HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-05-10, Page 5HOG PRODUCTION It is a niatter of the greatest importinal that Canada should increase her produce tiOn of BACON HOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide shorts, age of meat Good markets for some tis to amie are assured. wessomormiassmaffaii THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE will gladly make loans to assist farmers in good standing to acquire live stock. 3" SEAFORTH BRANCH G MULLEN . . MANAGED ON. 11011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0,1111111N11111111111111111111P.11 • Telonlumo Economy" kFT-r •••":".- S Dalton = practice it'? Directory First! TO guess at telephone numbers, to rely on. your memory, or to consult old lists of tglephone users rneans wrong numbers, delays and general annoyance. Sometimes it takes a littie. longer to make sure of 'tile number,' more often it is dear gain, even 4s regards time. q Why not adopt the "Motto Directory first in telephoning? The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 810111111M11191111011101111101111111111111111111111111191111111111118 Effill11111111111 III 111111111BINIfing1111111 111111111M flit( I lit Iki ....••••••••••11ftroil, The Mode/ TOWN Hiiiiiiim1111111111181)1 tr, tat , Itt Mee tRO past protected tonInd HE finest finest town buildings soon get to look "dingy" if they are not kept painted. Worse still, the omission of the Spring painting leaves ahem - open to weather -attack and time's decay. And -with Materials so high as to make every building, worth double today what it was worth in 1913 -you are making a mistake if you let a building "go to seed." Have your town a "model" town -have it fresh with paint -- have it pfotected with a paint thatcaffords reafprotection- ETozPPuurreehdiitee lma B H NGLISH ( ,re. maine ASnwBT30%ar DMaec) PM Paid If this paint were sold at a price half as high again as any other (which* isn't) it would 3611 bee economical paint to use psi your house. In sheer covering capasity it has, no equal. A gallon of it goes so far that you'll buy less of it and yet do more with it Paint with B-11 "ENGLISH" PAINT this spring -and your house is protected for years, where a coat of ordinary paint will last but a few months. The difference lies in the above formula basis. What other paint is so correct in this respect that its makers guarantee it? What paint can a dealer furnish you that has anything like the quantity of white lead in iti that has B-H "English"? - This was the formula when lead was lower in price -thin is the formula still; even though lead is exttemely high in price. It HAS to be the B -I1 formula; because the guarantee that calls for it is printed right on the B-H cans. We could not chpapen B-H "English" Paint even if we wanted to. So it's your safe paint as to quality, your sure paint a; to covering capacity, your dependable paint as to durability. Find the B-H dealer in your town. He's the man to buy from. ' Other E.H Products of 'Sterling Worth We carry and recommend the following B-11 products: For Interior Finishing "China -Lac" -the perfect Varnish Stain. Staining the Roof s!'Anchor Brand Shingle Stains' in 19 different colours. B.4.1, Porch Floor Paint For Pcricla` Floors, Ceilings and parts exposed to weather. Plaster Ceilings and Walk "Fressonette"-a fiat tone oil paint Varnishing a Floor "Floortustre" excellent for interior floors. For Barn and Outbuildings imperial Barn Paint Colour cards and Prices from our local agents, T. G. Scott, _Seaforth BRAN DRAM itlE_NDERSCON &Emmaus 140Orromo&k. Ouyantat Y 4.931PE TOIROW09 CAWARY., roesonvoet varicouvits mAy 10t 1818 samea. ,ftenaueseeselamea Kt+04.0.04-0410-0404e***4 et Foot g Shoes cool, conifer abk and Eton mess, holiday and everyday eet Foot Outing Shoes are Ina give long satisfaction. 1 tan -white with e, Inexpensive too. nade in laced style in sizes 1.75; all white with white ea, $1.75; tan with red rub - with black soles, $1.50. re made in laced style in te with white soles, $4.75; high cut with solid heels, Girls make ideal footwear AlT black, $1.25 and 31A0; ell white, P.45; children't $1.15. E COMMERCIAL num hrtg,o,go.< tas LINE 11014011 ind Return. ES GODERICH 10 a.m. R T. ETROIT . (Detroit lime) $1.50 ONE WAY -oderich to Lilitary age on this trip - Meer who will be on, duty iperery stay are not re - United States Inunigra- excursionists. at a p.m. in Greyhound Bail Room; IIIIIIM1IIIM1JINI11111111111 Immo i rseries -3 IMMO, L L E 4 610.011. alliffiRM SION/WE ig of planting some we =.... r Will be much higher, as' = ance, and prices are ItIOW`....' lit and ornamental trees = o. tree by coming to the no WM* ver at the reduced rate, = need rate 20e each MOO& aced rate 25c each dingly. N TI L JUNE 10th =ft."' .0S, SOINFO .1•111s•-• 6r7 (Dungannon) VENOM MBINOIS- RIUMMINWHIMININ terests noriesri ,11 ire. n form at i ve t and 1,Var :I Interest - Ls. anfl Ari the topien :.nnto page nts are e: to Izeepi ovvn par - "For 'fl Solar- noinel fea- ?aders. i vered. Jr direct. ItONTO MAY 10, '1918 sEAFowni limuurps.‘ Seaforth, May 0th, 1918 Whest. per bushel ............2.10. Oats ,Per bushel • - . • 80e Barley peebushel ... $1.40 Bran, per ton. 38.00 Shorts, Per ten $41.00 Flour, Per cwt. $5.75• peee, per bushel .. .. .. .. 48.80 plarforiats ...s...., s ... ...... . .37c Potatoes per bag $1 to $1.25 Ilogs, per cwt ' 19.75 Butter, per lb. 38c to 40c Eggsper dozen 36c to 87 BEAN MARKET" Tomah may 7th.-Beans-Canadiaa, hand- picked, bushel, 58.75; imp., hand-pieked, Bur - Man or Indian. 56.75 to $7.25; Japan 58.25 to gn.ea; Limas, 19c to 29e. " - POULTRY MARKET Toronto, May 7. -Dressed poultry -Milk -fed chickens, 8.8c to 40e; fowl, 35 to 88; turkey, 40e to 45c. Live Poultry -Turkeys, 30e; thicket, 28 to $0e; hens, 33c to 35e. ease DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May Ith.-Butter-z-Fresh choice 43 to 45e; creamery prints, cut, 46c to 47c: fresh naade, 47 to 48e; solids, 45 to 46e. Margarine -32 to 34e lb. UP -New -laid 41e; new laid n cartona 44e to 45e. Cheese -New, large, 23%c to 24c; twins, . sa%e to 244e; old, large, 2534c to 26c; twin 26Brap2ie6%. cSyrup-8% lb. tins," 10 to a case, $14,50; imperial gallon tins per tin 52.25; im- perial five -gallon cans. Per can; 510.50; /5. gallon kegs, per gallon, 52; maple sugar one pound box, pure, lb. 24 to 25e. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May 7th. -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $2.23%; No. 2, do., $2.20.V2; No. andos 52.17% : No. 4 wheat, 52.10%; in store at Fort William, including 21,,e.!c tax. Mani- toba Oats -Holiday in Winnipeg. American norn-No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiln dried. nominal. Ontario Oats - No. 2 white 88c to 89c; No. 3 white, 87c to 88e, according to freights outside. Ontario eat --No. 2 winter, per car lot 52.22; basis tyill in store, Montreal. Peas -No. 2, 53.60 (0to ,70; according to, freights .outaide. Barley - Malting, $1.54 to $1.55, according to freights outside.- Buckwheat -51.84 to 31.86,, accord- ing to freights outside. Rye -No. 2 $2.45, ac- cording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour __war (reality, 310.95 new, bags, Toronto. Ontario Flour -War quality, $10.65, new bags, Toronto; 10.65 Montreal freight, prompt ship- ment. Milifeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal freights, bags included; Bran, per ton, 535.40; shorts, per ton, $4040. Hay -No. 1, per ton, $16 to 517; mixed, 514 to 515, track. Toronto. Straw= -Car lots, per ton, $8.50 to $9, track, Toronto. ' LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, May 7th.-Cattle=Receipts, 4,300 prime steers, 516.75 to 517.35; shipping steer 516 to stem; butchers' $12.25 to 51-6.2.5; yea limos. 513.50 to 516; heifers, 10 to- 513; cow 36.50 to $12-; bulls. 57.50 th $12; stockers an feeders 7.50 th 511; fresh cows and springer 585 th $145. Calves--Reeeipts, 3.300: easie 57 th 515. Hogs-Receip10-8,000: activ bean; $18.10 M $18.85.; mixed, 513.40 318.50: Pigs, $18.50 to 518.65; rougha 31 to 16.25; stags, 312 to 513. Sheep ahd lam -Receipts, 8,400, slow ani lower: Iambs, 51 to 317.75; few at $17.F5: yearlings,. $.!?. t 315.50; wethers, 514 to $14,.re.); ewee. $6 313.50: mixed sheep. 513.30 to 14. Montreal. May 7th. --Cattle offerings at th stock yards this morning showed ear -tide. able increase over last week.* and at In the west end most of thejines were cleane sheep and lanabs, 600 hogs and 7110 calves. A the C.P.R. yard offerings .veee 660 cattle. 3 sheep and lambs, 400' hogs and ;es calves 'The markets were- both fully active. an flte. Weet-end most' o fthe hues were dean sin. Prices* there heldk wen, and under. th good demand the high prices reeentiy pre -veiling were in the main maintained. Hog were stronger and scored a further advance choice selects selling at $22 per KO pounda o ears. At the C. P. R. yards the usual trod for local consumption was mbt, with Pelt 'firm. There was no feature of particular im portance there. Quotations: Choice steers 512.50 to 513.50 good, 512 th 512.50; medium, 510 to 511.50 choice cows $11.00 to 511.50; good cows $10.0 to 510,75; medium, 58.50 to $9.50. Choice but thers bulls 511 to 511.50; good 310 to 510.50 medium. $9.00 to 510.00; Sheep, $16 to 517, elves, milk -fed 58 th $14; common 56 •to 57 oge-selecta, off cars 521.75 th 522; sows 519.50 to 520. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May 7th. - With over four thousand head of cattle i the pens, the largest Monday offering for som time, buyers at the opening of the marke tested the feeling among the drovers by offer ing considerably less for butcher cattle tha they would have done at any time last week 'The drovers put up the "nothing doing" sig -nal, and for a time trade was slow. Onc Imainess settled down on the same lines tha obtained before last oveek's close the weig scales were kept busy and there was bi bole in the offering before noon. Extr ehoice ateers of the 16c kind were not i evidence, but loads of steers and part loads eashed in from $14.50 th 315.50. As a whol the quality was pretty fair and loads of choic butchers, which were not difficult to locate found values between $13.25 and 518.75. To look for butchers priced lower than 12c was like . looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. The pick among the fat cows and bulls were also in demand from 12e th 121nc but best quality were not strongly represented among the cows, a fair pereenfige selling -from 39 to 510.50. Once the market opened in earnest, there WEIS an opening for all Inn& of -killers and the trade closed tiros. at last week's top prices. Handlers of stockers and feedera had a elightly better opportunity to ply their busi- ness, and several loads of stockers shipped out cost front $10 to 511.15 and some short -keep feeders as high as $12e. There was a good 2narket for milkers. and springers, and the light offering cashed in from 3100 th $160 each, common quality not being fin -ward. Best vests were steady, the pick cashing in from $14.75 to 515.50, with a few at the higher prices, but common and medium calyes net a stronger trade. Sheep and lambs were more plentiful than usual and met a good demand. The best sheep sold up to $18 and the Iambs to 521. A very small proportion of the two thousand head of hogs shipped in were in the open market, and for these last weeek's closing Price of 320.75 fed and watered was paid. For some time it has been the custom at the Toronto yards to pay the previous week's Closing price for hogs shipped for,Monday's market otnd this practice is still in force. Fred nowatree bought 26 milkers and springers at 5110 to 5160 each. C. Zeareman and Sons sold: Butchers -5 850 lbs.. 513.35; 21, 930 lbs., $13.60; 4, 800 lbs., $12.50; 21, 860 lbs., 513.50; 4, 710 lbs., 311: 23, 1055 lbs., $14.50; Cows -10, 888 lbs., 38.10: a, 790 lbs., 55.45; 1, 1120 lbs., $10.75; 1, 11)20 $8.75. Bu113--1, 410 lbs., 57; 1, 410 lbs., 55; 1, 390 lbs., $11. Stockers and feedera-11, 490 lbs., 510; 18, 650 lbs. 510; 5, 700 lbs., 511.10; 9, 610 510; 7, '650 lbs.. 511;i. 700 lbs, 59.00; calves $10 to 315. Dunn and Levaek sold: Butchers -22, 990 lbs., 313.60; 1, 1195 lbs., 513.50; 24, 790 lbs., 313.20; 13, 990 $13.50; 8, 1150 lbs.. 514.50; ea, 890 Ba, 313.55; 28, 910 lb.. 518.- 65;j4, 1100 11)., 513.50; 20. 1120 BD., 514.65: 20, 923 Ih..0.-re.65; 15, 1260 lbs., 315.10; 10, 952 lbs.. $1Pe3; 23, 1052 lbs., 514. Cowe-a, 1060 lbs., 311.75; 3, 960 lbs., 510.75; 1. 1070 lbs., 510.50; 4, 1135 lbs., 311.15: 6, 1080 lbs 511.60; 5. 1150 lbs., 311,50; 5. 1190 lbs., 511.- 1385uhst_1_, 11:080 ,lbs., 59.75 c 1, 850 1b3., 39.25* 1415\ lb.. 511.50:1, 1740 lbs., 31.2.n0; 1, ia;so tbs., 311.7)0 1, 16,80 lbs., 312; 5, 820 511.50: calve:, 510 to' $15.60: lambs, $21: sheen: 517.50. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers -23, 1090 ha. 315: 14, 1160 lbs.. 51.4.90; 20, 1252 the., 314.50; 13, 030 314; 1, 910 lbs.. 512.00; 6, 12s Olbs., 515.50. Cows --2, 1180 lbs., 511.- 25; 3, 1300 lb's., 312; 1, 1040 len. $10; 1, 1120 Ile.. 510.40; 2. 1120 lbs. 511.25; 311.25; 6, 104e lb,. : 1. 1260 iba., 511; 2. 1130 $1611,0.75L.3: /300 lbs.. $11..75 : 1, 1070 tbs., 6.50; 1. 930 lbs.. 311: 1, 1050 lbs., 511. I3ulls. 1630 512.5301.2.n5; 1. 910 lbs.. 310.50; 1, Corhei a Hall and Coughlin tainted: Choice heavs steers 515 to 515.50; fair to good steers 514.50 to 511.75; choice butchers, $14.50 to 515; <teal leachers $13.50 to $13.75 ; medium tbutcher, 13 to SI 3 . : common butchere 512.- vt,ts, $12.75; (-hake COWS. $12 to 312.50 •, good 511.25 to 511. a0 ; medium cows, 510.50 to 311: common cows. 39.50 to 510: canners and cutters. 6.50 to 57.75; good to -choice bulls, $12 to 312.25; butcher bulls, $11.e0 to 311.75: bologna belle, 310 to 310.50; hogs, ied and watered, 520.75. steTehee "uotatione were: Extra choice heavy 1 to 313.00 choice heavy steers 13.50 to 3Sl111 •, good heety .steera 513 th $13.25; leachers' cattle. ehoice. 513.25 to 513.75; do. good 312 to 512.25: do. nsedium 311.65 th bsulta.,,a,le;htt.c,commoa 511, to 311,25; butchers' 311.25 to $12.25: do. good bells $10.a0 to 311: do. medium bulls 59.50 to $10.2n: do. rough bulls 7.25 to 57.50; but- chers_ cowe, choice. 311.25 to 812.25; do. good, 10.7,0 to $11; do medium 50.50 to 510.25; etockees, a1en0 to 51; feeders $11 th 511.75; exaonodnetros cahnotee.teetutereh. 3$960.5t00 to 57,60; d5 00. mo all nk e 0 r sn and medium. each, 56510 530: springers, 390 th 5110; light eve. 513.50 to $18: lambs, ZIA to 820.50; calves, good to choice 314 to 15.50; hogi, fed and watered, 520.75; da. weitrht.d off care, 521; do. -innbe $1.9.75". a. 5. 10 r: e, to' 6 bs 1 •o to 0 ed fT es 0 a e, ..„...„............... S. T. Holmes Two hundred bust for sale. Apply to Varna P.O., phone 2629x4 Funeral Director and . FO SALE LicetIsed Embalmer timothy seed; alSo a suitable for seed. Brucefield P.O., 2627-4 Undertaking porkers ireOddfel lows building opposite atewart Bros. 'Iasi- denee Goderioh et., opp Dr. Seott'g glowers sfurnishedLon short notice. , SALE Phone, Night or Day 119. BIRTHS Stilea-In Seaforth, on May 4th, to ',Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stiles, Goderich St., a daugther. Willia-In Clinton, on April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis. a son. Fisher-AtCromarty, on May let, to Mr. and Mrs. Fisher. of Peace River District, a son. Webber --In Exeter. on April 25th. to Mr. and Mrs. 'William Webber, a son. MARRIAGES Jervis--Lobb-At Atherton Farm, Goderich Township, the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb, on May 1st, by Rev. A. Sinclair, OlivdtFarne, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.-Lohb, to Lorne Jervie, of Holmesville. Coward -Moodie -At the Presbyterian manse, Thames Read, on April 27th, Stanley Cow- ard to Miss Vera Moodie, both of Usborne. DEATHS Evans -Killed at Camp Mohawk, Deseronto, on April 25th, Victor Raymond Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, of Bay- - field, aged 21 years. Pollard -In Clinton, on April 30th, George Pollard, aged 89 years -and 4 months. Welsh --In Exeter, on April 28th, John Welsh, ' aged 76 years and -9 Months. Sandisi-In St Joseph Hospital, London, on Ap '1 -2.8th, Robert Sanders, aged 76 years, 11 onths and 12 days. Leckie -In Brussels. on Aril 30th, John Leckie, in his 84th year. W. T. BOX el CO, EMBALKIIR5 AND - PUNER4I. IjIRECTOR8 . ft. e. nox Holder br Government Dipioas ead License, CH AptIES gODIllft ATE Flowers funi.obed on Short - - Night Cali* Day Calla Phone 175 phone SO i.miinionolliiimmilmmummummummilmosimmonim 1 WS Gormley , Nnd, Funeral Dtrei-..‘dc , Undertaking Parlors above 1kir , Williams' grocery -store, Main Street, Seaforth Flowers, fur....nied on short notii Ohat:ges moderate. Phone night or day - 192 WANTED Skilled lathe, planer and boring mill hands -wages 59c an hour. Steady work. Apply CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Co. Ltd., Peterborough, Ont. • 2630-4 SEED BEANS. For sale, about 26 bushels of Tested Seed Beans. Terms $7 per bushel. Apply on lot 3. concession 12, Tuckersmith, or phone 6 on 139. GEORGE S. EYRE, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2630-3 ••••111••••105... PIGS FOR SALE For sale eleven young pigs 5 weeks old-? Bbrksire and Yorkshire cross, Apply to ALEX. SOUTER, Brucefield, P. 0., or phone 2 on 142. 2630-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up th four o'clock on May 23rd, for the con- struction and, completion of the Harn Drain on lots 26, 27, and 28, on Concession -7, Me- Killop. Plans and specifications may be seen on lot 26. concession 6, McKillop. GEORGE D. C. HARN. 2630-2 COURT; OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Council will meet as a Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll at the Council Chamber, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 25th, 1918, at one o'clock P.m. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. 2680-3 \ SOUTH HURON The following is a statement of the Election Expenses -of Mr. Thomas Mc- Millan,, a candidate at the Elections to the Dominion Parliament, held on December 17th, 1917, as certified by Mr. J. D. Hinchley, Financial Agent and filed in my office: Printing and Advertising $ 58.09 Hall Rent and Com. rooms 105.30 Liveries and Automobiles 65.90 Postage, telephone,telegraph 29.73 Board, and Lodging 26.0 - $285.02 Robert Wilson, Returning Officer Seaforth, May 6th, 1918. CREAM WANTED. We have our Creamery now in fall operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay yoe the highest prices for your cream, pay ,you every two weeks, N.'gh, aampla and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same We also supply cans free of charge and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop us a card Re. oerticulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, dose to the Presbyterian church aid is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable house, good- shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva- tion. This is a nice property for a zetired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankia, Seaforth. 2584 - - THE II1VRON EXPOSITOR Greens.' We have ju t received litp- ment of FRESH abbage gadish s • Lettuce Bitt r Oranges Try Them Prices Right Thos Philli s Oppo:TthedCome and ercial Holetreseforth. SALE REGISTER On Saturday, Ma 18th, at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, householr furniture, the Property of the late Mrs. Co Ithorp. T. Brown, Aunt, CED R POSTS Just arrived a e feet long, from Mus Seaforth. r et cedar posts 8 and 9 oka. ALEX. STEWART, 2630-2 BEES FOR SALE Ten coke -ties of Ilan Bees in ten fratne Langstroth hives, 312.50, per colony, William Murdoch, Hensall.2629-2 EMPIRE STATE POTATOES A choice variety nd most excellent yield- ers • of improved str in. -Present price 2e per lb. Bags,.16e. JOIN ELDER, Mensal!, Ont. 2629-4 SEE BEANS For sale 100 bush are choice seed bee. Road East, Tuckers forth. Phone 2 on 2629x1 Is of seed beans. These . Apply on lot ,7, Huron ith, % miles east of Sea - 144. James Devereux, . - SEED BEANS. Two hundred bust for sale. Apply to Varna P.O., phone 2629x4 els of choice pea beans EORGE W. ELLIOTT, on 87,, Hensel'. . . FO SALE A small quantity of limited amount of potatoes, Apply' to JOHN ` MURRAY, or phone 6 on 137. timothy seed; alSo a suitable for seed. Brucefield P.O., 2627-4 " . FOR SALE For Sale a cottage with two bedroonts, ,and two lots on North Main Street, two blacks from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and ;soft water in kitchen, All in good shape. Easy terms. Apply t E. L. BOX, $eaforth 2627-tf ' -- , FOR SALE 1 _ _ $D00.-T1e 52,500 Russell Knight Car own- ed .by the late Counr Treasurer. In first- class condition. Eng' e, starter and electri- cal parts Warranted s tisfactorY. EasY 'ten:MS of payment Write ' Box 119, Wingham, Ont. 2628-2 • 1 HOUSE , _ Per sale seven, re North' mann Street, „ Robert Winters' res at once. Apply ' at Seaforth. , • Olt; SALE - . med frame house on ne,door .soutin of Mr. dence. Must be sold The Expositor Office, 243244f . IMPROVED AN UNIMPROVED , , , . 1 ' EA MS. Write for boold t and prices of im- proved and. unimp oved farms in the ,!amous Gilbert P his District. j. H. EVANS & CO- 0 'bort -Plains Mani- -,Oba. - -- ' . "-. 2817X20 • FOR ALE , ..., On Mill road, near Cippen Road, five acres na which is a good rick house with good ' tone cellar and hard water inside. Also a rood stable, and all ki s of small fruit. For mrtmulars apply to II "L. BAILEY, Egmond- rille, Phone 8 on 137 Seaforth Central. nnno_ n .,e. ..- ° HOU.SE OR SALE Small frame hou e on West William street, Seaforth, h rd and soft water, good stable. For further partieulars apply to J. D. Hirichley, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 124. g62?-tf FARM I4LEMENTS I have.left on hand few second-nana malls and cultivators. One 13 -tooth Deering culti- vator, one 12-tatth MeCormick cultivator, one 17 -tooth Deering cultivator nearly new, one Frost & Wood cultivathr, one 10 -hoe Sylvester drill pressure in good ahape, one 11 -hoe Mae- sey-Harris drill good alt new, one 16 disc Mc- Cormick drill in Al condition: three six-foot Massey -Harris bindera, in right good working order ;one / foot Deering, one n foot McCor- mick binder. Also one sound drivdna mare 6 years old. Call and see our new buggies. All sizes of Clay gates always on hand. + Massey - Harris farm implemenbs speak for therneelves. R. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Seaforth, 2629=3: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant, to the Statute in that behalf that all persona having claims against the estate of James Chesney, late of the Township of Tockersmith, in the• County of Huron, farmer, degeased, who died at the said Township of Tueirnannith, on or about the 24th day of March, 1918, are required on or before the 6th day of May, 1918, to send by poet prepaid, or deliver to the un-. dersigned, fall particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by theni. Further stake notice that after the said last mention- ed date, the assets of the said deceased will be aistributed. artiong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only th the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Hensel], thia 17th day of'April, 1918. GLAD - MAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Executors. Heneall gc Exeter, Ont. 2628-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all persona having claims against the estate of the late Thomas Murray, late of the Township of MeKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deeeaeed, who died at the said Township of McKillop, on or ' about the twenty-fourth day of January, 1913, are required on or before the 14th day of May, 1918, to tsend by- post, prepaid, or delieer to the uodersigned, full particulars of their claims duly serified, by affiditeit, and the na- ture of the 1,.ecurity, if any, held by them. Further takei notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the tsaid de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then nave been given. Dated at Seaforth, this 18th day of April, 1918. john Murray, R. R. No. 2, Wal- ton, Ont., James Evans, Beechn-ood, Ont., Executors Thomas Murray Estate. 2628-3 DESIRABLEPROPERTY FOR SALE In the vi lage of Egmondville, con- taining twci acres of choice land, en which there is a large commodious house, stone foundation, excellent cel- lar with cement floor, separate coal cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty barrels, and the best of hard water at, the door; there is aso a large stable with pig pen, hen house, and carriage house, plenty of room; cement walks to street and stable; also a number of apPle- trees and other small. fruits. This property is situated two blocks west of the Presbyterian chmah and is within 10 rninutes' walk of post of- fice, school and church -one of the best locations in the village, being high and. dry, with an excellent view of town, and couzitry; an ideal place for a retired farmer, and will be sold reas- onably. Apply on the -premises or ad- dress ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Ciea- 'forth, Ont. 2626x4 Thoro bred Imported Stallions The following imported Clydesdale and Percheron Stallions which are all enrolled, inspected and approved 'will stand for service this season at T. J. BERRY'S STABLES HENSALL, ONTARIO KING THOMAS Clydesdale [9254] (12625) Enrolment No, 1366 To insure 515 COMMODORE • Clydesdale [9596] (14633) Enrolment No. 1681 Form A 1 To insure 515 NARD Enrolment No 4936perchon ("382) Form sTo insure 318, Form 1 COLONEL GRAHAM Clydesdale [9255] (12163) Enrolment No. 1370 Form 1 To insure 518' Will travel the following route: Monday, May 61h --Will leave his own stable at Henson, and go west to second concession, south 3% Miles to R. Northcott't for noon; south 11/4 miles, east 1% miles„ then north th Ben Makin's, for night. Tuesday --East 114 miles, to Thomas Venner's, for noon; then north 11/4 miles to Chiselleorate then west to John McLean's corner, north 13/4 miles tO Wm. Roggarth's for nights Wednesday -West to James McGregor's corner.and north '13/4 miles, then west 114 miles te Thognas,Workman's for 'noon; then south 11A railei to HiPPen, west to Hills nPreen, north th Hugh Love's -for night.' Thursday -West` to Blake, south .rto Elmer Xlopp's, for noon; then west toe St..JosePh- and then south to A. Hendrick's, for night, and where he will ;remain until Friday noon. Friday noon -East to the 14th concession, and north 1% miles, then eai3t 13/4 Miles, and north to William Thiel's for night.-SaturdaY --North to, Zuridls road, and east y way of Zurich to /Parr Line, to John Forest's, for noon; thence to his own etable, where he will remain .until the following Monday. Morning. Williams Kay, Manager. JABOT Percheron [3139] (84214) Enrolment No. 1369 s. Form A 1. To insure $13 - travel the following route: , Monday, May 6th-Wi11 leave Itis' ovnt'stable at liensall ,and go east 134 miles and ninth 313/4 miles and, east L3/4 miles M' Abe. Per- sythe's for noon; then four Miles to William plea?, for night. Tuesday -East by way of Staffs, to .Ernie Templeman's for noon; then /east 114- miles, south 114 miles and west 2 intles to Russell Scott's for night.' Wednesday -West ,23/2 miles, south 21/2 miles, to the boundary to Daniel Brintnell's, for ,noon; then west to his own stifbles at HenSalL remaining there until Thursday morning. 'Thursday -West to Parr Line, north to Hills.Orealle-to Wilson Carlyle'g for noon; then north to Cole- man's Corner; then west tc,' ceositen Line; then south 14 miles ,and west to Blake to Ebner Thiel's fOr night. Pridav-West` to the 14th to klanrY ,,Steinhack's, for nooiiii-fistn south 3 miles", east I-14 miles and north .10 Thiel's for night. Saturday --North and east to/Zurich; to Commereial-Hotel; for noon; then east to , his own stable, Henan:II, where he will remain until the following MondaY mor.niag. William L'uker, Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13973) [16986] Enrolment No. 136'7 -Inspected and Approved Form 1. WIII stand for the improvement of, stock during the present season at John 3. Mc- Gavin's stables, Leadbury, lot 22, Concession 13, McKillop. Terms 512 th insure, payable February lat, 1918. J. J. MeGAVIN, Proprietor I - THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION INDEX Passed I Enrolment No. 368 Form 1 (Imp.) [3140] (83420 515; to insure. Will stand foa the improvement of stock this season as follows: , Monday -Will leave his own stadia, Bruce - field, and go west to Varna, at Chris. Ward's, for noon; than -rorth into Godeelen ;township, and west by way a Baydell etr,10333i0a to eAr- ther Welsh's, fty, mg:.t. TuedaY-fNo-h ly way of the 7t1.. conceseton. its Glorge Vander - burg's, Porter's Hill, kyr noon; thee north by a ay on the 6th coneeseion to Jas. McMillan', for- night. 'Wennesday--13y way of Mill Road and Jewell's Corners, to tesw;ed Ginn's, for noon; thee north by v,aj• of, Benin iier, and along the Maitland concession th Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday -East to thc 1610 conces- sion, then by way of the Huron Road to Clin- ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain until Friday morning. Frilay--Sueth by 'way of the London Road to Ws own stable, Bruce - field, where he will remain until Saturday morning. Saturday -South by way of the London Road, 216 miles east to Robert El- gie's for noon; thence by way' of the 2n4 con- cession, Tuckersrnith, and the Mill Road, to his °writ stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning, WM. BERRY, Proprietor & Manager MAKWIRA 15279 (15933) Vol. XXXII', Passed Enrolinent No. 3267 Form 315 to insure. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follow.: 'Monday, May 6th -Will leave hi a own stable, at Staffa, and go west 'tot James NMa's, fte noon; then south to the Cromarty Line, then east to Cromarty to his own stn.ble for night. Tuesday -South th Alfred Hunkin's, ;U.sborne, for noon; then west along Thames Road, for miles ES n d south on the 4th condession 10 Robert Sellery's, for night. Wednesday- Ea.at to the Elimville Line and south th Elim- ville, and east to Winchelsca. to John Del - bridge's, for noon: then aeuth to William Brock's, for night Thursday -South and east on the 11th concession of Blanchard,' th A. J. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm),' for noon; then south th. the Kirkton Line, and west. to North along he Mitchell Road, to Mount Tayler'a Kirkfon. for • night. -Fincleta- Pleasant, andwest th Ja8per Pridharn's, for noon; then west and north to John Hamil- ton's, 1051) concession of ,Hibbert, for night. Saturday -North .2nt miles to Mac Grey's, 7th concession for noon; then west to the 7th to, the Centre-roada then south to his own stabil, where he will remain until the following Mon- day morning. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor & Manager LORD :MANSFIELD,- ; James Evans, Proprietor I?: Manager Monday -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood and got to Pat Woods', Logan, for noon; thence -to his own stable for. night. Tuesday ---To John Murrey's, concession 111. McKillOp, for noon; hen weat 10 Ross', concession 10, McKillop, fOr one hour, thence 16 his own stable for night, Wednesday -To Frank Ma- har's, coneesslon 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday -To Joseph Nagle's, for 'noon; then to Jos- eph estinnson's, for night. Friday -To Mar- tin Curtin's 11,1'2 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to William Anderson's, lot 29, con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday --Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following 1VIonday morning. Terms and conditions same as former years. Lord Maosteld has been enrolled, inspected and ap- proved. Terms to insure 313 McKay -1n Tuelcersmith, on April 25th, Alex- ander McKay, aged 76 years. IStratford, -Ont. . CoMmercial life offers the great oppor- tunities. _Reeent lady graduates of Me &hob! are -earning as high as 51009 per annum. The lasts application we reeilyed from an office min with some experience (tittered initial salary of 51800 per annum. Students may enter our classea at any time. Graduates placed in 'Positions. Com- mercial, Shorthand and TelegraPb7 De- partments, Get our free catalogue. W. Y: ELLIOTT D. A. MeLAMILAN President . Prinelpiti AT YOUR SERVICE BR, HIGGINS BOX 127, Clinton ° Phone 44 (formerly. of Brucefield) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage -Corporation and the Canada Trust Co. Commissioner H. C. of 3., Conveyancer, Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday of each week at Brucefield FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the, rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, lYtensih from school. There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There -are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dant with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled lane from the road th .the buildings. APPIY to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-11 FARM FOR SALE For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R. $.,,Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house, two barns and frame stable 75 feet long, cement floor in cattle stable; hog pen, two'wells, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drainectanddeneed. Large apple orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; six acres of good hardwood bush, fall plowing' done. This farm is situated 11/4 miles eat' -of the.village, of Bruce - field and 5 Mites from town of Sea - forth on Milla-Road. School. across corner from farm. For further par- ticulars apply on the premiess or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea - forth Central. - 2616-tf .......0•••••••••••11, enintSilOS 43•••••••••••••••••••••M. • -Contracts Solicited - Workmanship Guaranteed • Rogers Bros. Contractors Fullerton P. O. Spring Term from_ April 2nd Can furnish Victory Bonds at 98% and luterest, free Of expense to purchasers. Also have for immediele sale, the follow- -Ing Municipal Bonds: City of Londtha, Gold Bonds, to yield q 1-8 per cent. •City og Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 per cent. City of Regina, ,Gold Bonds, to yield if 8-4 per cent. City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield 6% per cent. City of Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield 614 per cent. Any *no hating money, for investment should avail theMaelVe0 Of this opportun- ity to secure these gilt edged securities. Apply -to R.' S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2624-tf Auto Sales .Garage Seivice for all makes of cars Welding and maehine work done. All work guaranteed. Full line of auto tires, spark plugs, oils and greases, and auto acces- sories always on hand at JAS. H. WRIGHT'S OLD STAND SEAFORTH Stewart McIntosh t 'MANAGER 04 Hyszfoizi _HIS THE LIFO Atelesijok GET ASTRIDE A, HYSLOP AND GET THE MOST OUT OF DAY- LIGHT SAVING. A wheel will save you TIM and MONEY. A man on a HYSLOP is worth two on foot. You admit -you NEED one. You know -you WANT one.,), Then see me! I have the very one you want. The HYSLOP will drive dull care away. -Manufactured by- HYSLOp BROTHERS, LIMITED, Toronto Ontaiha --e-Sold by - J F. DALY, SEAFORTH