HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-05-10, Page 31
VE —$8,800,000
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MAY 10, 1918
Established ien
Farmers' , Business
Sp3oia1 attesNion given to the business of Fawn spd
°I1 Dealers I* Live Stock Sale notes coiled* on tamable
vi ▪ term&
Savings Department
le Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received.;
Interist paid or added to accounts twice a year.
Efficient service assured to depositorse
igitt witrati Expositor and lock for the steering starting
cranks of automobiles has been invent-
A hew 1avitig14Wer cnia.grass with a
DISTRICT MATTERS circular blade that revolves horizon-
Except along ,the Caspian seacoast
agriculture in Persia is dependent up-
on irrigation.
Metal fasteners have been invented
for holding poultry together for cook-,
lug without sewing.
A company is being formed in
Sweden for the production of oil and
by-products from native shale.
School. Repont.—The following is
the report of the schOol in section No.
Sta-nley, for the month of April.
Names are in order of merit: Sr. IV
—Verna Reid. Jr. IW -Louise Turner.
Sr, In—Keith Love, Lorne Coleman,
Elva 'Stephenson. Jr. III—Anna Love
Annie Turner, Emma Love. Sr. II—
Lawren,ce Reichert, Vera Smith, W. An "effective system for treating
: Eileen
CarlyleWilliam Anderson gout with electricity has been devel-
Turner, May Stelck, Edna Anderson,-
oped by a German physician.
Jr II—Earl Love, Clarence, Steph'en- Europe's largest turbine is a 15,000-,
horsepower affair installed by a Swisd
hydro -electric plant.
Plans are under way for harnessing
e falls of the River Erne and. River
hannon to furnish. Ireland with much
ectric power. and =light. '
,Among ordinary woods locust has
e greatest tensile strength about
,200 pounds to the square inch. •
The Bahama islands may become ex-
tensive producers of rubber by. culti-
vating the Mexican rubber vine.
' Experimenters have found- that a-
etylene light will Make plants grow
I rge and more rapidly than sunlight.
A Frenchman has invented a heating
tove , that burns almost any kind -of
vegetable refuse satisfactorily. -
fatal. He was dngaged in farming in - American artificial ice factories and
his early life and had a long and suc-
cessful career in mercantile business,
grain. buying, banking and for years
was engaged with thet Freehold Loan
Company, of Toronto. He was creeve
for over 25 years ,and was warden.
.of Huron county at one time. He was
twice fmarried and is survived by
three sons, who live in Toronto .—Mr.
Leelde was a larg.e property owner
here and a public-spirited citizen of
the best type. He was a staunch
Liberal in politics and a leading mem- grinding.
ber of the Presbyian church. A. complete network of wires, snit -
son, Merle Carlile, Grace Coleman,
Gladys Stephenson, -Robert Turner.
Part II—Elmer Turner, Vial° Stelck,
Wilma Love, Blanche Jeffry. Part I
—Dorine Farquhar.
'There are two kinds of tea; ordinary
tea and Salad& Salada is more econ-
omical since it take $o much less to
raake a satisfying infusion.
Death of John, Leckie.—Ex-Reeve
John Leckie, aged 84 years ,died at
his home here on ,Tuesday. He was
able to be about on Monday, but a
successio nof paralytic strokes proved
refrigerating plants consume about it -
000,000 tans of coal a year.
Germany's most powerful wireless
station has been improved until it now
has a sending radius of 6,200 miles.
Scientists are experimenting with
abuth African seaweeds for the pro-
duction of potash with promising suc-
- rotating poPpet valve for automo-
bile rnoters has been invented that is
said tb, avoid the ;necessity for valve
ably grounded, covers a nitroglycerin
CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION factory. in E.urope as a protection
against lightning.
Constipation. is one of the most eon- Many tropical plants possess light I.
:mon ailments of little ones and un- giving qualities, their flowers and I
stems being luminous and their juices
A process has been invented in Eng-
land fpr welding platinum to save the
amount of the precious Metal used in
scientific instruments.
Deposits of coal discovered twenty
years ago in Algeria are to be devel-
oped as tests have shown that the coal
can.. be burned in combination with
briquets in locomotives.
less relieved may become chronic and
baby's health for all time become im-
naired. Nothing can equal Baby's Own
Tablets in regulating the bowels. They
are a Mild, safe laxative, easy to ad-
minister and never fail to be effective.
Concerning them Mrs. Emile LaCha-
pelle, Terrebonne, Que., writes:—"I
have used Baby's Own 'INiblets for my
baby who Was badly constipated and
they quickly relieved him. All rnoth-
ers should keep a box of these Tablets
in the house." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams IS TOO OFTEN FOLLOWED BY
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND
Mothers, as a rule, spend so much
time in looking after their children
and in household work that they over-
look the absolute necessity for that
rest and relaxation upon which their
health Idepends. The consequence is
that soon they find their health break-
ing down. The daily humdrum of
household cares, •, quickly thin the
blood and weaken the nerves. Then
follow headaches, pains in side and
batk, swollen limbs, palpitation, a con-
stantly tired feeling; and often an in-
clination to fretfulness. These symp-
toms are the sign of poor blood, and
are the inevitable penalty of overwork
and over anxiety in the care of chil-
dren and the affairs ,of the household.
Whenever a mother linds her health
Jailing and household duties becoming
more than she can comfortably man-
age, whenever extra demand; are
made upon her strength, she should
adopt the safe and simple expedient
of enriching her blood with Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. These pills are
especially valuable to the pursing
mother and the woman worn out with
household cares. They renew her
blood supply, strengthen her tired
limbs, and drive away the headaches
and backaches that have made her so
miserable. They have restored thou-
sands of despondent women to good
The shells are hard/the turner said
Of my machine I jam afraid
That it might break a 6g. by jin.ks,
-They have been known to do such
leave the shell a little thick,
And then the old machine won't stick,
To have them pass trust to luck,
And get them loaded on the truck.
Before he gets them. safe ai,vay,
Up come S Inspector Boom -De -Ay,
The shells are tested as to size,
He looks the turner in the eyes. •
'Those shells ain't right, inspector said
TOf getting through I am afraid.
What's that 3rou say, the turner cried
You're not the first one I've defied.
You okight to know the shells -are
If you say not you'll have to fight.
The inspector tried again with
gatig‘e •
Said, dO them again or lose your
The turner jumped, wrath in his eye,
At the inspector he let fly,
With greasy hands he grasped that
r11 have my wages, every
The foreman came, this "pair to sooth,
!Jib felttheshells, they seemell so health and bright spirits, and will do
smooth, for you as much as they have done for
But when he tried them as to size, others if, you will give them . a fair
Burns, Guelph, Ont., says
—"A few yeas ago we had three chil-
dren born in three years which left
.me so run down and nervous that I
was not able to do my work. The last
baby lived only two weeks and ;the
worry that added to my weak condi-
tion shattered mv nerves. Our family
doctor fpr several months tried to
build me up, but nothing seemed to
benefit me. I suffered agony With my
head, and was terrified with a fear
that I Nvould lOse my reason. The head -
The welling tears came in his eyes.
He'd like to help him as a friend,
But found the shells to. thick .at end
That they will pass, I don't see how
Do them again and save a row.
do them again and jump the job
If of my time -you thus Me rob
And never more for endless ages
Will inspectors' test my shells with
Threz, days have passe.d, the time
St?eR1F.-- long,
think what did. and know I was aches from which I suffered would
x.ereng, leave' me compleMy prostrated. Dur -
I'll nee. ge back and apologize, ing one of these spells I went to an -
And make all my shells the proper other doctor, who adVised a change of
size, scene. Iewent away for a few weeks
but was discontented and e wanted to
beback home, so my husband came
and brought me home again. A few
days later my sister Came to see me
and asked tme to try" Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I got three boxes, and by
the time I had used them all I was
completely well, could do all my own
work without feeling tired, and was
like a new woman. This was five
years ago, and since then. two other
children have come, and I °am still en-
joying perfect health."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine, Or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six, boxes
for $2.50 from the Dr. Willi -anis' Med-
icine Co..Brockville, Ontario.
And nmv a happy crowd are we
No row er bickerings can you see,
TA -e de ear work both right and swift
' We can be found on Goldie's shift.
Arid new I'm done. my tale is told,
There is a moral to unfold,.
Hold your temper, don't get snappy, ,
And keep ourselves and others happy.
Packing seldom used silverware in
• dry 'lour will: prevent it tarnishing.
L Coal as is being sucessfully - used
for !irivin.4- motor launches in Eng-
' land.
A cerebined number plate holder
art's Sell it for Les
Mail or Phone Your Orders
-(tire for,
We prepay the Carriage
4ilish-SoitsYou are .Sure tolike
Magnieent Selec-
tion ii Men's Suits
at $12 06to $16 00
ALTHOUGH Suits in the vast colledion are obtainable
at almost any price from $8 to $213, perrliaps the great-
er number of Suits called for are Suits priced at from $12 to
$16, and it is in these prices that we have excelled ourselves
the most.
AT $14, dozens of patterns in Tweeds and Fancy Wor-
steds in Greys, Browns and Fancy Mixturesoin small checks
and nPat stripes and fancy weaves, lini6gandstrim-
mings are of good quality. Sizes 32 tO 44. Price _al
AT $15, .Suits for men and young men, in fine surtace
Tweeds and Worsteds, in all the newest weaves and latest
colorings, rich mixtures, neat stripes and attractive abi5
small checks. Sizes 33 to 44. Prie:e..,'
AT $16 to $25,. beautifully finished Serge Suiti,black
and blue, in fine wail and rich finish. The linings and the
trimmings are ot exceptional gbod quall= ‘16
)6 to.$25
ity. All size. Price 1
Boys' Clothing De-
partment is Ready
$315 up to $9.00.
Special Neckwear for Victoria Day
1 ,
YOU must have a New Tie' for t6 Holiday. We have made
extra preparation in the procuringl!of a very complete range
of the very latest colorings in good
n .
quality silks. Price... . •,•-• *4 r • . J. • •
, i a
-, ,,.
and Linoleum
. Beautiful, gladsome bits of color and r pat-
terns are to be seen everywheie in our House
Furnishing Department. No difference what
your reqeirements are, you will be alile to
satisfactorily meet your wants here,and ai.t the
same time save money on your purchase as
'iNairn's° Linoleums
tilirect from Scotland
ff-* We vLiish to lay special emphasis o4 our
stock of Scotch Linoleums. They are thor-
oughly eascd and in consequence are sure -
to give atisfactory wear. 'I here are beauti-
ful Floral Patterns in Poppy, Tulip, RQS Ef-
fects in Yellow, Pink or Red. Delig ttul
imitation floorings as well ts. Hexagon Pat-
terns in all the wanted colors. PRICES AL-
jugs, Rugs
in endless variety
It is a simple matter to find in the immense
dispta of Rugs, a Rug that will fit you,,F
room. in color that will suit your taste, t "a
price t at will satisfy your pocketbook. We
invite pour special attention to the better class
of Rugs we are showing. Quality is positively
guara !teed, the colors are absolutely depend-
able. Don't buy until you have visited this
wond rful big department. It will pay you.
WORTHY ot special mention is the magnitue of our
Tv stock. The assortment is so large that se!ecting a
Satisfactory Suit is easy indeed.
Worsteds, Twfeds and Serges are here in every new style
including Pinehbacks, Norfolks and Double Breasted Suits
with straight or bloomer pants, in all the wanted shades of
Navy, Brown, Tan, Green or $3
5 to S9 (10
Grey. Sizes 24 to 35.........
Good weight cotton undetwear, elastic knit cuffs and
ankles, well trimmed, substantially . made. Sizes so
34 to 44. .Price.... 4. a••94.41.11•es•••••-•*e -1.•*'••• • • .+0 C
Special weight for between seasons, fiat knit Scotch mot -
tied union thread, particularly adapted for the cool days and
-evenings of Spring end Fall. In all
sizes from 34
to44. Prig?. Pt! int! tf Mt? 65c to 75
• •
New Wide Rim Hats in Big Wiley
MEN'S Hats Were never as becoming as they are this season,
there is such a variety of shapes, so Many different widths
in the brim, )and such a choice of colors fr
that choosing your hat :s very pleasant al ILO S-2 75
Women's Stylish
Suits and Coats
READY to play any part of spring -time •
wraps are the splendid Suits and Coats
our buyers have gathered together. For
motoring, for driving, or for travelling, the
swagger coats are indispensible, while for
street wear our suits have, a dash and style to
them that is particularly their own. Thi e dis-
play affords a good choice of the season's
most popular fabrics in the new'shades.
Coats S10.00 to $25.00
Suits $15.00 to $30.00
Butter, Wool
Eos Wanted
Men's and Boys'
Work Clothes
it will pay you to buy work clothes
here. newt over the prices below
0 • 1,•••••0 see,: •-••••
Snag Proof•.•...••••••,.„..• *So ••.• dIfb •Ceo
Reliance•-••••••••••••• •• 4 • IWO ee• .•.
Acme•.,•..••• •
* .... • . 1•04 1.00
Stripe Cottonade..
Blue Stripe.... • • • • • S. *4 •40-0 0 e • • • • •
• • • • •
e•• 4.
Work Shirts
Black and White, with
double front
Light .
Black and White -Stripe.—
• .51.50
75c to star;
........75c to 51
• 50c
Union•••••4••• *** • * 0•411.1 • -.15c
* . • • *0 • O.
Wool, fiat•.....•. . ............25c
Wool, fine .-35c
Wool, heavy... 35c to 50c
Fel:, wide rims....
Straws, wide rims....
•••• "tease
50c to 75c
.....10c to 50c
to 10c
Mitts and Gloves
Cotton.. . . . .. ...................15c to 20c
Leather....... . , ... ................... 25c to 75t
#utter, Wool
Eggs Wantee.,