HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-05-24, Page 57 24, 918 Shoes! are the times when it is f* able for aziy man to buy 2 .dable Shoes from. a De- 0 ble Shoe Store. wa-WA are at your service with sortment of the most reli• - Men's Shoes made--Sh.oei 0 rou can bank on giving you . satisfaction. The choicest others and every detail of -t Shoe construction is out into our splendid . smart, snappy styles he Young Man as well as tore conservative styles for A Itler men. X Tial Values, too - he English last with Acme I, ... . . . . . $6.00 0 e English last with Neolin .. .. $6.50, $7, $7.50 si English last with leather 5.50, $6.00, $6,50 • • Neolin soles and rubber 0 ...$6.00, $6.50., $7.50 • • - .50, $5.00 to o6.00 a pair 0 ISOFT KID LEATHERS<>,, ••or Shoes to show tremble. <,c? 0 <3> 0 r -H rE COMMERCIAL HOTEL - l-0•440•<*0+040+0.04** ;Miss Emma Johnston is spend- o:uple of weeks here before go. to Detroit to join her father ter, who will be there for some before returning to Hensall.- • tber of- our pupils are now -writ- the midsunnner examinations t it will be an anxious time for -Messrs Cook Broshave been. Ting the appearance of their fine on Wellington Street south and Set- with Mr.]). W. Foss have making good improvements te, ado in their locality and have a large number of loads of • to level and 'widen the street Lydia Pope of London was re - here visiting her mother, who t been very well for some weeks, ok Bros., Ford dealers of Hen- = old Ford 'cars to the following s during the past two week: J. Varna; Ed. Wurni, Zurich; Win. r, Zurich; William Homey, Hen - p", R. Lamont, Zurich; John •-- r, Zurich; Robert Patterson 11; Sam Koehler, Zurich; Dr: : mon, Zurich; Alex, Swan, Crom- A. Gascho, Zurich; Ben Elder, II; William 'Wolper, Henson; J. Zurich; George Armstro Tom Wren, Cromarty; alter o Henson; M. Davis, Staiffa. trsion and Return NES GODERICH 0.00 a.m. E. T. I DETROIT An. (Detroit Time) $1.50 ONE WAY . Goderich to • 1 military age on this trip. 4110,' it, Officer Who will be on duty 40. 400. • on. eroporary stay are not re- t. United States Immigra- its excursionists. led it will be necessary for • the military service regu- 5trar for their military dis- hes, of course, only to male 'sive, who are single or are 'AT ,10th, at 5 p.m. • g in Greyhound Ball Roomi t .0.0400•0400•0•00424 Fered lit soOrttne tits of Serges, :ds you could With to greys, broWns and with guaranteed dyes. -ariety of materials at the same attention ar fine new stock of etc. We're sure 45* Sort Seaforth noencoon4concseleocseromos MAY 24, 1918 Exerra Serious Accident -Rev. J. D. Kes- tie on Sabbath last had the misforo tune to be thrown to the ground with the result that his leg was fractured. Mr. Kestle was out in the yard where he had a calf tied when the animal ran around him and he become entan- gled in tne rope and thrown to the ground with the above result He will be confined to his home for some time in consequence. • MANLEY. Watch for the 'Wangle Notes. -Mr. John Murray jr., paid flying visit last Sunday. He is at • pre:lent employed in one of the banks • Stratford. -Mr. and Mrs. Q. Eck - ort were visitors in our burg alst Simday.-Mr. Thomas McKay is the owner of a family of three celts, got by Lord Ronald. They are all good ones. -Mr. Dan Benerman has erected a new driving shed. SEAPORTS MARKETS. Seaforth, May 23111, 1918 Wheat, per bushel 2 10 Oats, per bushel 70e Barley? Per bushel . Bran, per ton Shorts, •per ton $41.00 Flour, per cwt. ...... $5.75 Peas per bushel .. . • ..$3.60 margarine ..... 4 .. ... . .37c Butter, per lb. ' 38c to 40c Ekgs per dozen 34 to 35e POtatoes, per bag $1-00 Hogs, per cwt. 1900 .$1.40 36.00 BEAN MARKET Toronto, May 21st -Beans -Canadian hand- picked, bushel, $7.50 to $8. Foreign, hand- picked, bushel $6.75 to $7. e POULTRY MARKET Toronto. May 21. -Live weight -Chickens. per lb. 27c: milk fed 32c; hens, 81/. lbs., 25c hens, 33,ei to 5 lbs.. 28c; hens, over 5 lbs., 83c; roosters -22c ducks. 80c; turkeys, 25c. Dressed -Chickens 20c; -milk fed chickens, 35c to 40c; hens. 31,4, lbs. 28c; hens, 3% to 5 lbs., 30e; hem, over 5 lbs., 80o; roosters, 25c; ducks 200; turkeys, 30c. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May .21st -Butter -Creamery sol- id.s. 44 to. 45c; do. prints 45c to 46e; do fresh made, 46c to 47c; choice dairy prints, 41e to 42c! ordinary dairy prints 3tk to 40c; bakers' 36 to c. Margarine -32' to 34c lb. , Eggs--New-laid, 41e; new laid, selected, 43e to 44c; cartons. 44c to 45e. Cheese -New, large, 28%c to 24c; twins, 2314e to 24Yee; old, large, 25Yee to 26ce twin /6 to 263/4c. Comb Money -Choice 16 or., $3.50 per dozen; 12 or., $3 per dozen; seconds and large comb, 42.50 to $2.75. Maple Syrup -Imperial gallows,. $2.25; five- -gallon tins, $2.10 per gallon. MaPle sugar, a pound, 24 to 25c. 'GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May 21. -Manitoba Wheat -No,• i Northern, $2.23%; o. 2, do., 32.20%; No. .3, do., 12.17%; No. 4 wheat, $240%; in store at Tort Williain, including 2%c tax. Mani- toba Oats -No. 2 C. •W. 87e; No, 8, C. W., 811n; ware No. 1 feed; 80,c'; No.1 feed 77%c in ftore at Fort , William. American Corn --No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats - No. 2 white 80c to Sic; No. 8 white, 79c to 30c. according to freights outside, Ontario - Wheat -No. 2 winter, per ear lot 32.22; basis in Store, Montreal. Peas -No. 2. 03.60 to 43,70; accoreling to freights outside. Barley - /Latins, $1.49 to $1.50; according to freights -outside, Buckwheat per bushel, $1.80, accord- ing to freights outside. Rye -No. 2, 32.25 ac- -carding to freights outside. Manitoba Flour -War quality, 110.95 new, bags, Toronto. 'Ontario Flour -War quality, $10.6,5, new bags, Toronto: 10.65 Montreal freight, prompt ship- ment. Millfeed--Car lots -Delivered Montreal freights bags included; bran, per ton, 35.00; shorts, per ton, $40. Hay -No. 1, per ton, 516 to $17; mixed, $14 to $15, track, Toronte. Straw -Car lots, per ton, $8.50 to 39,, track, Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Montreal, Ma -21. -No change in prices was noted On the cattle market to -day. Receipts at the west end market were 600 cattle, 60 sheep, 600 Imo and 901 calves. Quotations -Choice steers $13.00 to $e4.00; good, $12 to $12.60; emeditim, $10 to 312.00; choice cows $11.00 to $11.60; good cows $10.00 to $11.00 nmediumse$9.00 to $9'50; choice but- chers bulha $11.00 to $12; good $10 to $10.50; medium $9 to $10- Sheep,- .$10 to $13;, lambs, $16 to $17; choice select hogs off cars, $22; sows, $20 to $211.50; calves, milk fed $12 to $14; good, $8.50 to $11. Buffalo,. May • 21. -Cattle -Receipts, 115 care; market .15e to 25e higher; prime heavy live steers, $17 t44 $17.75; best shipping steees $16.25 to $17; f ir to good, $14.75 to $17.75; plain and coarsek$13.25 to $14.26; Canadian steers. heavy, $16 to $16:50; Canadian steers fat coarse. 1100 to 1200 lbs., $13.50 to $14:25: Canadia nsteers an4 heifers. $18.75 to $14.50; native yearlings. $14.75 to $15.75; best handy native tseera $13.25 to $14.25; fair to goad. kinds, $12.26 to $18.25; handy steers, $11.76 to $12.25; Western heifers, $12.50 to $18.75; Canadian heavy cows, $10.25 to $10.50; but- chering cows, $8.50 to $9.50; chtters, 7.50 to 18.50; cannera, $5 to $6; grazing cows, 1750 to *8.50; fancy, bulls. $11.75 to $131 illitchering bulls, $10.25; to $11.25; common hulls, $8.50 to $9,50 ;feeding steers, 0$8 to 411.504 stockers, $8.50 to $9.511; milkers and Springer.;, $65 to $150. Hogs -Receipts -60 cars; market, $15 to 525c higher; heavy, $18.15; Yorkers, $1E1.85 to $18.50. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 501 cars; market 25e to 50e lower: top lambs, $17 to $17.35 ;' yearlings, $14 to *15,50; wailers, $14 to $14.50; ewes, 513 -So 513.50. Calves -Receipts, 2500; strong; toes, $15.25 to $15.50; fed calves, $6.50 to $8.50. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May 21st. -- Good to choice butcher cattle met with a very active market this morning, and both grades, which were fairly well represented in an of-. fering of over 4,000, were cleaned up early at values 10 to 15c stronger than last week's tork erica% Common to medium killers were not exactly slow, but the trade fpr inferior stuff as a whole lacked snap at steady val- ues. Five steers averaging 1270 pounds were sold by Dunn and Levack at $16.25,. and one straight load of 1400 pound steers at $16 ;but Scattered throughout the pens were numerous cattle all told that cashed in from $15 to $16. The largest percentage yet of best bulls and fat cows shipped into the Yards sold over 12c per pound live weight, though 13c still remained the top quortion. The trade for common cows and bul s, with the exception of canners and cutters which were in mod- erate demand, was on tinier with the business chine in the poorer grades of butchers. The stocker and feeder business was of little account because of the strong call for killers, few among the cattle passed over by, the pack- ers and butchers being goed enough to be sent back into the country. What little business was done showed last week's values good and firm. The offerinn in calves was not heavy for an opening market, and only where -best vats were concerned was the trails any stronger. aSchteeivPe and iamb.;,iiirnited shipment, were and While the week end l price of 321 fed` and watered W84 paid fur the majority of the hogs oxi the maektt. there were several decks re - Ported :told at 320.50, which pacjcers hope will be the general price before the week is over. The recipts eere 221 cars, with 4,058 ,cattle 513 calves, 210i4 hogs and 53 sheep and lambs. Ki-rk for Harris Abattoir bought 350 hoes, $20.50 fed and watered, J. it. Dinele for Gunns Ltd, bought 850 hog. $.41 fed and watered. Swift Cr,ryr; bought 250 calves, $13 te Guam, Tsimitea bought 300 cattle: Butchers, $13 to $15: COW& $10 to $12.50; bulls, $9 to .$13.00. Georg.. ,wn t rec.. for Harris Abattoir bought 700 cattle: fle:hy butchers, $14.15 to .316: butchees. 313.21 to $14; cows, $6.50 to 813: woo, 12.50. •:,ff• &”: sold : Butabers--M, 900 lbs.. $1.1; 17. 1.1l-‘0 lbs., $15.65; 4, 900 lbio, 314; 22, 90 lbs.. $17. • h 1190 lbs., $13.25: 9, 900 lb.1•• M.50: 5. tSlu lb, 812.25:1, 980 lbs., $12.50. 1.nio .318; 1. 1000 lbs., 512.25: 1 1-120 fn.: 1, 1060 $9; 1, 950 lbs., 86.7,0; ", 1130 lbs.. 811.70; 1. 1120 lbs., 311.70; I. la70- Ibs.. $1.1.e0; 2, 1520 lbs., $12.25: calves. $5 to Si;. Sharkhall and Armstrong sold: Butchers -- 11. 1100 lbs., 814.75: 12: .910 lbs., $14.95. fost) 1116., $10.35; .1, 1210 lbs., $12.- 2c: 1. 14130 312.65: 6. 1200 lbs., 812.40; .4. 112) 80.45 : 1. a71) lbs., SO-. 1. 1270 thee $14: ltil0 lbs., $1.2.35; .300 lbs., 86er,0: S. 93,1 lbs., 31.2.26.` Bu1ls--1, 1300 lbs.. 1290 lbs., $11,25; 1, 1010 lbs.. $11.25; 1f011 he., 512.25; 1, loss lbs., 512.35* -1, 1054) the., $10.15: 1. 620 lbsci, $10.25; 1 stocker 360 lbs., $13: calves, $14 t $15; sheep 1$.50. Corbett. Hall and Coutrihlin sold: Choice .1. BIRTHS Plant-Ia*Seaforth, on May 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant, a son. Deem -In Medicine Lake," Mont., on May 20, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Deem, a son (Roth ert Arthur). Penhale-In Stephen, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale, a daughter. 4Dayman-In Usborne, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dayanan, a daughter.* Bloomfield -In Exeter, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bloomfield, a son. Perkene-In Usborne, on Wednesday, May I 2end, to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Perkins, a hon. = S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Ocldfel lows building opposite otewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., cpp , Dr. Scott's Flowers furnishedr on short notice. Phone Night or Day 119, heavy steers, $15.50 to 016; fair to good steers, $15 to $15.25; choice butchers, $14.50 to 415: good butchers $14 to $14.50; common butchers $12.50 to $13; choice cows. $12 to $12.50; good cows, $11.25 to $11.501 medium cows $10.5(yo $11; common eolith stutit ; to $12.50: butchers, $11 to $11.50; canners. $6, 0 to $7: good to choke hulls. 312 4be- ogna bulls $9 to 410. - Rice and Whaley sold: Butehere-,48, 1.1:14.2 Lbs., $14:75; 21, 900 lbs., $14.25 zle lbs., $13.25. Cows ---5, 1060 lba.. $12.20; 1110 lbs., $11.90; 1, 1180 lbs., $11.50; 1. 1060 lbs., $12.35; 4, 1110 lbs., $12.50; 11. 1160 lbs., 111.90; 1, 1010 lbs., $10; 1 bulk 1579 lbs..$13; calves, $12 to $15: sheep, $15, , C. Zeagtnan and Sons sold: Butchers -26. 770 lbs., $12.50; 2, 885 Ilse., $10.50;s3, 1075, Ms.. $14.60; /,. 960 lbs., $12.50;. Cows --1, 1020* lbs., $11 .75 ; 2, 315 lbs. 118.10 ; 1, 860 Thin $8.50; 1. 920 lbs.. $9; 2,1005 lbs., $9.50. Bulls -1, 1110 lbs., $12.50. StOckets--2. 495 lbs.. *9; 1, 580 lbs., $9: 5, 590 lbs., $9; nine milkers $940.50; 2 milkers, 3260; 3 milkers, $1.4093.50; /oalves, *10 to $15; sheep, $18.50 to The quotations were: Extra choice heavy steers $15 to $16; choice heavy. $14 to $14.25; $16 to $11; choice heavy steers $14 to $14.25: butchers' clattle ,choiee $14 to $14.50: do. good, $13.50 to $13.75; do. medium $12 to $13; do. common $11.25 - to $11.50; butchers' bulls, choice $12 to $13; do. good bulls $11 to $11.50; do. medium bulls $10.25 to $10.59; do, rough hulls $7.50 to $8.60; butchers' cows, choice $12 to $13; do. good, $11 to $11.50; do. med- ium $10.25 to $10.50; stockers $9.50 to 11:25; feeders $11.25 to $12; canners and cutters, $6.25 to $7.50; milkers good to choice $90 ts $140; milkers, common and medium, $66 tn $80; springers $90 to $140; light ewes $15 to $18.50; lambs, $17 to $22; calves, good to choice. $14 . 00 to $16 . 00 ; calves, good to choice, $14 to $16; hogs, fed and watered. $20.50 to $21 ; do. weighed off cars $21 to $21.25; do. f.o.b. $19.75 to $20. MARRIAGES Butis-MealeY-At Seaforth Presbyterian manse, on Tuesday, May 21st, Mr. William Edgar Butt, of Kippen, to Miss Ivy May McCloy, of 'Seaforth, by Rev. F. .H. Larkin. DEATHS Exete,r on May 14th, -Annie May McCurdiv;., beloved wife of Mr. Percy Miller, of Hibbert, aged . 24 years, .2 months and 4 days. k Fells -In Winghani, on May 18th," Margaret C. Fells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fells, aged 12 years. McQuaid -In loving memory of Thomas McQuaid, M. D., who died on May 24, 1917. More and More sash t day 'we miss him, Friends may think the wound has healed, God only knows 'hie:seekers-the sorrow, - Lies within our hearts concealed. I -Brothers an Sisters Troyer --In loving memory of Pte. W. Case Troyer, son of Charles Troyer, /London, who was wounded at Vimy Ridge, and died May 22nd, 1917: How sweet it will be in that beautiful land, To fall from all sorrow and pain, With songs on our lips and harps in our hands To meet one another again. Dear is the grave where our Case is laid, Sweet is the memory that never will fade; Flowers may wither, leaves fade and die, If some have forgotten never will we. -Grandma and Auntie. W T. BOX & CO. EMBALMERS AND - - FUNERAL DIRECTORS H. C. BOX Hol.der of Government Diploma and Lioense, 'CHARGES MODERATE Florets tarinched on ehort notice. Night Calis Day Calls Phone 175 - Phone 60 imaitismommilmeimmilminsuminstione G.tf)rtriey r:mbalmer 3.nd Funeral Direc+or Undertaking- Parlors above M.Williams' grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth Flowers for......oed on short noti, e Oharges moderate. Phone night or day - 192 STRAYED. On Priday, May 17th, from the premises of L. .1. Lotoby, Dublin, a pig about eight weeks old. Finder please notify the owner and re- ceive reward. 2632-1 1 •.? 'MEETING OF URON COUNTY • COU CIL. '1 he Council oi the will meat in the Cou on Tuesday, the 41rh s'eleck in the afterno G. W .110 Dat41 at Goderieh. M Corporation of Huron. cil Chamber, Goderich, ay of June, 1918, at 3 Hi, MAN. County' Cler 3' 17th, 1918. NbTICE 5f0'CREDITORS Notioe is hereby gil‘cin pursuant to the Stat- ute :n that behalf /that all persons having claims against the tate of John Wilson, late( of the Township of icicersmith, in the Coun- ty of Huron, farrne , deceased, who died at the said Township I of Tuckersmith, on or a- bout the 18* day a December, 1917, are re- quired on or before Ithe 16th day of,June, .1918, to send by post psepaid or deliver to the uia- dersigned full particulare of their claims duly verified by affidavit and the nature Of the seotsrity, if any, held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mention - d. elle week; of the said deceased will be' distribute i among the patties entitled thereto, having r0a.rd only to the claims cm which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Heesall this 16th day of May, /918. MADMAN & STANBURY. Hensel! and Exe- eter, Out.. Solicitors for Adininistratore. 26324 THE HURON • EXPOSITOR Fresh Greens. We have just received a shtp. ment of VRESH Cabbage R dishes Lettuce Bitter Oranges Try TI.em - Prices Right OS.. Wh lesale and itetali Fruits Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. LOST A tan s eater on the 10th concession of Hihbert, between Cromarty and the Red Tav- ern. Findeir please notify Andrew Chriatle, Cromarty. i 26824 STRAYED Strayed ';romj lot 3, Conceision 1, Tucker.' mitts, on onday,. May 6th, a York brood sow, weigh ng about 1T5* pounds. Any per- son with i dor/tuition leading towards recov- ery will rewarded! Apply to LEO FOR. TUNE, R. Rh No. 4, Bootee/. Phone 6 on 144. • 2632x1 EMPI E STATE. POTATOES A choice variety and most excellent yield- ers of imp ovecl strain. Present price 2e per lb. Bags, 16c. JOHN ELDER, Hensidt, Ont. 2629.4 For sale McKillop, i has been in should grow as to price TON, co M 2632-tf. 77WW.1.1WWWWWWWWWWWWWI ARM FOR SALE ot 17, concession 9, Township of ntaining 100 acres. This farm grass for a namber of years, and good crops. Write for particulars and terms to JAMES I.JOHNS- nitoba Hotel, 'Winnipeg, Man. 'WANTED Skilled lathe, planer and boring mill hands wages 590 an hour. Steady work. Apply CANAL/FAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Co., Ltd., Peterhoroug , Ont. 2680-4 Mrse G. thank their Mrs. Thom kindness so reavement Parties !ha Columbus ,S 'full befo e 1117 a a2p6ehrellt2e1:i RD OF THANKS enderson and.' family wish to arly friends,' especially Mr. and Brown, for the many deeds of them during their recent be - 2631x1 NOTICE 'ng overdue accounts at the St. re must haee them settled 'in une -1st, by cash or bankable e now and more later will not Settlenients must be in full. J. HOLLAND. C NT E HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIA7ON. The exam meeting of the Centre _Huron Liberal I Aseoeiation will he held at Cardno's Hall Seafort , on Tuesda May' 28th, at 3.30 P.m. A large lattendancelal desired. MICHAEL MURDER. Pr ident; JAMS L. KILLORAN, Secretary. I 2631-2 SEED BEANS. For sale, a t 25 bushels of Tested Seed Beans. ,'Te $7 per buShel. Apply on lot 3, concession 12, Tuckermaiith, or phone 6 on 139. GEORG S. ETRE, H. R. No. 2, Kippen. • 26304 For sale el Berk ire and' SOUTER, B 142. • GS FOR SALE ven young Wigs 5 weeks old-,orkshire cress. Apply to ALEX Cefield, P. O., or phone 2 on • e 2639-2 FOR SALE For Sale a ottage with tWo bedrooms, and two bite on .Torth Main Street, two blocks .from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and a'oft water in kitchen. All in good shape. Easy terms. poly to E. L. BOX, Seaforth 2627-4 HO SE FOR SALE I For sale's North Main Robert ,Wint itt oncd. Ap Sea fort ven roomed frame house on treet, one door south of Mr. rs' residence. Must be sold ly, at The Expositor Office, 2824he Write proved famous EVANS toba. I ..T for and Gilbert &CO., N'f. il j'j FARMS. booklet and prices of im- improved farms in the Plains District. J.. H. Gilbert Plains, Mani- 2617x20 i , TO The T Court o • the Cou May 26 McGRE OURT 'SHIP- ckersrn Revision cit Cihrber. h, 191 'OR, Clerk. OF REVISION OF TUCKERSMITH -Hi Council will meet as a on the Assessment Roll at Seaforth, on Saturday, , at one o'clock p.m. D. F. • 2630,3 .. I Notice tog of t Of app Town o the Cou on Tueses p.m. D 1,918. J OURT TOWN is hereby LC Coutt is against Seaforth,for cil Ohamber, the fa at HN A OF REVISION OF SEAFORTH given that the first meet - of Revision for the hearing the assessment roll of the 1918, will be held in Town Hall, Seaforth, 28 day of May, at 8 o'clock Seaforth this 15th day of May, WILSON, Clerk. 2631-2 Notice Revision held in Thursda•' a,m., for iog cona.laints the said sons hay please a out furth-r amended eagh midi ailditiona Clerk of COURT TOWN is he of the he To the .3 thopu 'fawn ngbu 'ad at,tfiS noti so tha ional .og bitch • ullett OF REVISION HIP OF MULLETT , - eby given that the ,Court. of Towaibip of Hullett, will be inship Hall, Londesboro, on h day of May. 1918 at 10.30 pose of hearing and determin. igaint the assessment roll of hip for the year 1918. Per- in with the seid Court will said time and place with- "e. Also tiike mike: Dog tax the tax on one dog is $2.00 $9.00, each bitch $4.00, each $6.00. JOHN FINGLAND, 2681-2 Show Corpora . # ees t a 61/2c.1 $' , Sun 7 for 2c., Men wanted free. TheConsumers', I indsor, - $20.10 ng s ioon consumers, Pure ight, Ontario. 1 WEEKLY - mples for aLrge Grocery all goods sold at factory granulated sug- lard 5 hound pail for Gold or Surprise Soap verything at cut rate. everywhere. Sample case Association, I FARM For sale L . 'Tuckersm There are b Frame house, stable 75 fe :..attle stable; FOR SALE t 29, Concession 3, L.R. th, containing 100 acres. the premises a good two barns and frame t long, cement floor in hog pen, two wells, The land is a cod state of cultivation, well drai ed and fenced. Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; six acres good hardwood bush, fall plowing dime This farm is situated •1% miles en, s of the village of Bruce - field and p lies from town of Sea - forth on 1 Road. School across jn arm. For further par - corner fro titulars a I on the premiess or „c address Mich el Whitmore, Brucefield 1".1 R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea. a forth Central. 2616-tf Thorobred Imported Stallions The following imported Clydesdale and percheron Stallions which are all enrolled, inspected and approved will stand for service this season at T. J. BERRY'S STABLES HENSALLs ONTARIO KING THOMAS Clydesdale [9254] (12625) Enrolment No. 1866 - Form To ininire $15 • COMMODORE - Clydesdale (9596] (14633) Enrolment No. 1681 Form A 1 • To -insure 15 WARD PercherOn (6382) Enrolment No. 4986 Form 1 To insure $13 cool:mgt. GRAHAM . • Clydesdale [9255] (12103). Enrolment No. 1370 Form 1 insure $13 Will travel tile following route: Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable at liensall, and go west to second concession, south 11% miles to R. Northcott's for noon; south 11/4 miles, east11/4_ Miles, then north to Ben Makin's, for night. Tuesday -East We miles, to Thomas Venner's; for noon; then north' 1¼ to Chiselliumt, then west to John McLean's corner, north 11/4 miles to Wm. Hoggartith for night. Wednesday West to James McGregor's corner and nortie11/4 miles. then west 11/4 miles to Thomas Worlcmatirs for noon; then south 11/4 miles to' Kippen, west to Eill Green. north to Hugh Love's for night. Thursday -West te Blake, south to Elmer Klopp53. for 'noon; then west to St. Joseph and then south to A. Hendrick's, for night, and where he will remain until Friday. noon. Friday noon -East to the 14th concession, and north 11/4 Miles, then esiat 11/4 miles, and north to William Thiel's for night. Saturday -Will ,proceed south 1% miles, east to Gosh- en line and north to Zurich, to the Commer- cial Hotel, for noon; then east to Hensel], to his own stable where he will remain with the following Monday morning, William* Kay, Manager. • JABOT Pereheron [3139] (84214) Enrolment No. 1869 Form A 1 To insure $13 Will travel the following route; Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable at Hensel' ,and go east 11/4 miles and north 3%, miles and east 11/4 miles to Abe. For- sythe's for noon: then foot miles to William Davis', for night. Tuesday -East by way of Staffa, to Ernie TemPlem' an'a for noon; then east 11/4 miles, south 11/4 .miles ,and west 2 =des to Russell Scott's for night, ,Wednesday -West 2% miles, south 2% milts, to the benhglary to Daniel Brintnell's, for noon•, then west' to his own stables it Henselle remaining there until Thursday Morning, Thursday -West to Parr Line.' north to Hills Green, to Wilson Carlyle's for noon:" then north to Cole- man's Corner, then west to Goshen -Line, then south 1,4 miles and west to Blake to Ebner Thiel's for night Friday --West to the 14th tio Henry Steinback's; fo noon: then south 3` 'miles, east 11/4 milesand north to William Thiers for night. Saturday -North and east to Zurich, to Commercial Hotel, for noon; then east to his own' stable, Hensel!, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. William Lukee, Manager. CUIVIBERLAND GEM (18978) (169863 Enrolment No. 1367 -Inspected and Approved Form 1. ,,Will staed for the imProvement of stock daring the present season at -John J. Xs- Gavin's stables, Leadbury, lot 22, Concession 13, McKillop, Terms $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1918. .I. J. McGAVIN, Proprietor The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion RED McKINNEY No. 4294e, Vol. XXLT, A. T. R. Enrolment No. 1151. Form 1. 5 5 AT YOUR SERVICE B, R. HIGGINS BOX 127, Clinton. Phone 44 . (formerly' of Brucefield) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Co.. Commissioner IL C. of 3., Conveyancer, Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public Wednesday of each week at Brucefield EMPEROR McKENNEY (54151f 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. iIi75 Approved Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of steek this season at his own stable, lot 8, concession 4, Tuckersmith. d aet legs. Stands' 16 hands Emperor McKinney is beautiful black horse with best of fe high and weighs dyer 1201) pounds. He is supposed to be one of the best bred horses in these parts, which Ida pedikree shows. Mares from a &stance 'will naet. Terms to insure $13, payable February 1st. CHAS. RILEY, Proprietor. Phone 7 on 136, Seaforth 263241 Form A 1 EALpMprEovited.D. ICKEnrSotNent*No. 4881 51526 A.T.R.-2205 Race Record 2.061/4 . • The Grand Circuit Race' and Show Home. First- prize 'winner at Seaforth and Clinton 1914' Spring Shows, The only stable in the County of Huron that ever offered the ser- vices of a stallion with a record of 2.10 or better. Elmer Dickson 2.0614, will stand at his own stable, =Commercial Hotel Barns, Blyth, with the exception of the following route: Monday -e --Will leave his own stable, Blyth, and proceed to Auburn, for noon; then by way of Nile to G. McNall's for night. Tuesday -Will proceed to Colborne House, Goderich, for noon and remain there until Wednesday noon. Wednesday -Will proceed by way of Benmiller for Blyth where he will remain until the following Monday morning, Terms to insure $20. THOS. COULTER, Blytb, Proprietor. IKE MEDIUM Form A 1. Approved Enrolment No. 2936 r 51522 A.T.R.-1070 C.N.R. The Standard bred show and trotting stal- lion. Full brother to Dustyn 2.1414' and Inez M. 2.1714. Was shown fifteen timesitefoure teen times first and once second. lice Medium will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Thursday -Will leave his own stable and proceed north to Belgrave for noon; then to the Farmers Home, Wingham, for night. Friday --Will proceed to Bluevale to Hall's for noon: thence to Gordon Mc-- Donalds, Brussels, for night. Saturday -.-Will proceed to his own stable, Blyth, where he will remain until the following Thursday morning. 'Terms to insure, $15. 4 ,THOS. COULTER, Mirth, Proprietor. KING. KAY No. 18029 The Choicely Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 529 Form I. Will stand for the improvement of stock , this season as follows: Monday -Will leave 1 • his . ow listable at 'Peter 'McCann's, concession 3, Hibbert, and go to John Flyn 's Beech- wood,11 for noon; then north 3% miles and east 1¼ milts to James O'Loug in'e, for night . Tuesday -East 2% ?inlet's 'north iyi miles to William Unlock's. Xitineca, for neon: then east 2% miles and south 11/4 miles and. east to John- Murray's for night. Wednesday -By way of 'Brodhagen to William Flaunter Min's for noon; then 11/4 miles west and 2% miles'abuth to Andrew Kraneskopf's for night. Thursday -To his own stable for noon; thep 2% miles east and 114 miles north and 2 miles west to his Own stable for Might day ---21,4 miles south, 2% miles sesothiind 1 miles north to his own stable, *here he will remain until the following Monday morning. To Insure $15. JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor & Manager \ , Will stand for the improvetnent of stock, this season at his own stable in 'Egmondville. Terms, $18 to insure, JAMES BERRY, Proprietor. 2631xtf THE PURE BRED, pERCHERON STALLION INDEX Passed Enrolment No. 363 Form 1 (Imp.) [8140] (88420) 4115 to insure. s. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows; Monday -Will leaee his own stable, Bruce - field, and go west to Varna, at Chris. Ward's, for noon; then north into Godesich townihip, and west by way cf Bayfield concession to Ar- thur Welsh's, foe n.get. Tuesday -No -a ly way of the 7t1. concession, to Geerge Vander - burg's, Porter's Hill, ior noon; thee: north by way on the 6th concession to Jas. McMillan's, for night. We.lnesday-By way of Mill Roed and. Jewell's Centers, to tiswe Galina for noon; then north by way of Benneiier, 'and along the Maitland concesstan to Harry Sweet's for night Thursday--Easrto the 16th conces- sion, then by weir of the Iluron Road to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain until Friday morning. Friday -South by way of the London Road to Ms own stable, liruce- field, where ,he will remain until Saturday Morning. Saturdoy-South by' way of the London Road, 234 miles east to Robert El- gie's- for noon; thence by way of the 2nd con- cession, Tuckersmith, and 4ie Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will :remain until the following Monday morning, . WM. BERRY. Proprietor & Manager -e--- MAKWIRA 15279(15938) Vol. XXXII'. Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1 $15 to insure. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follow: Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable, at Stalin, and go west to James Hill's, for noon; then south to the Cromarty Line, then east to Cromarty, to his own stable for ,night. Tuesday -South to Alfred Hunkin's, Ushorne, for noon; then west along Thames Road, for 3% miles and south on the 4th concelielon to Robert Sellery's, for night. Wednesday - East to the Elimville Line and south to Elim- ville, and eat to Winchelsett, to John Del - bridge's, for noon; then south to William Brock's, for night. Thursday -South an& east on the 11th concession of Blanchard, to 'A. J. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon; then south to the Kirkton Line, and wen to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for night, Friday - North along the Mitchell" Road, to. Mount Pleasant, and west to Jasper Pridhatn'a, for -noon; then west and north to John Hamil- ton's, 10th concession of Hibbert, for night. Saturday -North 244 miles to Mac Grey's, '7th concession for noon; then west to the 7th to the Centre road, then soqh to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- day moreing. - , JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor & Manager; LORD MANSFIELD. James Evans, 'Proprietor & Manager Monday -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood and go to Pat Woods', Logan, for noon; thence to his own stable for night. Tuesday -To John Murray's, concession 11,. McKillop, for noon; hen west to Ross', conceasiSn 10, McKillop, for one hour, thence to his own stable for night Wednesday -To Frank Ma - hat's, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday __To Joseph Nagle's, for noon; then to Jos- eph Atkineon's, for night. Friday -To Mar- tin Curtin's 1% miles east of Seaforth for noon; then to William Anderson's, lot 29, con. ession 5, MeKillon, for night Saturday -Will roceed to his own stable where he will remain ntil the following Monday morning. Tern/ ad conditions same as former years. Lord Mansfield has been enrolled, inspected and up - raved. Terms to insure J. P. FISHER, - Has purchased a Pereheron Stallion and will stand him in Seaforth and vicinity during the season. Further announcement later. SEED BEANS. Two hundred bushels of choice pea beans for sale. Apply to GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Varna P.O., phone 4 on 87, Hensall. 2629x4 imeammarmareasommna.vemeowm• HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William. street, Seaforth, hard and soft water, good stable. For further particulars apply to J. D. Hinchley„Seaforth, or phone. 10 on 124. 2622 -ti FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop," 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 heres of bush, the rest in a high state of culOvation; 6 miles from Seaforth,. 2 miles from Con- stance, 1% miles from school. The; are on the premises, a good Seven roomed ho e, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences . and well underdrained. There are forte, acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balange seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other i a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the Water to the house and -to the. 'barn. As thei spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence,. there Is no waste land. The e is a graded and gravelled lane frem the ad to the buildings, Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2a27-tf • FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville, The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyteriaa church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, corn. fortabfe house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspherrles, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of euldva- tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light For particulars apply on the premises. or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 24-e • •waAwawmamw.rwm CementSillos -Contracts Solicited - Workmanship .Guaranteed„2 Rogers -Bros. Contractors' Fullerton P.O. HOG PRODUCTION It is a matter of the greatest importancia that Canada should increase her proclaims lion of BACON HOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide ithort. age of meat. Good markets for somed. to come are assured. mommeilimmenli THE CANADIAN BANK OF CommiRali will gladly make loans to assist farmers in good standing to acquire live stock. agi _ SEAFORTH BRANCH G MULLEN . . • . MANAGER 1 In the course of one night moie than 100,000, words come into the office of almost every first-class newspaper. CAI3LE Alms szavrons. Associated Prem. • Canadian Aasoelated Press: • Reuter's. Special London Cable New York World. New York Son, New York Tribune. New York Herald. Colonel Repington's Reyiews. Much of the matter thus teceived is frag- mentary. Some of it is irrelevant, and there of necessity cgnsiderable over -lapping. It is in4the arranging of this parlors picture of the day's events a newspaper is made or -marred. . Each lawful Morning the news of the- wo is presented to Mail and Empire readers- .in manner appealing to the eye and to the sensed: The detached matter is carefully pieced together -the striking eVente given their proper prominenc6-the verbiage cut out--irielevant items Oiscarded. It it\this careful and experienced editing" of a cable and,aevre service without a peer in America-couolal iqik artistic plesentatioit ..-ACCURACY-COMPREHENS1VENt& MRS MMATION- 144d-that makes The Mail and Empire the acknowledged 'leading 'newspaper of Canada:. 400 PER ANNUM BY MAIL. OA* DELIVERID. Order through dealer, local paper or direct. t Entpirt. Circulation Department, Toronto. BONDS Auto Sa intawmanosess........nr Can furnish Victory Bonds at 08% and Interest, free of expense to purchasers. Also have for immediate sale the follow- ing Municipal Bonds: City of London, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 14 per cent. City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, 0 yield C per cent. City of Regina, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 84 per cent. City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield 6% percent. City of' Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield 64k Or cent. Any ctie haling money Air investment should avail themselves of this °mottos. ity to secure these gilt edged securities. Apply to 2624-tf R. S. HAYS,* Seaforth, Ont. Garage Servieeora1imakes.cfcase Welding and machine work done. AM work guaranteed. Full line of .duto tires, spark plum, oils and greases, and auto sories always on band at JAS. WRIGHT'S OLD' SWANS SEAFORTH Stewart. Mcktosh 'MANAGER 111111111111111KIIIIIII Telipliono Zeonontgl 111111111=111111111111 De amala prattles tt? Can He Hear You? wHEN you talk' into space, and not directly into the mouthpiece of your telephone, you are pot giving the instru- I - merit a chance to do its best work. ,q The mouthpiece was designed to speak into, :and best results are obtained when your lips are about half an inch from its rim. Econornize time and temper by speaking dis. tinctly, directly into the mouthpiece* and avoiding needless repetition and delay.' The Bell Telephone,C.9. ofCanada - ...A.Ww