HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1918-04-19, Page 5PRIL 191 1819
uririg these times, when
Er IS so high, the problem
mg sure of Shoe. Quality
real one.
e is nothing short of a col.
▪ hoes made. The man who
taking no risk.
ar shoes here lies not only
uality but in knowing that
ind Durability of our Shoes
We Shoes with Style, Dar-
on the English last with
a on the English last with
er Pair • , - . - ....$6.50
et on the long receding
ber Heels, per pair..$7.50
e English last with Neolin
. . - . . .: .. .........$6.50
`ie English last with leather
......... - .$5.50 and $6450
?gra to learn that Mrs. Duncan
is and has been quite ill for t
it week or two. -Mrs. Adam
t was called to Merlin lately
O the series:us illness alter son
who, 'however, was -somewhat
el before she returned. -We ,
inea copy of the Detroit News
r. William D. Bonthron, 2r4
Mr, Robert Bonthron, of this
is chairman of the Auditing
tee, in the third campaign for
arty Loan Bonds, which is do
much in aid of the successful,
4. out of the present greet war,
an be readily understood when
that the amount required from
• of Detroit and Wayne county
46,908, and it appears that the
Detroit in the first and second
pis, led all the large cities in
mtry, and we feel proud that
lensall boy is chairman of the
-..ee engaged in the good work
re pleased te learn that Master
Busch., who has, been, suffering
severe attack of pneumonia,
mproving nicelye-Mrs. Chant-.
of Niagara Falls, who spent
weeks here with her parents„
xrs. w. G. Wilson, return -
during the past week. -Mrs..
;oxworth spent the week end in
. with her brothea-Me. Jas.
a former grocer of Hansair of Point Edward, was here .
renewing acquaintances. -
Bullard intends taking a trip
in. the near future to spend
rner months -with relatives and
here. -Mr. Reid, who recently
el the dwelling property of Mr.
Laylor is making a number of -
provements to the interior of
ning.-Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt
e' been in Detroit since last
end returning to our vill-
end of this week, and occupy-
' dwelling on Richmond street,
Mrs. Weir Acheson was in
during the past week spend-
s. days with her son Cyril,who
tractor in the Aviation Corps ,
and .who was recently here
few weeks of leave, and it
ed that he could remain in
for a six months' term, giving
In in the aviation camp there,
very serious turn that the
taken of late weeks', led him
mimed back overseas and he
his mother was there. -An -
services are being arranged
Lel church, ;rid respecting
will be able to give further
• in another issue. -We are
a report that Mr. W. J.-
* has been se very seriously
able to be up and go around
a little, but is still very
we trust he may continue
e. -Our gardeners are now
and our business Men, •
he new daylight saving plan
loneer evenings for outside
ne doubt, make good
this year. -The Sacrament
d' suener -will be observed
the month of May and of
her notice will be given
rtments of Serges,
,.you could wish to
Ireys, browns and
h guaranteed dyes.
ty of materials at
he Same attention
n w stock of
We're sure
APRIL 19, 1918
Engagement Announced -Mr. and.
Alb's. David Boyd announce the en-
gagement of their adopted daughter,
Myrtle Burns, to Mi. Oliver F. El-
liott, of MeKilllop, the marriage to
take place in Toronto early in May.
Notes .-Mrs. T. McKay and fam-
ily, and Mrs„ W. Manley and family,
-were visitors at Seaforth last Sun-
day. --Seeding operations are in full -
swing.: -We are sorry to lelirn that
Mr. James O'Loughlin is not enjoying
the best of health.
, Notes .-A terriffic thunderstorm
raged over this. district last Tuesday
night for over an hour. The thunder
and lightning was incessant and the
rain poured down in torrents. No sn,a-
serial damage is reported so fare but
nany of the citizens were up ;and
dressed for any emergency. The sew-
eds were all flooded and a great a-
mount of mud and debris was swept
down the streets, but on Wednesday
morning normal conditions again pre-
vailed. -A bad break occurredin the
water pipe on Josephine street on
.Saturday night, whieh caused a good
deal of trouble,' as many citizens have
been without: zervice for several hours.
These pipes were laid about forty
years ago and have given good ser-
-vice. ---e-
The Council. -The McKillop Town-
-ship Council will meet at Calder's
Hall„ Winthop, on Thursday, April 25,
at two o'clock pare -M. Murdie, Clerk
Sad Death. -A very sad ad sudden
death occurred on Wednesday, when
Mina May Dolmage, wife of Mr. Robt.
C. Dodds passed away at the home of
her mother elf the 7th concession. Mrs.
Dodds had always enjoyed good health
and on Saturday evening left her home
to call on her mother. Soon after
her arrival, she was stricken with a se-
vere attack of appendicitis and operat-
ed on early Sunday morning. This,
• not proving effective, a second opera.
tion -was deemed necessary and' was
performed on Tuesday, but she never
rallied and death relieved her suffering
the followine morning. The deceased
who was only 24 years of age, was
beloved by all, and her early, death
has dome with a great -sense of shock
to the whole community. She was the
third daughter of the late Charles
Doi/nage, and was married to her now
bereaved husband about four years a-
go, and is also survived by two small
daughters, her mothers three brothers -
and three sisters, to whom are ex-
tended the heartfelt sympathy of all
in their sad and suden bereavement.
The funeral services will be conducted
from the residence of her mother, to-
day, Friday, at 2.30 p.m., and inter-
mentment will be made in the Maite
hindbant Cenietery.
A Great Sucess.-The entertainment
given in Calder's Hall, Winthrop, - on
Friday, April 12th, provided keen en-
joyment to an audience which filled
the hall to capacity. The feature of
the evening was a play entitled, "The
Ladies' Aid of Mohawk Crossing,"
given by about 25 of the ladies of
Winthrop and district.- The play, as
its title implies depicts a meeting
of ladies to discuss various church
matters in a supposedly bueiness like
manner. The disagreements among
the ladies at the meeting developed in-
to personalities and after prolonged
arguments nusnerous motions and no
business of definite nature was com-
pleted. The discussions were most
amusing and the play abounded in
witty saying. The costumes of the
ladies being -relics of past years add-
ed much to the play. They were truly
remarkable and the ladies deserve
credit for the pains takere by them in
gathering so wonderful a collection.
It would be difficult to single out the
players for special mention. but Miss
Blanchard took her pare 'very cleverly
and showed considerable ability, as
--also did Miss Ament as an aristocrat
from ercaton. Mrs. J. M. Govenlock
as a fighting suffragisteMiss Dorrance
who. could not forget tie existence of
a husband; Mrs. Harn, Mrs. J. G.
Grieve, Mrs. Blanchard and Miss
Smith, Mrs. Calder, Miss Beattie,
Mrs. katon. and Miss eilcCulla. The
otb.er members of the cast had smaller
parts, but they carried them success-
fully. Altogether the play went very
smoothy and the ladies are to be con-
gratulated upon their e.fforts. The
large audience showed their apprecia-
tion in no uncertain manner, and the
success of the play was well deserved
• Notes. -While playing football at
school, Master Ralph Dill fell, dislo-
cating his. elbow, Dr. Burrows, of
Seaforth, was, called - immediately to
attend him. -Mr. Joe Sills, and his
mother, and Mr. and -Mrs. John Ma-
lone spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Dill. -Rev. F. McArdle of Stratford,
has been appointed administrator of
Dublin Parish until Father Noonan
recovers. We are pleased to hear
that he is making rapid progress to-
wards recovery at present. -Mr. Wm.
Stapleton has purchased a new Over-
land car -..--.Mr, Patrick Ryan of Strat-
ford, has moved his family into the
_dwelling previously occupied by Mr.
L.Kratiskopf,-Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell
of St. Thomas and Miss, D. Dunn, of
London, visited at the home of Mr. F.
McConnell .-Mr . George Howard, ac-
companied his son George to St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, London, where he was
operated opefor appendicitis on Satur-
day. He is doing as well as can be
expeeted.-Mr. William Baker- and
Mr. Murree' of Hickson, visited the
formers brother, Mr. E. -Baker, on
Monday and also took, in Mr. Bloom -
field's sale. --A number of our villa-
gers attended the Chatauqua concert
in Mitchell' on Saturday' nig-ht.-Mr.
Ed. Murphy kspent the past week with
relatives in Hamilton. -Mr. Griffin
of Goclerich is visiting at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. T. Molyneaux.---
Pr. -Michell, who has been recuperat-
lteiantrirn Toronto, is expected horne the
Net of this week . -Rev. F .
Moran anii Mr. Brown of Kinkora,
called oti Fiither McArdle on Monday.
-Mises Mury Beale has been ill witi
quinsy for some time. She has re-
turra.el e, work in the telephone office.
7-eliss M. Kerwin of Dundas is vis-
iteag Mies K. Shea -Mitchell vis -
last week were, Mrs. J. Red-
tieed, Mie$ M. Brt1Xe.,n, Mrs.. F.
Byrne, Mrs, Darling,, Mrs. Evans,
Miss Kipper and Miss V, McConnell,
-Mr. William Gormley and Mr. P,
Shannahati o Seaforth, ealled on•
friends in the viflage.
Standing before a farizg squad in
the forest of Vincennes early on Tues-
day, Paul Bolo Pasha,. condeenne,d trai-
tor, lost entirely the attitude of in-
difference he had maintained subse-
quent to and during his trial. When
the order to fire was given the rifles
spoke, and Bolo crternpled up with sev-
eral bullets in his head.
Escorted, by aeveral guards 'Bolo
left the Sante Prison 45, minutes be-,
fore his executton. After leavingthe
automobile at Vincennes he listeend
to the exhortation of a prison chap-
lain.. Then his eyes were bandaged
and he went without a struggle to
his place before the firing squad.
"So much the better; I am delight -
d1" Bolo exclaimed. when awaken-
ed in the morning by Commandant
Julien of the Third Court-martial.
who told him that the hour of ex-
piation had arrived. These were the
only words spoken by Bolo except for
instructions to the chaplain to take
from his body a silk lace handker-
chief Which he placed on hie chest,
and give it to his brother, Mgil, Bolo.
The condemned man went to his
execution in a new suit of clothes
brought to the prison by his brother,
and wearing white -gloves.
• Before setting forth from the pris-
011 Bolo asked to be permitted to
partake of Communion.
After the execution the form of
an interment at Vincennnes was gone
through, and then 'the body was,
tured over to Bolo's family.
When Bolo was taken to the office
to go through the formalities of
his removal from prison for the ex-
ecution he refused to sign. the regis-
ter. The officials insisted, upon
which Bolo cried in an authoritative
tone: "It is I who com-mand here;
no one has anything more e to im-
pose upon me, I think."
'The chiPlain, after the execution,
tetnid lying over Bolo's heart 'two.
'embroidered handkerchiefs, which
had been pierced by tbe bullets. One
was given'to Bolo's brother and the
other. to his widow.
Seaforth, April 18, 1918
Wheat, per bushel ..2.10
Oats, per bushel.. ..85c
Barley, per bushel 140
Bran, per ton 36.00
Shorts, per ton
Flour, per cwt.
Peas, Per bushel• ..
Potates, per. bag
Butter, per lb.
Eggs, per &Zen oee
Hogs, per cwt.: 19.00
.. -83.60
• •
1 50
ee to 4�c
Toronto, April 16th. --,Beaus - Canadian
hand-picked, per bushel, $8.50; imported,
hand-picked, Burma or Indiai1, $6.50 to 17;
Japan, 58 to 58.25; Limas, 19 -th 20e.
Toronto, April lath, -Dressed Poultry -
Milk -fed chickens. 35 to 38e; fowl, 30 to 33e;
turkeys. 40 to 45c. Live Poultry -Turkeys,
30c; chickens. lb., 26 to 28e; hens, 30 to 33c,
Toronto, April 16th. -Butter, fresh dairy,
choice 41 to 42c; creamery prints, 50 to 52c;
solids 49 to 50c. Margarine -32 to 33c a lb.
Eggs -New laid, 39 to 40e; new/laid, in car-
tons, 43 to 44c. Cheese -New, large, 23 to
231,4c; twins, 231/1 to 23:4c; early cheeee 251/2
to ifel; large twin, 26 to 264. Maple Syrup
-81-e-2. pound tins, 10 to a case, $14.50; wine
gallons, 6 to a case, -$11 ; wine quarts„24 to
a ease, $12.50 ; imperial five gallon cans, per
eee, 510,50; 15 gallon kegs, per galon, 52;
maple sugar, 1 pound box, pure, per lb. 20c.
Toronto, April 16th. -Manitoba Wheat -No.
1 Northern, $2.23en.: No. 2, do., $2.204 ; No.
3, do., $2.173/, ; No. 4 wheat; $2.1014; in store
at Fort -William, including 2.e tax. Mani-
toba Oats -No. 2 C. W., 95%c; No. 3 C. W.,
901/0; extra No. 1 feed, 90Ysc; No. 1 feed,
881/..c; in store at Fort Willard. Ontario Oats-
-No. 2, white 92 to 98e a Ne.f 3 white. 91 tp
92c, according to -freight ditaide.---C)ntario,
Wheat -No. 2 winter, per COT (:)t $2.22; basis
in store, Montreal. :Teas -No. ,2, 53.60 to
$3.70; according to freights outside. Barley -
Malting, $1.64 to 51.65; according- to freights
met:side. Buckwheat -41.78 to $1.80, accord-
idg to freights outside. Rye -No. 2, $2.60 ac-
cording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour
-War quality, • 511.10 new, bags, Toronto.
Ontario Flour -War quality, 810.70, new bags,
Toronto and Montreal freights, prompt ship-
ment. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal
freights, bags included; Bran, per ton, 535.40;.
shorts, per ton, $40.40. Hay -No. 1, per ton,
$17'to $18; mixed, $14 to $16, track, Toronto.
Straw -Cur lots, per ton, 58.50 to' 59, track,
Buffalo, April 1•5thaaCattle-Receipts, 2300.
active; prime steers, $15.50 to $16; shipping
steers, 515 to 815.25; butchers,' 511 to 514.50:
yearlings, $12.50 to $14; heifers. $9.00 to 513:
cows, 56.50 to 513; bulls, $7 to $12; stockere
and feeders, $7.50 th 510.50; fresh cows, and
springers, steady to strong, $65 to 5140. Calves
-Receipts, 2300; active and steady; - $7 to
516.50. Hogs -Receipts, 12000; active, Pigs
10c higher. others 10 to 15c lower; heavy,
518.25 th $18.50; mixed $18-.60 to 518.65;
yorkers, 518,60 th $18.65; light yorkers and
pigs, 518.50 to $18.60; roughs, 516,25 to 516.-
50e; etags, 1310 14. Sheep and lambs -Re-
ceipts, 6,000, active; wools 25c lower, others
steady; wool lambs, 16 to $21.75; clipped
Iambs, $13 th 518.50; yearlings, 514.50 to
$15.50; wethers. 514.50 to $15; ewes, $7 to
514: mixed sheep, $14,25 to $14.50.\
Chicago, April 15, -Cattle -Receipts, 25,000;
market, strong; beeves, 510.50 th $16.75;
stockers and feeders, $8.75 to 512.65; cows
and heifers. 57.50 th 513.75 a calves, $10to
511. Hogs -Receipts, 65,000; 'market weak;
light, $17.25 th $17.85; mixed, $17.10 •th
$17.-80; heavy, 516.25 -to 517.65; rough,
516.25 to $16.70; pigs, 513 th $17; bulk of
sales,' $17.40 to 117.70. Sheep-Recepts, 12,-
000, market strong, native. 513 to 517.85;
lambs. native, 516.50 to 521.25.
Montreal. April 16th. -The offerings at the
west end cattle market this morning were 600
cattle, 25 sheep and lambs, • 800 hogs and 800
calvee. 'The trading was most (pia. there not
being a very active demand disPla.yed general-
ly. Cattle offerings seemed adequate for the
demands and prices were about steady. Large
numbers of calves were on the Market an
there was an easier feeling in that line. The
weakness that ,has characterized the other
Canedian centres for hogs led th a weaker
feeling here, but price § were not marked dole n.
The market was not particularly featureful.
Quotations -Choice steers, 512.50 to 513; good
eteere., 511.50 to 512.25; medium, 510 to 511;
choice butcher cows, $11 to $11.50 ; geod cows,
510.25 to 11 ; medium, 19 th 10; choice but-
cher bulls. 11.50 to $12;.good bulls, 510.50
th 511; medium, 59.50 to 510.25; canners'
cattle, 55.50 to $6.50; calves. milk -fed, $9 to
511,50: lambs. 516 to .$17 e sheep, $10 to 512.
Union Stock .Yards, Toronto, Apri1.16th a,
Not only were the consignments of butcher
cattle this morning above the average qual-
ity as a whole, yet with the offering e fair
one in numbers for a Monday. values were
advanced 25 th 40c all rpund. ',For all grades
of 'killers- trade was active and the demand
wa.i strong . all through for goed to
choice steere 'which averaged 1.145 Pounds,
were the beet seen oh an ordinary maaket at
the yards. These were shipped by the feeder,
James Crerar, of Shakespearei to Corbett, Hall,
and Coughlin and sold to Swift'd,for the re-
cord price of 514.50. Thirteen other heavy
steers were sold to Haub Abattoir at 514.
Loath of choice steers, chi4f1y laeavy, were,
comparatively plentiful from! 512.75 to 513.50,
and good steers from 512.25 -, to 512.50. Choice
butchers cashed in from $12 th 512.40. and
though choice quality was pretty well in
evidence more loads could have been disposed
of. All other grades of killers were a core
respohdingly stronger trade,the common light
cattle. which were slow 'sellers compared with
the others. being the least affected by the
. •
advance. Best bulls and fat cows wer ac-
tive and '25 to 400 stronger,
The cattle prices were too high to giv4 the
dealers in Stockers and feeders a chance and
• for thie reason alone the trade was ldow,
Milkers and springers were et -Moderate Irade,
60 head leashing in from $75 to $150 eaeh, but
vent' few stdd over, $125.
Values for calvedropped ell the way to 75c,
the best veals een offer costing from $18.50 to
514.60; There were no sheep and lambs to
make a market:.
The niajority araong a light consignment of
hogs sent in during the week went straight
to the packing houses. Loose hogs wished in
at last :week's price of 520.50 fed and wat-
ered, but one small lot brought an additional
10e. •
The receipts Were 170 ears, with 8,1/9 cat-
tle, 374 calves, 1446 hogs and 21 sheep and
Neely for Matthews -Blackwell bought
250 cattle: Choice steers. 512.26 th $18; good
butchers, $11.50 to $11.90: medium butchers,
$11 10.$11.25; cows, $9 to $10.60.
• McCurdy and McCurdy bought four loads
of butchers cattle, 900 to 1000 lbs., 510.75 to
$11w.51% Canadian bought
S 550 cattle:, :freavY
steers, $12.50 th $14.50; butchers,. 511 to
512.25; cows, $6.50 te $10.75; bulls, 58 to
$11; 300,calves, $13.50 to 14; mill calves, $9.
George Rowntree, (for Harris Abattoir)
bought 600 cattle: Thirteen heavy steers,
514; other steers, $12.60 th $13.35; butchers,
$11.60 to 812.40; cows, $6,50 to $11.25; bulls,
$9 to 511.50.
Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Butchers -
10. 1035 lbs., 59.75; 16, 1050 lbs., $12.25; 4,
940 lbs., 512.25; 4, 1000 ha., $13.25; 1, 1134
lbs., $11.25; 9; 1070 lbs., $18.00; 2, 940 lbs.,
$11. Cows --2, 1200 lbs., 510.75; 1, 890 lbs.,
8$1110ee;D,caliesi ,to$8$105;tohogs$14,; slia9m.be50, f5.1.05;b.to \$19:
•Rowntree Bros. bought 40 milkers and
springers, $100 to 4150 each.
J. B. Shields and Son sold:I Butchers --9,
1630 lbs., 59.70; 3, 870 lba., $10.25; 21, 950
Ib.., $11.75; 18, 1030 lbs., 512.40; 12, 1115
limo $12; 1 ,1150 lbso 812; 2, 1065 lbs.'$12.75:
975 lbs., 411.55; 26, 860 lbs., 511.55; 1, 860
'Thee $11.55. Cows -1, 1010 lbs.. $8.25; 2,
1235 Thee 510.30; 2, 1035 lbs., 58.75; 3, 985
lbs., $10.50. Bulls -1, 2010 lbs., $10; 3, 1,-
120 Thee $9,25; 1, 1480 lbs., $8.50; ,calves, 57
to 515.50; lambs. $17 to 518.
C. Zeagnean and Sons sold: Butchers -6,
1185 lbs., 113: 2, 1055 lbs., 511.25 :10, 1131
lbs, $12,65: 21, 715 lbs.. $10.35; 1. 980 lbs.,
$10.35; 1, 850 lbs.,. $11; 1, 750 lbe., $10; 2,
810 lbs., tit ; 6, 1125 lbs., 112.60; 28, 1060
lbs., 512.60. Cows -6, 1040 lbs., 59.35:1, 940
Ihs., 58; 1, 1050 lbs., 57.30; 2, 915 110., 7.25.
Bulls -1, 670 lbs., 7.50; 1, 680 lbs., $9; 1, 1440.
lbs., $11.10.
Rice and Whaley sold: Butabers-21, 1060
lbs., $12.75; 19, 1010 lbs., $12.85; 19, 1020
lbs., $12.35; 5, 1040 lbs., $11 ;' 18, 980 lbs.,
511; 16, 950 lbs., $11.50; 1, 800 lbs., 511.50;
12, 950 lbs., $12; 19, 980 lbs., $12. Cows -1,
1050 lbs., $1.0.50; 1, 910 lbs., $7.25; 2, 900 lbs.,
$7.50; 2, 1240 lbs., $10.35; 8, 1240 lbs., 10.55;
1, 690 lbs., $6.25; 6 ,1000 lbs., $9.50; 4, 1060
lbs., $10; 1, 1260 lbs., 59.50; 1, 1080 Roe
510.25; 2, 1020 lbs., $9.25; 1 bull $1760 !boo
11: 1 milker 594.50; lambs, 817; calves, $10
io $15.75.
Quinn and Hisey sold: Butcheis-49, 990 lb.
$12; 11, 730 Ihs..$10,50; 2 1085 lbs., $11.25;
18, 1030 lbs., $12.90; 13, 1340 lbs., $12.40; 19;
1025 Thee $12.20; s, 800 lthe 512.90; 2, 725
lbs., $10.-60. Cows --2, 910 lbs., $6:50; 3, 940
LL $9.50; 1, 1030 lbs., $8.25;41, 1000- $6.50:
fi 950 lbs., $9. Bulls --1, 770 lbs., $9.25; 1.
780 lbs.. $8.75 ; calves; 57.50 th $14.50; hogs,
$20.75 weighed off cars ; 61 hogs, $20.60 fed
and Watered.
Corbett, Hall and Coughlin ,sold: Nineteen
steera, 1245 Dd., $14.50; choice heavy steers
$18.25 to 513.75; fair to good steers, $12.50
to $13; choice butchers, $12 to 512.25 ; ; good
buthliers 511.60 to $11.90; medium butchers
$11 th $11.86; common butchers $10.25 to
510.75; choice cows, 510.50 th 511; good
cows, $9.25 to 89.75; common cows, 47.75 to
88.50; canners, , $6.25 to $6.50; choice bulls,
$10.75 to $11.09: butchers bulls, 59.50- to
510.25; 'bologna bulls. $8 to $9; hogs, $20.50
fed and watered.1-
The following were the quotations: -
• Choice heavy Steers, $12.75 th $13.50; goad
heavy steers $12.25 th $12.50; butchers, cattle
choice, $12 to $1440; do. good $11.50 to $11.75;
AG. medium $10.50 to $11; do. common, $9.75
to $10.25; butchers bulls, choice, $10.50 to
$11; do. good bulls $10 to $10.25; do. medium
bulls $6.75 to $1.25; butchers, cows, choice,
510.50 to $11; do. good, sro to $10.25; do.
Medium $9 to $950; stockers, • $8.50 to $10;
feeders, $10 to $X ; canners and .cutters, $6.25
to $7.25; milkers, good th choiceeeach, $90:10
$125; do. common and medium,' $65 th 580;
spriegeks, $90 to !$125; light ewes, $13.50 'to
$15.: yearlings, 3I.1.75 th S12.75; calves, good
to choice $13.50 th $14.50; hogs, fed and wat-
ered $20,50; do. ,Weighed off cars, 120.75; do.
f.o.b., $19.E0.
Undertaking Parlors above
M. Williams' grocery store,
Main Street, Seaforth
Flowers fur.....aed on short notiZe
• Charges moderate.
Phone night or day -- 192
We have just received.a ship-
'ment of FRESH
• Cabbage
Radishes 'Lettuce
Bitter OrangesJ.
Try Them - .Prices Right
Thos. Phillips
BOX127, Clintott • Phone 44
•(form•erly of Brucefield)
•-Agent for -
:The Huron &• Erie Mortgage
Corporation and the Canada
Trust Co
Commissioner H. C. of .11„ Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary
• Public.
Wednesday, of each Week sit Brucefield
• Opposite Commercial otel, Seaforth.
Wholesale and Rer Fruits
On Wednesday, April, 24 h, at ten a.m.,
auction sale of Royal 0t411, Seaforth, and
contents and Royal Hotel S bles. L. G. Weir
Proprietor; T. Brown, Auct oneer.
On Frislay, May 3rd, at 1 o'clock P.m, on
lot -6, Concession 3, Tuckerhmith, 3.y.„ miles
Cast of Egmondville, sale of farm stock and
implements. James Cleary, Proprietor; T.
Brown, Auctioneer. -
A small quantity of timothy seed; also a
limited amount of potatoes suitable for -aced.
Apply to JOHN MURRAY, Brucefleki• P.O.,
or phone 6 on 187. 2627-4
, ---
Men wanted to work on Munitions. Steady
job for good, reliable.men. THE ROOT. BELL
ENGINE & THRESHER CO., Limited, Sea -
forth. ' 2627-3
Shorthorn Bull, 25 months old, dark red,
a good one. Apply lot 7, concession 5, Hullett,
ROBERT CLARKE, R. R. No. 2; phone 1 on
245, Seaforth. 2627-tf
For Sale a cottage with two bedrooms, And
two Iota on North Main Street, two blocks
from Main street • Splendid cellar, hard and
;la t water in kitchen. All in good shape.
Easy term. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth
s 2627-tf
A young Shorthorn bull for sale, (grand -
sire imported)e, 17 months' old, dark roan in
dolor. Apply to A. ELCOAT, lot 35, Concession
3, Tuckersmith, It. R. No. 3, Seaforth, or
phone 4 on 628, Clinton ceatral. 2626x3
Two hundred bualtels of choice pea beans
for sale. Apply to GEORGE W. E LIOTT,
Varna P.0, phone 4 on 37, Hens
2625-4 •
ror sale seven roomed frame blouse on
North Main Street, ene door south of Mr.
Robert Winters' residence. Must be sold
at once. • Apply at The Expo81toi Office,
Seaforth. 24-te
A quantity of Golden Vine- Peas, suite)ble
for seed. Apply oft Lot 5, Cone sion 2,
Turikersmith, or' phone 3 on 145. j011 OLD -
FIELD. •626x2 •
For sale the Produce Business of the late
Thomas R. Thomson in Seakiirth. A1iia store
fixtures and other essentialsa• .For terjns and
learticulani apply at the store on Mein St.,
Seaforth. MRS. T. R. THOMSON. 2627-tf
MEN wANTpD,. r
a h4n• wanted everrithire lirihovr timelei'
for :lige 'Grocery Coporation. All goo sold
at actory prices. Best Gegnislated 1Sugar
*6.50 per -cwt.; Comfort, Surprise, Sunlight or
Gold Soap 7 for 25c; Pure lard -6 lb. pail 51,
etc. Agent's profit 11.50 on every 52 sale. Sam-
ple case free. THE CONSUMERS ASSOCI-
ATION, Windsor, Ont. 2627x1
For Sale two frame houses situated on
corner of Mill and Railroad strees, Sea -
forth. One 5 roomed and one 4 roomed, and
both with summer kitchens. 'A bargain for
cash. Possession given May 1st. For fur-
ther particulars apply at The Expositor
Office. 2624x4
Eggs for hatching from our Tom Burrows
EngUsh White Leghorns. Females and
Sires imported direct from England. Sire's
dam:, having record of 278 eggs in a year.
Eggs, 51.50 per setting of 15; $5.09 Per
setting of 60; $8 per setting" of 100. Apply
to A. CALDER, Opposite Public School,
Seaforth. 2625x4
Lot 83, Concession 6, MeKillop, 100 acres
of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 minis of
_bush, the rest in a high state of cultiva. ion ;-
5 miles from Seaforth, 2' miles froat pon.stance, 11/4 miles from school. There are on
the premises, a good seven roomed house, large
bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There are forty dues
ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance aeed-
-ed down. There are two big springs, one
piped to barnyard and in then other a dam
with a hydraulic ram pumping the water ne
the house and th the barn. As the sphing
is in the orchard and near .the house and line
fence, there is no waste land. Theres a
graded and gravelled lane from the roag to
the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL
DORRANCE„ Seaforth. 2627-tf
Notice is hereby given pursnant th *the
Statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav-
ing claims against the Estate of Margaret
Sutherland, Spinster, late of' the Town of
Seaforth, who died on or about the Sixth
day of December, A. D., 1917, are required
on or before the 30th day of April, A.1D.,
1918, th sehd by post or deliver to the under-
signed Executors for the said deceased, full
• Particulars in writing of their clams and Ithe
nature of the security held by th m, •if eny,
duly verified by affiidavit. And after the aaid
'last mentioned date the said Executors Will
proceed th distribute the assets of the deceits
ed among the parties entitled thereto, Leafing
reference only th the claims of whichthey shall
then have notice, and the said Ex:cutors Will
not be liable for any part of th • assete to
any, person of whose clainv they shall not
then have received notice. Dated a Seaforth.
this 11th day of April, A. D., 19 8. MARY
DUNCAN and JOHN RANKIN, Executors,
Seaforth, Ontario. 2626-3
Of Farm Stock and Implement -Mr,' T.
Brown has been instructed to sell by puMic
auction on Lot 6, Concession 3, Tuckersmith,
11e miles east of Egmondville, on Friday,
May 3rd, at one o'clock pan., the following:
Horses -Agricultural gelding 4 years old; 'ag-
ricultural filly 4 years old, driver 8 yeam old,
(good single or double). Cattle -4 cows fresh-
ened in February, 2 cows. due time of sale,
one fat cow. 5 fat heifers, one fat steer,four
ethers rising 2 years old, 3 heifers rising 2
Years old, 5 steers rising A year old, 3 heifers
rising 1 year old, 8 young' calves. Figs -One
brood sow due later end of May, 5 pjles abeut
100 lbs., each. Also 200 Barred Reek hens,
and 4 cockerels. Implemenb-Deering bled -
der 6 foot cut, Deering mower, 6 foot cut,
nearly new, side delivery rake and tedder
combined, nearly new; Massey -Haub 13 -hoe
drill, Massey -Harris spring tooth cUltivatiar,
disc harrow, four section diamond' h nom, 2
walking plows. two furrow gang pi w, senff-
ler, root pulper, turnip seeder, hint wagen,
nearly new; set of aleighs nearly -22 ; gravel
box, flat rack, ice box, stock rack, two top
buggies, cutter, light wagon, Clinto fanniag
weigh scales, wheelbarrow, Melotte
cream 'separator, Daisy churn, set team harn-
ess, set plough narness, 2 seta single harness,
4 horse cohere, hayfork, rop care, pulleys
and slings, grain bags, forks, shovels and
other articles too numerou; th mention. Teri%
-All sums of 310 and under cash; over that
amount 12 months' credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, A discount of 4 per cenn
off for cash. All articles to be satisfacthrily
settled for by- cash or note before being ro-
moved from the premises. Fat Cattle th be
cash. Positively no reserve as the proprje.
tor has sold his farm. JAS. CLEAR', Pre-
prietor. THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer:
. FARMS. ,
Write for booklet and prices of int.
proved and, unimproved farms in the
famous Gilbert Plains District. 3. H.
EVANS- & CO., Gilbert Plains; Mani:.
toba. 2617x20
Small frame house on West William
street, Seaforth, hard and soft water,
good, stable. 'For further particulars
apply to 3. D. Hinehley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 on 424. • 2622-tf
We still have a limited quantity of those
Davis Warrior potatoes. Orders have come
in from distant points for these potatoes as
they stand at the head of the list as a late
potato, and are strictly Ontario stock sown
last year. Sec.ure some now and be pre-
pared for seed time. They are excellent
for cooking also. A. HUGILL, Seaforth,
Phone 6 on 138: 2624-tf
For sale on Main Street, Egmondville, a
house and two lots with stable, good hen
house and yard, sumn2er house, and apples
and pears and grape vines, all bearing fruit,
house is ;Tritely decorated. Electric' 'lights.
Convenient to church, stores, post office and
sc'hool. ' Corner location. For further partic-
ulars apply to SPROAT & SPROAT, Grocers,
or to ene EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth.
• For sale a nine roomed house in splendid
repair situated on Sperling Street,' Seaforth.
The property contains one lot with some fruit
trees and small fruits. Hard and soft water;
also a good hen house. This is a very desirable
property. and will be sold ow) reasoaable
terms for quicic sale. For further partittilars
apply on the premises. MISS ADELINE
TYR,EMAN. • ' 2626x4
Notice is hereby given that the part-
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned as marble workers in
the town cif Seaforth, has, this day,
b'een dissolired by mutual consent. All
outstanding.; eccounts are to be paid
to W. C. Chapman and all aecounts
owing willlitoe paid by him.
Seaforth, April 1st, 1918.
William E. Chapman
• James Hays
• - The adminiStrairli- to' 'the estate of Isa-
bella „Reid, deceased, offers .for sale 108-
11, 101 Thomas Adams' Survey, of part of
the Town of Seaforth, in, the County of
Huron, This is a corner Lot on 'Goderich
Street• and is well situated In the best
residential district of Seaforth and. has er-
ected on it a very comfortable dwelling
house with a- new furnace installed two
years ago, a new roof and hard and soft
water. • Apply to Mrs. Emma 3. Hicks, on
the premises or to the undersigned. Dated
the 26th day of March, 1918. R. S. HAYS,
Solicitor for Administratrix, Seaforth, Ont,
••••••••••1•4•••••••• •••• ••••••••••••
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the'
Statute in that behalf,. that *all persons
having claims against the estate of Isabella
Reid, lite of the Town of Seaforth, In the
County of Huron, widow, deceased, who
•died at the said Town of Sea -forth; on or
about the 23rd day of January, 1918, are
required, on or before the 17th day` of April,
1918, to send by post prepaid, or deliver
to the undersigned, full particulars of their
claims, duly verified by affidavit and the
nature of the security,iany, .. held by
them. Further take notic that after the
said last mentioned date, t e assets or the
said deceased will be distributed among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
• to the claims of which' notice shall then
have been given. Dated at Seaforth, this
26th day of March, 1.91/3. Rs S. HAYS,
• Solicitor for Administratrix, Seafortir, Ont.
2624-3 .
',1 -Under and by virtue of the powers of sale
contained in a certain mortgage, which- will
be produced at the time of sale, there will be
offered for sale by public auction by B. S.
Philips, Auctioneer, on the premises, on Sat-
urday, April 27th, 1918, at 2 p.m., the follow-
ing property, viz: Part of lot 30, Concession
1, Hay, in the village of Kippen, in the County
of Huron, containing Ye acre of land more
or less. There is erected on this property a
frame building about 40 x 16 with a frame
lean-th 16 x 16 and installed therein is ma-
chinery used in connection with grain chop-
ping operations, which have been carried on in
the premises. The property will be offered
for sale eubject to a reserved bid. Terms
of Sale -Ten per cent. of the purchase price
in cash on day of sale and the balance in 30
days thereafter, without interest, when the
purchaser will be entitled th a conveyance
and to be let into possession. The purchaser
at the time of sale will be required to sign
an agreement for hie completion of • his per -
chase. Dated this let day of April, 1918.
rich, Ont., Solicitors for the Vendors; B. S.
PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont 2626-3
of Royal Blotel, Seaforth, and ,
Contents,. also Royal Hotel Stables
Thomas Brown has been instructed th sell
by public auction at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth,
• Wednesday, April 24th, 1918
at 10 o'clock ann., the following;
THE HOTEL -The hotel is a three stores'
white brick building, situated on morner of
lYiain and Goderich Streets, Seaforth, contain-
ing 24 rooms; the whole in excellent condi-
The stables are frame in good condition.
and will stable alxint 50 horses.
Household Effect, also in first class condi-
tion, consisting of tables, dieing chairs, kit-
chen chairs, bedsteads, springs, mattresses
'and bed clothing, dressers, stands, cupboarde,
bathroom equipments, cutlery, glazaware,
-stoves, rnangel, crockery,' couches, easy chairs
bar fixtures, one large furnace newly install-
ed; one horse, sound not afraid of autos, also
good buggy and harness, curtains, blinds, ,pic-
tures and every kind of equipment -to be found'
in a first class hotel. :Also about thirty
loads of good ice. An inspection of the
hotel and contents will be allowed two days
previous to the date of sale. The whole will
positively be Sold as the proprietor is closing
the hotel and leaving town,
TERMS -All sum of 410 and under, cash;
over that =want 3 months' credit will be
given on ftirnEehinie. bankable paper. A dis-
count of 6 per- cent. per annum off for cash.
T. 'BROWN', • L. G. wErne.
Attain/met" Proprietor'
• OF C
• C.V.O., LLD.. Pees
SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager
Et V. F. JONES, Aset Gera Manager
000 • RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective
customers regarding heir banldngrequiremenis. Whether
it be the opening o a Savings or Current account, the
making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they
will be met with courtesy and given prompt service.
The Seafoth Monument Works
roe, ro •
▪ rglr
has been taken over by WILLIAM E. CHAPMAN, who is -prepared to
erect any kind of Memorial in either Granite- or Marble, and to make
designs for those Who wish to be exclusive in. That particular.
Floor and wall tile setting is a feature of my business.
• 0 * 0 • 0 • 0 a 0
* • • 0 • * • 0 • 0 * + 0 • 0. • <
For sale, frame house and one and one-
fifth -acres of land, situated on Elizabeth
street, Seaforth. The house contains seven
rooms, hard and sea water, good cellar,
also good stable, a number of apple, peach
and plum trees, and other puma fruits.
This is a very desirable property. for a
retired farmer or person who wants a good
garden. Apply to -J., G. GRIEVE, V. 8.,
Seaforth. • 2624i4
110 -Pg. 1?Q41 8ALE1
• ,
For sale, seven toOleed house,frame,
wired for electric lights, on John sto
• Seaforth, adjoining the residence of
the late Mrs. M. C. Chesney. The
property contains one lot, with some
small fruit trees. Hard and soft wat-
er. This is a very desirable.place and
will be sold for $740 cash. For fur-
ther particulars address R. R. No. 2
Seaforth, or phone 6 on 138 Clinton
Central. A. 111.1CILL. • 2622-tf
, -
.••••-•••••••• •
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville.' The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property.. Good, com-
fortable house, good she, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks on front, and
the land is 'in a good state of cultiva,-
tiOn. This is a nice property for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-e
Spring Term frotn April 2nd
Stratford. Ont.
. 'Commercial' lite otters the neeat °poor-
!tunities. Recent ,. lady „graduates of we
school °are earning as hlghT as, 41000 par
annum. The last applicafion we received
from an office man with some experieneis
otterell initial salary of moo per annum.
Studenttily e.nteir' our classes, at ans,
time. Graduates placed In PedtIOng. CORI'
mercial, • Shorthand and Telegraphy De -
Nutmeats. Get our free catalogue.
President • Principle
• For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R.
S. Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
TY:ere are on the premises a good
frame house, two barns and frame
stable 75 feet long, cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen,. two wells, The'
land is in a good state of cultivation, 1
well drained and fenced,, Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done. This•farm is situated
1% miles east of'the village of Bruce -
field and 5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from farm. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premiess or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea -
forth Central. • 2616-tf
Auto Sales
Service fbr all makes of ears
Welding and machine work done.
All work guaranteed.
Full line of auto tires, spark &Pe
oils and greases, and auto aces*.
sories always on hand at
Stewart McIntosh
Can furnish Victory Bonds at 98% and
interest, free of expense to purchasers.
AISO have for immediate sale the follow'-.
lug Municipal Bonds: . .
City of London, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 14
per cent.
City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to ,yleld 6
per cent.
City of Regina, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 34
per cent
City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield $ijk
• per cent.
• City of Montreal, Gold Donde, 50 je1d SlAt
pr.,r tent.
Any ene baling' money for investment
Should avail themselves of this opportun-
ity to secure these gilt edged. sec -urines.,
In the village of Egmondville, con-
taining two acres of choice land, on
Which there is a large commodious
home, stone foundation, excellent eel -
1 a# with cement floor, separate coal
cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty
barrels, and the best of hard 'water
at the door; there is aS0 a large stable
with pig pen, hen house, and carriage
house, plenty a room; cement walks
to street and stable; also a number of 1
apple trees and other small fruits.
This property is situated two blocks
west of the Presbyterian church and
is within 10 minutes' walk of p st of -
school and church -one cf the
best locations in the village, bein high
and dry, with an excellent vi w of
town and country; an ideal, placefor a
retired farmer, and will be sold reas-
onably. Apply on the premises or ad-
dress ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Sea -
forth, Ont. • 2626x4
-Contracts Solicited -
Workmanship Guaranteed 4,1
Rogers Bros.
contritews- Fullerton P. 0.
Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
The Canadian Flax Mills Linsit.ed,
Will rent sod land, spring fall
Will furnish seed free and do the
The fanner` will plough, disc, him.
row and rolL
The Company is ego open to supply
seed and purchase the ilex on a -ton-
nage basis.
For further particulars apply to
M McCormick
at:Ai; 114.
W T. BOX & CO -
• EfDAL�Eff AND -et
H. c. BOX
Holder Of Goreracnent Diploma
and Li -cense.
Ylowera ;furnished on abort
Night Calle Day Calle
Phone -175 Phone 50 •
' Turner
Tormto, on April 6th,, th 'Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Jr., a son.
Hayfield, on Wedneaday, April
8rd,' th Mr. and Mrs. E. Merner, a daughe
-In Stanley. on April 2nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Turner, a son. .
-In Goderich, . on April 9th, th Mayor
and Mrs. E. R. Wigle, a son.
Zurich, on April 2nd,
by Rev. Father Stroeder, Margaret, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Helen Campbell, to Ernest
Keine, of Guelph. '
-In Egmondville, on April 17th,
Ebenezer McMurray, aged 64 years and
months. '
-In Dungannon, on April 6th, John
McLean, aged 80 years and 4 months.
-In Goderich, on April 10th, Wm.
McCreath, aged. 64 years.
-In. McKillop, on April 17th,' Mime
May Dolmage, wife of Mr. Robert C. Dodds,
aged- 24 years and 2 days. ' , .
In loving memory of William Scott, who
in Brucefield on 'April 20th, 1917.
• Though Death divides us,
Fond memory unites us still.
Loved Ones
Funeral -Director and
• Licensed Embalmer 1
Undertaking pavers in Oddfel
Lows building opposite
•citewart._ Bros. Resi-
dence Godench at., cpp
Dr. Scett's -' •
- Flowers furnished an
• short notice.
Phone " Night or Day' 119,
1 • So Gormley 1
r:mbalmer ind
-Funeral Direefor i
Undertaking Parlors above
M. Williams' grocery store,
Main Street, Seaforth
Flowers fur.....aed on short notiZe
• Charges moderate.
Phone night or day -- 192
We have just received.a ship-
'ment of FRESH
• Cabbage
Radishes 'Lettuce
Bitter OrangesJ.
Try Them - .Prices Right
Thos. Phillips
BOX127, Clintott • Phone 44
•(form•erly of Brucefield)
•-Agent for -
:The Huron &• Erie Mortgage
Corporation and the Canada
Trust Co
Commissioner H. C. of .11„ Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary
• Public.
Wednesday, of each Week sit Brucefield
• Opposite Commercial otel, Seaforth.
Wholesale and Rer Fruits
On Wednesday, April, 24 h, at ten a.m.,
auction sale of Royal 0t411, Seaforth, and
contents and Royal Hotel S bles. L. G. Weir
Proprietor; T. Brown, Auct oneer.
On Frislay, May 3rd, at 1 o'clock P.m, on
lot -6, Concession 3, Tuckerhmith, 3.y.„ miles
Cast of Egmondville, sale of farm stock and
implements. James Cleary, Proprietor; T.
Brown, Auctioneer. -
A small quantity of timothy seed; also a
limited amount of potatoes suitable for -aced.
Apply to JOHN MURRAY, Brucefleki• P.O.,
or phone 6 on 187. 2627-4
, ---
Men wanted to work on Munitions. Steady
job for good, reliable.men. THE ROOT. BELL
ENGINE & THRESHER CO., Limited, Sea -
forth. ' 2627-3
Shorthorn Bull, 25 months old, dark red,
a good one. Apply lot 7, concession 5, Hullett,
ROBERT CLARKE, R. R. No. 2; phone 1 on
245, Seaforth. 2627-tf
For Sale a cottage with two bedrooms, And
two Iota on North Main Street, two blocks
from Main street • Splendid cellar, hard and
;la t water in kitchen. All in good shape.
Easy term. Apply to E. L. BOX, Seaforth
s 2627-tf
A young Shorthorn bull for sale, (grand -
sire imported)e, 17 months' old, dark roan in
dolor. Apply to A. ELCOAT, lot 35, Concession
3, Tuckersmith, It. R. No. 3, Seaforth, or
phone 4 on 628, Clinton ceatral. 2626x3
Two hundred bualtels of choice pea beans
for sale. Apply to GEORGE W. E LIOTT,
Varna P.0, phone 4 on 37, Hens
2625-4 •
ror sale seven roomed frame blouse on
North Main Street, ene door south of Mr.
Robert Winters' residence. Must be sold
at once. • Apply at The Expo81toi Office,
Seaforth. 24-te
A quantity of Golden Vine- Peas, suite)ble
for seed. Apply oft Lot 5, Cone sion 2,
Turikersmith, or' phone 3 on 145. j011 OLD -
FIELD. •626x2 •
For sale the Produce Business of the late
Thomas R. Thomson in Seakiirth. A1iia store
fixtures and other essentialsa• .For terjns and
learticulani apply at the store on Mein St.,
Seaforth. MRS. T. R. THOMSON. 2627-tf
MEN wANTpD,. r
a h4n• wanted everrithire lirihovr timelei'
for :lige 'Grocery Coporation. All goo sold
at actory prices. Best Gegnislated 1Sugar
*6.50 per -cwt.; Comfort, Surprise, Sunlight or
Gold Soap 7 for 25c; Pure lard -6 lb. pail 51,
etc. Agent's profit 11.50 on every 52 sale. Sam-
ple case free. THE CONSUMERS ASSOCI-
ATION, Windsor, Ont. 2627x1
For Sale two frame houses situated on
corner of Mill and Railroad strees, Sea -
forth. One 5 roomed and one 4 roomed, and
both with summer kitchens. 'A bargain for
cash. Possession given May 1st. For fur-
ther particulars apply at The Expositor
Office. 2624x4
Eggs for hatching from our Tom Burrows
EngUsh White Leghorns. Females and
Sires imported direct from England. Sire's
dam:, having record of 278 eggs in a year.
Eggs, 51.50 per setting of 15; $5.09 Per
setting of 60; $8 per setting" of 100. Apply
to A. CALDER, Opposite Public School,
Seaforth. 2625x4
Lot 83, Concession 6, MeKillop, 100 acres
of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 minis of
_bush, the rest in a high state of cultiva. ion ;-
5 miles from Seaforth, 2' miles froat pon.stance, 11/4 miles from school. There are on
the premises, a good seven roomed house, large
bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and
well underdrained. There are forty dues
ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance aeed-
-ed down. There are two big springs, one
piped to barnyard and in then other a dam
with a hydraulic ram pumping the water ne
the house and th the barn. As the sphing
is in the orchard and near .the house and line
fence, there is no waste land. Theres a
graded and gravelled lane from the roag to
the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL
DORRANCE„ Seaforth. 2627-tf
Notice is hereby given pursnant th *the
Statutes in that behalf, that all persons hav-
ing claims against the Estate of Margaret
Sutherland, Spinster, late of' the Town of
Seaforth, who died on or about the Sixth
day of December, A. D., 1917, are required
on or before the 30th day of April, A.1D.,
1918, th sehd by post or deliver to the under-
signed Executors for the said deceased, full
• Particulars in writing of their clams and Ithe
nature of the security held by th m, •if eny,
duly verified by affiidavit. And after the aaid
'last mentioned date the said Executors Will
proceed th distribute the assets of the deceits
ed among the parties entitled thereto, Leafing
reference only th the claims of whichthey shall
then have notice, and the said Ex:cutors Will
not be liable for any part of th • assete to
any, person of whose clainv they shall not
then have received notice. Dated a Seaforth.
this 11th day of April, A. D., 19 8. MARY
DUNCAN and JOHN RANKIN, Executors,
Seaforth, Ontario. 2626-3
Of Farm Stock and Implement -Mr,' T.
Brown has been instructed to sell by puMic
auction on Lot 6, Concession 3, Tuckersmith,
11e miles east of Egmondville, on Friday,
May 3rd, at one o'clock pan., the following:
Horses -Agricultural gelding 4 years old; 'ag-
ricultural filly 4 years old, driver 8 yeam old,
(good single or double). Cattle -4 cows fresh-
ened in February, 2 cows. due time of sale,
one fat cow. 5 fat heifers, one fat steer,four
ethers rising 2 years old, 3 heifers rising 2
Years old, 5 steers rising A year old, 3 heifers
rising 1 year old, 8 young' calves. Figs -One
brood sow due later end of May, 5 pjles abeut
100 lbs., each. Also 200 Barred Reek hens,
and 4 cockerels. Implemenb-Deering bled -
der 6 foot cut, Deering mower, 6 foot cut,
nearly new, side delivery rake and tedder
combined, nearly new; Massey -Haub 13 -hoe
drill, Massey -Harris spring tooth cUltivatiar,
disc harrow, four section diamond' h nom, 2
walking plows. two furrow gang pi w, senff-
ler, root pulper, turnip seeder, hint wagen,
nearly new; set of aleighs nearly -22 ; gravel
box, flat rack, ice box, stock rack, two top
buggies, cutter, light wagon, Clinto fanniag
weigh scales, wheelbarrow, Melotte
cream 'separator, Daisy churn, set team harn-
ess, set plough narness, 2 seta single harness,
4 horse cohere, hayfork, rop care, pulleys
and slings, grain bags, forks, shovels and
other articles too numerou; th mention. Teri%
-All sums of 310 and under cash; over that
amount 12 months' credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes, A discount of 4 per cenn
off for cash. All articles to be satisfacthrily
settled for by- cash or note before being ro-
moved from the premises. Fat Cattle th be
cash. Positively no reserve as the proprje.
tor has sold his farm. JAS. CLEAR', Pre-
prietor. THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer:
. FARMS. ,
Write for booklet and prices of int.
proved and, unimproved farms in the
famous Gilbert Plains District. 3. H.
EVANS- & CO., Gilbert Plains; Mani:.
toba. 2617x20
Small frame house on West William
street, Seaforth, hard and soft water,
good, stable. 'For further particulars
apply to 3. D. Hinehley, Seaforth, or
phone 10 on 424. • 2622-tf
We still have a limited quantity of those
Davis Warrior potatoes. Orders have come
in from distant points for these potatoes as
they stand at the head of the list as a late
potato, and are strictly Ontario stock sown
last year. Sec.ure some now and be pre-
pared for seed time. They are excellent
for cooking also. A. HUGILL, Seaforth,
Phone 6 on 138: 2624-tf
For sale on Main Street, Egmondville, a
house and two lots with stable, good hen
house and yard, sumn2er house, and apples
and pears and grape vines, all bearing fruit,
house is ;Tritely decorated. Electric' 'lights.
Convenient to church, stores, post office and
sc'hool. ' Corner location. For further partic-
ulars apply to SPROAT & SPROAT, Grocers,
or to ene EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth.
• For sale a nine roomed house in splendid
repair situated on Sperling Street,' Seaforth.
The property contains one lot with some fruit
trees and small fruits. Hard and soft water;
also a good hen house. This is a very desirable
property. and will be sold ow) reasoaable
terms for quicic sale. For further partittilars
apply on the premises. MISS ADELINE
TYR,EMAN. • ' 2626x4
Notice is hereby given that the part-
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned as marble workers in
the town cif Seaforth, has, this day,
b'een dissolired by mutual consent. All
outstanding.; eccounts are to be paid
to W. C. Chapman and all aecounts
owing willlitoe paid by him.
Seaforth, April 1st, 1918.
William E. Chapman
• James Hays
• - The adminiStrairli- to' 'the estate of Isa-
bella „Reid, deceased, offers .for sale 108-
11, 101 Thomas Adams' Survey, of part of
the Town of Seaforth, in, the County of
Huron, This is a corner Lot on 'Goderich
Street• and is well situated In the best
residential district of Seaforth and. has er-
ected on it a very comfortable dwelling
house with a- new furnace installed two
years ago, a new roof and hard and soft
water. • Apply to Mrs. Emma 3. Hicks, on
the premises or to the undersigned. Dated
the 26th day of March, 1918. R. S. HAYS,
Solicitor for Administratrix, Seaforth, Ont,
••••••••••1•4•••••••• •••• ••••••••••••
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the'
Statute in that behalf,. that *all persons
having claims against the estate of Isabella
Reid, lite of the Town of Seaforth, In the
County of Huron, widow, deceased, who
•died at the said Town of Sea -forth; on or
about the 23rd day of January, 1918, are
required, on or before the 17th day` of April,
1918, to send by post prepaid, or deliver
to the undersigned, full particulars of their
claims, duly verified by affidavit and the
nature of the security,iany, .. held by
them. Further take notic that after the
said last mentioned date, t e assets or the
said deceased will be distributed among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only
• to the claims of which' notice shall then
have been given. Dated at Seaforth, this
26th day of March, 1.91/3. Rs S. HAYS,
• Solicitor for Administratrix, Seafortir, Ont.
2624-3 .
',1 -Under and by virtue of the powers of sale
contained in a certain mortgage, which- will
be produced at the time of sale, there will be
offered for sale by public auction by B. S.
Philips, Auctioneer, on the premises, on Sat-
urday, April 27th, 1918, at 2 p.m., the follow-
ing property, viz: Part of lot 30, Concession
1, Hay, in the village of Kippen, in the County
of Huron, containing Ye acre of land more
or less. There is erected on this property a
frame building about 40 x 16 with a frame
lean-th 16 x 16 and installed therein is ma-
chinery used in connection with grain chop-
ping operations, which have been carried on in
the premises. The property will be offered
for sale eubject to a reserved bid. Terms
of Sale -Ten per cent. of the purchase price
in cash on day of sale and the balance in 30
days thereafter, without interest, when the
purchaser will be entitled th a conveyance
and to be let into possession. The purchaser
at the time of sale will be required to sign
an agreement for hie completion of • his per -
chase. Dated this let day of April, 1918.
rich, Ont., Solicitors for the Vendors; B. S.
PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont 2626-3
of Royal Blotel, Seaforth, and ,
Contents,. also Royal Hotel Stables
Thomas Brown has been instructed th sell
by public auction at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth,
• Wednesday, April 24th, 1918
at 10 o'clock ann., the following;
THE HOTEL -The hotel is a three stores'
white brick building, situated on morner of
lYiain and Goderich Streets, Seaforth, contain-
ing 24 rooms; the whole in excellent condi-
The stables are frame in good condition.
and will stable alxint 50 horses.
Household Effect, also in first class condi-
tion, consisting of tables, dieing chairs, kit-
chen chairs, bedsteads, springs, mattresses
'and bed clothing, dressers, stands, cupboarde,
bathroom equipments, cutlery, glazaware,
-stoves, rnangel, crockery,' couches, easy chairs
bar fixtures, one large furnace newly install-
ed; one horse, sound not afraid of autos, also
good buggy and harness, curtains, blinds, ,pic-
tures and every kind of equipment -to be found'
in a first class hotel. :Also about thirty
loads of good ice. An inspection of the
hotel and contents will be allowed two days
previous to the date of sale. The whole will
positively be Sold as the proprietor is closing
the hotel and leaving town,
TERMS -All sum of 410 and under, cash;
over that =want 3 months' credit will be
given on ftirnEehinie. bankable paper. A dis-
count of 6 per- cent. per annum off for cash.
T. 'BROWN', • L. G. wErne.
Attain/met" Proprietor'
• OF C
• C.V.O., LLD.. Pees
SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager
Et V. F. JONES, Aset Gera Manager
000 • RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective
customers regarding heir banldngrequiremenis. Whether
it be the opening o a Savings or Current account, the
making of collections or the negotiation of a loan, they
will be met with courtesy and given prompt service.
The Seafoth Monument Works
roe, ro •
▪ rglr
has been taken over by WILLIAM E. CHAPMAN, who is -prepared to
erect any kind of Memorial in either Granite- or Marble, and to make
designs for those Who wish to be exclusive in. That particular.
Floor and wall tile setting is a feature of my business.
• 0 * 0 • 0 • 0 a 0
* • • 0 • * • 0 • 0 * + 0 • 0. • <
For sale, frame house and one and one-
fifth -acres of land, situated on Elizabeth
street, Seaforth. The house contains seven
rooms, hard and sea water, good cellar,
also good stable, a number of apple, peach
and plum trees, and other puma fruits.
This is a very desirable property. for a
retired farmer or person who wants a good
garden. Apply to -J., G. GRIEVE, V. 8.,
Seaforth. • 2624i4
110 -Pg. 1?Q41 8ALE1
• ,
For sale, seven toOleed house,frame,
wired for electric lights, on John sto
• Seaforth, adjoining the residence of
the late Mrs. M. C. Chesney. The
property contains one lot, with some
small fruit trees. Hard and soft wat-
er. This is a very desirable.place and
will be sold for $740 cash. For fur-
ther particulars address R. R. No. 2
Seaforth, or phone 6 on 138 Clinton
Central. A. 111.1CILL. • 2622-tf
, -
.••••-•••••••• •
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville.' The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property.. Good, com-
fortable house, good she, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks on front, and
the land is 'in a good state of cultiva,-
tiOn. This is a nice property for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-e
Spring Term frotn April 2nd
Stratford. Ont.
. 'Commercial' lite otters the neeat °poor-
!tunities. Recent ,. lady „graduates of we
school °are earning as hlghT as, 41000 par
annum. The last applicafion we received
from an office man with some experieneis
otterell initial salary of moo per annum.
Studenttily e.nteir' our classes, at ans,
time. Graduates placed In PedtIOng. CORI'
mercial, • Shorthand and Telegraphy De -
Nutmeats. Get our free catalogue.
President • Principle
• For sale Lot 29, Concession 8, L.R.
S. Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres.
TY:ere are on the premises a good
frame house, two barns and frame
stable 75 feet long, cement floor in
cattle stable; hog pen,. two wells, The'
land is in a good state of cultivation, 1
well drained and fenced,, Large apple
orchard; also all kinds of small fruits;
six acres of good hardwood bush, fall
plowing done. This•farm is situated
1% miles east of'the village of Bruce -
field and 5 miles from town of Sea -
forth on Mill Road. School across
corner from farm. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premiess or
address Michael Whitmore, Brucefield
R. R. No. 1, or Phone 5 on 142, Sea -
forth Central. • 2616-tf
Auto Sales
Service fbr all makes of ears
Welding and machine work done.
All work guaranteed.
Full line of auto tires, spark &Pe
oils and greases, and auto aces*.
sories always on hand at
Stewart McIntosh
Can furnish Victory Bonds at 98% and
interest, free of expense to purchasers.
AISO have for immediate sale the follow'-.
lug Municipal Bonds: . .
City of London, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 14
per cent.
City of Toronto, Gold Bonds, to ,yleld 6
per cent.
City of Regina, Gold Bonds, to yield 6 34
per cent
City of Winnipeg, Gold Bonds, to yield $ijk
• per cent.
• City of Montreal, Gold Donde, 50 je1d SlAt
pr.,r tent.
Any ene baling' money for investment
Should avail themselves of this opportun-
ity to secure these gilt edged. sec -urines.,
In the village of Egmondville, con-
taining two acres of choice land, on
Which there is a large commodious
home, stone foundation, excellent eel -
1 a# with cement floor, separate coal
cellar, soft water cistern holding fifty
barrels, and the best of hard 'water
at the door; there is aS0 a large stable
with pig pen, hen house, and carriage
house, plenty a room; cement walks
to street and stable; also a number of 1
apple trees and other small fruits.
This property is situated two blocks
west of the Presbyterian church and
is within 10 minutes' walk of p st of -
school and church -one cf the
best locations in the village, bein high
and dry, with an excellent vi w of
town and country; an ideal, placefor a
retired farmer, and will be sold reas-
onably. Apply on the premises or ad-
dress ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Sea -
forth, Ont. • 2626x4
-Contracts Solicited -
Workmanship Guaranteed 4,1
Rogers Bros.
contritews- Fullerton P. 0.
Apply to
Seaforth, Ont.
The Canadian Flax Mills Linsit.ed,
Will rent sod land, spring fall
Will furnish seed free and do the
The fanner` will plough, disc, him.
row and rolL
The Company is ego open to supply
seed and purchase the ilex on a -ton-
nage basis.
For further particulars apply to
M McCormick
at:Ai; 114.