HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-05-03, Page 5AY 3, 018 .,0.40.4040.*.c4of MAY 391918 m.266,4 ....1111111M. SEAFORTH KAItICNIS. „ Seaforth, May 2, 1918 aahm#14 per buena .......„..2.20 , °Oat, per bushel.. „ . .. .... ..85c Barley, per bushel 81614000 Bran, Per till' . Shot, per ton . $41.00 Flour, Per ente. peas, pee homes .. .. hould have a pair of o ps for summer w t only the correst thing ey are so comfortable for We have many new and Is in pumps and Slippers we'll be pleased to show 'lig of values -we are 'linnet find better values we are showing this seas - urn soles and Louis heels ...$3.75 and upwards with turn soles and Louis $3.75 and upwards gn with fancy cut vamps, r- .. . • .$4.50 ew long vamps and with . . . . 45.00 ps, flexible soles and $5-00 XS, turn soles and Cuban Cuban heels, per - $3.50 strap:and low heels, per , .. ... $2.75 W. HURON EXPOSITCR 6 6 . -$8.60 Margarine 87c potatoes, per bag $1.25 liege, per cwt. .. .. .. - . .$19.25 Buter, per lb. ....... . .. .. 40 to 4e Eggs, per dozen . . 36 to 38c • BEAN MARKET , eeonto, April 30th.--13eans - Canadian prime.' bushel, $7.50 to $8. Foreign, hand - bushel, $6.75 to 37. \ •DAIRY MARKET Toionto, April 80th.-Butter-Creareern selids, 48 to 49c; do. Print, 50 to 51c; do. .fresti Made 51 to 52e; choice deity Prints 42e to 400: ordinary dairy prints age to 40c; bak- ers* 3e• to 38. Oleomargarine (best grade) 32 to- 33c. Eggs -New -laid 39c to 40c; lielected, new- -laid 42 to 43c; cartons, 48e to 44c. Cherie -New, large, 23c to 23eke: twins, eve eo 4c;.spring made, target 25 to 260; :twins, 25% to 26%c. -Comb--Choice, 16 oz., 13.50 per dozen, 12 eme elt per dozen; second and dark tomb, 12.50 to 32.75. Maple Syrup -Imperial gallons 32,25; 5.. =gallon tins, $2.10 per gallon. liaple sugar, per PotMd 24 to 25e. Toronto, APril 30. -Live Poultry---•Chiekensn- re; milk fed chickens 32c, hens 8Ve pound.s. .25o 1ie, 31e to 5 pounds, 28e, liens, over 5 pounds 33e; roosters, 22c; ducklings 30e; tur- n item 30e. Dressed Poultry --ClecLene e0e, nele fed chickens 35 to 40c, hens, 3Y2 lbs. 28c, eene 3y2 to 5 pounds, 30c, hens over 5'poands, ee3c, rosters 25e, ducklings- 30c, turkeys 35c. BOTRI, he eariy age of 21 years alied upon, to lay down his 1S country.. God emnfort and em, and fill their hearts with peace which passeth under - Victor was deeply attach - home, and to his town. He rward eagerly to his visits it is some consolation that n possible to bring him home to rest in the place he loved, and that this service should n the church with which he so closely associated with. early years. As soon. as he the gravity of the task to Empire was committed, he r to enlist, but his youth anct deration for those at home ,. him for a time. As the i ed, however, and the call be- ent for men and more men, t he could no longer resist sons, and enrolled himself in tion Corps, one a the most s brantehes of the service, but h anpaided powerfully to a high *Tit and courage -such aye he went willingly; he did to be conscripted; of his own he offered himself to the in his new career he soon en- heiself to his fellow ;cadets. iis diligence and soldierly - gained the esteem and re - his officers. He made rapid and quickly mastered the de - new profession; and then, period of training was near- letion, and he was looking se playing his part in the le overseas, there carne this eeident, and he was sudden_ rem the servele of the earth her service of heaven_ We ; loss, but with our sorrow Kies a sense of pride in the' showed. He has made the ;acrifice. He has given his . What more could he give? ter sacrifice co -aid he make? s religion. Like the Master mself for others, and fron. ie doubt not, he has already welcome, "Well done, good 'al servant, enter thou into -- Lord." And so we leave Christ. Where better could him? He knew best what -for him and for us. And >wed the soldier's call, and ,.he soldier's way, he has the romise, "He that loseth his r sake, shall keep it -keep eternaL" , GRAIN MARKET . Tome°, April 30th. -Manitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northern, $2.231,e; No, 2, do. 32.20tn; No. 3, do., $2.1714: ; No. 4 whet, $2:10eit ; in store at For William' including. 2-efic tan. Mani- toba Oata-No. 2 C. W., 86%c; No. 8 C. W. 'eglec; extra No. 1 feed 83Yee; No., 1 feed? spine in store, Fort William. .Aenerieart Corn -Kilredried. No. 3 yellow, 31.90 nominal; No. ,yellow 81.85; nominal. Ontario Oats - No. 2 white, 90e to 91c; No. 3, 89c to !sc. according to freights outside. Ontario ••-, Wheat -No. 2 Winter, wer car lot 32.22; basis store, Montreal. Pae -No. 2, 38.60 to 133.70; according -to freights outside. Barley - Malting $1.52 to 81.53, according to freights • eutside. Buckwheat -$1.84 to $1.86, accord- ing to freight outside. Rye -No. 2, 32.65. ac- cording tie freights, outside. e Manitoba .Flour -Wei quality. $10.95 new, bags, Toronto - Ontario Flour--Warequaletare„ e10.65, new Sags, Toronto; /0.65 MontreaVfreight, prompt ship- ment Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal freights, bags included; Bran, per to, 335.40; shorts. per ton, 540.40. Hay -No. 1, per ton, $17 to $18; mixed, 314 to 316, track., Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, 38.50 to $9, track, Toronto. W. T. Box & CO. EMBALMERS AND - IPUNIORAL. DIRECTORS • 1-1. C. BOX - Hower of Vioveresnent Diplome sad Le:ease. 'CHARGES MODERATE ,Flowere lara*Ited, on "bort .eaboe. Melt Celli Day Celle Phone 175 Phone 80. LIVE STOCKMARKETS Buffalo, April 30th. -Cattle. -Receipts, 200 ears. Market 25 to 60c lower. .Prirne heavy =five steers, $16.25 to $17.10; best shipping steers, 115.50 to 316.25;' fair to good, $14 to 41.5l? Canadian steers; heavy. 313.50. to 314.50; fat, coarse, 1100 th 1200 lbs.. 312 to 312.50; Canedian steers and heifers, 311 th 312; -native yearlings. 814.50 to 315.50; best handy native steers 312.50 to 513.50; do. fair to good, 112 to $13; handy steers fold heifer, mixed, $11.- e50 th 12; Western heifera. 512 to $13.50; Cat - alien heavy cows, 310,50 •to 311.50; beet na- eive fat cows, $11 to 112.50; butcher cows, 1Ie to 110; cutters. $7.50 to 38.50; canners, *50 to 7; grazing cows, *7.50 th $8; fancy bulk, 11.50 to 313; butcher bulls, 30.5(130 310.- 50; common beam, 58.50, th ,19.50,; feeding, steers, 38 th 311.50; stockers; 38.50 to $9:50; edilkera and springers, 365 -to 3150. Hogs-, ReceipM. 90 cars. - Mitrket 10c lower. Heavy', 1; Yorkers, 118.10 to $118.15; pigs, 317.75 to 118. Sheep and lambs--Recelpts, 80 cars. 'Market 25c lower. Top 'clipped lamixi, $18.50 •to $18.75; yearlings, $16 to $17; wethers 315 to 315.50: ewes. 314 th $14.50.. Calves-Re- eeipti, 1200. Market 50c lower. Tops, 314.50; lair to good $13 th $14, fed calves, th $8.50. Montreal, April 30th. -The live stock offer- ings at the West End cattle market this omenin,e were light in all lines, amounting to only 300 cattle. 20 sheep and lambs, 30t) 'hogs and 350 calves. • There • was a keen de - mod for all lines' .and prices scored sub- tantial advances, amounting th as much as per 100 pounds. Small meats, especially .esilvesewere also in good demand and stronger 'Prices for hogs advanced and choicest selects -were 321.25. The demand was generally very ivied and all offerings were absorbed readily. At the C. P. R. yard is the market was also etrong, and advanced considerably. Receipts were light, amounting to 200 cattle, 40 sheep and lambs, 200 hogs and 300 calves. There -was a good demand, .which cleaned up the market Good stuff was especially searce here, and calves were raw in demand, advancing $1. Quotations: Choice steers, $18.50 th 314,25; good, 312:50 to 513; medium, $10.50 th 312; choice cow. $11.25 th 813.25; good cows 310.25 to 11; medium, 59 th 310. Choice butchers' bulls, 11.50 to $12.50; good, $11 to $1L50; medium, 59.25 to $10.50. Sheep, 311 to $14. Lamle, 16 to 517. Choice seeIet hogs, off cars, 321 to 521.25; sows, 119 30 ,19.50. Calves 48.50 to $13. .• Unon Stock Yards. Toronto, April 30th„ - Cattle prices on the opening day of this week 'were well maintained and some of -the buyers also a few of the commission men, stated that. It was a much stronger market than the close of last week, when record prices ruled. The 3736 cattle offered compared fairly well as re- gards quality, with those of last week, and in a few lots were eerhaps a shade better. The top of the day was obtained by Charles Zemenan & Sons for one extra choice yearling steer weighing 910 pounds. It was cashed at the new record price of $16 per cwt. This eternal was fed and shipped into the market by Harry Wade of Pickering township, It stood alone in its class, and could hardly be looked upon as creating an actually new price, owing th its quality and the economical way in which it will butcher. Taking the market as a whole last week's -quotations were well maintained for all class es, especially for the well -finished stock. The buyers have not been complaining so much during the pasr %reek about the finish to the animals. With prem.- t q uotain ns extra choice weii- finished steers and I- cifers ere worth from 313.75 to $15.50, good well -finished steers and un!' ef choice butcher 'tiers . are heifers from $1 25 to 313.65 per iwt. The general "r cashing at from e12.50 to $13 per ewt Good buteher cattle are worth from $11.75 to 312.25 and the commoe e•ecies from 58.50 to 310.50. There is an actim meeket for choice and good cows ,the best selling at from $10.7o to 312.50 Per cwt. good cow e 39.5 030 510.50; and the medium grades at from $8.25 to 39 per cwt. Canners and cuters are worth from $6.25 te 56.75 per cwt. Choice bulls are in great demand and are selling at from 310.50 to 311. good bulls at from $9.25 to $10.25, and common bulls at from 57.50 th $8 per cwt. In the small meats department there was Perhem a weaker feeling than at any time during the past week. Yesterday choice calves sold at from 512.75 for 514.50, or a dollar Per cwt belmv the top of last week. Medium eaves sold at from 311 th 512.50 and corn mon calves at from 38 th $9 per cwt. There are very few sheep and lambs offered just now and the prices for Iambs range from $19.75 to aboite 521.25, and sheep from $13.50 to 516 per csvt. The hog market is firmer than it was last week. The buyers are now paying $20.25, fed and watered. The majority of the buyers and commission men are of the opinion that there will not be any material change during the week. Dunn and Levack 'sold: Butchers -20, 69e he., $13.25; 10. 'en, lbs., $11.50: 27,,1010 lbs. $13.50; 20, 960 lbs., 318.50; 18, 970 M., 12.75; ', 870 Line 512.25: 20, 1010 lbs., 313.25; 5,' 1105 lbs., 312.75; 6, 950 lbs., 39.25. •Cows - 1, 1040 lbs., 511.25; 1. 1040 lbs., $10.50; 1, 29171.00b111;;Z,3311025-205, : 3' 1150 lix4" $11. 13u115-1" • Rice & Whaley sold 27 cars: Butchers' -20, 1210 line $14.e5: 5. 1080 lbs.. 314.25; 7, 1100 lbs., 312.75: 21, 1070,130., 313.75; 16, 1050 lbs., $13.50; 24, 990 lbs.. 314.25; 22. 960 lbs.. $12.60; 15, .890 Inn 512,30; 23, 800, lbs., $12; 5, 800 lbse $11.25; I, 930 tbs.. $12.50. Cows -3, 1140 lbs., 310.70; 1, 1340 lbs. 111; 5, 960 lbs., $11; 2, 1100 Me, 511.25; 2, '990 lbs. $9.50; 1, 970 ene0; 1, 1060 lbs. $10.40; 1, 890 lbs., 49-50: I. 11g0 130.. $11.2,5; 1. 800 lbs., $10.25; Bul1s---1. 1460 lbs., ell ; 1, 1870 lbs., 311.25; 1. 1500 Ile., $9. Gullets Limited bought 300 cattle: Steers & heiferi $11.50 to 311; cows, 59 to 312; bulls 311,5 Oto $12, The Harre Abattoir Company bought 800 cattle : Steere and heifers, 312 . 30 th 514 . 60 ; eon. $4.e0 th 512.25; bulls, 39 to $12. this: Zememan & Son sold: Butchers' 1, 950 lbs., $16; 3, 860 130., 311.75 ; 24, 910 lbs., $12.85; 11.1300 lbs., 315; 3, 985 lbs., 512.60: 730 lbs., 311.25: 4, 860 lbs.. 311; 18. 820 ilea Cows -1. 1420 lbs.. 58.35; 13, 960 bee 3.3.; 1275 no., 3/1.25 ; 5, 1110 130.,•11. BulIs--1: 930 lbs., e10.75. , Corbett. Hall & Coughlin sold 29 cars: Choice heavy steers, 314.50 to 515,25; fair to good steers 513.7e th 514.25; choice butchers 513.50 to $13.75; good $13 to $13.50; mm ediu 312.50 to 512.75; common, 311.50 th $12; choice cows, 311,50 to $12: good cows, 311 to medium $10.25 to $10.50 • common $9 to e Land the WARM lature every g-ricultural writer that this depart - It our subscribers. turns from their unease -value that me beekeeping, ve for them. The ienitorai page or out slzaws tbat :ion of its worth. delivered. •or direct et 6.66.9 iom, $9 to $11; hogs, fed and watered, $20.25. .McDonald & Halligan sold 85 loads: Choice heavy steers $14.50,to $15; good heavy steers, $13.50 to $14.50; choice butchers' $13.50 to • $13.86; good butchers 112.75 to 313.25; lewd - tura butchers, 610 to 311; choice cows, $10.25 to 311: medium cowls 39.50 to $10; c,ornmon cows, Se to $91 cboice bulls, 111.50 to $12; good bulls $10.50 to $11; choice milkers and apringers, $85 to $100; choice calves, $14 to $15; bob calves $8 to 18.50; sheep, 116 to $16.50; hogs $20.25, fed., J. B. Shields & Son sold: Butcher? -.-.4; 790 lbs., $11; 28, 1040 lbs., $14,75; 2e, 1010 lbs., $13.50; 1. 840 lba.'$11,50; 15, 960 lbs., $12.50. Cows -3, 970 lbs., $10.50 ; 1, 730 lbs., $6,450; 1, 1140 lbs.. $12.50e 4, 1086 lbs., $11.25; g, 900 lbs., $8.70; 4, --1060 be., $10.75; 1. 1220 lbs., 312; L. 1370 lbs., $12.50;1, 1170 lbs., $11.50; 1. 900 lbs., 10,50; 1, 1180 lbs., 811; 2, 1100 lbs., $11.50; 1, 930 lbs., 310.85; 2, 920, 80-50. Dune 1370 lbs., 310.75; 1, 550 lbs., $9, 1, 800 As $9,50. The following were the quotations: - Choice heavy steera, 313.75 to 315.00; good heavy,steets $13.25 to !13.75; butchere cattle choice $12.50 to 318; de. good $11.75 to $12.25; do. medium $10.50 to $11.50; no. common, $8.50 to $10.25; butchera' cows, choice, $10.75 to $12.50; good cows $9.5 Oto $10.50; do. medium COWS, $8.25 to $9,00; butchers bulls; choice $10.50 to 511: do. good, $9.25 to $10.25; do. medium $8.25 to, 89; do. common bulb $7.50 to 38; stocker, hest, $9.50 to $10.00; best feeders $9.50 to $10.75; grass cows $7.00 to $8.00; milkera. and springer, choice $100 to 3160; do. common and nruedikun $65 to $90; calves, choice, $13.50 to $1500; 4o. medium -$12 to $12.50; do. common $8.50 to $10.00; heavy fat $10 to $12; lamb, choice, $19.50 fo $21.75; gheeP, choice handy $18.50 to $16; do. heavy and fat „bucks $11 to $12.25; hogn fed and watered $20.25; do. off cam $20.50 to $20.76; do. f.o.b. $19 to $19.25. Less el to $2 on light to thin hogs ; less $3 to $3.50 on sows; less $4 on stags ; less 50c -to $1 on heavies. BIRTHS Rance -.--At Ootta Hospitale•Toronto,•on Apr. 30d, to ,Mr. apd Mrs. Clagence Ranee, a son. Criele-eIn TOckerstnith, on April 21st to Mr. • and Mrs. Howard, Crich, a son, (Alden Har- old). ' Stone -In Winghain, on April 21st, th Mr, and tells. R. J. Stone, a daughter. Thoro bred m rted Stallions The fdlowing imPorted Cly esdale and Pertheron Stallibns which re all enrolled, iaspectednd approved will • • : stand for service this seasort at T. J. BERRY' STABLE HENSALL, ONTARIO • KING THOMAS •Clydesdale [9254] (126e5) To insure 315 COMMODORE Clydesdale [95961 (14633) To insuee 315 , NARD Percheron (6302) • To leisure 313 MARRIAGES Gordon -Henderson -On April- 3rd, pr Rev. George McKinley at the parsonag , Hugh Gordon, to Miss Mary Jane Henderson, an of McKillop. Bakee-Connan-At the manse, Brussels, on April 24th, by Rev. A. J. Mann, E.A., Mr, Albert C. Baker:. Seaforth, to Mise Janet Nichol Comeau, daughter of the late Alex. and Mr. Connan, o Morris township. • DEATHS Coehrane-In Morris treVmship, on April 24th, Ellen Sheard, relict; of the late William Cochrane, aged 73 , years. Johnson -,-In Clinton, on April- 19th, John •'Johnson, aged 76 years and 7 months. IN -MEMORIAM • COLONEL GRAHAM Clydesdale [9255] (42103) '• To insure $13 Will travel the following route.; Monday, lilay 6th -Will leave his own stable at Hensall, and go welt to second con ion, south 2% miles to R. Northcott's for noon; south 13/4 miles, east 13/4 miles, then north to Ben Makin's, .for night. Tuesday -East 13/4 milea, to Thomas Venner's, for noon; thon north 13/4 miles to Chiselhurst, then west John MeLean's corner, north 13/4 miles' to Wm. Hoggarth's for. night. Wednesday -West to James McGregor's corner and north 13/4 en les, then west 13/4 miles to Thomas Workman's for noon; then south 13/4 miles to Kippen, wot to, ihis Green, north to Hugh Love's • for ni ht. Thursday -West to Blake, south to, Elrner Kloppte -for noon; then west to St. Joseph and then south th A. Hendrick's, for night, and where he ill remain until Friday noon. Friday neon -E st to the 14th concession, and north 13/4 miles,. then east 13/4 miles, and north to William Thiel's for night. Saturday -North to Zurici road, and east by Way of Zurich th Parr fine, to John Forest's, for noon; thence th Iis own stable, where he will remain until the Ifollowing Monday morni Onager. • William Kage, g. Richardson -Ip loving memory of our dear Fred. who Was killed in action Somewhere in France, en May 3rd, 1917. In health Red strength he left his home, In answer to his country'' call, He's lying now in a distant land, We know not how nor where. But, oh, we hope God took his soul, Into his loving care: We miss him molt who loved lent best. • -.From Father, 'Mother, Sisters, Brothers Kitmen, O • pt. • e • • ' • IN MEMORIAM • JABOT Percheron (31391 (84214) To insure *13 • Will travel the following route: Monday, May 6th -Will leave his own ends e at Hensel' ,and go east 13/4 miles andenor h 8% miles and east 114 miles 'to- Abe.1Fo - .1 sythea, for noon; then 4 miles to Davilt Hi I & Son, for night. Tuesday -East by w y f Staffa, to Ernie Templemards for noon ;the meet i 13/4 miles,, south'. 13/4 mills and w t 'miles' th RiasseInSciettneforenieslit. Wean da -West 2te Miles, •Lsouth 21n miles, to th boundary to Daniel Brintnell's, for noon.% the west to his own stables at Hensel!, reinednin$ there until Thursday morning, Thuieday -West to Parr Line, north to Hills Green, Wilson Carlyle's for noon; then north to Col rnann Corner, then west to Goshen Inne, $hei south iy mike and west to Blake to Elme • Thiel's 1¼ mike Fridae-Weet to the 1Atil to Henry Sthinbeck's, for noon; then soutb 3 miles, east 13/4 miles and. north to- Wiltia Thiel's for night. Saturdey--Noeth and ens to Zurich, to Commercial•Hotel. fee noon; the east to his . own-. -stable, Hensall, -*Imre he will remain until the following Monday morning. William Luker, Manager. In affectionate memory of Laura Grace, be- loved twife of Joseph •Speare, who died in Toronto op, May 5th, 1916. The sweet remembrances of the.Aust, Still flourish though she sleeps in dust. ammimmer..ess.• MEN WANTED e 66•166161•166 Men wanted to work on MUnitions., Steady Job for good, reliable men. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER 00„ Limited, Sea - ...me forth. 2627-3 S. T. Holmes Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking pariors in Oddfel lows building opposite otewart Bros. Ti,esi- dence Godetich , cpp Dr. Scott's SEED BEANS. Two hundred bushels of cho1c6, pea, beans for sale. Apply to GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Varna P.O., phone 4 on 87, Hensall. 2629x4 •••••1141.M.1.11.6... • FOR SALE A small quantity of timothy seed; also a limited amount of potatoes suitable for seed. Apply to JOHN MURRAY, Brucefield or 'phone 6 on 137. 2627-4 Flowers furnished on short notice. FOR SALE Phone Night or Day 119, For Sale a cottage with two bedrooms, tied two lob on North Main Street, two blocks • frooi Main street. Splendid cellar, hard apd soft water in kitchen. All in good eimpa. Easy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth 2627-tf ofilinummillmimmommmummommitomiliiimaiill 1 liiiill iii113111. W.S.'Gormley Embalmer end Funeral Direc74-or Undertaking Parlors above M,Williams' grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth• irlowers fur.:...ued on short notik e OhargPs moderate. Phone night or day - 192 FOR SALE • $900.,--Thel 32,500 Ruseell Knight Car own- ed by the late County Treasurer. In -first- class** condition. Engine. starter and electri- cal parts warranted satiefactore. Easy terms of payznent. Write to Box 119, Wingham, Ont. 2628-2 HOUSE FOR SALE For sale seven roomed frame hotise on North Main Street, one door south of Mr. Robert Winters' -residence. Must be /sold at Once. Apply at The Expositor Office, Seaforth. 2024-tf • IMPROViD AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. , Write for booklet and prices of im- proved and unimproved farms in the famous Gilbert Plains District. 3. H. EVANS & CO., Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba. 2617x20 '77 Fresh Greens. 116601.6.6166161110606.6111 We have just received a gig). • meat of FRESH • Cabbage Radishes Lettuce Bitter Oranges Try Them -- Prrces Right Thos. Phillips Wholesale and Retail Fruits Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,, ammareormannimir Nommommimmimmilimw FOR SALE On Mill Mill r6ad, near Kippen Road, five acres on which is a good brick house with good stone cellar and hard -water 'inside. Also a good stableoand all kinds of small fruit For particulars apply to H. L. BAILEY, Egmond- villee Phone 8 on 137, Seaforth Central. 2628e2-tf, HOUSE FOR SALE Small frame house on West William street, Seaforth, hard and soft water, good stable). For further partioulars apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or phone 10 on 124. • 2622-tf HOUSE FOR SALE For 'sale a nine roomed how in splendid repair situated on Sperling Street, Seaforth. The property contains one lot 'with. some fruit trees and small fruits. Hard and soft water; also a good hen house. This is a very desirable property and will he sold' tsii reasonable terms for quick sale. For further egirticulars apply on the premises. MISS ADELINE TYREMAN. 262ex4 HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR SALE For sale on Main Street Egraondville, a house and two lots with ',stable, good hen hoese and yard, summer house, and apples and pears! and ..graoe vines, all bearing fruit, house is nicely decorated. Electric Iighb. Convenient th church, stores, -post office and schooL Corner location. For further partic- ulate apply to SPROAT & SPROAT, Grocers, or th THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE. Seaforth. 2626-tf. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice. is hereby given pursuant th the Statute in that behalf, that all persons hayino claims against the estate of Janes Chesney, late of the Township of TOckersmith, in the Counte of Huron, farmer, deceesed, who died. at the ;said Township of Taekeremith, on or about the 24th day of March, 1918, are required on or before the 6th dee of May, 1918, th send by post prepaid, or deliver td the un- dersigned, full particulars of their - claims, duly verified be affidavit and the enature of' the security, if any, held by then g Further take notice that after' the said fast mention- ed date, the assets of the said deceasedwill be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only Us the claims ofwhich notice shall thenhave been given. Dated at Hensel!, this 17th day of April, 1918. GLAD - MAN '& STANSURY, Solicitors for Executors Hensel! & Exeter, Ont. 2628-3 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in, that behalf that all.Persons having claims •against the estate of the .late Thomas 'Murray, late of the Township of 'McKillop, jfl the -County eV Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died at the seid-Township of Meeenlop, on or 'about the twenty-fourtlf day of January, 1918, are required on or before the -14th' day of May, 1918, to send by Post, Ormond, or,deliver to the undersigned, full particulars of their .claims duly • verified by affidavit; and the na- ture of the security, if any, held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the tweets of the said de- ceased. will be distributed among -the patties entitled thereto, havipg, regarde vile to tne clistinis of which =tree blunt elsNliavis been given. Dated at Seaforth, th day of April, 1918, Jan Murray, R. R. No. 2, Wal- ton, Ont., James EVanfir- Beechwoot, • Ont. Executors Thomas Murray Estate. e628-3 ,• ......•.•••••01•••••••• FOR SALE. House and half acre. of land in the village of Egmondville. • The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, com- fortable Ithuse, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro- rerty with no breaks on 'front, and the land is in a good state of piths - tion. This is a nice property, for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankine Seaforth. • 2584 - FARM FOR SALE For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R. S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house, two barns- and frame stable 75 feet long, cement floor in Cattle stable; hog pen, two wens, The land is in a good state of cultivation, well drained and fenced). Large apple Orchard; also all kinds of small fruits; Six acres of good hardwood bush„ fall Plowing done. This farm is situated 134 miles east of the village of Bruce - field and 5 miles from town of Sea - forth on Mill Road. School across c rner from farm. For further par- t culars apply on the premiess or address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield R. -R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea- ferth Central. 2616-tf A HYStop -0. canners, ee; good to choice bullet 311.59 to $12; butcher trails, $10 to $10.50: na ,bologhulls 39 to 39.50; choice lambs 520 T•0 322; choice veal chives, 12.50 to $14; med. • SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, May 15th, on lot 15, clon- cessidn 6. Hullett, farm stock and ireplemeite. George Leitch, proprietor; T. Brown, Ann. - On Saturday, May 18th, at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, household furniture, the property of the late Mrs. Coulthorp. • T. Brown, Auct FARM 'IMPLEMENTS BEES FOR SALE Ten colonies of Italian 'Bees in ten frame Langstroth hives, 512.50 per colony. William Murdoch, HensalL • 2629-2 • EMPIRE STATE POTATOES A choice variety end most excellent yieldr ers of improved strain. Present price 2e per Ib. Bags, 16c. JOHN ELDER, Itensalle Ont. 2629-4 INEML.•••••1:M.10••=.1.1.1••••=•=101••••10 .6••••66.6.6666•••••••6•61, SEED BEANS For sale 100 bushels of seed beans. These are choice seed beans. Apply on lot 1, Huron Road East, Tuckersraithn% miles east of Sea - forth. Phone 2 on 144. James Devereux. 2629x1 CARD OF THANKS • Mr. Robert Steele and son wish to thank the people of Seaforth and Egmondville, also the employees.; of the Munition Pactore, for the many deeds of kindness shown them dur- ing the oast winter. 2629x1 CARD OF THANKS I have left On hand a few second-narta urills and culfivatore. • One 13 -tooth Deering culti- - vator. one 12 -tooth McCormick cultivator, one 17 -tooth Deering cultivator nearly new, one Frost & Wood cultivator, one 10 -hoe Sylvester drill pressure in good shape, one 11 -hoe Mas- sey -Harris drill good as new, one 16 disc Mc- Cormick drill in Al condition; three six-foot Massey -Harris binders, in right good working order ;one 7 foot Deering, one 7 toot McCor- mick binder, Also one sound driving mare 6 years old. Call and see our new buggies. AU sizes of Clay gates always on hand. Massey - Harris farm implements speak for themselves. R. C, HENDERSON, Agent, Seaforth. 2629-3 We -wish th express our sincere thanks to our neighbors and friends for th many ex - Ipressions of sympathy and to those whe assfsted in any way during -the recent illness and departure of our mother. The Misses Clever. : • 2629x1 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements and House- hold Furniture --The undersigned has been insteueted to sell by public auction at Lot 15, Hayfield Road, north, one mile west of Varna, on Thursday, May 9th, at 1.30 p.m., the fol- lowing: Horses -Span of fillies coining 5 and 6, Cattle -3 Polled Angus steers 3 years old, 10 Polled, Angus steers 2 years old, 6 Durham • steers 2 years old, 2 Polled Angus heifers 3 years old, 4 Polled Angus heifers 2 years old, 5 Durham heifers 2 yeate old, 2 dm' cows. 3 Polled Angus calves, sow with pigs at foot. Implements -Wagon, light wagon with pole and shafts, hay rack, top buggy, 17 -spring tooth cultivator, walking plow, riding plow, 2 - furrow gang plow, set double harnms, set of plow 'harness, cream separator, foqt pulper, 5 foot cue mower, gravel box, disc wheelbar- row, corn planter, churn. Furniture-Sidet board, 2 washstands, 4 kitchen chairs, butter bowl and ladle, 3 bedsteads, 3 tables, sewing machine, parlor stove, and other articles too numerous to • xi:leak:in. Everything will he • sold as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms -All sums of 310 and under, cash; oiler that araouot 6 months credit will ise given on famishing appreived joint notes. Three per, cent straight off for cash on credit amou.rits.1 5. JOHNSTON. Proprietor; T. GUNDRY.1 Auctioneer.. 2629-1 HIS 15 THE LIFO Afilesgjoy GE ASTRIDE A HYSLOP AND GET THE MOST OUT OF DAY- • 1LIGHT SAVING. -iTheel will save you TIME and MONEY; A Trial' on a HYSLOP is worth two re foot. Youl admit -you NEED one., You now -you WANT one. 'Then ee me! I have the very one you The :IYSLOP will drive dull care way. • -Manufactured by- HYS OP BROTHERS, LIMITED, Tor to Ontario.. --Sold by - J. F. DALY, SEAFORTH \. / 1 i 1._ AT YOUR SERVICE R, HIGGINS BOX 127, Clinton Phone 44 (formerly of Brucefletd) --Agent for- e The Huron & Erie Mortgage • Corporation and the Canada • Trust Co. Commissioneril. C. of 5., Conveyancer, Fire. and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday of each week at Bruceneld FARM FOR SALE, Lot 33, Concession 6, IneKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 litres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5. mike from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 13/4 miles from school. There are on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn, 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There ' are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down, There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other .a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water th the bowie and th the barn. As the sewing ie in the orchard and near the house and line fence, there is no waste land. There is a graded and grevelleci bine from the road to the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE; Seaforth. 2627-tf DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE In the village of Egmondville con- taining two acres of choice lark on which there is a large comrnodious house, stone foundation, excellent cel- lar with cement floor, separate coal •cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty barrels, and the best of hard water at the door; there is ato a large stable with pig pen, hen house, and carriage house, plenty of room; cement walks to street and stable; also a number a apple trees and other small fruits. This property is sitaated two blocks west of the Presbyterian church and is within 10 minutes' walk of.Bost of- fice, school and church -one .of the best locations in the village, being high and dry, with an excellent view of town: and country; an ideal place for a retired farmer, and will be sold reas- onably.. Apply on the premises or ad- dress ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Sea - forth, Ont. 2626x4 einetitSilos •' -L-Contracbs Solicitd- Workmanship Gearanteed , Rogers Bros. Contractors , Fullerton P. O. •••••••••=6.6 Spring Term from April 2nd Stratford, Ont. Coramereill life 'offers the great oppor• tnnities. Recent lady graduates of this school are earning., as high as 31000 per .annuUl. ' The last application. we received from im Mike man with some experience offered init*I salary of 31806 per annum. Students mAy enter our classes at any time. Graduates placed in positions. Com- mercial,- • Shorthand and Telegraphy De- partments. Get our free catAlogue. W. 5. ELLIOTT D. A. MeLA.CHLAN President , • Principal •••••••••••••••••••••60616.6. BONDS! Can furnieh Victory 'Bonds at 98% and interest, free of expense to purchasers. Also have for immediate sale the follow - Ing Municipal Bonds: City of London, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 1-8 per cent. City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 per cent. City of Regina, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 $-4 per cent. City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield 6% nper cent. Clty of Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield ose per cent. cne haling money for investment should avail themselves of this opportun- ity to secure these gilt edged securities. 2624-tf Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. Auto Sales Garage Sezvice for all makes of ears Welding and machine work done. All, work guaranteed. Full line of auto tires, spark plugs, oils and greases, and auto acces- sories always on hand at JAS. H. WRIGHT'S OLD STAND SEAFORTH Stewart McIntosh MANAGER Wanted ..6666/66/86e Flax Land TO RENT The Canadian- Flax Mills Limited, will rent sod land, spring or fall ploughed. Will furnish seed free and do the seeding. The farmer will plough, disc, har- row and roll. The Company is also open to supply seed and purchase the flax on a ton- nage basis. For further particulars apply to M; .McCorinick MANAGER PHONE 202 SEAFORTH • • $40 -ti THE CANADIAN OF CO ER,..CE SIR EDMIJND WALKER, se ie. e. SIR JOHN 'MD. Genet/414,611:1er Pre:ideal ./..;,1 H. V. F. JONES, Asse. Ossel. Manager k t5 • CAPITAL PAID tip, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13.500;000 -•P 3$ The Manager is prepared to consult with -prospective customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether it be the opening of a Savings' or Current account, the making of Collections or the negotiation of a low!, they will be met with co'urtesy and given prompt service. • MANAGES J G MuLLEN SEAFORTH BRACH rolophano Economia Do you practice it: Can Ile Hear You ? • WHEN you talk into space, and not directiy into the mouthpiece of your telephone, you are not giving the instris. Iment a chance to do its boat work. 41 The rnouthpiece sAs -designed to speak into, land best results are obtained when your lips are about half an inch from its tin. q Economize time and temper by -speaking dis. tinctlk, directly into the mouthpiece, and avoiding needless repetition and delay. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada 1111001111.111111111.1••••••••••=.1110.111116.' * • * • 0 • • 4. • • * • ,N<>4 o • 0 se 0- 0 se Wee 1.040+04X> The Seaforth Monument Works A fteL 5. re.;.• • r. -- sae- s -..Ver;_A2fV,75.tee:. has been taken over by WILLIAM E. CHAPMAN, who is Prepared 10 erect any kind of Memorial in either Granite or Marble, and to roakel designs for those who wish to be exclusive in that ParticIdar- Floor and wall tile setting is a feature bf my business. WILLIAM E. CHAP44N 41.0.0•041.0•04. 41.0•04**IP 4.* 4.40404000*********celeoeecsdeteoe.oesosecee000soeo****4 Have You Ordered Y our nit, If not, this will interest you. • We have one of the finest assortments of Serges, Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds you could wish to see -dozens of patterns in greys, browns and mixtures also fine blues with guaranteed dyes. You have a choice of a variety of materiils at different prices, and you get the same attention and care at any price. And While here, look or our fine new stock of Shirts, Sox, Ties, Underwear, etc. We're sure we can please you. W D. Bright & Son. a The High -Class Tailors, Seaforth 400.0•4409004040040.04,041 44000.0•0•040144344:4040