ­". - � than a . - -, "'NL't"A ' faMish looftu and die; then a ... ­ � .- - Z .t� - 1-1 - take , - v � I i � 1. 9t pains and most harm, fter prolonged rdinY pei iods I '_ ;;.. 11. �, f" ,�4W , lile's gre te, - Infection of the plants � ?lace of milk. they Would- receive gad - will ­ ; .�­ ne the kind -of ' - � � - . I 46' - I L t fast. Surely get D. a case in point.' Milk is the ture. g stoe1c, I i .,: , I ,- � � ie V%Xna Milk is ' - during or soon after rain. Therr-fore- soon -learn to d s 'Exercise tho BrLledin I :.. ,S,=s'W '. � . . - - I I , . -- .1 - - . bAtle of KnDwitou!s Danderine i els greatest need- importan(e e the very best Exercise Is essential fo.- all male fumace you want for ­ . ­ . . � best s6urce of lif . . it is of tbLe'utmo$t � to. They should receiv I ­ 7 - � � - . 4�ug store and just try it. I . ng, fits 3n breeding stock. At certain seasons I i I— � � � =_ . I - proper and sufficient food. it may have the spray mixture on the ptants pasture available ' NOtht ) .. - .- your home. .1 ��-Z- I U. 4 1 ., 7 I � ft ...... i,.,Ia�_�. I I whe n Prof. J. E. fhan a patch of rape Sow ear it is an easy matt'ler to ­ - . � � ; �. ­� ", , I . I __, , , f - also be a cause or the -destruction- 'Oettior , times 'so as to be d ample exercise - for the [I ��� . ',,', -_ . . �1_ 4 .1 I . Howett, Ontario Agrilcultural C,01- the proper rea, y . arran go f q -T . I . - � ��, . . I 1- . , LEIGAL. it may m e � . I ' - I I FOR SALE BY - , #�, - : of lif e, because � ambs are wean stallion, the bull the boar, or the � I � T toge. for pasture wlien the I N " I . 11 - � . I I q I - .� IL S. HKYS. home or f eeding gfound of those I . i hould be exercised'in turn ram. At other times it is rather dlfL t. , -_ . I , - � . - . I Dd. Care a I I I I 1. �*' �. . ; I - . 6 le to ficult and frequently little or 11 � . � - I - 1, �. - � I : - -Unwal ,Go Icer and A ath-dealing organisms which are The 11 twomen's 1n . I . . I I , - Soh'citor nveyai de mportaAce 0 In 'tute ing the lambs.-O"a *he fresh ru 'no I L - 1111 Meetings. ,9,,void bloating and probable death. exercise is given or, If given too much I . W11r � ; . I -_.�� � PqM. Solicitor for the Do. - � , I �, . �__ 116400 s the cause of prac � I .-H I .- ­ L I Do- now recognized a' of meet ngs which, U) the (f no rape is availablei ,fresh cloVer freedom occa�oually, harm to .the enr Edge- ­_ 1. ,_Z#W'on Bank. Off iee in rear of the i . . , : .­ - t � � - -, . tically -all deaths, except those due , A series I satisfactory-restlits. jn,ad sire is the'result. � 0 ty, . � � 4 r \ � . I I : 1. I women of rural Ontario, have a ways Will � give . � 1. . �� . I . . - .. I? 4!ta Bank, Scaforth- '01'ey * ' to ac-cident ot old Age. - wo th while, and incfeasflig7- aition to pasture a teod of grAinIOUCe Tile bull should not be allowed to . . . �:t. Fortunately we have discovered proved r � �i _:t I I I . thjp� .1imbs atong to a 'sture 'with the - XNE I I 1-1­ 1�r - i�_'�%*­ IV- ___ I - . f: ly so Ahe last Year pr � two, i ll s I ,rui'loose in the P96 , I : - ' . �_ ., !� _� - _ � , , - mparatively � simple methods 0 . 'r %e tiMO'ShOuld it be cows. In the first- plabd it is a dau- I . . N � ­ . co s Institute meetings. , , He , good ftnish.,.* t lio . . 11q7 - I . I J�l � As of what , are Women' I I I oaf p6uno . gerous custom, .as it gives Abundant . ! I . � �. I combating the effee 'o 86 I to Ad over one -hi ­ I I I � ey . ,;, - . - important because th . tiecessary - I � . � � - s - axe I ".. k I., . pathogenic 01 ease-pyodue . y to each lamb while oiportunity ior the bull to attack a . I . 40 , I 1V - I a - 1. J. X. BEST. called -peaching in their nature. They of grain per da I - . . - . I , �_ , .1 ." � 1� _ I . - 'Solicitor, Conveyancer lug) bacteria. These may be stated I far ry wo tile, B.S.A.. pe - scape is - � 11 � . . I afford the town and count man, Dv pasture.-7-J.'P. Sa'Okv rson unawares or where e. - , . 'i I -1 , a record . . . I . . i� . #A&- --m!"ary Public. Office upstairs in a few short rules as f olldws: a . no matter what her denomination . antaxio Agricultural -,College. - . difficult. Further, of tile ( � . � ; - .1 � I I I . . I I I � I � � Walk'k r t 3 Furniture Store, Id-oin 1. Milk which is consumed in may- be, a channel through whic ti she - . diie of breeding. of th . . . - � . V_% . , I raw condition must. be drawn only - ' V . i n - . I � 8ftf . d-' service t( ses of Fruits and- Vegetables. be'kept -and no herd �aik be handled 1� . .- I - . orth. . can . - � I I . -the best advahtAgo with ut0these � .t . . 1. , '=` I* . - - . - I , to , V * I I .� _ - from cows which are healthy. ' be of all-roun ' , hu- , U 0 - - I ftatw� . , P -------W- - I MauitY. � I The drastic regulatioits set for _: - - . . . . ___ I � - 1 2. As soon as the milk is drawn "ross by the Cauida Food Board' records. . . Ful na Ce. - - , . ,� . . - -to . Since the war began Red a - latel- , I - . � r , ]MOMFOOT, KILLORAN AND from the cow, it should be cooled and ,other patriotic work hat, of have caused' much 'anxildtY to many The main",points to be observ' . . _ . . . � Sasiratoon _ . w in ,keeping a bull in 9004 London .� � , I . - 50 degrees or lower, aud\be kept at -received first consideration. oVle who feel-thit tbp.y, must no ed Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver . 1. - � I COOKE. that temperaturp until consumed. course, pe I .- as, to retain his breed- St. John, -N�B. Calgary i HaMiltOn Edmonton - An �,� - 1013� ,dippetsm � The_ alleviation of suffering set .� 0 tween either- being consid - condition so . . . t p2jstm, Solicitorso Notaries Pub.- strainers , ms ho so be � . , - . -,-. - " , . __ S. All pails, . 1, man's work. The need going withoa Ing powers are to.avoid excessive use -_ -_ � I . bineyto lend.. In Sealorth les, pitchers, etd., which PecultaXlY WO ared unpatriotic, or - � � 4w- ce in milk bott - day than eVer. � ouil�h thel -, whf,n young and to give,,Vlenty of - - $fon": . of each week. OfTa ' come in -contact with the milk, must is gtea.ter to- � gufficient food to . n I _�'. -at .. ,. The great demand by the lies I I .. exercise and a Moderate ration when -- - - . In Ontario is � at .,,uca low ebb I . Block W. Proudfoot, K.C.,.J. bodies - � � . I - be thoroughly washed and preferably uch -i 'beef, pork. Thi� is a mistakela idea" In thei". maturfe. A gooa boxstall, about Wil '. � - present. , I �of L it Xftm, H. J. D. Cooke . steamed, or be rinsed after washing for certain .foods a . . . . 71- 1 wheat has cauak the . hav; t, gives freedom in- . plants are from five to eight inches 5. Fruit Is art essentialpar dieL . topt- � i in a chloride solution, which has been _ and sugar , s 07 - or m6thc f axe,tement - they . 6 f orgotten -f o'' by,� twelve - fee -1 ue- - t , - found to be one . of,,,the best germi- housewife to change 'h d the moment to recall -the long list 01, doors, and. it Is well to arrange for a �high, and keep the foliage covered While it ia tride that n case of . � " . i � VETERINARY. I pre:, -war days. u n vVailable substitutes which calft *1101 - strong paddock outdoors with 6on- with Bordeaux throughout the sea- cessity people ca-n�tive without. it, it ' I I - �_ . - . cides. ­ � ' nd to eliminate vaF- - iy replace the Allies' � aemands and" venient passage betwe4p- the two. son.� Forty to 100 gallons of the Bor- Is, also true that health suffers ,ATI& . � 11 � . F. HA,RBURN, V.S. 4. Milk �3hould not be exposed to to substitute A .1 0 11- ' f iny age may deaux mixture, will be required for nutritional oomplaints become much - ' I 1. ' . Aous forms of ,waste. - PeriEllable . to remember that, f oremost . amoja� � .Two or w.pre bu s -0 I get I I "te of Ontario Veterin- the air any longer -than absolutely t ,'ehbrne"d, each ,application, the amount to be more general in the absence from the ' , � - �� illrad ds must be more widely used, no e ables. b e 11 - � seeds the milk with fOo ,these, stand fruits and .,v e kept together if they be d :& . . - i conege, a ary member of necessary, as this . ut also in - NV inter. ontain and the Advantage is that more exer- used Idepending upon the size of the - dietary of fn�sh_fruits and'vegetable-Q. , �i � - I -na honor . This means -Only ill summer, b Fresh v6getables not only c . �_ - � . , . 1. � . � . Iffedical Associudon of the Ontario a fresh lot of germs Thesb must be conserved IKI-oug,h _i high percentage, of*,water-a neces- cise williVe taken. . - � I plants. Take special rare to see that , The apple is the most important and 11 - . I - n�,,a route us . h I I i-�� . I __ g of milk'in a closed ves- ually, horou- 17 done to Cl� ." - Wlege. Treats diseases of the keepili, per storage, , canning Or - d,,ying. - - ary requj�ement of our bodies -but, The stallion the spraying is -very t e� most useful fruit of the. temperat "', _ �_ - fe pro � . I , in an ob n dish. 0 " tt . A EkIs by the most mod- sel And--Uot- ay b - dis- 8 of mineral sitlts d6ts plenty aiid sometimes too much '. if the weath�ear i's at all da=p about! I zone and, from the standpoint of Pub- �. -_ anim eals Such subjects as these in also, a-lar,98 a�mOuut 9 �� I . .1 . r ,�, I I . DeT I " 5. "Left over,, ,milk f rom m � . - derate I the 15th of July, as blight oft n be- � - ., I- .1p � itistry and. Milk Fev�- tiugs. An xpert and - " exk�rcise. At -other times mo e 71 � . . Osite t)ick's - should not be put into the general cussed at the,mee acids which act As blooil purifier lie health its culture should not be ! 19' . Office -Opp demonstrator may be secured 'from -9,nd body regulators; they also'se'rNn, . work *of the boxstall and pAddock gins at this time. Add a poison when neglected�-Prof. �. W. Crow. Ott- , I . � - 1 - � � I - MwilAt I eet, Seaforth. All or- supply, as this causes the whole lot I . o great con -ill potato beetles-_arslw�_ tario Agricultural College, Guelph. . $, . - i - ' � : e , digeistive :,. The ram h lbs. to each 40 . I - 11 the Dep,jL)rtment to give ,information at to . centration of w. suffice. - necessary f or I J W left at the hotel will receive �:0 . ctical demonstration to assist 'o . running during the great ' � I 6. "Left overt., milk from the sick or a Pra toedr'eavie�d thus Md in � th ' th the main ate of lead paste, 3 1 . . pram attentiW Night calls.receiv- wife. The ni6n1bers maY proieess.� Dried v -on the'oth- er part of the year wi jallons f th liquid spray, or Paris . . - � prord room should be pasteurized or de- the house . . - egetables -4Z e . Gowtits � � eir e -nning -er. hand, in- tissue-buildin flock gets plenty of exercise, esgpcial- een 2 %._-Ito -40 gallons or a mix- Vrom'Plneapples. - at the offic& are% rich gr . -_ . � ad a � gether and do th i I I I breeder is aiming for a crop, ture of , Ibs. of arsenate of IeWJ , � � , I .1 \ trQyed, as it may spread.disease. . club to � fire they ns c People u�ually connect the Philip- , .. � -0 a I I --1 . __ 7. Milk at all times 4 and- in all at 6no centre with onk It he 'i'ateri4l, dried -pe 011 ly,if'the ­ s, and kets the flock to 10 , .; . . _T u'h proW e pine Islands with perfumes and tro- I . - and in addition " t t of strong lamb paste ans-1 lb. of Paris green .- JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. choose � ttiinllig as in 0 - . I places should be kept 14-Aean" and so 9 ,outside practic'ally every I pical .fruits, and very little Is hear4 I I . ork accomplished may ha:ve a go- 3uts of, beef, in pddition to contain- (fay during i galloas. Fioni three to seven appli- . ,__ HoAor graduate of Ontario Veterin- -cool." -Prof. 1-1. H. Dein, Ontario ' w . � . � . I iiation L- ade, depending 2�1 . 5 .1ta A- . I . . clabtie time together. ing �a large percentage of ptarch. toe winter. *� s should be in of the great native Andu try.- ' . � - ar will I'lo-best on a grass - weavi-ag of fabrics from pineappfew- I 4 - , I domeSUC Agricultural College& I di Wiets -'While fruitit aVe Wulk, ;r _. ... - :fMtjd. CiMs proM�tltr, ato- � � The chi.,IdTen% " Ily noted - The bo I upon the season, the wetter the wea .1 I . '. . � I ust Oro for. their flavor. mineral Efta plot' with plenty of shade diiring� I ther the larger the'number. Do not and bananas. - . i . I __ must not be forgOtten. They m In :.. 1� , � to and, charges - m6derste. Vet- . Reguing'Potatoes; � . . and in a pen proyided- wita - Ing be�ause it looks like 1-1 - - - . e a responSi- ter and water than for anything et 0 summer, put' off spray The lining of . the skins is used, . - - 010ce - , uring - the - winter I I - , I)entistry a spw''Mity. The average yield of potatoes per ' t 0 fall ' hat ua ,,rain. it the spray is on the *plants and looms.not unlike those familiar � - I I -�,iiiUes which -are too soon ' not�fo , a small yard d B . . .� . . , we MilA _rget that baua 9.,�.. I � Aill � . 11 �. . I r on Gode*A street, One acre in the Province of Ontario for Must datesi -,119111PO�M11sitm, Mid prunft �, ar mouths. -Harry M. King, - half an hour, before the rain comes to us are employed. The finest mia- I �� . - ' upon � . �Z i . -1 I Of Dr. ScotVa office, Sea-- I -- . � j � , . the past thirty -,six -years *has - been', ed. They must 'lot be ime contalpin ,,.Qatario Agricultural College. . � it will. be dry and sufficient of it will. terial` is mad,e_,fronx ,pineapples, a ' - I , - . jfftej,;-,�� I , 10 �41ilw ­ . 11 I . I' �. . . I . . . J J - ' ' t *in& � . �� �, : , not be Deg-leet higix-Aii fbod'Valde, 8i . I " � Ad * I . ." � I m . ,6,lv*� 6f ­- . I . � I � F 1 -' V,Ile . a Ivevr sqf . I - �­_ . * . .!�Ne., . % stick to, prevent infeeft . .. ,, U - - i., , I . � , - i i Y*y , hand cappodk­, by�­ i . . _ . r e d P,e4,c1bth'At I , � - I about 115 buWh-edg7�4T­he�ylplds - � � I ph", Ica �,..i a4blax on, �Whio , I I 1, . r .. . . . � " - r * tlfi��'� � . !�_" - I � ,soon after rain. , I - , t - -1 " . - - - greatly. In 1-917 there were vikK- tioni. ,subjects of Imoortance ' � a-ikl4abili" AutUM" - ..taies- ljla�ce 'during or. . ,I C O'se Tn exture,- soffi6'Viliat -'resembl- � - - . I _ � - neans . � .9. I � 1 ­. 11 I , ,,, � 'HAY G scribed above should - g mull -muslin, and In the color, Of . I 4i wo, .1-, reisolit' &;,,.AW- - I ations in Ontario frop twentY-five esed aild U W hk IMBOICAL � child .must be' disew _tuto lot ikm sug*r� TbAy -M, 9 I . TV'SAVE THE I . Spraying as de ' In � -, , I �*, � less up to -seven huadre I 'jIj* n' - ', . �� )re*ent'not ,only lat46 blight aiid rot champagne. It ia not, as a rule,.dyed, - . . , I � , 'I. � I � _qr adopted to improve conditions ',Thf� be,,. - ,, IR to` cj�41drOn I , PUCe'Of 00 . � - I .b I � I I I . GEp t 0EILLENANN.% per acre. People are realizing more Medical- Inopection ,of rural 'hools 43, � It.,ribrved In tomblnik!6 . bidt als,o early blight and potato and, Is beautifully embkoldered. ' I � r s",:- *he, 1, 9', in W, .6 and more.that'Lor high YleldO Of,VOI h t e Wo I . w 'I"''g i ro4406hth - ' .. - - I . h-, tLnd the clinics held throug t - with' ,t;4-d4in, I I � :_ 0.4. ., ;�, - , , UtWent MR' chinery And Careful - U'eetles.'For late blight and rot only, Pena 'cloth Is' -expensive -'a'616.use I . I _w 4 : I . I - oak(blaltie P ysician of Gddirich. � .. . - I ence 11, - __ , and. Chfl&6n­g1 tadto'es conditi6is94-must be-,favoroLble., . mespi Institute -'are -doing in h' to if' L IV it is not 'neary to comm length costing about $12.50-butlt 202dalt in 'Wom�n% - e a � I . lltpoua, ( ­ . I . . *111, . - � . � ­ .. r. ot.� the . � � important to,hg-Ve good fertile im ove -conditions. . 1; . . - , � , � C11*13. Cu" tting. ReauirW. spraying until about the 10th of -4fA611AW. rheurnat%m, acUta, chronic It Is �. . . tn4h� 0, � . �­ . I washes an -4 wears well, and ia� ex- ; . . , ' � .1 I � � . ad- . - ,; � soil well miltivateil A - � - I � I 'Otol : ., July butolu Ontario -it is usually 1� lk*,h�uits. A00141 � " %. 1, � I . - I graeeffil aud Ai . . disorden# eye ear, ndw ad to, pl&*V� a The girls &100 need attentio, ��., We - -' ' ceedingly Ftimfo , I tasu 4- 1 1 y6g, ". , . ; � . . .. V, %thj�L &� : - - ' - . Awv"s .,(N&*-, liberal supply,. ot -f(eed"'of tb*�­,bo6t v,re� apt to forget the girls .n our ', y- - .1 r 4 it A *i4ag- *to gpl*ying for PotAto Bi bt Begin - visa6le to spray for alI three.' . . ,-*It �t, R-o,osaft-ation :free; � . . a I'A - , f ­% __ - I ig '.3 I voarser,' and 1% - I I I - . -, proper Wn,62', Seed _. ,-.,, _� � 11�. 4". . - I ­ . - cloth Is cheaper and. - . � IF— - i �� * - I , � , . - . P, . Tjj6-gt. 'warietie e., . I Vi ,I 1- R!" � _ � I %,Vi Me r' I . "' . pump bArrel sprayer tan * . pro I � - This - It, the , - I., � . r -go ', -Seat -- , s at thi an3dety for. the boys. Their 11v es aial ­ - A 7 . &e, � '. k ,j hind - duced,.fro* s. 11 ­ - - L . 1, � . i . I . 1-11 . � I I � I � A .... � , ,* _ _ t6 O'll r � .11 I � . . ,6. be"used for- small lots of potatoello - - Skt&- _X .,JA,.W � (tF#ej , � t � �. f 1, _ - 441w,",- ; , kridayi, 4, a.m. -t . P. � . . - ; . _OM I Z._� - . � � icrealiea native dross mate , and Is vorn - w;, yal Hot�l orM th - : By Using Bordeaux Mixture' . -1 i b t " a 0 ._,_, _ , potatoes someW--h*t'-101Mi1Aftft'-wWc& t,heJt41jroi0j;kt# for,the future a�e be! . I ,,anabsi; �i , .� �. I __ I in 1, 101G, �, - r . ­ . - I reep PO ---- -any considerable . - . � 'r . I I . I . 1 3. . - � �. . - - - - by this war. - Aence 0* ," ' -e c - - � I ­ most men who grow , - , have been- pm4iaced -in -&�i­coal��cli ine", aff e-dW A .A�W' ar "i�, A -womin. � -:r, � . � ., � � _11 : % � I . ' I I , . ,ad4ant to 194W *. -0. * . ' . . all the nat�. , . * __ . I � t- A,iA - - ,,- P___ - , m#te, and w,hich are comparatively , portunities fQr'studY, for amuliement; Led or dr -pteper, -dnie to 414�p Ivill Be Harves". I acreage of potatoeW cOUsidei that a - how .. - ve , Is'made fit - I ; _"W - - . � 4, 0 � led 9t'the � power potato sprayer is a good In- � The best'kinit, le, , r - . , I I � � �, ­ - . I � free from diseia�*, are aPt to fUrn'llh' fof developing their. talents to th(e Putum, i so. .- M.411- Yalujtj'ole inform. - (ContrMuted by Ontario Department at the natural shAde--exactly the belor ,� � J. . I M$ C. f uti ftorded,-them. Many V' "and- d- - AS-riculture, Torouto.1 . vvatment.' The best resu . . , C I , , M.D. M. seed of high qUWUtY.' ',Evft tinder! canuilis - UK from i i ; I I I I I- . -, - . �__ - - T" I I - � 105� - 18 Well. to eare-,, , must be 4 � tiob - on the � ay . b e . . sprajing are obtained -with machines - of the inner side of a banana sliju- . . London, Ont..r these conditi' nq'It' opportunities may The secur- - . . - 'I embroidered In a finer woven mesb� . i � � . J� of these . ii , of fruits ana, iftetibles . m � � - . I I - - -ql.- - . itt- . N a oint attabliments so � 1. are - �. season of labor � � - - Surgt� = Genito-T-Trin.- f ully inspect the seed before pla . ed through the institute. th ' Women's Instit4i e � Be 7 .1ty bay- fitted with T_J as f- ., - . � ! 3ecur �,4 f roz., . 9 � . - . ot the skin, and trImmed with a lace � , Aeas I Women. r --iiig and to thoroughly � rogue . the Surely with 'su6jects of such vita I I of " Ing is a problem on the avera-go to insure' 0 - I es- of � -YA,ft ai�d I . Branch. Intarib DePATtMe"t I covering both surfaces f �� ,_ I . I � I - I . I alsor mpo;tufactured from banamm. I � ­ - .1 . -r - . I -6�endone�!, - eiLc4 spraying. % . � � ' - - , ­ ., I growing ,rep importauce as the above Agi-ieulture.' Geo..'A. Putnam P, SU . farm. it is necessary to make the leaves at , � � � I , , � . I I , . � � I % - - . A potato field is rogabd by remov-, all meetings should be worth while.. ltj�f.t�s. , - Prec Necessary to Insure Iftleal Trouble. I $� . , , . arlate'ndent of Women's LnA ' autions , :. . #I � . . I � ­ , use of all the modern machinery - - _: I � .1 . ing the undesimble plants. A thor- We would call the attentlan of aU . . - Success. I ,we find, r . � . The kicker% silent now . Dr. ALEXAN19ER'MOIR uogbL roguing of the growing cro.0 to the iraportance Of th'e� summe.11 , . POLTLTRY Available in order to expedite the 1. StiLrt spraying -before the, blight I � I ' . I- - HOT WEATHEI� He -seems to lose the trick, � I Is . � � nee or twice -during the summer I � liout Jlin( when . saving of this important crop. First, - � I fty-vician at, d Surgeon 0 e ay3 in meetin,9, held thro-ug . - I is I - CAlFiENDAR. . ' appears. Spraying. Is done to prevent-, lie has so much upoli his vitnit I ne of the most ' ffectual w -tbe�dele-gate from tbe'Depart,nent ' ' _i . . . . then, -we must emphasize the use of - � ..�. , -residence, ji�lain Streett 0 C5 1 not 'to cure. I He hast�t time to kick. - . � I I 4 , -- � -and I in atteudance. , �, L ' 1w . ' I . 0.70 . Hensa' - ridding the field of *w number :of the Sbe bf�s,,tlie'la � tesZ �. maeldnerf in curing and storing. . 2., spray thoroughly, which can be I I I - I p . This operation would, � . - 3 -in 19 7 . - - I otato, diseases formaJo-91 on v'i F,.0)3,� � 01i Ldl)011- The heathat labd�A23 eggs . . . � - P"C"tion. � . , -9 . � . �'L _ - only when the mixture is ap . I " -�% R, -10� raade the sauiQ profit as the 1290-01'� x�n Are not to be haa in P140 done . - I � , : - , bil - is -,, ,uo­ _�ntifw. .,- . � . - also insure the immediate removal lanep co the I;',-ER1_ - I - . . I . plied -with a good pressure so as to .11AW10, - ; . . of the weak and unthrifty Plants c:aliE�t o!) W -,' Or. I fi,�Weu.'Lir r:ub- 1101i in 191-4. -- fitfpply, but, in most ca-ses some form . I said Mrs. Com , ler, Inspect � - � . ­ . .. ._1 ttre to.pioduce undeTsiz- , jects, It The hen that :aid less than 1-3 'co-ovemoon may be resorted to . insure covering every portion ,of th I 0 Ing -hex; f riend's liouse, eA why do you . , DR. J. W. PECK which are s G. A, Plltf),171, SUJ)��T�WOD- � � . able seed'. Potato -growers sometimes, de.it V.,_t:i"�: I-A'AUCES. - I e gs .in - 19,17 made a smaller pro I I t of ' plants.- .... 'have sucli A. high bed for your littli-e- . t I d mm�"]. I I I - I ��� t� - I 19 I . in'oiderio obtain the use of tedders, 0 3. Do, not hesitate t6 ­,spray b6-. boy?" - I . . 1. � - -Orad.jate of Faculty of Medicine go through their fields and remove I * than in 1914. - . . tilooklikerain If-Ahe.,spray . �. . 0.1 _. - �� � . I unlversity� Montreal; Member I all plants which are not true-- to ty" ggs than han- causet . I * � . "So we can hear him If he fallS 1� . � . , G Thq hen that 1,ald more el hay loiLders and 'hor � half . � �. . larger - profit - dle the ' is on the plants. I replied Mrs. Housler. � 4,76% . . I J bulk of the crop. - i ­ I I .11, J I -- t iw, , Physicians and - - - V LIGHT IN 1N n 1917 madF a By all Out,' I . . X;Wege of Surgeons I Thorough roguing is one of the besi DAMAGE 'us I , rain coi4es. sufficient Of it will stick - " methods of securing' 151ire., healthy � -idea what- heavy Ifteepers =1 , , - , - 11 Qntario;Licentiate of Medical Coun I - than in 1614. fead means plan to use machinery in to infection, which takes I nave no I . I � ��� ­D�- C. A. Zav, � . I h'11 -IN" P 0 an"a I am-,` , " ; of Canada; Post -Graduate Member .. . pl�6e -f'men this year'or otherwise - � I " � seed of high quality. : . in view of kiphe high price of 0 1 place. during, or soon after rain. If I I - miAmf Medical Staff of 'General itz,.Ontario Agricultural college� can the faqXr afford to ke�p tb,e considerable of the crop'will not be MR - � - - RA . Prooer Roddinz Would Hav Pre- . I f -lin QlAniving, is left until after a nro- - .__ . � I .1 . . L , � poor -laying I , . harvested in the best possible condt- . ital, Montreal, 1:914-15; Office, 2 . . I � 41611s In 19 1 8 - .. i - � . Phone 56, .P vented $331,450 Lossi " ep, or n xt longed rain it -i's very'likely to be tc�o ... I east of Post Office. . The rooster, unl�ss k t f tion. . .- _ - � . I mr's breeqing� is too -expensive a -it is, usually � safe to cut after a. JAe-to do much -good. . . LLLL I _: ye I , ,, , Ontario. � L T . I 1 4. Careless spraying !never pays. . . GRUT HAT -0- US. i�.E- ' 1� v_l)if. tuxury to k-j�ep-7and he'll 1161P �e- rain when .the weather appears to I - . 1, . . Uaring f9r Lambs at WeanIA, . lieve the, meat shortage. I � � Uve cle red. Red clover shoul � d be �_Spray ttLoroughly' or not at All.- - . , � ferent,,.Ways Fruits and Nege. . The imarkef-foi the cull StWff pro- . A - of the -Prof. J. E. Howitt, Ontario *Agricul- ' ' _� ' .cut when .abou -third . 11� . Can Be Prevented by Thorough . . . � I I nth -and t - one - The te& Ltural College. . -- DR. F. z4. BURROWS ­.. - I . tables May Be Used as SubAifutes mises to be good this MO ,h6ads.;,bave tur,neallrown.t . 1, . � . - , 11 ' , I � I L i 4DfAew and- residence, Goderich street . I -ayjng. . - -Foq�& Our Army 1fteq .,. - ,:by ma T*u, I , )41� - . 0-k'. �ihou: 0111- . - L _ ,for idr�s I . rketi-Ag .-in , e � t4.p ,distril" td. tll[A'4;'b�'�,use�, until the , L , � � I I .Z. .. � f � . Spr . . .. * I I � ti;�p � - 'ke f_ . I L � .J r ..'equalized. �- - I ci'6R Is dry.eAbligli t& faii -k j�erlod InIft , - I V*,Qf tile Methodist church.-Seaforth. , . �­ . I .Woutr4bllted by oiitmrib Deiiki . L'Ot I. At", if; Mo. o J L I Toronto.) i . The, good, laypr� . o yello - Which will vAry. �ae IES i dnt�r of � ' . . Agriculture. ! . L of th, w cording to the, O AUYS. An Pkoue 4& Coroner f6r the Co _ WoMeli�s,,Meetings"ln-FUH"'Swing-�-- � � , � . I - 'L . . I . legged bileeds at thijs season loses * he w6ight,of the eutting, th6--*oather : Kelm- . I The Submer institute Meedogi I 8 a cdmprebensive co cl�sion col r f 'Lthe feet and hill -and th me" and'the amount of gap i1a the stalk. I I , I 1. L - . 11 $ " � C - 1i 'he '= it'i . 04409kibl.6 tor maX4 --$Tightly- Money in Orchardi - ' - - Investigatt ns'� . ,� 'ro, t te. , - . *0 [at .b.66=1,ng, aI% �L!4 I I...,? � I � '. �s I � whi s When Proper I Are of Benefit to Every Womout from our , � . .; . I . L I L - , '; -_ - . 1, . - ��M ­, , - 4fL 'fat ! yelLow-legged . P, t i I . - al�, ._ , I . 1- e%tok; will be -1 A - ' -.bls- - - :. have found that ' kkek lumag6d, hj� -by: crodking u ,_ , lifs -Cared For. - .T �� Wbo �l.tteiWS:!--TOPICS to Be. the I . - I . _ hens, . y 'a �" YeaT I 4� . ly Planted Ad jL are usually,verY POOfn* ers. It k_11 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY ' a 1pri ctice'of doubtful value . i , . cused-'an4 Work Planned. . 1. buildings in,� rural Ontario ' - pay 'to I e -shoftake. Gat46r I - i � luste of Victoria and I . ­:,� 11, � ­­V��. . . ' I will cull -th in odt "*. in, itfew',of t the labor . . I : if, GSAW , ,W.- . ; ni co I . I . .1 , ,I . tt,,grac tazio Department Ot. were rodded more than 95 par �ce t. �-- The.7-abdoMi-n 1,eaylty, or-the-sp ra&e � .1f I possible, 3 _' (Contrtbuted by On a I + I ,d withr a� aide-deily.4*y. I ' _' i , - 6f Physici , . &gricuiturjo. Toronto.*- - - -- - - "of the annual damage.to biii4ings be pelvic bones (situa LACK I Wei* ans and Surgeons -im . - I I Aibor,,'- and member of the C61- . ., ­ . . � I . tweefi -the - . or' iA 411 w�ndrowa with an-, ordi�- I VA R D' GARDENINQ PAYS . Am - L - the tail) �-an-d, the -,end-of e ' I - ft 'The ,hay loader " - I 2--, Of rayed L to I pr . e- by lightning w vd,nted. handei . should ,be r I nary dump ke; a�` wind'ro*. . ? � , N . .uw- , � phisicians and Surgeons, - of OTATOES are sp s -as T breaet or keel boni�s -, works be9i'liftli __ small - ' 'Expert. .]In the -Veed'u-, � s co chision Hints By an outarie_ _,vent Such fungus disea ' 0 he method by which.thie - ' : - .tively soft'and flexible. If it is -ull By all means us a loader If possible � 4 F7 � I 'kay, honor graduate of Trin- � 'In - . 'and Care of the Athire and Foallf C. *a e I I lighf and Late B , f oil S�: of hard fat the hen is �-,Asu,`IY a cr d-ing L .1 � Early B . light was arrived at was as I and to facilitate matters a sli . . my Trifiversity, aad gold medallist of 5�'L - are 0 panies in 6 rack may be used so that when one- (Contributed by Ontaylo Departmen ,of , ember 'of . and Rot.' These Aisease. 1912 eighteen, insurAnce c 1 different layer. . � . ­& , *Wtk-, MedicAl College; m , if ' -rack is loaded - it . Agriculture, Toronto.) 1.777 1 T e the earlier maturing ul - half may * be **,College of Physicians and Surgeons caused by Plan�s known as fungi in Ontario kept . special records , for As a rtil . the' ' . . � lets are -the ear4ier and inost pr - t- � their pulled ahead and the remainder - ' . if ontiiio. Those fungi which derive us;, from their- 'teports we. learned able layers. By marking these the ' I I L . HE PLANTING of - commar- ' . . I s _ loaded'. - . � . 1. � - . a liourishraent from living Plant -3 that out of every 7,000 uqxoddiad best 4Dfeeder4 may bs selected. We mention red clover because it cial apple orchards in the. . � � . I ! - . - __ in;ure them in so doing in vafi0u.s buildings insured by. them :;T!Were in grading up'a'laying -dock pure- is the commonest and most satisfac- . T Province of Ontario is higb- L . - . I I . 1, le" - bred eggs should be purcha�ed. F,om ,tory hay crop, and ip used in all gen- - ways and thus give, rise fo what are struck. by lightning, while in-,,"Yery , - . �� . . ly desirable for sev�ral rea-. . �� DR� H. HUGH,ROSS. ' 410� . . � . .7,000 rodded 6n�s bnlk two iwere . ; be. chicks good female breeding, era! farmiiQg hay mixtures. I - � . . ' known as-,fu4gus,d ,ages, I i ;tock may be secured. The male,,: uftY, Timothy should, be cut alther after -'011$:- 1 11 to of University of �Toronto . ' - *.% any ,pabec ' Qxmdua i . y be secured in very in it is out of the first blossom oi- after 1. Ontario is not producing onough -14culty of Medicine, member of Co - in combating the great majO.PitY Of struck b' ligbIning. The ri ido pre- l in I ZD . L 01 1 1 11 # "Von-, vented damage in 35 cases o it iof An. " �, ; f,--- evvs secured by dhil- A I 11 #' 11'a"_ ahn 'i I I - � I � I �� . I - - _-Ot" Physici f s diseases me -v ,3 %P ,.,-. � U tal U; Lue 15000U COOSSOM 1Z. W ell 1,rood apples or home supply, but im- ­ - a. Spraying I df-dn t � irs. erally tlie. latter. � It -will requir r, . . . :._ ­ . �� � - 9 graduate courses in tion only are practicable- expectancy of 37, showing . . anj efli- - akingO, part In School 'f ' � ,e less Po ts annually from Nova Scotia, I .- I � I ; pas ciency of 94.7 p.c. Since A -it we 4 tch the -scho6t fair wiinners ;this ' tedding than clover Is more' easily . �. - � I � 1, IcW� Clinical School of ChiC690; otatoes is -not done to cure but to' , Vv a L 7 British Columbia, Washington', ore- `"` � 0"" �.'* � "- - - IWO--& . - � .1v ... I . _- _ - I? have de�ermined the efficiene, � for the, year. cured and may -be drawn in soonpr . , 11 - � . ,I 11 �� yd, htbw i he years 1913, 1914 and 1915.., ' let the heifs f��d I �, . � q 'I . I I _ 0 . _ _Qp Jmic Hospital, London, O a The get too -on and C11ifornia. 9 ­­ _. prevent diseise. in other w rd i . ft i3aves work t . after cutting. Do not let it ."� n ' I I . -.University Hospital, LOndOR, 'its f or the th�e!nselves -'a hopper May I . ' I * Ili. � 1W t,-, Office --Back of Dominion object of spraying is to cover the sur- resu four years a�e ks be bifflt' ripe and woody. . 2. Production in Ontario is likely I ' . - 010 , . � . 71 Laugh Whan Peo le f, . -1 � .1� Night face of the leaves and stems with a toll I ows:. I i at home without greatleXpoXlfte� ' , Alfalfa should be cut when the to fall off still more because no coui­ V11 P � � Xglk Swforth. Phone No. 5. . � -over 100 1119gs - , pores of � I . Efficiency �- Keep hens. that lay ""9 sh-oots are- noticed starting out. , ' �� VAUS &M*"ed from residence, Vic- olsonous to the s - u laercial planting is being done. Very - : substance, P . . of Rods. yearly and feed them caref � 11y; . kilil from t1je axils, of the lowerleave's on * -_ . , loria fungi, in which they cannot grow, Year. - I tile eggs; the stalks, and should be handled -e Step On Your"Feet v � 11 -eb�eet, Seaforth - I - 1912 ........ � - , , - - � 4. ( Lhe rooster ,and sell :infer f w commercial apple orchards have i 1. I . �$ D and penetrate the plant. 'Spraying, . " been set out in this province since - :: ...- .1 1913 ............... ( 2.) -ather t d4ily and keevp in a , greater 'to ,be effective, k�, , much like red clover, only C) . I " . .,111111 I , therefore, in order ., .- � h - 1911. . I , ri7, ;, this D.rourself then page I , - . - ___ I . . - must be timely and thorough. The - 1914 .............. � 9.� cool plac,�,, in clean' baskets; sen . t e care is necessary to preserve the 3. Of the thousands of young tref,a I - It alorig to otherg. I # - �, , 915 .............. � 8.W egws to market .quickly and. e9u, spray mixtu_re mu$t be on the plants 1 1 � - leaves, a very valuable�'portion of the � . I I AUCTIONEERS. before the spores'reach them And the Average for four years 117. larly.-Prof. w. R. Graham. plants. -Prof. Wade Toole, Ontario eell in the bloom years of 1905 to - It workal � . . . - I THO'MAS BROWN . I surface of the leaves and stems must r I . � . Agricultural College. . .1 1911 a large proportion hFLve already I ------- . e f . - I . I tely- tl;a,t there To apply,the;se figures: The �eport - Sunnner Fora'-ge forlijambs. - - Passed out of existence. Probably not 1 -.@110_G ­P.1 . . I . Licensed auctioneer for the Counties be covered so comPle he Superinten ':: . I I more than 20 p.c. of. the'trees plant. I ? ! 1 This kind of m I is not the smallest spaeg on which a of t nu Frequent cliange of pastU o 'IS , , Spray for Potato Rotl I I OucbL ! ? of 1:1-aron and Perth. espondece � shows that in 1912 -the insurance . .i ed during those years will figure !n talk will be heard less U0 - �, Gorr be.ieficial to, and relished by, all .-Late I;Iigkt and rot k� the most d�- here In town If � �� � spore can germinate. paid on � losse� ,caused by lightning ' lies wit!) 'he commercial production of the fu- People troubled with, corns will folio" � arrangements fOr sale dates can be I * Efficient spraying of potatoes de- , tual classes of stock and this app structive disease of potatoes in On- " ' _ - ', seaf orth, was $262,282. No doubt tle * e of s .eep. ture, and certainly not more than 40 the simple advice of this ,bindna&d . I - Inade by calling up Piao.ne 0' pends: loss ance bT per- sPac :al emph!asis to the ca ta:rto_, in wat. seasons it frequently . authority, who claims tW a is dftpg . - or The Expositor Office. 'Cb�rge,s Triod- I of them are alive and receiving I of 1he proper It i -s truo for two reasons. Sheep. aro destroys a -very large proportio ,,, W - . 1. upon the use 1-3 or :Y2. If so, the actual - I � . . � ci n of, P -c- . erate and satisfaction guaranteed. haps le attentioia to -day. -� of & drug called fteezono whelx applM '� - � . _ 1 fungicide. Bordeaax mixture has SO ' loss was $350,000 or over. 9 4.7 ppr . subject to parasitic disease the crop and caus'es a � o s.9 of many I I to a teuder, aching com ttops sorenew J, . ,ly satisfactory may be prevented to a large exten t. thousands of dollars to the f armers , 4. The home -orchard will never 1� I , the 0 . � -_i. .- ____ I f ar proved to be cent. of this equals $331,450,,whic'n -one area fof , again be an important factor in com- At *nee, and 000n, the eom drtes ,tq ­ �, � sp#,y mixture for Potato diseas,es. - by not pa3turing on aflY of the province. This i� to a large 10 � ,4r� 5 - , sents the saving tha * 'would - I ifts, right out without . .- I , repro . 1 - I pailL , ) , I . and repeated- too great a length Of time. in a,di extent a needless loss, for "Iale mercial apple production in this pro- - it . R� T. LUKER 1 2.- Upon timely have been effected that year if All the tion to this they are possibly . vince. because it is not lwr-e enough T�� ys freezone is' an ether aom. � iLl�i should be cOJn- more blight" and "rot" can' be 'preveti ted rn sa I spraying. .SPraYh1g . ' 1 I I to be wort 13Q.und which dries immediatRy an& , - , 1",�`. oneer for the County 111� buildings had -been rodded.1 4 fti.sudlous about their food thau sOm(' by timely, thorough and intellige.at h while. In seasons when �' - i I menced when the plants are from I -'A t Investigations along simlaii, lines ut4v sprayftig with Bordeaux mIxture. never Inflames or -even Irritatis the i f, ,I on. Sales atteeded to in all to eight inches high and repeated farm a-limals. It is not pran- scab control is difficult or when prices ; : i. Of Hur . in o iency of isurrounding tissue or sWiL A quarter, 1 1�'_ f . _ e 6n eveny f arm to a'rran e .for are down because 6t a heavy crop, ;! Z- i parts ef th-e county- Seven yearst ex- , ,ntervals of. from a week to ten days ticabl. Directions for Spraying. - of an ounce of freezone will cogt - i 1b - - ' V*T, it 1, 4 9 8.7 p - se4 I - , *he return from the small orchards Is I �J T - - seaBou on ut 11 com ,a succession of pas - * " . little at any drug store, but Is =M. , 40- .c. for rods in that eta �e,j ba tares .Irl g tbL N �� - - 55 in i � -_ & 1� perience in Manitoba and Saskatche ,throughout thO, 9r0WiDg the report of igrazing Beason' HoweivO,,r, Vie samc, Spray with Bordeaux mixture, Uot large enough to justify the ex- � , wan. Terms reasonable. Phone No. . panies each year for eight ars. � In jitren.gth 4 to 6 pounds ot copper sul- elent to remove every .bAr& ,or Wft - I , -, r Mic I higan � the efficiency bf id able more .1 pense .an . i Corn or callus from on" ... :L75rll - Ey f3hildr-8 T igh,tning area will sustaia cons er d risk Involved, When con- , I � � I eter, Centralia P.O.� R-R. . FIR : sheep if auCh an arrangement i. f eas. phate (bluestone) and 4 pounds Of - ditions are unfavorable the. small ar - � 1. I- - " I 11 � � perial), of wat- , - : ._ - I of Amerlo�n woraen, will � � ' - is -XV, . I . I - � chod'passes. quickly into a state of lannoubeet4ent dn" tu "I . . ­ . I I 1, Orders left at The Huron Ex- I rods has been shown -to b from 98 ible. �Rye sown early in t e fail- Almon to 40 gallons (im. -W � I . � - - -tor Office, S pro � �� I . . - er. Commence sp"ng when the neglect; . I I ­ ., I posi I ood deal Ot-PaS tirO in '. . . R this is why appie growing I - , , - I I le,__ It I u I . . . 11 I I . � * -1 .J - L - I k tended to. 1 40- A S_ I A - - 1 -,.-.--,MR J - I. � CV 1 9C tbb %Wt hadiL , ­ 1� v . . . � - ____7 A . . . . . L .; . I . � ,I - . & I � . I I I . . I � . 1. �� . . . , L . Aww , . - _Z1 - I � I . . . . . . � . . . � I - 1. _. . � � . . I I I . . . I . - I � 1. - . � - � I I .­ \­ . . ' I - � 1� I ; I .- ..� . V I I - I I I * . � %____ , I I I - � - _­­ . \ �_ - '' I I -'/ L, �� - I - V � . _. t 1, I - . - I .L �_ I ; -, - I . I i 11 - . - I , i f - .. ­ � - � - . - I . - ­ 9 - - - I � � . L - I I -_ �._`, - �"Iw . . . i -_ . - , I - _­ , , � ,- 14,11or - ­ _­ , � . - . - �__ ---. , I— . - L - ­ - ­­_ 5-', iow" At 10 -, I IL I I . � _Sti�tl. I - � I � I . _Ilhi_ ­ L I - L - - - ��4_ -4 - '% _' I - - t --- I I I . I - - , -_ .' -W& I'- - - -'- � - - - ­­ _.­ -_ -_ 1� ___J,­�,�-_­ . I . .- - , ! L . z � s � . � I . . I � ) . I I :I L - � I . - . � I � ­ I L., I . . I : I . . 1. � . . I � . I 1; . . A_ i I I I I I � . - . I f, - - ­2-auga-�­,,� - - � - ­ ..Qkk�4ag­a�- - 1- � ­ ­­ ­ ­ .- , � I I ­ -111 � ___ ­ ­­ _­ � 1. ­- I -- 11 .... ..... _­­_­,: -­ �-,�.-�-�--.,---,-�-------�l----"-,�-��---- -L,"'L- ' 2,i"-,�l.--�.-����-----�----�.-[-.�-����.�-.----��� ­­_ __._._____,____._____________