HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-05-17, Page 5fAY 1Zi 018 hoes 2 Lakers. son. 50 cool, comfortable and rim.d also choice styles in with plain vamps, white $3.25, $3•50, $3.75 the new Sport last with , $3.50 and $3.75. white rubber soles and' $3.00. a n toe, enamelled soles Fr pair $3.50 i. ent of the newest styles .75, $2.00, $2.25, to $3.50 Ile or two straps across $2.25 and $2.50 and Slippers at per ...$1.25 and upwards - White Beauty, 15c; ; COMMERCIAL HOTEL e was spent on the ground. [las been engaged for some h Messrs. Bonthron & Drys - this village, in their hardware I proved a good clerk, and his iends wish him good success one town. -Mrs. George Hab- unday School class, on Swi- lling last, sang in a manner most creditable to them for a lass of girls, and promise to &rand singers -Mr. D. A. t, vvho has carried on. a large e produce business for the years or more in the Petty nmediately west.of the post is rented the west section. of le block, west of the railway .nd intends shortly moving - We believe Mr. Cantelon's or moving is to be nearer to louse and scales on the west he railway track on Brock st. of our merchants are paint - ✓ fronts, Mr. W. A. McLaren, e merchant, being among the ire occupy front seats nattier lines are visual - Lir aJditional notable BLE SERVICE. ews i.; edited and pre - Vi r IthLt gollen wheat re - COM PRE E,NSI VE- -I'diTensabl.: to those hc=iine eneene ' tea 404-040•040.0•0•04 ered sortments of Serges, [s you could wish to 'greys, browns and irith guaranteed dyes. riety of materials .at the same attention fine new stock of etc. We're sure iSit Son. forth MAY 17, 1918 STAFFA. Notes. The district meeting of the Women's Institute will tie held staffs this year. The date of the eueetings is June 5th. - Iteedam s Notham, Jeffrey and McVey are • Hamilton this week atending the fin).- eral of their aunt -Lieut, E. .Rivers .of British. Wilma% was renewing old acquaintances here this we'ek.-thir eehool was opened on Monday after. being closed for three weeks on ac- count of the teacher, Miss Ferguson, being laid un with an attack of the mumps Roth= is improv- ing her residence by havhig ,a large window put in the front and a railing around the verandah. -Mr. Roy But - eon, of Munro, visited at his grand- father's, Mr. H.Norris, sr., this week. GODERICH. Fire At Dock. -The firemen had a run to the dock last Monday night, where one of the range lights on the north pier was on fire. It is supposed that the vapor lamp exploded, causing the blaze. The top of the tower was tjegroyed. The fire hltd great diffi- culty in getting to ie on. account of hexing to cross the harbor. With the assistanee cyf the tug. Forrest and a 'launch theymanaged to get to the fire and prevent it getting into the dock and causing heavy damage. The fire alarm recently instilled proved a great success. BEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, May 16th, 1917 2 .10 75c $1.40 36.00 $41.00 Wheat, per bushel 'Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel , Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton Flour, per cwt. . ............$5.75 Peas, per bushel .. „.. Mx° Margarine ..... ..... . .37c Butter, per lb38e to 40c. Potatoes, per bag $1.00 Hogs, per cwt. .... .$20.00 Eggs, per dozen 37 to 38 ° BEAN MARKET ' Toronto, May 14ths-I3eans-Canadian hand- Pieked, bushel, 57.50 to 58. Foreign, hand- picked, bushel 56.75 to 57. POULTRY MARKET Toronto. May 14. -Live weight -Chickens, Per lb. 27c; milk fed 32e: hens, 81A lbs, 25e: bees, 31e to 5 lbs..28c; hens, over 5 lbs.., 33e; roatere 22e; ducks,e30c; turkeys, 30c. Dressed -Chickens 80c; milk fed chickens, 85c to 40e; - hens, 3ee lbs., 28c; hens; 3Ise to 5 lbs., 30c; hen,over 5 lbs„ 33c; roosters 25c; ducks, .30e; turkey, 35c. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May 14th. -Butter -Creamery sol- ids, 44 to 45r; do. prints 45c to 46c; do fresh made, 46c to 47c; choice dairy prints, 41c to 42c I ordinary dairy striate 38c to 440e; baker' 36 to 38c. Margarine -32 to 34c lb. Eggs -New laid, 32c; selected new laid, 44c to 45c; cartons 45c to 46c. Cheese --New, large, 2a14c to 24e; twins, 23%c to 24n4e; old, large, 253c to 26e; twin 26 to 26Y,e. Conde Honey-Chi:dee 16 oz., 53.50 per dozen; 12 oz.'$5 per dozent zeconds and large comb, 52.50 to $2.75. Maple Syrup -Imperial gallons, $2.25 :. five- -gallon tins, 52.10 per gallon. Maple sugar, a pound, 24 to 25c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May 14.-Mariitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northere, 52.23%; No. 2, do., $2.203; No. 3, do., $2.171,4; No. 4 wheat, $2.10%; in store at Fort -William, including 21/2c tax. Mani- toba Oats -No. 2 C. W., 80c; No. 3, C. W., 17%e; etra No. 1 feed. 7713ficeeNo. 1 feed 74%c in store at Fort''Wilhain, American Corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, nominal. Ontario Oats - No. 2 white 51 to 82c; No. 3 white, 80c to 81e; according to freighta -outside. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot $2.22; baais in store, Montreal. Peas -No. 2, e3.60 to 53.70; accorsiing• to freights outside. Barley - Malting 51.50 to $1.51, according to freights outside. Buckwheat -$484 to 51.86, accord- ing to freights outside. Rye-No.2 2.35 ac- cording to freights out,side. Manitoba Flour -War quality, 510.95 new, bags, Toronto. Ontario Flour -War quality, $10.65, new bags, Toronto; 10.65 Montreal freight, prompt ship- ment. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal freights bags included; bran, per ton, 35.00; shorts, per ton, $40. Hay -No. 1, per ton, 316 to $17; mixed, 514 to 515, track, Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, 58.50 to $9, track, Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, May 14th. -Cattle, 160 cars; market 23 to 45e lower; prime heavy steers, 517 to 517.25; best shipping steers 516.50 to $17.10; fair to good, 515.50 M $16.25; plain and coarse, $14 to 515; Canadian steeze, heavy, 515 to 516; do, fat and coarse 1100 to 1200 lbs., $13 to 514; Canadian steers and heifers, $12.50 to $13; native yearlings, $15 to 516.25; bntt handy steers, 513.25 to $14; fair to good, 512.50 to 513; handy -steers and heifers, mixed, 512 to 513 • western heifers, $12 .to 513.50; Canadian heavy. cows, 510 to 511; best fat cows, 511.50 to 512.5-0; butchering oows, 59.50 to 310.50; cutters, 57.50 to 58.50; canners, 46.50 M 57.50; graesing cows, 57.50 to $8; fancy bulls $11.50 to 512.50; butchering bulls 410 to 511; common bulls, $8.50 to 59.50; best feeders 900 to 1000 lbs., 510.50 to 511.50; zrtediuna feeders, 59.50 to 510.50; light com- mon 53 to $e; stockers, $8.50 -M 59.50; beat milkers and springers 5100 to 5150; medium, 575 to 5100; common 550 to 60;. Hogs 80 cars; market 40c lower; medium and heavy, 418.10 to $18.30. yorkers end pigs, 5188.40. -Sheep and lambs. 30 cars; market slow. Top lambs, $17.75 to 518; yearlings, 515 to 516; wethers, 514.50 to 515; ewes, $13e50 to 514; calve,, 250; market lower, tops. 515; fed cal- ves. $6.50 to 58.50. Montreal, May 14. -The offerings of live steels at the West End Market this morning amounted to 500 cattle. 20 sheep and lambs, 600 hogs and 900 calv. The general run of stuff offered was of good quality and under the active demand from the various buyers' prices were maintained. The market in small meats was quiet. except for calves, for which much demand was noted and prices were ex- ceedingly strong in this line, and advances were noted at the different'markets. The mar- ket for hogs was steady and a fair trade pass- ed on local account. At the C. P. R. Yards this-onorning cattle offerings amounted to 450 cattle, 60 sheep and lambs, 350 hogs and 650 calves. The market Was not particularly active, and good steady volume of trade paseing for local account. leric here were aleo firmly maintained, and cahes scored an advance of about 51 . per 100 pounds. Hogs were steady. Quotations -Choice steers $13.00 to 514.00; good, 512 to 512.50; -medium, $10 M 512.00; choice cows $11.00 to $11.50; good cows 510.00 to 311.00; medium, 59.00 to 59.50; choice but- t/let's bulls $11.00 to 512; good e10 to 510.50; medium 39 to 510- Sheep, 510 tie 413; lambs, 516 M 517; choice. select hogs off cars, $22; sevse. 520 to $21.50; calves, mills fed $12 to VA,: good, 5e.e0 to 511. Union Stock Yards. May 14. -Close on 5,000 head of cattle w -ere forward this morning, the offering being the largest on any local mark- et this ye.ar. from the opening bell right through the afternoon the trade revealed none of that 3 oap which marked the several Pre- ceding markete of the past fortnight. The buyerswere out to prune Valuee for steers and heifers, if poeaible, but they got very lit- tle ad. if anything. Several commission men had the trade a quarter lower, but taking the - consensus of upinion, thie reckoning was wide of the mare -ie. An unbiased summing up of the trade this morning would read that it was alow tied barely steady. A lot of good butcher cattle were on offer, and one 1200 pound steer handled by H. P. Kennedy brought the top Mice of $16.50. Loads of choice heavy steers and a Sew' yearling -s caehed in at 515.50, and a lot; of cattle of a rilightly lower grade from 514 to $14.50. Choice butchers which sold front 513.25 M 51.3.7e did not require much looking for. Fat cows and bulls were a steady and active trade, the pick cashing in from $12 to 312.50. One very fine .bull was sold by Zealeraan and Sons at $13.75. The big offering of cattle provided some- thing for the handlers of stockers and feed- ervo work upon, theugh there were not sufs Resent of the better quality stockers and short - e Iseders to go round. Values were sa 3I5$j5 firmer _for both a few choice short- eaeihng as high as 512.25 and best stockers to $11.25. Grass cows were hi demand Irma 52.75 to. 59 .50 . • Best treats were a firmer trade, a few select calves netting- in from $17 to 518. Ordinary choice reaLe found values from 514 to $15.75. Sheer> and Iambs were active and firm. A few odd spring Iambs, which had better been left Owsimalikesseuenroulaaanampeassineeee samemsnowsuessosuremannimse 1 T. Holmes Funeral Director :and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in ddfet Lows building opp ite atewart Bros. Resi- dence Godertch st., opp Dr. Scott's Flo -veers furnished!: on abort notice. Phone Night or Day 119. A•1111•111111i1111MINNIMIN11111.11.• in the country, are finding their way to the yards. ' • The hog trade was firm at 521 fed and wat- ered, but packer -buyers spoke to -day of tak- ing at 'east 25c off this week. The receipts were 243 cars with 4,681 cat. tle, 7010 calves, 1897 hogs mid 72 sheep and Fred Rowntree bought 25 minterst and apringers ,5100 to 5150 each; 2 Holstein cows, $325. ' Frank Hu.nnieett bought 100 butcher cattle, 90010 1100 lbs., 513 th $14,50. ...foe Atwell and Sons bought 75 cattle: Grass cows; $8.75 10'59.58; one load steers, 100 lbs., 510.75 th 511.25; steers, 800 to 900 lbs., 511.50 to 512. 25 . Gunns Ltd., bought 800 cattle: Butehers, '518.50 to 514.50;.cows, $9.50, to' $12.25; bulls, 38.50 to 512.50. Dunn' and Levack sold: Butchere-21, 1000 lbs„ $18.75; 1, 770 lbs. 515.50; 28, 1150 lbs., 15.50; 23, 1060 lbs., 514%50; 5, 740 lbs., 15.50; 1. 660 lbs., 113.75; 12 4990 lbs., 513.75; 1, 830 lbs., $10.-50; 25, 1016 lbs., 513.75; 22, 980 lbs, 514.10. Cows -1, 880 lbs., -510; 2, 1300, the, 511.25; 9, 940 lbs., 59.15; 1, 920 lbs., 510; 6, 800 lbs., 58%50; 1. 1070 lbs., 511.50; 3, 1010 lbs., 511.25. Bulls -1, 1850 lbs., $11.25; 1, 950 lbs., 510.75; 1, 1820 lbs,, 512:50; 2 stock- ers, 885 lbs. 511.50. Corbett. lien and Coughlin sold :Choice heavy steers, 515.50 to 515.75; fair to good steers, 514.50 to $15; choice butchers 514.25 to *14.75; good butchers, 513.50 to 518.75; medium. butchers, 512,76 to 518.50; common butchers, 512 to 512.50; choice cows, 512 th 512.50; good cows, 11.2510 11.75; medium cows $10,50 to 311; common cows, 9.75 th 510.25; canners, 56 th 57; good to choice bulls 512 to 513; butcher bulls, 10.50 th 511.75; bologna bulls $9 th 310.50; choice lambs, $20 to 21; choice veal calves, $14 to $15; medium calves, 512 to $18; hogs, fed and watered, 521, McDonald and Halligan sold 30 cars of cat- tle, as follows :-Butchers 20, 1220 !be., 515.75; 19, 1180 lbs., 515.50; .8, 1160 lbs., $14,90; 16, 1140Ibs., 514.85; 14, 965 lbses 514.75; 8, 1000 lha., 514; 23, 860 lbs., 518; 4, 1015 the. 513.90; 8' .25, 865, 513,75; 2, 870 Ibs., 313.75;17, 1000 110.1 3.60; 28, 880 110., 413,25; 17, 920 lbs., $13,25; 22. 825 lbs., 513.15; 19, 940 lbs., 513; 3, 800 lbs., 513; 17, 850 lbs., 12.75; 9, 1000 lbs., $12.75; 21, 725 lbs.. 512.35. Cows -1, 1210 lbs., 312.75; 1 1170 lbs. $12.75; 2, 1028 lbs., 511.2.5-0; 1, 1360 lbs., 512; 2, 1085 lbs„ $11.75 ;• 1, '1010 lbs., 11; 1, 1140 lbs. $12,26; 2' 1115 511.75; 2, 1050 Ile.. $11.50;1, 1020 lbs., 511; 1, 1140 lbs. 512.25; 2, 1115 lbs, " 511.75; , 1050 lbs., 11.50; 1, 1020 lbs., 511; 2, 1000 lbs'„, 510.75. Bulls -1, 1680- lhe., $2.50; 1, 1950 lles, 312.50; 1, 1860 lbs.. 12.50; 1. 1950 IhS., $12,50; 1, 1860 lbs., 512.50; 2, 1425 lbe. 512.- 25; 1, 1830 lbs., 511.75; 1, 1550 lbs., 511.50; 1, 1210 lbs., 511. The quotations were: Extra choice heavy steers, 314.50 tt 515.50 choice heavy steers 13.50 to 514; good heavy steers $13 to $13.25; butchers' cattle, choice, 513.25 to 513.75; do. good 512 to $12,25; do. medium 511.65 to $11.85; do. common $11 to $11.25; butchers' bulls, choice, $11.75 to $12.60; do. good bulls, 511. th 311.50; do. medium, bulls, $10.25 to -510.50; do. rough bulls, 57.50 to $8.58; but - them cows, choice, 511.75 to 412.50; good, 511.00 to 511.50; do. medium 10.25 10 810.50; stockers, 59.50 th 511; feedera $11.25ito 513; :hannerse and cutters 56.50' 10 57.50; milker good th choice, each, $90 to51404 do. ,common and medium, each, $65 to 580; springers, 590 to 5140; light ewes, $15.00 th $18; lambs, 517 to. 522.05; calves, goodtd choice $14 to 515.75; hogs, fed and watered, 321.00; do. weighed off ears 521,25; do. f.o.b., 520, BIRTHS a Chittenden-In Seaforth, on May 8, th Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chittenden, a daugther. Palmitin -In Clinton, on Maya5th, to Mr. and Mrs.! J. B. Paeman son. a " ' MAIMAGES McOonald-Jackson-In the Methodist church, BIyth, on May 1st, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, el Lambeth, Mr. Robert McDonald, of Brig - den ,to Miss Maud Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson, of Morris township. DEATHS Lonclesbpro, On May 3rd, Edna Lee, wife Of Thomas' Miller, aged 49 years, I inontlis and 15 days. Brown -In Exeter. on May 1st, Annie Dow, widow of the late Hugh Wallace Brown, aged 72 years. McBride -In Zurich, on May 6th, Mr. Samuel McBride, aged 74 years. Jackson -In Clinton, on May 7th, Thomas Jackson, aged 56 years. IN MEMORIAM .,In loving memory of Mrs. Thomas Boyce, who died in Goderich on May 20th, 1917, Though death divides us, Fond memory unites us still. Loved Ones, W. T. BOX & CO. EMBALMERS AND - - FUNERAL DIRECTORS H. C. BOX • Holder clf Government Duslarna and License. -CHARGES MODERATE Flowers .farnikshed -on short notice. Night Celts Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 50 Gormley.1 rs.mbalmer Funeral Direc4or Undertaking Parlors above Mr Williams' grocery score, Main Street, Seaforth tolowers fur.......ned on short noti',..e - Oharkes moderste. Phone night or day - 192 WANTED Skilled lathe, planer and boring mill hands, --wages 590 an hour. Steady work. Apply CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Co., Ltd., Peterborough, Ont. 26304 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. G. Henderson and family 'wish to thank their 'many friends, especially Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, for the =New deeds of kindness shown them during thew recent be- reavement, 2631x1 $20.00 WEEKLY Shelving samples for aLrge Grocery Corporitioon. all goods sold at factory prices to consumers, granulated sug- r634ic. Pure lard 5 pound pail for 1, Sunlight, Gold or Surprise,' Soap 7 for 25c. Everything at eutt rate. Men wanted everywhere. Sample case free. The Consumers', Association, Windsor, Ontario. THE Fresh reens. ( We have just rec ived a ship- ment of F ESH Cabbage Radishes 1 Lettuce Bitter Ora, nges ,ry Them rices Right 36 Tho; P illips Whelesalti Opposite Commercial Fruits Hotel, Seaforth. SALE REGISTER 10n Saturday, May 18th. Seeforth, . household funni of .t. -he late Mrs. Coulthorp. t the Royal Hotel, re, the property T. Brown, Aucta EED BE •4 quantity of No. 1 han Pr ce $8 per bushel. G. HI 2681-1 NS -picked seed beaus L, Brucelield, Ont. CEDAR P inst arriVed ,a .er-r-of „c feet long, /nom MuakOka. Senfonth. . STS. at8 and Atm.DOSAB Til, 2530-2 • STATE •4 choiee vainety and m ars, of improved strain. P lb. Bags, 16c. JOHN EL 2629-4 POTATOES excellent yield- esent price 2c per ER, Henson, Ont. SEED BE ammio•wilimommi.,t1 [ TWo hundred bushels o fon sale. Apply to GEOR Vanna P.O., phone 4 on 2620x4 NS. choice pea bean' E W. ELLIOTT, 7, Heinen, NOIIIC Panties having overdue' ccounts at the St. Colpmban Store must hay them settled in full before June lat, by cash ex bankable paper. "Some now and 'ore later will not be accepted," Settlementn must be in full. J. J. HOLLAND. 2631-2 STRAYE Strayed from Lot 8, Co cession 1, Tucker - smith, on Monday, May 6 h, a York brood sow, weighing about 175 •ounds. Any pere son with -information leadi g towards recove ery will be rewarded. A-pnly to LEO FOR- TUNE, R. R. No, 4, Seaforth. Phone 6 on 144. 2631x1 WANTED -- Machinists, pattern makera, tool makers; steddy employment, highest wages. Factory loeated on St. Clair River cool place for eummer, ideal, working conditions. Write Era- nioYment Office. H. MITE LER MFG. CO., LIMITED, SARNIA. ONT. 2631-1 CENTRE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATI N. The annual meeting of he Centre Huron Liberal Asaoeiation will be held at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth. on Tuesday, May 28th, at 3.30 Pan. A large attendance is esired. MICHAEL MITRDIE, President; JAMES L. KILLORAN, Secretors'. 2631s2 SEED BEA S. For sale, about25 bushes of Tested Seed Beans. Terms 57 per bushel. Apply on lot 3, concession 12, Tuckersraith, or phone 6 on 139. GEORGE S. EYRE, Ra R. No. 2, Kippen. 2600-8 -en PIGS POR SALE , For sale' eleven young pigs 5 weeks old- Bericaireand Yorkshire crass Anon/ to ALEX. nOUTElft. BrUdefield, IV al, or Phon2e6302.2on 142. FOR SAL Fr Sale a cottage with tvo bedrooms, and two lots cni North Main Steeet. two blocks froth Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and aoft water in kitchen. All in good ohape. asy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth 2627-tf nousE FOR SALE Fier sale seven roomed frame house on North Main Street, one &or south Of Mr,. Tie ''stai Robert Winters' residencl, Mut 'be at once. Apply at Tposit eold Seaforth. 2624-tf IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS,. Write for booklet anc proved and unimproved famous Gilbert Plains EVANS & CO., Gilbert toba. prices of nn - farm s in the istrict. J. H. Plains, Mani - 2617x20 TENDERS WA TED Tenders will beareceived bi the undersigned - up M four o'clock on May 2 rd, for the con- struction and completion of the Harn Drain on lots 26, 27, and 28, on qoncion 7, Mc - Plans and specificati ns may be seen on lot 25, concession 5, McKillop. GEORGE D. C. HARN. . 2630-a cOURT OF RE ISION "TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Tucke smith Council ill meet as a Coutt of R viaion on the As essment Roll at the Council Chaniber, Seafor h, on Saturday, May 25th, 918, at one o'cl elt p.m. D. F. MeGREGOR, Clerk. 2630-3 Coerr :OF REVISION TOWN OF SEAFORTH nen,. Noticeeis hereby given that the first meet- ing of the Court of Revision for the hearing of appeals against the assess ent roll of the Town of Seaforth, for 1918, will be held in the Council Chamber, Town. Hall, Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 28th day of 1fay, at 8 o'clock p.m. Dated at Seaforth this ISth day of May, 1918. JOHN A. WILSON, .0 erk. 2631-2 •••••=m•MP•0 COURT OF REV SION TOWNSHIP OF Ilt.3/LLETT Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Township of Hullett, will be held in the Township Hall, Londesboro, on Thursday, the 30th day of May , 1918, at 10.30 a.m., for the purpose of hear! g and determin- ing complaints against the assessnaent roll of the said Township for the ear Per- sons having business with th said Court will please attend at'the said time and plaee with- out further notice. Also take notice; Dog tax Amended so that the tax on ne dog is 52.00 each additional dog 54.00, each hitch 34.00, each additional bitch 56.00. JOH FINGLAND, Clerk of Hullett. 2631-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock. -Mr. Jam Tones has re- ceived instructions from Mr. 4John Mehol- son, to sell by'public auction 44 Bornholm, on Saturday, May lStl. at two o clock sharp, the following: 10 newly calved cows, 15 two- year old steers sod heifers, 2r yearling steers and heifers,. 25 No. 1 spring c Yes, two thoro- bred Durham cows with pedi ,rees. 2 sows to litter in July, some store hog, etc. Terms - Six months' credit on furrnshing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. off for cash. JOHN A. NICHOLSON Proprietor; J. JONES, Auctioneer. 2631-1 FARM IMPLEMENTS I have left on band a few second-hand arilLs and cultivators. One 13 -tooth Deering culti- vator, one 12 -tooth McCormick cultivator, one 17 -tooth Deering cultivator nearly new, one Frost & Wood cultivator, one .0 -hoe Sylvester drill pressure in good shape, one 11 -hoe Mas - Corrine& drill hi Al condition ; three six-foot sey-Inarris drill good as new, ne 16 disc Mc - Massey -Harris binders, in right , good working order ;one 7 foot Deering, one 7 foot McCor- mick binder. Also one sound driving mare 6 Years old. Call and see our n w buggies. All sizes of Clay gates always on hand. Massey - Harris farm implements speak for themselves. R. C. HENDERSON, Agent, S aforth. 2629-3 HURON EX SITOR Thorobred I mported Stallions The fel:flowing imported Clydesdale and Percheron. Stallions which are all enrolled, inspected and approved will `stand for service this season at T. J. BERRY'S STABLES HENSALL. ONTARIO KING THOMAS Clydesdale' [92541 (12625) Enrolment No, 1366 Form 1 To insure $15 COMMODORE I • Clydesdale [95967 (14633) ' Enrcilment No. 1681 . Form A 1 To insure 515 ' N PercheirAor(6382) Enrolment No. 4986 ---- - Form To insure $18 COLONEL GRAHAM . Clydesdale [9255] (12103) Enrolment No. 1370 • Form 1 To insure $18 Will trayel the following tonte: Monday, May 6th-Wi11 leave Ms own stable at Hensel', and. go west 40. second concession, south 8% miles to R. Northeott's for noon; south 13/4 miles, east 1% Miles, then north to Ben Makin's,. for night. Tuesday -East 134 miles, to 'Thomas Venner's, for -noon; then north We miles to Chiselhurst, then west to John McLean.'s corner, north 114 miles to Wm. Hogga,rth's for- night, Wednesday -West to .James McGregor's. corner and north 1% miles, then west 1% miles to Thonuss Workman's for noon; then south 114 miles to Kippen, west to Hills Green, north th Hugh Love's for night. 'Thursday -West to Blake, south to Milker Klopp's, for 'noon;' then west to St. Joseph and the south no A. Hendrick's,, for night, and where he will remain until Friday noon. Friday noon -East 10,the14th concession, and north 134 miles, then east iv, miles, and north to William Thiens for night. Saturday. -North to Zurich road, and east by way of Zurich to Perr Line, to John Forest's, for noon; thence to his own stable, where he will remain until the nollowing Monday morning. William Kay, Manager. JABOT Percheron [3139]' (84214) Enrolment No. 1369 Form A 1 To insure 03 Will travel the following route: Monday, May 61h -Will leave his own stable at Bengali ,and go east- 134 miles and north 33 miles and east Innan miles to Abe. For- sythe's for noon; then four miles to William Davis', for night, Tuesday-Zilab .bY way of Staina, to Ernie Templemann for noon.; then ieast 1% nines, aeuth PA miles and west 2 miles 10Russell Scott's' for night. Wednesday -West 214' 'miles, south 214 miles, no the boundary to Daniel Brintne11%; for noon; then west to his own stables at Hems% remaining there until Thursday motning. Thursday -West to Parr Line, north to Hills,,Green, to Wilson Carlyle's for noon; then north th Cole- man's Corner, then west to Gbahen Line, then south 1% miles and west -to Blake to Elmer Thiene for night, Friday ----West no the 14th to Henry Steinback's, for noon; then south 8_miles, east tv, miles and:Inorth to William Thiel's for night. SaturdaynnInorth and east to Zurich, to Commerchil Rotel, for noon; then east to Ms own stable; Henan% where he will remain until the ,following Monday morning. William Luker; Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Enrolment No. 1367 -Inspected and Approved - Form. 1. during' the present season at ohn adc- Willi stand for the improvert of stock Gavin's stables, Leadhury, lot 2, Concession 13, McKillop. Terms 512 th insure, payable February 1st, 1918. J. J. MeGAYIN, Proprietor The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion RED. McKINNEY No. 42946, Vol. xxri, A. T. R. Enrolment No, 1151. Form 1. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable in Eg-mondville. Ternas, 513 to insure. JAMES BERRY, Proprietor. 2631xtf THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION INDEX Enrolment No. 363 Form I (Imp.) [8140] (83420) $15 th insure. Will stdnd for the improvement of 'Stock tins season as follows: Monday -Will leave his own stablia Bruce - field, and go west th Varna, 51 Chris..Ward's. ,for noon; then eorth into ()ode:1'1th township, and west byeway cf Bayfiela concessioa to Ar- thur Welsh's, foe n.g et. Tuesday-No-tb Lv way of the 741 calecession, o George Vander - burg's, Porter,) Hill, tor noon; then north by way on the 6th concession th Jas. McMillan's, for night. Wennesday-By, way,of Mill itond and Jewell's Corners,, Como el Ginn's, for noon; then north In, nay of lienninier. and along the Maitland concession th Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday -East to the lane conces- sion, then by way of the nurses Road to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon and remain until Friday morning. larinale-geettnio, way of the London Road to Ins own stable, Bruce - field, where he will remain until Saturday morning. Saturday --South by way of the London Road, 214 miles east to Robert El- gie's for noon; thence by way of the 2nd con- cession, Tuckersinith, and the Mill Road, to , his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. WM. BERRY. Proprietor & Manager MAKWIRA (15938) Vol. XXXIII. Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1 $15 to insure. for the improvement of stock follow: Passed 15279 Parsed Will stand this season as Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own stable, at Stalin and go west to James Hill's, for noon; then south to the Croinarty Line, then east 'tni Cromarty to his own stable for night. Tueedey-South to Alfred Hunkinn, Ilsborne, for noon; then west along Thames Road, for 3%. miles and south on the 44.1' concession to Robert Sellery's, for night. Wednesday - East to the Eliraville Line and south to ,Elim- ville, and east to Wincheisea, to John Del- bridgeIs, for noon; then south to William Brock's, for night. Thursday -South and east on the 11th concession of Blanchard, to A. J. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farta)o for noon; the south to the Kirkton Line, and we.se to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for night. Friday - North along the Mitchell Road, to Mount Pleasant, and west to• Jasper Pridhom's, for noon; then west and north to John Hamil- ton's, 10th iconcession of Hibbert, for night. Saturday -North 214 miles to Mac Grey's, 7th concession for noon; then west to the 7th to the Centre road, then south to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- day morning. JOHN LIVINGStONE, Proprietor & Manager LORD MANSFIELD. James Evans, Proprietor Manager Monday -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood and go to Pat Woods'. Logan, for noon; thence to his own stable for night. Tuesday -To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; hen west th RCM', concession 10, McKillop, for one hour, thence to his' own stable for night. Wednesday -To Frank -Ma- harn, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday -To Joseph Nagle's, for noon; then to Jos- eph Atkinson's, for night. Faiday-To Mar- tin Curtin's 13/2 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to Wiliam Anderson's, lot 29, eon.. cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday -Will proceed to his own stable where lie will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms and conditions same as form.er years. Lord Mansfield has been enrolled, 'inspected and ap- proved. - Terms to insure 413, . , AT YOUR SERVICE B, R, HIGGINS BOX 127, Clinton Phone 44 , (formerly of Brucefleld) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Cerpo-ation and the Canada 'Trust Co, Commiss"onei H. C. of J., Conveyancer, Fire' an TOrnado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesd y of each week atnrucefield HOUSE FOR SALE Small fr me house on West William street, Se forth, hard and soft water, good stabl 'For further particulars apply to . D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone 10 •n 124., 2622-tf FOR SALE_ On Mill ro (I, near Kippen Road, five acres on which is a good brick house with good stone cellar • nd hard water inside. Also a good stable, nd all kinds of small fruit. For particulars apply 40 14. L. BAILEY, Bormond- vine, Phone on 187, Seaforth Central. 2628x2-tf. FARM FOR SALE Lot 83, CoCitession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best 'clay land 10 McKillop, 6 acres of bush, thee -test, in a high state of cultivation.; 5 miles 'from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, Miles from schbol. There are on the premises, a gond seven !loomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well • Undnrdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5. Aires bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are twe big springs, one piped to barnyard and in, the other a dam with a hydradlic rem puniping the water to the house and to the barn. As the opting is in the orchard and near the house and line fence. „there nseeno waete land. There is a gradedand gravelled lane from the road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-17 , - FARM FOR SALE For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R. $., Tuckersmith,' containing 100 acres. There are on the prerniees a good .frame house, two barns and frame stable 75 feet long, cement floor in cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruit*; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing- done. This farm is situated 114 miles east of the village of Bruce - field and 5 miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill Road. School across corner froni farm. For further par- ticulars apply on the .premiess or address Miehael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Phone,5 on 142, Sea - forth Cen ' . 2616-tf House a -village of is situated the Presb as the fortable he and cement trees, stra currant bus pErty . with the fiend is tion. This retired fa For ',Artie or to John -C Work FbR SALE. d half acre of land in the mondvMe. The property, on Centre Street, close to rian church and is knowu ell property. Good, coma se, good shed, good well cistern. All kinds of ,frdit berries, raspberries, and es. This Is a corner pro- ne breaks on front, and in a good state of mildest is a nice property for a er and the taxes are Wit. ars apply on the premises nkin, Seaforth. 2584-tf tentStios •••••••••aaki2/1k ntracts Solicited-- anship Guaranteed t 1111•Iimilmmea Rogers Bros. ° Contractors' Fullerton P. O. (AIDS I Can fen:fish Victory Bonds at 98% and interest, free l of expense to purchasers. 'ing Municipa Bonds: • Also have lor immedie.tel sale the follow. City of LondOn, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 I-6 per cent.1 -City. of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield 6' per cent. City of Regina, Gold, Bonds, to yield 6 3-4. per cent. ' City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield 6% per cent. -City of Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield 6% pry cent. Any cne haling money for investment should avail themselves of this opportun- ity to secure these gilt edged securities. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2624-17 t o Sales Garage - Service for all makes of cars Welding Esnd machine work done. Ali work guaranteed. Full line of auto tires, spark 'plugs, oils and greases, and ,auto acces- sories always on hand -at JAS. H. WRIGHTtS OLD STAND SEAFORTH Stewart McIntosh MANAGER J. P. FISHER. Has purchased a Percheron Stallion and will stand him in Seaforth and vicinity during the season. Further announcement later. 5 THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO ERCE 4 ire '4 SIR EDMUND WALKER, • CIAO., LLD.. D.C.L., President CAPITAL PMD UP, $15,000,000 SIR JOHN MD, General Manager • 11. V. F. JONES,, Assit, Genl. Manager ESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000 The Manager Is prepared to consult with prospictive customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the :making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they 'will be met with courtesy and given prompt service, ''5SEA.FORTH BRANCH J G MULLEN . . MANAGER Illlioifillifim W11111111111111M11111111111111111111111ifilifiliMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMMifiifill Bellmilier Nurseries EVERGREENS FOR 8ALE - These are fine trees. If you are thinking_ of planting some would advise you doing so this'spring, for they will be much higher,as all nurseries import them when small from France, and prices are now prohibitive for importation. We have also fruit and ornamental trees = and shrubs. Parties will get a reduction of 5 cents per tree by coming to the g Nurseyryfarmere clubbing together we will d Beliver at the reduced rate, to one inan's farm 300 ',trees Or over. Prices 12 to 18 inches in. height 25e, reduced rate 20e each Prices 18 to 24 inches in height 30e, reduced rate 25e each Prices on. ail other sizes accordingly; @MINN MIN! a EVERGREENS CAN BE TRANSFERRED UNTIL JUNE 10t STEWART BROS, I GODERICH, R. R. No, 4 Telephone, 6r7 (Dungannon) lainilIMIIMM111111111111E31111011111111111111110111MMIN - ' 74" ' '', /..&)-/ f 1 7 /77/7/ ' ' ' ', . ; ' . - ; I 'aen 'are. , Anniial Excursion Goderich to Detroit and Iteturn STEAMER GREYHOUND LEAVES GODERICH TUESDAY, JUNE ilth tit 10.00 a.IC RETU-RNING LEAVES DETROIT ' TEUR,SDAY, JUNE 13th, 1:00 p.m. (Detroit Time) . $2.00 BOUND TRIP $1.50 ONE WAY The Only Boat Trip from Goderich Deroit this Season. No passports required for males of military age on this Simply-sign your name for the ImlinigrationOgicer who will he -en duty on boatd, steamer at tune of departure. - Canadians coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not re- quired tp pay a head tax or make a deposit United states iminigra- , tion_ offi )ers will be on the steamer to pass exeursioniste. Eiceptlf men belong to Class 1, now called it will be necessary for them to show that they have complied with the mtlitax7 service regu- lations and have the consent of their registrar for their military dis- trict to be absent from Canada. This applies, of course, only to male British subjects between 20 and 34, inclusive, who are single or aro widowers without children BAND MOONLIGHT 14IPM out of Goderich MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 40th, at 8 p.m. 25c Music and Dancing in Greyhound Dan Reinal 2680-5 # 4 4. 11119111111111911111111119111111 11111191 Telephone Economia Take Care of Your Telephone! Do you practice it? i%JANY'repairs to telephones are made 4. necessary by careless handling. 11 A telephone instrument has more than a hundred parts and is built like a watch. Rough usage impairs its„efficiency. Help us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilled labor by always' hand- ling your telephone carefully to avoid costly breakages and repairs. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 111011111111111111111111111 1