HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-26, Page 5PRIL 261 1819
uncertain shoe values and
this store protects the
here for shoes from all
ts. We show only GOOD
ation behind them- Shoes
e wearing. In our Shoes a
her good appearance.
r. A choice assortment of
!:apes.-Execellent Values„
ane with plain vamps and
$4.09, $4.50 and $5.00
• plain vamps and spool
...... $4.50 to $5.50
ade with plain vamps and
S5, $.5.50, $6, $6.50 and $(7.
h cut and made with the
... xnn
pewit the new Sport heels
air $740
aid see that every-
and width.
as been for some months suf
(row, illness is here visiting
her, Sohn and his sister,. Mme;
a1, and his many relatives and
in this locality are pleased to
again and to know that his
s now improvTlfig nicely. -On
evening last the Oddfellows
ali Lodge, No. 223, celebrated
anniversary of the Society by.
g Divine Service in Carmel
.riau church, accompanied by
er lodge of Rebekah$, - when
lent sermon was delivered. ° by •
or, Rev. J. A. McConnell, and ... '
✓ kendered splendid anthems..
cions; church was crowded and °
,dance of Oddfellows` '. d
en considerably swells . .
her conditions been more fav -
as a large number for the
'lug ledges intendedbeing pre -
.t the close of the spice the:
accompanied by Rev. Mr. •
RI and sister lodge of Rebeli-
tired to the hedge room why '
Mr. Andre -w- Dongall.t*
✓ and short addresses . were
v. Brothers William/ .M yr,
eson, T. Baird, D.].G-M.,
T. Sutherland. A vote of
Nes also moved 1» Rev. Mr. `,
Al_ for his -excellent ,serer.
the ladies of the
)1. attending. Rev. Mr. Mt£-
-eplied to the filer and Mrs_
to the latter and the meet -
then closed by aging the
'de and the benediction.
Lent Works
AN, who is prepared to
►r Marble, and to bake
hat particnilar.
ray business.
tmerlts of Serges,
Tou coili'd wish to
eys, browns and,
guaranteed dyes.
y of material's at
same attention
n.e new stock of
We're sure
APRIL 26, 1918
'Notes. -Mr. Wmtern nte, of St.
'llama, is a guest at the parsonage
-Mr: and Mrs. Bert Yeo, of Toronto,
were recent visitors at the home of
itis mother, Mrs. H. Yeo.: Mr. Cape
Tenleanan, of London, has- arrived
nom, to help his fatehr on the farm.
this' year, ---Mr. F. D. Hutchinson
has ccepted a position in S. T. Ford's
store, IVIitchell ,and will move his fam-
ily there at the end of June .Mr.
:and Mrs. F. A. Hamblp attended the
funeral of the latter's mother, Mrs,
Cooper, in Seaforth, on Saturday. The
:relatives have the sympathy of the
eighburs,---Mrs. Alex. Morrison, of
Moose Jaw, who caste here a few
weeks • ago to visit friends, is 1 ' .
'eery- ill at the home of Mrs. 1~ '
. J. Harburn attended the fun-
eral of a cousin near Seaforth, last
Seaforth, April 25, 1918
wheat per bushel ............2.10
Oats, per bushel.. .. .. .... .. 8$c
Barley, per bushel 1.40
Bran, per ton 36.00
Shorts, per ton .....'........ $41.00
Flour, per cwt. .......... .a .. s$, 5.75
Peas, per bushel .. .. .. .. $8.60
Margarine. ....... .37c
Potatoes, per bag.. $1.25
Butter, per Ib. 42 to 4ac.
Eggs, per dozen 35c
Hogs, ,per cwt. 19.00
Toronto, April 23rd. ---Beans - Canadian
'laud -picked, per bushel, 58.50; imported,
hand-picked, • Burma or Indian, $6.50 zo 57
.Japan, $8 to 58.25; Limas, 19 to 20e.
Toronto, April 23rd. Butter, fresh, dairy,
sehoiee 43e to 45e; creamery prints, 50 to 51c;
eolids 50c to. 51c. Margarine -32e to 33e a tb.
Eggs -New laid,. 39 to 40e; new laid, • in car -
ions, 43 to 44e. Cheese -New, )siege, 23 to
423 j -c; tvYins, 231/4 to 23eee ; early cheese 251
to 26c; large twin, 26 to 2614. Maple Syrnp
-=81,4 ib. tins, 10 to a case, $14.50; imperial
gallon tins, per tin. 52.25; imperial five gallon
-cane, per can, 5/0.50; 15 gallon kegs, per
gallon, 52; maple sugar, 1 lb. hoe, p;fre, leer
lb., Lee.
Toronto, April 23rd. -Manitoba Wheat -No,
1 Northern, $2.231; No.. 2i do., • $2.2014 ; No.
2, do., $2.17ff� : No. 4 wheat:52.101A 52.101A. ; in store
at Fort William. including 21lec tax. Mani-
toba Oats -No. 2 C. W. 911' e ; No. 3 C.W.,
-881/0; extra No. 1 . feed, 8814; No. 1 lead,
853/4e; in store at Fort William. Ontario Oats
-No. 2 white, 91 to 2e ; .No. 3, wifite 90e to
elc, acoerding to freight outside. Ontario
Wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot 52.22; basis
in store, Montreal_ Peas -No. 2. 58.60 to
-$3.70; according to freighta outside. Barley -
Malting $1.50 to 51.60; according to freights
outside. Buckwheat -$1.84 to 31.86, accord-
ing to freights outside. Rye --No. 2, $2.65, ac-
eording to freighta outside -,Manitoba ..%lour
-War quality, $11.10 new, bags; Toronto.
Ontario Flour -War quality, *10.80, new bags,
Toronto' and ,Mantreal freights, prompt ship-
ment: Milifeed--Car lots -Delivered Montreal
freights, bags 'h luded; Bran, per ton, 535.40;
shorts. pet ton, $40.40. Inlay :No. 1, per ton,
312 to 318; mixed. 514 to 516, track, Toronto.
Straw -Car lots, per ion. 58.50 to $9, track,
Buffalo, April 23rd. -Ca e, .Receipts, 4500;
good strong; common, easy ; rime steers, 16.50
to $17; shippinge etc ors,° $16 to 516.25; but-
chers. 512 to 3155 7.. ; yearlings, $13 to 515.50;
,heifers. 39.50 'to 514e cows; 56.5+0 to 313.00;
bulls. 57.50 to 312; stockers and feeders, $7.50
to 312.50; fretish cow and spring::rs. 365 to
$140 Calves-Reeeiptse 8500; slow, - eaeiers
17 to $15.50. Hogs--lteceiipfg, 1%000; active;
heavy and big steady; others 15;to 85c higher;
heavy, $18.25 to $18.50; mixed, 518.50 ; to
$18,65: yorkers; $18.80 to 518:650 light York-
ers and pigs, 518.65 to 318.75; roughs, $16.50
to $16.75 ; stags,. $13, to $14.. Sheep and
!sante-Receipts; 7406, active; clipped lambs
Oe higher, others steady; wool lambs, 516 to
522.25; clipped lambs, 513 to •519 :(a few at
519.15) ; yearlings, 515.50 to 317; wethers,
315 to $15.50; ewes,. $7 to 14.50; mixed sheep
$14.50 to 515.
Montreal. April6 23rd. The offerings at the
west end stock yards this morning were rath-
er heavy, amounting to 600 cattle, 40 sheep
and lambs, 40 ' hogs and 600 calves. There
-was a fairly brisk trade going on, there being
an active demand for most lines, although
the market was not of particular feature. The
demand for calves was keen and there was
an active trade done in this line for local con-
sumption.'e other Canadian markets for
!logs have n Strong f late, and locally
the market w very fiand choice selects
sold at 21c -per 100 1ba. There were et large
number of good quality eattie offered, which
sold at setade prices for ordinary local demand.
At the Canadian Pacific stock yards the re-
ceipts for this morning's market amounted to
400 cattle, 450 hogs and 500 calves. There
were 20 poor1equaiity sheep and lambs offer-
ed. Prices ..retied steady under a fair demand.
Quotations -Choice steers, 512, to 513 ; good
steers 1 to $11.50; medium, $9.50 to $10.25 ;
choice butcher cows 10.50 to 11,25; good cows,
39.75 to 510.25; medium 58.50 to. $9.50; choice
butcher bulls $11 to 512; good bulls, -$10.00
to 510.75; medium, $9 to $10; sheep, 312 to
$13; lambs. 315 to $ 7 ; calves, milk -fed 58 to
312; choice select hogs, off cars, $21; sows,
518.50 to 519.25.,
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 23rd. -
Judging from the trade at the yards this
morning, it seem., impossible these days to
keep down the values of cattle. Over 3,000
head were in the pen when business opened,
and very few were unsold ,at noon. The suc-
cess which atended the drovers' effort to boost
prices last week encouraged them -to put on a
little more this week. and they got it. The
trade was active, and the buyers had to con-
cede another strong 25c. A few buyer3 were
of the opinion that, quality considered, the
market was at least 40c higher than at last
week's close, but, everything considered, a
quarter would be nearer the mark. The top
for the beat steer on offer was 514.50 for
two loads, but heavy steers that cashed in
from $12.50 to 313.75 were comparatively
common. The pick among the butcher cattle
found ready purchasers from $12.25 to 512.50.
Other grades, including best bulls and fat
caws, were a correspondingly active and firm-
er trade.
Choice short keep feeders again touched the
Illec high level, but the keen demand for
butchers kept the supply of stockers and feed-
ers short. Grass cows were in demand from
38.50 to as high as $9.
Best seals and bob calves were stronger.
There were not sufficient sheep to make a
market. but the few clipped sheep forward
eashel in from 315 td $16, which would make
the range for wools round $18 to $18.50.
leunbs also were scarce on a stronger mark-
et, The hog market firmed to 320.25: fed and
watered and 320.50 weighed off cars. The
receipts were 157 ears, with 3.038 cattle, 815
calves. 1,198 hog and 21 .sheep and lambs.
George Rowntree (for Harris Abattoir)
bought 500 cattle; Sixteen heavy steers,
514.50: le heavy steers, 514.25; butcher steers
and heifers, 311.50 to 313.25 ; cows, 38.50 to
Swift Canadian bought 800 cattle: Steers,
313 to 514.25; butchers, $11.25 to 512.75;
cows. 58 to 511; canners and cutters, 36 to
$7.50; 300 calves, $13 to $14.25; 125 hogs,
20.25; fe41 and watered.
C. 7,eag,>rnan and Sons sold: Butchers -9,
1265 ll;E3.. 313.75; 1. 870 lbs., 511; 14, 990 lbs.,
512.50; 20, 1025 lbs., 512.65 • 4, 900 lbs.,
511.25; 2, 620 Ies., 39.50; 5, 800'lbs., 511.00.
Cow,-- 16, 950 lbs., $8.50; 2, 800 lbs., $8; 19
stockers $750 lies., 511.25; 1 bull, 770 lbs.,
*10; 61 calve; 513; 93 calves 514; 85 calves,
513.50; 70 calves-, 514.25; 35 calves 514.25;
6.calves 59.25.
McDonald and Halligan sold 24 cars:. --
Choice heavy stens, 513.75 to 514.50 • good
heave ethers $1;; to 513.50. choice butchers,
312.2e to 512.75 ; good butchers, 511.50 to
511.35; medium butchers $10.75 to 311.25:
common butchers 59.50 to $10.50; choice
cows, :$11 ;to 511.50; good cows 310 to 510.65;
'medium! cows, 39 to $9.50; common coves,
37,50 to esi.5 0 ; canners and cutters $6 to 6.75 ;
choice bulls, 311 to 511.50- good bulls, 510.2.
to 510,75 • common to medium bulls, 58.50 to
P.50; beat milkers and springers. 5110 to
3x35 ; nu -ilium milkers and springers, 380 to
*90; hog;;. 320.25 fed and watered; sheep, 312
to 516: lambs 51e to 520.50; calves, 310 to 515.
The following were the quotations.: --
Choice heavy ;the" , 812.75 to $13.50; good
heavy steers 512.25 to 512.50 ; =butchers, cattle 1
choice 12.25 to 512.5.0 ; good $11.60 to $11.b;,
do. medium 510.75 to' 11.25; do. common 29.75
to $10O5; butchers' hulls, choice, 310.75 to
311,25; good bulls $10 to 510.50; do. medium)
bulb, 5e to 5e.25; butchers' cows, choice,
$10.50 10 $11- do. good, $10 to 510.25; do.
median=, 59 tel 59.50; stockers, 59.50 to 511;
feeder; 510.50 to 311.50; canners and cutters
36.25 to $7.50; milkers, good to. choice 390 to
alae; do. common and medium. $65 to $811.;
wringer , 590 to 3125; light ewes,; $13.50 to
316; tansies 318 to $20,50; calves, good t0
choice 513.50 to 315.50' hogs. fed and wat-
ered , 520.2 too. 5 ei eel off can; 520.50; do.
BOX & i
EiL A AND . r'
H. C. Box
Entlder Government DIpIosa
sad Lissom.
Flowers itaraWlsed on stiort
N`ilght a Day 'Calls
Phone 175 Phone 50
Reynolds -In Seaforth, on April 19th, to Mr.
and Mrs. James E. Reynolds, a son.
Cantin-At St. I Joseph. on April 'Th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Napoleon Cantix, a del inter.
Bates=Gaveaalogk In Knox Presbyterian
Church, .Calgary, on; April 12th, by Rev.
MacCartney Wilson;, M.A., Ada. Kingston ,
Govenlock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
R. Goveniock Seaforth, to Angels E. Bates.
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bates, of Shel-
burne, Ontario.
Hollinger--Lament-At Melville Manse, Brus-
sels, on AprO-IBth, by Rev. A. J. Minn, B.
A., Mr. Willi ra ,follinger. to. Miss Lime
daughter of the late Angus and Mrs. Lamont
of Grey township.
'Kirkeonnell-Blair-At the Manse, Brussels, 1
by Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., on ;April :10th,
Mr. Thomas Kirkconnell, of Grey township,
to Miss Bertha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robrt Blair, of Dinsmore, S&&sk., formerly
of Grey township.
carter-C*xnpbell-At Londesboro manse. on
April 20th, bee Rev. James Abery, Edith
Garnet Campbell to George W. Carter, both
of Hullett. ,
Dale---Habkirk.--At the .manse, MeKillop, on
April 22nd, by Rev. D. Carswell, Mr. 'Har-
old Douglas Dale, of Hullett, to Miss Ada
Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Habkirk, of eicKillope
McKay ---In Bowesmont, North Dakota, on
April 19th, at the residence of his son, Dr.
J. F. McKay, }George T. McKay) formerly of
Kippen. Onta*io, aged 64 yearse 4 months
and 30 days. •
Bunsch-In Seaforth, on April 20th, Lizzie,
only daughterof Mr. and hers. George
Bunch, aged 15 years and 3 days.
McFalls-ln Exeter, on April 15th, Mrs. Alex-
ander McFall$, sr., of Centralia, aged' 80
Vincent --In Dashwood, on April 12th. Mrs.
Daniel Vincent, aged 45 years, 8 months
and 17 days.
Farr -In Gsderieh, on April 17th, --Joseph,
Gerald Farr, son of Mr. William Farr, aged
18 years and 9 months.
In loving memory of Mrs. William Cud
more who. died in Crystal City, on April 24,
Sleep on dear 'mother, thy -labor's o'er,
Thy willing hand will toil. no more,
On earth there's strife, in Heaven rest,
We joved ,you well, God loved you best.
Loved Ones
1 S. T. Holmes
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer ,
Undertaking partors in Odilfel
tows. building ing opposite
eittewart5 Bros. Resi-
denee_G•oder1ch st., cpp
Dr. Bcott'B
Flowers furnished on
short notice.
Phone- Night or -.Day 119,
iir;i' ii' IiIILBNl'lil llllllllllllliillllulllf 11111118111111111111millNlelllli ))shim il' 11
W.S, Gormlev
,G mbal'mer
Funeral Direc+or
Undertaking Parlors above
M•, Williams' grocery core,
` Main Street, Seaforth
blowers for ....oued on short notic e
OhargPs moderate.
Phone night or day •=-- 192
61BiiuiU I,.�i
We wish to express our : sincerest thanks
to our neighbors and friends for the many
expressions of sympathy and deeds of help-
ful kindness in the short illness and subse-
quent death of our daughter, Lizzie. They
were a real help in our hour of trial and will
not be forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. George Bausch
A meeting of the Seaforth Farmer's Club
will be held in the Separate School Hall, Sea -
forth, on Wednesday evening, next, May 1st.
The Exec, tive of the Association are expect-
ing a c.zad of salt to`urrive early in May.
Any far rs in need of any of this are spec-
ially requested to be present. Non -`members
as (well as members are cordially invited to
attend. George D. C. Barn, McKillop, Presi-
dent; J. H. Scott, Hullett, Secretary. 2628-1
For sale a nixie roomed house in splendid
repair situated on Sperling Street, Seaforth.
The property contains one lot Leith some fruit
trees and small fruits. Hard and soft water ;
also a good hen houses This is a very desirable
property and will be sold on reasonable
terms for quick sale. For further] particulars
apply on the premises. MISS ADELINE
TY REMAN.k\ - 2626x4
.Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the estate of James 'Chesney,
late. of the Township of Tuckeraznith, in the
County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died
at the said Township of Tuckersmith, on or
about the twenty-fourth eav ,.f March, 191e,
to send by post prepaid, -or deliver to the ur,1-
dersigned, full particulars of their claims
duly verified by affidavit and the nature of
the security, if any, held by them. Further
take notice that after the said last mention-
ed date, the assets of the said deceased will be
distributed among the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to the claims of which
notice shalt then -have -been given. Dated at
Hensall, this 17th day of April, 1918. GLAD -
MAN & STANBURY, Stolicitsrs for Executors,
Hensall & Exeter, Ont. ' 2528-3
Notice: ,is hereby given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the estate of the late Thomas
Murray, late of the Townhip of McKillop, in
the County of Huron. Fader, deceased, who
died at the said Township of McKillop on er
about the twenty-fourth day of Januar 1918,:
are required on or before the 14th day of
May, 1918, to send by post, prepaid, or'deliver
to the undersigned, full particulars of their
claims duly verified by affidavit, and the na-
ture of the security, if any, :held - by ;hem,
Further tale notice that after 'the said last
mentioned date the,assets of the said de-
ceased will be distriuted amon the parties
entitled thereto, having regard, only to the
claims . of which notice shall th n have been
given. Dated at 'Seaforth, this '18th day of
April, 1918. John Murray, R. No. 2, Wall.'
ton, Ont., James gv ans, B hwood, Ont.,
Executors Thomas Murray Estate. '.628-3
We have just received a ship-
ment of FRESH
Cabbage -
Radishes Lettuce
Bitter Oranges
Try Them -- Prices Right
Thos.. Phillip§ .
Wholesale and Retail Fruit8
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
On Friday, May 3rd, at 1 o'clock p.m., at
the premises, livery barn, house and equip-
ment. George Coplenad, Proprietor ; George
Elliott, Auctioneer.
On Friday, May 3rd, at 1 o'clock p.m., oil
lot 6, Concession 3, Tuckersntith, lee miles
east of 'Egmondville, sale of ':farm stock and
implements. 'James Cleary, Proprietor ; T.
Brown, Auctioneer.
A small ' quantity of timothy seed; also a
limited amount. of potatoes suitable for seed.
Apply to ` JOHN MURRAY, Brucefield . P.O.,
or phone 6 on 137. 2627-4 •
Men wanted to work on Munitions. tesdy'
job for good, reliable then. THE ROBT. BELL
forth. 2 '271e
• FOR SALE : .
For Sale a clottage with two bedroaxns,.and
two lots on North Mains Street, two blocks
from Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and
soft water in kitchen. All in good ohape.
,Easy terms. Apply to E. L. BOX, .Seaforth
2627-tf -
, Mrs. - E. McMurray desires to express her
great appreciation and tbankfulnees to her
neighbors and friends for the many acts of
neighbors .and friends ofr the Many acts of
kindness and the sympathy shown to her dur-
ing tee recent illness and subsequent death
of her husband, the. late Ebenezer McMurray.
On Mill road, near Kippen Road, ' five acres
on which is . a 'good . brick house ,with good
stone cellar and hard water inside. 'Mao 'a
good stable, and all kinds of small fruit. For
particulars apply to H. L. BAILEY , .Egmond-
vitle, Phone 8 on 137, Seaforth Central.
2628x2-tf. . •
$900. -The 32,500 Russell Knight Car own-
ed by the . late County Treasurer. In first-
class condition. Engine, starter and electri-
cal parts warranted satisfactory. 'Easy terms
of payment. Write to Box 119, 1 Wingham,
Ont. 2628-2
A young Shorthorn bull for sale, (grand -
sire imported), 17 months old, dark roan in
color, ;Apply. to A. ELCOAT, lot 3.6, Concession
13,. Tnckersmaitb. R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, or
Phone 4 on 628, Clinton Central. 2626x3
For sale seven roomed frame • house on
North Main Street, one door south of Mr..
Robert Winter& ,residence. Must be sold
at once. ? Apply at The Expositor Office,
Seaforth.: - 2624-tf
• For kale ,the Produce Businea of the late
Thomas R . Thomson` in Seaforth ' Alsd =store
fixtures and. other essentials. 1 or terns aind
particulars 'apply at the store on Main St.,
Seaforth. MRS. T -R, THOMSON. 2627-tf'
Write for booklet and prices of im-
proved and` unimproved farms in the
famous Gilbert Plains District. J. H
EVANS & CO , Gilbert Plains, Mani-
toba. 2617x20
Small frame house on West William
street, Seaforth, hard and soft water,
good stable: For further particulars
apply to J. D. Hinchley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 on 124. 2622-tf
We still have a limited quantity of those
Davis Warrior potatoes. Orders Have come
in from distant points for these potatoes as
they stand at the head of the list as a late
potato, and are strictly Ontario stock sown
last year, Secure some now and be pre-
pared for seed time. They are excellent
for cooking- also. .A. II 17GILL, Seaforth,
Phone 6 on 138. 2624-tf
For sale on Main Street, Egmondville, a
house and two lots with stable, good hen
house' and yard, summer house, and apples
and pears and grape vines,' all bearingfruit,
house is nicely deeerated. Electric tights.
Convenient to church, stores, post office and
school Corner location. For further partic-
ulars apply to SPROAT & SPROAT, Grocers,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Statutes in that behalf, that all persons has -1
ing claims against the Estate of Margaret
Sutherland, Spinster, late of- the 'Town of i
Seaforth, who died on or about the Sixth
day of December, A. D., 1917, are required'
on or before the 30th day of April, A. D.,
1918, to send by post or deliver to the under-
signed Executors for the said deceased, full
particulars in writing of their claims and the-
henature of the security held by them, if ane;.
duly verified by affiidavit.. And after,the said
last mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distfibute the assets of the deceas-
ed among the ;parties entitled thereto, laving
reference onlyto the claims of which they shall
then have notice, and the said Executors will
not be liable for any part of the assets to
any person of -whose claim they shall not
then have received notice. Dated at Seaforth,
this 11th day of April, A. D., 1918. MARY
DUNCAN and JOHN ?RAN.KIN, Executors,
Seaforth, Ontario. 2626-3
Of Farm Stock and Implements. -Mr. T.
Brown has been instructed toy sell by public
auction on Lot 6, Concession 3, Tuckersmith,
lye miles east of Egniondville, on Friday,
May 3rd, at one o'clock p.m., the following:
Horses -Agricultural gelding 4 years old; ag-
ricultural filly 4 years old, driver 8 years old,
(good single or double), Cattle -4 cows fresh?
-ened in February, 2 cows due time of sale,
one fat cow, 5 fat heifers, one fat steer,four
steers rising 2 years old, 3 heifer& rising 2
years old, 5 steers rising;' 1 year old, 3 heifers
rising 1 year old, 3 young calves. Pigs -One
brood sow due later end of May, 5 pigs about
100 lbs., each. Also 200 Barred Rock hens,
and 4 eockeiels. Implements -Deering bind -
der 6 foot cut, Deering mower, 6 foot cut,
nearly new, side delivery - rake and tender
combined, nearly new;, Massey -Harris 18 -hoe
drill, Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator,
disc harrow, four section diamond harrow+$, 2
walking plows. two #arrow gang plow, scuff -
ler, root pulper, turnip seeder, lumber wegon,
nearly new; set of sleighs nearly new ; gravel
box, flat rack, ice box, stock rack, two top
buggies, cutter, light wagon, Clinton fanning
mill, weigh scales, wheelbarrow, Melotte
cream separator;, palsy churn, set team earn-
ees, set plough zxarness, 2 sets single harness,
4 horse collars, hayfork, rop , ' care, pulleys
and slings,. grain bagel, forks, shovels and
other articles too numerbus to mention. Terms
-All sums of 510 said ander cash; over that
amount 12 months' Bred it on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent.
off for cash. All articles to be satisfactorily
settled for by cash off' note before being res
moved from the premises. Fat Cattle to be
cash. Positively na I -reserve as ' the prbprie-
for has sold his farm. JAS. CLEARY, Pro*
prietor; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer.
BOX 127. Clinton Phone- 44
(formerly of 'Ll'1'uveelii44)
---,Agent for--
The Duron & Erie Mortgage.
Coration and the Canada
.Trust CO:.` '
Commiselioner H. C. of J., Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary
Wednesday of each week at Brueefield
Two hundred bushels of eixoice.pea eans
for sale. !Apply to GEORGE W. ELLIOTT,
Varna P.O., phone 4 on 87, Hensall.
Eggs 'for hatching from our Toni Burrows
Ed ish White Leghorn$. Females and
Sires Imported direct from England. Sire's
dam, having record of . 278 eggs in a year.
Eggs, $1'60 per setting of 15; $5.00 per
setting og 60; $8 per setting of 100. Apply
to A;' CALDER, • Opposite Public School
Seaforth.; r 2625x4
Lot 33,j Concession 6, " McKillop, 100 acres
of the bet clay land in -McKillop, 8 acres of
bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation;
5 miles rom Seaforth, 2 miles from Con-
3tancer 1 4, miles from school: There are on
the praise es, -a good -seven roomedhouse, large
bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and
welt uneerdrained. There are forty acres
Ploughed,' 5 acres bush and the balance seed-
ed, down.) There are two bid, springs, one
piped to . barnyard and in the other a dam
with a lydraulie ram pumping the water to
the honeand to the barn. As . the spring
is in theigrchard and near the house and line
fence. there' is no waste land. There is a
graded land gravelled lane from the road to
the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL
DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-tf
For sale, seven roomed house,franie,
wired for electric lights, on John st.,
Seaforth, adjoining the residence of
the late Mrs. M. C. Chesney. The
property contains, one lot, with some
small fruit trees, Hard and soft wat-
er. 'This is a very desirable place and
will be sold 'for $740- cash. For fur-
ther particulars address 1R. R. No. 2,
Seafpzth, or phone 6 on 13$ Clinton
Central. A. HUGILLa. 2622-tf
FOR SALE.. • `
- House : and half acre of -land in .the
• village of Egmondville.. The property-
is sitj(Iated on Centre Street„ -close to
thesbyterian church and is known
as th Purcell property.: • `Good, com-
forte 1e 'house, good shed;, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees strawberries raspberries, and
currt nt bushes. This la a -corner pro-
perty with no breaks on •iront, and
the lnd is in a good state of cultiva •
tion., This is a.nice property for a
xetir • farmer and. tide taxes are light.
For•T )oculars apply on: the preses
or `,John Rankin, Setifieth. •2584-tf
U et and by virtue of the:powers of $file
con • fined in a certain mortgage,- which •will
be .p - , at the time of sale,.rlhere will be
offer =, for pale- by public au !tg- B, S
Yhi11 ipa,' Auctioneer; on the' lir ;, on Sat•--
urda , April 27th,. 1918, at 2 relit, the follow-
ing roperty, via: .Part ,of lot' $0, Concession
1, H y, _in, the village of Kippen::in the County-
ounty-of uron, containing 'lee acre of land' more
or 1 s, There is erected on this property a
fraMe building about 40 x 16 with a- frame
learn tom 16 x 16 and installed therein is nia-
chieery used in oonneetion with grain Chop -
pin operations, which have been. carried on in
the lire nises. The property will be offered
for Bale subject to a reserved bid. Toms
of the -Ten per cent. of the purchase peice
in nth on day of sale and the balance in 30
day thereafter, without interest, when the
pu ..chaser will be entitled to a conveyance
anti to be let into possession.. The purchaser
at the time of sale will be required to sign,
an agreement for hte completion of his par -
chase. se. Dated this 1st day of Aprit, 1918:
ric. , Ont., Solicitors for - the Vendors; B. 8.
P$ILLIPS, Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. 2626-3
For sale Lot 29, Concession 3, L.R.
S , Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
There are on, the premises a good
fume house, two barns . and frame
stable 75 feet long, cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen, two wells, The
land is in a good state of cultivation,
well drained and fenced. Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
Six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done. This farm is situated
A miles east of the village of Bruce-
field and 5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School, across
corner from farm. For further par-
ticulars. apply on the premiess or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
' R . R. No 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea -
forth Central. 2616-tf
In the village of Egmondville, con-
taining two acres of choice land, on
which there is a large commodious
house, stone foundation, excellent cel-
lar with cement floor, separate coal
cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty
barrels, end the best of hard water
at the door; there is' aso a large stable
with pig pen, hen house, and carriage
house, plenty of room; cement walks
to street and stable; also a number of
apple trees and ' ther small fruits.
This property is ituated two blocks
west of the Presbyterian church and
is within 10 minutes' walk of post of-
fice, school and church -one of the
best locations in the village, being high
and dry, with an , excellent view of
town and country; an ideal place for a
retired farmer, and will be- sold reas-
onably.. Apply on the premises or ad-
dress ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Sea -
forth, Ont. 2626x4
Auto Sales
Service for all makes of cars
Welding and machine work done.
All, work guaranteed.
Full Iine of auto tires, spark plugs,
oils and greahes, and auto acces-
sories always on hand at • -
Stewart McIntosh
-.Contracts Solicited -
Workmanship Guaranteed
Rogers Bros.
Contractors Fallarton P. 0.
Spring Term from April 2nd
Stratford, Ont.
Commercial life offers the great oppor-
tunities. Recent lady graduates of this
school are earning as high as $1000 per
annum. The last application we received
from an office man with some experience
offered,initial salary of $1800 per annum.
Students may -enter our classos at any
tinag. Graduates placed in positions. Com-
mercial,- Shorthand and Telegraphy De-
partments. Get our free catalogue.
President Principal
Can furnish Victory Bonds at 98% and_
interest, free of expense to purchasers.
Also have for immediate sale the folloW-
City of London, Gold' Bonds, to yield 6.1-3
per cent.
City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to yield 6
per cent.
City of Regina, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 8-4
City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield 6%
per cent.
City of •Montreal, Gold Bonds, to yield 6%°
pot. cent.
Any cne, having money for investment
should avail themselves of this opportun-
ity to secure these gilt. edged securities.
Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
The Canadian Flax Mills Lintited,
will rent sod land, spring or faU
ploughed. ••
I Win furnish seed free and do tho
seeding. -
The farmer will plough, disc, har,
row and roll.
The Company is also open tolupply
seed and purchase the flax on a ton-
nage basis.
' For further particulars may to
M. McCorinick
PHO,NE 202 swarn41
Is a matter of the greatest Important*
that Canada should increase her produce
lion of BACON HOGS and other live stock
as there is at_presextt a world-wide short*
age of meat. Good markks for some thno
to come are ssured,
witl gladly make loans to assist farmers in
good :standing to acquire live stock. MS
Take Care of
Your Telephone!
MANY repairs to telephones ar,c -
-u-L necessary by careless handling.
q A telephone instrument has more than a
hundred parts and is built like a'watch. Reuel
usage impairs its efficiency.
q Help us to conserve tile supply of telePhane
material and *skilled labor by always hand-
ling • your telephone. carefully to avoid
costly breakages and repairs.
The' Belt i'dephone
Cardno's Opera House TA Only -TUESDAY, MAY 7th
'- MATINEE -25c 50c 75c
NIGHT -50c 75c $1.00
W. CRANSTON Presents
The Fall of Babylon
Belshazzar's Feast
I The Humble Nazarene in the Moly Land
I Pcuris under the Scourge of Cat/wine Da Medici
A Gripping Modern Story contrasted 'with these Historic periods
Accompanied by
D. W. Gflifith's first andonly production since "The Birth of a Nation."