HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-06-14, Page 5he pleasure of
tilde's are fine
not expensive
light the little
a good assort-
ision sole -the
: -Barefoot
vani ps fled
is, I, 2, per
Lir S1.20. in -
4 with leather
- garden irear,
a er en. Good wide
t enemies and the
.,!r. of new Kasement
inplete with hinges
the ordinary screen
or plain doors we
-..$1.90 to $4
25c to 75c
L 30 inches.
m all day, makes it
ded mind to graze -
75e to $1.25
... to 611e
[le Bride
at lasts carries a
of the giver. Cora -
Rd Glory are two
L ....$5.50 to $12.06t
per set
in the houseliolcL
eantifully nickelled
et - $2.001
s of Serges,
uld wish to
Drowns and
anteed dyes. /
taterials at
rie attention
'ew stock of
We're sure
or lee
tweaked by SmaptIers.
It is sixty years since Sir Charles
Napier gave to the bayonet this royal
title; the present war has served only
to stzengthen its right to the honor
says the New Zealant Herald. Bays
onus gave it a name, first inanufae-
ttired it, and on a hill behind he
town saw its ilivention and first use.
But If Bayonne was its sponsor, ne-
•eessity wets its parent.
A. company of Basque sningglers
was brought to Ivy ou a hill near to
the town. Their ammunition was ex-
laausted, clefee.t and surrender seem-
ed inevitable. This crisis brought
the man. One of the smugglers wiiip-
ped out a long -handled knife and
rammed the handle into the. muzzle
of his useless minket. The idea was
instantly caught up and effectively
used. Pell-mell down the hill came
tbe smugglers. and victory. followed
in the wake of thisfirst bayonet
But the Frenchmitde their defeat
a stepping stone to future vi,.,tories.
They were assured that what Basque
smugglers could do they could im-
prove upon. They set to work and
began at this little coast town the
;manufacture of this weapon of Bay-
Seaforth, June 13, 1918
Wheatper bushel ...... . . ....2.I0
ego • • " • • ......... 'along :tea '941to
Barley, per bushel
Bran, per ton
:Shorts, per ton
Flour, per cwt.
Peasf Per bushel .. ..
Margarine......... . .37o
9g -a 2Ectaad soomod
Butter, per lb. 38c
Hogs, per cwt $18.
Eggs, per dozen 33c to 34c
Toronto.. June U. -Beans -Canadian, prime
bushel, 37.50 to 58. Foreign, and picked,
bushel, 56.75 to $7 -
Toronto. June 11. -Eggs, new laid. 40e;
selected. new laid, 43c to 44e; carbens,44c to
45c. Butter -Creamery, solids, 44c to 45e;
creamery prints, 45e to 46e ; creamery, fresh
made. Zee to 47c; choice dairy printe, 41c to
42e: ordinary dairy -prints, 38e to 40c; bakers',
36e to 38c; oleomargerine, best grade, 32e to
34e. Cheese -New, large,231,te to 24c;
twine. 23%e to 24%e: spring made, large,
epee to • 26c; twins, 26c to 263/4. Comb
Honey -Choice. 16 oz., 53.50 per doze 12 -oz.,
113 per dozen neconds and dark comb, 52.50
to $2.75. Maple Syrup- Imperial gallons.
32.25; 5 -gallon tins, $2.10 per gallon. Maple
sugar, per pound. 24c to 25e.
Toronto. June llth-Manitoba Wheat -In
.etore or.. William, nominal, (including 21,de
taxi No. 1 Northern, $2.233/4 ; No. 2, north-
ern, $2.203/4 ; No. 3, northern, $2.176 ; No.
4wheat, $2.103/4. Manitoba Oatse-In store.
Fort William, No. 2, C. W., 8414e; No. 3
en. W. 8114c; extra No. 1 feed, 8114c ; No,.
1 feed. 7814e. American Corn -No. 3 yel-
low, kiln -dried. nominal. Ontario Wheat -
No. 2. $2.22, basis in stoee; Montreal. On -
Uri° Oats -No, 2. white. 130c to 81c, nominal;
No. 3. 79c to 80. Rye -No. 2, $2. BarieY
Malting, $1.31 to 51.38, nominal. Ontario
FlOur-Winiter, in new bags._ prompt ship -
319.65. Montreal, rompt akipmetit, t Reels-
f.deliv,pry ts
merit, weir essuality, 1Ift.65.O-Torontie
Npminal. ittlekobuta. $1.80.Ole•ABIltee1-In's
earlots, delivered. -Montreal.. freight, bads in-
cluded. Bran per ton, 535, shorts, 540. Mani-
toba Flour -War quality. 510.95, Toronto.
Hay -Track. Toronto, No. 1. *15.50 to 516.50;
mixed, 513 to 514. Straw-Carlots. 58 to
Buffalo. June 11th-Cattle--Receipteo 160
cars. Good grades strange others 15e lower.
Prime heavy', 317.50 to 518.10; plain and
-coarse, $14 to 115; Canadian steers, heavy'
116 to 516.50; Canadian steers, fat,' coarse
1100 to 1200 lbs., 514.50 to 515.50; Canadian
steers and heifers, $14 to $15; native yearn
ingO, -516 to *16.50; best handy steers, 515
to $16; fair to good kinds, $13.50 to 514.51/
handy steers and heifers mixed, 512.50 to
313: Western heifers, 514 th $16; State heif-
ers, $12 to $13; Canadian heavy cows, 512.50
to $13.50; best fat cowa, $12 to 518; butcher-
ing cows, 59.50 to 310.50; cutters, 58 to 59;
.canners. $5 to 56; grazing cows, 57.50 to 58;
fancy bulls, 512 to 513; butchering bulls,
310.50 to 511.50; common bulls, 59 to $10;
best feeders. 900 th 1000 lbs,. 510.50 to 511,50;
medium. feeders, $9.50 to 510.50; light common
18 to 59; stockers, $8.50 to $9.50 bet -milk-
er-. and springers, *100 to 5150;. medium,
nt5 to 5100; common, 550 to *se.
Hogs-Receipte, 70 cars. Market 40c low-
er. Heavy and yorkers, $17.50 to 517.60:
pigs, 817.65.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 10 earn Mar-
ket strong. Top lambs. 318.50 to 518.75:
yearlings, 515 th 515.50; ovetberi, $f4.54) 10
115 ; ewee, 513 to 514.
Calves -Receipts, 1.2004 Market 50 cents
higher.' Tops. $17; fair to good, 515 to 516.50;
fed calves, 56.50 to 58.50. .
Montreal, June lith. -The offerings at the
West End cattle' markeir thie morning were
rather light, Amounting to only 800 cattle
250 sheep and lambs, 500 hogs and 900
calves. The prices for cattle were steady,
there being- the usual demand and keen bid-
ding, owing to the smallness of offerings.
Hogs were still weaker, 519 to 519-25 being
reported as bid. Calves and smaller meats
were about steady at previous prices, there
being a good demand for calves at from 57
to $14 per 100 Ms..., according to the guandY
Many pffered are of poor quality. Quota-
tions per 100 Ls.-C)oice steers,. 514.50.10
315-50 ; good • steersen$12t50 • to" -*14; medium,
$11 to 512; choice butchers' -bulls, $12.50 to
313.25: good bulls, 512 th 512.56; common,
38.50 th 511; choice buteners' cows, 811.50
to' $12.50 good cows, 511 medium, 59 to
310.50; sheep, $12 to $14; iambs, 516 to 518;
ealves. milk -fed, $in no Sta.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June llth.
Record catle prices were Alt broken at the
'Union Stock. Yards yesterday morning. It
was the strongest market in the history of
Canadian catle trade. Some bityers and com-
mission men held the opinion that the mar-
ket was a dollar higher than bust Mender,
hut it was beyond all doubt fully 50 to 75
Per cent. above the opening day laat week.
The high prices we not confined to any
particular class of &Me, the entire run of
2,523 bead -cashing at new figetes. McDonald
& Halligan created .a recorn prise for a
ntraight load in the sale of twenty nicely
finished steers and heifers tio the Harris
Abattoir at 517.15 per cwt. Those catle were
fed by W. W. Fisher, of Burlington, Ont.,
and were shipped in by G. li. Clark, the
drover. They avveraged 1,191 pounds, and
eold quite, early in the morning. J. 13.
Shields & Son sold twenty-tvro steerand
heifers, averaging 1,335 pounds, and belong-
ing to Greeniaus Bros., of Clarkson, at $16.'75
Per cwt., to the Swift Canadian Company.
The "run" consisted of fairly nice eattle,
which undoubied13r had Considerable weight
in booting the prices. Probably the chief
factor was due to the small:(offerings during
the past two weeks, coupled with the light
buying of the abatoirs in the Iast ten days.
. With the creation of these new figures, the
ehoice. well-fed steers and heifers are worth
from 314.50 to 517, and good well-fiaished
heavy Ateers and heifers from $13 te 514.25
Per cwt.. Choice butcher cattle are worth
from 31.2 -to *12.75; good butchers' from
$1.1.25 to 51.2; medium butchers' from 510.25
to 511 per cwt.. The demand 'for butcher
.sette was very strong yeeterdaY morning,
51.3.50 per cwt, being paid by some of the
ehatoirs foo the extra choice. Good COWS
..old at from $11.25 th 512 and rednium cows at
from 5a.50 te 510.50 per cwt. Caaners sold
et from 56.35 to 56.65 ; per cwt. The bull
trade wa; ery similar to that of the butcher
cow market, the best selling at from 512 to
sleno: the good from $10:76 to 511.75. and
the medium at from. $8.50 to 510.50. Stock -
;old at front 310 to $13.50, according to
reiality. the majority selling at from 312 to
$1:l per cwt.
Milker.; and springers were very scarce.
enty a few selliess around $140 and a small
-umber at $90 th 5100 each.
The email meats ,department was not quite
,trong as the big mene. but prices wee
zdooat 25c per cwt. above the close of last
week. Choice veal calve; sold at front $14.50
to 516 end medium calves at from 512 to 314
zee cwt. Spring lambs sold at from 314 to
317 °ante Yearlings cashed ht from 820 bo
at frowi S14.50 to $19, the
aid for the unclipped. •
Ifogssold at last week's ngure of 5$1,8.50
cwt. fed and watered. It is expected
that to -day's price will be Axed at $18 per
Corbett, Hall and Coughlin sold 20 cars and
euete: Extra choice heavy steers; 516 to 516.50
eood heavy steers, 515.25 to 515.50: e.hoice but-
cher 6teers arid heifers, ,..15 to 515.75; good
butchers' steers and heifers, 514.50 to 14.75;
Seaediure butcher steers and heifers, 114 to 514.-
• T. _Holmes
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Undertakmg parlors in Oddfel
lows bittilding opRosite
itewart Bros. Resi-
dence Goderich.fft., npp
lir. Scott's
Flowers furnishedLon
short notice.
Phone] Night or Day 119,
.2=5: common butcher steers and heifers, $13 to
$13.25; dhoice heavy bulls, $13 to $18.50; but-
cher bulls $12.75 to $13.25; bologna bulls, $10.
50 to $11, choice butcher cow, 512-60 to $13,
good bulicher cows, $11.75 to 112; medium but-
cher cows, $10 to $10.50; common butcher cows
$8.50 to 39.2; canners, 56 to $6.25; sheeP,
ewes, light, with weirl on, $17 th $19: sheep,
light, clipped, 5/6 to $17; heavy sheep and
bucks, $14 to $16 O choice lambs, $20 to $21;
choice calves, $14.50 to 415.50; medium calves,
$12.50 to $13.50; hogs, fed and watered, $1830:
hogs, off oars, 518.75.
Ganes Limited bought 2k0 cattle: Choice
steers and heifer, 1350, ri6.25; bulls, 11.00,
cow, 1100, $18.50.
The Swift. Csmadiart Company bought 400
cattle :Choice butchers', $13.50 th $16; medium
butchers'. $12 to 313.25; cows $8.50 to $13.50;
200 calves. $12,60 to $15.75; 200 ;sheep, 517 to
518: yeasting's; from $18.50 to $19.50.
The Illathew-s-Blaakvsell Company bought
250 nate: Choice frcim $15.50 to $16: zned-
luta from. $14.810 to 515; comm, $13.75 1e014.
25; covrs, good to cheice, $12-50 to $13-0;
medium from $11.75 to $12.25.
The Harris Abattoir Company bought 650
(tattle: 1 *Mee load, $17.15; belance steers and
heifers, srLso to 516.25; cows, $9-50 to $12.75;
bulls, $1.1 to $13; hem $18.50 ted.'
Quotations :---Heavy steers, choice, $14.50 to
$17; heavy steers. good, 513.25 to $14; but-
chers steers and heifers, choice, '*12.25 to 813;
good, $11.50 o 312; mediam, $10.nn to $11;
common. $8.25 to $9.50; butchers', cows
choice, 312.25 to $13.50; good, 511 te 412;
-medium, 38.75- to $10.50; common, $6.75 to
31.50: caaners, 36 to $6.25/ butchers' bulls,
choice, 512 to $13.25s good, $10.50 to $11.75;
mediuire $8.50 to $10; common, $7.50 no $8;
feeders, best, $9.50 to $11.75; stockers, best,
$9.50 to $12.50 ; milkers and springers, choice,
$1.00 to $160; common to medium. $65 to $90:
calves,' choice, $14 to $16; medium, $12 to
$13.25: heavy fat. $10 to $12; lambs, choice,
519,50 to $22; sheep, - choice handy, $14 to
$18: heavy- and fat bucks, $11 to $12.25;
hogs, fed and watered, 318.50; off earn, $18.76;
f.o.b., 317.50: less $1 to $2 on light to thin
hog's ; less 53 to 33.50 on sow.; loss $4 on
stags ; less 50e to $1 on heavies.
Anderson -In Winghain General Hospital, on
June 1st. th Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Ander-
son, ef East Wawanosh. a son.
Reid-Ia West Wasvanosh, on May 28th, te
Mr. goad Mrs., Harvey Reid, a son.
Pinkney -At Ancrum Brae Private Hospital,
Stratford, on June 8-th, to Me. and Mrs. J.
W. Pinkney, of Coboarg, a son, (Glee Richard)
Edgar -McNair -At the home of Mr. Martin
McNair,, on June 1st, by Rev. ,A. J. Mann,
B. A., Brussels, Mr. A. Edgar Gorrie, 10
Mies Sarah n. Mittleir. daughter of the late
James and ,Mrs. MeNair, et Grey Town-
Klein-Merro----At ,St. jaznes' Church, Sea -
forth, an Tuesdays June llth. Mr. John
Klein. of McKillop, . to Miss M. Mere, of
•Sands -Lloyd -In Toronto, on May 28th, by
Bishop Evans, Mr. W. E. Sanders, Ethel, th
nine Lloyd, of Toronto.
Balmap-in London, on May 31st, Mr. Wm..
Balmose formerly of Exeter, aged 68 years,
8 menthe and 12 days.
Rath -In Clinton, en June 2ind, William H.
Rath, aged 49 years.
MeVittie-In Clinton, on June lst, Emmeline
Watkins, widow of the lateH. B. Mc-
'Vittie aged 57 yeana and 9 months.
Nott -In Goderieh, On- May 31st, Mary Foss,
• widow of the late Rev. Benjamin. Nett, in
her 794h year.
Simpson -In Bruoefield, on June 9th. Mrs.
Annie 'Turuer, relict of the late -Thomas
Simpson, aged 86 yars.
W. IT. - BOX & CO.
Emb4more and
Funeral . Directors
r•H. C. BOX
Holder Of Government Diploma
and Liscense
(Urges Moderate
Flow,ers furnished on short notiee
Night Calls
Phone 175
DAT Calls
Phone 50 -
W. S. Gsfrnliey
UndertakingParlors Above
M. Williams, Grocery Store.
Main Strett, Seaforth
Flowers furnished cm short notice.
Charges monerate •
Phone -Night or Daer-192
• 1TS "11., ..
We nOw have in stock drain tile in
sizes from 3 inohes up to 7 inches.
KRUSE BROS., 14.4nionavilie
Phone 2 on 160. 2635-2
I will -open a kiln a 3, 4, inch,tile on
'Monday, June 170. W. M. SPROA.T
Phone 9 on 136. 2635-1
Small frame house on West William
street, Seafortit, hard and soft water,
good ,stable. For further particulars
apply to J. D. IiInchley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 on 124. 2622-tf
Of Faern steel:, Implements, etc. The ad-
ministrator of the estate of the late John
Wilson nas instructed Mr. B. S. Phillips. auc-
tioneer, to offer for eale by public auction oe
the eorth half en lot number nine in the sec-
ond conceenion of Tuckersmith. L. R. n.S., on
Monday, June 17tk, 1918, at.*telock.- in the
afbeenoan, the following oha.t••• 2 cows, 1
yearling heifer, 1 yearling steer, 1aged horse,
1 wagon, 1 buggy. 2 land seuffiers, 1 culti-
vator, ,1 cutter, 1 seed drill, 1 land roller, 1
single /Wow, 1 :sower, 1 steme-boat, icon har-
rowe, harness, 2 legging ohaina and about two
dozen heins. Terms -$10 mad under, cash Over
that amount four months' 'credit will be given
on furnishing anerovednjoint notes. GLAD -
MAN & STANBURY. Mensal), Ont, Solici-
tors for T. C. noyut, Administrators B. S.
PHFLISIPS, Auctioneer. 2634-2
We h ve on sale Special
Barga ns in Fresh Fruit:
Strawbe rid 20 and 2c.a box
Pine Ap le $3.00 per dozen
Th sFPhillips
• Whole ale and Retail Fruits
Opposite om ercial Eotel, Seaforth.
Moulders a 5 1.achintsts wanted. Good
wages and w • rktog conditions. Apply Can.
adian Allis C taint re, Stratford, Ontario.
_ 2635-3
Any person
Children's She ter
are requested to
designed, givi
tion, price, etc
hay ng property suitable for a.
for the County of Huron
ommunicate with the un-
ull particulars as to eitua-
Goderich, Ju
Cou ty Clerk.
e 2th, lifIS18.
For Sale ta e
two lots on
from Main str
soft water in
Easy -terms.
e with two bedroom's, and
Main Street, two -blooke
Splendid cellar, hard and
hen. otti in good ollaPe•
to E. L. BOX, Seaforth
For the cons
(the that of th
ed) in the Ton
specificatiOne a
office of the c
to he clerk o
ion of the Watson Drain
three drains ta be consteuche
nship of Tuckersmith. Plans,
d c nditrons to be 'seen at the
erk 'lenders to be delivered
o before June -22nd. 1918
D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk.
For sale lot
MeKillim, con
has been in gra
should grow goo
as to price and
TON, co Manit
tell s th JAMES, I. JOHNS-,
r. coFnOcessRioSnA914, ETownship of
ini g 100 acres.I This farm
s or a number of years, and
cops. Write for particulars
ba Hotel, Winnipeg,1 Mans
. ,
dersigeed, and en
for the Dominic,
at this office un 11
day, June 27, 19 8
the public Buil • in
Combined spec
,can be obtained a
caretakers or t e
Persone tende in
sers will not be e
the printed fornis
their actual signa
- Eaeb tender dm
accepted cheque 1 ozi
able th the orde
Works, equal to 10
of the tender.
RS addressed to, the UR'
orsed " Tender for Coal
uildings " will be received
2 o'clock noon, on Thurs-
for the suPP1Y of coal for
s throughout the Domin-
ation and form of tender
this office and from the
different Dominion Build -
are notified that tend-
nsidered unless made on
upplied, and signed with
t be accompanied by an
a chartered bank, poy-
f the Minister of Public
per cent. of the amotint
. -
Department of P b ic Works,
Ottawa, June 6, 1918.
Notice is hereb
ute inthat beh If
illetets e
of Huron, Hous
the; City of 'Loidrjr,
of April, 1918, are
5th day of.. July, 1
or deliver to the u
of their- clainosn dts
the nature •of • th
them. And ,furth
said last mentiondd
deceased will be di
entitled thereto,
claims ef which ho
Dated at Se or
iven pursuant to the Stet -
that all persons haying
estate of Martha Winn%
of liullett, in the C,ounty
e, deceased, who died at
on or about the 29th day
required on. or before the
18, to, emit, post prepaid
dersigned, full particujarso
verified by affidavit and
seeurito, 11 any, held by
take notice -that after the.
ate' the as of the
ributed amd1ng the parties
ving regard only to the
ice shall thee have been
th, this llth day of June.
Solicitor for th
Notice is hereby
ute in that beha
claims against th
lum. late of the
County of Huron
who died at the s
about the 15th da
on or before the
send, post prepai
signed full partic
verified by affiffid
security, if any,
take netice that a
date the assets o
distributed among
tia having regard
notice shall then
Dated at Seaf
'Solicitor for h3 Executors
xecutor of said estate,
iven pursuant th the Stat.
that all persons lunette
estate of Duncan MeCal-
wn of Seaforth, in ehe
etired Farmer, deseased,
town of Seaforth, on or
May, 1918, are required
th day of July, 1918. to
.1 or deliver to the unded-
lars of their claims, duly
tit, and the nature of the
ld by them. Andfurther
r the said last mentioned
the said deceased will be
e parties entitled there-
ly bo the claims of which
ve been given.
th, this llth day of June,
of said
Notice is hereb
utes- in that beh 1
claims against th
McMurray of the
the County of H
on or about the
1918, are reju1re
Paid, a statemen
nature of tne s
by an affidavit, 10
the Town of Seaf
executors of the
the said Ebenezer
before the 22nd da
take notice that se
date the Executhee
the awes of thee
ties entitled ther
the claims of whi
ceived notice. D
A.D., 1918. JOH
CAA, Executors.
iven pursuant to the Stat -
that all persons having
tate of the late Ebenezer
illage of Egmoudville, in
on, Gentleman, who died
7th day of April, A.D.,
to deliver or send post -
of 'tehir claims and the
rity thereof, duly verified
ohn Beattie, merchant, of
h. one of the Undersigned
t will And testament of
eMurray, deceMed, on or
of June, A.D., 1918. And
the said in mentioned
will proceed to distribute
'd deceased among the pars
having reference only to
they Atoll then have re-
d this 29th day of May,
2638 -3
Notice is hereby
ute in that beha
elairos against the
of the Township o
ty of Huron. farm
the said Townshi
bout the 18th day
quired on or bailor
to send by post p
dereigned full
duly verified' by:
the security. if a
take notice then
ed date, the assets
distributed among
having regard On
notice, shall then
a 'Hensall this
eter, Ont., Solicit°
iven pursuant to the Stat.
that all persons having
tate of John Wilson, late
Tuokersniithe in tbe Couno
, deceased, who died at
of Tuckersmith, on or a-
t' December, 1917, are De -
the 15th day of June, 1918,
paid, or deliver th the un-
iculars of their claims
avit and the natuee of
, by them. Further
ter the said last mention -
f the said deceased will be
he parties entitled thereto,
to the claims of .which
live been received. Dated
6th, day of May, 1918.
NBURY, Hensall and Exe-
fan Administrators.
In the matter of t e estate of Reverend Pat-
rick Corcoran. h4e of the Town of Seaforth,
Notice is hereby liven pursuant to the Stat-
utes in that beha f that all persons having
any clams or de ands against the latc Rev-
erend Patrick Cor oran, who died on or about
the 13th day of Al rch, 1913, at Seaforth, On-
tario. are required n or before the 27th day of
June. 1918. 10 sen by pest prepaid, or to de.'.
liver to the unde gned, solicitors herein --for
John Corcoran of Ottawa, Ontario. Admini-
strator of the estat of the said deceased, their
names and, addres.r and full particulars in
writing, of their cl ims and statements of their
accounts and the ature of the securities, if
any, held by then And take notice, that
after the 27th day 1 June, 1913, the said Ad-
ministrator will p loceed to distribute the as-
sets of the said d eeasen among the persons
entitled thereto, h ving regard only to the
claims of whieh he shall then have had notice,
and that the said Administrator will not be
liable for the said assets or any pant thereof
-to any person of whose claim be shall not then
have received rioti e. Dated the 27th day of
COO10E. Goderioh and Seaforth, Ont., fiolici-
tors for the Said Adminstrator. 2633-4
oral A 1 Approved.. Er:rein:ant No. 4881
51526 A.T.R.-2205 (Lick.
Etre Record 2.11654
The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse.
First prize winner at Seaford: and Clinton
1917' Spring Shows, The only stable in the
County of Huron that ever offered the ser-
vices of a etallion *1ti-IWO* of 2.10 or
better. 'Elmer Dickson 2.06%, will stand at
his own atable, Commercial Hotel Barns.
Blyth, with the exception of the following
route: Monday -Will leave his own stable,
Blyth, and proceed to Auburn, for moon; then
by way of Nile to G.' MeNall's for night,
Tuesdays -Wit) Proceed th Colborne Howie,
Godericle for noon aid remain ,there until
Wednesday noon. Wednesday -Will proceed
by way of Benmiller for Blyth where he will
remain until the following Monday- morning.
Terras to insiire 520. -
THOS. COULTER, Blytb, Proprietor.
The following imported Clydesdale
and Percheron Stallions wh ch are all
enrolled, inspectedand app oved will
stand for service this se son at
Clydesdale [9254] (1262)
Enrolment No. 1266 Form
. To insure $15
'Clydesdale [95961 • (1463
Enrolment No. 1681 '
To insure $15
Percheron (6382)
Enrolment No. 4986
To insure 813
Clydesdale [9255] (12103
Enrohnent No. 1370
To insure 513
Will tr'airel the following route:
Monday, May 6th--eWill leave his own stable
at Hensall, and go west to second concession,
eouth mites to R. Nor heott's for noon;
south 114 miles, east 114 nlies, th n north to
Ben Makin's, for night. estlay Bast 114
miles, th Thomas Venner's, for oon; then
north 114 miles th Chiselhurst, th n west to
John McLean's corner, north 114 mi es to Wm.
Hoggarth's for night. Wednesday West th
James McGregor's corner and north 114 mile',
then west 1% miles th Thomas Wor an's for
noon; then south I% miles to Kip po west to
Hills Green, north to Hugh Love's" for night.
Thursday -West to Blake, south to Elmer
Klomins, for noon; then West to St. Joseph
and then south th A. Hendrick's, for night,
and where he will remain until Friday noon.
Fridan noon -East th the 14th conceoaion, and
north' ry4, miles, then east 114 miles, and
north! to William Thiel's for night. Saturday
-Win proieed south 13/4 miles, east to Gosh-
en line and north to Zurich, th the Commer-
cial Hoten for noon; then east ti3 Hensall,
to his own stable where he 'will remain untit
the following Monday morning.
William Kay, Manager.
Form A 1
Percheron [31391- (84214)
Enrolment No. 1369 I; - Form A.,/
To insure $18
Will -travel the follownog.route: •
Monday, May 6th-Wil1 leave his. own stable
at Hensall ,nrid go east 114 Miles and north
3% miles and east 114 miles 10 Abe. For-
sythe's for noon; then fourntales 10 WilEalin
Davis', for °night. Taeldily-East by way of
Staffs, to Ernie Temp1et-0We for noon . then
east 1% miles, south,.1**,miles -and westa
milesto-Russell Snottni forditeleht, ',Wednesday
,WestO2Onwontileet Booth' 2-4t10' the
tanoryntoillatiinnitintketirst tor ;Joliet Oen
weit to his &inn's:tables .antHemall, jremaining
there until • Thaenclay nibrnittg. Thursday
-West.to Parr Line. tionth to Hills! Green, to
Wilson Carlyle's for noon:, then north to Cole -
Maris Comer, then west to me,. then
gouth miles and wear to kei to` Millar"
Thies, for night. Fride744Virat to' the 14th
to Henry Steinback's, ,fentn100n;nthen south -
'3. miles, east -114 .mlle4 and north e
dfiriere•for nigbt• Sethi:daft-1(6ft
to Znriclto .00ituneroitsi Hoteh for
east; to n
ow, attable, Belle e
he will remain until -the &kiwi Monday
William Luker, Managetn
(13978) [16986] I
Enrolment No. 136F7-ormi.
Inspctedeand Approved
Jhn 3. Me -
Will stand for the improvernIt of stock
during the present season. at
Gavin's stables, Leadburyn lot 22,, Concession
13, MeKillop. Terms 512 tin insune, payable
February 1st, 1918,
J. J. McGAVIN Proprietor
The Standard Bred Vetting Stallion
No. 42946, Vol. XXIT, T. R.
Enrolment No. 1151. Form 1.
Will stand for the improvement o stock this
season athis own stable in ggraonaville.
Terms. 51n th ineure. '
JAMES BERRY, Proprietor-
: 2631xtf
Enrolment No. 3d3' Form 1
(Imp.) [3140] (83420
$15' to insure.
Will stand for the improvement of stock tias
season as follows:
Monday -Will leave hi a (own 9 able, Bruce-
eld, and go west to Varna, at C niss Ward's,
for noon; then north jets) Gpden '11 toiihutrio,
and west by way ef Baylleln none.eataa to Ars
•thur Welsh's, foe mane Tuesday--No'-b I Y
way of the 7th concession. to- G,2 rge Vander -
burg's, Porter'a Hill, tor noon; ter north IV
way on the 6th concession to Jas, McMillan's„
for night. Wennesday--By way f Mill Road
and Jewell's Corners, to lsewind Ginn's, fro -
noon ; then noreh by nay of mnier, and
aibrig tlie Maitland concession 10 Larry Sweet's
for night. Thursday -East to 104 1610 conces-
sion, then by way of the -Haydn toad to Clin-
ton to Graham's Hotel, for noor4, and ma
until Friday morning. Fria:tee,. otittla kW way
of the London Road to- Vs own tabk, Bruce -
field. where he will rennin' u tilt Saturday
,morning. Saturday. --South bt• way of the
London Road, 21/2, miles, east 10 Robetd El-
gie's for noon; thence by wily o the 2nd con-
cession, Tuckersfnith, and the ill Road, to
hi otim stable, where he will re4iain until' the
following Monday morning.
WM. BERRY, Proprie+ & Manager
Perin A 1 Approved Enrolment No. 2936
51522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R.
The Standard bred show and trotting stal-
lion. Full brother to Duntyn 2.1414 and Inez
M. 2.1714. Was .shown fifteen times -four-
teen times first and once second. Ike Medium
will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as follows: Thursday -Will leave his
own stable and proceed north to Belgrave for
noon; then to the Farmers Home, Wingbarn,
for night. Friday -Will proceed th Bluevale
to -Hall's for noor ; thence to Gordon Me-
sPonalds, Brussels, fOr night. Saturday -Will
proceed to his own stable, Blyth, where he
will remain 'until the following Thursday
Terms to insure, 515.
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
The Choicely Bred enne29ald3ja0nClydesdale Stallion
Passed Enfrolment No. 529 Form 1.
Will stand' for the improvement of stock
this season as follows:• Monday -Will leave
his ow eatable at Peter McCann's, concession
3. Hibbert, and go. to John Flynn's 'Beech-
wood, for noon; 'then north 3% miles and
east 114 miles to James O'Loughlin's, for
night. Tuesday -East 21/2 miles, north •154
miles to William Unlink's, Kinnecot, for noon;
then east 21/2 miles and south 1% miles and
east to John Murray's for night. Wednesday
-By .way of Brodhagen to William Flanni-
gan's for ,poon; then 114 miles west and 214
!Mies soutll to Andrew Krauskopins for night.
Thursday -To his own stable for noon; then
214 miles east and 154 miles north and •21/2
miles west th his own stable for night. Fri-
day -214 miles south, 2¼ miles east, and 154
miles north to his own stable, where he. will
remain until the following Monday morning.
To Insure $15.
JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor & Manager
[13458] (12035)
Inzencted, Enrolled and Approved
R. D. ',MURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager.
Monday -Will leave his own stable in Bruce -
field and 'go 'west to 2nd 'concession of Stan-
ley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon;
then north and west to William Glenn's for
night, Tuesday. -By way. of Bannockburn to
Varna, at the Temperance ilotel, for noon;
then by way of • Bayfield Road to the Goshen
Line. to Albert MeClinchey's for night, -Wed-
nesday -.-By MeClymon't side road to the Tarr
ling, then south th William, Foster's, for noon;
then th William McKenzie', 2nd coneesnion of
Stanley, for night. Thursday -North to the
Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; re-
maining there until Friday morning. _Friday
-To George McCartney's, Mill,Road, for noon;
the nto MeAdamn tide road, then north th
the 2nd coecession, H. R. S., Tucicersmith,
then west th James Carnochan's for night.
Saturday -West .by Broadfoot's bridge, then
south th the Mill Road, th his own stable,
where he will remain until -the following
Monday morning., , •
For sale seven awned franie house on
North Main Street, one door south of Mr,
RoOert Wintera* residence. Must be sold'
,ac.once; Apply at The Expositor Office,
s'Seaforth. . 2624-tf
15279 (15928) Vol. X.
Passed Eerolment No. 3' 67 Form 1
$16 to insure.
Will stand for the improve tit. of stock
this season as follow: •
Monday, May 6th -Will leave • is own stable,
at Staffa, and go west to .1 es Hill's, flor
noon; then sOuth to the Crone ty Line, then •
east- tsi Cromarty te his own st ble for night:
Tuesday -South to Alfred Hun inn, Insborne,
for noon; then west along Th Road, for
3% miles and south on the 41 concession to
Robert •Sellery's, for - night. Wednesday -
East to the Elimville Line and south -to Film -
and east to Mincheisea., to John Del -
bridge's, for noon: then sou,'h to William
Brock's, for night. Thursday otith and eaat
on the lith coneession of Blatieliard, to .A. J.
Muxworthytr (Wallace's old :fatra),- for noon:
then south th the Kirkton Line, and weir, to
Taylor's Hotel, Kiriston. for night. Friday -
North along the Mitchell Road, to Mount
Pleasant, and west no Jasper Pridham's, for
noon; then west and north to John Hamil-
ton's, 10th concession of Hibbert, for night.
Saturday -Newt -la 2 miles to Mae Grey's, 7th
concession for noon; then westto the 7th to
the Centre road, then south to is own stable,
where he win remain until the fellowing Mon-
day morning.
JOHN LIVINGnTONE, Proorieter & Man• ader
o (54151) 1653
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
Enrolment No. 4075 Appro ell Form
Will stand for the itnproverient of stock this
season at his evvn stable lot 8, concession 4,
Enrperor McKinney is a beaiftiful black horse
with best of feet and 'legs. Stands 16 nands
high and weighs over 1200 pourno. Ite is
supposed to be Gilt: of the kat fired horses
in these parts,which. hi.; penieree shows.
I'vSares from a nistastee win 1 be met. Teem
to insure $13, Payable Febru4y it,
CHAS. MIL TS Proprietor.
Phone 7 on 136, Seaforth
• ,
Can iurnish..victory Bonds at 98% and
interest, free oragpense to purchasers.
'City of Calgaold Bonds, 710 n' •
City, of St. .Catbarines Gold Bonds 614%
Victory Bonds,
Also have for imme/tiate sale the follow -
big 'Municipal .Bonds: -
City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield 6
per dent.
Government of Newfoundland Gold Bonds M
yield 63/4 per cent.
Provinee of Ontario Gold Bonds to yield 6
City Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield 6%
,r ceeenIt
of it.
1.117,- rue lull lug - money for investment
should avail themaelvest;',of thie opporton•
ity to secure these It redged securities.
pl7 to
Seaforth, afoliArthY, S'Ont.
C.V.O., LLD.. D:C.I.„ President
IT JOHN AIRD, GentFalMartazer
H. V. F. JONES, Assl, Gen% Manager
•CAPITAL PAT UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $/3,506,
The. Manager. is prepared to consult with prospective
cuitorners regarding their banking requirements. Wheth
it be the o ning of a Savings or Current .accotm,,
making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they
will be met with courtesy and given prompt serviw
Write for booklet and prices of im-
proved and unimproved farms in the
famous Gilbert Plains District. j. H.
EVANS & CO, Gilbert Plains, Mani-
tob4t. 2617x20
Hatise and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This is a corner pro-
pt-rty with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a gooa state of cultiva-
tion. This is a 'nice property for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or ito John Rankin,, Seaforth,-2584..t!
For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R.
S., Tuckersznith, containing 100 acres.
There are on the pLemises a good
frame, house, two, barns and frame
stable 75 feet long. cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The
land is in a good state of cultivation,
well drained and fenced,. Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done. This farm is situated
154 miles east of the village of Bruce?
field and 5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from farm. For further $r-
ticulars apply on the premiiss or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
R. R.' No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, sea.
forth Central. 2616-tf
Offers.. you and all the farnitY
outing of your life„
Highlands of
Au to Sal
IS now 'located in its new in,
formerly Turnbull and M
Livery Barn. Maio street, Sei
complete line of
Wholesale wk .
esatand retail repairin
Stewart Melia
Spring Term from April
• a
Stratfqtd, Ont.
Commercial life offers .the great
tunities. Recent lady graduat.ea Of
school aro earning as .high as $1000 i
annum. The last application we
from an office Man with some
offered Initial salary of *11300 per
Students way enter our Classes
time Graduates placed in positione„
menial, Shorthand and Telegraphy
partments. Get our free .eatalogite.,.
President "Pidnei
Lot -33, Cernesion 6, MelrideP,
of the best day land in McKillop,'
bush, the rest in a high state of out
5 :bones from Seater*, 2 Mike
stance, 114 miles froni school,
the preraises, a good seven roomed
bank barn 64x76, Paige wire fi
welL underdrained. - -There are
5 acres bush and the
ed • down. There are two bii
I Piped to barnyard and m
*srithnhydraulic tam p ping
the bouse and to the Auirn., Ap
• is in the orchard and near tag_bsi
gcndied and. gravelled lane
the buil z APply to
face there is no waste. Md.
DORhANCL Sedoirth.
the ,
• are .all famous playgrounds
Modern hotels afford city comforts
but many prefer to live in tent or log
cabin. Your choice at reasonable cost.
Secure your Parlor or Sleeping Car
accommodation in advance.
Full information from eny Grand
Trank Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto,
W. Somerville Town" Agent
W. R. Plant Depot Agent
Has purchased a Percheron
and will stand him in Seaforth a
vicinity during the season
announcement later.
PAIa _ et' RIEslirrnATION
seams iimmusase
TO sr map u v MPUT4 *MORA
Ar:ress6 %waist
"' 41.rnantort0 itsfict.4
0YOWN (41!.tain rigate
ST Er AIM 41111Mt
2. Age? Date af Ifiritr?1
4. British subject? " Sybirth?)
ff naturalized, Which year?
Country of Mit_
Iy Naturalizationt1
What ohm?
6. Single (S), Marriad (M), Widower (W), or divorced (0)?
S. Physical disabilities, if any?
oh or French
• If oot auntry lithhyou owesnsubiset, tootthatt
:7. How anany children WWI. Yiars ?
9.fAstretisteriatiat d "kr itarinumbeSarPli
inciter woo in
Lori ot (h)
10. (a) Present occupation (if any)?
.1(b) What le yeur regular occupation?
(c) What otherwork can you do wall ?
11. If an employes, sista employer's name
Nature of business_
12: Do Your circumstances permit yota to serve in thei:rasont national crisis, by changiniiyourpresentoccupation to SOMR other for whkh
you are nuolined, if the conditions offered be satis actary? (a) Where you can return me da:ly? (h) Awayfrorn horns?
13. Ca) Wein} you brought up on a fann? Until what ago? (h) Have you worked on farm? How long?
' (c) Are you retired farmer? (d) Can you handle horses? Drive trazicre? Use farm machinery?
(e) Are you willing to do farm work? WNW*? Main what decks?
/ affirm :hall have verified the above answers and that they are truss
Signally -0 1?egistrani
Procedure of Registration
On :lune 22nd every persOn residing in Canada, male or femaie, Brilish or alien,ofsixtien years or over,mustattend
one of the registration booths located in his or her district, and' there observe the procedure explained Below.
Where to Register How to Register
Every person required to register has the privilege of The procedure of registration is simple. The
registering at any of the public places provided, for that' questions upon the registration card can be answered
purpose. The location of all such places will be very easily, but they must be answered truthfully
specified in proclamations posted conspicuously. and fully.
The card shown in the illustration is a facsimile of the registration card for males. An advertisement
showing the card for fmales appears in another paper.
Study the questions carefully so that you will be able to answer them promptly when registeirinstmelfoythoeurhannvee
any special qualification, or feel that your services would be more beneficin
al to the country
of work; say 30.
' While all are compelled to register on Registration Day; it is not contemplated bytheCovernment
to force the sick, feeble and. aged to turn out. If such persons will notify the Registrar prior to J11116
22nd of their inability to attend at a place of regiltration, an effort will be made to =gaiter them at
home, provided the request is reasonable and justified.
Remember the DaY-Junn22n4--Remember the Henri -7 a.noto no pan. Register early and getyour CertiScate forma oval protection..
Issued by authority of
Canada Registration Board
241:01 '