HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-26, Page 2V! r't !- t 44- es, -44 06' • • rbtMeIPMS .Shirte law/ I*Nanci arnis is that smooth lacquer which flows without a brush mark, • heel-proot on floors, withstands hot water and possesses all the qualities for finishing woodwork and furniture. With a Chi-Isiamel graining outfit we can teach you to grain in ten minutes. Let us try. SHINE -EASY. Furniture Polish food for the varnish and is easily applie Per bottle..,.......... . .. . .. ..... ....• produces a lustre, d. .. .. . . 25c • 49 • 9 • a wad& • Asa ivr Chore Watoi.Clositt Bowls THE. closet bowl in your bathroom ii hard to clean ordinarily, but SANI-FLUSH btfings back the original brightness, lessens the chance of blockage and requires only a minute's work. Percan......,,.. 9 " ••• ' 35c Requires tools, and no one can 'do good work with a pc) implement., Steel ..• 1•••• 1.44•••• 44 0-.04 * :Malleable Rakes. 0 i• Hand Cultivators, the handiest tool on the Digging Fork's.. .... .. Spades ..4 Gardening Trowels • • , , t 1 feet wide $4.75 Poultry Netting per roll of so yards-- - 4 feet wide $6.10 ,s feet wide $7.60 ••46 ... r 80c 49 9 • market51 .51.60 .5E36 . r2 feet wide $3.40° • ••••••••••••••••••••17,97.9••••••••••••••••••••••• • ,......, • - 4 , SEAFORTII,• Friday, April 26, 1818 M•1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••gla.••••• R.61.11NDING IV MILITARY IMPOSTERS -t Among the various war bureaus that . era discharging their duties with more • bliehed i that estan the •United $ than the average°satisfattiola tes is by the Britiksh and Canadian Gaivearaa merits for, the pursiose of rouidhig uP and punishing "fake" war heroes. • Thee are the meanest sWindleril de- veloped bY the war. They disgrace the uniform they weir . and bring !dis- credit on the millions of gallant Ifel- lows who have donned it in the ast three years and a half.' They Iave swindled scores if not hundredse or thousands of decent American eiti- zens as well as. their own compa- tiots. They have forged clieesnes, issued cheques for which there 'were o funds, • have borrowed money never to be returned, and -h wronged women, all by virtue of aro- peaking in British or Canadian twiny uniforms and tellinglamentable tales of their exploits in the im- minent deadle breach. They hare:e had a considerable run for their money, •but are now being hurdled down imprisened, and if physic I ly it sent overseas again, ,preaa' ably as members a a sures club." • Some of these imposters have had remarkable careers. As a rule th are found- to be soldiers discharg from the service who are 'acquam ed with military .formS and habi and have been present at some o the engagements which they ' d scribe with such 'eloquence. For man, who had never ben in u form at all to attempt to fill th part of a returned officer would r quire an irofr nerve sufficient t mace a real military reputation an a, gift'of simulation, that woeld brin fame on the stage, Sergeant-Majo Boyd? of Montreal, a member of th Princess Pats, attached to the Ne' York- Bureau to . hunt down these swindlers is of the opinion that thes fakirs as a, rule don a uniform in order to make a hit with th ladies," and only rarely for the -pure, poses of obtaining money on false pretences. However, having once committed 'themselves to the enter- prise the opportunity of making fin- ancial gain is readily yieldahel to, and resenty they have crossed the line at divides imposture from crim- ality. Not long ago in an American city ran, across a chap in the uniform the Princess Pats. Re told Boyd at he had been at -clay Ridge, but t was somewhat hazy about details that memerabae coflict.. When ked his number • he said "108," y th in • he of th bu of as • • this happened to be the number of , one of Boyd's churns -who had been sasasasaa 4 killed at Vimy. The .error was fatal, sem!. fo the licKitopliintvalliAD BOILS t zre lnsnr4ince Co lleadonice: Seaforth, Oat. DIREOTORYJ OFFICERS. J. Connolly, Goderich, President kas. Zvaran Beechwood, Vice -Prodded T. E. gays, Seaferth, Secy.-Treas. AGENTS Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth; John • Murray, ,33rucefield, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth; W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jar- snuth, Brodhagen. DIRECTORS William Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John rummies Brodhagen; James Evan; Neechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.- Connolly, Godericb; D. F. McGregor, it, R. No. 8, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4 Walton; Rebert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 8, Seaforth. G. T. R. TIME TABLE Trains Leave Seaforth as follows: aOZ5 a. m. - For Clinton, Goderich, Winghanz and Kincardine. 048 p. m. For Clinton, Wingham and Kincardine. • p. in. For Clinton, Goderich. 1141 a. ne-For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Oriliia, North Bay and points west, Belleville and Teter- boro and points east. $.16 ni. - For Stratford, Toronto, Montreal and points east. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE Going South a.m. p.m. OVingbara, depart .... 6.35 3.20 Malgrave 6.50 3.36 ZIyth 7.04 3.48 rAtidesboro ..... , - 7.13 366 Clinton, 7.33 4.15 Iliruefield8.084.33 Eititen ... . .. 8.16 4.41 ..... 8.25 4.48 Exeter 8.40 5.01 Centralia 8.57 5.13 London. arrive „ 10.05 6.15 0,- - Going North a.m. p.m. Londost, depart ......8,30 ° 4.40 Centralia •...... . .9.35 5.45 `Exeter 9.47 5.57 • Benson 9.59 6.09 10.06 6.16 furneefield... . . . . 10.14 6.24 Clinton ......... 10.80 6.40 Londesboro ' 11.28 6.57 ililyth ....• 11.37 7.05 •lielgrave .... 11.50 7.18 $Vingam„ arrive 12.05 r when a man is killed his number never given out again. It dies th him. The imposter was placed under arrest and an investigation 1 of and PINAR. h • • E • • s'Worthless cheques and unpaid ON FACE AND BQD Y. • Boilea‘ad pimples are simply eyidenc of bad' blood that is circulating th systerci coming to thesurface. The only way to rid yourself of these painful and unsightly blood disease is to have your blood purified by Burdoe Blood Bitters. It ,removes every par tide of foul material from the blood, an the akin becomes clear and smooth, an free from all eruptions. e that he had left a trai from Florida to California. He had also married several times., Three of his supposed wives -were notified of his conduct, but several others es could not be located. Instead of he . being, held arid prosecuted for big- arny -this hero was shipped back to France and put to 'work that makes 1! him a rather dubious life insurance. 11- , risk. American citizens- who with- - de out authority wear a, military or d naval uniform, or any .part of it, are committing a criminal offence and are sent to prison. similarly in this , country the unauthorized wearing of a uniforni is regarded as a crime. A masquerader who had imposed on some cif the most important 'peo- ple in New York City laaa run down not long ago. He had deserted froM a Canadian regiment and wade for New Yo*. In the uniform of a lieutenant he drifted into the United Service Club, to which a uraiform, apparently, is a passport; and sank wearily down 'on a lounge. Then 1,e rolled up one trouser leg and reve0- ed a bandage- which was supposed to cover a ghastly welled. He was surrounded with sympathizers fin.- xneldiately and with apparent reluct- ance he revealed himself, as a hero who had "got his blighty toutan" on the Somme. He had been ail avia- tor, it appeared, and later on he per- mitted the fact to be extracted tlat he was the man who had do ed the famousGerman ace Iminelmer He was hailed as a herowas invited to the homes of prominent citizens, persuaded to address Y.-.1VI.C.A. gath- erings, and make r speec es. als Mr. Roy A. Bovay, Trenton, --Ont. writes: -"Two years ago 1 was very much troubled with boils and pimples on my, face and body. A friend advised me to take Burdock Blood Bitters. I got three bottles, and before I had finished the. third one, my boils and pimples had all -disappeared, and my face and body were as clear and 'as smooth as any baby's could. be." Burdock Blood Bitters h4s been on the market for over 40 years. You are not experimenting when you buy it. .Menufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronte, Ont. ••••••••••••:•••••••••••••••••••••••4414•4•4• CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Two seated Gladstone,,natural wod, as as new and easy running, COM* f ble family rig. Apply at The Expeaitor 011ace, Senior& 25724/ •NEVER- NEGLECT BRONCHITIS IT MAY TURN TO PNEUMONIA. It is said that his earnest appe won, many a soldier for Uncle S a Incidentally the thought occ t.hat some uniformed orators h who • elped to swell the Canadian. ranks in the days before Conscription was ap- lied, have not begun to fill their unnage bags with massacred Ger- ans. One Of the men: in particular is pen. to censure in these days of ood .scarcity, for a citizen is on re- ord as willing t� eat every German e officer kills. Bronchitis comes from .a neglected cold (11 sad starts with a shcirt, painful, dr; i eeugh, accompanied with rapid wheezing, 1,0 and a feeing of oppression or tightness f f through the chest. = c You have, no doubt, wakened uth p in 1 the morning and have had to cough I se several timee to raise the phlegm from aa the broachial tubes, and have found it in of a yellowish or gray, greenish color, by and you have received relief right away. th • - an th ab of wa dat cha tho bu He liveed cr swi21 W071 Who Say the was the pv iottai office 'merit This fakir, who promoted him - 11 from rank to rank • as 1 he moved. out the country until' he was a ajor when detected, was caught a Canadian officer. He made e slip of telling how he lay under tree for hours until discovered d sent back to the hospital. • At e spot mentioned trees were out as numerous -as at the corner Bay and King Streets. So he s arrested two weks before the e set for his marriage with a rming Amercian - girl. In the antime he had collected a few usand dollars for the purpose of ying artificial limbs for soldiers. is now at the front, trying to up to his record as described to Woua Americans. we trust. The ndlers are not all xnen, • for one an was discovered in. New York, had the extreme hardihood to to a British officer who wore V.C. that she had one too . It given to her, she explained by French Government for her de- n to dutv at a hosreital. The r knew that there was no hos- vrithin many ini/es of the spot ionek A woman V C vt ul is a form of bronelaitis .which if 7.401 not -cured immediately may turn into pnesmoniwor some more serious trouble. Cure the cold with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thereby prevent bron- 'Militia and pneumonia taking hold on your system. ! C. P. R. TnviE TABLE SUMPS & GODERICH BRACH. TG TORONTO 0 a.m. p.m. ,ipoderich, leave . • • • • ...8•40 1•36 tg1/41 n 7/1113 2.14 Guelph .. 4.30 FROM TORONTO traronte Leave ..........7.40 6.10 erph, arrive . 948 4/.00 .. ... .11.48 9.04 • 111.03 9.18 ttiburn 12.15 9.30 iGedeelch ...... 0.158 Connestiose at Guelph Junction nth Wain Use tee Mgt Tiroodsteek, TA* Defeo% imad adage and all otermediate painta., Mr. E. Jarvi, New Finlnd Sask., erriten-al wan trouled, for years, with bronchitis and could not find any relief. I Wee especially bad on, a damp day. I went to a (Inmate and asked him for se.e. to *op the cough and eon - Maas • ' throat. He gave me a battle at Dr. ood's Norway Pine • wkieh found gave Me instant I think it is the best medicine for b▪ ronchitis know cat Now I take care I always have a bottle of it on hand." Do act accept a subetitute for "Dr. Wood's." It is put up in Yellow Rapper; 3 pine trees the trade znark; pesos 25e. and 50e.; manufactured only Ont. by The T. Milburn Oe, Limited, Toronto, be somewhat of a rarity even in 1 • • ay ir st of doing things we've get al- dY ttind then add all -the French ones 59 • e Teachers Association ef Alle riY erinntY, Md., has voted to join he Anieklean FedereAdon of Labor. It. is es 'timated t1 nearly 40 tier eent. of women 'workers in Washing- ton receive approximately §8 a ween Dr. Hervey W. Wiley claims that three women can do the same work as two men and do it as well. •At a recent election in -.Medford, N. tr.., a school board composed entirely of women was selected. Miss Bessie Buchanan has been ap- pointed' pastor of the Holland Memor- al Ptesbyteriari church of Philadel- phia, Pa. Cooks for the American submarines are being taught how to perform their duties under water by Mrs. M. A. Wil- son of Philadelphia. Miss Laura A. Caubie has been ap- pointed a deputy cinennissioner in the department of markets of New York at a salary of §5,000 a year. Girl pupils of the Cleveland schools will be taught the same trades as the boys in the trade and t&lmical sehoels if they desire. Threat families of Beligan refugees have been adopted by the Camp'. Fire Girls of Chicago, for a period of five years, ce i$he T4d rfiturAmtvzsm.! The Fareeinv.Fruit Mdicine« MISSANNIEWARD 112 IiaMn $t., St. John, /CB. "It is with rleasure that I write to tell you of the grea,t bertefit Ireceived from the 'use) of- your medicine, Iwas a great sufferer for many yearS frora Nervous Read. ! aches and COI:siltation. I tried. everything, &Insulted doctoei; but nothing seemed to hap me until tried Prait-aleives'e After I had taken several boxes, was completely relieved of these troubles and 'hate been unusually well ever since1 Miss ANNIE WARD. 'Fruit-a-tiest is fresh fruit juices, concentrated ittd increased in strength, comled with finest tonics, and is a positiy and reliable remedy for Headaches and Constipation. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.0, trial size 25c. At all dealers or Fruit-a-tivesLimited, Ottawa. The United Daughters of the Con- federacy have' endowed two wards in the Red Cross hospital at Neuilly, France. T4e most successful dispenser of &egs in Chichniatils a woman who operates a chain of drug store e in the business sections. , Miss Ethel Schuster of Ellood City, Pa., has been selected to carry mail throughout the 'nearby country districts. BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS egt IN THE SPRING MOST PEOPLE NEED A TONIC MEDICINE. One of the surest thgns that the hood is. out of order is the pimples. =sightly eruptione and eczerha that me frequently with the change ora winter to spring. These prove at the Tong indeer life of winter had its effect upon the blood, d that a tonic medicine is needed put it right. Indeed there ate few ple Who do not need a tonic at s season. Bad blood does not rely show itself jr-f disfiguring erup- ns, To this same condition is due acks of rheumtism. and lumbago. sharp stabbing pains of liciatiel neuraliga, poor appetite and a ire to avoid 'exertion. You cannot e these troubles by the use of pur- ive medicines -'4 you need a tonic. a tonic only, 1 and among all dicines there is none can. equal Dr. Earns' Pink Pals for their tonic, -.giving, nerve -restoring powers. ry dose , of this medicine makes riah blood which drives out im- ties, stimulates every organ. and a feeling of new health and gy to weak tired ailing men en and children. If =n6u are out orts, give this medicine a trial see how quickly it will restore appetite, revive dropping spirits, fill your veins with new, health - g blood. u can *et these Pills from any eine dealer or by mail at 50 s a box or six boxes for $2.50 The Int Williams' Medicine Co., kville, Ontario. co ft, these days when heroism is so co nion. And a V.C.oreaented by French Goverment would be a s greater curiosity. I Pe° thi TAKING A BATaf SOMEWHERE IN me tio att There are -not you can hear, can't the yon the supercilious Anglo-Saxon eaa tourist saying, ataf course there are 'd'e"s" not") any bathrooms in the houses, nor in the one little inn And yet the cur people take plenty of bths and in gat big porcelain bathtubs, too, bigger and and deeper and fifiler of hot wather `me than those we have in our houses. iffeail Among the shaky curious little in- dustries of the place is the etablise- • ,Eve rnent des Isaias As you go down the main street of a morning you stop in t,;.„ and fill up a little printed card stating e-ner that you wish a hot (or cold), plain •(dr perfumed or sulphur or starch, or w"ne, what not) bath, at such and such an hour, The little old woman in charge and notes your hot*, and stokes up her the stove accordiagatoatbe schedule of the anaed da. When ,y-iyo, arrive you areihown into an imMncMate clean tiled bath- room , with an enormous tub, lined „.atte With a clean sheet (it has been define from itely decided by the doctors that this trmu precaution obviates any possibility of Broc contagon) and filled with clear, spark- ing hot water. You can rent your towels for two dents apiece, and buy a it of soap for three cents, or you may, ring them from Jhome, if you pre- er. Of course, being. unused to this %)articular way of killing the cat, you feel rather` foolish and queer to be taking a bath in 'a community bath - tab instead of in ,Vour own. 1"--4- hath is a fine °nee with a cold rb- dwn at the end !there is no danger - 0 taking cold; and as you dress, g owing and refreshed, you cannot put ont of your mind Some such colloquy ad this: "Yes, of com-e I prefer a bathtub. in ray own hous. Everyone wouldai But suPPos,'I haVen't money enough. to have one? At aome, in a town like 1 ths, you can onlyg4 a bath, or give it Ito your chi/drere if you have capi- tal enough to bur,install and keep 4 up a balirooin of our own. Here you ca'have an even better one, any time yo can spare fifteen cents i . ' W ich metho,d produces the bigger atee of clean skin in. a given com- m. ity ?" ou usually end your colluquy by 1 quoting to yourself, laughingly, the grandly American minded remark of the boy f_rora Illinois, whose reaction to the varions eyeopeners ab ut him was Mies formulated: 'Da you kno, the thing we ant to do at home is to keep all the good • ALCOHOL GIN PILLS Many bave wondered how the famous old household remedy, Gin pills d rived its- name, sine obviously there . !,. could he no epiritsbon fain ed in pill form. Th origin of Gin Pills can be traced to Gi which -has for a great many years en recognized for its medicinal %tali es,particularliits beneficial effects on ey complaints. But n the-firet.plaee there are many who have conscientious objections to taking t alcohol, even as a medicine. Secon yl the curative agent of Gin Operate in spite of the alcohol, not be- cause e alcohol ia a help to the cure. Investigations were made to deter,. mine just what it waS in Gin tbat tended to relieve Rhumatism, Iumbago, Scia- tica,4a Ba che, Swollen joints, Constant Heade es and aIl disorders arising from the kidn ys, bladderandurinary system. This aetive agent, separated from the alcohol, -as then combined with other diuretics' and given the name of Gin Pills, for which a demand has grown greater than for any other medicine in Canada. ' Gin Pills have a wonderful record of success and anyone applying to the raminfacturers can obtain 'copies of many of the testimonials receivd. . Gin Pill are sold by all dealers every- where on strict guaranee. of satisfac- tion or you money back. They are 50n, a box or -'6 boxes for $250 k free t sample ea be obtained by writing to the Nation Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, or to the U. S. addr ss, Na-Drit-Co. Ins, 202 Ma • in St, 13 ale, N.V. 12 APRIL 28, CAPITAL AND nrsEurE ,. 000 0 98 BRANCHES IN CANADA A Geneial Banking Business Tra adacted. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF. CREDIT - BANK MONEY ORDERS SAWN' G§ BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest Current Rate, - BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRCT: ! Brumfield $t. Marys Kirkton Exeter Clinton Hensel! Zurich • 144-1,.*.4.1.4404.1kootti.a.•4144.4ii.c-silkitov, 1111 71 [W .4 4,:fri •11••••F • . Id Cle()per to . , lion &pair alp dUR house -if it is four years old or oldere-is worth at ast 50 y snore -toda3r than when it was 'milt Lumber and ceraentare so lig obviouts that either new houise or an old one is today sovaluableapro it would cost half -as -much -again to blind this year asit did in 1914. * ,r -e - its owner must conserve it unless he is commifted to a policy of wilful waste. ' e your house -and all your building -protected. And let your paint- . consist of an economical paint::se thGue paint aatbat(zglo:4pn...iarthest..--:..., " :7-7- ' ui , .. 30z In idles* mac 100% P Paint The kindwe guarantee to possess as its important lese, the above correct f This formula, printed on every can over our President's signature" t onunits this standard. nigh in colt as whiteiead has become, we must 11SC as much as heforeto use less, would necessitate the removal of the guarantee from cans and would injure the high reputation, which these paints have acquired reason of their superior ingredients.. sae - Other B-H Products of Sterling Words. We carry and recommend the following li-liproduets: - For Interior Finishing - Plaster Ceilings and Walls Stain. "China -Lac" - the perfect Varnish eeeeseeneeteeeea flat tone oil Staining the Roof i "Anchor Brand Shingle Stains" In 19 Varnishing Floor different colors. "FloorIustre" excellent for in • B -I-1 Porch Floor. Paint Boor. eicya eph Robb; bs," b wer The foll months: Turn Jas. 11 VAL .48 go ock& those veil, ohain tuoneY'to' annual m For Porch Floors, Ceilings and parts For barn and outbuildings- exposed to weather,. ' Imperial Barn Paint Color Cards and Prices from our local agents. T. G.-Sco-tt, Seafor .1911*APPICNIAINI11ENC)11E sairraso. otaikur.lvar $r osatur Vervio?rp listmowito. cfAciiv;A__ high tarred it NyrUT. G. e • lair. bride veer ary v." -entere •of r wed • -fornted of a f the el Vreleav znd Int! .elled ith gr couple gnitula -this co • e Ford Saves the Hay and Oats the Horses Eat T HAS been estimated that five acres of land are re4uirtel to maintain One horse, fois a year, and that thesame„five acres Would produce nearly efioughfood for tvireple. If 5000 Canadian farmers each • /*placed 'one horse with a; Ford, 250,000 acres 'would be added to the Nation/8 source 'of food supply and enough extra food made available to feed 100,000 people. . Just think what a greatservice this means to the country at the present - ' this acreage. • time and the benefit to the farmers from the sale of food produced on A Ford ear also saves the farmer a week or more of valuable time each year, which ce,tusecl 'for further productive Work. The Ford travels three times asfa-graica here and rig -costs less to run and keep, and is far easier to take care of. With labor so scarce and high pricd, time means money, so do not delay in getting your Ford. ,C"'"ftwises..•• • The The comzn day me death of Lawrence Plaetzer trouble a and win health farm day eve with bini and he re During ened by ed her watchd deoeased leaves Frederi brother. nearly by an equ.a.i earmnum in the li fune.ra tery MiIvices !of the 'd John P ;fames George Runabout -$575 Touring - - $595 Coupe -$770 Sedan - - 1970 Chassis - 535 One-toniruck 750 F. 0. 1. FORD, OW J. F. DALY Dealer COOK BROS. Dealers- - • Seaforth ▪ •Hensali Nothi lets us are a - action, zeipatio fevers, she wi 'lug the Dames alw Tableta best m and The Ta er,so The D .Broc Bre made Act t ehes Meth° menci ther arta S •nd t nL asm.; SI field afene pulpit day the g Stan Jam posse Jing eiste add time