HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-06-14, Page 1JUNE 7, 191s
g Jun
June, July. August rt
and August
thir Store
Cully Refunded
h keeps a ceaseless influence
ness_ ` That set purpose is to
ution. through this community
of the world's markets at the
g and prompt cash payments
is dissatisfied with the pm --
h expeetations after you have
,ingly exchange the goods or
lectrve June Brides
ing Apparel most satisfactorily
irts -'Waists
in Underwear
Is, neat sewing--al1_the merits
ethe charms first recognized in.
Easily Settled
al order fo:
wilt -be right
111111111r11UMMuti1If1H111111 Uht 11t1
a Summer Hat, 5
ilks are Here
e stock recently. New fancy g
25 and $1.50 the yard. Leaders
a, $150, $1.65, $1.75, $2.00 and et
lored faille cord silks for their
ity, Special for. Waists and
$2:00 a yard.
rens Findings
linings and dress furnishing is
nd others in need of dress ac-
an buy them quickly, cheaply,
Summer Dresses
the qaulity. We present de -
from a great assembly.
voiles, pretty patterns, printed
25c to 75e-
5e-le , Voiles, Marquisettes, etc.,
..................20c to 85e
and Prints. Imported and
earl finish. Best sellers range
25c to 35e
Head Suiting, both White and
.................25c to 65e
t 111 � uh 1h,11,w
;HOLE 1%1UM11ER 2630
Greig Clothing. • Co -
i4 Secohd to None "
'- 1
For Hot
Nothing quite so comfortable
as one of our light weight
piece Suits for the, hot days
which are now just about due
—Grey and Browns and in
Fancy Striped Patterns.
$15 to $25
Cool Underwear
JN the lightest weights and 2 - piece
or combinations Short sleeves- and
ankle or k 'ee
75a V 4J
length. Price v
Greig Clothing Co
Soine. of
Our Specialties.
This Week
rare •
Screen Doors
Window Screens
Coal Oil Stoves
The o ig Haraware Store
LI, Edge Seaforth
The ` Cou: Council met iil" the
Court Hou • t erich, on Tuesday,
June 4th, a 'S . o' leek, Warden Elliott
in the chair. • Th - "r ll call showed all
the last day of the
and of the special
'on March- 26th,
pte .
ommunications were
k and ordered filed:
way Commission at
service ort the Lon-
of Kent i•e publish -
of Kent ;county re-
ed by dogs.
lliott re the: number
r his care in child -
Board of Trade .re
n service o. n L. •H.
of Renfrew re re -
minty Councils re -
erintendent of the
e L. U. & B. train
the members pre
The minutes a
January s'essfon
session at , Clin
were read nd ad+�
The following
read by the eler�
From the Rai
Ottawa ret in
don,- Huron 'end
From the cler1
ing the findings;,
gardin sheep kil'
From. G. M. E
of children'uncle
rens aid • work.
From "London
reduction of tra
& B.
From the 1.cler
ceipt of Hu on
solution ,regardin
Prom the Su
London division. .
service. .
Report of
house boiler.
The folioya
Good Roads
A petition
the townshi
•Brussels re
From the,
ing Compan
one Andrew
From D.
mates in th
A claim f
tive culvert f
ferred to th
A report o
printed in t
.The follow
Education C
Report of
of Huron c
high school.
Notice fro
vacancy ;oxo,
W. L. Elliot
A stateme
re cost of ,att
The follow ng
Executive Co
' - From Ben
Mutual Asso
Notice fro
tion for da
and son. -
From•, S.
=re insurance
form of petit
ing the Can,
Duron county
From F. G.
vices in conn
anent tractor
count for - sam
From Dud]
late Dr. Holir
The follow
Special Com
Council oppo
light Saving.
From Cler
closing petiti
council askin
the Senate.
From Dep
ests and Mi
ting supply
From Cou
ing the fee
the West to
From Cou
ending the 5
Moved by
Livingstone t
. fro
. re.
'r d
. the great loss tie. e
ed threugh his death.
tablet i to his memory
doing honor to itself
r Inspee-or re court
ere referred to the'
Morris, `Grey and
airs on - boundary
don Manufactur-
an agreement with
son enclosing esti-
d Roads System.
mages re •a - defect
G. M. K.ydd, was re-
d and bridge corn -
ex • ensee re the Canada
Act was ordered, to be
e m mutes.
ng ere.. pefereed to ;the
'mini ee:
t-tpe ses and attendance
unty pupils at Parkhill
n M . J. P. Hume of a
the . Goderich Collegiate
h t e removal - of Mr.,
fr.m Goderieh.
t o. Guelph Collegiate
nda. ee .of Huron county
ere referred to the.
i. ee:
H. Spence .re Ontario
M. G. Cameron re ae-
age. by Mrs. Williams
ake city clerk, London
or Soldier's and including'
on for same, -
>f expenses for enfore-
da Temperance Act in
Neelin, Seaforth, re ser-
ection with the Govern -
including his ac -
ey iJlolmes re estate of
es. -
ng ere sent to the
!of Wentworth County
ing ntroduetion of Day -
of City of Toronto in-
n a d resolution of city.
fo� a vote to abolish
rtm nt of Lands, For -
es cutting and get-
from AIgonkin
t. f Perth re increas-
on homestead lands in
11 e cept returned sols-
ty f Welland re am-
atut Labor Act.
G. C. Petty and R. W.
at his Council place. on'
record our s'ncere regret at the loss
we h6ye !pt ain,ted through the death
I of our. caret ker," McCreath, and
tender our s pithy to his bereav-
ed widow a f lir. The reso lu- ;P teas, . • . -
tion was up i no'usly carried, all the' - - • -
council standing.
Y, JUNE 1° , 1918
tit had sustain -
:fit erecting the -
the county was
well as to the
late treasurer. The Pitoeettdings were
then adjourned to the eil:ebamber
where brief address
appreciation- of the I
the 14 a Treasurer w
Lane and: several
county council.
The report of Count
Patterson was reseal
clerk and referred
Bridge Cominittee and
.Commission. 1
Laportot Powell --
anent of all accounts
tween the townships
on he • good roeds
Moved by Li
ley lin ar :eadinent
re amount spent by ..eli
under the Gond Roads
ended to read three -.y
five and . further that
the amount expended
forth in tke eemleitya
financial . statement's
that the , COunty, ed`
overdrafts at `eu_z e
The, arnr endinent ea
Erwin ,and Ford
ant $10•,0.00 to thesties in the 'county
cording to the equals:
Sent to Executive
Beavers quid Tiplaig
$12,000 to the Red
McKinley' and :liar.
grant,tei.the Red 'Ci
mill on the 'dollar, '.
cording to the ;equal
—Sent to the Executi
The following comes
From the Salvation
grant to the Rescue He
nity hospital in London
ecutive Committee. -
' From Mr:, F. 'C. W
,council to. visit, the
Minion Roads'Machin
council visited the
day morninga,at'.p•-a.
From Wm, McGre
claiming damages
happening on the roa
ham—Referred to
A deputation Was pr
dressed the council Wel
the Y. M. C. -.A'..- A el
also present on behalf
tion Army and ``,Knish
bus. ' i
Messrs. McDonald
senti'g, the count i o .
sent. ask, the.e ut
join With thiat. coup'
expressive of
e and work of
Made by Mr.
embers of the
, .read by the
the Road and
the Good Roads
a state -
e equalized be-
d- the county
ry year.
and McKin-
the motion,
stem, he am-
rs instead of
statement of
/rade and set
d; municipal
h year and
t !interest- on
rates yearly.
t the county
Cross Soc-
livided 'ac-
ittee. • .
at ;we giant
ss Society:
g �= That the
ety be one
6- divided ac-
e Committee.
ondence was
airy asking a
ie and Mater -
Sent to' Ex-
t inviting the
s of; the Do
and rtzee, about 24
from' Amberly :through
The Warden assured
deputetions that the Ce
would give their represe
serious consideration an
tions withdrew.
The reporteof Jailer G
and also the request fo
in salary. These were r
County Property Commi
. The report of the Co
signed to deal with 't
Aid Shelter matter and
Counties for -jails was t
Tipling and Beavers
Catencil make a grant of
-monthly instalments beg
and ending December '31
te be levied and collected
grant of $1,500 be made
tion Arley rescue work
Referred to the Executi
Dalton and Lasiee---Th
43,00a be :Made to the K
,umbas to be paid' :this
:erred to the Executive
' On motion of Love a
council adjourned until
' Dr. Clark, J. C. Laithwaite, that The Warden- made e
Mr. Andrew garding the - purchase
trustee of eruihers. The followie
tion Conlmi taker for the court :hous
, Loth and office: Richard Delong,
of road sout Standish; W. H. Geed
tending fro County Property Co
high water The report of the .Ro
15 or 20 rod Committee was read w
Bridge co itt ett in the chair.
On motion of Hardi
On motion of strong clause three was
the council adjou The Warden then res
er be appointed
'eh Collegiate In-
to the Eduea-
ord, that this Count -
d maintain 'that portio
ark,' a distance of about
eferred to Road and
rwin and Harburn
ed until 8 p. m.
discuss with a d putafion of Middle-
sex County. Cou cil, the advisability
of asking th Provincial Govern-
ment to ass me he London. Roa as
putation fr m Middlesex del* red
able addres es n the work of the
good road s ove ent,and the necessity
of united ef ort 1 making a series of
after expl min . the object o the
the county and e -pressed his pleasure
lit the opp irtun ty afforded of get-
ting in tou h ith qui neighboring
county on he ood roads question.
cil decided ap oint a deputation to
act with on fr m Middlesex; ' The
Middlesex epu tion then withdrew
and on meti n o McKinley and, Ford
the council djo ed until 10- O'clock
Wednesday morning.
After the
ell in the e
the presenc
council unv
in the hall
memory of the
1917, after
years. The Wa
the merite f.
and the report as amen
The auditors' report
referred ta the Financ
The report of the -Sp
was considered with Mr
chair. The report was
The report of the,
mittee was considered
in the chair. The repo
Erwin and Hackett--
izatien be the same as 1
Dalton and Powell—
build the bridges that
last year on the origi
north of Kintail—sen
Bridge Committe•e.
Powell and Laport
nty petition the Gove
I with one office of Li
for the cunty for 1919
ial Committee.
Clark and Ford—
appropriate the sum
vide a Children's Shel
enin , Warden Elliott in Ford and Erwin—
of the members of th $100 be made to Miss
of t
the memorial table ist at the ouse o
e court housko the vices—Sent to the E
ate County Treasur- tee.
ho died October 14th, Mallough and F
g the connty for 33 cil grant $15 to eac
den spoke briefly of tute as a mark of ap
late Treasurer and efforts in Red Cr
ition of care -
and registry
Referred to
and Bridge
th Mr. Hack -
g and Arm -
struck out.
ed the chair
ed was adopt-
wati read and
ial Committee
Dalton in the
xecutive Com-
-th Mr. Clark
-was ado-pted.
hat the equal -
hat the county
ere washed out
al county roaa
to road and
That this cou-
ent to do away- tee recomilaended that the treasurer's
ense Inspector
sent to SPee-
An Operator or a
or boy with
tioh to learn to op
efale Linotype Ma
Steady Employment
Gooa Wages
Apply at
Expositor Office -
Executive Committee.
Clark and Ford—That a grant of
$1,000 be-Itiacle to the Navy League
this year—Sent to the Executive Com-
mittee. ,
Mr. And. Porter was present and
was asked to speak on the standihg of
the Patriotic Fund and said that the
surplus repotted was largely made up
of promises to pay. Mr. Porter gave
tome valuable information regarding
the working of the Patriotic Fund
Mallough and Brock -That the coun-
cil build culverts on designated roads
where washouts occurred last year -one
mile south of Dungannon—Sent to
'Good Roads Committee,
of the Report of the Eecutive COMM-
ittee at the January meeting be am-
ended and that the MUM. of $4,600 per
'month instead of $8,000 per month be
paid to the Canadian Patriotic Asso-
ciation as that is the amount actually
required as the share from this min-
ty and a largettamount of supplies has
accumulated at the heed office than is
warranted by existing. conditions ---
Sent to Executive Committee,
Clark and Laporte That the. offi-
cers of the 61st: *alien having Ipre-
the .county, the samd be Accepted .and
hung in the county puildingt—Crrided
McKinley dnd Lobb—That the War-
den, W. Clark and the clerk be ap-
pointed on the jaia committee.—Cer-
Mr. S: B. Stothers, District Repre-
sentative of agriculture, was present
and briefly -addressed the council re-
garding work under his supervision.
Erwin and Mallough—That the aud-
itors be requested to meet the Finance
Commitee and report on the fmances tive Committee reported as followsa
of the county.—Carried. Re request of Ford and Erwin that a
,Mallough and McKinley — That
lcL11114 )kO
$0 a Year In
clean and well kept, there are five int
mates therein, two . confined for six.
months and in a few days they will be
moved to Burwash prison, We re-
comniend that Richard Deiong be en-
gaged as caretaker of the court house
and registry office at tlfd genie eatery
ae the 'late' caretaker, Ain a -Wreath,
—W. F. Clark, Chairman.
apecial Committee..— The Special
Committee -reported- as iollows: Re pe- •
tition of City of Tormato asking for
a vote to abolish the Senete we are in
accord with this petition and recom-
solution of the county of Perth to in-
crease fees' on* 'homestead land in the
west to all except returned soldiers„
we recommend that no action be tak-
en. Re petition regarding „license in-
spectors, we recommend' that this
county petition the Provincial Legisla-
ture to do away with one office of Li-
cense Inpeetor for 1919, ih this. county
as we consider this second officer ant hOaurve Sneorgreeaansr is toe raprinakeee,
necessary and that the clerk bo int makes things as easy for -us
structed to forward our petition to the ble--details us for as little
he can and if ere are any- t
get our share. We have an
lected as gun -layers, one of.
jobs in the battery. I am o
pouzider and the rest of the
on the twelve, while Musty
siderahle ridipg besides gun
The duty of a guii-Iayer
the gun at the proper maga
and do the active firing. It
fair amount of education, an
knowledge of geometry is II
necessary, it proves very hel
you do all the setting and ran
ing by degrees and 111j11
have to learn the technical
each part of the gun, and
pick them nut * a minuted
gun layer 'receives a text
tainingethe theory of gum
plained by maps and diagra
you might memorize the who
M. C. A., we recommend that the
of $24,000 be vented, said
be paid in monthly instalments
000 and to be approved of
from a Seaforth boy with a C
battery at Petawawa Camp:
Just' a' few lines' hav
I expect my arm will be sore
and for a codple of -days. e
all inoculated in the right a
evening. We have -one more
and tee eke -then thitatigli for
Three or four of us broke off
hour ago and came over to It
out of the officers sight.
wise to the gaine after a
more you do very often the
want you' to do. But the
propernuthorities. Re report of dele-
gation appoiated to met the adjoining
counties with regard to jail and chil-
dren's, shelter, we think the repoit.a
the committee very businesslike and
we reepmenend that ;the eounties be
Cronped in supporting a: j aia and 'that
we have a settarate shelter of oar own
and' *iecommenci .4. delegation of two
be appointed to aet with the other
counties to. consider the cfuestion of a
jail awl formulate. a scheme of action
Education CoMinittee.—The report'
of the Educatien Committee was as
follows: We' recomenend the payment
of the Guelph Collegiate Institute -the
amount of $9.44 and the Park Hill high
school $150.48 being amoant due for
lauron County pupils attending the a-
bove mined schools. -
We reconPnend the appointment of
Mr. And Porter as trustee of Goderich through and still not be an
gam -layer. It is the Praeti
that counts. We expect to do,
ing next week. trhe gun p
this training is eome distance
battery lines, and you shoot
across -the Ottawa Rivere e
atnmunition from the Gone
ing results. ,test shells for the Imperial
The total' receipts for that period' tion Board. It makes quite
Were $218,135.16 and the total eat"- when an eighteen -pounder
If it -is a time fuse shell yo
the smoke -cloud burst in the
the water. It sure is inte
whether we will enjoy it
we are firing at Fritz'
Inot prepared -to say,
shoot at something
'Bead and Bridge Comndttee.—The cannot retura the e
ROM and Brklge `Coifornittie:4eVotted maybe get Yeti fir
ai fellows: That the portion of the en- worry. The gutmers hand
ginger's report' which ethis zornerffttee munition from the Nva.guns
has power to deal with. be adopted and who does the Ioading, end dI
_that the same be printed ire the min- fuse for either time or perc
utes. Re claim of G. M. Kydd for the Battery Commander ma
'damages caused tor traction engine go- to use, A pertussitm shell,
ing through a culvert on the Bayfleld doubt know4 does not exp
road„ your committee has agreed on air but only on the impact.
terme of settlement of all claims for shells are used when shelli
the sum of $40 and recommend that in formation or on the march,
this sum be paid. , - say here in column of route.
their heacle to an erea of a
yards each way. I am spha
the eighteen -pounders. Now
know whether all this will pro
terest:ng or not, so will not
"While I am not 1oy any mea
some, one frequently becomes
depressed and says it is all
tile, particularly when you ha
cent job in eivil life,,and you
call your, soul your -own. H
the enly way' to' help overeo
feeling is to srnile--or come
to a smile as you can —
the other fellew do the worryirit4
less you growl and grouch -the
for yourself. There are not a
us in it because we love it, but
in it, and eau% get out, so
best of it.
I expect to he home bet
overseas, but am elortliiiiidn
ing for a pass till the end 'ti
August. -
We worked here all day
trying to get our camp all
we are now about finished,
means the end of ea =wide
mount of fatigue work, wit
in and digging sand, installin
systems, etc.
We had 11, big sand-storni
Monday, and the sand blew.in
where—down our rieckst in o
and eyes, and our grub was f
But one gets used to it, and a
war 1 -Wili be able to swallow
I saw Ham Grieve and j
=rids Sunday night. They c
to our, lines. A.lso Jack Cionn
T. McMillan's son, the later
in the ,64th from Guelph.
well, and say, they are entoyi
Three of us went down to P
on IVIonday night. Had -a. real
meal mid' some fun, but as we
be back at camp at twelve w
have a very long stay. Ther
jitney service from Petawawa
broke -12 miles,
dica.tor tells me the turkey
cream -will soon be readet T
people to ' keep the potato lin
trimirted up, as the army uses
bunch of the tubers, and waste
Collegiate Board re kW. L, Elliot re -
Auditor's Report—The County Aud-
itors' reported as follows:—That we
have made an exam nation of the ac-
countst .books, .and
county treasurer fro
to December 31, 191
ouchers of the :
October 4, 1917
with the follow -
merits fort the eame time 197,893.44
leaving a balance of $120,741.72. To
this balance must be added the am-
ount of $§2,575.97 as reported in banks
by fermi' auditors on October 4, 1917,
making a total of -117%317.69, accord-
ing' to -the treasurees books, :
Messrs. Livingstone, Lobb and Har-
burn be a committee on , children's
shelter withl authority to purchase -or
rent a suitable piece for the same —
Ford and Erwine--That the council
adjourn until Friday morning at 9 oh
chick a. m.—Carried.
The council met, on Friday morning
as per adjournment.
Fraser and -Armstrong—That we
nay D. Patterson a salary of $1,500 for
work on good roads systeht and pro-
Yide him with a Ford car, and that he
'be paid_ $200 additional foe work on
Comity roads other than deeignated
roads, atid* that all former by-laws re-
lating to salary. of D. Patterson be re -
grant of $100 be paid Miss Harland,
organist at House of Refuge for past
services, eve recommend that the same
be paid. Re motion of Dr. Clark and
Ford that thid council appropriate the
sum of $3,000 to provide a ehildren's
shelter for the county, we recommend
that the same be granted and that an
advertisement be iaserted in two lo-
cal papers asking any Parties having
any property suitable for such purpose
to notify clerk. Re motion of Mal -
lough and Fraser that vie grant the
sum of $15 to each Womerde Institute
in each riding as a mark of our ap-
preciat4on of their efforts in Red
Cross Work, we recommend that mo
grent he made, believing that a eno-
efon or resolution of council expres-
sing our appreciation of their work
would be more suitable. Re motion
of Young and McNabb with reference
patriotic grant, we recommend that
Roads Commission be appomtea
nohateeeficanba taken. Re request ef the
Purchase the Ford car,fer Mr. Pattere
son.—Carried. Holmes liehil'for-balsnee.dne father's
McNabb and Spotten — That the estate as appears tbe auditors' re-
port, we remit -mend that the same be
windows and doors of the court house
paid less intesest on the mortgages
be painted on the outside and that the
to have been paid and Mr.
Holmes agreeing to give any security
ried iequested by the conty to secure them
lfrom any loss. Re motien of Erwin
:)11.Tlitteerereenpowrtas .roefadRaonadd' r Ce fo emrrme id *elute er
and Ford that a greet of $10„000 be
made to the Red Cross societies in the
Road Commission. county. Moved in aniendment by Bea -
mission was then presented by ex -war -
The report of the Good Roads Coin -
vers and Tipling that the grant be
,ane. $12,000. Moved in amendment by Me-
ednendeaGobvyenaloneek.wingClause 20 was
rant one half mill on the equalized
the claim of Mr. Kiftley and Harding that the county
MepetGedr.e.gor. The report was then ad- g
asseasment of the county to -the Red
Cross societies. We recommend that
the grant asked by the McKinley and
lowing be the emanated to interview
Harding Motion be granted. Re re -
the Government with- the Middlesex'
quest from' the city of London regard -
delegation: The Warden and Messrs.
ing insurance fold soldiers and their
Ford, Powell, Mallough and Goven-
• dependants, we recommend .710 action.
Re request of Ontario Municipal Asso-
ciation at Toronto asking us to be-
ty engineer be instructed to have
come .members thereof,: we, recom-
some of the county bridges painted
this yean—Carried mend no action be taken at present.
On motion of Laithwaite and Lobb Re motion of Young and Armstrong
that we grant the sum of 11,500 to
the council then adjourned to meet a-
gain ori Tuesday, December 3rd. the Salvation Army, we recommend
that the sum of $1,000 be granted. Re
COMMITTEES. motion of Dalton and Love that we
The following are the reports 'of grant the sum of $3.000 to the soeie-
various coinmittees: ty of the Knights of 'Columbus, we ;re-
FINAWE.—The Finance Commit- commend that the sum of $2,000 be
granted, Re account from theqhro-
vincial Secretary's office in connection
with enforcing the Canada Temper-
ance act, we recommend that it be de-
posited at once and furthee, we are of
the opinion that the -work could be done
with one inspector and that the money
saved thereby could be used to better
advantage at the present time and that
this touncil petition the government
to that effect. Re request of F. G.
Neelin in connection with operating
the tractor plow in the vicinity of Sea -
forth, we recommend no action at pre-
sente but would ask Mr. Stewart for
an explanation as regards the work
done. Re motion of Tiling and Betty..
ers for a grant of MO00 to the T.
at this ceuncil
$34.000‘ to pro-
er for the coun-
hat a grant of.
Harland organ-
uge for her ser -
r -That the cowl --
Women's Inset
recation in their
work --Sent to
statement of estimated receipts and
expenditures be accepted The -am-
ount' to be- raised for general and oth-
er puhposes is $140,254,62, requiring a
rate -of 3 3-10 mills on the dollar of
our equalized assessment. B. W, F.
Beavers, Chairmatt.
County Property.—The report of the
County Property Committee was as
'fellows: We haw examined the court
house and offices and found them in
good condition. We visited the regis-
try office and found it in just fair con-
dition and requiring more attention.
We recommend that a small table be
_purchased for Mr. D. MeDonald's of-
fice. We Yisited the gaol and found it
—A former .highly esteemed
dent of Brussels was called to
ward on May 13th, th.e per
Nellie Carlisle, belieeed wife of
Ilallicla,y, ef Indian Head.
been ill for some tirae Ithe
took place the Thursday folio
, demise. In addition to her h
a son, Lyle, and daughter, Hel
corpse now tr.aining at Toreento.
friends here syrripathize with
reaved. Mrs. Halliday was a
Brusselscatow of Toronto.
was an extra fme person whose
s deeply regretted. Mr.
brother of Misses