The Huron Expositor, 1918-06-07, Page 5ORT ng Shoes t Weather Shoes. Easy and, wearing ana inexpeflsive. school wear and fine for the 'Outing Shock are made with rtcontosgated or smooth. rub- nt of all styles and all sizes in men's. e your leather footwear. , black soles $1.75 .. .P... . - .............. 41.75 . . ........... . ... . - $2.00 eels $2.50 - . - $2.75 ........ oles $1.25 to $1,40 $1.40 to $1.75 - - -$1.50 „ .. . .. $1.40 to $1.75 .... . $1..75 a, • $1.40 $1.40 . . . = .$1.00 .. . , ... . ... WEDNESDAY AFTER. JULY AND AUGUST. *N. rit COMMERCIAL HOTEL ementSihast -Contracts Solicited - Workmanship Guaranteed 41 Rogers. Bros. ractors Fullerton P.O. ,tito Sales Garage now located in its new premisee, esti Turnbull and Mclittoslea 7 Barn, Main street, Seaforth. A.s lete line of AUTO REPAIRS & ACCESSORIES Colesale and retail repairing and tine work. ewart McIntosh MANAGER ikR LINE 1 ,:neesseeleteell'ait - a'n-e -"aeon- ar -aadell. • ,••• union t and Return AYES GODERICH 1.0.00 a.m. E. T. i; DETROIT .m. (Detroit Time) $1.50 ONE WAY Goderich to on. f military age on this trip. Officer who will be on duty 40. tonsporary stay are not re- sit. United States Immigra- sss excursionists. Lled it will be necessary for -h the military service regu- istrar for their military dis- 71ies, of course, only to male lusive, who are single or. are • • • • • GHT 14-1 10th, at 8 p.m. •ng in Greyhound Ball Room • 4" nOtanreese0.04,00.0•0411K1141 lered it assortments of Serges, .ef_ls you could wish to e greys, browns and eith guaranteed dyes. etriety of materials at the same attention fine new stock of etc. We're sure Seaforth Sork • NE z 1918 CHISELRIIRST Notes. --Mr. Robert McLean is mak- ing preparatiOns for the erection of's new barn with cement fotmdation.- Ur. Donald McDonald was in London ion Monday, visiting his son. -Mr. and Nes. J. Varley spent a day recently ;with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leeming in McKillop. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theobald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harr,- Stewart. -The crops. in, these parts are looking excellent and the farmers are keening up to th4 work fairly well, although there is a shortage of help. STANLEY School -Report. ----The following is the report of the school in Section No. 14, Stanley, for the month of My. The names are in ordeS' of merit: Fourth snws L, Workman, W. M. Ross, B. Parsons, C. E. Harvey. Jr. Third I. McLachlan. Sr. _Third -F. R. Parsons, C. E. Harvey. Jr. III. L. C. Workman, W. A. Ross.' .5econd.-11. A. Dinsdele, J.McKenzie, O. M. Anderson. Part II -JA. An - Verson, H. Mcelymont, IL. E. Gras- -sick. Part I -J. A. MeLaohlan, R.' McKenzie. The best velars in the •snonthly spelling matches were; IV I -Walter Workman. Sr. arid Jr. III Lloyd Workman.. Second -Elva Anderson. Part II -Willie McLach- lan. SEAFORTH DUBIOUS. . - Seaforth, June 6, 018 Wheat,' per bushel .2.10 Oats, per bushel , 70e Barley, per bushel ...... $1.40 Bran, per ton 36.00 Shorts, per ton $41.00 Flour, per ewt. $5 . 75 Peas, per bushel .. .. $3.60 Margarine ...37c Potatoes, per bag ,. . . . . $1.00 Butter, per lb 38e Hogs, per cwt. $18. Eggs, per dozens 33c to p4c BEAN, MARKET t Toronto, June 4 -Beans -Canadian hand- picked, bushel,' $8.75; imp., hand-picked, Burma or Indian, $5.75: Japan, $8.50 to 8.75; Limas, 19c to 20e. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, June 4 -Dred Poultry --Spring ehickeris, 70c; roosters, 28c; fowl, 38 to 40c; turkeys, 40c to 45e. Live Poultry- -Spring chickena, 60c; roosters, 28e; turkeya, 30c; hens. 33 to 37e. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, June- 4th-Butter-Oreamera sol- ids. 44c to 46c; do. Prints 45 to 47c; do fresh dairy choice 40 to 42c. Margarine -28 to 83e a lb. Eggs -New -laid, 40c; new laid, in cartons, 43 to 450. Cheese -New. large, 28%e to 24e; twine, 23%c to 2414c; old, large, 251/4c to 26c; twin 26 to 26y.c. Maple Sarup-811, lb. tins, 10 to a case, 314.50; imperial gallon tins, per tin, $2.25; imperial 5 gallon ,cans per can $10.50; 16 gallon kegs, per garilon, $2; maple sugar, 1 lb. leox, pure, per lb., 24 to 25e. ' GRAIN MARKET Toronto, June 4th -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $2.23%; No, 2, do., $2.20%; No. 3, do., $2.17ta ; No. 4 wheat, $2.10M; toetore at Fort William, including 21/4c tax. Mani- itoba Oats -No. 2 C.W, 78%c; No, 3, C. W., • 75T4e;- extra No. 1 feed 7574.c: No.1 feed 72%c in 'store at Fort William, American Corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats - Na. 2 white 78 to 79e; No. 3 white, 77 to lac, according to freights outride, Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, Per car lot $2.22; basis in store, Montreal. Peas --No. 2. $3.60 to $8.70; according to freights outside. Barlea- Malting, $1.40 to $1.42; according to freights -outside. Buckialleat per bushel, $1.80, accord- ing to fretghts outside. Rye -Ne. 2, $2.10, according- to freights. outside. -.Manitoba Flour -War quanta'. -$10.96 new, bags, Toronto. Ontario Flour -War quality. $10.65, new bag, 'Toronto; 10.65 Montreal freight, prompt ship - merit. Millfeed-Cer lote-Delivered Montreal freights bags included; been, per ton. 85.00; shorts, per ton, $48. Hay -No. 1, per ton. 15.50 to $16.50; mixed, $13 to $14, track. To- ronto. Straw Car lots, per ton, $8 to $8.603 track, Toronto. LIVE STOCK ▪ ▪ MARKETS Buffalo, June 4th -Cattle, Receipts, 3800; strong; prime steers, $17.25 to $18.25; ship- ping, do., $16.50 to $17; butcher' $12 to $16.85; yearlings, $13.50 to $16.75; heifers, $10 to $14.50; cows, a6.50 to $15.50; bulls, 17.50 to $13; stockers and feeders. $7.50 to 11; freah cows and springers, $66 to $150. Calves -Receipts, $2300; strong, $7 to $15.50: Hogs -Receipts. 5200; active and strong; heavy, $17 to $17.50; mixed, $17.135 to $17.75: Yorkers, $17.75 to $18; light yorkers, $18 to 118.25; pigs, $18.25 to $18.50; roughs, 15.25 to $15.50; stags, $11 to $12. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts, 6400; easier; lambs, $11 to $17.25; yearlings, $13 to $15; wethers, 113.5a to $14; ewes, $6 to $15; mined sheep, $13 to $13.50. Montreal, June 4th. -The offerings of live stock for the week at the west end cattle mar- ket have been 900 cattle, 200 sheep and lambs, 990 hogs, and 2600 calves. The offer- ings for to -day's market were small. only 200 cattle, 120, sheep and lambs, 200 hogs, and 100 calves/ The feature of the enairket is the continuea.aetrength_ in the cattle, and the weak- ness in the hogs section. -Prices for choice cattle were higher to -day owing to the fact that the demand was active and supplies were rather light. Good steers, :valanced 25 cents Per 100 lbs. Calves were weaker.scoring a decline of about $1 per 100. pounds, _ while sheep and lambs were steady. Large offer- ines of calves tend to an easier feeling in this section. Hogs are don a to $19.60 for :good selectee although it -is said some sold perhaps a little higher. At the Canadian Pacific Live Stock Yards the offerings weete, 250 cattle, 100 sheep and lambs, 200 hogs and 450 calvaa. Prices there remained steady under a fairar active demand and many lines were cleaned up. Quotations -Choice steers *4.50 to $15.75:. good, $12 to $14; medium $10.50 to $11.60; bulls, good, $12 to $iee mediaa rt bulls, $10 to $14; cows, choice. $11.50 to $12.50: medium, good. $ii t4 $11.25; calves, $8 to $12; sheep, $12 to VA; Iambs, $16 to $18; 'hogs, $19.50 to $20. Union Steck Yards, Toronto, June 4th, - Packer -buyers this morning announced their intention to take $1.50 off hog values to -mor- row. To -flay they made a fair start by offer- - mg only $18.50 for loose fed and watered hogs, which the drovees refused, and it now remains to be seen whether the buyers hold together and get their hogs at their own Price and not the farmers. Ta take a dollar and a half off • in one day is something new at the Toronto yards. Seventeen dollars f.o.b. is the price sent to the country to -day, and if the buyers. hold to the attitude they have a- dopted as a body the farmers will have to ac- cept the big cut or keep their hogs. The market gone back considerably on the. Amara - can side, and it is felt that Toronto ought to follow suit. The cattle offering was light for a Monday, With loads of real top quality heavy steers hard to pick dut. Trade opened slow owing to the buyers haggling over values and seek- ing a reduction on last week's quotations, but after a time the market settled down to leuzi- nese along previous market lines. Half a dozen loads of butchers cashed in from $14.75 to $15, and very few cattle -and these singles and small late for the most part -brought higher. values. Bulls and fat cows also met a steady trade, but there was a lot of common stuff on the market which did net meet with a correspondingly active demand. The cattle trade all over was firm at Iii4t week's clos- ing valuten There wa, e slightly iron -ed movement a- n-tong tne nseners and feeders, stockers sell - nee nntre. 5s.e0 for light common stuff to $11 niee animals. A few extra ehoire eisteeeletten eashed in at 513. The demand for milker; was comparatively poor this morning at ehtetner values. but there wee a steady reee.7: tt ionl a e-ood tinnand for back ,spring - or. Tint teatitt in 'ah -es was active and stronger, het e; in an even stronger tone to the eh 'ep te,0/1 tin -lipped eheen sellingfrom $1-* t4, $:!).:;0. TeaMb4 were .firm and active. were rt7 care. with 2311 cat- tle 2-150itne., and A Re205 eon and lamps. tvntree Itteight 12 tosringere. $100 -31:-Al anti erns ohoice Fini,'4tein from • Corbett, Rail :.t.nd Poughlin at 517q. P !Kennedy sold fives- lead-, of butchers. .51 l.2 four loads of cows. 58,59' to 512; hulls, 39.21 to $12; calves, $14.40. Quinn and Risey aold-Butchers, S. 810 lbs., Sli. 6. 7i1 lbs., $13.75: 10, 500 lb:- $13.75; Cows ----1, 1020 lbs., $11.50: 1, P60 lbs.. $10.- 52; .4, 10:10 lbs., $10; 2. 1065 lbs., $11.'35; -2, P20 lin.. $10.75; 1, 1220 Ile.. $12.75; 1. 1120 lbs., $12.n();11n0 lbs., $12,25; 6. 750 Mae $13,7,1; 1, 1140' lbs., $9. Stockers -2, 550 lbs., $10; hogs, $20, fed and watered. C. Zeagman and Sops sold: Butchers, 24, So T. 1161mes Funeral Director and Licensed .Embalmer Undki ertang parlors in Oddfel lows building opposite tewart Bros. fteii- dence Goderich st., op p Dr. Scott's Flowers farnishedrsin short notice. Phone Night ,--or Day 119, U 1- 890 lbs., \$13.60; Cows-lle 900 lbs., $0.25,; 4, 1170 lbs, ,$12; 2, 715 lbs.'( $11; 1, 1200 lima $11, 1, 836 lbs., $10; 2, 965 lbs., $6.25; 970 Bas., $12; 1, 900 lbs., $10.50; 2, 870 lbs.,' $8:25; 1, 980 lbs., $8:75; 5, 1100 lbs., $11.60; 6,,920 lbs., $9.50. Bulls -2. 1715 lbs. $12.00 L" 840 lbs., $11.10, Stockers and feedees-lt 910 The., $9.75; 6, 790 the,, lila; 4, 700 lbs.. 58.50;'4. 1025 lbs., $13, 11, 500 lbs., $8.50 64 calves $14.80; 69 calves $14,65; sheen, $17, to $18.50: hogs, $19 f.o.b. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers -11, 990 lbs., $13.50. Cows -1, 1240 lbs., $12; 2, 1280 - lbs., $12.25; 3. milker, $89.60; 1, springer, ,$159.50; 7 milkers $9,0 each; 50 sheep, $9 to, $17.26; 2 iambi, $20 each; calves, $11 to $15a Corbett, Hall and Ctaighlin quoted: Choice heavy steers, $15.50 to $16; good heavy steers. $15 to $1A•30; choice butchers, $14 to $14.50; good butchers, $18.60 to $13.75; medium but- chers 112.75 to $18.25; common butchers, $11 to $12.25; choice heavy bulls, $11.76 to 412.50; butcher bulls, $10:50 to $12: bologna huffs,' $9.50 to $10; choice. cows, $11.50 to $12.59; ' aood caws, $11 to $11.35; medium cows, $9.25 to 10; common cows, $7.50 to $8.50: canners $6 to $6.501 sheep, ewes, light, with1 wool on, $17 to $19; sheep, light, clipped, 116 to $17;e heavy' sheep and bucks, $14 to $16; choice lambs, $20 to 1121 choice calves, $15 to $16; medium calves, $13 to $14; hens, fed and wat- ered $20: off cars, $20.25. The quotations were: ream choke heavy steers $15 to $16; choice heavy, $14 to $14.25; butchers cattle choice, $14 Its $14.2f5a. do. good, 13.25 to 113.50; do. medium, $12 to $12.50; do. &mutton, $11.00 to $11.25; butchers' bulls, choice $12 to $13; do. good bulls $11 to $11.50; do. medium n bulls $10.25 to $10.50; do. rough bulls $7.50 to $8.50; butchers' cows, choice, $12 to $13; do. good, $11 to $11.50; do. wed - nun $10.25 to $10.50; -stockers- $9.50 to 11.25; feeders $11.25 to $12; -canners and cutters, $6.00 to $7.25; milkers good to choice $90 to $140; milkers, common and medium, $65 to $80; springers $90 to $140; light ewes 17.50 to $19.50; lambs $20 -to ($21: calves, good to choice„ $14 to $15.50, hogs, fed and wat- ered $20; do, weighed off cars $20.25; cio. f. o.b. $19. BIRTHS . Dancy-In Seaforth, on June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dancey, a daughter. Cameron -.Iii Bru,cefield, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron, a son. • Parker -In Wingham, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker, a son. Fortune -In Tuckersmithe (the 'Evergreens), on May 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. For- tune, a daughter. (Mary Jean Francis). - MARRIAGES Fletcher -Stone -At the Main street parson- age, Exeter, on May 21st, Mr. Bert Flete cher, son of Mr. John Fletcher, to Miss Nellie, 'daughter Of Mr. Ed. Stone, all of Usborne. - DEATHS McCraeken-In Brussels, on May 26th, Clara Main second daughter of the late Vir: H. and Mrs. .McCricken. Watt -In McKillopi on May 26th, Thomas T. Watt, son of M . Margaret Watt of Clin- ton aged 87 y rs. rollick -At Renee'', on May 24th, John rol- lick, aged ,70 years. W. T. BOX & CO, Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. b. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished On short notice Night Calls Phone 175 Day Calls Phone 50 mummumuninnummummulinsierm W. S. Gormley ra- EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth lowers furnished On sfiort notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 INIEMINIENEMOVIllind INI11111111i111011111111 DRAIN TILE We win, open a kiln of drain tile on Mon- day. June 10th. We will thea have sizes from 3 inches up to 7 inabeel KRUSE BROS., Eg- mondville, Phone 2 on 160. 2634-1 SALESMAN WANTED Lubricating Oil, Grease, Specialties, Paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis. Man with car or rig preferred. RIVERSIDE RE- FINING COMPANY, Cleveland. Ohio. 2634x1 TILE FOR SALE For sale Cement Draining Tile -all sizes from 3 ,to 12 inches. Poise inch at $24.00 per thousand and other prices equally as reason- able. Apply on Let 29, Concession 7, Mc- Killop. Phone 10 on 234, SeaforOlt. SYDNEY ychool, Seaforth. 2634x1 ADMINISTRATOR'S AUCTION SALE Of Farm stock, Implements, etc. The ad- ministrator of the estate of the late John Wilson has instrueted Mr. B. S. Phillips, auc- tioneer, to offer for sale by public auction on the north half of lot member nine in the sec - aid concession oij Tuckeremitie, L. R. ,S., on DV:1'1day, June -17/h, 1918. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the i6llswing chattels: 2 cows, 1 yearling Ispigern yeanling steer, 1. aged horse, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 2 land scufflers, 1 culti- vatoeal. cutter, 1 seed drill, 1 land roller, 1 single plow. 1 mower, 1 stone -boat, iron har- rows, harness, 2 logging obaina and about two dozen hens. Terms -$10 and under. cash. Over that amount four months', credit will be given on furnishing approved joint not. ' GLAD-. MAN & STANBURY, Rensall. Ont., Stdiri- bars for T. C. Joynt, Administrator; B. S. PHILLPPS, Auctioneer. 2631-2 , FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the s 'Rage of Egmondville. The property is situated. on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church And is known a ; the Purcell property. Good, cOlel- ft.atable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of frait trees, strawberries,.- raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, arid the land is in a good. state of cultiva, tion. This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-e E liURON EXP s We h4 e otrsale ppecial Barga ir in Nish' Fruit: Straw -bei' ies 20 ilnd 25c a box Pine_Ap es $3.ao per dozen Th Phillips Whole e and Retail Fruits Opposite C mercial Hotel, Seaforth. For Sale a two lots on from Mains atr Soft water in Easy terms. 2627-tf FOR SALE ge with two bedrooms, and rth Main Street, two block's t. Splendid cellar, hard and Italian, All in good =thane, ply to E. L. BOX, -Seaforth 4 - DRAIN- I ENDERS W NTED For the cons akin of the atson Drain •(the first o th three drains to ie construct- ed) in the To hip of 'Tuckersnaith. Plans, specifications a. ; conditions to be seen at the office of the c k. Tenders 0 be delivered to the- clerk o or before Juil) 22nd, 1918 2633-31 • D. F. .McGREG R. Clerk. . F 51 FOR SAL/ ' For sale lot' , conceasion 9 Town,shin of Mclaillop, con lug 100 acres. 'This far* has been in for a =Aber of mange and should grow gr.. crops. Write for partisolais ns to price and ms to JAMES I. JOHNS - TON, co Mani ba Hotel. Winnipeg, Man. 2a32 -fa. . _ NOTI TO Cl/ED r Notice is here given pursuant to the Stat- utes in that be Ml that all peraons having claims against t estate of the Irite Ebenezer McMurray of t village of Egniondville, in the Cbunty of S uron, Gentlemari, who ,died on or about thp 17th- day of April, A.D., 1918, are requi ed, deliver or send post - aid, a statecne t of tehir claims and the nature of the s aurity thereof, duly verified by an affidavit, John I3eattie, merchant, of the Town of Sea rth, one of the undersigned executors of th last will and testament of the said Ebeneze McMurray, deceased, on or before the 22nd y of June, A.D., 1918. And take notice that fter the said laet :mentioned date the Execu will proceed ettel, distribute the assets of the s id deceased ameng the par- ties entitle,d there having reference only to the claims of win h -they shall then have re- ceived iiotice. ij. ted this 29th day of May, A.D., 1918. JO .BEATTIE, & Me, CAA, Executors. ' - 26334 NOTICII Netice is hereb ute in that beha claims against the of the Township tY of Huron, farz the said Townsh bout the 18th da quired on or befo to send by post dereigned full p duly verified by the security. if take notice. that ed date, the assets distributed among having regay4f os notice shall Then at Hensel' this GLADMAN & ST -eter, Out., Solid TO CREDITORS , given piirauant to the State f that all persens having Estate of John.Wilson, late Tuckersmith, in the Coun- r, deceased, whe died at of Tuckersmitbon or ae of December, 10 7, are re - the 15th day of Tune, 1918, epaid or deliver the un - milers of their claims davit and the ,nature .of y, held by them. Further fter The said belt mention -- lot the said deceased will be the parties entitled theretoe to the claims :of which aye been receivqd Dated 16th day of y, 1918. MIRY, Henan amt. Fe. for Administr too. ,, NOTICE In the matter of t rick Coreoran, la deceased. • Notice is hereby' utes in that any claims. at' deed erend Patritk Cora the 19th day of ad tare), are required June, 1918, to sen liver to the underm John Corcoran ofl stream of theeata names, and addles writing, of their c accoui#s and the any, held by the after -'the 27th day miniettator will p sets of the said d entitled thereto, h claims of which he and that the said liable for the said to any person of u, have received noti May, 1918. PRO COOKE, Goderich 0 CREDITORS .. • , e estate of Reverend Pate of the Town of seaforth, iven pursuant to the Stet - f that all personsi ha -Sing nds against the late Rev - ran, who- died on or about rch, 1918, at Sedrth, On - 'mm or before the 27th day of by post preaai Or to - gned, solicitors herein 'for Ottawa,, Ontario, Admini- of:the said deceasecaztheir • and full particular in ima ad statemeatie of their Mare'of the seetftsusen And take la tice. said A - the asa I June, 1918, .t ceed to distritoi eased among e persona ving regard on y to the hall then have d notice, • dministrator will got be sets or any pat thereof se claim he shall net then . Da tW the 27th day of poem MLLORAN AND n tofor the Said Administrator. a633-4 eaforth, Olt, laolicie rs I FAR FOR SALE For stile Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. S., Tucl‘smith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good „ frame house, tWo barns and frame Stable 75 feet long, cement - ilsaor in cattle stable; hcg pen, two wells, The land is in .a goo -1,1 state of cultivation, weltd eine(' andj fenced. Large apple o cha ; also all kinds of small fruits; six ac es of god hardwood bush, fall plowing done. Fhis farm is situated 1i/s miles east o the village` of Brnee- field aind 5inile from town of Sea - forth on Mill ' oad. School acress corner from fa , For further p r- ticulars apply an the prerniess or address Michael Whitmore, Bruced Id R. R. No. 1, 0 1Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth Central. 2616-tf Offers you and all the family the outing and, your life. Highi4nds of 0 lario ALGON MUSK GEORG LAKE TIMIG aro all fain Modern hotels but many prefter cabin. Your choi Secure voor P accommodation. i Full inforMati Trunk Ticket Ag District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ontario. W. Somerville . . Town gent W. R. Plant . .... ....Depot Agent UIN PARK A LAKES N BAY F BAYS playgrout4S fford city comforts e ae live in tiaitbl'cost.or log t reason rlor or Sleeping Car advance. Ii from. any prand t or C. E. Horning, J. P. F. Has purchased a and will stand vicinity during th an.n.euncemeat late I JOIN LIVINGSTONE; Proprietor 8; Manager , i -- , 5 Thorobr d 1, , Impolite Stallion The following imported and Percheron Stallions w enrolled, inspected, and ap stand for ,service this $ T. J. BERRY'S STA HENSALL, ONTARI e KING THOMAS Clygesdale [9254] (126 Enrolment No. 1866 To insure $15 COMMODORE Clydesdeje (95961 (146 Enrolment No. 1611 . - To insure $15 NARD Percheron (6382) Enrolinent No. 4936 , To insure $13 Clydesdale 'eh are all roved will ason as LES 5) Form 1 3) . Form A Form 1 COLONEL ,GRAHAM Clydesdale [9255] (12103) Fenn 1 Enrolment No. 1870 .. To insere $13 Will travel the following rou, : Monday, May 6th -Will leave h own stable at Hensel', and go west to second concession, south 3%, miles to' R. Northcotts for noon; soath let miles, east laa _miles, teen north to Ben Makin's, for night: Tuesday -East 14 miles, to; Thomas Venner's, for non; then north114 miles to Chiselhurst then west to John alcLealas corner, north 13/4 ruiW to Wm. Hoegaarth's for nieht. Wednesd y-eWest - to - James McGregor's corner and nor -1 1.1/e miles, then west 1% miles. to Thomas Workman's for noon; then south 14 ranee Kippen, west to Hills Green, north to Hugh Love's for night., Thureday-West to Blake, south to Elmer Naomi's, for noon; then west to St. Joseph and then south to A. Hendrickn, for night, and where he will remain until Friday noon. Friday noon -East to the /4th concession, and north lye miles, then east laa miles, and north to 'William. Thief's for night. Saturday -Will prodeed-sputh 1% utiles, east to Gosha en line and north to Zurielia to the ComMer- cial Hotel, for noon: then east to Hensel!, to his own stable where he. will -main mien the following Monday morning. ' William Kay, Manager. , • • JABOT.' Percheron [3139] -(8421 Enrolment No. 1309 , To insure $18 Will 'travel the following:mu Monday.- lalay titti-Will leave ; own stable Hewed" ,and go east 1Ye in. and north 4, miles and east 134,Mame, . Abe. For= sythe's for noorst•thene 1211194 -t.0 William Davis', ,for night onesoass-sEast los war of Stadia to Ernie. Templemaras for noon: theje east 114 miles,southala4.:Miles- nda west miles to Russell.- Seotre 'for -1110W- Wednesday -West 2% miles, south -taae. , to the boundary to Daniel Brintnella, for noop; then wait' to .his own atables, at He reining there until Thursday morning. Thursday -West to Parr Line, north to H Green. to Wilson Carlylea for noon; then a. Is bCole- man's Corner, then west to (os Line, then smith 114 miles and es and to -Elmer Thief's for night. Fridey-, Wert the 14th to Henry' Steinback's; foia Maki. than south 3 east 114 miles and( Metall to Williaia• ' for ,night. -.S *aid -east to Zuriela to taiinmercial„ , for., ; then east- to his own stable; • • where he will remain until-- the :Wino !Monday morning. '.• Willieta "Luker, Martagere Form Al CUMBERLAND GE (13978) [16906] - Enrolment No. 1867 -Inspected an Form 1..,, Will stand for the improvemen during the present season 'at Jo Gavina stables. Leadbury, let 22, 13, McKillop. Terms $12 to insur February 1st, 1918. J. J. McGAVIN, The Standard Bred Trotting S RED McKINNEY No, 42946, Vol. XXII, A. T. Enrolment No. 1151. • Will stand for the improveinent of season at his own stable. in E Terms, $13 to insure. JAMES BERRY, Proprietor. Approved of stock n 'J. Mc- 'oncession Payable Proprietor onion Form L stock this 2631xtf THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION INDEX I Passed Enrolment No, 363 1 Form (Imp.) [3140] (88420) $15 to insure. Will stand fere the improvement of 4tock this season as foirdws: Monday -Will leave his -own etael e Bruce - field, and go west to Varna at Chris Ward's, for noon; then uorth into 4odencia ownsniP, and west by way cf Baytlela emu:asst. a to An. thur Welsh's, fro n.get. Tuesday-Na.tb 1 y way of the 7th concession. to George Vander - burg's, Porter's Hill, lor noon; thee north by way on the 6th concession to Jas. M Milan's, for night. Weaneeday--13y way ofill Road and Jewell's Cornars. to Gswold Gil/es, ins: noon; then north by nay ofBentn'i er, tied Along the Maitland concession to Harrjr Sweet's for night. Thursday -East to the 161 conces- sion, then by way of the Huron Road1 to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, foranoon, an I remain. until Friday morning. Friday-eSeet by way of the London Road to his gem stabl s, Bruce - field, where he will remain until aturdaa morning. Saturday -South , by wayl of the London Road, 2% miles east to R bert El-• gie's for noon; thence by way of the 2nel,cone cession, Tunkersmith, and the Mill Etoad, to his own stable, where he will, remain until the following Monday morning WM. BERRY, Proprietor & !Manager • MAKWIRA , 15279 (15938) Vol. XXXIIr Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1 $15 to insure. Will stand for the improvement -f stock 'this season as follow: MondaY, May 6th -Will leave his own stable, at Staifa, and go west to James 11's, for , noon; then south to the Cromarty Li e, then least to Cromarty to his own stable for night. Tuesday --South to Alfred Hunkiri's, -sborne, for noon; than west along Thames 1cod, for 3% miles and south on the 4th conctfssion to ,Robert Sellery's, for night, Wed' eiday- I.East to the Elimville Line and south o Elim- ., and east to Wincheisea, to J hn Del- lbridge's, for noon; then south to William Illiock'a, for night, Thursday -Smith and east en the 114h conces;ion of Blanchard, 'to A. J. 1Vingworthy's (Wallace's old farm), far noon; then south to the Kirkton Line, and west to tTaylor's Hotel. Kirkton, for night eariday- j'erth along the Mitchell Road, to „Mount leasant, and west to jasper Pridhartes, • for noon; then west and north to John Idarnil- on's, 10th concesetxonsf Hibbert, fornight. Saturday -North 2-1/. 'Miles to Mae Gr y's, 7th epnceSsion for noon; then west to the 7th -to the Centre road, then south to his own stn.ble, where he will remain until the itilorting Mon- err- morning. EMPERORalMcKINNEY (ssisso 1653 The Star,dard Bred Trotting Stal ion Eriroiment No. 4075 Approve IForm 1 Will. stand for the improvement of .;lack thie zezeson at his own stable, lot 8, concussion 4, Tuhkersmith. Eiseperor McKinney is a beautiful lila k hene ith best of feet end legs. Stands 1 hands eh and weinh3 oner len.) pounds. He is Ppased to be one of - the best bred horses !these parts, ethic:. pe.literee shows, ares from a distance will be met. Tenn's. hi ereheron Stallion I „rill in Seaforth and insure $13, payable -February 1s1. season. urth,er i CHAS. RILEY, Prop etor. Phone 7 on 136, Seaforth 2 32-tf 3 ' ELMER DICKSON • . oral AeerevedS. Enrolment Ng. 48$1 ,91526 A.T.R.-2205 C.N.R. Race Record 2.$11/e The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse. Pint prize winner at Seaforth and Clinton 1917 Spring Sinews. The only stable in the - County of Huron that ever offesid tbeamta- vices of a shell' with a -record of 2,10 or better. Elmer on 2.0614, will stand at his own stable, Commercial Hotel Barns, Blyth, with the exception of -the following route: Monday -Will leave biown stable, Math, and proceed to Auburn, for noon; -then by way of Nile to G. McNall's for night. Ttleaday-Wil proceed to Colborne House. Goderich, foilnoon and remain there until Wednesday noon. Weelniesday-Will Proceed by way of Beimiller for Myth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to insure $20. THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor. .IKE MEDIUM Form A 1 Approved Enrolment No. 2936 01522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R. The Standard bred show and trotting stal- lion. Full brother to Duetsea 2.1414 and Inez M. 2.171/4. Was shown fifteen times -four- teen times first and once second. Ike Medium will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Thursday -Will leave his own stable and proceed north tat Belgrave for noon; then to the Farmers Home, Wingham, for night. Friday -Will proceed to Bluevaie to Hall's for noon; thence to Gordon Mc- Donalds, Brussels, for night Saturday-eWill proceed to his own' stable,Blyth, where he will remain until the- following Thursday morning. Terms fo insure, $15. THOS. CO LTER, Blyth, Proprietor. KING KAY NO. 12029 • The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No.. 529 Form 1. Will stand foit the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday -Will leave his ow nstable at Peter MeCanias, concession 8. Hibbert, and go to John Flynn's Beech- wood, for noon; then nag% 8% !miles. and east We' miles to James O'Loughlin'sr for night. Tueeday-East 2% miles, Inorth 114. miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecat, for noon; then east 2% miles and south 114 miles ant east to John Murray's for night. Wednesday -By way of Brodhagen to William Pisani- gsaa's for noon; then 11/4 miles west and 2% miles south- to Andrew Krauskord's for night Thursday -To his own stable for noon; then 2% miles east and laa Miles north and 24. miles west to his own stable for night. Fri- day -21/2 miles south, 2% miles east, and VA miles north to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. To Insure $15. JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor & Manager EARL 0' CLAY i [13458] (12035); Insepcted, I Enrolled and Approved R. D. MURDOCK, Proprietor ,and Manager. Monday -Will 'leave bis own sable in Bruce- -field and. go west to 2nd cone sion of Stan- ley, then north to John Butehad's, for noon; then north and west to William Glenn's for night. Tuesday. -By way of Bannockburn to Varna, at the Temperance Hotel, for neon: then by way of Hayfield Road to -the Goahen Line, to Albert McClinchey's for night -Wed- nesday -By McClymontt side road to the Parr line, then south to William Foster's, for neon: then to William McKenkie'se2nd eioncession of Stanley, , for night, Thursday --North to Ithe Hayfield road to his own stable for noon a re- maining there until Friday morning. Friday -To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; the nte McAdam's side roade then north to the 2nd concession, H. R. S., Tuckeramith, then west to James Carnochan's for night. -Saturday-West by Broadfpot's bridge, then 4outh to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he, will remain until the following Monday morning'. ' HOUSE FOR SALE For Kale seven roomed frame IMMO on North Main Street, one door south of Mr. Robert Winters' residence. Must be gad at once. ApPly at The Enpositer Office, Seaforth. 2624-tr •••••••••••••••••••=141., -4-- Can furnish Victory Bonds at 98% and Interest, tree of expense to purchasers. Also have for immediate sale the follow- ing Municipal Honda! City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to Yield (I per -cent, Government of Newfoundland Gold Bonds to eield. 61a. per cent Province of -Ontario Gold Bonds to yield, per cent. City of Montreal, Gold Bond, to yield daa per cent. Ana one hating money for investment shotild avail themselves of this opportun- ity to secure these gilt edged Securities., Apply to 2824-tf. R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. r ITOG PRODUCTION 1 It is a matter of the greatest importaaft that Canada should increase her product.' tion of BACON HOGS and other live steak as there is at present a world-wide short* age ot meat. Good markets for some tins* to come are assured. \ THE CANADIAN' ,BANK OF CO will gladly make loans to assist Janne= hi good standiiig. to acquire live itock. G MULLEN ---SEAFORTH BRANCH- . 6111.••••••••••••••• MANAGBR IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED. FARMS. Write for booklet and prices of int - proved and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District. J. R. EVANS & CO., Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. , 2617x20 HOUSE FOR SALE Smalljf.rame house on West William street, Seaforth, hard and soft water, good stable/. 'For further particulars apply to I. D. Hinehley,Seaforth, or Phone 10 on 124. 2622-tf • FARM FOR SALE ILot 88, Concession 6, MtKillop, 180 aorta of the beet clay land in leleKillop. 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high- state of cultivation; miles from ' Seaforth 2 miles from Con-. stance, laa miles from school. There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, Same bank barn 64x76. all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed - IPiped to barnyard and in the other a dam ed down. There are two big syringe, one ea Veth hltztusbeydratudli eta ratnth e pbarnarilingAsthetbelivaiterprint is in the orchard and near the bonne and line DtfaeOeri Ree.1 IA there g8eafortb. 2621 -If armed and gravelled lane from the road to buildings.is .Ato tote lantand;. There$s IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiillifill1111111111111111 Telephone Economy! 1111111111111111111110114111114111.118 Take Care of Your Tekphone. Do pass etractiose ANY: repairs* tci telephones are made necessary by careless handling: 141 A telephone ' instrument' has -7nore'4han hUndred parts and is built like a itzatelu. ; Rough • usage impairs its efli-eiency; • '* q Help us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilled labor by always hand. ling -your telephon'e carefully *to avoid costly breakages and repairs. The Bell Telephone -CO. of Canada Ilitigniliiii11111111111111111111111111111i101111111Pliffifilli111111111 11111111iNgimanifimapeurjjillominfil gip Mill Canada's Registration Its Purpose and :Application CANADA, faces the gravest crisis in her history. Four years. of war have taken from the Dominion a heavy toll in talent and labor, yet despite the shortage of man power, our Allies still depend on Canada to maintain her own fighting forces at full strength and to increase her exports of food and war materials, so vital to them, and to the successful prosecution of the war. Every ounce by which Canada can increase her food production and every ounce Canada can save in her food consumption is needed for export to the Allies. _ Should the war continue for another year? food cards and a rationing system may have to be instituted. It is the duty of Canada to be prepared for whatever situation circumstances may force upon her. It is quite probable that before the war is won our Government may have to place restrictions upon -the occupations in which men and women may engage. In such an event the Government wishes to be in a position to render all possible assistance in keeping our population usefully and profitably employed. Registration Day, June 22nd These conditions point to the necessity of Canada SO that every available unit of human energy may be knowing the exadt capabilities of her men and utilized to the best advantage. The information procured through registration will be used as an aid to the Military Authorities in pro- curing the men necessary to maintain "Canada's First Line of Defence" -to mobilize all units of avail- able labor in the Dominion and direct them from less essential to more essential occupations -to establish and intelligently administer a system of food rationing sfundd that become necessary. women at home. All persons residing in Canada, male or female, British or alien of 16 years and over, will be required to register on June 22nd and truthfully answr the questions set forth upon the registration card. I It is not the Government's intention to conscript labour in any form, but to assist is' directing itaViaely, lamed by authority of _ Canada Registration Board IMMUMMINIE.raiNita • n.