HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-05-17, Page 3:MY M 1918
WI Transacted.
Current Rate
Kirk -ton
;township about 25 years
:fere he continued farming ma
mt fifteen years ago when he
ie farm to his son and retired.
-ears ago his wife passed on
, this being the first break in
luny circle, their nine children
still alive. Since the death of
fe Mr. Pollard had made his
with Mrs. Wasman for the
rt but he often visited his
ildren, going to Michigan
e the Canadian Soo to visit
ns last summer.
lose far off POrtS
he torrid lands
he mountains, to
Ile I pfu ;
"see your house in its new coat
you paint it? You can. The
on "Color Scheme Adviser" en -
t color coinbinations before decid-
it pleating to your eye.
s of a transparent outline of a
liace color carda of every known
lis a.nd another color for the.roof.
there comes a set of 40 cards each
u try a white card on the walls, in
6rd for the roof. Then you try a
section of the transparency, along
E. And so on, until you have ex -
very known color combination.
Dr Scheme Advisers" and will be
rit with it before you select your
'GUSH 70% Pure -White Leaf
(Brandram's Genuine 18.15.)
P., 30% PureWheeZinc
A 100% Pure Paint
froar house or any other building.
aint this SpriMg—and equally, or
[--1-1 "English" Paint—the paint
Hwhich means that this is paint
iding reputation of this brand is
Mg -capacity and exceptional dur-
ies we know to be due to the corn -
mane B.B. white lead and pi:Fe
s of B---1-1 "English" Paints mato.-
p..(1 advances in the. cost of these
Our kcal agents,
0 '...qe4.41• La CA.t.OARY. geomopesoo warcouvsig
MAY 17, 1918
awe _
IceObil aid 111101111,0 013.0.0,000
Deposits of One Dollar esti speude reeetiodo
Ddereet peid or added to NMI* MS.
Vadat midis.
iiitt *won Expositot
mintier sATTERs
School ''Report.—The following is
the report of the School in Section No.
6, Tuckersmith. for April: Sr. IV—
Landsborough 67, Jr.
7ohris 59. Sr. Landsborough
60 Jr. W—B. White 60, 3.4% 11—
E. Townsend 87, E. Landsbdrough
le, A. johns 70, M. Aemstropg 58,
E. Layton 57.--- M. F. Hillman,
(Too Late for Last Week)
Notes. — The Women's Missionary
Society intend holding an entertain-
ment onthe evening of May 24th.
There will be a good programme and
lunch will be served .—The Institute
Lel& their monthly meeting on Thur -
day lust with a good attendance. —
Mr. and Mrs. Brettorci of Goderich,
visited friends here on Sunday.—Mr.
and Mts. Dr. Alligoe. of New Toronto,
called on friends here orf Sunday.
MiEA J. Robertson • of London, spent
a few days here last week.—Mr. and
Mrs. Fothergill of Westfield, spent
last Thursday at the home of Mr.
Braithwaite.—Mit and Mrs. Crawford
a Auburn, spent Sunday at Mr. J.
Hills.—Miss E. Lyon was appointed
delegate to attend the missionary
meeting -which is held is Clinton this
week. —Mr. and Mrs. William Brig-
ham visited with Goderich friends last
week.—Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and
Mrs. R. Adams of Blyth, visited with
(Dr.) Young on Sunday. —Mr.
and Mrs. H. Brundson of Blyth, spent
Sunday at the home of his father, Mr.
NV% Bru.ndson.
One luxury that is actually an econ-
omy is Salado, Tea. It yields many
more cups than ordinary tea and, be-
sides has • that unique, delicious
School Report ---The fellowipg is the
report of the school in section No. 1,
Hullett, for the month of April:
Class IV—Ross McGregor, Hall Fem-
inine Cecil Farnhant, Willie Living-
stone, Joe Hugill.. Class
Glazier, Kathleen Livingston, Don
Dale Etta Wright, Ernest Dale.
Class—Pearl Mere, George Glazier,
Frank Fowler, Mary Mann, Walter
Dale, Willie Wright, Gordon McMich-
ael. Sr. I—Flossie Mero, Hazel Free-
man, Myrtle Pale, Gladys Freemna,
Emma Mann, Fergus Wright, All3rn
Dale, Agnes Adams and Alice Walk-
er (Kiva') Bobbie .McMichael. Senior
Primer—Wilfrid Freeman, feeWright,
Olive Walker, Elmer Dale.—Junior
Primer—Meylvin, Dale, Ste*art Dale,
Beatrice Adams, Ethel Ross.— rs.
Farnham, Teacher.
ducers, taking up the time of Parlia-
ment at the expense of so many hun-
dred dollars per hour, talking about
titles and building' nations and a hun-
dred other uststeeS speech -making
The title plan was just ,as good and
useless before, as any uiay, our parlia-
ment can. fix it up. NY tether had
no useless title attached. 'to, his -name;
but a long back, with the Unceasing
good help and management of my mo-
ther. made a 500 -acre farra of the
best land. and in the best part of Can -
ad, and he made iit all out 'of the
ground, and none by speculation.
We don't consider a bought or ob-
tained title anything, compared with
the Clan McLean, but we would not,
in, any case, fool away the time and
money of our counteee talking about it
in parliament • "'"
Egmondville, Can.
; Dear Expositor,—Will you insert
this little sketch as it will be of in-
terest to your readers to know the
sources from which butter can be pro-
Auced. I will mention to fruit
sources of the vegetable world. The
Shea, butter tree, the fat of the seed
of Bessie Parkii, at an ordinary tem-
perature As of a buttery consistency
With a dirty & greenish white color
with an aeomatic odor and taste. The
United States Consulate to Sierre
Leon, Africa. Mr. Derby, tells us of
this tropical fruit tree. It furnished
the natives with huts that they prize
very highly', which might become an
article of commerce of importance,
since it is airea.dy imported to Europe
where it is now made into artificial
butter. This tree produces a nut cov-
ered with a soft pulp which in turn
is covered with„ a smooth skin, easily
removed when the nut is ripe. This
pulp is sweet and wholesome. About
sixty per cent. of the nut is butter,
which is edible. The tree begins to
beer when it is fifteen years old and
it reaches its full capacity when its
twenty-five years old, and we are -Old
that a butter plantation•is a profitable
investment for a long time. In India
!there is a much the *eine tree, but
the Indian butter tree the "Ghee" is
apparently of a•higher quality and the
fat obtained from the seeds of the
Bessie Butyriacea, an allied tree of
the sub-HernalaYan ranges of nerth-e
ern India, is a most important food
substance as it is appreciated among
the natives of the north-west provine •
ces. It possesses a delicate white color
with. a pleasant odor and taste and
is of the consistency of lard. In the
hot climate of India, we are told it
will keep many months without ac -
(miring a bad odor or taste, on which
account it is highly valued by them. as
a food. In these tines of high prices
it makes our mouths water to think
of the rich sue -1-- from old mother
Earth that can give to man in time of
need. because of the scarcity of the
animal product.
Death of an Old Resident.—At mid-
night on Thursday last, after but a
few days' illness, John Govett, an old
and respected citizen of Clinton, pass-
ed into the Great Beyond. The late
Mr. Govett was born in Yorkshire,
England, ieventy-seven years ago but
he came to Canada when quite young.
The family settled first in Mariposa
township where ihey farmed and con-
tinued to reside for many years. It is,
however, nearly forty years since M.
Govett and his wife carne up to Clin-
Perhaps vou have noticed that Your
daugther in her "teens" has develop-
ed a fitful temper, is often restless and
excitable without apparent cause. In
that case fernember cthat elle march
ton and this town has ever since of years is leading hr onto woman -
continued to be his home. The de-
ceased was twice married, his second
wife, who was formerly Mrs. Young,
eurviving him. He leaves no family
and he was t'he last surviving member
of his own family. He was a man of
sterling character honest and straight-
forward in his dealings. He was a
Methodist in religion, during all the
Years of his residence here, being a
member of the Ontario street church,
in which he had held several offices
and was for over thirty years a 'class
leader. Always having enjoyed re-
markably good health Mr. Govett's
death, after so short an illness, came
as a shock to his wife and friends.
The funeral took place on Saturday
"afternoon and. was largely attended.
The services were conducted by the
Rev. J. A. Agnew and the pallbear-
ers were: Messrs. Thomas Rathwell,
A. Wilittinghain, A. Neal, R. Tiplady,
A. Hooper and William Tiplady.
(Montreal Witness.)
Site—It is not hard at all to see
that Canada is sixty years behind the
times. Now that the governments are
getting hard up for more money to
waste in useless ways, the place to
start is at the members of parliament.
As an agricultural country with only
a fringe of the land settled, and only tired. I suffered much -from head-
apopulation of between seven and aches. and me trouble was aggravated
eight million men, women and child- by' a bad cough. I tried several med-
ren, Canada does not at all require
more than a smal percentage of the
office -seeking, swell -headed windbags
doing business at Ottawa and other
provincial captials for many years
past. I don't meae the Conservative
Government any more than the Re-
form Government preceding.
Canada is a good country, but it is
not a nation, and never will be, and its
greatest defect is the great amount of
dnoccupied territory producing noth-
met Nations are noemade out of such a
conglomeration, of breeds and 'beliefs
as Canada is infested with. The peo-
ple in Canada are getting quite sick
of being e•ilied up so much, at their
expense, by a lot of elected, ' nonpro-
Stewart's Sell it for Less
Mail or Phone Your Orders
We prepay the Carriage
Attire for Sprin
Stylish Suits You are Sure to Like
Magnificent Selee-
tion in Men's Snits
at $12 00 to $16,00
A .LTHOU0 H Suits in the vast collection are obtainable
Ca. at almost any price from $8 to $23, perhaps -the great-
er number of Suits called for are Suits priced at from $2 to
$16, and it is in these price that we have excelled ourselves
the most,li
AT $14, dozens of patterns in Tweeds and Fancy Wor-
steds in Greys, Browns and Fancy Ailixtureson small checks
and neat stripes and fancy weaves, lining and trim- ei4
mings are Of good quality. Sizes 32. to 44. Price a
AT $15, Suits for men and young men in fine surface
Tweeds and Worsteds, in all the newest weaves and latest
colorings, rich mixtures, neat stripes and attractive '0 g
Small checks., Sizes 33 to 44. Priee
AT $16 to $25, beautifully finished Serge Suits;black;
and blue, in fine wail and rich finish. The linings' and the
trithmings are ot exceptional good qual- $16 to $25
All sizes. Price......
Boys. Clothing De-
partment is Ready
$315 up to $6.00.
Special Neckwear for Victoria Day
JOU must have a New Tie tor the Holiday. We have made
I extra preparation in the procuring of a, very complete range
of the very latest colorings'' in good ic
quality silks. Price... .... ac
hood, and that at this time a great
responsibility rests upon you as a
mother. If Your daughter is pale,
complains of 4weakn.ees mid depres-
sion, feels tired out after a little ex-
ertion: if she tells you of headaches
and backaches, or pain in the side do
not disregard these warnings. Your
daugther needs the help that only
new, rich blood can give for she is
anaemic—that is bloodless.
Should you notice any of these
signs, lose no fitne, but procure for
her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or her
unhealthy eirlhood is beund to lead
to unhealthy womanhood. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills enrich the impover-
ished blood of girls and women and
by so doing they repair the waste
and prevent disease. They give to
sickly, drooping girls, health, bright-
ness and charm, with color in the
cheeks, sparkling eyes, a, light step
and high spirits. If your daughter
shoWs any signs of anaemie insist
that she begins to -day to cure herself
by the use id Dr. Williams'. Pink
Pills. Miss Grace E. Haskins, Latch-
ford, Ont., says: "It would be im-
possible for me to speak too highly
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A few
years ago my health was such that my
parents were seriously alarmed. I
was pale, listless and constantly
icines, but to no avail, and my friends
thought I was in a decline_ Then Dr.
Williams Pink Pills were recp5mmend-
ed and my mother got three boxes.
, They were • the first medicine that
really helped me and a further sup-
ply was got and I continued taking
thein for several months until they
completely cured me. Today. thanks
to Dr. Williams' Pink ;Pills, I am as
healthy as any girl in Northern On-
tario, and I am giving TO experience
that other girls may b_enlefit by it.
You can get these pills through any
de-aler in medicine or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from the pr._ Williams'. Medicine Co.,
Brockvillel, Ontario.
and Linoleums
Beautiful, gladsome bits of color and pat-
terns are to be seen everywheie in our. House
Furnishing Department. No difference what
your reqeirements are, you will be able to
satisfactorily meet your wants here,and at the
same time save money on your purchaF.e as
Nairn's Linoleum
Direct from Scotland
We wish to lay special emphasis on our
stock of Scotch Linoleums. They are thor-
oughly seasoned and in consequence are sure
to give satisfactory wear. 'I here are beanti-
ful Floral Patterns in Poppy; Tulip, Rose Ef-
fects in Vellow, Pink or Red. Delighttul
imitation ;floorings as well as Hexagon Pat-
terns in the wanted colors. PRICES AL-
Rugs, Rugs
in endless variety
It is a simple matter to find in theimmense
display Of Rugs,. a Rug that will fit your
room. in olor that will suit your taste, at a
price that will satisfy your pocketbook. We
invite yot4r special attention to the better class
of Rugs fre are showing. Quality is positively
guarante d, the colors are absolutely depend-
able. D n't buy until you have visited this
wonderfu big department. It will pay you.
WORTHY of special men..icc2 is the magnitue of our
11 stock. The assortment is so large that selecting a
Satisfactory Suit is easy indeed.
Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges are here in every new style
including Pinchbacks, Norfolks and Double Breasted Suits
with straight or bloomer pants, in all the wanted shades of
Navy, Brown, Tan, Green or $3
5 $9
Grey. Sizes 24 to 35 to oft
Good weight cotton underwear, elastic knit cuffs and
ankles, well trimmed, substantially made. Sizes siti,
34 to 44• Price•. • . • • . 1414*#
Special weight for between seasons, flat knit Scotch mot-
tled union thread, particularly adapted for the cool days and
evenings of Spring end Fall. In all No -
sizes from 34 to 44. Price ••••••• OX to.
New Wide Rim Hats in Big Variety
MEN'S Hats were never as becoming as they are this season,
Ivi there is such a variety of shapes, so many different widths
in the brim, and such a choiceof colors SI tO $2.75
that choosing your hat is very pleasant
Women's Stylish
Suits and Coats
READY to pia S7 any part of spring -time
wraps are the splendid Suits and Coats
our buyers have gathered together. For
motoring, for driving, or for travelling, the
swagger coats are indispensible, while for
street wear our suits have a dash and style to
them that is particularly their own. This dis-
play • affords a good choice of the season's
most popular fabrics in the new shades.
Coats $10.00 to $25.00
Suits $15.00 to $30.00
Men's and Boys'
Work Clothes
It will pal you to buy work tiothes
here. gead over the prices bekw
Peabody'Sa /10 •••••••• •
Snag Proof •04 fr•
Acme.... • •••• 'pee*
*••••••• ••••-• •
••• ••••
•••• 0-* * ..$i.75
r• 1r 0811114
Peabody's.... 4••0 404
Blue Stripe.... • .....o.a***•• *so • 4 44.4• ft ...51.50
Work Shirts
Black and White, with
double front... 75c to $1.25
Light Colors... •••• 4410 •••• *a, •• • •• • •40075c to $1.
Black and White Stripe. ..... 50e
FIaxman... *4444 4 4 444.4 • • •••••• • silv• • 4IS444
Cotton... Oa • c -o04.... • 9* ••• ee • •••• •• • f••• • • 4 "ref 90 • • 15C
Union...•......•. 444 44 0 • • a • •••• * • • • • • •••• • • •** . • 20c
Wool, flat knit.— sei.o••••••••••••••4.•• •••••••••••••-•2543
WOOL fine ribbed...•...•. --....440,1111. •••••••• •-• • ....35e
Wool, heavy . ...35c to 50c
Felt, wide rims...40•0 • II. •
Straws, wide rims...-. •
to 750
...AOC to 50o
....5c tolOct
Cotton....• • • 0 • * 41••• • -•••• •• • ••••••••• • •
Leather...* •essee o's • • • * • • •••ee•• e•we •••
I.5c to 20c
25c to:75c .
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
Stewart Bros.
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wantee,